I managed to get myself up, so I'll definitely go to my session today, at least. I need to go to the store because I'm out of medication, too. I'm coughing a lot.
>>505171 I know I am being overbearing, but keep in mind the liquid diet it just might get into your system before it comes back up if your cycle continues
>force vassal country to adopt catholism instead of orthodoxy >10 years later >so heey remember when I told you to change your religion, well have you heard of this Luther guy...
what is that supposed to mean even what's the meme
that soy makes you feminine
man people really dont understand estrogen do they phytoestrogens aren't estrogen supplements it only affects how estrogen and estradols that are already there metabolize as do most foods
But anyway the meme was birthed when some leftie journos did a testosterone test and all scored real low so people began to make fun of them and then someone dug up some old study how "soy makes you low on testo" and welp
amusingly the leftie journo type is the "soy latte full no-glutein vegan" too
i dont think drinking straight soy sauce is quite the same level of feminine behavior as drinking soy milk lattes
Yeah and anyhow the whole "soy causes you to become gay frog" was never accepted by anyone in the food science community Didn't stop infowars especially from jumping on it, halfly to just meme and make fun of their opponents and halfly to sell their own shit
Ofc didn't help the case when the "soyboys" took it personally
>>505211 gay frogs are from water contaminants though and it's a real thing i dont think that messaging has anything to do with the alleged soy stuff
Honestly, soy (soybean) doesn't do any of that. it's like thinking eating chicken will make your breasts grow because the chickens are feed hormones.
dietary phytoestrogen is totally different systemically than endogenous estrogen yeah, having it in your system helps the metabolite process of estrogen since it metabolizes differently/more smoothly depending on what interactions it's having restricting yourself from those resources because you're worried about adding estrogen to your system is a good way the have it metabolize badly and lead to a whole host of issues
>i'll just go kill malthael quickly >15 "cinematic resumes insta death due to cloud" deaths later ... Can the RNG be less asshole today?
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
I’ll leave if you guts *guys want me to.
>>505251 Okay but whats the most popular series in Estonia?
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
feel free to ignore me...
another thing they should fucking FIX IS THE CURSOR I click like fucking 3 malthaels away from malthael and my char goes "okay I will blast him with lazor" NO I WANTED YOU TO MVOE THERE fucking MOEV and attack should be two different fucking buttons or there should be force MOVE >>505254 nobody cares about estonia
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
so how’s everyone doing?
>>505256 Have you ever considered playing some other action-RPG, like Path of Exile or something.
>i get rng death >one of my rng thigns triggers and malthael dies to it how fitting
Double KO
the rng clouds just can ruin your day what kind of gear and build you'd need to survive those I dunno, they do like 500k a sec dmg to me and i have insane resistances
by the way guys, i have Aspergers. It’s a disability.
Actually as of the current version of the DSM Aspberger's Disorder is no longer a distinct diagnosis and has been put under the umbrella of Autism Spectrum disorder.
Asperger's is now pragmatic communication disorder It's not technically under the umbrella of autism although it's grouped with it
even though it is still considered to be part of the spectrum Just not diagnostically
>>505287 https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/autism-spectrum-disorder/index.shtml >The diagnosis of ASD now includes these other conditions:
Autistic disorder Asperger’s syndrome
I thought it was considered High Functioning Autism
High functioning autism isn't in DSM-V or ICD-10 But the tl;dr of high functioning autism is that it refers to a person who has autism and isn't mentally retarded.
DSM-5* >>505288 yes, occasionally, Asperger's is reclassified into autism But many times, it's pragmatic communication disorder because that's the more pertinent diagnosis for many
It's not occasionally, I personally know some of the people whose work resulted in the diagnostic revision.
I can recognise a lot of things that I have in common with aspergers bt I also know I've seen the degree of behaviour that others possess that doesn't match up with me. I am able to understand a numbe r of social behaviours that other do not. I do have noticeable difficulties in social setting but I wonder if that is just in the range of the norm, I don't really know if it is fair to say I have autism.
>>505292 and im literally a psychologist that is trained in diagnosis and has given diagnoses
>>505297 Some of the best storms are when the air is really dry. It's a really good environment to get some amazingly awesome lightning shows.
Late August around here can get pretty dry, and some of the thunderstorms that roll in are spectacular.
The level of sunlight loss is intense. It is so dark right now
I wonder if it is safe to go for a run.
Eh, probably. Lightning strikes are already pretty uncommon to hit people, and you're hardly the tallest thing around.
Kirara, I'm sorry for being rude.
But in general I'll trust the DSM over any singular person's opinion. If you can provide a citation for your statements I'll look into it and take it into account.
>>505303 I supoose, I don't know the common sense in a place so high up and with different conditions
>>505306 Just don't rest under any trees, and if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed, just head home.
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
>>505303 unless you’re michael jordan, then in which don’t go for a run in lightning.
I'll try and keep things in mind. The noise super cool. I haven't such loud rumbling in a long time. Thunder storms don't happen too often where I've lived.
If I have a unit, that has better IVs than one of my current units, but my current unit has a lot of custom skills, what happens if I merge the old 40+3 unit into the new 40 unit? Do I get all the skills? Do I have to re-learn them?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>505342 yes, if you merge them, all your nice things transfer
ive been thinking about being a father a lot today i was watching a documentary thing about someone with a newborn baby slowly dying of some autoimmune disease and i couldn't stop thinking about my child growing up without a father if something happened to me
and now im in this weird place where i still kind of want to die but im suddenly afraid to die
Family can make pretty sizeable demands of you like that. I've definitely seen stories before of people who felt suicidal and wanting to end their lives but wouldn't for the sake of their kids.
>>505356 It's not something I can really relate to but I can kind of understand. I'm not really good with handling having obligations to anyone that I can't weasel out of.
I probably can't do karaoke I'm still coughing too much I was doing better but then I ran out of water and went days without retaining food and whatever I have came back
Pesto is the superior italian sauce. Alfredo and marinara fags go home
my whole existence is flawed
I don't think there's an unflawed existence out there.
