
Thread #502068

Not synched.

Bottom Identity
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put your junk in your trunk&co
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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How spooky
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what's spooky about that
it's just a skeleton and her human
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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My arm hurts from using a mouse 24/7
how awful
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looks great
don't diss my bag
it might be older than you
wow i didn't diss your bag
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is a good bag
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random pic time

long december is such a good song
fun to sing too
except the eternity long outro
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
later moo
almost forgot to buy a ticket lol
Over thirteen hours later, still no Internet.
This sucks.
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bussing with tn
part 2
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Kirara 🚗
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hoshi ni nare
i see the city landscapers are fond of the clone tool
Kirara 🚗
>LIVE: Active shooting confirmed at Santa Fe High School; lockdown initiated
Kirara 🚗
using a shotgun this time
Kirara 🚗
i see
rwo fucking annoying phone calls made and things sorted
2/4 issues dealt with
Kirara 🚗
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aoty 2017
we aren't bothered by wordly possessions
it isn't our obsession
to have many decorations
but a house loan durung recession
might have its concessions
Kirara 🚗
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Almost sixteen hours without Internet now.
At this point I wish I had something to do out of the house so I had a reason to leave.
There's nothing of interest going on.
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Kirara 🚗
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Can you read or draw or something?
Or play a video game?
I've been playing some stuff but it's not quite filling my focus well.
Normally I'll have a video or podcast running while I play non-immersive games and without that, it's noticeably more shallow.
I tore through like three novels this week and I could use a bit of a reading detox, hah hah.

Honestly it's more I'm stressed that I found some decent job postings, and before I could get around to applying, out went the Internet.
My tolerance for stress right now is lower than usual so it's getting to me more than it should.
Kirara 🚗
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What happened to your internet, anyway?
No clue.
I got up to go make dinner last night, and by the time I was done, it had cut out. We get cable by the same provider and that's out too, so something is definitely off.
I was trying to find a service phone number just earlier but finding anything on a mobile site is hell and a half.
And I'm not the actual customer here so I'm not even sure they'd give me much help. Maybe if I had the account number but couldn't find it in my dad's papers.
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
at least 8 deaths in santa fe shooting
Kirara 🚗
Maybe they could check just using the address? They can do that here for outages.
Kirara 🚗
Could your dad call?
Maybe around lunch. I wouldn't try my luck outside that.
I think I'll freshen up and then see if he'll text or locate the account number for me.
If that's a no-go or falls through, maybe I'll just go walk in the valley or something.
TN !/2XzCxntag
both this tweet and this guy are idiots
the "we need prayers" guy is quite sensible
Kirara 🚗
except for the needing prayers thing
the not bringing guns to a shooting where 8+ children just died is sensible though

good luck
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Yeah it is silly, but it is quite american thing to say
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I don't think he even means it like "we need jesus now" but rather the idea behind prayer
That is just how his mind conveys that feeling of needing to get together to fix shit, I guess
Oh it is in Texas
sow hat of the shooter?
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hold on today isn't a holiday
the shops should be open
Kirara 🚗
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I wanna go to the shop but I dont wanna leave the house
Kirara 🚗

i want to eat breakfast but don't want to get out of bed
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
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and now for something cute
What do they lecture on?
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>Film Theory: Thanos Was RIGHT!! (Avengers Infinity War)
For real this joke has gone on for long enough
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what joke
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The "Given omnipotenct, genocide is justifiable" joke
Kirara 🚗
it's not a joke and it's not genocide actually
thanos' position is one that has existed for a long time and has been supported by many people and calling it genocide is demonstrative of an ignorance as to what genocide is
also don't spoil
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Is the difference between it and genocide that he just murders half with no regard for who they are?
Kirara 🚗
genocide is ethnic cleansing
the elimination of a group of people
thanos' malthusian mass murder isn't genocide
Alright fair enough, I'm sure he won't do that by destroying half of all life in the entire extended marvel universe
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it would be genocide if it was just humans, but iti s all life
Kirara 🚗
that's ridiculous
see >>502149
killing half of all life at random isn't genocide
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That just makes it like, still as bad though
If it's just the incorrect usage, that's fair yeah

But acting as though the application of his exact ideas in reality wouldn't be genocidal in nature is kinda naive I think, also
Kirara 🚗
im not making a moral attribution, im correcting your misconception

as for the morality of it, there are many arguments that what thanos did was morally right
however, those arguments make assumptions that many wouldn't agree with such as that resources in the universe are so limited that life is in danger of using it all up
And never mind that, given the powers of omnipotence, why not just make more resources.

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Life is in danger of using it all up
Of course at SOME POINT, all will be used up, there's not literally infinity resources

And also yes the thing was he's omnipotent
Literal omnipotence means given the choice of "make more resources or kill", you make resources
Kirara 🚗
in the marvel universe, resources are virtually infinite
and >>502156
even in our universe

and thanos is not omnipotent
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There is more energy than we can ever use, though
we as in life
i wish i could watch movies without caring about their politics
in the last month or two 3 movies i would've really liked 2 years ago i've ended up hating
Isn't that basically what the stones do?
Give you the ability to b-

Look if he can carry out a MASS CULLING of 50% of the universe's life, he can make some fucking burgers
There are people who actually support the idea of reducing population because they believe poverty and the world's ills are caused by not having the resources to look after people.
That is a fucked up view. You disregard the root reasons for poverty and conflict and decide it is the existence of humans themselves.
Kirara 🚗
no, he's not omnipotent
he's incredibly powerful

SK, go read some Malthus
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I'll consider it after I watch the movie next year
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>reading theory
I wonder how in line the Infinity Stones are in the MCU compared to the comics though.
Generally the movies have followed pretty closely to comic concepts but they do deviate.
We haven't had as much MCU Word of God as we have the same from the comics.
Kirara 🚗
well malthus isn't going to spoil the movie or anything
it's just arguments based on utalitarianism
but thanos' ideology is explained by it so if you read some of malthus' essays, you might understand it better
even if you don't agree with it, like i don't
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I'll give it a look
Kirara 🚗
for reference, malthus is so easy to read that i read him when i was like 16
It fairly popular argument
Kirara 🚗
i have felt myself adopting some malthusian arguments in the past few months but more as a consequence of becoming obsessed with the natural world
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His predictions didn't come true, though
Yeah, especially with the green revolution
Hah hah, Avengers: Infinity War is at the top of the "See Also" for the Wikipedia article.
Mostly because it's alphabetically sorted, but that's still funny to me.
There a bunch of people who believe having children is morally wrong
lol a parent is teaching their kid english outside
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Is actually amusing how many similiar theories fall flat, due to the unpredictable development of technology
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It is a sight to behold indeed
Is pretty interesting group, I know a few people who are members of it
in the hall of the slain
valkyries and heroes attend me
Kirara 🚗
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In any case, there are arguments that Thanos was right.
It's not a stretch at all.
I don't think it's ridiculous to agree with him.
After all, there is a philosophical argument at the heart of IW. Cap and the avengers represent the traditional superhero position, "we don't trade lives" and because of that position, Thanos gets all of the infinity stones. That unrealistic desire to save everyone that usually ends with everyone being saved allowed half of the universe to be killed. Thanos represents the extreme opposite approach; that we sacrifice as many as we have to to save as many as we can. This is two completely opposite ideological extremes battling and the one we in the western world obsessively gravitate towards failed.
But most people fall somewhere in between these two extremes, and I suspect that Avengers 4 will address this idea, that both extremes are terrible and lead to nothing but death
If resource shortages happen wouldn't half or more of the universe die anyway until resource repelish.
When I hear US generals on the youtube *on youtube, they sound like they advocate sacrifice for the greater good a lot of the time.
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but where was ant man
never willing to compromise is sometimes commendable, but watchman too already had this theme a bit
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
they do overtly, but their concerns aren't moral
they do that for money and power
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damn rip
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And yet they sell it as moral, and its morality is bought by the same demographic you claim tends in the other direction
To me that really righteously believe that bombing and ruining other countries is simply a inevitable and morally right thing to do.
I don't know if they are in it for money or power but they certainly feel strong about it
Kirara 🚗
a good parallel to Thanos is the Pacific war
or at least some of the arguments for dropping the a bomb after the war
"killing 100k to save 150k"
a lot of people consider that to have been a legitimate trade which was necessary, putting aside the use of the bombs to secure better post-war conditions
Under house arrest.
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Ant Man only had a small role in IW
Aren't there characters in the universe that can warp reality as they please.
travel in time and travel through multiple universes
Kirara 🚗
not in the MCU

except for possibly Captain Marvel
He's reported to have a major role in Avengers 4, which directly continues Infinity War.
I wonder if those author self inserts will show up
Kirara 🚗

