
Thread #870854

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Ahiru no Sora
Black Clover
Episode 140-141
Episode 5-7
Houkago Teibou Nisshi
Koi to Producer
Episode 6-7
To aru Kagaku no Railgun
Episode 18-21
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kinda more scraps today

That's what happens when you burn up all the good stuff that airs over the weekend in the first two days!
At least there's Deca-Dence tomorrow.
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lets start
The coach for the other team seems pretty solid in his work and commitment to the team.
Though he does seem a bit cutthroat, sniping other school's students for better players.
Yeah the OP was kinda hinting at this.
It looks like the other short kid was coached by Sora's mom.
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I was thinking her baggy uniform was weird
especially with the fancy earrings.
She kinda has a bit of a tomboy charm with it.
We have seen her dressed up more feminine so I guess she kinda just does whatever.
Plus their high school seems to be a bit rough around the edges so maybe she leans into that while at school.
They've got a long way to crawl back up.
There's still something like a thirty-point gap right now.
And the other team's just as good at sinking three-pointers
as they are.
I wonder if in real basketball if it's normal for a player from each team to get "paired" during a match.
Like Sora's been shadowed by the 23 from the other team the whole game.
I think some of the more center players have swapped pairing though, especially whoever they've got in the actual center.
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I'm sure they'll lose again anyway.
It looks like they're getting some good learnin' in during this match though.
When this show first got announced like a year back I saw it got greenlit for four-cours from the start.
We're approaching the end of those four cours and they still haven't won a game hah hah.
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It's amazing just how much they're lost
I wonder if corn rows is gonna power up
That's what he was supposed to be doing when he went off on his own while the team was doing their last training arc.
He was going around butting heads with college-age players.
So far we haven't really seen the fruits of that show yet. He plays well but he's always been one of the better players on their team.
I wonder if this might be secretly running for more than four cours though.
Black Clover kinda ended up that way, after about a year of airing I stopped seeing it show up on seasonal anime charts, despite the fact that it's been running now for two years.
And the other shounen manga anime that have been running a long time like the Naruto sequel and One Piece don't show up either.

At the least it would be nice to see them win a damn game before the anime wraps
Finally got around to looking at what's been confirmed airing for next season since that's next month.
It looks like there's a lot, especially with stuff that got postponed due to quarantine.

I counted twenty shows that look like they'd be consistently solid and then another ten which look like they could be good but also hard to say just from premise and genres.
Of course there's no way we can fit that all in even if we're watching five shows a night again but of course some of the ten are probably not worth watching, and there's always the chance I'm wrong on the stuff I looked at for the twenty.

There's like seven shows in the thirty I counted that were postponed from a July start date.
Imagine if we had those airing this season hah hah.
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Oh I don't preview seasons at all anymore
that is a lot of shows next season

is that becausae of all the things postponed?
I dunno if it's really previewing since I don't look too deeply into the show.
I just look at the thumbnail and some times the synopsis and go "looks fun", "might be good". or "probably not"
Just so I have a feel for how packed the season/days will be.
You know me, I like to keep my lists.
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seems like we may need to go back to 5

ep 5
lts start
Yup yup
At the least maybe crank it up a few days of the week.
Or maybe I'm just making bad calls and a lot of this stuff won't really be worth keeping up with in such a packed season.
This is such a bizarre series.
I don't even think it's an adaptation I'm pretty sure it's an original.
Like the premise is weird and the quality isn't great.
I guess the studio is just having fun making it.
Oh their other soldier guy was infected all this time too.
They're really not good at keeping their limited number of survivors alive.
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The infection is really kind of overpowered.
It's very zombie-poi.
Can't get bit once or you're infected and fated to doom.
Rare to see a Japanese series portray Nobunaga as the demon his enemies feared rather than some mighty, kingly kind of hero.
The last one I remember kinda doing that was Drifters, but even that kinda rode the line between Nobunaga being a demon and a good guy.
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Drifers still kinda portrayed him as heroic
He was a cool old guy in that rather than a monster.

Sengoku Basara kinda treats him as a demon, but he's an actual villain in that.
I never got into Sengoku Basara so it's news to me.
It's neat that they did though.