This one shirt of mine is getting really threadbare at the elbows. But there's one elbow that's way more worn than the other. I didn't realize how bad it was until today and I got a look at it in the mirror.
It It's a nice shirt, I'll miss it when it wears through.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I have embraced my flaws as special gifts. Making my existence flawless.
>>505404 >“And I scream, ‘He’s f---ing peeing. He’s peeing. Oh my God.’ And the flight attendant doesn’t even acknowledge him at first. [The attendant] acknowledges me and says you need to calm down and stop cursing,” she told Fox 31.
While I can sympathize with the flight attendant trying to avoid plane-wide potential offense over loud cursing in public, that's really not the best way of handling it.
"I figured, 'You know, kids probably pee on themselves all the time. What's the big deal? Kids don't curse at themselves all the time though. That's the real evil here.'"
that's my satire not an actual quote >>5054084 >>505408 this however is a real statement
Yeah. I'd also assume flight attendants have some instruction in handling rowdy passengers, which, duely fair or not, the one freaking out over the man peeing next to them certainly qualifies for. They probably don't get training on what to do if a grown passenger starts peeing on the seat ahead of them.
I'd be fucking shocked if someone started peeing near me. I think everyone around me would not give a shit about swearing compared to someone with their penis out peeing on the plane
Sure, the ones that have an immediate context. But what about someone half the plane away from you, who's riding with their young kid, and is now suddenly presented with someone shouting out and cussing in the open air.
>>505414 Calm your excitable bosom mate. I wasn't even focusing on the person who was peeing.
half the plane way hearing someone is peeing. I think they'd worry about someone peeing on the plane
>looking for entertainment? >live streams available with low fares (on select flights!)
this is like when i was in 4th grade and someone randomly kicked me in the balls so i told a teacher i got kicked in the nuts and i got detention for saying nuts
>>505422 man i got so many fucked up stories from way back then they're mostly repressed out probably for the better i remember on the bus in 5th grade some rich cheerleader snob piece of shit saw me crying and started provoking it like a chicken seeing red my mom had just been arrested and i was tryna mind my own business the girl ended up punching me in the stomach and i reflex spat on her and it got on her face so she told the bus driver and i got suspended fucking kids man
>kid keeps tapping me and trying to talk to me >turn around and tell him to stop >teacher throws me out for talking ree
i'm glad i was never a kid that must have been awful
Supervisor walks over to me and asks if I signed in. And I'm pretty sure I did. Then starts asking me if other peo ple are in. Man just check the list.
My time as a kid was wholly boring and uneventful. It's not so bad.
>>505431 this isn't really related but it reminded me my first day on the job working at UPS a literal decade ago, we had to pass through the check-in facility since it wasn't just training, and we didn't have our IDs yet so we had to go through the detectors and stuff and give them our info and the guard lady asked me "ok where do you work?" and i'm just like, "uh, UPS" she just looked at me for like 15 seconds and said "yeah no shit" very embarrassing momen moving at super fast sped
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>having kids
don't worry some day you'll have some of your own too /s
>>505440 you meme but I'm very quiet, agreeable, and nice to people IRL. I only fuck around and have arguments here for fun cause it's the internets and you all have crazy different opinions than me so it's interesting
>>505441 wow congrats I didn't know you had it in you
>>505441 still trying to remove all the eggs personally you can have mine if you want
>>505435 Flagging is when you alert trains of the work zone with flags or lights So instead of doing the job, you're guarding the job site from trains. Sometimes you're walking with a single person inspecting the tracks Which is harder
Small babys are cute, I don't know about bigger kids. but I enjoyed looking after the baby for my friend in texas. It was cute. I miss it.
I can't really see it. But I'm sure if it was one of mine I'd find it adorable, hah hah. Kids are a bit a way off in the distance for me regardless though.
>>505454 you can come hang out with mine in 9 months
>>505456 That be nice, they are adorable but they shoot out milk all the // all over the place and make very strange noises. Babies make really weird noises! but their smiles are really adorable and they laugh.
>>505460 babby drifts in their stroller all night crossin the line
>>505461 if you plug up their mouth after they drink it, it'll probably be fine
>>505463 Babies are pretty good at thinking up ways to projectile something. they also get confused by milk bottles emptying if they don't hold them up at certain angle to actually get the milk. It is adorable. >>505465 They do, their little brains come up with ideas, it is visible!
that doesn't mean they think cats solve problems through trial and error and they learn from that the same as mice
Well the baby was 7mo old and I could replicate things, it would repeat the little mouth vibrating bbbbrrrrrr thing I did to it. it wasn't that smart though, every body it saw was a milk bottle so if you accidentally took out a drink it would cry for its milk.
But it did look like it was thinking when you take it somewhere new and different or you make a sound it hasn't heard before. but I think cats do that too. I used to show my cat all around different places and it would look like it was thinking and learning about everywhere
it's processing information but it's not thinking in the way that we think it's orienting to new stimuli and mimicking behavior, which is something most animals do in their infancy babies literally don't have the brain development necessary to think like we do, it's a matter of their brains just not being grown yet their brains are tiny and undeveloped, as they grow, different parts of their brain will grow
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
it’s crazy how there are all these essentially alien even if they’re similar minds all around us
>>505469 I suppose that is true but it is adorable how they react and act to things and that baby cries when it wants to stand up so you have prop it up. I love that they laugh and smile, even though they are so tiny
having a child is stressful no matter what age but teenagers can take care of themselves and i think it's fascinating to watch someone develop into an adult technically their brains aren't fully developed until around age 21 but they have mostly adult faculties by age 16
Humans have a long development period, I wonder if other animals have as long period of development? they all seem to leave their offspring quite quickly to be independant
I don't believe any other animal has the length of a developmental period that humans do. Or at least, animals that live longer than humans don't have a longer developmental period. I'm not sure if there's relative ratios of the same length for animals with shorter lifespans.
well, the thing where you just leave your offspring to be independent is pretty unique in humans among primates other animals that do that are animals like leopards, and roughly 10-20% of their lifespan involves staying with their mother
humans are able to be independent around age 13, honestly
I've heard that in the past it was super common for human communities to live with several generations in one house. I wonder if that is more nature to us than living separated.
