
Thread #504102

Not synched.

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Kirara πŸš—
where did the light in my eyes go
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 428x599, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
so i'm dumb and did not keep my food down
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You need to figure out how to eat and keep it down very soon.
You're getting to the point where you need to get some food in you.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 706x680, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
the key is to not think about anything stressful
so i ate and said i needed to not think about anything stressful
and then i thought of some examples of stressful things i need to avoid thinking about
and it ballooned out of control and i threw up

i'm not sure how to avoid repeating this pattern
unless i can create an environment that is distracting enough to keep me from thinking about anything
but i don't have the physical or mental energy necessary to do that
I think I can see where you went wrong.
I've never vomited due to trauma so I don't know what advice to offer.
most of my vomit has been out of my control in that I don't have anything that triggers it, I just vomit and hope I stop vomitting.
usually I have other symptoms of sickness as well as vomiting at the same time.
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You're at the point where you need to figure it out.
You may need your energy in the next few days.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
The only other time stress has made me vomit is when Teacup died.
This is all very new for me.

It's easy to say I need to figure it out.
Why would I need it in the next few days?
There's nothing I can do. Fish won't be home in the next few days.
If I go to Nigeria, I can't come back.
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You still have responsibility, and you need to not be unconscious when news comes in.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 273x514, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I can probably give therapy without having eaten in days.

Yeah, if.
A big if.
And also you need to be alive if fish recovers and come back.
That was a major fuck up on my part. I shouldn't have said that.
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It's a when, not a if.
Get some food in you and stop being stubborn about it.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 564x717, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I did just get food in me.
And then it got out of me.
I'm not being stubborn. Why would you even think I'm being stubborn?
Am I just stubbornly deciding to throw up so I feel like absolute shit?
It's not like I chose this to happen with me.

No, you're right.
It's an if.
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You need to keep food in you.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I'm trying.
I want to.
I'm aware that I would benefit from keeping food in me.
definitely bang
can someone tell me why it's so easy to be bang?
Low skill level required?
Kirara πŸš—
damn, that was cold
definitely bang
Search [iqdb] (19 KB, 494x409, peech crobbler.png)
not as cold as my heart has become
Nice picture of a farmers hat
Kirara πŸš—
the hell kind of farmers hats do they have where you live
Search [iqdb] (6 KB, 225x225, cap.jpg)
This kind
Kirara πŸš—
those don't look the same at all
I thought it was the cap at the first but it does look like a steak too
Kirara πŸš—
it doesn't look like a steak either
Kirara πŸš—
what the hell is wrong with you people
or am i the one that's messed up
i haven't retained food since the morning of the 17th so maybe my brain is not good
It didn't realise the drawing was so objective.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
i am trained in administrating and interpreting rorschach tests so i think i get to claim to be an expert on this
I can tell -why- people would think Bang's peach cobbler is a steak but I can also quite clearly identify that it's not a steak.
Kirara πŸš—
i guess you could say
that poster
made him a steak

>CSI glasses.gif
What if your patients see steaks and farmer caps in ink blots
Kirara πŸš—
depends on the blots but generally seeing food or clothes is kind of weird
That is alright. I am kind of weird.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 273x514, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I'm going to sleep and hope I don't wake up.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 318x572, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
well i just found my percs
that's a thing
probably a bad thing
but these are really expensive so i can't just throw them out

They'd been hidden by Fish up 'til now, right.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (43 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
yeah because she doesn't trust me not to abuse drugs which are very easily abused
and i do not usually abuse stuff like that so those fears are unfounded but i do have ineffective coping styles and i am not sure if i trust myself with these right now even though i would trust myself with them at other times when i'm under normal amounts of stress or even high stress i guess but not this kind of stress i'm rambling again
Kirara πŸš—
it occurs to me that it's difficult to hide something from yourself
I was thinking in your position I'd put them just way out of convenient reach.
Way up on a shelf or surface.
Or out in your car.
Though I also know my ability to resist temptation would be hard, knowing they're there.
But if I wanted to keep them from myself the only real tool I'd have would make it too inconvenient to go get them, I think.
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I would point out that this issue is similar to your eating issue.
You need to be of sound mind right now so behave yourself.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 428x599, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
i think my post indicates that i am well aware of that
but the difference between this and my eating issue is that i actually have power over this issue

i'm going to put it in a box and lock the box
and my hands will be too shaky to pick the lock because i can't eat
also i'm going to throw the key away or i guess flush it down the toilet it would have helped if i said that with the first sentence
my left leg somehow fell asleep while i was standing up
The moderate in me thinks maybe throwing it in a bush in your front yard or something.
It would be a waste of a lock to chuck the key away with no chance of getting it.

At the least, should you be really flushing solid metal objects like that down toilets?
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 480x697, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
i don't have a front yard and if i throw it outside in the dark it'll probably go into the pond
i don't want a turtle to eat it or anything
it's one of those, i can't think of the word, it has an openy and closey things
separate from the things it's locking
i can just get a replacement
All right.
If that's not a problem then it isn't an issue.
Though still, should you be flushing keys down toilets?
if it's a small key it shouldn't create any issue
an easier way would be just breaking the key with pliers or something
you could simply snap they key off in the lock
Kirara πŸš—
if i break the key in the lock how am i going to pick it later when i'm able to hold things
i don't have the strength to break a key anyway
remove the key tooth with pliers again
Kirara πŸš—
i still have to figure out how to keep food down
also i broke a coffee maker that i should clean up eventually
My heart is weird right now, I am lying in bed and the bed feels wavy due to my weird heart beat
It might be easier once you're back in class and providing therapy.
Something to throw your attention at.
Leave key at work
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 648x687, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)