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There's these aliens in capes or something right?
Who are super powerful but uninvolved?
Stan Lee's in every fucking movie!
Kirara 🚗
do you mean the watchers?
they're not author self-inserts
they're just powerful beings that watch the universe and sometimes serve as narrators
Is Doctor strange like stupidly powerful?
He's a really good sorcerer.
He's a good haggler, that's for sure
Kirara 🚗
he's the sorcerer supreme
but he can't warp reality without the eye of agamotto which is the time stone
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He does have that though, right?
Well I mean Thanos steals it
If some good scientist had all the superheroes together, those powers could easily change reality.
Kirara 🚗
the eye is part of Strange's usual armament, yeah
Could Thanos have eliminated Deadpool?
Kirara 🚗
in the MCU probably
Why does thanos just like connect infinitive universes together.
Kirara 🚗
because you can't without destroying everything
because that's infinity more people than resources
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Why doesn't Kratos just have a beard-off with Thanos?
Kirara 🚗
thanos doesn't have a beard

also the discourse around whether thanos is hot or not is so good
that's his chin?
Remodel everyone so they use less resources and are immortal with no reproductive ability
Kirara 🚗
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I don't understand that discourse at all cause he seems like just a purple version of The Rock
Kirara 🚗
thanos is hot
he is very attractive
he looks so good
Kirara 🚗
for real his face is so good
and he's got a good body
Just seems like it should be a settled issue rather than a discourse is all
His head looks like a big purple thumb with face on it.
You what
Josh Brolin has a pretty good face to begin with and they only improved on it for Thanos.
Kirara 🚗
he's not attractive if you judge him by human standards but he's not a human
i can look past that alien biology
he looks good

it's like how people want to fuck twileks
>by human standards
What. Hes a giant purple thumb.
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What does that even mean
YOU'RE human
Yeah, and as a human we're capable of seeing things beyond standard human mindsets.
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His head looks just weirdly phallic to me
nani the fuck
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Your standards are nonetheless human though
Kirara 🚗
he looked really good in the movie

my standards for human attractiveness only applies to humans
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I don't know what that means
You don't judge cute anime boys and girls by the same values you judge attractiveness in real life people.
Kirara 🚗
i don't judge nonhumans by the standards i judge humans
yeah >>502233 is a good example
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You don't judge a cute dog the way you'd judge a cute person, Kirara's right here.
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I can't really see how he is attractive to be honest.
Oh today is Shigure day it seems
I bet rika is thrilled
Kirara 🚗
idk i just thought he was attractive in the movie
I agree here.
He's a fine looking alien male.
Kirara 🚗
they made him close enough to human to be attractive but avoided the uncanny valley effect while differentiating him from humans
they spent like millions of dollars to make thanos look good, just millions dumped exclusively into making thanos look as good as possible
and it shows
Maybe you guys aren't actually human but secret aliens exposed by your desire for purple giants
I think the care that went into his emoting really helps.
Thanos has a lot o f emotional moments in the movie but he's a stoic character in general.
So his emoting is built on a lot of subtleties that would be easy to gloss over with CGI.
They didn't, so it's really noticeable how natural he seems.
Kirara 🚗
>Digital Domain created an all new two-step system to handle the facial animation using their in-house Masquerade and Direct Drive software tools. These two tools work in unison to create the quality creature facial animation of Thanos, always building from the actor’s live on-set performance.
the process they went through is astounding and revolutionary, honestly

i think this is right and explains why he looks so much better in motion than still frames
he really does look and feel so real
It's the shit like how he sets his jaw or moves his mouth when speaking that works so well.
Or how that upsidedown U-crease forms between his nose and mouth when he grimaces.
Attention to detail fucking pays off.
Kirara 🚗
Yeah, absolutely.

Thanos being hot is way more reasonable than the fishman in Shape of Water being hot.
I've seen people claiming the fishman is hotter.
Kirara 🚗
thanos may not have been right but he sure looked good
i hope he survives A4
Kirara 🚗
i bet this stuff stopped for a while after thanos came to earth
Kirara 🚗
when you think about it, thanos was pretty smart
he had infinity stones and just gave them to minions to do shit with knowing he could go get them back later
and that their presence would attract more stones while he waited to go get them
i mean they had what, 3 stones on earth
half of the most powerful objects in the universe on this measly little underdeveloped planet in the middle of fucking nowhere
It's always funny how Earth-centric some stuff can be.
Like the universe is big.
Really big.
But it's so often Earth.
Kirara 🚗
but what i like about this is that there was actually a reason for it this time
sort of
it wasn't just Earth is special or anything, those stones were basically planted there so they could get them easily later after the gauntlet was ready
and since the time stone was already there, it made perfect sense
this weak literal who planet that doesn't even understand the infinity stones can't resist you when you come to get them back

thanos was responsible for the rediscovery of the power stone too
and he knew exactly were it would end up, whether his team won or lost
Well two Stones were already on Earth before he even started moving, unless he planted the Tesseract in Germany somehow way back when, or was responsible for the sorcerer cadre getting hold of the Eye in the first place.
Two out of six Stones on the planet in a wide universe is already a crazy coincidence.

It does still hold true that Earth is basically an open vault to him though.
Kirara 🚗
well, the space stone was constantly moved between Asgardian vaults between different worlds and just happened to be on Earth when the Nazis got a hold of it.
I guess Thanos didn't do that, though.
Especially since it eventually wound up in Odin's Vault on Asgard anyway.
I guess Thanos technically was responsible for it ending up there, though.
I did like a little book end the series has done though.
Avengers kicks off because Loki is given the Mind Stone by Thanos to wreck havoc. The last Stone Thanos needs to retrieve to finish the Gauntlet? The Mind Stone.
Kirara 🚗
the long-term planning for the MCU is really astounding
the way so many seemingly insignificant details are connected to this and that, tidbits that are only relevant in another movie but there's really no fuss about it there, they've really created a living and breathing world
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I feel like after decades of making comics and crossovers, throwing random important details around has to be like... your bread and butter.
Kirara 🚗
yeah but the comics have no coherent continuity
Oh right Kirara did you hear the Captain Marvel movie takes place in the 90s?
She's supposed to play a major role in Avengers 4 and she's gonna be like twenty-five years out of practice.
Kirara 🚗
yeah, im excited for it
but it's weird that they're doing two movies that take place before IW right after IW
it's a very interesting decision

Cap Marvel in the comics was originally Mar-Vell, an alien male, but eventually was replaced with a female (who wad already an established character)
She took on the name after Mar-Vell died
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Captain Marvel's a girl?
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Oh shit
Was this recent?
Kirara 🚗
There's also Mrs. Marvel, a Muslim inhuman superhero who will be included in the MCU eventually

In the last 6 years probably
I'm mostly just hoping they hit that 90s-era nostalgia out of the park.
Kirara 🚗
I think nostalgia is generally an easy thing to make work, and Marvel's track record has been amazing. I'm sure they'll do really well with it.
Kirara 🚗
but fucken nick fury walking around with a beacon for a hero that ain't done anything in 25 years haha
Kirara 🚗
i recently read an interesting story about Samuel Jackson
At the time Nick Fury was redesigned to be black, the artists used Jackson as a model, which resulted in a suit for using his likeness.
One of the results was that if there are ever Marvel movies, Jackson gets to play Nick Fury

after the case, someone apologized to Jackson and he said, "Are you fuckin kiddin me? Thanks for the 9 movie deal, homie!"
As far as future-movie stingers go, that one was niche among niche.
I didn't know what the insignia on the pager was untill it was pointed out to me, and I doubt people only engaged in the MCU will have recognized it either.
Kirara 🚗
originally, marvel was supposed to he in Jessica Jones but they decided to change those plans and added Trish to take up that role
Which is probably why the CM movie is so late
Kirara 🚗
also Marvel and Spidey had a brief romance in the comics when Carol Danvers became Captain Marvel
i guess that won't really work in MCU haha
Well I'm sure someone would appreciate the age gap.
Kirara 🚗
after peter is 18 i might be willing to accept it
It turns out that Ms. Danvers has been hiding undercover as a high school teacher, and one year she gets a rather strange student in her class.

