lol @ that aussie guy suing that company >>873364 it's not always that but it's often that or trains or Ashens or uhh Linus Tech Tips, some other ytuber thar uses a pitch shifter for a shitty character there is variation
no its was like maybe one, but they told me im allowed out as of tomorrow since i should no longer be contagious since i never really had a cough or anything
Uhhhhhhhh That doesn't sound like contagion spread mechanics.
yeah cranes in a construction site and parked that is what birds do indeed cranes swamp dwellers they dwell in construction sites and park outside windows in semi-urban locations
yes indeed
Did you see the tsuchinoko pic marsh pisted the other day?
My colleague who has covid, the redhead i talk about a lot, was forced into a court hearing today while she's basically dying because her ex husband is trying to take her son using the virus and she doesn't have a lawyer, she's her own attorney and she managed to bully her judge into not granting the order by basically talking over her every time she tried to make the order until the judge finally listened to her and let her make her statement she's so impressive
hunt a birb thing ran into a giant lizard and a fucking t-rex while chasing after it the t-rex was sitting under the platfrom where this thing ran waiting for me to come down
>>873494 There's some similar goggles on some headpieces.
what do the vouchers do? the ones it gives you as option if you actually don't want to solo like I do
>>873497 The vouchers still apply if you play solo. What they do is boost the rewards you get at the end of a hunt.
i like that because my left joystick is slightly broken i can auto move with the cart I am escorting
vouchers give thicc cash that you'll totally have problems with later and definitely won't have way too much of all the time and the bonus mat rewards when you clear the quest
yeah. that was in different parts of the country though
I loved catching lizards when I was a kid. Snakes and frogs too. I caught a coral snake (highly venomous snake) once.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
did you know what it was when you caught it?
>>873528 I was walking around and noticed I stepped on something, I looked down and saw the snake and grabbed it immediately just in case it was venomous. There's a similar looking snake native to Florida called the king snake that isn't venomous. I took a closer look and could tell it was a coral snake. There's a mnemonic limerick about identifying them based on the lattern of their ccocolor bands "Red on black, friend of jack. Red on yellow, kills a fellow." I was holding it in such a way that it couldn't bite me. It works for every single species of venomous snake except for that one whose fangs come out of the side of their mouth and can get you even if you're holding it by the head. >Experts now recognize that coloration patterns and common mnemonics which people use to identify the deadly coral snake are not 100% reliable. Some coral snakes do not have the typical banding colors or patterns.
RRIP Well, I don't really catch snakes anymore and I'm not really a walking snake encyclopedia so I guess I'll just have to treat any snake I encounter in the wild as potentially venomous.
Well actually I don't think there are any venomous snakes around here.
>>873563 Yeah, Kokorobeats. I follow them on twitter and youtube and I listen to their albums a lot. When i saw the first frame of the MV, I knew it was going to be good because his name was on it.,
I mean it was definitely an assumption you followed all their stuff hah hah. I'm only a bit familiar with Tamaonsen's Touhou stuff but I've always enjoyed their work.
When I found their STILLING album a few years ago, I was sold. It was great
Oh apparently there was a leak a while back showcasing a black variant of the PS5 controller. So presumably there'll be a black version of the console too. I guess that'll be a good thing for the people that the white design of the controller/console was kind of a minus for.
I don't strongly care. If I have the option I will probably pick the black since that generally matches with most of the hardware I have around my desk. Though well I guess I don't know if I'll even have this desk by the time the PS5 comes out. Still it matches with the general assortment of hardware I've got. But I wouldn't give up on getting one if I could only ever find white versions in stock. I would assume for people who game in gaming dens or living rooms and the console is sitting on a shelf under the TV or whatnot, they wouldn't really lose anything by having the white console either.
Taco taco
Kirara I know you're watching this stream stop hiding you coward
I was playing D&D and it turned out that one of the players wasn't using headphones and had an alexa next to him so I started fucking with it. He asked for instructions on how to mute another player and then couldn't figure out how to follow the instructions. I fucked with it a bit more and then the dm kicked me.
Thanks, I couldn't have done it without you.
I was lwt back in a few minutes later. *let I'm pretty sure it didn't actually buy dragon dildos though. It does however have a response for the swallow questions from monty python and the holy grail.