ah yes
preventing myself from abusing narcotics by leaving myself complete and unfettered access to narcotics for two days
My bad
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (18 KB, 147x298, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
how is it 3am
why is is 3am
why is anything
Who is 3 AM
it's always 3 AM
Well I can't help to be afraid of it all sometimes
The rain's gonna wash away I believe it
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
i hope my guy calls me soon
before i pass out
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
wait i know how to stop vomiting
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
i have magic drugs in my home first aid kit that prevents vomiting
Kirara πŸš—
they use it to help people going through chemotherapy to stop throwing up
they just stop you from vomiting?
Doesn't sound like there's a reason not to
I guess that works.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (46 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
i don't know if it'll work on anxiety but it's work a try
worth a try
and you can't throw it up because it dissolves in your mouth
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg)
i wonder how long i have to live
And the clock on the wall has been stuck at three for days and days
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Kirara πŸš—
the easiest place to get ebola is probably a hospital
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Search [iqdb] (396 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Ac(…).jpg)
the easiest place to get ebola is an open wound!
definitely bang
you kids wanna see a picture of my open wound
definitely bang
oh okay cool i didn't really feel like taking a picture anyways
Kirara πŸš—
or in a hospital in an incredibly poor african country while you try to survive pneumonia
Kirara πŸš—
my head is spinning but i don't know if im tired, stressed, or if it's the no food in like 60 hours
Likely the three of them all together.
Well, you did pass out for eight hours last night, right.
Though I guess lack of nutrition might be causing fatigue too.
Kirara πŸš—
i wish i could just crush my skull, it feels so good to squeeze my head
yes that sounds like /moe/ material to me
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The only pressure that nobody could handle, bruh
Kirara πŸš—
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giraffe HAET car
Kirara πŸš—
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just made me one of those memes the kids love
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Long necked motherfucker LOL
Kirara πŸš—
yes, giraffes do have humorously long necks
Search [iqdb] (390 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Amanchu! Advanc(…).jpg)
wait a second i don't love that meme
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Damn this caps lock lol holy shit
Kirara πŸš—
yeah you do im in it
Can't sleep
Smash that depression
Head butt it
You go
Search [iqdb] (382 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Darling in the (…).jpg)
i did it i finished dad of boy
it was all fucking foretold and thor took years to realize that his brother and sons were all dead
Ragnarok is the real shit.
Search [iqdb] (331 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Amanchu! Advanc(…).jpg)
In the English translation of tales of phantasia for gameboy advance tgey mistranslated Ragnarok as kangaroo. For some reason. I find it funny so whenever I see the word Ragnarok I think kangaroo.
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Everyone starts from point 1.
Is that Scat Hatch?
no that's a jpg
Got em
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Make me human again.
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Just wanted to let y'all know that Metro Exodus might just be the best FPS game ever fucking created
If that's too much there's always Overwatch and League
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never really feeling well rested
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Imagine somewhere calm. Imagine somewhere safe. Imagine yourself in a frozen forest. You're standing in a clearing. Trees around you so tall, they touch the sky. Pure white snowflakes fall all around. You can feel them melt on your skin. You are not cold. It cannot overcome the warmth of your beating heart. Can you hear it? You only have to listen.
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why put asmr in a CoD
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Cuz life itself is a simulation
but for real that brought up a good mood
soldiers need the asmr more than anyone else duh
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I have made mistakes.
I'm sorry.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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What kind of mistakes are they sexy mistakes give me the details
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ToN, whatever you do, don't look at the #videogames channel
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I'm the type who does the opposite of what I'm told
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I'll give you an hour of chinos to make up for it
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That is also acceptable.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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It's a shame this artist stopped drawing chinos and moved on to that shogi lolicon show and other stuff.
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The tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why
I spoke to this person thinking they were simply ignorant but it turned out that they were actually just the worst kind of person and I want my hour of oh whoops
why did that copy
this was supposed to be a good post. it's tainted
here is a good post
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I couild go through my twitter feed again and we could have a good time.
I might have to waltz over to the hospital and get a 'terrible' breakfast real quick though
damn that is good
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it took me a bit to understand it actually.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (536 KB, 700x713, DdOoQ-cUwAAa50t.png)
...I wanted to say the same thing.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
huh that is quite a twitter handle
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1300x801, DdogJMMU8AMaBBr.png)
get ready for the super good koi of the day
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I would like a really good bep of the day
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You're responsible for such things.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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This will have to do for now until I go looking
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you did it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I need to go and actually save this, I only liked it on twitter yesterday
you should
Search [iqdb] (304 KB, 1463x2048, DdcmiEwV4AATDhu.jpg)
I still can't believe that conversation happened.
Lord be a fence
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
and then I realized 'why don't I just save the one blue posted'
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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reminder that this exists
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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what are you looking at
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the video game community
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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well you should stop
Search [iqdb] (658 KB, 1154x1704, tachi. - こいし (68806774) .jpg)
>polkadot bows
What a lewd artist
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (544 KB, 990x850, 113c71088b9eda81d6479f57f0a6542c.jpg)
After refreshing myself I can confirm that they are in fact a lewd artist.
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Well, this has been an excellent healing session.
I'm going to take a shower now
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (769 KB, 1000x1160, 682bb845770d170bec7f731bb0fe0231.jpg)
Have a good time.
I wonder why my stomach hurts every morning
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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The tummy monster is punching it in your sleep
I've awoken
Tell the tummy monster to stop.
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Kirara πŸš—
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Can you cook eggs?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yes I can cook eggs
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 1130x1600, DdkKBS3U8AA9UnO.jpg)
I'm no fan of this new trend of putting pacifiers in anime girls' mouths
You are in tune with weird trends
Also that's a fork
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I am very much not a fan either.
Nah it's all over my twitter feed too
That sounds pretty gross.
My twitter and yours are so different.
All I have is different food pictures from mangaka, a Anime announcements, pixiv art, trains, games and cats.
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 680x481, Ddog1emVMAAPQkJ.jpg)
yall ready for the good shit?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (621 KB, 994x835, ea4f93d7361822dca459ee1de5405c01.png)
Yes I would like some good shit
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koi with no hat
koko with cute hat
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 500x341, andthentherewerethree.png)
my power grows
Now animate it
This is real fucking sugoi.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
who is real
Kirara πŸš—
i haven't seen this on either of my anime twitters
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Sounds like kirara isn't as weird as you two
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
found one
be warned of sensitive content

(I mean not really)
It might be a small thing that ToN and I are just noticing because it's a noticable part of the artists we follow
Kirara πŸš—
maybe it's just artists that draw a lot of kids
Search [iqdb] (22 KB, 720x720, 1518571216409.jpg)
That's a possibility tbh
Search [iqdb] (314 KB, 1124x1606, t8.png)
Kirara πŸš—
this guy has the same tent as me and pictures of him watching yuru camp next to a fire just like me and jan
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what if he's you
Kirara πŸš—
sounds unlikely
Kirara πŸš—
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
why is it a grasshopper
Why is anything an anything
Kirara πŸš—
it'll be the first bird in america to go extinct in 30 years
Kirara πŸš—
>Grasshopper sparrows have been where they are in Florida for 3,000 years. For them to go extinct now would be a travesty."
Search [iqdb] (596 KB, 1920x1080, 20180520192435_1.jpg)
Humans should go extinct
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (46 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I love humans, I don't want them to go extinct
Humans are terrible. I like the products of humans however.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 564x717, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Humans are wonderful. Their products are what I hate.
What have they produced? An environment that will be their downfall.
They've produced their own death.
I don't like all the products of humanity but I do like literature, music and culture/history.
I feel like I've had enough of humanity, I could do with // I wouldn't mind a world where I was like the last human alive and could just peruse all the books and stuff freely.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 694x573, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
that's kind of selfish haha
Yeah, It is really selfish.
I think sometimes I flip between liking humans and dislike humans quite drastically, I think mostly from my own inability to perform well in social contexts.
or just that I don't understand a lot of things that happen, I have an unfair outlook on others I guess.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 768x624, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
that problem arises from the social alienation that the environment we've created for ourselves inherently has
at all levels, humans are social animals, but our environment discourages community
it fucks us up
humans are stupid animals that have fooled themselves into thinking they're gods
i can't blame them for mucking everything up
we were just unlucky enough to be able to do this to ourselves
From a functional/logical point of view, the internet should provide me with a wealth of interactions and opportunities, there are lots of social media outlets and hundreds and hundreds of sites that exchange ideas and discussions.
I find it amazing how I can sit here and find it all grey colored, I bet I haven't even touched the tip of the iceburg in terms of communities out there but I feel fatigued. The things a lot of people want and talk about just don't seem to match up well.
I sometimes wonder if I was immature I'd feel happier, that sounds fucking conceited, I wonder how people fill up their twitters with content or make personal websites and produce things and also that those same people who are productive can sometimes commit suicide.

I don't understand some people who are so productive and social engaging can commit suicide either, not like I don't understand that they can feel sad or depressed but just that it feels confusing.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 552x482, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
online communities and stuff are at a different level from real ones. my connection with my friends on /moe/ is real even online, but being with them in person feels completely different and it's so good. our social environment is deficient in a lot of ways

i don't think anyone would honestly be surprised if someone like me completed suicide (i'm not planning on it) despite my successfulness and social standing. there's more to it than that stuff. the entire world, everything i do, the environment around me, is honestly so painful
I think the difference between real and online is stressful. A lot of added stuff comes suddenly in to play. Your age, your physical apperance, gender, abiility to read facial expressions and body language etc.
Suicide seems like a fact of life, people I've spoken to and interacted with just don't exist anymore is strange to deal with and I am afraid of death myself, I don't think I'd ever commit suicide because of my fear of death and distaste for internal organs.
This a stupidly unhealthy conversation, I am sorry to bring it up when you aren't in a good place.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (581 KB, 1363x1143, dd0cd6b52014fdbae505564a28ea6c2f.jpg)
I don't really understand what your internal organs have to do with it
But that's not really important
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 273x514, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
It's not going to make me hurt myself, if that's what you're worried about.

Yeah, there are a lot of differences. It's important to take into account the environments and circumstances humanity evolved in. Our brains are built to handle those, not where we are now. It's not surprising we all feel a sense of dysphoria.

