Nanatsu no Taizai Cardcaptor --Episode 17-18 Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-7 Last Period Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 4-6 Rokuhoudou --Episode 5-6 Steins;Gate 0 Tokyo Ghoul re
And as a small note, Rika'll be a bit late.
a little late you say
She predicted a bit earlier than it is now. Hopefully she's in before it's too late.
So everyone is going to fight everyone? Why would they?
>>500877 for shits and giggles i suppose the demons are just having a little fun
Well there's a couple of free parties here too. Like there's two Assassin Knights or something that Elizabeth and Elaine are up against here. They're probably not inclined to be buddy-buddy with the others when there's a reward involved.
These two are technically in a battle and they're just chatting it out like two girl friends.
Ban's calling them out for fighting in the sky when his girlfriend was literally levitating the whole time she was figh-
>>500894 I don't think so, mostly because the Ban/Mel team is so strong they don't have to take anything seriously.
>>500898 Well we'll see how some of the weaker teams will work out. I wonder how the butt monkey team of Escanor and Hawk will do.
Oh they're not even been transparent about it. Er, that's not the right word. They're not hiding it. Not that it was anything but obvious when she showed up in the first episode. But still.
>>500902 they'll run away until noon and then sun smash
It's the middle of the night though. Even dawn is a few hours away.
Oh no, hah hah hah. This is like one of those silly romcom episodes where a guy ends up going on a date with two or more girls to the same amusement park. She'll have to keep swapping costumes to party with both of them.
And Ms. Memes was too pre-occupied with her barf beans to notice anything.
>animal friends japari park time?
I wonder if they'll reference it. I guess since they hit up the Blood Realm this episode they're gonna hit up Gazelle's Animal Realm next. Wonder if they're gonna tour all the other Realms that I don't remember in entirety before the series ends.