>>505478 It's nature. If you look at our evolutionary and social history, we're clearly communal animals that are predisposed to live like that.
I'm not certain of it, but I don't thnk it has to be a group of people all family-related though. We're clan-like species, but the social bonds can be with like, really close friends you've come to spend a lot of time with.
most societies that haven't been tainted by the west make few distinctions between close friends and direct family members kinship is very fluid
>>505478 Makes more sense to me Even these days I think it makes more sense for a family to stick together in one household than to spread across multiple houses and add on extra costs whilst diminishing the closeness of the family
>>505481 But if I think about it now, I think of it as stressful. I can't ever imagine it as healthy when I think of the stress of living with my granparents, mother, father, sisters, brothers, uncles
>>505493 that's because western civilization creates an environment that breeds intrafamily conflict in non-western societies and especially in indigenous ones, that environment doesn't exist, and there's almost no significant family stress because the group acts completely cohesively
>>505497 hahaha not really most indigenous societies don't have gender roles in the same way that western civilization does the "male hunter" and "female gatherer" thing is mostly a myth perpetuated by westerners that lacked the competency to properly understand indigenous cultures when they first encountered them it's incredibly common in indigenous societies to not even have solid views of gender. gender is generally considered fluid.
>>505498 I think more the concept but I'd rather not live with my family. I mean i like them but I'm I don't know the word for it right now, my family is far more forceful for me, so they tell me to do somethign, I'd not really be able to refuse. I can only feel more at ease on my own
>>505501 I sort of see where you're coming from. There's less obligations when you're living with /// more obligations when you're living with your family Under most modern houses too it'd feel cramped if you shoved all the generations together
>>505499 Yeah, I remember reading that westerns find it weird the men in some groups breast feed and even stay home and look after the children, when they expect it to be the big male hunter and house wife situation
>>505503 although you could argue that if it was socially normal for multiple generations to live together then we might just have bigger houses since we wouldn't all be living seperately.
>>505504 I actually didn't even know men could breastfeed until recently
>>505512 Maybe you just give off the alpha chad aura Maybe you're just charismatic enough that they think you can pull it off
I'm sort of getting stress staying here with the interactions with my mom's partner. >>505508 Its fair, most of what I type is a just a terrible stream of conscienceness that I // I should really slow down and figure out how to phrase and type things
>>505504 yeah, westerners didn't start to realize that their way of life isn't the only thing in the entire world until the last 30 or so years
>>505504 > the men in some groups breast feed and even stay home I'm just nitpicking here but considering the severity of those two I'd totally swap them around, hah hah.
These people are characters.
Why does everyone think I'm fucking bitches on the side Do I have that fucking bitches aura This is such a consistent thing.
Maybe they consider how you look to be a typical ladies' man.
>>505512 Maybe you are that swauve I don't know how to spell that. spell check says mauve.
>>505512 You're attractive, and men often don't understand what it's like to not be toxically masculine, so they assume everyone wants to fuck people on the side.
But "on the side" implies that you have a girlfriend! Are you hiding something from us?
>>505499 I have a little trouble with that. It seems to me that the further you move away from civilization the more gender roles become a matter of biological mandate. It's an absolte fact that women are weaker and slower than men and women tend to have slower reaction times too. And in primitive socities birthrates are high and life expectancies are generally lower, so women spend a lot more time doing child care tasks.
>>505515 /moe/ is Blue's lover, any girl he'd be dating would be on the side.
>>505519 I don't think you're very knowledgeable about it. What you're saying was absolutely considered right roughly 20 years ago, but those ideas are no longer accepted by any modern anthropological institution that's considered legitimate. Certainly, there are some indigenous societies that have rigid gender roles, but it's actually somewhat uncommon. Many tasks that are reserved for men in western societies are shared in indigenous societies, and it's not at all uncommon for indigenous societies to have a good number of skilled female hunters. Child care is very often a community task, so women don't spend a large amount of time caring for children unless it's a specific woman who is tasked with caring for women during /// for children during certain times. The rigid ideas of kinship that are present in our society rarely exist in others. Entire villages raise children. There's little difference between a biological father and another male in the village that's part of the father's generation.
I don't think I would use the words "primitive societies", its not a very friendly war to me.
let's have a friendly war lads
I want a nice, clean war, with no cheating and fair play all the way through.
Women do a lot more than child-care, even in pre-world war japan, they had villages with people living in all the same generations in the same house. very unusual sort of living arrangements and ways of forming communities in the lead up the modernization of Japan, the grandmother or oldest female of the house of the house head. Women handled a great deal of the social meetings and arrangements for harvest and men handled marriages, certain business and such.
It is super interesting.
>>505524 Hello I'd like to schedule a fire bombing for twelve o'clock tomorrow is that an appropriate time?
>>505525 Yeah, the rigid gender roles we see in Japan today didn't exist until the late 1800s when Japan became obsessed with western civilization and began modeling all of its institutions after those in America and England.
It enforced by the miltary organizations trying to rapidly modernise Japan, they sent out student constantly to the UK , the USA and other countries to bring back methods of education and socialization.
A really really good book is https://www.amazon.com/Suye-Mura-Japanese-Michigan-Classics/dp/0939512688 Suye Mura. I really recommend it. It is about an anthropologist living in japan in the build up to the war trying to get better idea of how very rural japanese villages worked. since even just a few years from the war they were still very middle ages, like they hadn't changed since the sengoku era.
One of the first things the empire of japan tried to do was to instil nationalism to the Japanese people who still were thinking in terms of belonging to a province rather than to the country of Japan, their loyalty was to their feudal domains rather than their country as a whole, the concept of "Japan" as a whole was very foreign to a lot japanese people.