I don't fear death.
The first time I wanted to really kill myself, I stopped fearing death, and I've never regained that fear.
Fearing death is a good thing.
I can't really think a way to explain it, I think they just remind me of mortality and more than that, I have a sanitized view of my body// human bodies. blood, fat, muscle really disgusts me and that they can have growths and tumors, blood vessels can be lined with fat is really off putting.
I have an artificial view of human body I guess and the mismatch although I know about , is fucked up for me.
I think I fear death to an extreme, I rarely go a day without thinking about avoiding things and worrying if I've got something that will kill me, or if a pain I have is something I'm ignoring but is not good to ignore.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I have chronic nerve pain and the endorphins from getting injured makes me feel alive.
For a while, pain was the only thing that made my heart beat quickly.
I learned that pain is an important part of getting stronger and that the only way for myself to truly be alive is to engage in natural struggles.
I don't necessarily want to die (actively), but I don't fear death.
I fear being crippled.
I bundle too much in when I saw pain. I can agree that pain can feel amazing but there are certain things I dislike like pressures, nuasea, loss of sight, loss of hearing etc
pure sharp pains are hard to deal with too but pain like putting my hands on a burning hot thing is painful but it feels nice in a way.
I used to shower in a bad way by just turning up the heat to scalding because it felt nice.

Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
When you burn your hand on a pot, or you cut yourself while playing with a knife, or almost get into a head-on collision, it all feels so good.

I wish Hulu would stop showing me ads for the royal wedding.
I have really bad fear of heights when I stand on something high up and look at the sky.
but it gives a incredibly rush and that is almost like being in pain. I get addicted doing it and the anxiety I feel can be pretty bad.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I just want to be happy.
I don't really understand what happy means.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Not every feeling can be described.
I think you know when you're happy and when you're not.
Kirara πŸš—
Kirara πŸš—
i need this shirt
I that feels like something I'd here from the bingo hall old ladies.
Kirara πŸš—
I would wear that shirt so hard
How the hell do I end up writing here instead of hear. I keep typing things like that without realising.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (811 KB, 753x1000, 1446153588030.png)
because that shirt is a work of art
Search [iqdb] (470 KB, 1535x2046, DdXEAFbUwAEA8R-.jpg)
bingo is trash
Thats super nice.
Kirara πŸš—
damn right it is
that just makes the shirt better
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 1024x924, DdprYZVVAAE_m8F.jpg)
oh this
oh no
Search [iqdb] (285 KB, 671x680, 1419086895276.jpg)
Spoiler that shit
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no you big baby
It feels worse that it is a big blue out of place dummy.
atleast make it match the style of the characters.
Yeah dummy is the word in the UK.
is that what you call it
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 932x851, DdVQ3CeVMAAHCet-orig.jpg)
It's a moderately disturbing trend
I see the one that got on ToN's feed
Biscuits soo
Search [iqdb] (145 KB, 1024x1024, DdpqjOrVAAAWbwG.jpg)
#flip (true)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (584 KB, 731x900, 2df5342d966acf14225567d491bfd594.png)
I don't like them
Twitter thinks you do.
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1300x801, DdogJMMU8AMaBBr.png)
It's weird but in the end not very interesting to me
Only dummies like dummys
Kirara πŸš—
neither of my anime twitters have these pacifier images
i think i only have seen one of them today or at all
I haven't seen any of that stuff on my anime twitter.
But I don't follow many artist that do porn or fetish stuff
Search [iqdb] (197 KB, 1062x1505, DdpdLdYVAAIhMuO.jpg)
the tag isn't really much porn/fetish stuff
a decent amount seem like memes
much is just bad
Kirara πŸš—
what's the origin?
Well shit, someone retweeted a picture with anime character using dummies.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's probably just some injoke that got leaked onto our feeds too
I thought you were going to post cats with pacificers in their mouths
Search [iqdb] (145 KB, 1000x1435, DdpORryV0AE7eJI.jpg)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara πŸš—
I get a lot of food posts

Japanese sweets and food always looks so appetizing.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
The other day, some colleagues and I were talking, I forget about what, but I said something like it'd be more efficient to wash clothes together in whatever situation we were talking about, and everyone was grossed out, which surprised me.

What's wrong with sharing a washing machine with friends?
Is that really so weird?
It all gets washed. As long as you you're putting in the soap, why would people find that gross?
Magical thinking
Search [iqdb] (2.1 MB, 2010x1523, DdpsZwJVwAAGdDc.png)
Are none of them married or living with family?
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Apparently they wash their clothes separately from their family members and significant others.

I guess so.

Is this a common mindset?
I find it gross but I understand that it is irrational.
But I also have OCD
That is weird, it is waste to use the washing machine multiple times for small loads.
I don't know about other people but with family I don't care.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I wouldn't wash clothes with people I barely know, but if it's like, Fish, or Jan, or moon, or Tilde, or Rook, or someone I'm close to, I wouldn't have any problem with it.

I didn't used to wash clothes with my family because we all just washed our own clothes when we needed to and we were all on different schedules.
I don't really have a problem with washing my clothes with other people.
I only want to get my clothes back in the end and not have them going missing.
i'm fine with it as long as your panties arent in there
they might get mixed up with mine and it'd get confusing
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
People are so weird.

Yeah, agreed.
But we can just use bags for our delicates so they don't get mixed together.
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Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
i'm gonna get video of my professor doing finger puppets tomorrow
i just have to find a way to look like i'm not doing it
Why not ask for permission?
Search [iqdb] (13 KB, 109x122, Senryu (37).png)
Would you want to be vidoed while doing fingerpuppets?
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I wouldn't trust some crazy youngun to video tape me doing something silly because I know it'd end up on the internet and people would make fun of me.
And if I ask and he says no, then he's going to be wary.
It's easier to just do it sneaky.
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 173x268, Senryu (80).png)
those camera glasses you see in tv shows would be neat
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Like Google Glasses?
but less conspicuous
kinda, but they just film
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 230x552, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I don't really like thick frames.
I have been thinking of getting one or a gopro style camera
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 768x624, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I want a dashcam for my car.
Search [iqdb] (656 KB, 744x1050, firefox_2018-05-20_21-34-48.png)
the endless producer of fun footage
A dashcam for your face
I can't wait to get lots of fake korean messages
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is fun how much tastier having some slices of lemon in your waterjug makes out of your water
Eat lemons plain
Search [iqdb] (48 KB, 205x293, Potion (69).png)
naw these have had all their juice squeezed out
eat lemon rinds
Lemon crust
Kirara πŸš—
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'll crust your fucking face
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 694x573, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Progressive sure knows how to get new customers.
I keep getting adverts for them with young adults sitting around in diapers doing something a toddler does, and then they say "Act your age, dump your parents' insurance company!"
Adverts are weird
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (977 KB, 1750x1600, f20e80c38a3d5679871b75721b4ef16c.jpg)
Weeb twitter coated in pacificers
Kirara being tossed diapers
what is happening here
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 768x624, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Tossed diapers?
Search [iqdb] (184 KB, 408x538, Potion (81).png)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 273x514, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I'm getting more adverts for birth control.
This one's for an arm implant, though.
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 289x295, Senryu (15).png)
they are stalking your social media
heard of the case where an advert company found out about someone being pregnant, before she told her parents?
just by looking at ther facebook stuff and so on
and then started advertising baby stuff to her
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 318x572, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I haven't talked about it anywhere but /moe/.

Yeah, I heard about that case. It's spooky.
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 381x255, Potion (28).png)
Well who knows
you just might have filled "is in relationship" boxes on some bot and that is then sending you thatk ind of ads
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I guess so.
Adverts are so weird.
Search [iqdb] (1015 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Kannagi_09_(1280x7(…).png)
we start a new topic to focus on and see if it flips
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 228x245, Potion (70).png)
Would be weird if someone actually managed to use imageboards for ads
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Dark Souls remustard
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (296 KB, 550x621, Potion (79).png)
Ken dolls
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 428x599, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
definitely bang
Search [iqdb] (298 KB, 325x720, question22.gif)
I wonder schools will arm teachers now
okay that got me
definitely bang
post that one cute image
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 480x697, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
They want to start monitoring student social media now.

How are they going to do that? Force students to hand over their info
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
didn't they pass something in Florida to do that?
what if they dont have any some?
What they going to if I refuse to my social media accounts
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 706x680, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Then they wouldn't monitor it.

I don't know.

Not that I'm aware of.

