Likely some cultural phrase that literally means to reach puberty, but is used to mean losing your virginity
>>506079 I remember when I was like 12 there was a webcomic I liked on hiatus and I went on the forums and told the author he had to get back to work on making it even though it was completely unpaid and I swore at him a bunch
I would not choose to do a double like I did that time. I don't know if you guys remember but I ended up missing my normal shift and I had to cover it with the 8 hours of saved time that I worked that night anyway. So it literally just zeroed out. I could have had MOGRA and still made the same amount of money.
I'll gladly work more on my campaign when it seems more likely to happen
Why don't you do some world-building writing in the meanwhile. It's not like writing expires some where down the line. If anything, the possible long wait could only give you more time to polish and return to established ideas for better development.
I should world build a little better though Pinpoint where some things would be mapwise.
I want them to have a little more freedom on where they go this time. Though if they do the stupid thing and go "let's go to the mountain where the velociraptor-cheetah hybrids live" I'm going to be mildly upset.
Alright look that is EXTREMELY suicidal to just go to an endgame area INSTANTLY
>>506122 hey. I love the stupid shit you guys do daily.
If you want to disencourage that, just let them do it and TPK themselves. Maybe after three or four attempts they'll realize there may be better parts of the world to explore.
Alternatively, try to develop the world less like a video game and avoid falling into concepts of "endgame areas" and the such.
we all created the world together we just came up with random shit and threw it all together and drew a big map as you can imagine it's got so much retarded shit drop bears parasitic worm people the world was created by a dude jacking off
Ah, I can see.
>>506126 I mean, that's all fine, but there isn't exactly "levelled regions" incorporated because of that, is there?
I'm not familiar with the system you all were using but surely levels for encounters can be tweaked depending on where players choose to go at certain points in their progression.
>>506128 If I designed enemies that way, a thing they described in lore as being called "speed demons" because they were so fast at killing you no one thought up a name, would end up as lame as some shmuck if they ran into them at the same level
>>506150 I saw some Japanese people talking about that. Dunno what their opinions on it were; I just assumed it would be something along the lines of "I am uncomfortable with this change". Since that is a universal human reflex.
>>506150 Also in case you weren't already cursing having missed Porter Robinson's MOGRA this month, he has a mix of Lost My Pieces in his set.
The Marvel cinematic production staff have done a very good job of not fucking up characters, and even doing a good job of modernizing the characters out of a somewhat outdated frame of reference. And especially if you look at the more recent films, they have an even more solid rate of success.
Kirara 🚗
out of like 50 hours of marvel movies or whatever, only one of them was anything close to what i'd consider a "fuck up" and that's iron man 3 with mandarin and the extremis stuff even though extremis-inspired armor is in IW
is still part sony
Kirara 🚗
no marvel does all writing and production sony has relatively no creative input into the movie
SONY just has the rights to the name.
>>506169 im3 was a weird movie it had some reslly good parts and thrn it had the silly mandarin twist
>>506169 From my understanding of the Mandarin learning about him after watching the movie, it's more so because it wastes a character with a lot of plot potential and little details for how minor he was in the Iron-Man saga.
Kirara 🚗
iron man 3 is the only marvel movie i'd consider bad
>>506178 iron man 2 is kind of forgettable but i wouldn't really consider it bad because it added a lot of tony's character with the alcoholism subplot and stuff imo they should have just skipped iron man 3 avengers 1 and avengers 2 are the perfect continuations of iron man's plot lines
>>506181 yeah the ptsd thong in im3 was just out of nowhere and just barely tied into ultron
PTSD thong? Now that's a product idea.
>>506183 yeah you see a relative in a thong and it gives you ptsd shit's gross
I put it on and he started getting really excited and walking around my laptop. With his tail spazzing out. He does this weird tail twitch thing that looks like a muscle spasm when he's excited.
Ten days. Or eleven, maybe. She was admitted on the 12th, I think. or maybe it was the 11th I'm so discombobulated and the time zone differences keep confusing me She's been hospitalized almost two weeks now
>>506266 >most but not all You can't really say "they provide a bit more story in some places" though. For the one or two OVAs which don't have original material, you're dropping nearly a whole series worth of content. >>506271 Geez man, I'm sorry.
>>506267 Yeah... I wanted to show it to my friend after my first watch that month, he hated it. Then I showed it to my grandfather for some unfathomable reason.