It is super interesting how rapidly japan changed in the build up to the world war
>>505515 I was told that I seem like a wolf in sheep's clothing that would be nice initially but then would slap a chick with my Dick behind closed doors and I would like to know why Dick automatically capitalizes.
They also said that I'd be one of those hackers who would get girls info and have sex and then clear their bank accounts of cash
Geez, how uncouth.
>>505531 Dick is a nickname for Richard, so your phone's dictionary probably has that emphasized instead of the crude term. Like how most default phone dictionaries will try to auto-correct "fuck" to "duck"
>>505531 Wow, they aren't very good judges of character. Everyone can tell Blue respects women.
>>505531 I don't think those are very nice things to say but obviously they seem to think you are some sort of sexbeast. Did they see your lewd image pixiv favourites?
Then they talked about hentai briefly.
>>505531 > They also said that I'd be one of those hackers who would get girls info and have sex and then clear their bank accounts of cash What Is this a frequent thing?
Probably not, but these guys probably aren't operating on the standard level of reality here.
I really hate certain groups of people who are just disgusting lewd in public, like they seem to think sex is the only qualifier of worth and the only thing that is humour.
tell them sex is for losers and that the only thing worth doing is holding hands
Obsession with sex and virginity feels like a sort of disorder to me that society treats as normal
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
sounds like something a virgin would say :) just kidding tho
I've only seen virgins judging people for being virgins
But those comments are basically my point, virgin is used in a weird way and people seem to have this status of virgin and non-virgin like it is even meaningful
>>505546 It's because society doesn't provide social incentives to grow up. People frequently don't reach a proper level of maturity like they used to when there was more social cohesion and less freedom.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>505549 idk I mean I go through life meeting and talking with people and dating and stuff and not once do I think or care about them being a virgin or not it's just a meme, nobody puts a lot of emphasis on it IRL i don't think
I think it is more than just a meme, I have met many people who treat sex and virginity as something incredibly important. even people who get suicidal and self-derisive because they haven't lost their virginity >>505555 Exactly
>>505549 Of course it's not that meaningful in reality. I find it funny though that many of the people who treat it like it's a big deal are people with little to no sexual experience, and they seem to think that having one experience will somehow be a life changing experience that somehow 'fixes' them
there's a reason you have stuff like the idea of a "30 year old virgin" being funny because it's seen as ridiculous it's not culturally acceptable to be a virgin in the mainstream the reason people don't seem to explicitly obsess over it in public is because there's an assumption that everyone around you has had sex but the cultural obsession with it comes out through "humor" very frequently
Movies , tv series even just books constantly make references to virgins and they often the butt of jokes as awkward ineffective people who make terrible relationship decisions because they haven't had sex I really hate movie posters with "VIRGIN" as like one the character tropes,
>>505555 Yeah. It's also really easy to gloss over your virginity since people aren't really going to ask you about it. But it is still a slight pressure that if I wasn't so autsy around social normalities would probably wear on me over time.
a big part of the virgin shaming revolves around the idea that it's a man's job to pleasure a woman and that you need a lot of experience to be good at doing that men regularly insult each other's sexual ability the reason this stuff is so common is because of the weird attitudes we have towards sex and virginity
>>505551 >meme >current mainstream discussions on "the redistribution of sex"
>>505570 Maybe I've been out of the loop on the shootings. Though I don't really want to be in really. And maybe it's a sense of proximity but as far as "mad@girls" crimes go, the van incident here is a little more along those lines.
>>505573 It's pretty weird. They don't really go after the incels for the right reasons, though. They're losers because they think they're entitled to a woman's body, not just because they can't get laid.
>>505579 it's built into our language people constantly banter by saying they fucked your wife or your girlfriend or say stuff like limpdick etc it's all related to the cultural idea that sex is supreme
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>505560 >men regularly insult each other's sexual ability in what way? that's a pretty shitty thing tbh, i think most people would be upset if some jackass was doing that
Yeah, the bbc american articles are pretty insane. They are so different in quality to bbc uk articles.
>boy shoots up school because girl humiliated him while turning him down Not the best way to write a headline Not /// the way they phrase it makes it sounds like it's the girls fault
>>505577 The recent school shooter's first victim was the girl who publicly told him no in the middle of class or something after having already declined his romantic advances for months prior. He was mad@girls Now you've got NYTOpinions legitimately publishing shit about "redistributing sex" as if it were a good you buy in a store.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
ayyo girl are you a school cause i wanna shoot some kids inside you xdddddd
>>505581 or that the entire reason is because of a girl humiliating him, not because of other factors in his life.
Incel mindset is so childish to me that I find to not see it as a joke thing but it is real and people do think like that. I don't know why it feels so plastic and fake to me though even though people definately do feel and act that way
>>505582 yeah, this and people like jordan peterson are fueling it too
>"redistributing sex I haven't heard about this? what is this about?
it's about government issued girlfriends/sex slaves basically
Think of it like socialism but for sex
>we don't need to fund the distribution of food to poor families >but what we do need is to fund the distribution of sex robots
the incel mindset is fueled by feelings of inadequacy they believe they are inherently powerful because they are white and male and women denying them sex is a challenge to their power
And then you've got Peterson's socially-enforced monogamy and people actually taking his Othef other* statements seriously. It's a mess right now.
I have a friend that agrees with some of the disagreements he has on the Canadian C-16 bill, but I can't see him agreeing with something like "socially-enforced monogamy".
Is that even a real thing, like do people really think they need redistribution of sex That is fucked up
Redistribution of sex is probably a bad idea, but stuff like tinder actually has changed the game. Sites like tinder allow highly successful males to pump and dump larger numbers of females than before, and it's thrown stuff out of whack. It's bad for men and women.
>>505594 Where do women and people of minorities who consider themselves incels factor into this. The community might definitely tend towards a "white and male" group, but they exist in other varieties as well.