And that's as far as I'm taking this.
Kirara 🚗
holy shit i hate the government

haha oh no
what is this laurel yanny thing anyhow?
Kirara 🚗
people don't know how audio works so they're surprised by audio sounding differently on different devices when presented without context and fighting over which way of hearing the clip is correct
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what clip?
Kirara 🚗
the one they're playing in the video to the people they're asking
polish names are such fun
Jan Olbracht Kmita
so is this the new gold blue
also reminder mats all the similiar meme things previous govs did
I guess that just means all the US govs are "desperately trying to be hip"
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
yeah anyone over the age of 40 spends like 70% of their time trying to be hip tbh
>this is gonna blow up so fuckin fast
>t. the lunar body
>it's gonna get even worse
bet the fukken dalai lama is gonna tweet about it next
Kirara 🚗
this shit is so annoying
why does this happen
idk why i didn't use my thinker and make a video on day one
no way to promote a channel that fast but i coulda promoted a tweet and spammed it on twitter
i guess there's like a million explanation videos already on it anyway
but damn people still don't get it
Kirara 🚗
it's so banal but everywhere i go it's "have you heard this??"
how do people keep talking about this
let's capitalize on it and design #yanny and #laurel tee shirts
and bumper stickers
let's fuckin write in votes in the 2020 election for yanny or laurel
give them a joint nobel peace prize for uniting the whole nation under one discussion
Kirara 🚗
put it on our fucking tombstones
maybe we can start a petition to the vatican to rename adam and even to yanny and laurel
adam and eve*
Kirara 🚗
could even build giant nuclear weapons named yanny and laurel
fuck i'm just thinking if laurel was actually my name i'd have to kill myself rn
is laurel even a name
i know what laurels are but i'm so rattled that i can't even think straight anymore
inc hurrican yanny
fuckin pennsylvania and denver mints start reprinting currency with "In yanny we trust" and "in laurel we trust" respectively
Kirara 🚗
we could hang ourselves with laurels as an epic meme
laurel is indeed a name and the person with the laurel account is bothered
here's a song i still like
man she is everything that i want to be
everything she does is so fuckin adorable
Kirara 🚗
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why do people just regurgitate jokes from a hundred years ago without anything new or clever added
Kirara 🚗
THIS is how you do a joke
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Kirara 🚗
is this in a real newsed paper
i dont know the answer to that
Kirara 🚗
i hope it is
oh my godddd how do i make people stoppppp
im gonna cringe myself to death
Kirara 🚗
this is hell you know
lol gay porn
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>your friends are having a dick measuring contest, while you are waging against the whole of mongol empire
Kirara 🚗
time to put on a smile and go work the front desk at my clinic for an hour
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ganbare kirara
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Tentatively getting number 13
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Oh Hi Mark
Kirara 🚗
kill me
What happened?
Mirai miku is pretty cute
it is a kystery that will hopefully be solved soon
Search [iqdb] (7.9 MB, 3620x4673, 67201637_p0.jpg)
clown world
Kirara 🚗
hell world
Kirara 🚗
dasharezone has never been more representative of me before now
Kirara 🚗
i guess
Kirara 🚗
i was able to put a report in with the state department earlier
i had to get someone i know in the fbi to get it through to // for me though
i couldn't get through to the number
Kirara 🚗
i owe a favor now though
a blood favor?
glad it good through
hope your favor isn't sellin someone out
Kirara 🚗
i hope not too
idk it's just a favor on the shelf
Kirara 🚗
just witnessed someone putting pizzas into their trunk
is that weird
that feels so weird
Kirara 🚗
How are governors so smart?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1333x1000, IMG_20180513_084953.jpg)
what the actual fuck
if there was one entrance and exit you could just put bombs there and pull the fire alarm
yeah i was hesring that shit on the news in the break room and was like uhhhhhhh
heaven forbid a fire happen
Kirara 🚗
glad these people are in power
just more proof democracy and meritocracy work in the united states
jesus why
Kirara 🚗
because it will save lives obviously
Kirara 🚗
>creating a deliberate chokepoint
It would be nice if there was a position in government where someone says something really really stupid and the person will then go and slap them hard
they didn't remove the crust?
Kirara 🚗
i don't think so
which is weird because everyone knows you remove the crust and burn it for fuel
you can't eat the egg crust that's the part that contains salmonella
literally the chickens have to have salmonella in their tract it's part of their gut flora
Crust sounds so weird.
Kirara 🚗
gut fauna
gonna order my eggs scrambled, no crust, extra gut fauna please
I've never heard the egg shell called egg crust except on moe.
Is it an american thing?
yeah it's american
you might wanna specify no crust next time you get eggs, I hear foreigners can't stomach it well
I thought they were having a laugh
Kirara 🚗
nobody calls it a shell in america
just crust
e...egg crust?
It sounds so wrong.
If I didn't know you meant the shell, I'd assume you meant the whites in a fried egg
i call it a shell
who in their right mind says crust
Kirara 🚗
most people call it crust
>the city of ToN
Kirara 🚗
literally no one calls it a crudt
Kirara 🚗
maybe that's a kentucky thing
what the fuck
You're not gonna bamboozle me today Ton's right
I am confused.
I don't understand why anyone would call it a crust
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 932x851, DdVQ3CeVMAAHCet-orig.jpg)
I have literally never heard anyone, in any form of media, call it the crust
dinosaurs dont break through an egg crust they break out of an eggshell
Kirara 🚗
they even make egg crust pizza, you know
we're not talking about dinos though
Kirara:1 ToN:0
I'm trying to find something on google saying egg crust.
Eggshell is basically an egg's crust
dinos don't dobshit, they're all dead dude
Search [iqdb] (168 KB, 1500x849, DY6jseYU8AEB3Qn-orig.jpg)
You're lying.
Kirara 🚗
google it buddy
Why is America like this?
why not?
it's the crust of the egg, like the crust on the earth
its not kirara is a liar
I think we are being fucked with.
Search [iqdb] (11 KB, 623x99, chrome_2018-05-18_23-19-43.png)
I wish it was so
look y'all got some weird regional food too
that means the crust of the pizza is made with egg
Kirara 🚗
told you
Kirara 🚗
no, that would be challah crust
I spent a while reading through that article.
This is bullying
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 1000x1000, DdK6ByiVwAEB2lM.jpg)
Oh yeah, so it does
I checked the recipe
said ToN, master chef
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
y'all gonna call it a shell and look embarrassed af lol
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 897x1000, DdULhSwU8AAA3KL.jpg)
I refuse to believe it's called egg crust
I really believed you. I have all these tabs about egg crust on my browser.
you say "crack the shell" not "crack the crust"
what's so unbelievable about it?
the egg shell is nt the part that is egg crust
the egg crust is pizza crust made of egg
egh shell to be exact clearly
Kirara 🚗
you don't even know how to bake an egg, ton
i know when im being fucked with
ill bake your aaaaaaAAASSSSSSS
grilled eggs right in the crust yummo
Bullying is real
Gay cannibalism is a sin ToN.
Hasbro has been granted rare scent trademark for Play-Doh, described as sweet, slightly musky, vanilla fragrance, with slight overtones of cherry, combined with the smell of a salted, wheat-based dough.
can't wait for my play-doh air freshener
Time to eat some play-doh
don't it's really salty
salty coins and milk
Kirara 🚗
so my friend got me a pizza and the delivery guy just called and said i wasn't answering the door and described my door and said i had a sign that says my dog is my doorbell
so i said i didn't have that sign and he called me a liar basically
and then when he finally found me he was super pissy about me not answering the door even though he was at the wrong fucking door
and he was like acting like he'd been at the right door and like i was causing him trouble
>meat calls it egg crust
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg)
hey rika
it seems its shigure day
What an idiot.
How can you even fail to do something as basic as deliver pizza.
I csn understand not finding the right door but to blame it on the person you're delivering too is some weird cognitive bullshit
>describe door
>not my door
>I will wonder around anyway and find your fake door
>Find right door
>You why are you hiding here, you live other there!

Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
when he saw me standing outside he looked so pissed off too
mother fucker
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delivery people have it pretty rough
their jobs fuck them over so much
it's no excuse to be indecent but i can sympathize a bit
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Yep, today is her birthday.
I'd have tipped him and said he must find it hard to live with his brain damage.
shigure more like sugary
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more like sugar ray
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
i can sympathize with the mistake but not being mad at me for it
shigure johnson
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 552x482, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
i haven't had anything to eat since breakfast yesterday
except for the stuff i threw up
i bet there are some people out there who find a waifu and then try to rename them with their last name

hatsune stevens
I shiggure diggure
this is my wife, amaterasu smith
There a bunch of renamed anime character on indian sites, with some pretty weird names
wow me too
I had a packet of walker crips renamed Lays "potato chips"
Kotori Musk
Kirara 🚗
i had two hershey kisses at the clinic earlier todat actually
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Kirara 🚗
finding happiness? yeah
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images images everywhere and not a one to post
I'm going to learn or figure out how to cook pasta.
are you me
what kinda pasta
like farfalle or spaghetti or something
or like ravioli or tortellini kind of stuff
or like a vermicelli dish
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
me on the left
existing on the right
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check out this borb
Bad orb
you said borb but you didn't post kirby
Kirara 🚗
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how to get rid of the eggs
eat em
no way i dont want them inside of me
Still no Internet.
Almost twenty-two hours now.
start a riot
where else can you keep them?
I made raviolli. now I gotta eat it
anywhere else
what's in them?
Spinach and some sorta cheese.
It has strong taste.
you know your name fell off days ago right
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
i started that dear white people show on netflix
this white guy went to a black party and then said some ignorant shit and people got mad at him so he left and started freaking out about how racist they all were to him
Ah yeah, I realised but I haven't felt like putting it back on.
you prolly don't need to anyway just thought i'd mention incase you didnt notice
I pretty easy to spot in any case.
This cheese is horrible but I am hungry
i feel like selected anecdotal things like this are a really bad way to present awareness of a systemic issue
most white people are just gonna see "oh a crazy white person that's not me, i'm not like that"
i mean it's interesting, but i feel like it's completely not the message that is important
gotta show people how they're being implicit, not show explicit and dismissable instances

granted i am basing it only on what you just said and haven't even seen it so i can't make an informed criticism, but an initial impression is still interesting enough for me to want to mention what came to mind
Hunger is the best seasoning for food, they say.
It is, this cheese is so strong. but I keep eating the pasta.
show looks like a shitty cadh cash grab taking advantage of today's political climate
Kirara 🚗
that's the kind of thing white people say about anything politically charged that is focusing on the racial divide though
that's like literally the generic white person response to it

i'm still on episode 1 but it's showing racism and how white people interface with it realistically
Dear white people in google gives some pretty troll like articles
It's a huge generalization to say "that's the kind of thing white people say" desu senpai
Is it any good? I might watch it
funny since I'm not white
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
sometimes you can make generalizations and there's nothing wrong with it because it's right
to claim that there aren't specific racial attitudes that white people tend to have is silly

i don't think it's trying to raise awareness of a systemic issue
this show doesn't seem to be for white people, it's written for marginalized people

yeah, it's okay to do it to white people but not other racists
So what you're saying is that its right when you say it about white people?
Is it okay to do that about other races if they're correct?
i'd have guessed otherwise based solely on the title
it really sounds like they have a message to deliver to white people
again, blank slate impression though, i can imagine other reasons for the title as well
and i know litterly nothing about it
Kirara 🚗
err other races
That kind of sounds like racism
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The tag line is "I bet you think this show is about you" rather than tag line its the subtitle
Kirara 🚗
yeah, i thought it was like that, too
but it's about a radio show where a black lady talks shit about white people called dear white people

Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Hey, Moon, I made a thing that I think you might apprectiate.
But you also have to listen on

But I remember you were into that sort of thing.
I need to make it prettier.
is it an egg remover
also hi
oh neat
thank you for letting me know
do you want help making it look pretty?
i see, that's fine then
i was just gauging it based on whether their intended purpose was being done right
but if that's not the intended purpose then it's pretty free

imo there are a lot of marginalized people who would really like to open that dialogue in a productive manner though so it'd be nice not to clutter up that space
idk if that makes sense
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I really want to finish a few more core features, but if you know CSS or can help me with wrapping my head around this JavaScript stuff, that would be amazing.
Kirara 🚗
this motherfucker in this show is eating a pancake with his motherfucking hands
Look super neato
sometimes you gotta go in like that
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I plan on doing more with it.
Like building a library out of what's been uploaded and allowing requests from that.
Just want to finish some more of the core stuff first.
Like, unless this is a crêpe that you're trying to fish out of its paper cone.
Just no.
Kirara 🚗
like hell you do

pickin up a fucking pancake and biting into it holding it like a burger
syrup and butter and shit
what the fuck man
You should put a list of acceptable filetypes
I know a little css but I don't know how useful that would be to you
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
That is on the list.
So is giving error messages when wrong file types are attempted.
I feel like there was something else on my mind.
go to a nice restaurant and do that with a steak, kaiji style
the mashed potatoes too
fuck em
I'm going to mess around with it
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
If you crash it let me know.
Or if it gives any touble.
I see two worker timeouts already and have no idea why.
i actually don't know how to do anything remotely useful with that stuff
i'm code illiterate
I'd really like to learn Javascript, a lot what I use javascript for is basic scripting nothing complex.
If you had a design idea for the layout, I could try some mock ups in css and share them here
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
It's ok, I'm brute forcing the JavaScript stuff...
And more or less toying with Flask to make this work.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Right now I'm trying to get the playlist to dynamically load every so often.
I want to implement memcache on the server so it doesn't always just poll and process the MPD stuff.
I have no idea what I want it to look like...
Though I am half tempted to add a little chat feature to it eventually...
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Also, I need to figure out the timeout, because I imagine if things aren't uploading fast enough they're thinking they've timed out...