/moe/ used to be busier than this at this time in the past, the past few hours until now were always busy and then it would get quiet when anime started
at night it's straight up dead and it's been that way for a while I think you only just noticed
>>506292 A whole bunch of people got busier in their lives. Rika, you, moon, and few others. This is a fairly small userbase so the effect when even just a few people get busy is pretty dramatic.
>>506291 Yeah, we've been talking about how quiet evenings have been since early this year.
Domination. Still can't reach the highest tier though. Or don't upload
>>506294 Not to mention a number of people are settling into "adult" lives. Once you enter a routine of working every day of the week your capacity to experience new, interesting things drops off. Which happen to be good sources of conversation material.
Maybe I'll just start going to bed at 8pm again since /moe/ isn't doing much for me in the evenings
Then you'd leave me without your company!
>>506297 I have so little to add being in this place with sand and just walking all the time. Oh right I saw some lightening in the clouds in the distance, it was super cool, this sounds like I'm being sarcastic. I'm not. It was amazing watching the lightening through the clouds and as it got dark in the night it was was flashing with purple and blue lightening
what's the point of my company being here if i just sit around and wait for conversation there being no conversation is really distressing to me right now, i need something to keep my mind occupied so if i'm not able to get what i need, i should probably just sleep
i just need to be distracted from my thoughts so i stop ruminating and wanting to die maybe my expectations are just too high i'm not in a good place the evenings are hell for me right now
I get super bored to be honest so moe being dead is a little fustrating but I am not good at holding a conversation.
I can understand that desire for distractions, I don't like thinking to myself either so I try to find manga or a game to play or just something to fill up the time.
i very much enjoy thinking and having time to think, especially in solitude however, as things are, it's dangerous for me to do that so i need to find ways to avoid doing it games and manga and anime doesn't help so my options are social contact or sleep
I've never enjoyed it, it makes me feel empty, like a deep heavy weight inside of me. Right now I've mostly exhausted a lot of manga to read, anime isn't an option because of the shitty internet and games are iffy because my shitty laptop. I mostly read webnovels, LNs, browse twitter and go out walking.
When I say I'm bored, it is like a painful desire for something to do to give me stimulation so I don't slum I've tried social contact and unless the right elements come together it just doesn't work. I hardly speak with people.
I love thinking, it's a good creative process and a way to let ideas stew. But I'm also pretty prone to thought spirals when I'm in a bad way and at that point I can't be left to my own foci or else I'll just repeatedly worry internally over things.
My hair gets so tangled so easily. I swear I'm decimating it when I try to brush it out but it always remains thick.
The only times I've ever lost control of my thoughts are after Teacup's death, right now, and during PTSD episodes. My life has pretty much been hell, so my ability to control my own thoughts is the only reason I've survived this long. But now I have problems with physiological bases that interfere with that and make it dangerous for me to do it at times like this.
I wasted like $20 on alcohol even though I'm short on money right now. I didn't realize what I was doing until I got home and had a bottle of liquor. I poured it out, so I'm okay, but I'm not in a good place.
>>506312 My hair gets super tangled. don't brush it out, use your hands to unhandle. *untangled *untangle
That only accelerates split-ending. It also isn't as fine-tuned as a brush.
>>506315 Use a comb, I use my hands to gently untangle my hair. My hair looks terrible in the mornings, everything is all fucked up.
René !XAVIERbeiQ
I have a bad habit of pulling out my hairs.
That inevitably happens when I run anything through my hair. I'll hit a knotted bit and before I know it I'll have tugged out some hairs.
>>506310 Maybe try your hand at drawing. Get some paper and a pencil, and go at it in the privacy of your room. Or head out into the desert and find a nice place to sit and sketch your view. Creative activities can be a really good stimulus for some people.
>>506323 Drawing fustrates me more often than not, I don't have my drawing things with me but I think I might try and do more photography. I think I am also trying to get used to not talking as much with my friend, I used to talk to them all the time and now they rarely talk to me and have made new friends with their girlfriends discord group. >>506326 I'd snap something and then cry
>>506329 This mindset is so weird to me. I've lived in the middle of nowhere my entire life. There's never been anything to do anywhere I lived until like a year ago. I can't imagine being unable to entertain myself while having to rely on something other than myself.