I hope the weather report is accurate and this rain will blow through before the middle of the afternoon. The people buying this house are coming by and I probably shouldn't be here when they do. And I really don't want to be out in the rain for an hour or so.
this cat seems absolutely hellbent on disrupting my productivity
Yes I believe that is a universal constant with cats Mine is currently completely asleep on top of me and I really ought to get out of bed.
I was at my mom's And rather than sit on the train and be annoyed, I figured I'd instead drive and be annoyed It's better because I can, at least, smoke in my fucking car
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
meow i accidentally butt dialed 911 never done that before??
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did they get you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they called me bacc and i was very confused for a moment 'why does it say 911 on my phone?'
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
911 calls you for help
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>we're gonna need the nation's leading anime imageboard experts >i know just the one
>make a maze with dynamic lighting for my players >they split up nt wo groups >clever buggers, they will find the keys quicker >they split further, untill everyone is going solo >everyone is going solo fights >they spend almost 3 hours in something that should have taken an hour wisdom does not live in them
and to further complicate things group 1 had all the light sources group 2 had just one char with night vision goggles and the other with basic minimum vision, making them not actually see eachother almost always
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he's famous for writing absurdly long video game reviews, like his short nove l on MGS2 his review of mother 2 rocked my world way back when
A couple years ago, I did this evaluation for the Department of Corrections on this elderly lady with a weird history of grand theft, and she was a really nice old lady and a buddhist, so she's someone I've remembered well for these few years. Today I found out she's /// she used to go to the zendo I do zazen at with sensei, and I found out because she showed up haha She didn't recognize me but it feels weird pretending like I'm meeting her for the first time when I have an extensive knowledge of her criminal history and psychological issues It feels a little dishonest
Yeah I remember the old lady. I think you talked about her when she came through. At least unless there were two elderly ladies you've did work on that seemed to be compulsive shoplifters until you looked closer and realized it wasn't just that.
Nope, just that one! I thought I'd talked about her before but I wasn't totally sure. Yeah, it's that one. The one with a doctorate, who used to be a principal.
I guess it's not out of the ordinary. There are only two real buddhist temples in this area, after all. But it's still weird!
I'm surprised she forgot you so easily. At the least I don't think I could forget someone who'd handled a psychological evaluation on me, especially if it was crime-related. Maybe she was just pretending too that she'd never met you before.
I think it makes sense. You know, if you think someone looks familiar but it's in a setting you wouldn't expect to see them, you kind of dismiss it. Plus I was wearing a mask, you know. She could have just seen me back then as kind of like a nurse, like I don't remember all of the nurses that have seen me when I go to a walk-in clinic or something. Who knows! It would be funny if she were pretending too.
Ever since I spilled tea all over this keyboard the B key has been really funky. It's not entirely unresponsive but it does seem to forget it works for a bit if I 'm not typing with it constantly. Maye -Maybe I should've gone for that pretty decently cheap deal on a new keyboard I was looking at when it was broken. Maybe the deal's still ongoing. But I'd have to have it delivered to my parent's place up north and then brought down to the city by someone at this point since I'm not gonna be living here much longer and the keyboard had a pretty long delivery ETA.
>>873697 I guessssssss I've got a really good knack for faces so even if I don't remember the context, I know I've seen a person before. A few years back I bumped into a guy I knew from high school on the subway and while I recognized his face I didn't remember who he was until he caught my stare and we started talking, hah hah. Maybe not everyone has that good a visual memory.
It's the same for me. If I recognize someone, I probably will remember our previous interactions once I can make the connections to who they are. Especially when it comes to clients who I basically sit there and focus intensely on for large portions of time.
>>873698 What kind of keyboard do you have right now? I've never had a keyboard that spilling liquid on damaged it. I've even washed keyboards in the dishwasher before.
It's a Chinese? knock-off of a Corsair mechanical keyboard. Azio something-or-other. Honestly it's a really good keyboard and hasn't been a problem for me even in previous slight liquid spills. I think this time it just got a really good soaking and by chance things just went perfectly wrong.
I like mechanical keyboards but they're really expensive in Canada so I'm probably just gonna get another Chinese product when I replace it. It's really hard to convince myself to spend like 150 CAD on a keyboard when I can a Chinese mechanical for 50.
