My phone's battery is at five percent and I really should be getting out of bed at this point anyway. But my cat's decided now is when she wants to take a nap in bed and insists on sleeping on top of me.
>>>/@jennchar_author/1302951876741267457 Apparently the storm that rolled through last night was -really- fucking crazy. Large enough to encompass all of Ontario south of Toronto and at a high point was hitting three hundred lightning strikes a minute.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lookin for a snacc that smiles bacc
still can't believe that big cali fire was sparked by a gender reveal party
I can believe it but it's still beyond fucking dumb. Like even here where forest fires are relatively uncommon all the rural parts of the province have plenty of fire warning signage up whenever you're driving through a township. It's not hard to look at stuff like that and go "Oh wait, maybe I shouldn't do anything that is a fire risk".
When Yuru Camp's anime aired and was really popular, you saw a lot of weebs on places like /a/ get really hyped up about wanting to try camping. There was one thread where some guy, I think in Mexico or Brazil, accidentally set a forest on fire because he was trying out camping and was a dumbfuck about fire precautions. Made the news a day or so later.
My point is if a fire gets out of hand there's probably a good chance there is a Very Stupid reason behind the fire's inception.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fire's inception what if i started a fire... in my mind
oh just an hour ago i was dreaming about coughing up blood good times
The fires are getting pretty insane. Might as well just call Summer fire season these days.
David Lynch said it was really smokey near his place in his weather report this morning.
cali is now australia 2.0
Hardly. Both California and Australia have always been high forest fire regions of the world, even before climate change made things worse. It's just a part of the natural cycle for the environment there. They both started to get really bad at about the same time in recent history and are kind of in a boat together.
California really mismanages it. Ecologically, Florida is probably more prone to fires than California, especially during the dry season. To the point that we have trees that need to be exposed to fire in order to breed. But we do controlled burns all the time to ensure we don't have fires that go out of control, and we actually have really efficient fire response.
I don't know why California isn't on top of it.
Of course, they shouldn't have to. These fires wouldn't be going out of control like this if people weren't idiots. These bad ones are always getting started by idiots throwing their cigarettes or revealing a baby's gender.
Probably in part because their fire response systems are keeping tabs on the ones that would naturally get out of control if not paid attention to since, y'know, it's easier to get data on stuff that's a natural occurence. But it's hard to be prepared for how stupid people can be. You can try your damnedest, but humanity will always surprise you.
russia has a policy of "let it burn" in kola peninsula when it comes to their forest fires I'd imagine they do the same in siberia too
hot new gender reveal idea wait until the baby is born without telling anyone then king solomon the baby and reveal the gender with the color inside
>>872246 I'd argue population size also factors in. There's nearly forty million people living in California as is. Even if I'm being VERY generous and say only ten percent of a general population group is dumb enough to disregard common sense and clearly announced warnings to be fire risks. That still leaves four million people scattered all over the State which have a good chance of engaging in stupid activities that will risk a fire breaking out. That's a lot of people. That's like a whole Toronto full of stupid people.
that reminds me there was some political pundit like a really big one who said elizabeth warren would be the perfect president because she "splits the baby"
>>872250 I think the real horror there is the guy seemingly read that story about Solomon and was like "Oh yeah he's serious, he's gonna chop that baby in half, and that's the fair resolution to this kidnapping case"
It's an astounding level of proud ignorance. The entire point of the story is that Solomon is wise because he suggests that knowing it's the worst possible solution. Is Warren wiser for slicing the baby in twain?
>>872252 I feel like it's a pretty fun encapsulation of the centrist mindset tho, to think the wisdom in the story was actually for real splitting the baby so both the actual mother and the horrid bitch got a half, dead baby
I, for one, welcome a leader who will destroy things to ensure everyone has an equal level of joy, which should of course be none.
i am always open for a leader that cuts things in half
Maybe we all need some more twained babies in our lives
Read properly, the tweet for real is "Warren is the perfect president because under her rule, nobody will really be happy, but the bad guys for sure will be the winners" Which is wild
Eh, the 3 first ones, which are all sort of the same one, are good HL2 isn't terrible Everything else, I dunno i never played them cause I lost interest after HL2
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Half Life 1 and 2 honestly weren't that good. They were revolutionary in a lot of ways but I don't think they were ever fantastic games
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
portal is way better
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and l4d
Valve's FPS single-player games have always been firstly tech demos for their engine. Like that's literally what Portal 1 was, "Let's show off this cool tech about perspective and maintaining velocity through player set-up portals in the game environment". They just also built a game around the tech that was fun to play and engage with.