No, my output says it rejected that file.
You'll see the song in the playlist if it works, else it won't.

Though, I think I COULD accept MIDI as MPD works with it.

I saw both get rejected.
MP4 is tricky though, because I feel like it's used for both audio and video... so I might need to find SOME way of making the distinction.
It apparently accepted midi, not that it gave me any message to tell me if it suceeded or not
I tried uploading an mp4 and also a n image
Oh shit I forgot to enable javascript for that page
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
there aren't many articles on google about how to stop breathing
Kirara 🚗
oh yeah kojima said he would have stuff for e3
I suggest not accepting mp4 at all
No one really uses it for audio
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I do accept m4a, but I'll likely avoid mp4.
I also suggest avoiding webm
You should allow ogg, flac, wav
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
That's a given.

I do.
mp3, ogg, flac, wav, and m4a
I'm excited for a couple of potentials for E3.
Stuff like Pokémon Switch or Prime 4, which I'm still not expecting anytime soon, but at least content.

And it's always fun to add things to my "Why don't you have a PS4 yet" list.
Oh yeah i feel like ogm is something
finally death stranding gameplay?
>when notso has to shill his radio stuff on /moe/ instead of tano

How're y'all doing anyway, folks?
I hit refresh after uploading something and it uploaded it again
I keep having to refresh the radio page after every song for some reason, so shrugs
This E3 is gonna reveal that Death Stranding is actually an interactive movie and less of a game.
I haven't even tried listening to it for more than ten secomds
I'm pretty much always listening to my music anyways
It better be, since it's literally Norman Reedus and the Aborted Fetus: the movie-game
>it's a visual novel
Would actually be cool as hell considering Kojima did Snatcher
can't wait for olfactory and gustatory novels
Japan's gotta get to work on it
They might finally announce a Animal Crossing for the Switch too.
That one has been on people's Nintendo Direct bingo cards for like half a year now.
Armored Core Vi trailer baybeeee this year's the year
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (353 KB, 1840x1910, Ayano - 10.png)
this show is so weird
this black kid met this white guy and white girl at a party and they brought him home with them and they were trying to fuck him so the girl told the two guys to fuck first and the guy asked the black guy if that was ok
and the black guy was laughing and was like "why are you like this, you're obviously just into guys" and the girl got really pissed off and stormed out of the room after saying "he's right, you know!"
i don't understand what this show is supposed to be about
Search [iqdb] (818 KB, 268x274, 1493016008053.gif)
This show sounds so fucking stupid and nonsensical.
Kirara 🚗
hey lv have you seen this
>is water wet?

Yeah... thanks for sharing it but the effects remind me of wakalikiwood or something.

>dat niggalodeon in the corner though
What the fuck did I just watch
Some rachet shit.
Kirara 🚗
king vader is so good
idk what that has to do with white people
that's just people in general
you can find all sorts of crazy stories of casual encounters, there's no shortage of them
Red ranger is a chunky boy
Kirara 🚗
yeah idk
but it's already on and i don't feel like getting up and changing it
I wonder if the Lost in Space is any good
Kirara 🚗
all i've heard is that the robot is hot
I doesn't look much like the original DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER robot
still classic
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Don't refresh... it shouldn't need to be...
I tried it just to see what would happen
"Hüsker Dü - Ice Cold Ice"
3 "Camper Van Beethoven - Wasted"

Who uploaded these?
Kirara 🚗
the one dude running around
It's taking a lot of self control for me not to just hit refresh repeatedly until something breaks
I don't think I'll do that though
Unless I got permission
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Eventually I'll implement a thing.
It'll probably be around when I get Celery set up to process the songs people upload.
So that there's a timeout between uploads.
You got a problem with my music?
Kirara 🚗
the internet used to be so good
they're still doing videos
Search [iqdb] (492 KB, 1920x1601, Sakura - sitting.jpg)
It was never good
Best time an Internet technician can get here is eight in the morning tomorrow.
I really should have pressed to call last night.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Hey you, long time no see.
Search [iqdb] (362 KB, 800x944, Sakura (2).png)
We have never seen eachother
Not at all, I'm just shocked cause Camper Van Beethoven's pretty good, and husker du is fucking amazing. I only know CVB through Cracker though.
Kirara 🚗
yeah true
Search [iqdb] (309 KB, 772x747, Sakura (66).jpg)
And what on earth are you two doing here?
Kirara 🚗
they live here
crashing this board
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (84).jpg)
I didn't give them permission
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Well, I wanted to share my newest project with Moon.
So I did.
Kirara 🚗
you don't give permission to the rats in your walls either
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (137).jpg)
I do actually
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 956x704, 1400962353366.jpg)
Kirara 🚗
alright gonna try lost in space
Camper Van is oone of my favorite 100 or so bands
Hüsker is probably in my top 20
Search [iqdb] (127 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (167).jpg)
this was such a good day
Search [iqdb] (3s, 224 KB, 852x480, autismplane.webm)
*plane noises intensify*
Right on, I haven't heard much of CVB outside of Telephone Free Landslide Victory. Husker Du though?

Did you hear their 4 disc anthology called Young Du which collects just about all of the things from before their first album?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
My favorite CVS is Z
My favorite CVB is Zuikaku
Kirara 🚗
I don't have a favorite CVS but it's not like I hate any of the stores either
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (339 KB, 700x569, 03b37362d6001b9d2ef2453b143feefe.png)
I typed CVS from being at work all day
oopsie doodles
Kirara 🚗
oh, cardiovascular sex
/realtalk/ here
Doing the arm plane thing and running is so fucking fun.
Camper Van?

Sure hope Texas won that war, though, let's be honest here. No matter who wins that war between cali and Texas, Mexico's going to be the main victor.
Oh man
Dude they have a concept album about a war between California and texas
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I see.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I should totally add an "uploaded by" bit, too.
So I know who's who.
Kirara 🚗
did i ever tell y'all on /moe/ about the dude that fucked a heart
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I think I remember that now
Kirara 🚗
yeah that was fucked up
California wins because aliens help them out
Kirara 🚗
i guess he didn't literally fuck it
there wasn't any penetration
>aliens help them out
Illegal aliens or ayys?
wtf kinda bullshit is this?
Well, was it still beating?
The album is called New Roman Times
Kirara 🚗
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
no but he was
Just like my Chinese cartoons
I see, ever heard of this band, Nig-Heist?

They were a troll band and they toured with Black Flag.
I know, but... does that really matter?

he band used to open for Black Flag on tour and recorded a 7", an LP and had tracks on compilations. They were notorious for their risqué stage antics, including band members playing naked, Mugger wearing a long-haired wig and insulting the crowd. Their songs were overtly vulgar and explicit in a funny way.[1][2][3][4] Their motto was: "The band that cums in your mouth, not in your hands".[5]
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>toured with
No, they were just Black Flag with Mugger as frontman.
And Kira behind the stage.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Yes, yes it does.
Kirara 🚗
i threw up again
I watched the first couple of episodes but it didn't keep my interest
Search [iqdb] (244 KB, 799x437, 6a00d83451c29169e200e551c4469d(…).jpg)
Oh noes, what's wrong Kirara-star?!

>On stage, Mugger played naked or in his underwear and would always wear a long-haired wig with a trucker cap and taunt punks and skinheads in the audience who didn't want to see any "long-haired faggot" on stage. Mugger often baited the crowd with statements like "I know your kind, you want to overthrow the government" and "if you think I'm a faggot, why don't you come up here and let me buttfuck you" while also asking female concert-goers for sexual favors.
Kirara 🚗
life is too stressful and i can't stop throwing up i haven't kept food down since breakfast yesterday
Jesus, go to the store, get some lemons, ginger, and green tea and make a drink out of that. That always helps settles my stomach down if it's acting up like that. But if it's psychological like you're implying, then I really haven't got any great advice for you...
What's the file size limit
And can you manually remove things?
Kirara 🚗
i don't really feel like going anywhere anyway
Kirara 🚗
all i really need is voices
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
50 MB I think and no, I haven't done anything to uh...
I have to do some fuckery to fix things.
Do you mind if I try to upload a five hour mp3?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
But also kinda not.
I dunno.
What's it about?
A recording of a radioshow I like a lot
It's a special edition with only 80's music
Search [iqdb] (143 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (192).jpg)
What if I upload HHGTG finnish radioshow?
Kirara 🚗
why is this life
Oh yeah, apparently steam is taking down hentai games or some shit from the store.
Okay odds I upload it evens I don't
#d100 (69)()
I find it damn amusing
Instead of developing a working age restricting system of any kind
they just go
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
>Danbooru features everything from relatively safe-for-work softcore images to hardcore porn dealing with femdoms and bondage. Searching for the tags “imminent kiss” and “yuri,” for instance, brings up a pretty tame romantic scene between yuri manga Citrus’ two main characters, Mei and Yuzu. On the other hand, typing in “Overwatch” and “bondage” features Mercy dominating Pharah, D.Va tied up in rope, and, Widowmaker topping a bound up Tracer, just to name a few.
wow, a tag for something that isn't happening yet is more tame than a bondage tag??
They hav always had a safe for work restriction on their platform.
As foretold by the dead sea scrolls
Search [iqdb] (412 KB, 1041x1032, Sakura (243).jpg)
You can bypass it with 0 effort
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
why this
Kirara 🚗
who even gets porn games on steam
that's so weird
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
What is this in reference to?