Wow I am reading stuff onlineabout it now and there are serious ideas about sex robots. what the fuck is wrong with the world
>>505603 Yeah online dating programs that make sure you can find "sucessful" men who then take advantage of you is fucked up. >>505607 That people will inevitable need some sort of sex worker and that sex workers as robots is a good idea for governments to work towards
>>505605 are you referring to the concept of government distributed sex robots or just the idea of sex robots existing at all
>>505606 yeah it's so fucked up Especially since many of these people are ones who will oppose welfare for things that people actually need like housing or food But sex robots, that's where we should be putting our taxes towards It's so self entitled
>>505603 sounds like that natural selection thing people seem to love so much
>>505612 Surely you know me well enough to make that determination without asking.
>>505612 I don't think he's wrong LIke of course people would rather have one night stands with people they find more attractive than with people they don't find attractive
>>505616 I'm having trouble telling since the conversation is so absurd.
>>505617 If people are going to say it's survival of the fittest and it's fine, they can't really bitch about schootings. Shooting your rivals to death is highly adaptive behavior.
I totally thought that was going to be some absurd shortening of "school shootings" that we really don't need in our lives.
>>505618 I think you have a good idea of my attitude towards dating, relationships, and reproduction!
The attitude to school shootings in america is weird to me. everyone obviously finds it wrong and horrible but there is also a sense of apathy and that it can't be dealt with in a short time so nothing urgent can be done.
>>505620 It's actually a bit of a mystery to me. You're seemingly religious, but don't seem to have a problem with people slutting around like degenerate animals. The decline of monogamy seems like something that any religious person would see as a bad thing.
Maybe it's just that jews are incomprehensible.
>>505621 The Onion has a pretty good satirical headline they put out whenever an incident like that happens. >‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens
>>505626 It's not really meant to be. I just don't understand. Shouldn't you see the fact that morality is decaying in society as a bad thing? It seems like a bad thing to me.
>>505631 I think that there are certain ways in which things should be done (in many situations) but that people were given free will by God, and they are therefore free to use it. But I don't necessarily think it's immoral to have multiple sex partners as long as everyone is consenting. It's not my job to police morality. God does that. As long as people aren't hurting others, I try to avoid making explicit value statements, regardless of whether I think something is right or wrong.
My job is to live my own life as well as I can. I can't do anything to make others behave in a way I find more appropriate.
And I knocked up my girlfriend before we were married, so I probably qualify as immoral in your book when it comes to sex, anyway.
Morality is subjective and maybe some things people fuss over as moral obsessions don't need to actually happen.
>>505631 You're assuming you and Kirara have the same definitions of "morality"
>>505631 To me that way of viewing things is super judgemental. sexual promiscuity doesn't necessarily mean moral decline. multiple partners or whatever isn't right or wrong but everyone has its costs and people who are immature will suffer the costs they don't realise.
If anything sexual chastity seems to correlate more to moral decline than otherwise.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
marriage/monogamy isn't a moral issue, it's a religious issue
I think I prefer people who don't have an absolute moral stand on sexual relationships. It isn't really anyone's business and nobody is fair to make it into a moral argument
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
if all parties are consenting in the relationships and are aware of the situation and okay with it, it's not a problem.
There are problems as there are with nearly everything, if you argue about it from a cost to the society point of you, you might as well take about the cost to society for nearly everything. people have a lot of issues with sex compared to far more costly things.
There are lots of studies that show that people who more partners cheat more often.
Like people who have had more partners cheap often? That doesn't mean very much, I think there are lot of studies that say whatever about sex and relationships. I don't really trust studies. about this topic at least.
>>505643 but that doesn't prove that being 'allowed' to have multiple partners is creating more cheating within society And by definition cheaters will have multiple partners so this seems a bit circular to me
>>505651 That might be one of the reasons Judaism confuses you. We don't have a concept of hell. Hell was made up for Christianity to help enforce rules.
>>505651 You bet swinswingers are the first to get into pits
anyway, it's very strange to me that people want to come down on incels for being horrible, but be cool with the way tinder has changed the dating game to being the equivalent of a sticky bar floor where everyone is just sleeping around like horrible sluts. If you're going to have a society like that, you can't really complain when people snap and start shooting.
>>505660 Incels think consent is a joke and that they are owed sex. That's why I despise them. They believe that other people are property and belong to them.
>>505660 I simply value peoples autonomy and the way incels talk about it they clearly do not
>>505664 How do you know what "chad" belives The point is that chad isn't trying to restrict the rights and freedoms of others. If "chad" attempts to control others then fuck chad but I haven't been seeing that
>>505667 Then don't partake in it I will complain about it because they're not breaking "stuff" they're trying to harm other human beings. You don't get to complain about not getting something you're not entitled to and they're not entitled to sex. They should either put in the effort to become more desirable if they care so much or they should just accept it.
>>505662 So does Chad, the only difference is that he's so hot that girls don't care. The "highly successful" males are often just as bad. Why is it that you have a problem with misogyny at the bottom of the food chain but turn a blind eye to the misogyny at the top?
Like I said, the dating game as it is now is bad for men and women. The fact that it's so bad for women is one of the reasons I have such large issues with it.
>>505664 I hate Chad, too! You don't know my position at all and you're just making stuff up! Anyone that's taking advantage of others is someone I despise. Chad and the Virgin are two sides of the same pathetic coin.
>>505663 I'm not trying to restrict the rights of anyone. I've not once suggested that the force of the state should be applied here. I'm just saying that it's really, really bad. Incels are a symptom of a greater problem. If you're going to just throw your hands up and say "oh well, survival of the fittest!" you can't really complain when the men who aren't getting any snap and start breaking stuff. That's what they SHOULD do.
>>505668 I feel like I know you well, but also that a lot of your views have been sliding off lately to a place I don't quite understand. I don't change a lot so the concept of change in general is hard for me. So it's hard for me to keep up.
