>>503176 i feel like i'm about to too my skin just started getting extremely itchy and hot flashes and my stomach is really queazy happened really suddenly just a moment ago
>>503190 Well, I'm a weak-willed loser, so I'm just going to keep vomiting.
In a fe months it'll be 5 years from my first day in /moe/ it's been a while since I've stopped coming last time tho. but it's essentially the same place...
I guess I've been here like six or seven years now.
>>503198 not seven me and sugoi got here fall 2011 so it was definitely a while after that i had moved to my dorms when you showed up i remember, so no earlier than september 2012
>>503210 They are shy dogs they'd run away. I see their tracks in the daytime but I've never heard them all howling together like they were just now. they are like wolves
I think there were coyotes or something outside my tent in Utah. We kind of got spooked so we decided to look up lists of people that got killed by bears while camping. So I started saying Jan should take the beef jerky and put it outside our tent, and he laughed and was like, haha, no it'll be fine, they can't smell the beef jerky through the bag. Which is incredibly stupid but I didn't feel like arguing about it so I figured that if we die, at least we'll die together.
evening pan
>>503212 That is one way to relax and unspook yourselves
If I was there I'd probably panic and not sleep. I get spooked here and have a hard time sleeping and I'm in a house
>>503212 Wild carnivores/omnivores are always a worry while camping. Especially with ones with really good noses for scents like coyotes/ Even if you're thorough cleaning up your food wastes, they can probably smell the lingering scents in the air around the tent. No surprise they're sniffing about.
Coyotes are really shy though, they will run from humans.
coyotes are total wimps foxes have more gall than coyotes they probably came around because they smelled some discarded pizza shells in the garbage or something
>>503216 The first night we were together, we were just talking while we were lying there, and I said, "what would you do if you looked up and there were just eyes staring at us from that window in the tent" and jan was like "you son of a bitch" get spooked
My psych professor from last semester had an anecdotal story of camping for when we were talking about the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. She was camping with friends once and
Wow you bullied Jan. >>503219 Wow you're bullying me. Pizza has crusts not shells.
>>503223 Yeah, it was funny. But Jan wouldn't wake up even if he was getting eaten.
>>503222 and someone hadn't secured the food properly, which brough t a bear traipsing through their campsite. And she could hear the big thing lumbering about
There huge insects here. I don't think I'd like to camp outside of the house. I don't want to see another Tarantula hawk again.
>>503228 right outside her tent. She had a small handaxe in the tent with her and was considering if she might have to leap out of the tent, axe in hand, at the bear.
I don't really want to fight a bear. The ones that you could possibly take, like blacks and some grizzlies, aren't actually all that brave and will bolt pretty easily. And the ones you can't take, like browns and polar bears, are both vicious and not actually interested in killing you outright. Brown bears in particular will actually avoid killing you, because they know letting a body die means the meat goes bad faster. They'll maul you half to death and then eat their fill and then stash your body for later meals,
I liked when the soldiers in Golden Kamuy killed that bear and the last dude was standing there with his face torn off and then he died, too.
Brown bears are serious fucking business. Polar Bears are pretty scary too. But they're at least more likely gonna kill you outright.
Golden Kamuy is great. THe brown bears in northern Japan are pretty vicious.
>>503245 Same in North America. The outdoorsman rule of thumb is that you can scare off black bears and grizzlies, but brown bears are just more likely to answer your intimidation with aggression.
I'd injure myself rather than anything else. When I heard the rattle sound from the bush in the dark here, I ran straight into a tree and lost my glasses and had try and find them while panicking
I wouldn't want to fight a bear though. My odds of winning wouldn't be great, and any kind of death that way would be long and painful. Bears aren't exactly known for their clean kills. I'm rather averse to pain if I can avoid it.
I think the only way I'd be a // beat a bear is if I had a pit fall trap
I'm not sure I remember the last time I was alright. This sucks, but it's been what I've been expecting all this time. So that braces the impact a bit.
>>503281 I feel sleepy but I'm not in a good mood I don't really want to sleep.