>>872269 Eh I think HL1 still holds up if you're willing to deal with the like, inherent-to-being-as-old-as-me video game jank It doesn't look like crysis, but the gameplay itself is still pretty fun
and l4d is overrated TBHWY
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
l4d is super fun i dont think there's been another game as good that you can play with the whole squad and enjoy doing terribly at since l4d2
Killing Floor is more fun for that sort of thing, I think yeah Mostly because with killing floor you can be high or drunk as shit and you still won't be a drag on your team as long as you're able to hit shots, and I have no life so I absolutely can still hit shots even if I don't know where I am on the map With L4D you gotta move and do objectives
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats why i find killing floor so fuckin boring you're not doin anything
Different tastes, I guess >>872281 I can't do L4D like that After a beer or two, I lose all spacial coordination, and all I can do is revert to my lizard brain, which has learned how to aim in video games and very little else
i have been stupid drunk many a time playing l4d2 and not been a drag to my team
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean you can be totally fucked up and still enjoy L4D2 like one time we spent literally three hours trying to do the last level of the first l4d2 campaign and dying every single time and it was fun every second
>>872282 Payday 2, as well, is pretty fun, combining both the best of KF and L4D You're doing stuff, there's objectives, but you \\\\ I can also be fucked up and do well Cause it's not a LOT of coordination you gotta put together in a row, you don't gotta keep track of where you're going and stuff
Like, my spacial coordination when high or drunk is so bad, one time I had a single joint and 2 hours later realized I'd mostly been running in circles in far cry... 3? the forest one And I had a ton of fun, shooting stuff, but when I came down it became apparent I'd actually just been in the same tiny area of the map the whole two fucking hours
I played some, but you guys did most of it without me because i dont remember what i was doing at the time but i do remember being splinter celled in the parking lot of the art gallery constantly
Playing with Shawn got so shitty lol All he cared about was making money so he wanted do everything the same exact way every time, always fuckin stealth bank robbery
associations can never vanish completely you can loosen associations though by pairing the stimulus with a different outcome or by creating a stronger association
imatsu can one learn this power to purge negative associations like this?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
often times the best policy is to create an association between the stimulus and something calming e.g. expose self to stimulus and then use distress tolerance skills this results in desensitization to that stimulus and its ability to trigger an anxiety response is replaced by relaxation very simple, standard stuff in therapy
Seems like the kinda thing where you need to first really nail down exactly what's going on Far more than I've been able to, anyway, since it's all really fucking vague Also sounds dangerous without a therapist, yeah, considering my whole... thing
I mean, behavior is generally generalizable, so as long as you're in the ballpark, usually that's enough to start with. The more specific the better, of course.
You can do it without a therapist as long as you take it easy and know what you're doing. But do you have any existing self-regulation or distress tolerance skills?
Beyond previously smoking pot to calm down, or just going to bed when it gets too much? No Not really
I've half-heartedly tried a few things that seemingly work for other people, like focusing on my surroundings and my breathing and stuff, but it's not really doing much for me What little focus I can generate on that stuff is usually consumed very quickly by the developing... feelings
It's like, I start counting my breaths, or I focus on breathing in and then out, or whatever And then after a very short time, my entire head just goes woozy and now it's all just... this other feeling I can't place
>>872320 The main benefit for me is it makes it impossible to keep a single train of thought going, whether I want that train to keep chugga-chuggaing along or not, so these episodes just aren't able to keep themselves afloat They still suck, but they can't grab hold for long enough to be a really, really big problem
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
pls rember
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if i smoke a bunch of pot often ill start thinking about embarrassing shit sometimes i get lost in it for a bit then i think to myself "oh yea im just here smoking pot none of that is real" and the panic goes away
Lovecraft Country episode three is some spooky shit. I can take literal white wizards and arcane shit and I'm fine. But ghosts definitely spook me up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>872318 doesn't sound beneficial in terms of confronting and integrating these sorts of thoughts tho
>>872322 Well, it's not It's arguably a very bad approach, since it renders me without defense when I'm like now, potless But it's a quick escape, and reliable, as well
Well, as long as I'm at home when it hits I haven't had access to pot in a real long time though
>>872365 Sometimes. Usually the people who are like that are doing things to actively sabotage themselves to ensure they don't get better, though. Usually because they don't want to get better.
>>872366 That's fair. I'm probably also over-estimating what you mean when you say packed. Like I've seen packed beaches before and those get DENSE. Where you probably just mean there's like pockets of people that know each other every few dozen metres or something.
>>872386 You have no smell? Did you try putting on cologne to make up for it?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
time to invent the smelloscope and connect it to neuralink
Lovecraft Country episode four sure gets wild fast.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha right?
>Indiana Jones shit >Suddenly zombified husks >They start reviving >She's got a dick
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she'll explain
They're already back in Chicago so I think I kinda got an explanation from her. In the moment it was definitely an "uh ... okay" kind of thing though.
Okay credits rolled.
I'm assuming the answer is "white wizard shit" but I'm a little confused how an underground complex can spread from Boston to Chicago and how a few people can make the trek along it in a matter of a few hours.
>>872532 I don't think its exclusive to Florida. They're basically a small racket that you hit flies with. And it zaps them. There's also the Bug-Assault™, its basically a shotgun for flies. It uses table salt and shoots it out with air pressure.
guess that's a thing of a past local multiplayer is a thing of the past we all sit in our cubicles and plug our brains into the mainframe and go from there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
neuralink plus VR soon i'll build the mechanism that ratchets your skull permanently into the device
yeah he went to Berkeley College iirc studied music but decided the music industry was a.wsste of time
This morning, I am comparing the quality of the Publix brand mucus relief D with the Walgreens bbrand mucus relief D. The Walgreens brand is twice the strength. So it may be superior.
But we shall see. A larger ant does not mean a stronger ant.
Publix does have very good chicken. But today, I have no need for chicken. Instead, I need mucus relief. My chronic sinusitis is acting up. I bought this a few days ago and just realized it is only half the strength.
My hope is that it will be strong enough!
salsa cheese and Doritos microwaved is good but damn it tastes just as good cold
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
time to hate my life again for a few days woooo TSLA is fucking deaaad
>>872664 don't expect too much :^) first thing to do is fix the shit that's broken in the last weeks
All good. Fixing is more important than making new stuff anyway.
cat tounge is too funny this guy is bleppin constanty
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Oh they're doing another Hyrule Warriors that'll act as a prequel to BotW and take place during the onset of the Calamity that made Hyrule the somewhat abandoned land it is in BotW.
And BotW 2 is still in development but the team isn't ready to show it off yet.