I'd recommend doing that sticky fluids can get the buttons stuck and not actually broken I had taht issue after beer
I do think a lot of the keys are like, 5% less responsive than they used to be. It's a marginal difference and doesn't mess anything up really, but I do notice it. Well maybe more like a 2-3% difference. It's really slight, but it's there.
also dear god there can be a lot of filth between the keys hair especially
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this review is still going 3h30m in
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok it's overrrrrr
Did all my shopping and walked out to get coffee but I've still got to kill like forty minutes before I can go back home. The walk back could cover maybe ten of that but still. I guess I'll just go chill in the valley. Should've done my shopping later though because oof my bag is heavy.
The people who bought our house are doing a tour of it from 15-16:00 today. So I guess they probably would be wrapping right about now but I figured I should give them a grace period if they're not punctual.
Also I'm a bit stuck on the side of the river down here that doesn't have a maintained path but I'll be damned if I backtrack. Plus I'm pretty sure I'll hit a bridge if I keep going along here anyway.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
If not, you'll have to knock over a tree to create a shortcut
A case manager scheduled me to meet with a client on Tuesday morning, so I emailed her to remind her that I can't see clients on Tuesdays for individual sessions because I give my office to another person that day. She replied "This is a problem because I have more people who need to see you than you have room for"
Okay haha but what do you want me to do about that? I know I'm in demand, but my time is limited!
They don't just need people to see a therapist! These are all people who have therapists already, they just want me to see the person for additional therapy. My areas of expertise just put me in high demand and I think it's hard to find someone else who can do what I do and manage to get along with our veteran clients.
oh that's a good point I should switch back to wifi my internet too has been really shit I also know my roommate has got back into torrenting so that might be fuckin me up
I didn't really know what could've been straining it from inside this house. My imouto's the only other person here and I don't think she does anything intensive. Though with that big anime streaming site going down maybe she started learning how to torrent stuff. Still our net should be good enough that it can handle a few torrents at once and still load websites without issue.
Man maybe I don't leave the house often enough these days. On the days that I do I end up completely drained and dead-brained. I'm not like bodily tired or anything but the rest of my stamina is just gone.
Hm, this caramel crisp Kit-Kat isn't all that good. I was expecting more of a Skor-esque texture and flavour but it's more like, ah I'm blanking on the name. I think it's a sponge cake chocolate bar. Man it's my mom's favourite chocolate bar why am I forgetting it.
Iunno what that means, but anyway it turns out one of my coworkers is also an actual fucking anarchist But also he's bored of politics, which weirds me out Used to run with a local maoist group and shit
>>873950 It's just Mambo No 5, but all the girls' names are Monika
Don't worry I don't know what Monika No. 5 does either
>>873963 5 was the best episode yet. it was INTENSE
Oh I guess I should go get it.
I was thinking this a while back, but not only does Lovecraft Country have all the Very Eldritch stuff going on. But it also has that "secret organization that has existed throughout the ages communicating through arcane symbols" shit that you get in a lot of the Assassin's Creed games. All the fun Illuminati stuff. No wonder the series is such a fun ride.
>>873972 haha yeah it's really cool episode 5 was just so amazing though i was on the edge of my seat the entire episode and i cannot wait for the next one
that reminds me Ina is streaming call of cthulhu tonight
Yeah I'm gonna check it out. Going to look at the first bit of Amelia's Superliminal stream too since that's in an hour and a half. It's a puzzle game so I don't really want to spoil myself on it. But I figure I can look at the first few minutes to see what exactly can happen in it.
I watched some of Gura's Maneater stream last night and then left it on to fall asleep (since i wear a mask to sleep so light doesn't bother me) but I woke up an hour later and my phone was so fucking hot that I got scared it would catch on fire or something. So I learned a lesson about that.
Yeah I don't think most phones are really good at prolonged video playback. Especially if it's resting in your bed; bed linen , mattresses, and pillows are pretty good thermal insulators!
Your phone probably wouldn't catch on fire but if it's kept around high temperatures like that it might end up damaging internal components or reducing max battery life.
Oh, Amelia is learning Japanese at 1am, too. I'll have to watch that in the morning. She needs to take better care of herself, she clearly isn't sleeping much.