I think reduction to chad or incel is a bad way of thinking about these issues.
>>505670 also this There's no black and white caste system where you're either chad or a failure
>>505672 I can and I will complain because I think it's wrong to murder someone out of jealousy and entitlement
>>505663 It's true, they're not entitled to sex. But if you're going to just say "survival of the fittest", you can't really complain when they do what has to be done, or when they snap. People need companionship.
If they start killing their rivals, well, that's classic survival of the fittest.
>>505669 I don't think my views on morality and autonomy have changed, at least.
I also think Kirara has been fairly consistant with morality about these sort of things anyway. I've never seen Kirara say he thinks incel, chad or any sort of extreme is good.
>>505671 So what are they supposed to do if society is set up for them to fail?
How has society set them up to fail? are you talking hypothetically?
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
is their some kind of online moral test? i'd be interested to see how everybody scored and their reasoning behind why they're low/high
>>505679 Either get good or accept their lot and find something else to do.
>>505684 I don't think you've even proved this either. You're assuming that everyone just wants a one night stand and thus all the women are "taken" But you've yet to prove this pyramid exists
>>505684 This is really unrealistic. The tinder problem isn't that widespread. The reason these people can't get laid is because they have extreme deficits in interpersonal skills and maladaptive world views.
>>505684 That is really not true. It isn't a game of economics with limited goods, women are not just deliverables that follow that sort of system.
I really don't agree with you Rika. That is a really skewed way of viewing dating and relationships.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
don't you see, if you're a virgin then a small percentage of the population is hogging all of your mating partners! /s
>>505685 The tinder problem has really significantly changed the dating game. Have you seen the studies done on virginity rates for the two sexes? In terms of virginity, men substantially outweigh women. It's a relatively small group of males grabbing up all the female attention.
I see tinder as a problem because it can enable abusive behaviours and encourage poor ideas about sexual attraction. I don't think it is a problem because women are unable to not choose between between the chads and incels and there is a shortage of women for incels to have sex with. I don't even think that tinder can have such a massive effect that there are fewer women to go around and women who are "brainwashed" into dating chads.
That sort of thinking is what makes incels really foreign to me, I'm suprised to hear you talking about that rika.
>>505688 According to the CDC, 80% of men and 75% of women lose their virginity by age 19. This isn't a large discrepancy. And virginity is irrelevant to reproduction.
I didn't take Fish's virginity, but she is pregnant with my child.
I'm not from america so I can't really speak about social phenomenons here if a small group of men are taking up all the female attention is true or not but to me it is ridiculous. Women are not a group that sort // are not just a single acting group that can only act in a particular way. That is kind of sexist. I don't see how it could be every realistic to think people with real desires, social needs and hopes, things they find interesting and don''t find interest can be boiled down to some slutty character than cannot resist chads.
>>505690 Well, I don't really care about defending the incel community or whatever, but I do think society is sick and that the dating scene is bad for both men and women.
I actually don't know a lot about the dating scene. All of my real relationships have come from women obsessively courting me until I fell in love with them. I've never really been interested in dating or anything.
i think i saw a study recently that the average tinder user isn't having any more sex than the average horny young person
I don't think tinder is even a reputable source of dating scene information, there are a lot of people who will never use tinder and people do use it for certain things are would have used other methods to gain that sexual favour.
Even if you are talking about sexual visibilty that has been something for centuries, women used as visual objects for the status of rich and powerful men, who we now call chads. I think tinder has changed much at all. Especially how abusive men can be when they have money and power.
definitely bang
I think if you want to date one person who is okay with you dating another person who is also okay with dating the other person that's pretty cool
What if "Chad" is just a really great, charming, and reliable guy and that's why people wanna date him
>>505708 I absolutely will have to pass on the genes, yeah. My otouto is probably going to go full tranny and blow out his brains before he's 40, there's really no stopping him when he gets like this.
>>505718 Yeah, it's a pretty horrible reality. I can't really figure out a way around it.
>>505719 That is optimistic. Less optimistic is 35 or so.
>>505720 One of mine would whole-heartedly be that way too. My brother would probably think it's a little weird but not say anything. But she would just say it to my face or behind my back to my parents probably. At least my imouto would be positive about it I think.
I have friends who are MtF and are fine. I guess it depends on how supportive the family is and how the enviroment is for them.
i ended up deciding against any kind of that stuff i guess it's just not for me. i still wish i was more girly tho.
>>505721 Wow, you're being unfair. When I know everything is going to go terribly and my loved ones will die, it's pessimistic, but when you do, it's optimistic.
>>505724 Yeah. My head's a bit mucky about gender identity but I don't think it's a problem that would be resolved that way.
>>505724 I don't think just taking HRT is the only way to gender expression. You can definately do whatever you like, none-binary exists, it is just matter of how you feel about how others treat you.
>>505725 Well, I have no problems being unfair. I don't think I'm being unfair in this case, though.
I think in your situation, it's more likely than not that she will recover and come back to you. That's just looking at it objectively.
I know how my otouto is, though, he's not going to snap out of this. He's always like this. I don't think there's anyting we can do to convince him otherwise. I've never been able to talk him out of bad decisions in the past.
>>505727 yes that's why I'm saying I'm not gonna hrt not that i want i still feel weird about the whole thing besides using girly names on the internet
>>505731 Yes, but speaking frankly, that's all superstitious bullshit. I certainly understand your fears and your worries, but I think looking at it objectively she will probably get better and everything will be fine. I think her dad will spare no expense in that case, and that sounds like exactly what is happening.
I don't really mean to sound dismissive and I think that paragraph sounds somewhat like that, I'm really worried about her too. But if I turn off the feelings and think about it, I think (and hope) that she will be fine.
But my brother has demonstrated, time and time and time again, that he absolutely refuses to listen to reason and cannot be talked out of anything. I've tried so many times, I've tried to talk reason into him on so many different manners, and haven't once in my life had any meaningful results with it. He literally does not care what I have to say about things.
