Ahiru no Clover Black Clover Episode 140-141 Deca-Dence Gibiate Episode 6-8 Koi to Producer Episode 7-8 No Guns Life To aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 18-21 Yahari Ore wa Seishun etc.
hmm do we have deca or did that one just not make it off the list
Ah yeah we don't. Weird I thought I updated my list on my phone earlier today.
Ahiru no Clover Black Clover Episode 140-141 Gibiate Episode 6-8 Koi to Producer No Guns Life To aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 19-21 Yahari Ore wa Seishun etc.
Time to see whose selfish desires Hikki goes along with. Yukino's, Yui's, or his. >>871322 Do you need an episode's time?
>>871320 Rikaaaaaaaa We should probably do No Guns or Ahiru first.
Yup yup, I'm good to go.
oh snap i wasn't expecting yahari first uhhhhh could you actually watch something else, yeah i got something in the oven
i need about 10 minutes of time in about 10 minutes so an ep would be perfect
(X .- X)
It's a bit poetic that a man whose Extended research got started because both him and his brother couldn't/lost the use of their legs ended up making four for himself. Though it does make for a kinda-creepy chimera look he's rocking.
I guess since everyone can artificially augment their bodies an old man like him can probably live quite a while. He looks like he's already very through his lifespan at this point though.
hat robed figure is definitely another gunyeah gunhead
It's the same read hoodie -red hoodie we saw the gunhead working for Beruhren, the one who seems to act as the -who this lady seems to act as the Hands for.
Ah here they are all together now anyway.
Aw, Seven's getting jealous that his girl is looking at Juzo.
Oh boy Juzo's fucking PISSED I guess we get to see what happens when two war weapons of mass destruction go head to head.
Juzo was designed to win against the other ones but I guess he doesn't have an operator
Judging from what Seven was saying, Juzo might also be an older model? I mean that's definitely what the differences in their voices is supposed to impart at least.
Maybe the gunheads weren't made in order of their naming scheme. That or they resumed making gunheads after the war for ... reasons, and Seven is the seventh of a new generation.
Either way the assumption seems to be that without an operator and as an older model Juzo is going to be inferior. But they're probably not aware how packed Juzo is under his skin.
my chicken is not ready, but 25-ish minutes is about a perfect amount of time to put them back in for
yahari is turning out to be really good >>871340 what if anime original yui end WHAT IF WILL YOU BE OKAY TILDE
at the beginning of S3 i def liked yukinoshita more but right now i'm thinking iroha >/= yui > yukino
ofc sensei is best girl
Okay now hopefully time for closure. >>871339 Artistic adaptation is something that is allowed to change the original material in my books. An anime original end doesn't discredit the novel's narrative canon. Nor that it is a different canon make the anime non-canon in that way either. They're just two different stories at that point.
When is a lot not happening, honestly.
season 2
i've said this before but komachi is a good little sister character
they've ended up making almost all the characters likeable for me even haruno hayama is someone i like a lot more than i used to there hasn't been like any saki tho poor tilde
YABAI Hikki seems to be constantly buying drinks for people. That's like what every scene with him and another person opens on.
>>871344 It's okay I rarely mourn a character I like not appearing much. And when I do it's usually not really serious anyway.
honestly if it wasn't for the fact that this was episode 9 i would think she has a good chance but it's like 1.5 episodes too early to even be possible
Everyone's fucking wish is to grant other people's wishes. It just creates an endless cycle where nothing gets DONE
>>871353 i think that's kind of one of the points of the show
At least they can all hold a conversation about the logistics of prom together. Unfortunately everything else is awkward.
i r o h a s u
I'm definitely in Hikki's boat when people say something like that to me. Probably because I get spooked about having to commit to something.
yeah same i turned down meeting at the shop to work out tomorrow for no real reason i'll probably text in the morning to see if he's there
They really are giving Yui a lot of charm scenes here though. It's a bit mean considering the meta arc of the series.