I don't really know what I'll do if I don't get in anywhere. There aren't really many jobs to do around here that are particularly satisfying that I can do without post-sec education. And it's hard for me to be happy just working to get paid. If it's my life to just work for money to perpetuate my existence then I don't really want to exist. I need to be doing things I can be satisfied doing.
Are there foundation/access courses into universities where you are? In the UK we have systems where you have spent 1 year in a foundation before moving on to your main degree.
>>503288 i have a job that is complementary to my focus and helps pay for stuff i think that would be possible for you as well you enjoy writing and also consuming content content production is bigger than ever that's just one thing, and i'm sure you have many interests
>>503290 Kind of, but definitely nothing to that degree. That's more or less what I'm in at the moment, taking night classes to get a certificate saying I've completed the foundations for those degrees.
>>503292 Content production would be nice. But I don't know how to start or where to start or anything like that. And I struggle with that "just take the plunge" mentality which seems to be needed to overcome those lackings. It's not like I lack ideas. It's just I lack everything else.
>>503294 Three. There's a number of reasons for why that is, but long story short, there aren't many other feasible options for me.
I hope you get into one of your choices but if things don't go as planned, I 'll help you look into whatever you do help with. Moon is familar with a
>>503295 there might be a "taking the plunge" mentality, but i don't personally believe so it's scouring around and feeling things until you find some traction that you can leverage
content production doesn't have to be you producing content it could, of course, like focused content creation of articles or blogposts or that stuff but in my mind i was thinking more like finding the venues that you naturally involve yourself in, even through consumption, and there's probably something to be done
a lot of work exists just doing freelance audio and video editing for people who make videos on youtube for instance, or for aggregate channels copywriting or general editorial work for things you're already reading anyway not everything has to launch into a salaried position sometimes just mingling around and going, "oh i could do that for you for a week during this project" gets some valuable experience and connections
this might seem really scrappy and janky but it's what i've always done and it's always felt so organic and satisfying to me got me positions broadcasting dota, adminning tournaments, doing stats, editing blogposts in game journalism like dotabuff, transcribing, recruiting, advertising, website UI consulting like so much random shit i can't even think of it being a generalist has a lot of perks, and some of theme weren't meaningful things for me, but transcribing really stuck with me because i was already researching linguistics a lot
really just sharing my approach and mindset, not necessarily suggesting these things specifically. sorry for the wallotext
the pain of vomiting is a good distraction from the pain of everything else
>>503301 I guess it's all relative, like, the idea of "just mingling around and going 'oh I could do that...'" is already sort of a plunge to me. I keep involved with a fair few communities and interest groups, but I'm never involved -in- them. I just watch and observe the information they provide. It's hard for me to engage in an action or task unless I know exactly what I'm supposed to do, which intimidates me away from fringe things I'm not intimiately involved in. It also makes it hard to pick up new things, because so much of life involves metaphorically jumping into the pool and learning to tread water on the spot. It's so hard for me to envision myself getting involved in something that I would need to reach out and say "yeah I can do that" like what you're talking about.
Taking the plunge for me involves any time I'm doing something I'm not confident I know how to do properly and have to do it of my own volition. That's in part why I'd almost rather look for a salaried job or something, because it's a lot easier for me to say I can do something when someone asks me to do it as opposed to telling myself to do it. When I was doing data entry at a bank a couple years back I was continually taking on more complex work as I was asked to, despite having to learn on the fly.
But it's just so much more difficult for me to start the ball rolling by myself.
>>503317 I think I am the same, I have a lot anxiety and I have trouble getting involved in things that are probably beneficial for me or at least I should try to do. I went straight into work out of college, with years of NEETing inbetween. and basically shutting myself away from everything and everyone. I When I a job I worked really hard and managed to become and manager, and then managed to have projects to work on and people to work with. I don't think it is always a plunge sometimes you get pushed and you find yourself in a relatively nice place.
>>503323 I am drinking a lot of water. And I can't just stop puking.