Oh, it appears I was right, it is, but it's not NWK, it's popotan ..which is porn
>>872679 >Its visual source is an animated gif taken from an opening movie of the Japanese adult visual novel Popotan released in 2002. >>872680 Shit, you beat me
It's actually possible I watched Popotan way back But I don't remember so much as a character name or a single scene of the show, which I vaguely remember was ecchi rather than outright porn
>>872682 It was an eroge adaptation back when they could more easily do full nudity in anime on television but didn't want to/weren't allowed to show underaged sex so you got all of the ecchi scenes with none of the actual sex.
>>872685 Hm, I don't really know. My PC does year-month-day and my phone does weekday-month-day. I guess they both do month-day in that order though so it might be m/d/y.
Though my electronics might be configured to American standards so it might not reflect a Canadian standard if it's different.
Though I'm not really expecting it. My bet's on some gameplay segments where you play as her for puzzles. Take advantage of the brainy, researcher personality she kinda had in the BotW flashbacks.
Since ultimately she is not really trained for adventure and combat in the way Link is.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what is with all these Dudes wearing White Shirts havent they heard of the fashion Policia
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if they give you a third person camera on zelda the game will have to be rated M for Mature
If they can get away with ARMS being for everyone I'm sure degenerates being able to photoshoot Zelda is gonna be fine too.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or they could nerf her ass a classic nintendo move
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
travellin and camping with her would be dope i hope she dowsn't get kidnapped immediately
>>872697' >actually play zelda in legend of zelda that's illegal
there have got to be ragdolls of zelda if she's playable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway hey it's aunny out and i lost a big chunk of my portfolio but at least im alive and relatively healthy how are y'all
It's cold and dreary here like it's been the past few days. I think the broken down wisps of the dual hurricanes finally travelled their way all the way up here and have made everything lousy. I'm still not doing too great.
>My mother: Vents to me how trying to figure out how she's gonna teach kids this semester and where she's going to live in the city after the house sells in a month and a half is making life hell >Me just five minutes earlier perpetuating the lie that I haven't been kicked out of university and am ready for classes this semester I can't keep this up but the sheer pressure to not make more trouble for people really doesn't help. I need help and social support to stop being a total failure but every cue I get from the people who could help is that they wouldn't have the time or energy to help. Even if they forgive me for being a lying bastard. I just feel completely trapped and I don't know what to do.
I get three bacon, egg and cheese biscuits. Well, four but give one to my roommate or save one for later. They're cheaper if you buy them in ywos. *twos
>>872878 Not really, there's no part so far that has touched on the ethics of how they treat the gadoll or anything Though I guess if you consider the humans to be the animals, you're right yeah, that's actually a very good reading of the material
I'm talking about the humans you nerd.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
took me four bars to spell 'wholly' weird word
>>872877 I never actually watched Last Exile so I can't compare. It's about a future Earth dominated by cyborgs that spend their free time playing in a half-ARG, half-VR-esque game that physically takes place in the remains of Eurasia where they fight monsters to protect the last of the endangered species known as humans from extinction via monsters.
I don't really know what to compare it to Maybe Shin Sekai Yori, though it's a bit of a fucking stretch, some of the themes and SOME of the concepts overlap a little
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
last exile is about this steampunk world where there's like a big airstream that separates these two worlds, and also court drama and old fashioned warring with muskets. lots of dogfights and IMMELLMAN TURNNNSSS and shit
The weirdest thing happened today. Yesterday I put in a request to refill my prescription for my amphetamines and I just used the same prescription number I did last time without thinking. This morning, I noticed the rx number was different so I put in another request and it said this thing about how it can't be filled, which led me to call my psychiatrist to get them to fix that, but it didn't need to be fixed because the number I used yesterday worked. So I'm like, okay that was all for nothing.
But then I get a call from the drug testing place and they need to verify my prescription for amphetamines. I don't have the bottle on hand to give them the information they needed since I'm at work. BUT, because I put in my latest prescription number online, it's in my autofill. So I was able to pull that number out of that and get together all of the information they needed that normally I'd have to get on the bottle.
So if I hadn't gone through that stuff this morning I would have ended up out of luck with this drug testing place and would have had to deal with even more delays.
That's so weird. How serendipitous.
I guess even coincidence can be convenient at times.
For sure! That was seriously annoying, though. I spent 20 minutes on the phone trying to do it earlier and had to hang up to see clients. Then I spent 48 minutes on the phone this time to actually get it done. Got transferred to one person to tell me what information they needed. Then they had to transfer me to someone else so I could give that information. Nani sore?
movie doesn't look that great but that is a nice worm it looks way too serious they'll never beat out Lynch's dune
Dune is a pretty serious world though. Like Frank Herbert wrote at least the original Dune novel as a realized natural system and was very particular about the whys of everything that happened in the novel. The trailer definitely has elements of Trying Too Hard Fantasy to it and I don't recognize all the stuff shown in the trailer so I'm wondering if they either are having some artistic interpretation or bringing in story elements from the other Dune novels I haven't read.
I'm willing to give this a chance though because the original Dune novel is hella cool.
It's supposed to cover half the first book and then they'll do a second one to finish up the first book. But yeah, I think by serious what I mean is Trying Too Hard. It just looks like it's taking itself too seriously, like it's not aware of the absurdity of itself. Trying too hard to be an EPIC BLOCKBUSTER ACTION MOVIE
I'm hoping it's just the trailer cut. Dune is a weird story but I don't think it really works if it doesn't take itself seriously. I think that'll be fine if the actual movie captures the alien environment and Weird Future aesthetic of the Dune universe. Exchanging those elements for blockbuster action regardles of whether the movie takes itself serious or not would just diminish the quality of the movie though. This isn't Star Wars where Lucas wrote the world for cinematic and commercial use, Dune is more in line with the fantasy/science fantasy epics of the second half of the twentieth century it was written amongst. It's a serious world and needs a serious touch. The trailer didn't exactly impart on me that feeling, but a lot of chatter online seems to be putting al -a lot of faith in the director.