She said on her Valorant stream last night that she thought Sunday was debut day instead of Saturday and had to rush to get everything put together on Saturday while watching everyone else's streams. And then she's staying up to watch everyone's streams live...
>>873977 Yeah, it was a mistake. I've never left live videos on my phone, though. Ever, I don't think.
>>873979 Gura's stream was like 2.25 hours so it could have been dangerous!
She might just be having a hard time sleeping due to the adrenaline and nerves of the situation. Gura was saying she couldn't even eat much since her debut because her stomach was always achy. Though she didn't attribute it to being nervous but it's a fairly reasonable cause for it.
Ah. I took some meat out to defrost last night, but it was the wrong cut of beef that I put in the fridge. It didn't defrost so there's no harm but that sure is funny. One thing went wrong, and then another thing went wrong, which negated the damage of the first thing!
>>873980 Yeah, Gura said last night that she hadn't been eating. Ina seems to be doing well, at least. I haven't seen any more Cali or Kiara stuff yet.
Cali did a Kanji review stream earlier today. Honestly she seems nervous but powered by it rather than inhibited. I definitely relate to her frantic energy a good bit hah hah.
Yeah I like seeing more and more blue stuff in my feed
I've got a good idea for an Amelia doodle but I haven't drawn anything in ages.
Oh thank you Internet for hiccuping but I guess I didn't really need to add anything to that post anyway.
I didn't watch it but apparently Amelia is crazy good at FPS games. Like she took down two stream sniping squads going after her pretty much solo. And she was Masters II in CS:GO, whatever that means. I bet Sc could translate.
>>873989 To kill your enemy, you must first know your enemy, my son
also fuck velkhana what a terrible fight why does that thing have the most smooth brain ai in the world it just randomly starts shooting straight line ice attack in one direction for like a minute straight sometimes so if you dodge the first one it just never reaims at you >>873991 i need only know if they are shaped like a friend
>>873988 At the beginning, she was doing pretty poorly. I guess once she unlocked the characters she likes to play as, she got better. She has to start all her favorite games from the beginning now, after all.
>>873992 I think only one is shaped like a friend. The rest are all shaped like devils.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I wonder if pan will one day find a vtuber shaped like a friend
yes onlyafro >>873993 impossible, no 'official' vtuber is shaped like a friend speaking of >>873996 i guess technically afro wouldn't // nevermind im thinking of the wrong thing forget that
>>873988 Master Guardian 2 is the rank below double AK, which is 1 below eagle Eagle is the highest rank I ever got to, and it's generally where people start kinda respecting you as "actually good at the game"
MG2 is respectable though
>>873998 after all these years you mean you arent korean
oh yeah speaking of "after all these years" my phone factory reset itself one night a couple weeks ago and couldn't restore its own backup but managed to restore a backup of my contacts so old it had Steve's number
>>874042 yeah and you can probably make better gamer girl bathwater on your own if you buy it they're gonna dilute it so they can sell a lot of it but if you can just make your own? easy
>>874046 No it's like homeopathic medicine You dilute it in order to make it stronger.
>>874050 i only looked over some pre-designed stuff today that tilde was helping me look at and walking me through some of the details of but i was looking at a RX5700XT GPU and an R5 3600 CPU
i'm trying not to let myself get anxiety over putting it together yet that won't be for like a month
>>874052 MMake sure to get an anti static wrist band
>>874052 ayyy that's the same GPU I've got, it's a great card for the price though if you're going AMD you may want to wait a bit for them to drop info on their new cards, so the prices on the old ones drop you could probably cut a huge chunk out of the price
>>874052 There's nothing to be anxious about as long as you don't like, touch the CPU with your bare fingers or forget the thermal paste Everything else is easy and more or less can not be fucked up
>>874062 They're not released yet and while it's expected to be good, we don't actually have third-party reviews and benchmarks of them yet. And they might be a bit pricey since they're new and all.
>>874027 im kinda surprised that's only $1500 i figured somebody building something like that would try to milk the simps harder
Like, you can mount the fan the wrong way, and worst case scenario the computer will just overheat and shut down
>>874062 actually may wanna consider getting the older nvidia hotness now that the 3080 is announced though >>874066 not sure if they will but I think they will to try and go against the new nvidia cards that were announced it's // I'd just keep an eye out for news or rumors
amd has a bad habbit of never releasing updates that was my experience atleast
>>874067 I've installed a cpu and turned a pc on without putting the heatsink and fan on it.