Anyway, there's a trend in social media when it comes to school shooters, where they start posting tons of neo-nazi and racist stuff, and then eventually they shoot up the school.
That isn't to say I support the idea. I don't.
I guess socme in anglish, since some is a word
Some is a word
Search [iqdb] (13 KB, 109x122, Senryu (37).png)
in finnish it is common to abbreviat social media as some
Cant the schools work with Facebook
if you oppress their freedoms when they're young they'll be used to it once they become adults
seems good for the system
I think the chance for schools to use it for more than catching shooters is high.
Search [iqdb] (537 KB, 800x800, 1430001002100.jpg)
hello hello
If the info is public already, what's stopping them from doing it now?
There's already things like employees being fired and whatnot.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (18 KB, 147x298, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
How are you?

Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 1000x1000, DdK6ByiVwAEB2lM.jpg)
The difference is that "monitoring someone" isn't the same as just keeping an eye on them now and then
That isn't even a real thing that can be done on the level discussed, they're going to need to organize the information, create files on students, with every single thing that ticked a flag categorized and easy to connect to other pieces of information

The idea isn't to have A Guy just look at their profile, it's to have A System store and organize all public data on a human being, explicitly for the purpose of building a legal case to detain them
Oh, that's true, there's a big difference between the two.
Search [iqdb] (211 KB, 614x842, 4478799_p0.jpg)
Essentially, the idea is to treat all students as potential terrorists
You gotta watch them, otherwise how will you get the first flag?
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)

Well, all of that data is already collected by the government.
They just want to change the law to make it more accessible.
Right now, you need court orders to examine that data.

It wouldn't really be used to prevent crimes, generally.
It would rely on people reporting the students to their teachers, so this would create a lot of administrative paperwork and teachers wouldn't always go through the process.

In all likelihood, the data wouldn't be used at all.
Search [iqdb] (337 KB, 1737x2399, DcferwTU8AAfRNP-orig.jpg)
In all likelihood, this system would be accessed by other agencies for other cases as well
Yeah the NSA already does I would assume, but nonetheless this would be an increase in the monitoring
And the ease of access within the government
untill someone sells it to some party
or leaks it
Search [iqdb] (587 KB, 893x892, __gokou_ruri_ore_no_imouto_ga_(…).png)
I think it's just a shit idea overall
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Well, the federal government actually doesn't have a history of private data being leaked or sold.
At least, not without someone giving permission for that data to be shared. And even then, when permission is given, the data is shared by the institution collecting the data (it's collected by a private organization generally) and not the actual government.
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i'm doing okay.
Just taking it easy.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 429x486, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
That's good.
it's public interpretation of data more so than the sharing of data which i find inadmissable
if data's given to a company and they interpret it to make an investment decision to advertise a certain thing to someone whose data fits their projections, that's one thing
that's their investment and they're wagering with it using their interpretations

to give that data to a governing body who is going to make authoritative interpretations from the data and deem someone a threat or judging their intentions from a dataset and then regulating them or arresting them is not the same and is not fundamentally sound

people don't yet seem to intuit that data and information are different things
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (4.1 MB, 2508x2973, 730198bd24dd5f6604f9bc4b2f873096.png)
big data
small data
moderate data
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
It's all pretty bad
It is like the school are going to hire experts who can properly understand the data, they are going to interpert different parts of social media accounts and consider them unacceptable.
Search [iqdb] (21 KB, 153x147, Potion (49).png)
take my data
high school algebra teachers and grammar teachers working together to perform encryption analysis and make judgments that can ruin people's lives
yeah woo
My data, my choice
Teachers are going to have to learn all the stupid teenager memes.
maybe even call students into the headteacher's office to explain some lewd memes
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 480x697, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Teachers will just be told by administration that a student needs to go to the office, and then the student will go to the office, and they'll probably just be told they have to go to therapy.
welcome to restricted channels 2020
in public, only english can be spoken and only the most common 1,000 words may be used
no vague statements allowed, no side commentary
no nonverbal communication
Go to therapy after having calling anime girls T H I C C and persisting to do that even though the teachers tell them not to.
newspeak is a really interesting concept, I wonder if it is even possible.
people would just make up words by accident to express ideas and some might slur words and end up with new words.
I'm gay.
#imfey (Invigorating.)
#8ball (Okay)
Nice to meet you Gay
there's no way for them to gauge the ambient noise in social media to even gauge the intention behind what's being said there
when we're here on /moe/ and talking about something that's happened and feeling socially threatened by it we'll make shitty comments like
"Oh man we're so lucky to have people dying to cancer now so that we know how to treat it in the future"
how is that going to be reflected in the data collection?

if it's a company making investment wagers they are comfortable with in order to sell something, that's fine
but judging intention from it is so amateur
#8ball (Try again never)
Teachers with authoritarian streaks interpert things how they want to interpret them
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 428x599, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
>I wasn't paying attention and ran a red light
>oh, you made him a steak
A well done steak
hello folks. :)
>What did you mean when you said "i gotta remove all the eggs before i kill someone"?
>it was a joke
>Oh, so killing someone is funny?
*jury convenes to determine whether or not it's a joke*
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 621x878, 3e51b37486a44e33b383465ac70593d0.jpg)
>2 double cheeseburgs
momma pls
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
our conversations are probably impossible to fully parse by anyone outside of our circle
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
I’m a newbie to this board.
Where from?
it costs 800 pounds to make a joke
hi newfriend
what Japanese cartoons do you like
Do you play mahjong
Search [iqdb] (154 KB, 267x602, sonoko15.png)
Messages posted o nthe internet and stuff are really hard to truly verify the poster of anyway.
It's hard to get the weight of evidence behind them.

hello hello
Fat joke?
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
>>504549 meguca is hostile to newbies. kinda sad. and yet you like newbs
that's the nature of linguistic entropy and the reason why authoritative interpretation of private data is fundamentally unsound
like i said, totally reasonable to use it to spend money advertising non-invasively to the person
legal action is not... there's no word for it besides being fundamentally unsound
that will be 800 pounds
This isn't meguca
I had a teacher who used to just twist everything.
Someone was whistling, he blame someone and if they said they didn't he'd say "maybe you did it unconciously"
how are you meant to reply to that.
hit enter after quoting
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
>>504557 I’m on iPad.
Kirara πŸš—
which has a virtual keyboard with an enter key
I don't think this is a newb friendly board, if that exists.
But then again i'm an uncommon regular.
The ipad has an enter key bro
This board is totally newbie friendly.
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
>>504561 it does but it just makes a new line.
You want a newline
That's what its for
yes that's what it should do
>enter key
>but does what it is intended for
Excellent newbie we have.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 706x680, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
this is one of the reasons i dislike a lot of psych assessments
it's often up to the psych to make these authoritative interpretations of client responses or statements as if they're privy to even a fraction of the context under which those responses were made
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
oh ok.
Much better.
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
Do you guys wanna see a picture of me? Not a real life photo of course.
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 1331x1215, DdlMVksVQAEhHU8.jpg)
I still don't trust the fact my psych hasn't exactly told me which are my synthoms and why am I taking each medicine.
when i asked of one he said like "this is an antidepressant".
knowing how obsessive i am he should have at least tell me a bit, but he probably thinks i'm gonna judge if i want to take the meds or not if i knew better.