And at the least it's a good thing it's a two-part movie series. Dune is a THICK book and there's no way they could cover that all even if it was an Avengers-tier three hour extravaganza.
i do like oscar isaac a lot, so i'm glad he'll be in dune
Remember /moe/, fear is the mind killer.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
looks alright idk can't tell by the trailer honestly the trailer mostly reminds me of the starwars sequels
Yeah, I think that's kind of what Kirara and I are getting at. It doesn't really capture the Dune aesthetic.
For me if that's just how the trailer cut is, then that's fine. As long as the movie is appropriate, that's all that matters.
A more postive note though is that lingering end shot on the BIG worm is more in line with the aesthetic. They're supposed to be awesome in the properly terrifying way.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
The producers are what make me a little unsure. Mary Parent, for example, usually just does monster movies godzilla king of monsters pacific rim err, detective pikachu actually now that i'm looking several of the producers are people who have done detective pikachu and pacific rim and noah
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh but eric roth, the writer of forest gump, is one of the screenwriters
along with jon spaihts who did prometheus and doctor strange though
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jon spaihts is also the executive producer for the minecraft movie
Strange was one of the better Marvel origin story movies though. And the Strange vibe is probably closer to that of Dune than a lot of other modern movies.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, although Prometheus wasn't a great movie, even the vibes of that are a better suit for Dune than lots of other things So I guess that's actually a pretty promising writing team
As long as they don't try to veer too far from the novel. I'm not a purist for adaptations by any means but the tighter the plot of an original work, the harder it is to adapt it if you start changing or cutting things.
From the sound of it though they have updated the dialogue from the novel, which probably needed to happen. What sounded appropriate for science fiction in the 1960s probably would be totally whack these days.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Hmm, I don't know. I think using the original dialogue from the 1960s would actually lend itself more to the atmosphere of it being in a faraway land, very alien to us today. Of course that's not something I'm particularly passionate about, haha/
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>A line of Dune action figures from toy company LJN was released to lackluster sales in 1984. Styled after David Lynch's film, the collection included a poseable sandworm.[53][54] hmm
I'm sure tabletop nerds, even those that don't care that much about Dune, would've lept at the chance to get a posable sandworm fig.
Yeah, I believe I recall hearing talk about it. I guess they know their audience.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh, there's a dishonored one coming out too they'll be using the same system >The tabletop RPG set in the Dune universe is currently being developed by Modiphius, and will be based on the company’s 2d20 roleplaying system that is also being used for the recently announced video game RPG Dishonored, and has previously powered roleplaying games including Star Trek Adventures.
I also really like this Pink Floyd remix they use in the trailer too. That was a spot-on choice in my books.
Get yourself a man who looks at you the way Timothee Chalomet looks at sandworms
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently xbox series x is $500 and there's a downgraded version called the series s that's only $300
Having a super cheap version like that is pretty crazy. I mean I guess it's still a decent bit of money but for a modern console that's surprising. Like for people that aren't super tight with their money that's almost impulse buy territory.
Still not really interested in it but hopefully lower prices like that will push the PS5 to compete a bit. Which will be good for me.
A lot of people are speculating the PS5 will be $400. Which would be pretty low for a full console verses the Series X at $500. Even the $300 point might not compete well with a PS5 at $400, it's $100 more for the full thing. Series S will apparently be slower and can only reach up to 1440p... With most televisions these days supporting 4k, the 1440p might be a sticking point for people.
Conversely for casual gamers, a 300 USD price point on a console might be a good pick up. Those people probably aren't gonna lose sleep over not getting 4K resolution on their consoles, even if they own a suitable television. I think the Series X might appeal to some people that the Switch and especially the Switch Lite did. People that maybe clock in a couple hours of gaming a few times a week and don't really follow games much.
At the least I think SONY would be making an error in judgement (for themselves) to try and compete with the Series S. They're probably not gonna appeal to many more people if they make a price point in between the two Xbox models. Sticking closer to the Series X is likely the safer bet.
>>872959 It's certainly an interesting conundrum for SONY to find themselves in. The Series S is a really bold move.
I wonder how SONY will respond. Apparently today is the 25th anniversary of Playstation, so people thought PS would have an announcement today. But even if they planned on a surprise announcement, Xbox doing this announcement today kind of kicks them off of doing that. Xbox really got the drop on them.
It's smart business coming from Microsoft. They definitely came out the back of the competition between the Xbox One, PS4, and Switch last generation. They need to be aggressive and get an edge in on Sony. And maybe even try and steal a bit of the territory that Nintendo's pretty much held an untouchable grasp on for a long time.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
series s has no disc drive and 4 teraflops GPU power compared to series X 12.5 teraflops 10 gb ram vs 16
Disc drives are one of those things that only really dedicated gaming people really care that much about. Especially since so much media these days is digitally provided anyway, most people are comfortable downloading their games and not having physical media. A casual gamer, at least one with good Internet, would probably be fine with not having a disc drive on their console. If anything they might prefer it since they don't want to have more stuff pile up as they buy games.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, even I download a lot of games since it's so much easier than waiting for a disc.