People who hopefully have no friends on Steam.
these are their examples...
man they havn't seen anything
If the comments are anything to go by, horny edgy teenagers
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 2880x5120, 0a1fbdec682bcd0700f8b82f69b6b629.png)
Sometimes they're bundled with other games on humble bundle or fanatical and I buy them all
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
did you ever get the maid game to work
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Yeah but as soon as I did I played it for like 20 minutes and then stopped no I do not mean what you think I mean
20 minutes is a long session.
Kirara 🚗
that's not a very long session for solo
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (497 KB, 704x769, 1353287b5bba411cd913b176cd9cb7e8.png)
It's a shame, I only maid one character.
I should revisit it
People using that program to make MMDs and pixiv comics
Passed a Virginia license plate just now.
They've come a long way to visit relatives.
>The connection was reset

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (276).jpg)
at them
Kirara 🚗
like 20 minutes into lost in space and it has yet to offer me a single reason to continue watching
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Well... I need to do some stuff.
It's good isn't it

But do you wanna fuck the robot
oh the netflix series
is it even in space?
Kirara 🚗
robot isn't even here yet
i guess
I tried watching it too.
There is a lot of shit on netflix
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
maybe i'll just take a bunch of kratom and go to bed
Search [iqdb] (174 KB, 632x1080, Sakura (345).jpg)
It still might be better than the movie
Kirara 🚗
well 20 minutes is too long for a first episode to go without offering anything interesting
not even interesting special effects
DailyDot is has some shitty articles damn.
and their writers have weird twitters
back in black is one of the best songs ever
>This is an incredibly wild story about a "trap Discord" supposedly forcing 4chan users to take HRT. Unsurprisingly, there's more to it than meets
the eye.
How do you make a forced story out of stupid fetish discords
Kirara 🚗
guess i'll try brooklyn nine nine
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How does a fucking discord force someone to take HRT?
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I want a burger
a good one
HRT isn't even that easy to get hold of.
it's bad
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 800x452, DdVW4Q7V0AAhmIS.jpg)
It's not a thing you can just go out and get, even if it should be
I think they used nudes to blackmail discord users
worse than spiders?
katyusha who gulaks everything
Oh god, I heard about that stupid shit. And people wonder why I never use discord.
It's not discord itself that's the issue here it's associating with memefetish channels
I'm not finding anywhere that looks trustworthy online for buying some
Kirara 🚗
yeah if you go on discord you'll become a girl
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Oh shit my balls they're gone
Kirara hel[p
Kirara 🚗
you never had any dude
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 700x700, DdJiQ5ZVMAAOP3H.jpg)
Mission Accomplished
Kirara 🚗
i have been using legitkratom
i used superspeciosa in the past
i am going to try breezytrees in the future
Search [iqdb] (922 KB, 1569x1809, DdES_snV4AAJs0F.png)
Streetfight might still be helping people get kratom
I dunno how they do that stuff though
Kirara 🚗
bryan uses legitkratom
Do you have to know what you ar e doing when you take Kratom or is it as easy to use as tabacco
>Currently playing:
Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
Kirara 🚗
you just swallow some and you're good to go
I'll look into these
might need to get a PO box out of state to pick it up too
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
It's not so bad.

I think I figure out a hacky way to make the playlist auto-update.
What does it do? is it a mood supressant or something like that
a damn good song
Kirara 🚗
it's an herbal supplement that has both sedative and stimulating properties
I uploaded it actually
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Did you also upload the PWEI?
Search [iqdb] (252 KB, 701x765, Sakura (290).jpg)
His 50 album is damn good
would recommend
i wasn't judging it, just trying to make sense of it
i'm watching orange is the new black and it's so dumb
actually negligent and disrespectful how wrongly they're presenting things in a light matter that are really serious issues
but i'm still watching it anyway because it's something i guess
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (305).jpg)
the "x is new black" is such a silly saying
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
>that's our best detective. he loves getting bad guys and loves solving puzzles. the only puzzle he hasn't solved... is how to grow up
this seems pretty good
i think i smiled for real for the first time in a week

i know what you mean
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 932x851, DdVQ3CeVMAAHCet-orig.jpg)
welcome to tv
My feet get swollen and taking off socks is a struggle.
I think I sprained my wrist.
Kirara 🚗
brooklyn 99
I like brooklyn 99 but mostly for holt.
Holt is great
it's funny they just have prisoners hanging out in the hallway chatting, picking cliques at lunch to sit with
lmao waspy motherfuckers gonna be watching this and not have a clue how much of a sitcom this is because they're so detached
it's fine as a sitcom but still
you'd get smacked tf down for congregating in a hallway or even just loitering
it's endangerment because it can start a riot
Kirara 🚗
my cat stole my knife
well shit.
not that this is even the most egregious flaw in the silly things the show presents but it's the one i can't stop thinking about because they use it for like every scene
i guess realistic scene development would be boring since there's only a few places you could actually congregate
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
prison is basically high school
Dammit I can't find brooklyn 99 on netflix
btw anyone want a game called achron?
Whats it about?
time schenanigan strat game
Search [iqdb] (587 KB, 893x892, __gokou_ruri_ore_no_imouto_ga_(…).png)
I gotta consume more art discourse
Does it need a good pc? I don't mind playing it on my laptop it can run it
women's prison conditions is actually a pretty big issue, and considering it's based off piper kerman's actual experiences and based off actual awareness initiatives, it's pretty dumb how lightly they're presenting the important issues
piper kerman was involved in the development of it too so im just all around pretty confused
the show is fine i just don't understand how it ended up taking this form

i'm having one of those moments where my brain is obsessively trying to understand something that confuses me i guess
i've been having a lot of those lately
Wait can you play brooklyn 99 on netflix? I just tried and it won't let me. I could watch it in the UK
Kirara 🚗
it's on hulu
hulu.. that's american only right?
Kirara 🚗
i've never watched it but i hear people talk about it a lot
i dont think so
i think hulu is a lot of places but i may be wrong
is from like 2000
Oh I guess it won't work on netflix in the US.
since it is on hulu
Kirara 🚗
hulu and netflix have the same shows sometimes
Netflix only has the international license for B99.
Domestically, it's owned by whoever owns it now after the cancelling and renewal the show went through.
It is weird to me, that I can watch a US show in the UK on netflix but not in the US.
competitive licensing
it's probably easier for netflix to acquire distribution rights for a US show in the UK than in the US, since US stations will probably be hoarding distribution rights
I've never used hulu before because in the UK hulu is completely locked.
you can't watch anything on hulu in the UK
Licensing can get all sorts of mucky.
For example, Canadian Netflix has Futurama on it, or did, not sure anymore, but only like the sixth season and onwards, wherever they got cancelled by Fox and picked up by whoever came next.
Search [iqdb] (147 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (329).jpg)
I just had a fight with I guess "pro naruto player"
guy was so anti-fun it hurt
I'll pass on it, looked up about it doesn't look that interesting to me
Kirara 🚗
>Does he always talk this much?
>I just tune it out, like a white noise machine.
>Okay, that's racist.
I got it as a gift, well it was on my wishlist
and then I magic doubled it
>magic doubled it
what does that mean?
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (330).jpg)
It is an error that is impossible to do on purpose, but when claiming gifts, sometimes during rush hour
you can both claim the gift
and not claim the gift at the same time
givng you the game, while keeping the gift in your inventory at the same time
i want to be a world-renowned archivist
the most prolific ever seen
Gotta archive 'em all!
I'll probably have to get a job with the least human contact I can, probably just dealing with books or whatever.
but really it is a game that has time travel and multiple timelines as core mechanic
how can it not be interesting
>says a man who has it and has never played it
Kirara 🚗
i don't want to work
Search [iqdb] (500 KB, 500x375, 1512271530931.gif)
I already played Red Alert
Me neither.
I ended up going to the psych and i think i feel the same.
just got a bunch of antideps so im not killing myself but feel just as empty as before.
i mean actually
sending units to the past
Kirara 🚗
i could just not work
i could just lie on this futon for the rest of my life
and die
Search [iqdb] (323 KB, 1109x901, Sakura (335).jpg)
you'll end up as tn, though
A fate worse than death
Kirara 🚗
i can't believe my cat stole my knife
are TNs exempt from death?
what did it do with it?]
I am eternal and immortal
Kirara 🚗
laz hid my knife from me
it's under the futon but i can't reach it from here
I am the hub of the wheel
the everlasting cycle of life, death and rebirth
I am the engine of life
the devourer of death
can you provide a fork or something?
Kirara 🚗
uhh i guess i could get one from the kitchen
if i wanted to get up
I've got to be awake in twelve to fourteen hours to attend a technician from our ISP.
And I won't have Internet before that either.
Guess I just won't sleep tonight.
Search [iqdb] (174 KB, 632x1080, Sakura (345).jpg)
How do you play a fighting game in "doesn't matter who wins or loses" mod and do 100% try hard all the time
there is ranked mode for that kind of shit
why not try to have some fun and bullshit around?
Why play a game if you aren't going to play it
If you're not attempting to win then go twidddle your thumbs
No i mean it is an anime fighting game
play it ANIME
give the enemy time to powerup
try to finish up with cool moves
are you playing that shitty naruto game?
come on it isn't shitty it is damn addictingly pretty
best anime game ever
it is just so dead by now
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (333).jpg)
What is with this attidute
you have never played this bunch of fun
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>two hours strong
>still going
Have fun.
Kirara 🚗
can you guys guess what happened in nigeria today
I am
no one is around to play
except this one autism guy who is 100% serious mode
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Nothing bad happened and everyone got a free happy meal?
I wish I was still so good at the game i could get a high score and shit
I wonder will this dev make some other game next on some other ip
or an other new naruto game
Kirara 🚗
some kids were late for school so they got tied to crosses and flogged with horse whips
How progressive for nigeria.
Kirara 🚗
i hate nigeria so much
Kirara 🚗
>“When I tried to untie the pupils, the proprietor and his teachers beat me up,” said the officer, according to Nigerian newspaper Punch. “Before I returned from picking handcuffs from my car, they had grabbed a friend who was with me… and beaten him up with a horsewhip.”