Are you an anime girl?
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
Search [iqdb] (382 KB, 894x894, C8A614E9-33CC-4186-95C3-9AD9B834A5E1.png)
no. Here’s me.
Is that a digimon?
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
but it has cute eyes!
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
That’s rhe point.
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 391x188, Madoromi (12).png)
geh alarm
most people don't want to know more and don't process a lot of the technical speak, so they probably do what they're used to people wanting
ask for more information about its mechanism of action if you want
there is no reason for him to deny you that information if you ask for it
Honestly better designed than some new pokemon
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
my only issue is the lack of legs. It sucks to not be able to walk.
That's a weird looking Pokiemom.
I'm not well versed in the game so I actually wouldn't know.
Kirara πŸš—
Kirara πŸš—
yeah, this
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
is /moe/ the only board right now?
Is this a small board.
nothing like meguca.
there are 20 boards
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
how so? the root url just redirects to moe.
Search [iqdb] (2.2 MB, 1670x1750, DdJbVvIVMAAujSx[1].png)
Collect all to win a prize.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
i wonder if this is an inaban situation where it's all the same
because it sure feels like it sometimes
they are hidden
Meguca is filled with inaban
Search [iqdb] (587 KB, 893x892, __gokou_ruri_ore_no_imouto_ga_(…).png)
I doubt it's inaban
Kirara πŸš—
i don't think it is either
its something
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
Which one of you runs this site?
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Why do you want to know?
sam isnt around at the moment but if he were
The elder council
Kirara did you see that response from yesterdays boomer about the word bruh
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
TeLling SomEOne Not tO uSe a WORD is HarDLy CivIL diSCourse!!!!
but I said please
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 583x544, question14.jpg)
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I said on twitter that the only people who would be fooled by a specific photoshop were boomers and people that only glanced at it, and some 70 year old bat got offended and said I was calling boomers idiots and called me "bruh"
So Maria made fun of her for calling me bruh.
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
meguca has a windows 95 theme,
definitely bang
Search [iqdb] (19 KB, 494x409, peech crobbler.png)
time to lay down
I prefer the Win ME theme.
what's with everyone who comes here and immediately wants to know who runs the site
why is that like the first thing every time
Kirara πŸš—
she was accusing me of saying everyone that falls for the photoshop is an idiot because she thinks only an idiot would fall for it lol
Search [iqdb] (776 KB, 1126x1600, Madoromi (58).png)
I think that is a good implication of geh
This is not meguca
Kirara πŸš—
yeah, it's so weird
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
It’s because I like the way this site runs. Especially the live posting feature.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (777 KB, 2646x3679, 965eb81eb8c798bd14ff4acb173a546a.jpg)
Sam is our hero.
The hero we need.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I wouldn't engage.
I just found out about twitter media studio
what even is this
Meguca is liveposting as well?
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 334x584, date5.jpg)
Oh yeah, there seems to be a lot of controversy around boomers on the internet lately.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Really? It feels like there always is.
Kirara πŸš—
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Welp, time to move on with the day. This will be my first interview in a while.
good luck
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 1000x1000, DaV7U1JVAAowtwi.jpg)
Is it any surprise
Is what?
What's a surprise?
It is a surprise
Search [iqdb] (405 KB, 2048x2022, DW4bBuBVAAAMqoE-orig.jpg)
Is it really?
Kirara πŸš—
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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hina is actually fun.
who would have thought.
What hina?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
is it the why you do this to me hina one
no but that was fun as well.
that's the connect with dio one
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I see your light dying
Search [iqdb] (128 KB, 588x718, Madoromi (64).png)
switch the batteries
Kirara πŸš—
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The light inside is dead but I still work
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I was planning on trying to go out to my car today but I didn't.
It occurs to me I haven't had any water, though, so I still have like half a liter of water.
When would stores be closing up?
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Like 2.75 hours, I guess.
Maybe they close early on Sunday, though.
I don't think I'm going to go to the sotre, though.
Have you had anything to eat today?
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Not exactly.
Kirara can I give you a hug?
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
you can give me one but you might end up just goung straight through me.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 230x552, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I appreciate the sentiment.
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
anyone alive here?
Search [iqdb] (142 KB, 629x457, Madoromi (50).png)
if you still have trouble keeping food in you, i'd recommend a liquid diet for now
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I should watch The Wall
Well, tomorrow maybe
Kirara πŸš—
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Yeah, but I'd have to go out and get stuff for that.
Maybe I can tomorrow.
If I can go out to school.
Kirara πŸš—
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I've been avoiding Infernal maps on Grand Conquest because I thought units would be like +10 all over the place
but it's been pretty alright.
The +4 to all stats spaces also definitely helps
Kirara πŸš—
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Kirara πŸš—
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it's already 7:00
i wish i didn't have to have summer classes
i wish i had no responsibilities right now
i wish i was irresponsible enough to feel like i could shirk my duties because of what's going on
i wish fish was home
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara πŸš—
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 1500x1800, 02aef648e794a21bb7026abbe4fbabec.png)
Sam we gonna hang out in July?
I am bored to death.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
How do you get bored?
I'm going insane without stimulus
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Find stimuli.
Become your own stimuli.
Isn't that just masturbation?
I used to do that when I got intensely bored during my bouts of severe depression.
It wasn't very fun and I always felt terrible afterwards.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I was thinking more, like, thinking about something interesting or working on a problem.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
The fuck rei.
Yeah I should have worded that differently.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (240 KB, 1084x1421, 11040da984c40d2f73344fe9faf2ae7f.jpg)
What the actual hell
Fucksake, that made me laugh.
Anyways I just went grocery shopping and got shit ton of food.
*a shit ton
Food is bad with boredom. I have the urge to just eat out of boredom
I would do that but I have a self set rule of not eating in my room. Also I don't feel like getting up and retrieving food.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I'm trying to eat celery.
Celery is so nice. I should get some for snacking
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 657x657, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
The plan is to retain the celery and digest it
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Kirara πŸš—
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>all the audio in this episode brooklyn 99 is delayed by 4 seconds
Search [iqdb] (148 KB, 285x487, Potion (20).png)
weird shit
if you are playing it on mpc you can fix that easily, thopugh
Audio desync is a really disorienting thing.
I wonder how much it would fuck with your brain if it was actually happening in real life.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (353 KB, 1840x1910, Ayano - 10.png)
it's the quality you can expect from hulu
i fixed it by unenabling chromecast and turning it back on
Search [iqdb] (281 KB, 483x685, Potion (38).png)
I think worst is, when the movie itself fucks up the audio in the editing
>real life audio desynch
taht would fry your brain I bet
Anyways tano just had some updates made to its radio stuff. Its pretty kick ass
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It's nice to see something of Notso's come to fruition
Kirara πŸš—
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back in the day i used to stream music to tano's radio for hours and just spout useless trivia about music from 70 years ago
oh how the times change
that must have been four years ago now
I've gotten used to it with the wireless headphones I own, but it can get confusing at times.
I read somewhere about a guy who lived with real life audio desync, all the audio would be seconds delayed in his head
I got served an ad about genius pills, that will make you smarter with no side effects.
I wonder if people actually buy them
It wasn't called Brain Force was it?
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
That's one of the ways Infowars makes their money.
Is that true?
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Infowars sells incredibly ineffective and sometimes fake supplements.
They think the things that actually make supplements good (many of which are based in soy) will turn you into a girly man, so they just don't use that stuff.

These >>504704, Brain Force, are one of Infowars' things.
Oh wow
Search [iqdb] (20 KB, 126x167, Potion (40).png)
Alex Jones' Anti GAY FROG pills
The only review:
>β€œBrain Force has been an absolute favorite among thousands of listeners, with hundreds of 5-star reviews coming in from certified third party review sites. Now, with Brain Force PLUS, we have gone the extra level. This is what I take before a hard-hitting show. I absolutely love it, and the crew does too. This stuff is over the top powerful!” - Alex Jones
Alex Jones always make me think he is gonna have a heart attack getting suddeny intensely angry
they're more overpriced than ineffective
just take a bunch of supplements that sell for a couple dollars each at the pharmacy and make a blend out of it and price it at 50 dollars a bottle
onnit does the same thing
Hopefully he does one day.
>tfw infowars told me that eating soy would turn me into a qt girl and it didn't
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I didn't know people who are trump supporters would dislike hi wife.
what a weird wordl
Kirara πŸš—
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His wife regularly refuses his advances in public, which is humiliating for Trump and undercuts the "alpha" persona that his supports obsess over.
i wonder if any of that is just cultural
smiling in public is really ground out of people sometimes
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (18 KB, 147x298, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
You could ///
Wait, Ivanka is his daughter.
I think.
His wife is Melania, or something.

But yeah, you could argue it's cultural because of his wife's homeland, but it's known that she won't sleep with him and they don't share a room, and stuff.
So who knows.
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I got confused, I thought it was his wife but to be honest I heard about his wife being unpopular more than his daughter.
so I assumed it was his wifes name.
do any presidents share a room with their wives
the stress must be so intense i can't imagine i'd want to
I don't know why they would go after his daughter.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
As far as I know, almost every president has shared a room with their wife.
Trump and his wife haven't been sharing a room since long before he was president, though. According to them, at least.

Trump supporters dislike Ivanka because she properly converted to Judaism and observes a lot of Jewish holidays with her tiny rat boy husband, Jared Kushner, whose incompetent mistakes has caused Trump a lot of trouble and given investigators ammo for their stuff on Trump.
That's the story, at least.

