Ahiru no Clover Black Clover Episode 140-141 Deca-Dence Gibiate Episode 6-8 Koi to Producer Episode 7-8 To aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 18-21
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
railgun is airing? what year is it
Season three It's been weird, it started airing back in January but has been constantly had production delays. It's taken half a year -three quarters of a year to get through twenty episodes.
index s3 was also like several years after index 2
Yeah it's a little surprising either series got more after so long.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow wow wow
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what level 5s are in season 3?
Ones of particular focus are Accelerator, Kakine, Mugino, I think. Misaka shows up of course because she's a main character, and Shokudou might cameo? But Shokudou and Misaka are main characters of Railgun season three and get a lot of screentime in it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
shokuhou is a main character but might cameo wat
Oh the first two sentences were for Index season three.
Railgun's focus Level 5s in season three are Misaka and Shokudou, but we see a bit of Gunha. And I think Mugino might show up in the upcoming arc.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i see neato what happened in railgun S2 btw
>>871162 I ... don't actually remember, hah hah. I think there was an anime-original plot arc in it that wasn't in the original Railgun manga. Something about a friend of Uiharu's I think? It's been so long that I'm really fuzzy on the details.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hah that's fair so there are three seasons of each show
hello my internet went out do we still have ahiru? what ep?
Ah oh no
>>871165 Ahiru airs for Wednesday nights so it's a new episode, yeah. Should be episode forty-six.
in that case lets start wth railgun 18 brcause i d have that
railgun 18 okay we are orange lets start
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
shoot tha yen coin pow
ard they doing the arc with that giant cultivated misaki brain
Okey dokes
>>871167 If your net comes back there's also Deca-Dence for tonight.
>>871168 That was the first half of season three. The ... Daihousei? something like that. A big, Academy City wide athletics festival. The stuff with Shokudou's giant brain clone happens in the shadows during the events of the athletics festival.
These dream-inducing cards letting people learn skills seems dangerous. If the dreams can effect memory firmly enough to impart physical skills, that feels way too strong to just let them disperse freely into the population.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
neato time to blast level upper in a pair of noise cancelling cans
Here's more from Mugino and her little club of murderers.
Showcasing Frenda though after already animating Index season three sure is a bit mean though.
Oh it was Bust Upper. Not Burst Upper. I didn't read that right at first.
I wonder if this is supposed to be a bunch of Raildex character cameos. Like I think for fans of the series, it's kind of like a game determining who the dreams are supposed to be from the perspective of.
Though it's also just a bunch of breast jokes.
A scientist that just completely drops off the map doesn't seem that weird for Academy City.
Kind of a one-off episode aside from that one abstract dream Misaka had with the black and white haired girl
Looks like a lot of Frenda in the next episode.
frenda episode next
Someone's abducting Saten and probamaybe Uiharu too. I wonder if Frenda's responsible or if she'll get to be a bit of a hero.
lets do producer 7 now because that's another one that i have
yes it's bing being very bad tonight
okay lets start
I guess your net's not cooperating yet then ;_;
I wonder if the HBS here is supposed to be a mock HBO or mock CBS or other American broadcasting service.
CEO Sugita really likes to bully the MC. But I guess that's a charm point in guys for some girls.
Somewhat unsurprisingly, it was a trap all along. Set ups like this aren't really a big deal though when you can ZA WARUDO though.
Victor thinks this was a trap for him but it's pretty clear it's equally, if not more, a trap for MC-chan.
Honestly his timestop power isn't very good if any people who have special powers can move while in it too. But I guess it looks like he's got two powers anyway.
It makes them a bit older than I was expecting. She looks like she's probably six or so in those flashbacks. Which would make her twenty-three. I guess that's not much older, but I was thinking she's more like twenty or so.
She's starting to get pre-cog visions without having to be asleep now. I guess you could say her power is EVOLving
Kaburagi's looking much less scowl-y now. I guess being freed from his zetsubou helped a lot for his spirit.
>Gadoll Genocide System Man they don't beat around the bush at what it does
He really maybe should pre-load some of the details for Natsume so she doesn't freak the fuck out when she sees how the world really works.
jill is a fun character
Yeah she's a cute late addition to the cast. The avatar she was using when they went on the infiltration mission to save Kaburagi's avatar was nice too.
Mr. Chin was waiting for them. Guess Kaburagi's gonna have to keep him busy while Natsume continues the mission.
damn she's scary
Making a bunch of illusions that just stand stationary is kind of ... not that impressive.
Donatello wrecking shit using one of the security robots as a club.
Man and we're only nine episodes in. There's still like three or four episodes left for them to go.
holy shit....
well this show is turning out to be amazing definitely the kind of show you only get once every few years
I think it's on par with the director's work on Mob Psycho 100. Though to be fair with Mob it was an established, already high-quality work. Deca-Dence is an entirely original project that's been in the works for years.
i can't remember if i'm caught up on yahari or not i think i am i have a 3-day weekend again, potentially 4-day! i'll probably finish monogatari in the next few days
I'm pretty sure we didn't have you for episode seven of Yahari last week. Maybe you caught up properly inbetween then but I wouldn't know.
>>871245 you mean i gotta alt tab and type "snafu crunchyroll" ugh that's so much work almost as much work as making this post
>>871241 Oh speaking of A Silent Voice. There's an anime next season which is an adaptation of the mangaka's current manga. It's a bit more of an esoteric story compared to A Silent Voice, but it's still pretty interesting.