>>872965 I kinda feel like the game doesn't have that much replay value, honestly Fallout had and continues to have like, endless opportunity to get up to crazy stuff, but OW kinda didn't, or at least that's how I felt playing it through
There's no part of me that's like "Oh I wanna try going for this kind of build" with that game, and beyond different builds, just wandering the wasteland is what kept Fallout going a lot of the time, cause there's just so much FUCKING STUFF, I found stuff I hadn't seen before last time I played, like a few months back
i only read this last post and was confused why you were comparing fallout to overwatch and got confused enough to read other posts for context i forgot outer worlds exists
That and I miss the fucking rush of popping a kritzkrieg and laughing my ass off as the killticker lights up with my pocket + me and the name of all 6 opponents at the same time
i dont know what those words means i didnt like tf2
>>872972 Critical hits do 3x damage and have no falloff based on distance Basically, a soldier's 4 rockets go from killing a heavy and wounding a scout to killing every single heavy they connect to, regardless of distance The demoman's stickies go from like 80 to 240, and he can just unload those, he's already absurdly overpowered as he is
And every time it connects, it goes BBBNNNNGGG and KRRSH and there's a DING from the hitsound
The scout's pistol goes from like, chipdamage to a fucking server-clearing demon weapon as well, provided your scout can track Which, you know, if your scout can't track what the fuck is he doing playing the quake class
Oh and the pocket is basically one of two soldiers on a competitive team, though in general use it means whoever the medic in question is sticking to throughout the match to keep building uber and be protected In pubs that's usually a heavy, but it shouldn't be because heavy's a garbage class outside of a few specific situations
Anyway I love that fucking game but none of my friends play it anymore so I don't either It's no fun on your own, especially for a healbot like me
Medic is very rewarding, it feeds into my most base impulses of enabling as much destruction as possible, but it's also just very frustrating when you don't have a pocket you vibe with and who fucking gets you Ya gotta be able to just go "SCOUT" and trust the motherfucker to drop what he's doing and blast the floor until that pesky fucker goes away
THE AMOUNT OF SOLDIERS who don't keep a spare rocket in the barrel for medic protection is fucking absurd
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i played a lot of TF2 and now a lot of OW i do miss TF2 but i don't think it'll ever be like it was for me and OW has its own nice qualities
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
playin in the oculus DK2 VR mode as scout and pyro and soldier, runnin around turbine my introduction to VR
i played a lot of pyro and soldier before that in flatscreen mode hung out in so many dank west coast servers and pushed dat payload
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
really i would play any class but i really liked reflecting rockets and flare gun kills so there was a lot of pyro and i didn't understand how to scout until the very end of my time with TF2
I played medic competitively, but in pubs I usually just played soldier and demo, and some scout, because no other classes let you accomplish so fucking much on your own
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i wasn't any good, i played with shit framerate mostly bein a spy checker and chillin in da base or building sentries then i was a Your Eternal Reward spah for a while lol
for a while i was in the trading servers too tryna get good at snoipin and trying out different loadouts i unboxed an unusual for the pyro that was pretty lucky
that's pretty cool I never unboxed anything good, really I don't even know if I've opened a box at all
But I did trade my way through shrewd unethical trading practices to a shitty unusual, which I flipped for other stuff instead cause my friend gave me an unusual hearts vintage tyrolean for medic, and that's the only one I really wanted
Like why unbox when you can find some dude in a random server who has something valuable, but doesn't know it, and you give him a knife for his hat or something I got my first earbuds for a pair of boxing gloves
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my w2 is in as of tomorrow i will have $50k salary
i dont think doushio stock uses any cookies, just local storage
it might use one cookie for like the thumbnail size which needs to be rendered server size oh and the ctoken which doesnt do anything (failed experiment)
Oh no is down How am I supposed to learn about Fortran based web frameworks now?
Speaking of Fortran I just ordered a Fortran coloring book.
>>873047 I ordered an outdated programming book that is only just barely out of date. It came out in 1978 whivh is the same year the oldest relevant version if Fortran came out (Fortran 77).
>Several features noted in Fortran 90 to be "obsolescent" were removed from Fortran 95:
DO statements using REAL and DOUBLE PRECISION index variables
double precision is kinda a waste of power for a lot of applications tbh floating point is deeply flawed better things are possible some of that can be seen in neural nets where they use like 8 bits of precision in some cases for weights
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>873049 shades of matlab my fav tweet of all time uhh where is it
>>873051 Floating point solved a problem that existed and like many other things is used where it shouldn't (ie object oriented programming).
there it is >>873053 yea it did and its obviously hella useful but still i remain steadfast that better things are possible
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fall guys is the aesthetic of Luncheon Kingdom plus the music of Splatoon at least a few of these songs are direct ripoffs but anyway its a great mash up of so many lovely things
Unum sounds like its too good to be true, the creator seems really full of himself and I'm mad that the spec isn't freely available.
Funny story about pascal by Kernighan For context, software tools was a collection of utility programs written by Kernighan and Plauge in ratfor (rational Fortran) which is Fortran 66 with some C features.
i never did get to use that tree sap
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what tree sap? is this runescape
in campaign 2.5 when kirara was dming i bought tree sap
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you should have ritual casted it if you had it would have become a sword
i was going to smash it on one of the artist's paintings if they refused to help but then when we got there she was already being super evil so it didnt matter because sap fucks paint up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lmao a tree sap sword?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>873077 you should have done that when she drank the paint and became a monster
>>873078 pan's character in the game i ran recently was obsessed with swords so i just gave him tons of swords at the end of the game i think he had like 16 swords
this is what she looked like before she drank the ink
noto's final count was 16 swords, one of which was two swords combined into one from Jorogumo and Kusanagi and then vaguely noto was probably stuck in spider's parlor later in life and probably made of swords over the full campaign noto had about 14 generic swords at max, the 16 swords he // mixed in with the 16 swords he had at the end that's 23 swords, adding jorogumo and kusanagi when they were seperate is 25, and then there's that sword i threw into the ocean and didnt get back making 26 swords gathered on my journey wait 28 counting the wakizashi pair Shurei Seishin
i wanted to ritual cast the water sword once to use water breathing whirpool while traversing the acid to throw it on everyone but you didn't let me or didnt hear me i forget
i was ready to splash that shit everywhere i was going to do something with it eventually but i // i remember i was going to give it to soen as a gift but then she had the way better shogun sword so i didnt
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah she did have that cool BLADE DRIVER that let her go kamen rider mode
>>873117 Also yes, for example the puckle gun. And the nuclear ICBM.