It's hard to believe anything you hear from anyone about any of this because everyone is annoying and stupid and just lies and lies and lies.
Hey, thought I'd come over here and see what y'all were up to. Are any of y'all listening to tano's radio?

I'm in the middle of a synth pop / italo-disco playlist.

I remember that. Fun times~
I haven't been. I might listen to radio
I left my headphones at home.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I just ate a little food.

Hello LV.
I'm just watching TV and trying not to vomit.

Yeah. And some peanut butter.
Was that celery?
Celery and peanut butter? Does that go together, I am curious.
It's a pretty popular combination.
I'd personally go for more of a cheese spread or cheese sauce, but the peanut butter isn't bad.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Yeah, that's the traditional celery snack.
Yeah, it's a good snack.
I've only heard of celery and cream cheese.
Your stomach's still fucked up? Jesus dude, I'd say go to the doctor at this point, but if it's psychosomatic...
I've heard of it.
>cream cheese
blue cheese or gtfo
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 400x642, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I guess it's an American thing.

It's all anxiety, yeah.
There are drugs that could help, but I don't trust myself to responsibly use drugs right now.
I'm learning all sorts of things in america.
Blue cheese is vile.
Be gone frenchmen
Search [iqdb] (3.4 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20180520_201140.jpg)
I made a green Thai chicken curry.
It's pretty tasty.
I just threw out a can of ggreen curry paste that expired in 2017
I really like Thai Green curry.
Nice job.
Search [iqdb] (319 KB, 1536x2048, da3f471daa86e960ac02f5510bab6472.jpg)
did that medicine you have in your first aid kit not work?
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
It was not particularly effective.
>green curry
Not bad, I tend to make a pineapple curry or massaman curry myself when I do thai cooking at home. What all is in it besides the bell peppers and chicken?
My options are limited since I stick to pre-made curry sauces.
I will season it a bit more to my liking with garlic powder, pepper flakes, ginger, and other odds and ends from my spice cabinet.
Pretty simple. Just those two things and some bok choy.
We don't keep a terribly diverse assortment of produce laying around so I can't really experiment with other things.
Was thinking of maybe adding an onion but I was short on time.
I want to eat thai green curry now.
That sounds so nice.
Well I'll happily serve you up some if you come around.
It does tend to not last long in my house though, hah hah.
Mail me some.
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 291x221, Potion (45).png)
By the time it arrives it will be extra green curry
I am sure technology will fix all the thai green mailing problems
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once we get instant transmission
Instant Thaimission
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 536x657, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
More birth control adverts.
I keep getting birth control and vodka adverts.
Probably 50% of my adverts are for birth control or vodka today.

Escapism is so difficult.
Everything is attacking me.
The dishes that come out of my dishwasher always have a cloying smell to them.
It goes away with a quick rinse under the tap, but I don't always remember to do that.
And then I'm drinking something and my nose is stuck right in the glass and it's all rather unpleasant.
I'm /// I wish there was a good adblocker for mobile.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (628 KB, 2000x1700, Shintaro - 7.png)
On your computer? jesus, dude.
Kirara πŸš—
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On Hulu.
Onions go well with just about everything imho.
Well, that's fucked. I'm sorry to hear that :(
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1280x2048, 64528363_p0.png)
that's just how it is on this bitch of an earth
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Kirara πŸš—
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>seven hours ago
>ask cohort if anything was due in Health Psych tomorrow because we still don't have a syllabus and there's no course information online
>seen: 17
>no replies
And then of course when you show up tomorrow and there's something that needed doing before the class, somehow it's on you for not having it done.
So annoying.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
i will punish them all with my vomit
i will sit there and stress myself out
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I remember we used to have a trial , I think it was, of Stan and they would just play the same ads over and over.
Like there was a health insurance ad that would play nonstop.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 428x599, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Yeah, I'm getting the same birth control and vodka ads over and over.
As if Hulu doesn't know I've been lying on my futon for three days, alone.
I guess that might explain the vodka.
I keep getting my hero academia crunchyroll ads now
at least it's more relevant than purple mattress andI comedy centralI shows
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 2480x3508, DdlDt3VU0AAbrJB[1].jpg)
I wouldn't have any qualms if they got rid of alcohol advertising in same measure as cigarettes.
I don't think they would have any problems selling alcohol, just as they do with cigarettes.
definitely bang
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 1280x720, 101617.jpg)
My Greek neighbours have been playing some very Mediterranean style music out on their patio tonight.

I've been past a bunch of the places a lot of the scenes from that movie were shot.
They shot a lot of scenes in Toronto's Danforth neighbourhood, which at the time was a massive Greek culture area.
My Big Fat Greek Neighbors
I don't understand why it's ok to advertise one vice but not others either tbh
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 480x697, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I honestly don't care if they have cigarette or alcohol adverts, honestly.
Even if they're not on TV, I'll see them on billboards whenever I'm in the city.

But I should be able to opt out of certain types of adverts on digital subscriptions.
Especially considering my Hulu subscription is "limited commercials".
I should have some control.
Aren't cigarettes more addictive?
America adverts are so loud
I have a hard time taking them seriously
They are but they kill a fraction of people aa year compared to alcohol
Okay but what about the respective portions of populations?
Hulu has adverts? I thought they would compete with netflix over no ads model
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 657x657, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Hulu has a Limited Adverts and a No Adverts plan.
I'm on Limited Adverts because I get Hulu and Spotify together for $5 a month as part of the Hulu/Spotify Student Bundle.
Limited Adverts is like 4 minutes of adverts in a 20 minute episode of B99.
Alcohol is still more socialable acceptable and widespread, but the effects are less talked about.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1240x1500, 34635962_p0.jpg)
Could just have something in the settings that lets you opt out of certain kinds of adverts.

But they want me to spend more money.
you could just
torrent it
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 800x1173, 42866322_p0.png)
You can count the number of times I've gotten off this futon in the past few days on two hands.
I don't have the motivation to torrent anything.
The only reason I have anything on the TV is because I can tap my tablet four times and it'll show up on the TV.
I guess cigarretes are more "obvious" on how addictive they are. probably because alcohol is so ubiquitous that is rare for someone to actively avoid it?
again. "hugs"
I wonder if how // I wish my upload was better, I could Google Dox it or something.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (608 KB, 960x854, 1397953364845.jpg)
oh boy, a new birth control advert
this one's for kyleena which is a competitor to the other birth control advert i've seen a thousand times
thank goodness i really needed to think about my potentially pregnant girlfriend again
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1280x2048, 64528363_p0.png)
i would not want an implant put in my arm that feeds me birth control drugs
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 1020x1432, 48754522_p0.png)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Wait, now I'm getting adverts warning me about endometriosis.
Why am I getting all of these adverts specifically geared towards biological women?

I guess it could relate to the pregnancy.
Endometriosis can result in menstrual delays and stuff.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (18 KB, 147x298, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
I do alright i threw up
Going bed
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i remember i'd watch cooking videos or dance videos on youtube and get advertisements for suboxone
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
i love to get triggering adverts
Are you watching Hulu through something like a Chromecast or similiar?
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 464x632, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Maybe they think you are a pregnant woman because of all vomiting?
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
Why would you advertise birth control to a pregnant woman?
Ironing sucks. Let's abolish ironing.
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 853x480, mpv-shot0005.jpg)
i sold a pregnancy test to a teenage girl today
she hid out in the bathroom after that and then exited the store looking mad
it feels weird to witness the aftermath of an important moment in a stranger's life
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
ironing is good
booing and hissing heard from crowd
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 578x664, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
why y'all booin me
i'm right
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
So was she pregnant or not?
i have no idea
she sped out the front door
as i was checking her out i wished her luck
hope i didn't curse her
Oh shit, thats a good point.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 549x668, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
well i guess she didn't get the result she wanted