>>503317 >That's in part why I'd almost rather look for a salaried job or something Well that's definitely okay, but in relation to what you were saying about "If I'm just working to make money to perpetuate my existence..." i feel like it's going back to that
maybe i didn't make it clear that that's the point i was talking to originally about finding work that's complementary to your interests there are definitely salaried jobs that are like that too though i really love the freedom i have to take on the work i want to do, and the process of the work i do fosters or incubates a certain thoughtspace that lets me focus on my higher interests, systems and linguistics, while i'm working and then i have the freedom to take time away as i please to channel that focus into what i want to work on
i dont exactly live a lavish life and i'm pretty broke most of the time really, but i do love the lifestyle it affords me sounded like you were concerned about working to perpetuate existence, so i just wanted to toss it out there that work isn't always destructive to your purpose for existence
>>503317 >data entry at a bank Wow you are the same as me.
>>503328 That's not how this works. I can't control my physiological responses to the anxiety of having my girlfriend missing in an incredibly dangerous foreign country. The last person I fell in love with died. I can't go through that again.
>>503325 It's less about work being destructive to my purpose for existence, but more that the feeling of working only to have money to continue existing is something I don't know if I could handle. When I was working 9-5 at the bank, even with the job being something I could handle, I was feeling the fatigue of working like that close to when my contract ran out. Satisfaction in living is pretty important to me, and to have so much of my time wrapped up doing something unsatisfying to me is a real drain.
It's a stupid paradox I've struggled with for years, knowing the kinds of jobs I can take are unsatisfying for me to work, but also knowing the ones that are satisfying for me are either out of reach because of my qualifications or because of my inability to get over my apprehensions.
>>503330 You can find other things to enjoy, I am sure you'll find things to make things worthwhile no matter the job. My first job was just a filler and I'd just mope at home for the rest of the hours.
I worked 9 to 5 at a bank too doing data entry and pretty had a similar experience to you. I was having difficulty staying awake at my mom because *job wow that fucking mistype. because it was so unstimulating I'd be fully awake and just suddenly pass out for a few seconds and keep doing that
>>503331 Yeah, it's kind of, sure you work eight hours, then, at least for me, slice off another two hours for round trip transit, then subtract six to eight hours for sleep, and then maybe cut away another one or two for eating and general time inefficiencies. And you still end up with like, five to eight hours of free time in a day. But I get home after my shift and I'm so drained that I can't even engage in the kinds of activities that would work well for improving my satisfaction. So it's hard for me to not rationalize that I need to find a kind of work that satisfies me and pays me at the same time, because as it is I struggle to find satisfaction in life in a more generic situation.
It so eerie how similar you are to me for this situation. I had travel 2 hours as well. I'd get home super drained too, my second job was much worse for travel too. I'd leave at 7am and then travel for 2 and half hours to get to work by 11am and then leave work at 7pm and travel back for another 2 hours and half to get back around 9:30pm and be knackered. I'd wake up go to work, get home and go to sleep. with no free time. >>503332 I think it is important to find a job that has some level satisfaction, I was lucky with my last job because I had really good people around me who helped me get projects and own my own ideas for the team. I feel shit having to leave that job.
>>503334 I would if I could. I ran out of my medication that stops vomiting a few days ago. I have to get more from my aunt. I haven't kept any food down since breakfast yesterday (the 17th)
>>503332 what about a job that wasn't 5-40 (9-5 five days a week) what about 12 hour shifts three days a week or something, with four full days off? i personally find those setups very beneficial for me, because i can't do much with three or four free hours i'd rather have a whole day free and work more hours on the work days than have every single day be a compromise, and then having to do weekly maint on the weekends like errands, shopping, laundry, cleaning there's no freedom ever there
and also, eight hour workdays kinda suck because the first and last two hours of a day always suck, when i'm struggling to get into work mode and eager to get out so i do 12 or 16 hours because then i get a good 8-12 hours of solid productivity where i'm enjoying work win win on both fronts, and once i get it done i can immediately take a nap and stay up as late as i want, or take the whole next day off, or whatever maybe with a salaried job you can't just take the time off whenever, but at least having full free days instead of a few free hours lets you be flexible with your sleep schedule and leisure activities
i know some people really struggle without the daily structure though, so maybe it's just me
I can barely keep my eyes open no food isn't helping but i might miss something if i sleep
You will miss something if you are sleep deprived. If you don't want to sleep for ages at least nap so you can deal with whatever comes up
>>503337 I'd have no qualms working shifts like those, providing the tasks are engaging enough to bear through the full twelve hours. Really that's a wide variety though, I probably could have done the data entry activities I was doing at the bank for twelve hours straight if they'd let me. I'd probably go insane if I had something like customer service at a grocery or retail store for twelve hours straight though, never mind how dead my feet would be if I had to stand the whole way through.