impressive how mhw made a whole new mechanic for iceborne in the form of being able to clutch claw onto monsters but then made it a death sentence to use it on anything
It's actually really effective the timing is just extremely finnicky and you have to prep for it by wearing your mark down but not driving it into a rage.
But alternatively you can also just use it as a gap closer and drop down immediately to fight normally after running around dodging stuff.
i didnt try it on any of the early monsters but against hot topic paolumu it was useless because it has dick ass range and against uh hold on what did i just fight barioth? ice furry dragon but not angry ice dragon from a cutscene i just watched it was incredibly useless for him unless i got his tail if i got his head or either arm he would side bash my cat and hit me in the process midair
oh cool i see that the captain has given me Warming Jewel 2 to make the iceborne area playable now that i have to go to ancient forest
>>873131 Wuss Just bring like three warm drinks and it's easily playable.
>>873133 i bring 5 cold weather is garbo though as a dual blades main for all of normal mhw i will resent anything that fucks up my stamina even if i am playing glorious nippon steel instead right now
>>873132 uhhhhh yeah shit shit shit can I not delete this
>>873134 I get the temperature mechanics probably feel like difficulty for the sake of difficulty for people playing the polished World, but classic MonHun has trained me to not really blink at the penalties for not preparing for environmental hazards in maps. Plus it's extremely easy to find the respective craft components for the right drink in the maps with environmental hazards. That wasn't really a thing in older games hah hah
i liked the hot temperature mechanic that was fine to me i don't like the cold because of HOW it functions specifically if cold functioned more like hot and took like ticks of my stamina instead of my BAR or something id be fine with it but getting a gimped bar because my hot drink wore off mid fight with an aggro monster that wont give me many chances to drink is just dumb
Man I dunno it's not hard to find timings in any of the early Iceborne monsters to get a drink in.
anime is DEAD
The only two monsters I've had issues with it so far were Viper Kadachi, which was mainly less finiding a timing in its attacks and more finding a timing where I wasn't antidoting instead because brain dead cat ai gets be poison clipped constantly and then Barioth because even when Fatigue'd he's almost always side bashing randomly around because i have flashfly cage cat and he's always blind
If poison is really enough of a concern for you that you're antidoting a lot (even if it's not your own fault) you should invest in some poison proofing. MonHun isn't supposed to be a game where you find your one peak armor and weapon set, the game is designed around changing in and out of combinations to suit the hunt you're on Normal rank and H-rank quests are generally easy mode enough that you can beat them without changing while maybe needing to bash your head against a wall every now and then, but G-rank stuff is much harsher and usually needs some appropriate prep work if you don't have human players to cheese a hunt with.
the poison was exclusively an issue because of my cat i never had that issue with pukei-pukei or uhhhhhh undead dragon i want to say vaal but that's a poe thing so idk i guess he wasn't technically poison his was a whole different thing
>>873143 It doesn't matter why the poison is a problem, if it's a problem, invest in poison proofing. Or change up your cat's build so it's not prompting poison that you're clipping all the time. MonHun gives you plenty of flexibility for going up against monsters with various different complications and if you're going to be stubborn and not change you're just making things harder for yourself.
For the Barioth all I can say at the moment is git gud It's been a while since I've played so I can't really remember what it feels like to play against it and its timings. But I hunted a lot of monsters in previous MonHun games that fell under the fightstyle that it and Tigrex uses so going into World I wasn't entirely unprepared.
True Really I don't even shop where I work cause it's not the cheapest chain So I shop at a different one when I get home instead, I just buy lunch and other small stuff while at work
>>873161 Would not want that in my house, but I'm glad she's got a caring home still I don't like hairless cats to begin with, they're honestly really creepy
I'm in one of the 4 chains that fucking exist in this country There's like Rema, Kiwi, Bunnpris, and Coop which claims to be a co-op but actually they're not even if legally they are. Oh, there's Spar I guess But they're fucking sparse
And between Rema and Kiwi, there's no like "biggest" If a town has one, it has the other one And every town has both
Co-op is technically like, an umbrella thing with other companies it swallowed up, I guess Like, technically Co-op mega and co-op extra are different stores, but they're both Co-op and I don't count them separately
>>873161 the good thing about the woolies discount when i worked there way back an age ago as a teenager was that it also worked with DickSmith so with high end products 5% does make a difference
Naw, it was always a tree I probably just thought it was a club due to associating the name with that due to >>873172 >>873173 Yeah they're apparently really big on an international scale, but nationally there's one here, one there, not like every single town
My tiny 5000 people town has a Rema, a Kiwi, a Co-op and a Bunnpris, but no Spar But then you get to like, bumfuck nowhere, like maybe there's some people living in the area but it's not even recognizably like, a "town" or anything And there it fucking is A spar Just on the side of the fucking road or something
Granted my town is more than its population because it's like, one of the central industrial hubs in the region So only 5000 or so people LIVE here, but like, a LOTTA people come here when they go to work in the morning
>>873174 Also unrelated, but does anyone recognize the artist of this image? Cause I can't remember where I got it
id ram it through iqdb but im at work
I already did no dice on saucenao either
Oh, maybe it's buttoniris, actually
well I can't find the original tweet but I'm pretty sure it's their art in any case
>>873168 I think you can still run it through it Officeworks which isn't too shabby
FUUUUUCK dude I've got 5 and a fuckin' half hours of car to do today I mean I'm halfway looking forward to it, but I don't get to do anything other than drive, y'know
Do I even have 5 hours of music on my phone?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>873186 which is ironic considering how much you usually love dicks
Thursday comes and there's still a total overcast sky. I honestly don't think I've seen the sun all week. It's all kind of depressing for me.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
literally every girl is apparently scared of birds
I mean birds are assholes And fuck geese in particular.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe it's one of the prefilled answers but i'd just like to see like "My worst fear: TENTACLES" or somethin'
Gu he he
Oh Supernatural finally hit its last season. Man I remember when I thought that series was new at like three or four seasons.