>>505729 You think his transition is a bad idea? How come?
>>505734 I really wish I had spoken to him more, I logged into my skype the other day and found all these old messages. It is really sad, I wish I could have given him a hug.
>>505733 yeah i can see where you are coming from. stubborn people are hard to deal with.
>>505736 I think it is a bad idea for lots of reasons, from the instability that the hormones are going to cause in him to the fact that he will never be a satisfactory female. He's over six feet tall and built like a quarterback. He's got really wide shoulders, as do all of the men in my family.
>>505737 I got to talk with him over New Years and he seemed excited and happy for what he was doing. The news was really upsetting to me, it was only two months later. On top of that, I never finished watching Utena for the first time with him.
>>505742 how come he feels like transitioning? like why would he did that on the first place? besides the whole visibility transition is getting
>>505740 I think that things will be fine on your side of things. Looking at it objectively I really do see that outcome as extremely likely.
I don't think that I will be able to do much to help him. I have never been able to help him with his emotional instability either.
>>505744 He said the estrogen helps him to feel better and was either unwilling or unable to provide much detail past that. I think he is being taken advantage of by therapists. He's seeing a bunch of gender specialists or whatever. Of course they're going to fill his head with that stuff. A lawyer tells you that you need a lawyer, a dentist tells you that you need a dentist, and so on.
Also I'm fucking tired an haven't slept in like 40 something hours. But I just spent the last four hours laying in bed not being able to sleep.
>>505742 given this is sort of personal to me, I don't think there is such a thing as satisfactorily female or feminine. I think if he has strange ideas about what women are or that he must pass to be a women or act in certain stereotypical ways he is going to have difficulty. if he wants to express himself as a woman regardless of his physical apperance and feels like estrogens is helpful to him I think thats fine. I know plently of people who find estrogen helpful when dealing with gender dysphoria.
>>505748 i can't imagine estrogen having an actual effect of he wasn't dysphoric. idk there's way more ways to deal with depression again, unless he's dysphoric
>>505752 Your luck is not a fact. There is no such thing as luck.
More importantly, in a just universe your luck doesn't even play in here. It would be able what was that last sentence It would be about her luck, not your luck, in this situation.
>>505752 >let him die I don't plan to do so, no. I don't really see a way to snap him out of his issues though.
>>505753 I guess it would be about her luck. Maybe all of my loved ones died because of their bad luck and I just happened to be involved in their deaths.
Even if you can't snap him out, maybe you can reduce the risk somehow. I guess you know the situation better than me. Sorry for bringing it up.
>>505754 hmm I think that what's probably going to happen is that the gravity of this mistake is going to hit him in 10 or 15 years or so except this time he won't be able to run away from it like he usually does.
this one was fucking brutal, seriously you're missing out http://www.moralsensetest.com/user.php
If you could perfectly change out your body for an inorganic body, would you opt for one that matches closely to your organic body, or would you opt for one with differences?
>>505773 Watching the world pass by for the past couple of years has changed my mind. The last thing I want is google / the government having access to my innermost thoughts.
>>505775 Sorry, I probably should have picked better words. I mean visual differences, such as body structure, colour, apparent sex, etc.
Shatter the Earth into pieces so that nothing can live on its ruined fragments. Like I said, anything less and I'm for the perpetuation of civilization.
Very carefully
I'm fine with just living in a world with no other human beings on it, like they were all spirited away or I'm in different dimension and can interact with all the objects as they had been abandoned s
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>505793 yeah I mean I'd use a parachute idk about the rest of them tho
>>505805 So you pretty much want to be in Gensoukyo.
Gensokyo would be kick ass.
>>505807 Gensoukyo would be cool but I like the ambience of a world that is suddenly emptied. empty streets, buildings and just nature reclaiming things. I kind of like copperlion for that short of feel for some of the places.
>reincarnate in Gensokyo >get eaten before I even make it to the village Shouganai
well that was skme reading
I'm too lazy to sample this for your liking but enjoy some clips of good anime AESTHETIC.
The look always reminds me of Whisper of the Heart in particular. I know most anime from that time has a very similar vibe to the colours and shading, but there's some link I can't break.
I also just really love those first few opening minutes to that movie. It's a pretty solid movie overall but those opening minutes just resonate something fierce.
TN did you see they announced those new warhammer 40k books for kids https://warhammeradventures.com/
yeh i bet it will lead to all kinds of hilarity ie. >kid gets kidwh40k book >likes it and asks for mor >mom buys him ignotantly actual wh40k book >scarred for liffe
>>505847 I bet >my son sone liked that "warhammer" book let's buy another one >it's about Slaneesh
once there was this girl who wouldn't go and change with the in the change room but when they finally made her they saw birthmarks all over her body she couldn't quite explain it they've allways just been there
>>505864 not admin as much as scheduling and taking calls so that the actual clinics dont have to to lightne th load while thu work on other things
René !XAVIERbeiQ
That's the second night in a row my has briefly died.
There are cases and sweden's court has gone with "apply sharia law" as in "don't follow the actual swedish law and don't force these pedophiles to be locked away"
I don't believe that. Well, I'm hesitant to
well you don't need to
I need a citation.
Cause this sounds like fake news.
https://yournewswire.com/sweden-child-marriage-leaflet/ anyhow here is the leaflet thing
>>505885 wtf honestly. i think applying sharia is a international law thing not a human rights thing it shouldn't be favored compared to national law standards.
>>505891 Don't listen to anything TN says that doesn't have a citation. He's pretty often wound up in this sort of thing and doesn't base his opinion on it in fact.
Is it just me, but do these look like some chinese Avatar the last airbender rip off?
and the main trio in the wh40k >a kid who ran away from the imperial guard traitor >an inventor martian heretic >an archeologist who doesn't believe in guns and violence a xenos lover
>when you run into an unclear case in finnish literacy that is both right and wrong depending on circuimstance and your inner grammar nazi goes wild I just wonder does our school system make us into grammarnazies accidentally or on purpose.