like what the fuck they started beating up the cops trying to stop them from beating up the kids
present time
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
present day
Kirara 🚗
what is wrong with nigeria
i'm afraid to ask, but why are you reading things about nigeria
Kirara 🚗
because my girlfriend is in nigeria and we have not been able to communicate for 14+ days and i am worried sick and my life is falling apart
Kirara 🚗
>Teenager arrested over kidnap of Police Officers, others

there's so much fucking kidnapping that even cops get kidnapped in nigeria
yeah there's.. some issue with tribes being completely sovereign on it and attacking the government
Kirara 🚗
that doesn't seem real i've been reading about nigeria for like four hours every day for the past eight days and that does not seem to be the case even in the slightest
i'm scared
definitely bang
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Kirara 🚗
yeah me too
Kirara 🚗
at least this show is funny
at times like this I miss nosgoth
definitely bang
i can't stop loving this song
I really like this song
Kirara 🚗
it's weird how much you can vomit even when you have nothing to vomit
Kirara 🚗
well i guess it's not accurate to say there's nothing to vomit but you know what i mean
body makes alot of bile
Kirara 🚗
and bile can't make me smile
definitely bang
god i absolutely hate vomiting bile
vomiting isn't really that bad like it sucks but it's whatever
vomiting bile is literally one of the worst experiences i've ever had in my life
Okay I uploaded songs starting with each letter of the alphabet
My work is finished
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I wasn't even sure you were still at it.
Thanks for joining in. I hope to make it more feature complete soon, and when it is, it'd be great to have you again.
>dem television personalities
Very nice!
Also fuckin' check 'em!
#d100 (59)

What's your favorite album by them anyway? >>502780
I consider They Could Have Been Bigger than the Beatles their best album, though their first album is great too.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Ah yes, Twitter
the place to go when you want art of your obscure games you like
Kirara 🚗
maybe i should eat more so i have something to vomit
You guys are from tano right?
I might pop over there
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I'm the admin/site owner.
Feel free, though it's... well, it can be special.
try saltines an gatorade
And Don't the Kids Just Love it
Cause I'm a pleb and haven't heard anything else by them
Kirara 🚗
he's saying feel free but keep in mind it's not free it costs $0.20 for each post you make after your first five posts, sat-fri from 8-4pm
That's a fine album, I love it a lot. But you should check out the album I mentioned. The Glittering Prizes is such a nice song.
Kirara 🚗
i got none
i don't have a lot of food right now
tano csn can be pretty tanoshii ne
I'll check it out
Also I actually fucked up on H thougj
Music programs ignore "the" at te beginning of names
So for h I did "The Hand that rocks the cradle"
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I don't charge anyone.
Though if every poster gave me like... 20 cents a month, they could pay the bills.
Delicious money.
Kirara 🚗
alright, wikipedia, let's not get ahead of ourselves here
I like to think I could make a post that takes more than $0.20 of bandwidth to upload and serve to each user
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
It's $19 every six months, 2 TB of bandwidth per month.
I mean, if you figure that out, let me know, it'd be an amazing feat.
Kirara 🚗
What's your character limit per post and your filesize limit?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Whatever it was when we forked from the Doushio code.
And the file size, I want to say is 25 MB?
I could upload a 25mb file and download it a bunch of times
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I mean... yeah, but 2 TB...
definitely bang
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 750x638, 9o5da3bnyly01.jpg)
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
80000 times, tho
Kirara 🚗
don't underestimate rei
He ain't entirely wrong though
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Now, WHY WOULD THAT ICE, FROM AN ICEBERG, fall into the ocean? :)

Kirara 🚗
because of gravity???
Cause faggots are fucking each other and mudslimes are threatening Israel and it's making G_d VERY ANGEREY
I could just write a bash script to do it
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I wonder if they'd cut us off for DDoS behavior.
every time a man dicks another man in the ass the atmosphere gets 0.001 degrees hotter
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Did you guys forget this isn't tano?
definitely bang
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 400x224, 1492047552083.gif)
nothing happens unless God intended it so i don't know why you even care about the sea levels rising when you should care about living free of sin

But fam, this post >>502811 is perfectly suited for tano and not /moe/!
celcius, fahrenheit, or kelvin?
I don't have enough bandwidth to trigger that
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 500x375, chicken.jpg)
Obviously Kelvin
I bet that Kelvin guy is responsible for all the global warming if you catch my drift
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Kelvin and Celcius are the same when it comes to changes.
oh shit I guess I'm retarded
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
We got hacked, and our VPS was constantly being shut off because we were being used to DDoS.
So that kind of constant traffic... would be sus as fuck
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
It's easy to forget they're essentially the same unit with different references.
It'd be like 25mb per second
Plus your normal users
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I can't remember what it looked like last time I checked the bandwidth stats but it was not even 50 GB a month transfer.
So you basically have to eat all 2 TB yourself.
Sounds like a pain
I'll just figure out what the largest possible post is and make that.
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hey there LV what brings you here
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
That game was too cute.
I feel like I said that last time you posted things from it.
Notso shilling his stupid radio program. I came by to make fun of him shilling it on here of all places and I stuck around to talk to people cause APPARENTLY some people have really good tastes in music *cough cough, not notso but rei's breddy gud cough cough*
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>says the guy who has been uploading songs for the past two hours and listening along
Search [iqdb] (143 KB, 457x620, GhostTrickLynne.png)
What's wrong with shilling it here?
I haven't said it but rei lowkey has some of the best taste on /moe/
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Kirara 🚗
that's not low key at all
but he gets no recognition
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>come back to this image
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 450x232, 6x12-15.jpg)
Can't you read your own signs that's posted here????
Rei isn't low key at all.
It opened and closed it quickly
Kirara 🚗
>come back
i found your mistake
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Kirara 🚗
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Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
A shame I lost track of my webm folder.
Search [iqdb] (♫, 4s, 210 KB, 480x480, 1526055743855.mp4)
this is my favorite thing posted ob on moe in recent times
your welcome
You lose everything doe
i love it because if you got heavy duty headphones it tickles your ears pretty good
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
he never lost you
Search [iqdb] (♫, 52s, 9.2 MB, 1280x720, Average chat in fuckface.mp4)
That is very true!
Search [iqdb] (1m7s, 3.0 MB, 640x360, australiasgottalent.webm)
This was a good kyoanus show
Faeries deserve their own spinoff
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1370x1330, seen some shit.jpg)
I'd love to see this rescripted and done with an all black VA cast.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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here comes the love train
choo choo
I hope the love train passes my station
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
i hope the love train didn't derail and crash killing me and all the passengers
Gatta gatta chu chu I rabu mai stashun
Kirara 🚗
it probably did but i hope that fish is alive and my life isn't over
Kirara 🚗
>3 Policemen in soup over murder of suspect in Delta
in soup huh
I'll pass on the appetizers from that kitchen I figure.
definitely bang
does jan still exist
Kirara 🚗
yeah we were sleeping in a tent together like 10 days ago
Jan exists harder than most /moe/s
definitely bang
i want to ask jan about the new contortionist album and if he ever listened to it
Kirara 🚗
i wish my cat would bring me my knife back
definitely bang
i wish my kinfe would bring me my cat back
Too late the cat, is going to live a life of crime and knivery
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
ok google how to die in technicolor
definitely bang
i would prefer to die in imax 3d ty
Kirara 🚗
i saw infinity war in d-box
it was really cool but i'll probably never do d-box again because it's $20
Apparently there are cinemas over here that move your seats with the action on the screen.
that sounds terrible
Kirara 🚗
yeah, that's d-box and it was really great
Oh? I didn't know what it was called. Is it not distracting?
It sounds like you'd feel sick.
Kirara 🚗
it wasn't distracting at all, it was incredibly immersive
Kirara 🚗
and so comfortable
Kirara 🚗
the seats were so comfortable
and big and had two arm rests for me
and the movement felt so good
I don't know if I'd do it, I might try it once if I get the chance. I get distracted by sudden movements easily
Search [iqdb] (512 KB, 500x722, lynne0.png)
just pay me 20 bucks and i'll shove your chair around while youre tryna watch a movie
When my dad saw the exorcist he and his friends had to drive to another town. Tjey stayed at a motel and this was when motels had those vibrating beds that cost a quarter for ten minutes or whatever and when my dad's friend fell asleep he put a quarter in the thing and tthe guy freaked out
what a deal.
Kirara 🚗
i want to eat m&ms
i haven't had those since like elementary school
they got so many different types now i keep seein em at the stores
Kirara 🚗
i wish motels still had those
i saw one that still had them a while back but only once

the coffee ones are really good
do they make vibrating blankets that you can throw on top instead of vibrating mattresses
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 3472x2214, 1016_fingers.jpg)
Kirara 🚗
well it was a different brand but yeah something like that
Kirara 🚗
i wish
I could make that
Ooh I thought of a way to do it with air instead of electricity
has anyone ever actually slipped on a banana shell
No you won't get me this time
Fuck your crusts
no i think that's just an internet meme
bananapeels aren't even slippery they're more smushy
I dare you to step on one with the inside part fave down
i've tripped on a wet floor tho.
Kirara 🚗
i've tripped on my rage
No that'd be gross and I don't have any

I think the cat was right to hide it
i've tripped on the internet and i can't get out
Kirara 🚗
despite all my rage i am still just a cat on a stage

also i got my knife and cut my finger open within seconds
I've tripped on more than I should have
i've tripped on the time continuum and i falled - fell on yesterday
I tripped on a rock and grappled to pull myself up a mountain made of sand and dry trees.
Kirara 🚗
nothing like using my phone as a coaster

are you ok
is the futon cozy
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
not really
I am fine but my ankle hurts a bit, the rocks and sand slip over each other really easily here, I should have been carefuller when I went for a run.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
You can't run up a sandy hill.
There parts which are compacted, and solid footing but they are very thin.
I hate going downwards rather than upwards because on the way down I slip on a lot of rocks.