It's actually getting a good bit lighter outside. Maybe the overcast weather is finally breaking up a bit. It's nice that it's not so stupid dark all day but I would still like to see the sun/
u no it she seems cool though first time i met her i thought she seemed like someone i wouldn't get along with glad she's cool
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lmao wtf the android messaging app will not show me the year of a message
i have some old google voice message in here and it says Sep 17
Every September 17th has been the same September 17th from time immemorial
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's from the fuuuuutuuuure
it's from you telling you to SELL
>>873219 I actually have a glitch where some texts I get or send claim to have been sent on a random year between 1915~ and 2030~. Sometimes random day month and time too.
In other news, I can't remember uf I've been up for 30 hours or 54 hours.
and perfect while I was away monhun finished dling
thank you random neighbour with unprotected wifi
It's a game that lends itself well to the controller but if you do decide to use one of the ranged weapons in the variety MonHun on the PC actually has really good mouse/keyboard support >>873235 Then I'd recommend the controller. The melee weapons can be used fine with the mouse/keyboard but it does feel a bit weird at times.
MonHun's not a game where it's a do-or-die matter but the keyboard does have the one advantage that you can do stuff like map the quick-use item wheel to specific keys so you can just tap the key to bring up the item rather than cycling through your "hotbar" or using the item wheel.
i still have one functioning ps3 controller knocks on wood
melee combat is not the only way dual blades are the only way
Charge Blade is the One True Path. The Bow is pretty fun though.
Charge Blade isnt the Great Sworcxd
Which is a good thing because I really don't like how the Great Sword feels. I've never taken to it in any of the MonHun games I've played.
great sword felt like all of the slow of the hammer but none of the 1200 attack power
i don't have iceexpansion tho
And none of the fun CLANG of hitting a blunt object against a wyvern's scaly hide.
>>873242 That's probably fine. Iceborne does have a story component but the meat of the expansion is the harder and more classic embodiment of the MonHun experience. If you play through the main game's content and feel you really enjoy the experience, Iceborne is worth picking up, but if you're not that taken by it, then you don't really lose anything by not having it.
And like PAN said most of what you get out of Iceborne isn't touchable until you beat the first two rank tiers of the main game.
and none of the sick literally rolling down hills
it's absolutely fine because you can't touch the iceborne content until you finish the base story anyway right since it's all MR stuff
>>873244 Well your favourite Clutch Claw is useable from the get-go if you start a new game with the Iceborne expansion installed. >>873246 Hm, maybe? I didn't play World between Iceborne's release and me picking the DLC up so it might be a maingame update.
oh i thought they added that to base game when iceborne released since you could play with iceborne players as non-iceborne so you needed to have that 'data' in your game i also did not play between iceborne's release and picking it up so i dont know for sure
that was tasty but... weird the curry sauce kinda was too strong and the chicken was bit hard to eat inside the burger won't be ordering chicken burg again
Hey PK keep us informed if you have access to something called the Clutch Claw relatively early on in the game.
also do people actually buy the cosmetics 400€ worth of it
Nah, this is a literal clutch. It's a really fun tool that lets you close distance between you and a monster and has the ability to stun them if used correctly. It came out when the Iceborne DLC was released but neither PAN or I know if it's a free update to the game or part of the DLC.
They did update the game a little bit when the DLC came out and might've been added in that, kinda like how Paradox adds some small stuff into their games whenever they push a new DLC.
anyone want like 500g to 1kg of fries?
Yes. But not fries that need to be sent across an ocean.
>>873249 People probably buy the cosmetics, I dunno. MonHun definitely has a fashion souls aspect to it that a lot of people enjoy, but there's so much in the actual game to pick from that additional cosmetics do feel pretty unnecessary. Plus they do sponsored quests in the game from places like Japanese fashion lines or Shounen Jump or the like. You do the quests and get rewards that let you craft cameo equipment. These quests are free for the player so, there's really a LOT of fashion options available to the player, you just gotta grind it out a bit.
yeah Monster Hunter World Featuring Dante From Devil May Cry
The only cosmetics I have are the pre-order bonus content. There was no way I wasn't getting MonHun on the PC after all. Plus the main game's PC release was handled really well so I had pretty good faith in the release of Iceborne.
I heard iceborne released kind of badly in the form of graphical crashes or something but I can't remember super well
Might've, but I didn't have problems personally. There seem to have been a couple PS4 ports lately that have had crash issues on PC release. Horizon Zero Dawn still has a pretty poor Steam review because of how crashy the game is. Dunno if the recent patches have made progress on that yet.
monster hunter language?
huh, this game isn't an official EU release
>>873260 It's a pseudo language that's mostly just phonetics with an occasional identifiable monster name dropped in. Entirely nonsensical. It was how speech was handled in the MonHun games up until World so I use it out of nostalgia. For following along with the actual game, Japanese is probably your best bet.