I'unno. Kevin Penkin has recently been doing OST composition work for anime, he did a pretty excellent job with the Made in Abyss OST. Someone on /a/ was wondering if he might've been called on to do the Vinland Saga OST.
I just wonder can they go as graphic in the anime as in the manga part of the charm of the series is the brutal realism, though "Manga realism" ofc some of the characters are practically superheroes as usual. How gory was the berserk anime, the recent clunky cgi one?
No clue, didn't watch. Televised anime generally is pretty restrictive of graphic content. There might be some leeway if it airs on private channels or sufficiently late at night, but a lot of things are pretty inflexible.
I mean berserk is grimdark fantasy, while vinland is historical semi-realism but both have quite graphical depictions of violence, though they use them differently
If it airs UH I BROKE SOMETHING. THE FUCK Have I done. my cursor is jumping everywhere in this chat box.
Well that might lend itself to freedom. But at the same time JoJo's is huge but was censored in some pretty inflexible ways. That could probably associate with the anime rights being owned by Warner Bros. though.
Is this fixed now. huh, I wonder what the fuck happeneded.
>>505912 Jojo did the blackbar censor which imo worked quite well, since we all knew that it would be on the dvd/bd version I wouldn't mind that, but what I would mind is toning down the violence to make it "tv-friendly"
If it airs on ATX it can sometimes but uncensored but nowadays they make people buy the BDs if you get the BDs you get it uncensored.
>>505914 I'm not sure if I'd agree, since there was that one scene in Stardust Crusaders where Jotaro smoked and they slammed the brakes hard on showing that. And there was just a random black hole in front of his mouth.
>>505916 well yeah cause you can't show that in japan especially now
Smoking in anime is fair common though, there is a bunch of anime with smoking characters.
ie. yuru yuri went with turning chiaki to "gets drunk on chocolate and goes kissy kissy" from "gets drunk on alcoholic chocolates and goes kissy kissy" because tv stuff
>>505918 Jotaro is like, sixteen or something during Stardust Crusaders. So too underaged to be fair game, especially for something that probably aired in a typical shounen timeslot.
Think for example takunomi which had that giant "We are of age so we can drink" on every episode
This PDF I need to read for class is arranged in landscape for some reason, which means I get like half a page of text per page. And if I were to print it off I'd effectively double my paper use. But I can't copy paste off it for some reason so I can't just lift it onto a normal page for formatting. How annoying.
It's also a select few dozen pages out of a 5000+ page PDF so it's doubly a pain.
>>505924 you need to read it by tomorrow or? I can link you a software that allows easy editing of pdfs I used a while back it might allow you to make it more readable
but not gonna do it today cause can't be bothered to dig my laptop from storage
Yeah, no, it's fine. I'm just bitching because it's stupid and my capacity to focus on it today is already not the best. I can definitely get it done.
I do hope the professor doesn't expect us to print stuff off for the class out of it because that would be ridiculous.
>>505933 been thinking a lot about VR workspaces lately
I have a steam friend who is always in VRchat. They rarely do anything else. VRchat is interesting but I wish it was better. Full body VR is probably really hard to make especially with health and safety, you can't just expose people to heat, cold, pressure without taking in consideration all the medical exceptions for certain people.
really wish i could afford a VR setup for that i get a little bitter hearing how everyone's loving it so much and feeling helpless to enjoy it myself super petty of me but man i've wanted it for so long by the time i get around to it i feel like the experience might be sullied by everyone else's aftertaste a bit there's a couple things i'm a purist about and my own experiences are one of them
I can't afford it either. I wish it was cheaper. It has lot of interesting programs and some that are super lame.
>>505937 I doubt it, I think there a lot of people who can't afford it and a lot of developers still skeptical that VR is a thing. I wannt a VRMMORPG or just a normal RPG to come out where I can touch and feel and instead of doing things and automating the potion making you could actually mix and make potions yourself. or learn actually blacksmithing to make swords and stuff that'd be cool
there's also the flip side which i think about in that the virgin VR experience is probably an extremely crucial moment of development and immersion and being the first comers to it might sully the awe of the refined products to come later
>>505932 Not at all. It's a collected file of Freud's writings. 5000+ pages long that could maybe be close to half of that if they compiled it like a normal book.
If VR ever gets real life quality and there is a decent elder scrolls singleplayer world, I'd abandon reality.
VR Skyrim
It'd be fucked up if we discovered we were just NPCs in someone else's simulation and we made a simulation to escape that simulation.
>there has been force move in d3 sicne few patches ago, no one just told me damn
>http://www.angelfire.com/planet/mythguide/kalevalans2.html All these american actors as finnish gods
>>505965 Btw on that note I was going to go with Rahko Kalmistola, but the game doesn't allow spaces and writing it in one /attached is lame >>505972 only a-z
>the darkness within you cannot match what is within me >I have studied death for decades, here is a lesson >my how amusing the taunt button is a treasure of EDGY
also this annoys me you can alwayd drop difficulty but not raise without rehosting the game maybe it might be some mechanical thing post some difficulty level
my new client is fucking amazing native American bow hunter that has q felony for beating up cops and worked as a carny for 14 years
God was an active player in the early days but now just bots.
only problem with the new guy is that he can't read
but other than that, he's super fucking hard he was homeless at age 9 and used to hunt deer and stuff for food with a bow he took an arrow to the face once, almost lost an eye he's like covered in scars but he's super friendly
He seeing you because of the felony or because of something else?
he has anger issues that he wants to resolve so he doesn't get arrested again sometimes he just snaps and destroys things or people
honestly this dude could be a movie im not sure he was honest about everything but i think he was honest about his past and stuff i think he wasn't being honest about his fight with the cops
And it's not like you need to be honest to life to make a good movie.
hard thing is going to be administering psych assessments to him since he can't read ill have to read all of the questions to him which will be very time consuming on one hand it's so much time but on the other hand, i can record more assessment hours for licensing stuff