I'm not gonna act like Japan's the only culture that kinda overwrites historical figures like Nobunaga to be heroic rather than war demons, but they really do it a LOT for Nobunaga.
Wow more ninjas.
This guy looks more like a wannabe ninja than a legitimate ninja like their guy.
A lot of these dweebs look like they want to be character stereotypes though.
Like this guy with the toothpick is dressed all Yakuza mob boss like.
They've got the guy with the suit and fedora.
A wannabe ninja.
But then some other just mook kinda guys.
Hah hah hah
Despite all their posturing they sure ran away fast.
>Nagaisaka Tunnel
I don't know about the "saka" part of it, but you can read "nagai" as "long"
So is this supposed to just be a long tunnel then.
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That's a pretty good name for a tunnel.
I don't think it was the actual characters for "long", so it would be more a play on words.
But that probably makes it even better.
They've mentioned her mom's not psychologically all there but she really doesn't seem to comprehend the seriousness of what's going on.

And I don't really think you can clear a bunch of crashed trucks from a road by just chucking grenades at them.
You'd have to probably strategically set them off, and be extra careful about it since, y'know, you're in a tunnel under a MOUNTAIN.
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She seems too weak to go outside
she'll probably live though
As far as I can tell she's the main character.
I'd be really surprised if she actually dies.

At worst she'll get stabbed by one of the monsters and become infected, adding a time limit on them making it to the ... facility? wherever they're going that will help them make a cure.
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yeah, probably
lets start
This one is still pretty mediocre but it at least manages to have a dumb-fun plot to follow along.
And the MC is cute.
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I think the cute protagonist is all it has going for it.
Oh a rare occasion where the Japanese name for a character matches the English localization na,e.
She seems to have a past with all these boys.
Was a lab experiment with the aidoru boy.
Met the professor as a young boy
Was saved by CEO Sugita when she was stlll young
And got stalked by the cop boy when they were both in high school.
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I think this guy's voice is a bit too shota for his appearance.
Wow that went ominous fast.
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All the guys in this have
a very mature look
Yeah, I know what you're getting at.
I think I mentioned something similar in an earlier episode.
They kinda all have shared base look that just gets tweaked slightly for visual differences.
Look at this guy.
So smart he's playing chess by himself.
Like some kind of chessmaster.
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Plotters always seem to do that
but it seems like it wouldn't be very
Well kinda like shogi puzzles, there are chess puzzles you can set out on the board yourself and try to solve (usually get to check/checkmate) in X moves.
They're actually pretty fun if you like brainteasers.
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Yeah, I guess that's what it's for
is analyzing different situations
Of course when they roll stuff like that out for villain characters in anime it always ends up coming off kind of pretentious and dweeby hah hah.
Like "oh look at me I'm so cultured and evil I can play chess by myself".
Just get a friend or two and play with them you loser.
Looks like next episode it's back to CEO Sugita getting to save the day.
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lets start
Get in the van losers we're going fishing
It's so weird to me that people get to high school and still can't swim.
Though I guess Ohno has water trauma so it's not that weird maybe.
But it's really easy to get cheap swimming lessons here from a young age.
Even if my parents weren't cottage fans I still learned to swim in city pools before I was like eight.
Oh they're learning how to handle being in water in -fully clothed.
Especially as fishing nerds that's probably a good skill to be comfortable with.
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very comfy
Wow she's kind of a geek about flotation devices.
She mentioned she was a lifeguard in college but maybe it was because she likes being in the water.
I guess those are kinda neat as protection from drowning.
The fact that you need to replace the air tank though kinda makes them seem less useful than just a normal lifejacket though.
The heron looked kind of handsome from the side profile.
But from the front it looks real goody.
Oh are we going to get a cautionary bit about not being a fuckwit and cleaning up your fishing equipment properly.
Because then you get stuff like this that happens that the bird doesn't deserve.
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She's not doing a great job.
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The blonde girl is kinda always on the struggle bus.
She's the fishing newbie after all.
Learning a new hobby is always a struggle.
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The big fishing waste thing that always bothered me was stuff up in trees
didn't see it on animals too much
The heron's back at least.
Fishing line is extremely dangerous to animals if not cleaned up properly.
The worst is industrial boats that just trawl line behind as they sail through the water.
Those kinds of ship almost never clean up their line if it detaches and then it sits in the water, tangling up and often killing underwater animals.
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I think realistically that bird would never come around them again after getting grabbed
but it's anime

thanks for anime
Well there are stories of birds being smart enough to understand they were "helped" by humans.
Dunno if herons are intelligent enough birds to manage that kind of thinking though, it's more of a crow and other corvids kind of thing.
There's a kind of precedence, at the least.
But yeah, thanks.
See you tomorrow.