Ah yikes. That's a really small VRAM count for modern games.
i made the genius decision of selecting english but then turning down the volume anyway because i wasnt interested in the story i was interesting in the multiplayer hunting >>873263 this man has baby vram wtf
motion blur off vignette off and so on
I know you're not flush with money but might be worth seeing what the cost of getting even the lowest model of Nvidia's 30XX line would be.
i can't upgrade my pc
laptop don't suit with that desktop would start with >replace everything
just gotta hope the game knows to relay on regular RAM when the vram is out
monhun also has sick mods like smarthunter which i exclusively use to know when something is in capture range without having to look at my minimap
... But your mini-map is right there.
yes but smarthunter makes it even more right there and also i can use it to shittalk kokoro's dps when i play with him
It just feels like an excessively unnecessary crutch to me.
it saves me a whole have second of looking down and instead the information is right in front of my face
*Old man voice* Back in my day you couldn't even look at your map to know when a monster was in capture range, your only indication was that it was literally limping away from you
>>873275 That's what I mean by excessively unneccssary crutch. You're not wasting anything sparing less than a second to use your peripheral vision to check your mini-map.
Then you glance at the map, and then reorientate. You still only take maybe a second tops and that's not going to mess up your hunt and don't @ me about a second wasted.
i am in fact THAT tunnel vision
think of all the seconds im saving not doing it tho
I said don't @ me motherfucker
tilde is right PAN is a SCRUB
wtf rook i trusted you we played d2 with eachother that one time
The Scott Pilgrim game was honestly a pretty fun beat 'em up. A surprisingly solid game for a movie tie-in. Like Lord of the Rings GBA Diablo-but-with-a-LOTR-skin surprisingly solid.
i never thought about how much gold bling she wears holy f that must be a pain to draw everytime
Lady IS a mimic of Athena it would make for a pretty lame goddess if she wasn't all decked out with that jewelry and other bling.
Chipotle chicken, red onions, and extra cheese Makes for good pizza-ing
oooh shit character creation
MonHun has a very solid character creator. Don't stress too much about it though since you can go back and change your hairstyle and colours? at any time. I think the only things you're locked into is body choices? Been a while since I looked at it.
HAHAHA do all that and then start in full platemail YES
oh now I custom a cat I wish I could do dx12 now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this job site event thing wants a mic and video camera input or else i can't join the Lounge
i could just use my laptop OR i could join with my streamer mic and use the switch capture card feed
>>873307 The Guardian a+ armor is kind of an easy mode armor by the way. It's very high spec for the first rank tier and could probably carry you through the entire base game without changing into new suits. I don't really know WHY the devs made it available from the start of the game but it definitely makes things easier.
The Leather/Chainmail options are the standard beginner armor and give appropriately balanced noob buffs.
You should get access to a storage box not too long after finishing the tutorial stage, I thiiiink? the other starting armors should be equipable from it. Though you can also buy them relatively cheap from a store in the base. If all else fails you'll be hunting monsters soon and their parts can be used to make armor more appropriate for the difficulty levels they're hunted at.
aah immersion broken I should be dead I fell into the sea with heavy armour on
Oh yeah no all MCs in the MonHun universe are superhuman. Just wait until you're vaulting off cliffs several dozen metres high and landing on the ground with nary a skip in your step.
"my immersion is broken because i did something a regular human can't in this game where i hunt giant fucking monsters"
If you want an immersion fixer I could hypothesize that you didn't wash ashore on Zorah Magdaros but rather sunk under the waves onto its back and were brought out of the water when it breached the surface.
hmm if I upgrade my memory I can prolly push to medium quality
Don't worry even at the quality you've got it at it's still better looking than literally every MonHun game that came before it. The fact that the series was stuck on the 3DS for like eight years really didn't do it justice.
this guy doin a two minute pitch is ESL and he ended his prezzo on kinda funny note "for more info check out our jobs pages at <domain dot com> slash queers"
are there any stack bonuses ie wearing all of the same type?
>>873338 Like PAN said and what I kinda guessed to, the Guardian armor came out when Iceborne was released. So it's probably a speedrun armor for people that want to make a new character for the DLC but don't want to spend all the time needed to properly play through the base game. It's absurdly OP and only really worth using if you don't want to explore what the game has to offer.
>>873340 Not early on. There'll be armor sets down the line that will give you bonuses for wearing pieces from the same set, and they'll clearly tell you when such bonuses are possible. But also regardless of the set the armor piece comes from, if two armor pieces both give like, uh, the Hunger level 1 skill, wearing both pieces will give you Hunger level 2, and etc. I think the skills window will tell you which skills can have additional levels and what skills your currently-equipped set of armor is granting you.
I don't normally wank YouTube creators but JoCat has a great series on each of the MonHun weapons. >>>/watch?v=dcYJFI7HQU4#t=0s Each video is like two minutes long and gives good bite-sized reasons on why you'd be better off playing with the Sword & Shield.
>>873343 well gunlance is all I had as options of gun+weapon initially so fuck that
I don't care what is best I use what I think is coolest and nothing beats an ax, except an axsword or an axgun
>>873347 It and the Dual Blades are both like tiny weapons for tiny people and really don't deliver on the same kind of gameplay as like, any other melee weapon in the game. I like getting up close and personal with my monsters but I don't like having to literally dry hump that fucking tail to actually get in contact with the monster.