Thread #504895
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Hisone to Masotan Caligula Cardcaptor --Episode 17-19 Devils Line Full Metal Panic! Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-7 Hinamatsuri Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 6-7 Rokuhoudou Shokugeki no Souma Gun Gale Online Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai WotaKoi Uma Musume
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Do we have Jan tonight?
This isn't the one day he's definitely not around. But I don't know if he's around.
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okay gun gale oh sorry I was deep in thought about lists gun gale FMP nil admiral watakoi okay but since we're orange anyway let's start gun gale
gun gale
Are we just doing this?
Oh she found a new P-chan.
is wotakoi new??
It aired last Thursday. Right about when my Internet started messing up. I couldn't get any of the new shows from that day.
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I 've been stretching out our cute shows a bit too, since there is a lmiited number this episode. And we usually do Wotakoi on this night since Jan isn't around.
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uh okay what time
4:00 4:05 4:10
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Since Jan is here lets tap at least Nil Admirari for something. Maybe Full Metal Panic too but that one's not as bad.>>504917 I think we normally do WotaKoi on Thursday nights because Jan watches that show with us.
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oh welcome jan gun gale devils line caligula wotakoi the new lineup
Building team bonds by slaughtering (virtual) people!
>>504925 the power of murder bonds is not to be taken lightly
Everyone wants to talk to her about her play in the Squad Jam now.
>>504930 >tfw e-famous
Kids are scary.
Hah hah hah he's so tiny. The expressions are on point though.
>Someone will die Probably him, considering his relations to Pita.
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this guy is so weird
I bet Elsa is her rival in GGO
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Wow, M is a bishounen.
A little eccentric though. He's probably not really all that short, he just looks tiny because she's a giant.
>SAO loser
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Sounds like she's not a very fun friend to have.
wow pitou is super psycho
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Yeah, she's really crazy.
KA BE DO N It's less impressive when the person doing it is smaller than their target.
M-san is kind of pretty off his rocker too.
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Oh that's a good use of a previous one-off statement.
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love is scary
I guess the tiny blonde-haired one with the dual-RPG launches is her friend all along, huh.
this show isnt bad
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it's pretty silly but i like it so far
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okay devils line okay lets start!
Notokyo ghoul
This sniper woman is visibly confused by a devil rejecting blood given to them.
This guy with the glasses has the same seiyuu as the dork with the cat ears from 3D Kanojo.
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Yeah, he has a good wimp voice.
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he just threatened to cuck
>What are you saying? >Japanese
She's so happy to see him that she doesn't even realize she's falling.
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I think it's that she's stupid.
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>get shot >oh haaaay boi
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She's not a smart girl. oaky caligula okay lets start!
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will we understand what's going on after this episode?
Carry gula
Wow a month time-skip.
>This is a facade What is, the beer or him being a student? I don't get it.
He's a little damedame.>>505009 Hi Jan are you okay.
Lescue Man
Don't forget about CHEMICAL X
This little pint-sized brat is really fussy about the food.
Crazy AI
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wotakoi Yeah he's been orange for awhile. SHould we wait for him on this?>>505063 I can wait a few minutes if Ika is willing to watch the thread and repsond when we go orange.
wata ok
I wonder what happened to Jan.>>505056 Between the three of us, I think you're the only one who's time-dependent. If you feel like you can wait, then let's.
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okay Jan must have fallen asleep or something. okay lets start!
Maybe his sister needed him for something or other.
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The second kabedon tonight.
Two kabedons in one night.
In the manga they both said "the 3DS will get wet!" I don't think a reference like that is quite too outdated.
Especially since they kept in all the Melt references.
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Speaking of gachas, I wonder if the bride gacha starts tonight.
>Working adults don't get Christmas anyway! What a dismal life to live. Hah hah the OST is playing Winter Wonderland.
My imouto was saying she thought this entire episode was anime-original, but these have all been more or less adaptations of manga material.
Some of the references for this show are really dated for a "young" anime audience. Like even most young adults might've missed Super Mario 64 the first time around.
Riajuu bakuhatsu shiro!
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Well, they have to hit the ages for the characters right!
The credits mentioned Yuru Yuri. I guess that's how they got an exact likeness for Akari for the present. GADDAMN IIT
Talk about two completely different ways to spend Christmas Eve.