>>506333 I used to be different when I well no actually had books and the ability to get new books. I could just walk to the library and spend all my time in the library. I could go to the shops and get a magazine, I could go the library and use the computer and the internet. I'd watch videos or dvds. I'd be able talk to friends in person and go out to a cafe with them.
I have never been in the situation where I am stuck somewhere with on and off internet, a lack of books, a lack of films or the sort of things I've been used to. >>506340 Well what you are used to and what I am used to is completely different, and how tolerant you are of that sort of enviroment is differernt from me. This place drives me insane.
>>506325 >I'd snap something and cry Just get some super glue. The little tubes with the little brushes. Plastic models really aren't that difficult. Just buy some cheapo $20 one to start with and work your way up
>>506338 I could never do any of that. There weren't any shops or libraries within walking distance of me. And even if there had been, I wasn't allowed to go out usually. I think it's good to learn how to entertain yourself.
I don't know what I'm even doing I don't know why I'm still here
René !XAVIERbeiQ
Looks like they're going to remove a lot of those restrictions put on banks after the 2008 finnancial crisis.
>>506340 I don't know if I can entertain myself independant of the things I am used to, I spent a lifetime in england being able to just go out and do something like buy cigerettes. even at home with internet and good computer all I did was play games, watch netlflix/anime and read manga and light novels. It is entirely foreign to me that I just have to make something up to entertain myself. Not being able to talk with someone in person for a while even just a shop exchange is weird.
This job is located an hour away in a seemingly remote place. Maybe I'll just move out there if I get it.
Yeah that's a pretty fair way to travel, especially for a job that would have you in the seat behind a wheel for the job on top of that. I guess if you're free to move that's all right.
>spend all day driving at work >have to spend another hour driving home
I used to have to drive 4 hours daily four days a week to go to school
Yeah, that's pretty garbage. One of the schools I'm hoping to get into, up until recently, would have been a three-hour round trip to get there and back. I barely even considered it an option at that time. They recently added some more subway out that way which would cut it down to around two hours round trip. It's still such a long way out though. At least I could read on the subway or something.
Yeah, I should have just dropped out and gotten a manual labor job. I would probably be happier now. Or dead. Both possibilities are better than where I am now!
i've never really understood this whole concept of being bored what does that mean
is it being internally overstimulated and not having the external channels to outlet the stimulation? is it being externally overstimulated and having eagerness to be away from it? or is it being both internally overstimulated and dissatisfied with the external stimulation provided in the available channels for outletting your energy?
the main effect of boredom is being acutely aware of the passage of time, but having nothing to concentrate on to speed it up a lot of people have things they can do but they can't slip into a state of mind that'll allow them to focus on it. i usually get bored whenever i don't want to commit to one activity and flit between like 2, mildly zoning out and sinking low into my chair. but not in a good way.
Being bored is being bored. There's nothing interesting going on. It's not having enough stimulation.
I am often bored.
Boredom is an intense feeling for me. I feel like time is going by very slowly It isn't like I have lots of energy and need to expend it or have the desire to have a lot of energy to expend it.
I don't know what boredom feels like either. Time is always moving too quickly and I always have something to occupy me, even if it's just internal stimuli.
i guess i've never felt it everyone else seems to understand it intuitively but it's elusive to me
I feel like boredom isn't always just not enough stimulation but sometimes the wrong kind of stimulation too.
Sometimes things also just become boring, I've experienced them enough that they no longer give me pleasure, I don't gain what I once used to get from it.
>>506387 >>506386 I am actually kind of jealous that you don't feel boredom. I am always having to look for things to fulfil the need that boredom causes.
I can understand boredom but people telling me they feel that way usually makes me ask why don't they do X or Y or whatnot. I think I get a feeling like I'm bored when I have a feeling like I want to do something but an intense disinterest in the things around me I could do to relieve that. It's more stressful than anything though.
>>506393 From my point of view, boredom looks unpleasant but highly desirable. It's indicative of few struggles. It seems like a luxury I could never have to me. I can't stop moving or I'll die, and that's pretty exhausting. The idea of being able to be bored is pretty attractive to me.
I've never thought of boredom as indicative of few struggles. I am not lacking things to do, its not like I can // i just sit around lazing away and doing nothing.
a lot of things are boring. I still have to do them. my life hasn't been a life of luxury as far as I've been aware.
