Won't have Internet until earliest tomorrow morning. However, I do have a tether set up and could maybe, MAYBE get shows that are new downloaded. I don't know if it would be in any timely frame though.
Wow your internet is really fugged. Get me a minute to get set up and we'll see what we have.
Oh look at that you did it. Which of those shows do you currently have?
Beatless Cardcaptor --Episode 17-18 Comic Girls Full Metal Panic! Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-7 Hinamatsuri Rokuhoudou Megalo Box Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 5-6 Tada-kun WotaKoi
Beatless *Cardcaptor --Episode 17-18 Comic Girls Full Metal Panic! *Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-7 Hinamatsuri *Rokuhoudou Megalo Box *Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 5-6 Tada-kun WotaKoi
Asterisk'd are shows I have downloaded. I'm willing to try getting a whole set of new shows, but I don't have a guarantee of that happening anytime soon. I was hoping you'd show up a bit earlier so I could ask what you'd want to watch.
Well, either you'll make it or you won't. If you don't we'll just stop a little early tonight.
I'm like halfway through the Megalo download already. Granted I chose 480p, hah hah. But like, after not downloading at all for like ten minutes I'm hitting speeds of over a MiB/s.
The quality of the OP is like lightyears ahead of the rest of the series.
Rika what would be a maybe choice for a third new show. Like something instead of Rokuhoudou.
>>503145 I mean I'd be encountering the same problems. This isn't me having issues with torrenting, my entire house Internet has been out since Thursday night. In that situation I'd be getting buffering issues maybe which would kill my patience even faster.
It doesn't feel like it should be episode eighteen already because of all the recaps they've had.
why am i still watching this 18
someone got away with Kouka's gun-thing.
That won't become a literal Chekov's Gun for the future.
I wonder if audiobooks are popular over in Japan. Lacia's seiyuu would make a nice narrator. Like just take the OST from this series and have her seiyuu just narrate the original novel text. It might be a nicer experience, hah hah.
It would be a real twist if Lacia was just analog hacking him to achieve some larger goal.
It's definitely been indicated that's a potential possibility. I'd like to think the caring way they've had for each other is gonna hold true at least in the finale.
I think that she will end up being the ultimate waifubot.
Yeah, I'm hoping "love" overcomes everything here. I think we're drifting towards a doubt arc though. Lacia is probably doing shady things even if it is for the MC's wellbeing. Any sane person would probably be a little uncomfortable facing that.
Hah hah poor imouto. She barely shows up recently and gets whacked in the face when she does.