i hope fish isn't pregnant
i feel so bad saying that for some reason
it feels like a horrible thing to say
it's making my skin crawl
Did Fish want to be pregnant?
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 318x572, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
well she talks about wanting to have a kid a lot
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 570x404, no idea.jpg)
This is my favourite ad
My name is Anonymous and I'm here to say:
I hate living and I am gay.
definitely bang
you sound like many anons before you
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 273x514, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
that's really something
When you want to be sure
Just in case you thought were a fat bitch.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 694x573, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
i want to be sure
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 230x552, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
wow, i keep thinking of new things to worry about. i am so good at this.
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See you space corgis later.
If you have patients who worry a lot, what will happen if you join in on worries you never knew about.
Kirara πŸš—
i'm not sure i understand the question
It is okay it was a shitpost anyway
Kirara πŸš—
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Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Fate Stay Night(…).jpg)
Kirara πŸš—
watch yourself kannagi
That sucks. but I'm so far from civilization that I probably don't have to care about warnings.
Atleast I hope the don't come out here.
Kirara πŸš—
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
this is why you should always carry at least three firearms especially at home
There are more than 3 firearms in this house.
I just lock the door to my prt of the house and then lock to the door to my room and turn the lights out.
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg)
kill them so you can feel alive
I'd rather hide and sleep inside the closet
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 475x545, [Coalgirls]_Durarara!!_03_(128(…).jpg)
I'd probably just lie on the futon and die
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"Are you ready to fucking die, kid?!"
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 759x720, [Coalgirls]_Durarara!!_10_(128(…).jpg)
I've been ready for years babey
Search [iqdb] (151 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Fate Stay Night(…).jpg)
"Don't move or I'll fucking shoot"
"hey can you tuck me in first?"
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 720x540, IMG_20180519_175241.jpg)
my guy says he is going to call me with an update in a few minutes
I hope it goes well
did it happen
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 564x717, [HorribleSubs] Mekakucity Acto(…).jpg)
there wasn't a lot of information
she has a fever of around 104 atm
fish's dad flew in some swedish doctor
she is unhappy and also pregnant
one /// the person that went on the plane with her to nigeria may contact me tomorrow

it's her
How trustworthy is the information, like do they know for sure its her.
Search [iqdb] (163 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Fate Stay Night(…).jpg)
Still alive.
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> pregnant
at least now you know she's got good medical attention
If this Swedish doctor was specifically flown in they must know what they're doing
well you see when a mommy and a daddy love each other VERY much
Well it is still a shock
yes and what nextnext
idk that's all dad ever told me
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what what
it wasn't on purpose if that's what you mean
i guess so
you're fucking doomed bro
rip my buddy he's a daddy now
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hey! thanks for the encouraging words!
im completely psychologically sound and very receptive to such jokes!

that's not true
rip philly and camping trips
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You're fucking crazy.
Not the responses I was expecting.
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i hope i get a baby brother
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i hope everything will be okay now u // i have to ruminate on fish and the child
which i guess ive been doing all day anyway
miscarriage is super common especially when someone is incredibly sick and in an impoverished nation and far from home and taking all kinds of medication i'm going to throw up
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she can make it
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I'm sure it'll be just fine.
Though, I guess that's true, there's a thousand and one things wrong // that can go wrong in a pregnancy.
The fuck is wrong with you pan
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let's not
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A lot.
Who even understands what the fuck is going on
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i guess i have to nevermind actually i don't have to share everything my brain is so broken
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only the big guy upstairs
he's a cunt though


please consider your words more carefully in the future
I wish things weren't so stressful for you Kirara.

Pregnancy is not easy to deal with.
espcially with the current situation
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Pfft. Motherfucker acutally being the first parent.
Good luck to all of your endeavours
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is it all that hard to follow?
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im not suited for fatherhood im a fucking loser
my head is spinning and my skin is on file
im probably not even going to get to be a dad
i know how this goes
this isn't my first rodeo
i have to be ready for despair
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Just be prepared.
It's a diffucult life for a while.
My friend had a child last year. when I went to texas I looked after the child.
He was super cute and I kind of miss looking after the kid now, it was nice.
but my friend and his partner aren't great parents.
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now i have to send kirara the happy father's day card for real
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stop before you barf again
how are you liking megalo box this season
what do you think of the weird mid 2000s aesthetic
the screenshots i've seen kinda remind me of texhnolyze weirdly enough
you and jan watched that together right? it's one of my favorites
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Make sure you have all the plans in place.
|The only advice I can give to you
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I would move heaven and hell and anything in between to get to you.
Apparently from someone I heard that the pacifier things is a sticker thing for twitter
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Just wanted to let y'all know if you've seen that shit, it's because the algorythm wanted you to see it
basically fucking take a good look at yourself what the fuck, i had a account since 2010 and I don't even see that garbage
Take a good look at yourself.
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I literally put all of you on twitter LMAO
come back when you're sober
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Oh good, sounds like she's getting some good attention.
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Nvm the caps lock
thank you, goodbye
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Yo you make me want to spite you
Bruddah try to avoid that behavour
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i just want things to go okay for once in my life
but im trying not to get hopeful
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Is there any anime that wasn't trash in the past 10 years?
Post that
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Have some faith and some optimism.
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You should visit your grandparents. Like I have.
anime >>504895 β†’
please stop okuu
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I know well enough that I can't for this.
If I get hopeful, it will hurt even more when something goes wrong.
And now I have to worry about something going wrong with my girlfriend and my child.
And a lot of things can go wrong.
I have to be ready to handle it when it goes badly, like it always does.
Try to remain calm and not expect things to go wrong. You don't know if they will.
but you can't let yourself get ill.
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Prepare for the best,

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
Hope is important though.
I would rather live my life eternally hopeful and sometimes disappointed, than always in despair.
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They will be okay.
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Well, it's a good thing my current attitude is obviously solely in regards to the present situation and not my outlook on everything!
It's just that I've seen the patterns before.
The last time something like this happened, everyone died.
Except me.
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I have class at 8:30 but there's no way I can sleep like this
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This ambient will totally make you sleep >>>/watch?v=pDSOa8AvpqU
oh i have some steve roach in an ambient playlist somewhere
he's pretty good
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He saved my life.
that's good to hear
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This song saved me.
You can probally know why.
everytime you post this i laugh then whimper
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same reaction as me thinking about my life
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I would be dead in the fucking grave if it wasn't for that
My back really fucking hurts.
definitely bang
you were right the whole time
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About what?
I'm right about a great number of things.
The stuff I'm posting about in that post?
Rika give me some lottery numbers
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I'm so hungry
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i wish i hadn't scheduled an appointment for tomorrow
i don't want to see any clients
or go to school
i should have just scheduled them for next Friday at their usual time
I'm always making bad decisions
definitely bang
something you said YEARS ago
oh yeah
who are you going to meet?
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a client
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I think I might have bruised a muscle in my rotator cuff, its pain
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the happy go lucky 18 year old adhd kid with the perfect life
the one whose biggest source of worry is that his parents won't let him go out of state for college

love to sit down with clients with few concerns in their lives while my life falls apart and i go 4 days without retaining food
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Pain without love
The one with the chains?
no, that's late 20s autistic guy
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/moo/ be like >>>/watch?v=QX01PPyUTKQ
late 20s and he thinks its a good idea to have chains to defend himself with
I thought he was a child.
he is a man childd
he's going to a psych because he wants to go to an out of state college and his parents don't?
he basically is
no, he's coming for self growth

he's actually a good kid but my psychological state is not very good right now
If you don't think you can do it, call in sick or explain something to do a senior staff member.
i can't, it's against policy
i can't afford to cause even a tiny bit of trouble for anyone after last semester when i made that one small mistake and everything exploded because my boss is a cunt
>it's against policy to not come in when you're unable to even do what they want you to come in for
Stupid and cruel policy tbh
That really sucks, you aren't in a good place and it makes it hard for you and for the kid.
It can be unavoidable, humans are not machines, they always meet demands.
it's unprofessional to cancel an appointment with a client

unless the clinic randomly closes like it frequently does because the clinic is incredibly unprofessional
Maybe it's unprofessional and I'm sure you know more about it than me, but it's still dumb