>>506396 I can see where the sentiment comes from actually disregard this
i feel understimulation and overstimulation, and i feel disinterest in the stimuli i'm subjected to but i don't think it's the same i guess the worst thing i can think of in comparison is i sometimes feel trapped in my own mind and unable to escape it when it's in places i don't like but i don't think that's it either
>>506396 Well, if you had struggles, those would be occupying your time and you wouldn't get bored. Everyone has struggles, but I'm talking more like having to survive in an environment that wants to destroy you.
>>506401 I don't think suffering and boredom is mutally exclusive. I don't think suffering is going to make me feel like I have some stimulating to do. I have lived in stressful fucked up enviroments and felt bored. I don't know though. I
>>506401 A struggle can still be boring once the feelings of danger wear off If you had a really mundane and repetitive struggle, but still a struggle, I think it could get boring
I don't know. That's not my experience at all. My experience is that even if it's the same shit over and over, it's still a struggle. No matter how many times I had to hide in my room growing up, it never stopped being painful. There is a way to put handcuffs on someone that makes it impossible for the body to acclimate to it and feel comfortable again. To me, struggle is like that. You don't get used to it. Struggls doesn't give you time to be bored.
I think that's hard for people who haven't struggled like that to understand. I don't consider struggle to be something you can just get comfortable enough with that you can sit around and do nothing.
Boredom doesn't mean things stop being painful. its not a total desensitization of feeling. I used too be forced to stare at a wall for hours everyday and not be able to move or get hit. I got bored with it, I wasn't pumping with adrenline
It's possible to suffer and be bored at the same time. A good example is track and field day in elementary school. You spend all day standing around doing nothing in the blazing heat.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
think of it as a mental strengthening exercise teaching you to tolerate obnoxious and insufferable things, so that you can become truly zen :3
>>506406 Obviously people who commit suicide from it are comfortable.
There's a massage parlour nearby with a "No happy endings, please stop asking" sign up.
René !XAVIERbeiQ
No matter how I look at it, it's really unfortunate.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
that's really sad, I feel bad for the massage therapists if their career offers no happy ending. forever stuck in a low-paying, dead end job. and they even advertise that there is no happy ending for them in the window? that's employee abuse, how cruel [j o k i n g]
The birds at the train station are being very loud.
I'm taking a picture of that tomorrow. Also I was just asked for food from a homeless man. So I gave it to him. I appreciate it when they ask for food instead of money because I rarely carry cash.
The NFL adopts rule requiring all players to stand and show respect for the flag and the national anthem. Players may choose to remain in the locker room during the anthem.
It was introduced in the first game and is an ability in every game abe is in
René !XAVIERbeiQ
Well I can't do it right now is my real point.
how far are you into the game
abe was damn hard game, but it had real low punishment for death and even if you made mistake like getting some mudokons killed you could just sudoku and reset the stage no "set you back hours" if you died
I mean how was the first game >you discover mudokons are made into food >escape factory >go places >get possession >is told to go save your kin >win
>>506556 yeah and int he second you get that demigod form bit after mid game
best part about the abe games, atleast the first two, only ones i have played was the news broadcasts
René !XAVIERbeiQ
I bought the pack uptil Strangers whatsitcallit when it was $3 I hope can at least run Munch's Oddysee because that's the first one I recall playing.
I have the first two on ps3 and steam, but I don't think I've played them in yeeeaaars I played them through at friend's place as a kid who had them on ps1
>>506582 My tag database crashed like, last year sometime And after talking to the dev, it turns out there was no real way to recover them So all my images went back to untagged
Some tags were saved because I had them exported to folders based on their tags, so I just reversed that But all those images still lack everything but those specific tags >>506586 I'd have to have backed up the entire folder Which is several gigabytes
It was because of an update
Why didn't you make a backup?
One day ill tag all my images After I fix my comp After Microsoft patches win 7
>>506585 Oh yeah You like can't back up the ttag database right?
No That last windows update really Fuck I can't decide
Commonsense 2018™ and Malwarebytes scanner should be enough
For real though I'd be willing to tag a bunch of your shit for one cent per ten images.
my roommate just has like H wall scrolls hangin around the place in the open i think it's nice to be that open and comfortable and not all repressed and shit they're tasteful and not raunchy >>506606 no just in his room but still
How are they H but tasteful? Are they just nude filters? >>506611 Oh, like pantsu and stuff
>>506610 i guess they're ecchi and not H still, nudies and stuff no there's boobs it's not like fuckin and stuff though
in any case after the recent years i'm finding it very comfortable to live with an unabashed otaku i don't feel so judged all the time
That's a big distinction
They have a bunch of touhou shit too right? Like fumos
yeah, a pretty impressive collection
Fumos can be worth a lot
I don't know what your rent is but he could probably cover a month by selling a few.