I did 2.49 miles in 15minues and 38.
most of it was jogging and fast walking to be honest. I find it hard to pace myself
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I can't pace myself without music.

The best song I have for easy pacing is Savage Dog Cerberus from the Darker than Black S2 soundtrack.
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I have to go at a fast pace or my knee hurts, though.
I am trying to teach myself to breath properly while running, I can run quickly for a while but I end down with
kuso I acitvated the text improver
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
If you want to learn how to breathe, you should do some yoga.
And then practice those breathing techniques while walking upstairs quickly.
I think my body panics if I run too fast and I end up with my sides in a lot of pain.
I've tried to run slow and practice but it hard to make it automatic I have to focus to breath.

I've never done yoga, to be honest I've always had the impression that yoga is weird stuff for flexiblity.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 428x599, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Eat a banana 30 minutes before you run and nothing within an hour before that.
If your side cramps, take two fingers and jab it into where it hurts while you run until it goes away and continue running during that time unless it's too painful. That's what I do. That's how you get through the pain.
If you let pain stop you, you won't get stronger.
But you have to be careful because pain usually means something is wrong.
Eventually you'll understand your body well enough to know the difference between good and bad pain.

Yoga is good for flexibility, breathing, and practical strength.
In my opinion, yoga is better for strength than weight lifting.
I ate a quarter of watermelon before I went running.
No no that sounds painful as well.
Jesus you stab yourself with your fingers? I might try it but I get bruised easily.

Oh right
There is one pain/pressure that I get when I run hard or walk very fast and its over my right chest.
Search [iqdb] (297 KB, 752x1062, 6faf20411ddf163e6b27b56e867c31(…).jpg)
You ate... a quartermelon?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Yeah. I just force two fingers into whichever part of my stomach or side that is cramping and continue to run while I'm doing that.
It increases the area in which there's pain but lowers the amount /// intensity of the pain so it's less distracting and more bearable.
As long as I've eaten properly, the cramping quickly goes away.

That's a trick I learned from my mother, actually.
It's one of the only things she's done that has served me well.
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And then after long despair
you make friends wit some random american narto fan
tis game is just so randomly fun
Running has never been easy for me, I think I've always been dissuaded by the initial pain from hard breathing my and side hurting.
and frustrated by how easy it seems for other people. I'm trying to get over the pain now since I walking isn't enough to stay healthy I think.

I've been using some weights that don't have the units on them, they are super heavy though. they say 15 but so I think 15lb?
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well have you eaten properly now
or atleast gotten some nutrients into you?
Kirara 🚗
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I threw everything I ate back up and then I threw up stuff I didn't eat.
Kirara 🚗
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Running is hard. When runners run, they are generally in pain the entire time. When you run, // run hard, all of your joints hurt, and your body screams at you to stop, but you keep going. Running isn't easy for anyone. It looks easy because runners work hard and learn to endure pain.

You don't have to be able to run to be healthy.
Cardio is important, but when you haven't been active, it's hard to get started. That's normal. The body atrophies.
If running isn't working for you, there are other things you can try until you find what's right for you.
make sure you're getting a lot of arm movement with your stride
even lift your arms up above your head for a bit if you have to
it helps the lungs expand
Yeah I know I can keep running but my body and my brain tells me to slow down and stop.
I tried to push myself today well with the help of some huge black flying thing, I ran pretty far without stopping.

Running is easy to get access to but I do want to do swimming, I used swim a lot and enjoyed it.
I don't know if I have the courage to go swimming now like I used to, I get grossed out about dirty public pools now
Yeah I've been using my arms, I used them the whole way to day actually. It made pressing forward a lot easier because of the momentum.
I've also been running in circle around my kitchen
if you can manage to keep doing it fr two weeks or so it will get far less painful
Kirara 🚗
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Just be careful not to overdo it. The human body grows from damage, but too much damage will destroy it.
well I don't need to tell you that this is not healthy
Words of wisedom
wtf in georgia
I wanted to ask that, How often do you think I should run? is 2.4 miles fair?
I was thinking of doing 2/3 miles a day but I don't know if I have to rest a day.
At least websites seem to say you have to rest a day between exercise but I 2.4 miles isn't a lot
I love merengue
Kirara 🚗
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I'm not doing it on purpose.
juan luis guerra is some good stuff
this is one of my favorite songs from him
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Unless you're training for a marathon, run three times a week.
I do three miles four or five times a week, personally, but my situation is a little different.
Running 2.4 miles is a lot for most people. That's a fine amount.
It's not unusual to just run one mile every day.
I haven't got a sense of scale, I have been walking 10 miles every couple of days.
I think i'd think differently about it I was in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do but walk

When I walked into town, that is the only time I felt like I was walking to much, my feet were actually burning and I had to take my shoes off.
that was 18 miles.
I kind of want to do it again but it took me hours to do
do you think I would think that?
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running hurts me bones an awful lot
i prefer the bicycle
i can ride for quite long distances but i can't even run a mile anymore without stopping
gotta run on grass or dirt
running on concrete sucks
running in concrete socks
Running on sand sucks.
I did want to bike but my balance is really shitty. I've crashed my bike everytime with a injury.
like whiplash before and before that I crashed my head into a wall.
yeah you can get an injury from crashing your bike
I see you for once. How are you today?
run in concrete socks to tokyo bay, thats what all the innocent yakuza see their friends doing
Kirara 🚗
terry crews is so big
He is huge.
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hey i'm doin all right
been lounging and archiving most of the day, taking it easy while not having to work
how have you been?
Shit I forgot to go outside and water and close the greenhouse
I need to find a torch and do that now
Kirara 🚗
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i think my vomiting is damaging the lining of my esophagus
i take so long to eat dinner now
50 minutes like tears in the rain
gone like

a real possibility
are you vomiting cause of anxiety or are you sick?
I have been great. Work is hard with a 9 to 5 but I c@
an',t complain.
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that's happened to me a bit
part of the reason i can't keep food down much anymore unless i drink milk first and/or take kratom
Kirara 🚗
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every time i think about fish i feel like i'm going to vomit and then i actually do like 30% of the time

do you usually have blood in your vomit?
i'm starting to get some but it's most likely not ulcers
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what kinda work are you doin now?
i wouldn't mind a 9 to 5
not in the vomit
usually the blood comes up separately and i cough it up or have to wash it out
kind of gross i guess but yeah
just research. you work the machines at 9 and stop them at 5. i'm happy to work extra i it is needed though
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try to sleep as much as you can i guess
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It's nice to hear you've been doing well
i sm just fine. as long as you are doing okay, I am happy, though I wish other moes well.
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just made a change in living situations and moved to michigan, so it's a little turbulent, but i'm hopeful that things will be a little bit more stable for me
all things considered, i feel pretty good about things
even though not everything is great, at least it's not overwhelming and i'm not frantic
i'm able to just get through my days and enjoy free time appropriately
doing a lot of writing and archiving to relax

water you doin to relax?
Kirara 🚗
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if i sleep and word comes in that something happened ill miss it
im going to stay up as long as i can
i am really tired though
i haven't been sleeping
you have blood in your vomit?
i write about silly things a lot
glad you feel good about things
Kirara 🚗
really blood and not just something that might colour it red?
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today might be a good day to stay up yeah. but you can't simultaniously believe there's no hope of word coming back and that word will come back any minute for very long
it'll fuck you up hard
Kirara 🚗
i haven't consumed anything with a red color
I might watch a superhero movie or something on netflix.
if netflix can run well on this internet
but I can leave it to buffer instead
thanks for checkin in on me
that means a lot
Kirara 🚗
Are you able to go to the shops without a car now moon?
Kirara 🚗
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one of my fbi contacts got my information through to the state department for me
so now it's a waiting game
it's always been a waiting game
but now i can get around the privacy thing
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oh continue

bye anon

i saw that, it's great news
i feel bad telling you to take care of yourself, but you've gotta do at least a little mental upkeep
i honestly felt bad being unable to properly check on moes before, I will.hopefully look upom the community in the future
thanks moon
enjoy /moe/
you too
don't be a stranger
Kirara 🚗
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i'm watching brooklyn nine nine
it's really funny
it's the first time i've really smiled in a while