>>874070 And usually, it'll just shut down, and there's no big problem As long as the paste is there, it's fine If there's no paste, you might wanna just go buy a new CPU
>>874068 Yeah, I'll do that. I will probably be looking at some nvidia shit soon too
I was just doing all of this at work today since I had like 2 hours of sitting around lol
>>874071 It was a junk build i "restored" I scrapped it and tossed a lot of the parts
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have an AMD video card i could sell to u
Hypothetical PC building by looking at parts is a fun timekiller activity.
>>874065 I think it's got pretty old/shitty parts in there, $1500 is really low for a custom build especially considering how much work it looks like they put into the presentation
if it was me, i'd just pay maybe 50€ xtra to have a company build it for me and save the hassle
You'd probably be looking more at a eighty-hundred euro fee for a build like that.
>>874073 I'm sure tilde would have mentioned this but be sure to use PCpartpicker it'll tell you whether or not there are any compatibility issues with your build and generally shows all the lowest prices
>>874078 But I want to build it myself. It's not a hassle, it's a new experience! Exciting!
>>874080 Oh neat I don't think he mentioned that one, the one I was mainly using that he showed me is logical increments
>>874075 which card? i probably won't decide on what i'm doin for two or three weeks but i might take you up on that
i did that with my first together with my pop was fun but my second i just bought partd and casecand had the same company put together
fucker is still my desktop with graphic driver changed 9 years old
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I have built this pc and I don't really want to do that again it was very stressful That's why I want to take it to a place to get parts and cleaned
>>874080 >>874082 I reaaaally don't like PCpartpicker's UI and I like how informational Logical Increments is. But I didn't know PCPP had a compatibility feature. Generally the biggest compatibility problem is just the -just making sure the CPU and the motherboard are compatible, right? I think it would be hard to accidentally buy incompatible RAM or a motherboard that doens't support those new SSDs these days, right.
Anyway, I'm planning on spending like $1500 on everything. Like $1000-1100 on the PC and then the rest on a monitor and a new desk and shit like that
>>874093 This is actually one of my non autistic friends Even though he plays dorf fortress and grand strategies Really makes you think
>>874085 LI is really nice too, probably a better option for someone new to dive into it since they're really clear about what each part does and their price points for each build are really easy to read PCPP looks really clunky but once you're used to it it's not so bad, and some of the compatibility stuff can save you a headache A couple years ago I almost bought some ddr4 ram that apparently my old ass mobo wasn't compatible with and they saved me from my ignorance on that I find it really useful for upgrading too since I can save my current build, swap out the part I want to upgrade, and be sure it'll all actually work
One of my clients told me he was going to get a 3090. He's expecting like $27k in backpay from the military and we were talking about the importance of investing it a little and budgeting, and he's like "im gonna build a $5000 computer" dude you're homeless
>>874105 They can definitely afford it but they really don't need it. If they got it I'd definitely convince them to let me run physics simulation shit on it.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Lol the currency tokens in the new American-themed fgo event are all junk food
>>874127 i do like how one of the replies is >how does tgat benefit anyone down on earth
It's an easy question to answer though. We only really have a context for how life evolves in an Earth-like environment and conditions. Being able to analyze life that's evolved in a totally alien environment will provide a different perspective on evolution that can potentially broaden our understanding.
hahaha i'm thinkin about bringing my kyouko nendo in
and people will be like "what's with that: " and i'll tell them the story about how i bought it for my best friend but he died before i could give it to him and people will get so uncomfortable
Doubly so since you're working at an addiction clinic.
Oh, I forgot about that!!! Shit, I should get that going.
good thing i am here
Soon enough you're gonna have an office to yourself again because no other staff member is going to want to have to explain it's not theirs to their clients.
And everyone else will just assume it's me being some kind of mystic wise weirdo and that there's a metaphor or a lesson I'm trying to teach people with it. But no! It's just a potato in a fishbowl!
So one of my friends who is incredibly inept (technologically and otherwise) managed to within the space of 40 minutes knock over his laptop and literally pull a muscle while sitting down. For reference he is the skinniest guy I know.
For reference, this was all during an online rpg session.