Pizzashit bus service changed its expected time for my bus from six minutes behind schedule to right on time between me checking and me leaving for the bus. Now I'm going to be undeniably late even if I don't stop to get coffee. I already didn't really want to go to class today either.
Oh my answers are lacking in depth. Still I will try my best. You say you wanna stand by my side. Darlin' your head's not right. See, alone we stand and together we fall apart. Oh I think I'll be alright. I'm workin' so I don't have to try so hard. Tables they turn sometimes.
Now my fears, they come to me in threes, so I - sometimes. Save face, my friend. You say the strangest things. I find. Sometimes. Oh my answers are lacking in depth. But I will try my best.
You say you wanna stand by my side? Darlin' your head's not right. See, alone we stand and together we fall apart. Oh I think I'll be alright. I'm workin' so I won't have to try so hard. Tables they turn sometimes. Oh, someday.... I ain't wasting no more time.
Yeah looks like you'd either have to train it yourself which would cost money oor wait for someone else who can actually do it to do it.
i wouldn't do anything with others' data sets anyway i'd need to train something myself if i'm gonna use it
Oh sorry, i was directing that at sk
oh i thought you were talking about the stuff you linked me
Well I was sort of But directed at sk because I earlier suggested automating image tagging using a neural network because i know its doable. But i thought someone had already made one and released the code.
I mean I don't really watch sports, but this is unlike anything I've ever seen TV has ads here, too, but it's nothing like this
It's so cynical The entire stadium is a giant ad with people on it, and they take timeouts for ads, and then the commentators are also ads, ads by Toyota which will get you where YOU need to go!
>>506690 I guess these pitchers are just doing a good job Or maybe not They seem to be doing well But these timeouts are so frequent, I thought it really just was every half inning
The New York Yankees aren't even New Yorkers Like if they live in New York, it's because they're on that team, not the other way around
Sports have manufactured even that feeling of closeness to a team based on where you live >>506695 I know but it's incredible to me how the whole game is just a big money machine
Have you not ever heard of sports before? It's been that way for a while.
any sports on a national level are like that in america even college level to some degree, which is even more fucked uo considering college players don't get paid
Gambling can be fun, but nobody who offers gambling services is doing so without preying on people
It wouldn't be a big \\\ as big a deal if people didn't get hooked or throw away all their money in one go That's the kind of person these businesses need to survive, or at the least want, so
Might go sleep
>>506718 i don't think that's their bread and butter people like that usually get stopped from continuing to play because the casinos don't want that their bread and butter is really amenities and extras the idea is to provide a lot of entertainment so the person's booking a few nights at the hotel and visiting the shows and yeah, get in a good mood and toss out 100 or 200 bucks gambling just for the thrill and the fun a modest balance towards the house of a couple percent and a lot of flat fee amenities and entertainment services
but really, i'd say the biggest venues for gambling aren't playing against the house, but the venues for players to play against each other and the house takes a small rake for organizing and hosting the venue idk, online casinos are probably different and i'm certainly viewing it in a biased perspective towards what my ideals are, even though i'm sure companies aren't as nice and proper as i'd like them to be, or think they're capable of being >>506721 it certainly seems viable, and doesn't fall under gambling but skill gaming with wagers there's some specific rules about what constitutes a gambling scenario, and if chance is the main element of it, like roulette and such, then it's got stricter regulations playing games influenced by skill, even though some chance is present (like the dealing of cards/tiles), it's different at least in the US that being said, i dunno if there are cash-play mahjong venues online it'd be nice if there were
>>506716 I know you wanted to dodge this conversation but Is it viable to gamble on mahjong online
>>506720 In casinos I guess that's likely true yeah
>>506720 Yeah I tried looking around before and the only place I could find was mahjong time, but they only did tournaments where you had to place first overall to win money. There wasn't any game mode where you could just wager on invidiaul matches. There's also the issue with the table rake if it operates like a real life parlour.