I was following the cancelling and picking back up story of that show last week.
It's really great how the amount of noise its fans were able to make might've helped save it.
I want to watch it but damn netflix.
I enjoyed brookyln 99. oh shit something beeped
oh fuck
my oven
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white chocolate is bad
the chocolate in the name lures me into trying it once every fews years and i'm always sad

im glad

okay dad
Kirara 🚗
i've never watched it before now, it's pretty good

everything white is bad
you know except when it's combined with normal chocolate
I can enjoy it in some select varieties, but it's definitely not something I'm at risk of gorging myself on, unlike proper chocolate.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
You'll learn your lesson some day.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I like white chocolate.
Kirara 🚗
yeah of course you do
it's like eating solid vanillia icing
first moe to my house get a bag and a half of white chocolate m&ms

dad, daddy what's the difference

based teh rei
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I'm not your dad... probably.
Kirara 🚗
72% cacao chocolate
so bitter
it reminds me of the bitterness of life
Dark Chocolate is the best
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
You really do have the best taste.
I don't mind dark chocolate but I do like chocolate with hazel nuts in it.
Kirara 🚗
hazel nuts are killer\
because they'll kill me
As far as plain chocolates go, milk is still my favourite.
There are some amazing mixed varieties of dark chocolate though.
Salty toffee and dark chocolate is mind-bogglingly good.
Pistachio nuts are the only ones I eat.
Aside from pecan, sometimes
i've eaten so much peanut butter in my life the idea of being allergic to nuts is crazy to me
like a fifth of my meals ever are peanut butter sandwhiches

any non hershey milk chocolate is good
especially m&ms

pea is stored in the nuts
Oh right.
I forgot. You wouldn't survive in a Texas Roadhouse.
There are just random barrels of nuts everywhere.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I like really good milk chocolate with caramel involved probably the most.
Kirara 🚗
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why everyone think peanuts are fuckin nuts
y'all are fuckin nuts
peanuts are not nuts
I don't like peanuts anyways
The name could have fooled me.
I guess peanuts aren't nuts?
They're legumes
Kirara 🚗
yeah like soybeans
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Waht do y'all think of Reeses
ur a bean
>The botanical definition of a "nut" is a fruit whose ovary wall becomes very hard at maturity. Using this criterion, the peanut is not a true nut,[6] but rather a legume. However, for culinary purposes and in common English language usage, peanuts are usually referred to as nuts.
I didn't know they were legumes
I learnt something today
over rated but still great
Kirara 🚗
small ones? good
big ones? 1 pound ones? literally disgusting trash
getting to r/a/dio featuring yuu, my favorite seiyuu
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Too much peanut butter in the thicc ones.

I'm a big fan of reeses pieces in spite of my childhood trauma involving them
I dislike them
Reese pieces are nice but so heavy in calories
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Yo but real talk
the butterfinger version of reeses cups are the shit
Kirara 🚗
this guy in b99 drank a bottle of scotch and got a hangover so bad that he can't even work and everyone around him is like "yeah of course that would happen"
i feel like this discussion has happened so many times on /moe/ that i'm really surprised you are only hearing it now
Kirara 🚗
yeah it has
the other day fuckin jan was thinkin peanuts are nuts
i was like JAN
butterfingers destroy my mouth every time i put them in said cavity

my vitamins are fruity rooty and so yummy
I've never seen it discussed before on moe, I am not here for a couple hours a day.
I miss early morning and midday stuff usually on new mexico time
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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You guys like fruity candies?
Hell yeah
Kirara 🚗
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I liked skittles once upon a time but anytime I eat them anymore they're really bland and just feel like I'm bloating myself with sugar

I'm a big proponent of Mike & Ikes.
i swear we even had that discussion on the way to the grand canyon
but it might have been about potatoes being tubers and not roots
M&Ms are the candy ubermensch
Kirara 🚗
nah we talked about it when we were playing animal vegetable mineral
There are a bunch of cheap sweets I like in the UK.
Like sportsmix, midget gems, winegums and I like one sweet from I think finland. Salmiakii
Salty licorice
man trying to play 20 questions with jan was so fucked up
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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What about jelly beans
I found out I liked those only a few years ago
Kirara 🚗
jan was actually a top tier navigator on this recent trip tho
he has leveled up a lot
Mike and Ikes usually end up being spit out by me
Also be careful eating those in a hospital
Sometimes they get mixed up with suppositories
i think we got to like six questions and he just forgot we were playing
it made me kinda sad
People that think this have never had Canadian Smarties.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I don't eat my mike and ikes in the hospital
I haven't had much american sweeties, the sweet aisle here are huge.
what's the difference between canadian and american smarties
american smarties are pretty good

domo domo
Kirara 🚗
canadian ones are chocolate, american ones are sweetarts

i think we finished one game but the second one
we got distracted by that moose and then jan couldn't get back on track
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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non-licorice flavored licorice is great
I really like Salty Licorice, Salmiakki is super tasty
Oh british ones are chocolate too. I didn't know american ones were different
Chocolate Smarties are larger than M&Ms, so you get more chocolate, and the quality of chocolate is a bit better than the Mars chocolate of M&Ms.
Though I do think once you get into the subtypes like peanut M&Ms, M&Ms do win out. But plain versus plain, Smarties are way better.
Cadburys Crunchies are super nice
pixie sticks are the most soulless candy
however as a souless husk myself i do appreciate them

not a whole stick but a bit yeah i think

wish they were juicer
s+ tier commercials
Kirara 🚗
have you ever snorted a pixie stick
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE

What are your opinions on Starbursts
Kirara 🚗
yeah i haven't snorted them either

star burks are pretty okay
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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have you tried the minis?
They have a really interesting texture and taste difference
It's kind of neat
Kirara 🚗
i can only imagine josephu singing.
sugita is so awesome. Daisuke too.
Kirara 🚗
it's so upsetting that they don't have a bunch of songs

man this song is so good
There's also the Kokkuri song which had daisuke, jouji and someone else i forgot..
Kirara 🚗
i like jolly rancher gummies
I like those gummies like Fuzzy Peaches or Sour Cherry Blasters.
Sometimes I'll go to the bulk foods shop and just get like five dollars in weight of them.
So nice.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I like the hard jolly ranchers on some level but man do I hate how they cling to your teeth
>a boy band comprised of four Greco-Roman sculptures
i am VERY intigued
grecco roman BOYS
oh no
keep them away from plato

gexco roman
Kirara 🚗
gecko roman

it's actually really funny
Kirara 🚗
ugoku ugoku
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Kirara 🚗
my professor has this dumb joke he always tells
he's been married 5 times
so sometimes people are like, hey, what the fuck?
and he goes "i don't believe in pre-marital sex so i had to marry them all!"
that joke would be really sad if told at BYU
I think it would be extra funny.
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what are you all anyhow doing at this hour
isn't it like 21 to 00 to you rn?
just randomly listening to radio songs.
mormon university down in utah

it's a fridey night
Kirara 🚗
it's not even midnight
it's 20 to midnight
Its 20 to 10
20 to 11
Kirara 🚗
i'm such a cat
el gato
kirara and the pussycats
I'll play the keyboard
i'll be the loooooooooooooooooooooooong cat
long man
i need someone to blame for catching my warm blanket on my pint and pulling that hting over with 1/4rd of the drink remaining
yiu can blame it
kono dio da
blame god, work to thwart His further machinations
blame it on the misfortune of your birth
blame it on garfield
I own part of lucifer
why did anyone allow this
fucking hell I share part of adam himself when it all began

why did you now fuck up with my investments?
now where did my pipe go
the cat has your pipe
the cat has your pipe


youj openede the door to them
don't blame me if they spread now
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he forgot his /s!!!
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you eigengendered fuck!!
if you don't suppourt a complex number of genders you're a bigot and a fiend
i only support irrational genders
Kirara 🚗
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>get assignment grades back
>comes with feedback comment
>just says "PCOYA"
If you rearrange it it could stand for
Please Choose Your Own Adventure
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An adventure in economics
Have you covered the black scholes ewuation yet?
Please <> <> Your Answers?
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So does anyone remember my obsession
poor children outta yolk armidillos (for transportation)
is it legacy of kain
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yes I will come back to this thing when I get my twitch to work
Kirara 🚗
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cut my life into pizza
I miss being ENE.. it was so obvious back then tho.
anime >>503117 →
Kirara 🚗
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Terry Crews crushed an 8ball with his hand in this show and I wish he'd do that to my skull
kirara i think you should try to sleep a bit
Kirara 🚗
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I'm waiting to hear about Fish, I should sleep as little as possible so I'm ready if there's any news.
that's a good plan for yesterday and tonight but you should definitely sleep it up after that
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
no, i'm going to sleep as little as possible
at least sleep now, it's currently night out there and you wont get any news
currently night there
if you hear something it's likely gonna be later
Kirara 🚗
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It's 5am in Nigeria.
Prime time for news coming in is the morning.
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Don't push yourself too far.
Kirara 🚗
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I'll be trying to stay up until it's night time in Nigeria.
gotta archive everything
so i dont lose everything once it's gone
Kirara 🚗
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haha my AC stopped working
Kirara 🚗
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at least it's going to rain nonstop every day for the next week so the highs are only in the low 80s
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My AC has been not working too.
NEed to get it recharged.
Kirara 🚗
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I was playing around with mass duel simulator, and it turns out I can make my Bridal Charlotte like really good.
I may do that.

They need to have like the freon or whatever in them replenished from time to time.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (353 KB, 1840x1910, Ayano - 10.png)
oh, i see
mine isn't running at all now
it's like 76 in here now
i probably won't get it fixed for a while unless my money comes in
or fish shows up

is it an outdoor unit
is it not running or is it not blowing cold
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The build that makes her pretty good is

First strike (+spd)
wind boost 3
seal atk
panic ploy
attack +3

She buffs herself +5 def/res when she attacks, and then the seal atk is an addition -7 atk.
So as long as she initiates, she gets a really big defensive boost against any units that survive.
And she does a lot of damage and almost always doubles since her speed isn't too bad.

Kirara 🚗
outdoors yeah it's not running
Kirara 🚗
im going to vomit again
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Please leave your stomach ejaculations here and then move to this nice space
>>503172 →
>>503172 →