Gaha-mama hahahaha
>>871361 if they don't feed the threads on 2ch, they won't sell nearly as many figures
it's true! fruit tarts aren't as hard as they look! even if you don't buy premade pastry shells
Gaha-mama sure is genki. She ought to be like forty or so by now. I'm surprised she's got all the energy.
she would DEFINITELY be the better mother-in-law
That's not exactly a high bar to clear. Yukino's mom seems a bit like a bitch.
This poor mother is trying to tease Hikki but he tries too hard to be cynical. She's really excited at the chance to set her daughter up with a boyfriend though.
you know he might be less scared of her than yukino's mom but he handled yukino's mom way better
Yukino's mom is more of Hikki's element than Gaha-mama is. They're both kinda cynical about how they view the world.
Or well Hikki wants to be a cynic but he's still too nice a boy to actually embrace it.
who would've thought hikigaya would be crying at the graduation speech
He's not actually a jaded loser though. He tries to act like he doesn't like people and that the world is a garbage place. But that was kinda the whole point of his HONMONO bit from season two. Him admitting he wants something that can prove that cynical outlook wrong.
This is totally the Yui episodes before they devote the last few to Yukino.
There is the actual prom coming up, after all. With all the work Yukino's put into making it actually exist it would be a bit mean to not let her have the spotlight. Same can go for Hikki of course.
Looks like some of the remaining teachers are starting to get a bit charmed by the game. It's still a long way to go to actually win the game though.
This is stuff you learn from playing a lot of multiplayer games hah hah. You can't let yourself get titled -tilted in the middle of a game or else you're gonna start making bad decisions.
Yeah, really. At the pace games tend to take in this series I don't know if we'd have enough time before this fourth cour ends for another game. So this might be the last chance before the anime ends for them to get a win.
Their tall guy probably knows better than anyone the state he is in at the moment too. His stamina is garbage and putting him out too often will probably end up detrimental even if he's the better player than their three stooges.
Of course the only baskets Momoharu can sink are the ones he doesn't have to throw in hah hah
I thought one of the first things that happened with the MC's development was that he shifted from doing "manly" one-handed throws to the more "feminine" two-handed throws. But here he's talking about still habitually doing one-handed throws.
>>871394 Well Afro seems to think he can get him a power-up.
It's not really uncommon for hotels to have missing rooms or even floors at a time. You get a lot of hotels in the western parts of the world that intentionally omit rooms with thirteen in their numbering-
But what I was getting to above, I honestly wouldn't find it that surprising for a Japanese (or Chinese, I think they both have the same association) to omit a hotel room that has that many fours in it. Since I think they both have the "Four is death" association
I guess this is one of the reasons this takes place in a fake-English city rather than somewhere actually in China. Having the police force be taking the people they're supposed to be protecting and killing them just because they're anomalies might be a bit too on the nose for actual China.
For a room that doesn't actually exist, it sure is pretty easy to find. You just have to look away like once and it pops in.
That might be true if the physical world was only the natural world anymore. But there's so much more to humankind than just our natural evolution, our technological and sociological evolution, that helps us survive.
I wonder if all the bad guys have big scars on their faces. This girl did, and the one real pretentious loser has a more prominent one since he doesn't have bangs to hide it.
It may just be that their villain design isn't that creative
Hah hah what is with this pose he's got going on.
>Hades Because of course it is.
I guess his big scheme is to get everyone's powers to go out of control. That's a lot scarier for people like the aidoru who's power is literally "make people like me".
I guess she would probably be pretty useful to him in trying to do that, too.
Yeah, judging from what's happening it seems like he's got some way of extending the range her upgrade signal can reach. Or something I dunno. I'm sure they'll have a reason for it in an episode or two.
Yeah, this seems like it's in the final arc. 2-3 more episodes of drama and then a slice of life episode at the end probably
I wonder if they'll settle on one guy for the ending. It's based of a mobage otomege so you probably can't reach the story end without picking one of the boys. But maybe they'll tweak the plot a bit so they don't have to do that, since, y'know, it's never good to canonize a "true end" in a game adaptation like this.