Thread #503991
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definitely bang 2018/05/20 (日) 04:19 No. 503996
ready with persona 5>>504000 but i'm already ready!
Hisone to Masotan Amanchu! Boku no Hero Academia Cardcaptor --Episode 17-19 FranXX Devils Line Full Metal Panic! Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-7 Hinamatsuri Nil Admirari no Tenbin Persona 5 Rokuhoudou Gun Gale Online Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shiranai WotaKoi
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>>503998 You're jumping the gun a little bit! We still need to collect Ika. but the list tonight, is probably what you expect persona 5 boku no hero franXX amanchu
Ika please show up already
ok i have shown up
Everyone died. You were too slow. You could have prevented this Ikaaaaaaaa.
;-: did your net fix
Yeah technician came around this morning and fixed the problem. I'm properly connected again.
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persona 5! okay lets start!
Purr Sender 5 Funderful
purse owner is jan alive
This is a pretty stylish Palace.
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The palace was pretty ritzy in the game too.
A little over-dressed.
i like how the ost stopped
A literal doroboneko.
i never figured out the difference between the real and fake sayuris in the game
Oh he got rather unceremoniously dragged into the other world.
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how romantic
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I disliked him at first but by the end I really liked him.
Who, Yusuke? I thought he was a weird loser at first too but he recovers from his experience under madarame I think
>Dude I raised you to be livestock but comes back to me
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He had some good ability, I don't remember what it was. A physical one that was fun to use.
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boku no her o okay lets start!
boku no hero time for shoto to fuck everything up
h e r o
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Stuff was intense at the end of last episode.
It's not gonna slow down much for a while.
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dabi is so damn cool
Apparently Toga is voiced by Sakura from Fate's seiyuu.
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So they got saved by the bell.
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Wow, navel laser out of nowhere.
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if only six arms had his other three arms available
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the two pushy cats
Poor Ragdoll.
oh wow bakugo is born on 4/20
Rat principal looks so cheery talking about the downfall of his school.
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he's probably enjoying it sadistic fucking rat
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mic has a good point though
Time to bring the fight to the villains.
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the cops in this world are super reliable
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Even though everyone treated it as a terrible loss, the villains kidnapped one person and lost one of their guys to Deku.
they lost three guys on the villain's side they are putting a lot of weight on that kidnapping
>>504080 They captured a pro hero on top of Bakugou. And effectively showed that they can piss on the pro heroes trying to defend students, who for legal matters are pretty much civilians still, and get away with it. It's a huge snub on the nose.
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just listen to iida he has that angry dad face on you know he's right
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franXX okay lets start!
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we're in the home stretch
they're gonna get murdered for doing it
Their garden's all dying around them.
Teenage wedding, eh.
poor futoshi
I keep expecting Hiro to impale the ball on one of his budding horns.
i hope goro doesn't get cucked again
Oh she's going for the kill.
She's kind of nice with her hair down like that.
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It's pretty nice.
Maybe Goro would be up for a monogamous relationship.
well i think its okay goro deserves better than ichigo
>Zorome enters the fray!
>>504121 I think she's done a very good job of cleaning up her act. Her responses to Zero-Two weren't entirely unfounded even if she reacted very poorly. But she's also come along a lot.
I guess she's started to bear the weight of her nature.
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I guess that's all the ones she ate before. They looked like fully grown men though, I thought it was teenagers who drove the robots.
One of them was the previous partner pilot she had in episode one.>>504127 The difference between adults and children is probably not quite our concept of them.
These two are so off in their own world.
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Feels like a big death flag they're throwing down here.
Goro gets to be the flower girl.
Oh no, the (dressed to the) Nines are coming for them. I wonder if their onii-san is going to help them out here.
Guess not.
Oni defender!
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This is kind of a strange development when you think about it.
This little shit's still calling her by her not-name.
I wonder if his situation is what awaits Mitsuru now.
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I guess they both got their brains worked on a little bit.
A little crudely though. Like both of them remember being a part of the squad but the memory alterers didn't bother to fine-touch it so that they're just acquaintences? It's such a sloppy piece of work. No wonder Kokoro Kokoro's already clueing in a bit.
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they'll probably snap out of it with some prodding i guess they just suppressed their memories of each other
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okay amanchui okay lets start!
Stay orange but I might be a few minutes.
Okay I'm back. Thanks for waiting.
>>504149 Ground control to Major Jan
Peter beware. Sensei's on the warpath.
ah shit what time
3:00 3:05 3:10
Peko is so out of it and Pikari is hyper as usual.
wait who is peter
I don't know but sensei seems concerned about him?
Hah hah hah. Ane-chan-sempai's gonna know what's going on.
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This part of Japanese high school is always so endearing to me. Sure it's probably an educational prison sentence most of the three years you're there but these culture fairs always seem so fun.
is peter a ghost or the principal
That's a little spooky/
Oh shit Ane-chan-sempai's gonna get spirited away.
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I guess Peter is kind of a dangerous person.
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he looks like a fox
Though also a little charming. I guess those are the most dangerous kinds of dangerous people though. HOWAI
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i think peter is just a chuuni
He caught her as she was doing a literal frontflip and landed her right side up with no damage done. He's totally more than just a chuuni.
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he's a high level chuuni
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This has really taken on a strong mystical element as its progressed.
How enchanting. I'd totally forgotten her name was Ai. She's always called Ane-chan.
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wow peter was a magical chuuni
I told you man.
Her hair's a different colour from when she was in highschool.
i think it's just the filter that made it look the wrong color
I don't think so. It's a blue-ish black in the flashback, and a light brown in present time.
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Well, hair color changes a lot over your life. It looked light brown to me in the flashback.
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Doesn't really seem so for me.
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Maybe there's a discolouration difference between our monitors.
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I will condede -concede it looks less blue here but still a fair cry away from her hair colour as an adult.
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I think it's a little different but there is a filter in use in those scenes. anyway, thanks for anime!
>>504209 It's just dark brown. Probably lightened up as she got older or something
tonights shows are the best