>>506725 Yeah, having a tournament where every player pays a fee to get in with a prize isn't classified as gambling I think Maybe you could set up some sort of irc network or something where everyone deposits the money to a third party before the game, which then pays back per the results. But you'd have a lot of trouble setting that up and getting people to trust it I bet
>>506720 Betting on games is admittedly something I'm more neutral to I'm still no fan of it, though
>>506723 tournament events are easier to get the licensing for they could probably do freeform wagering within individual matches, but there's a whole lot more work going into the logistics of setting that up as well as providing proof that it's fair and compliant with all the regulations and also that it's a secure system that's not cheatable, like has happened with some of the early poker sites
Oh shit the pitcher for the Royals is actually from New York and he's against the Yankees What a world, dude
I go between interests quickly and often, but so far I'm enjoying this game
The production value is top notch though, strike zone and ball placement on the screen I saw some parts of the Super Bowl and I was really impressed with that too
Do they put in this much effort on like, soccer, as well?
>>506727 man, check out the NFL sometime the sheer amount of technology built into the field itself for all the broadcast details is insane the sweeping cameras with the still-motion 360 coverage the stuff that is built into the field itself and then shows up on the broadcast live it's crazy
It's that or wait around on a call waiting for a simple answer, which I don't have time for. Also it's not like I'm living off savings and can't afford my registraton or anything.
What is with this kind of "we're too cool to hire you" attitude I'm seeing in job postings.
René !XAVIERbeiQ
I've seen ads like that too, they're the worst. Usually really fishy too. I applied to one of those kinds of ads and forgot, ended up going to an interview and wasting my time on that nonsense.
There's STILL one company that purposely miscategorises and makes misleading titles on the jobsite I visit. Like "BARTENDERS WANTED looking for a job in sales and customer service?" and it's posted in the Hospitality section. Like fuck off dude I don't want your trash job.
>>506748 Yeah, I'd describe this posting as a little fishy. I might consider biting though, it's a work-from-home position in tech service fields. As far as jobs I can do I feel I could manage that much. I'd wait to see if I can't get one of the other things I'm looking at though.
>>506751 I saw a bike courier job posting that I probably would have considered if I was more in shape. And wasn't deathly terrified whenever I biked on the same road as normal vehicles. They promised this pretty solid bonus for taking on work per week, but I was looking into some stuff to find their head office and apparently the bonus is worded to be a little deceptive, and they cut the bonus off after like two weeks or so.
René !XAVIERbeiQ
>>506752 I wouldn't personally go for it after that experience and I don't enjoy the idea of a call job, but also I guess sometimes you gotta take what you get. >>506753 That's a shame, I'd probably enjoy a courier job too.
René !XAVIERbeiQ
I ran into one guy at a group interview who experienced the same thing. Group interviews can create a weird bond sometimes.
I've never had one. Though I've not had many interviews. The last two jobs I got hired without even having to interview, except if you can call one phone call an interview. But one of them I also had my dad vouching for me to get the job. Neoptism, 'ho.
René !XAVIERbeiQ
Depending on type of person, I think a group interview can be more relaxed Or I guess like Maria is saying less so.
I remember the group interview I went to was like two hours long I never felt any sort of bond, just competition
>>506757 Well, even though there is the element of competition, I do think it's somewhat more relaxing to have the evaluation spread out across multiple people
I think both are pretty valid emotions to feel in that sort of environment at least.
A subjective acknowledgement that there good reason to feel that emotion in that situation. Like feeling happy, for MOST people, is a pretty invalid emotion to feel after getting kicked in the balls.
>>506800 That's honestly a decent episode. I like the volcano scene a lot and what it does for Shinji and Asuka working together. I think the way Asuka complains about the inflation suit probably says something about her sense of self image but I dunno what I'm not Anno the master
i was this close to waifu Asuka but too many people already did. she was still best and stuff
cigarettes up here are crazy expensive it's like eight bucks plus change a pack i know it's even worse in some places but i'm used to 5.50 for a pack of african american spirits in missouri
black american spirits are like $8.34 after tax here you can get two packs of what i smoke for like $9 though
im working right now and i'm so sleepy that my mind is drifting into dream state while i'm working it's not entirely unpleasant but it's making me work very slowly i actually have this problem a lot though, semi-conscious states like my visual processing cortex is loaded up with some dream-state visuals and the actual feedback from my eye intake is like background noise