Regardless it is pointless to argue about policy if a cunt is enforcing it.
bosses should understand their staff instead of being shits
of course it's dumb
it's all so stupid
i should have just not scheduled the client for tomorrow
i should have known i wouldn't be healthy
im just fucking up again
That isn't your fault. There is no way you would have known what information you get and your state of mind.
i could have predicted that i would be unable to function fully
the only thing i couldn't have predicted is not retaining food for four days
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Tonight's theme.
so google is giving me ads about stuff relating to miscarriage because i was searching it
im going to go bash my head in until i pass out in my own vomit
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Only thing you'll make is a hole in the wall.
damn that's some crazy good observational skills
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Bro you won't get a house in your city if you do that shit lmfao
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>wanting a house in florida
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Yea try toronto, you'llo get something 5000x better
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What did I say years ago?
Moe is a great enviroment to be anxious and upset on.
who the fuck are you even
you just randomly show up and say weird shit
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I'm your prom date you fat sack of shit
Tano and meguca visitors need to go
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this is weird
yeah probably
wow okay
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Ask yourself who even fucking cares.
you're always a /moe/
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im so sorry for /moe/
im already here so it's not like it can get much worse anyway
I post on this board, I don't moe is going to get much quality posts from me
I would say as far as poor-quality posts go, you're not really a major contender.
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i dont know you're a valued memeber of the community
then again inaban 2.0 exists, so i guess i cant be that bad
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ive also spent a week and a half talking about nothing but my depressing problems and ruining countless conversations every day and making it awkward for people to keep posting even though moe should be a place where people can escape
sure there are deliberate shitposts but in terms of serious contribution, I'm terrible.
I add literally nothing to moe
That's fine, /moe/ doesn't really need "something".
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What are his skills like?
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A week and a half isn't all that bad in the grand scheme of your time spent here.
Sometimes depressing problems are just the burning topic. Sometimes it's for a week and a half, sometimes it for nearly 6 years, who knows, y'know?
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Sorry, I don't know.
His weapon buffs +4 to nearby allies or something, I think.
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weve totally chased people away for being depressing board-monopolizing assholes like i am though
people just don't want me to leave because they're afraid of change
i can't leave because everyone can find me too
you're also a highly valued friend to many posters and while I can't speak for everyone I think that the tradeoff of some negative posting if it helps you in some way is absolutely worth it
definitely bang
you called me a ___
I don't think you chased away anyone
Search [iqdb] (122 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Fate Stay Night(…).jpg)
I disagree on priniciple. Nobody was scared of change when I left.
Don't presume to speak for me like that.
I don't want you to leave because I like you.
I don't care if I'm hypocritical for wanting you around yet chasing other people for having bouts of depression. You're a good friend of mine, so I don't want to give you up.
Perhaps there's an argument for that being afraid of change but that's also a huge trivialization of the situation.
So don't tell me that's what I'm thinking because it's beyond incorrect.
Moe keeps calling my images bad and it makes me disappointed
it's because of all your secret nipple posts
Try to avoid the lewd
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You'd only been here like a year when you did.
People wouldn't have objected to me leaving then, either.
We all have, collectively.
We've chased out plenty of unsuitable posters.
People aren't always aware of their motivations.
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Hol' up bitch, sit down, be humble
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Wow, I'd been here for two when I left!
Plus you were just as liked back then as you are now.
Oh you mean that.
I guess I can be pretty hostile. There are some posters here I didn't like very much but I've learnt to like them
They still say stuff that annoys me
but I probably say stuff that annoys moes too.
That's not what I'm saying.
I don't care if it -might- be one of my motivations, to act like it's the only one is beyond ridiculous.
And you'd be wrong to presume it is.
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I wasn't really a staple poster for a long time, though.
I'm a beyond ridiculous person. Sorry.
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Losing posters is a tragedy. Losing active posters is a huge tragedy.
I still miss Sugoi being here a lot. I'd really miss you too.
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Ah, I have nothing to say on this. Time to go work, I guess.
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You were for sure a staple then. Though that was arguably because /moe/ was split between 'day' and 'night' /moe/ and you were large part of the total of like 5-6 day posters
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I don't think anyone would miss me just being a depressing mess.
They'd miss the functional and fun me.
People probably already miss that me.

/moe/ would have gone on without me.
It is hard to rejoin moe if you leave, It is at least for me.
I'd miss you a lot Kirara, you add so much to moe
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I'd still miss you either way.
I still miss Shawn even though like 80% of our conversations in the past 3 years have been him yelling at his laptop from his bathroom.
>they don't know where to put me
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Activity is what we need most.
I think people want to help you with your depression anyway.

You'll be snapped out of it soon enough anyway.
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No one will ever change this animal I have become
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To an extent, that's true for everyone but Samurai.
Without Rika, /moe/ would be largely different, but it would still go on.
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But everyone knows they can't help, and they don't know what to say to make me feel better, even though they want to, so it's troublesome and awkward and depressing.
I guess.
I know moe would go on just fine without me.
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That's how it is.
If something is the kind of issue that can be cleared up with a few posts, it isn't much of a problem in the first place.
There's a lot of value of just being there with someone when they're having trouble.
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I gave up trying to say things to make you feel better years ago, my life hit its peak after I nearly died laughing from making you misspell tentacle.

That's just the nature of online communities, I feel.
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There's value in not stressing people out, too.
But I can't do anything because people will worry whether I'm here or not.
My existence is inconvenient and troublesome right now.

You were the worst spell check ever.
Social ties bind deep like that.
Remember that time Rika was thinking of leaving /moe/ back in, early 2015, I think?
It was the same way. Never mind her status as a mod, it was pretty worrisome that she'd even maybe consider it.
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I'm just the worst, after all.
One of us had to be.
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I don't remember that at all.
I don't remember a lot of 2015, though.

We can both be the worst.
disappearing from people and places is my forte.
Can't sleep
Thanks Trump
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No way, you've gotta be my straight man.
I fucked up my neck and shoulder, I can't sleep.
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Unfortunately, I can't just disappear.
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That's right, no disappearing.
i'll disappear RIGHT NOW
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I'm basically trapped.
No matter what I do, everyone suffers.
But I guess that's thematically appropriate.

I hate this all so much.
I wish you'd all just get mad at me and tell me to fuck off.
Suddenly tired
Night moe
Grrr fuck@
I've had times like that before.
I can get really bad paranoia, though it hasn't really happened more recently.
In the worst of it I'd be laying in bed, stuck in my own thoughts, dead-set in thinking the people I talked with only kept me around to mock me behind my back and all that.
Kind of rather stereotypical paranoia, looking back on it.
I'd desperately wish they'd just out it already and tell me so I could make a clean cut.
But of course, that wasn't ever the case.
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ive yet to suffer
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It would just be so simple if I could
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I shouldn't even be awake.
I have class at 8:30.
But I don't want to sleep.
I make so many bad decisions.
It's a 12 hour day.
Would it be a long day tomorrow?
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After seeing stats, I don't think I'm going to pull on the bridal banner.

Als oyou should go to sleep. I'm going soon too.
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I might go after Sanaki.
Rolling the gacha might feel good.

I know I should sleep.
But I don't think I will.
I don't know if I can.
I know it means I'll be miserable all day tomorrow, but I also feel like it won't even matter if it sucks.
Sanaki's art is pretty cute.
If I was playing the game that would be reason alone to pursue.
Though I tend to blow all my gatcha rolls on events whenever they come up. If I save for a future "perfect" event in things like that, I'm just never gonna spend.
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You should do your best to sleep.
Even laying down for awhile and resting your body is productive.

Time for me to head to bed, bye bye
I've been sleeping way too much again.
I don't even remember being awake to turn off my alarms this morning but they didn't tell me I'd slept through them or anything.
It's not even restful sleep, which I feel is in part why I end up getting so much of it.
So I just feel stressed already getting out of bed since I've wasted a chunk of the day and know it's only going to make it harder to sleep properly come the next night.
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I've been lying down almost non-stop for days.
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Still waiting for train
don't stop the tender train
What abotu the tendies train?
choo choo here comes the tendies train
My neighbours still seem to be having their May 2-4 party, by the sound of it.
It's almost 03:00 people, wrap it up.
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We gon pull up like the ice cream truck
Straight out the window like the ice cream truck
No wife for me
No wife no life
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Oh boy.
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I was dismissed and almost went back but forgot my bag...
>>505128 β†’
>>505128 β†’
AdamThePhantump !8aAr0OlMAo
hello folks. how’s
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
dammit samu stop necroing your own board threads