I have a friend in Austria that does shifts like those for a chemistry field job and he seems to enjoy it a fair bit. It's sounded appealing to me in the past but I don't really know what kind of jobs I could reasonably apply for that would offer a structure like that around here.
Adrenaline can keep me going if something happens.
>>503351 Data entry for me was hard to focus on. It was so repetitive putting customer names, copying signatures, changing surnames pressing a sequences of numpad numbers to get through menus. I had a hard time not microsleeping because of how unstimulating it was. I liked it because I didn't have to deal with people. I didn't want to have to work with people because of my anxiety but it was hard.
>>503351 night guard or library maybe? not 12hr shifts at library but still
If you do more data entry, try and emphasis your experience. I worked and solved a bunch of problems and got management roles that spiced up my job a lot.
>>503353 It wasn't really data entry in reality. But the job description is easier to just call it that and most people get the gist of what I was doing. I was merging customer profiles that were almost certainly the same person with different accounts. It wasn't the most engaging work, but there was a bit of mental work you had to do. Also my office was lenient and we could listen to stuff through headphones, so I'd just boot up a podcast or radio station and just run like that for hours on end.
But it was also contract work and they were pretty explicit that opportunities for moving out of the contract position and into the actual company were extremely unlikely. From my team only two people got jobs at the bank, one that had an unrelated degree that helped them get a position elsewhere, and another that worked with the consolidation software for like, three years at least before getting a proper position. I didn't continue my contract with them after we were going to have a change in location that would extend my two-hours round trip for the job into four hours, along with tripling the price of transport.
>>503354 This is wholly a rather silly reasno for opting for a night shift style job but I'd rather work in something that still lets me be around for watching anime with /moe/. In my current timezone pretty much any night shift job would pretty much sink that opportunity. A library position would be nice. I like books. I don't see postings for positions in them very often though. It's definitely the kind of think that would catch my eye while browsing though.
Oh, you were in that sort of department, I had a lot of training in different areas but I never did mergers. It sounds a lot more engaging that literally doing the same task over and over for 8 hours. for 5 days a week. My office was strict, I had meet a lot of quotas, I used to compain moe about it, I was panicking about falling asleep at work all the time.
My job at the bank stopped me watching anime with moe a long time ago. I miss it a lot. I haven't watched anime with moe since one morning I woke up really early and watch kuma arashi with moe
>>503356 Look into civil service jobs too, like government jobs - they often have like interesting stuff like librarian jobs, technicians and the qualification entry isn't usually that high. Although all my experience is for the UK. So probably isn't useful in reality for you
I've seen a few city-level civil service jobs. They do pay extremely nicely, like 1.5 times minimum wage even for unqualified work.
There really isn't a good excuse for why I haven't ever tried applying for them. I've just always chickened out.
>>503362 You don't have to give an excuse, you are pretty much like me, I chickened out on a lot of things. I had a // I have a lot of stupid fears and laziness that stopped me from doing things I should have. I only got my bank job because it // because I was forced to hand in my resume to an agency who pushed me into the job immediantly
>>503356 are you only looking for things that actively list? you oughtta think about a place you'd like to work then go find those places around, visit their websites, and apply from their websites through whatever portal they've got, if any
>>503363 Yeah, the only reason I got my job there was because my dad works in a tangentially-related department and knew the woman who put together the team I worked on was looking for people. And the other more recent job I worked I was brought aware to because my mother is friends with an investor...or something along those lines. I don't have an easy time getting myself a job.
>>503364 Yeah, that's probably a good idea. I get tangled up in the question of places I'd like to work but there's definitely a few general ideas, I think. At least it's a little more concrete when I'm not awash with uncertainty and apprehensiveness.
I already look into a job portal for a bookstore chain around here somewhat regularly. Retail might be shit but books are nice.
I think I only got my second job in data entry because it was a dodgy place in the middle of a field in countryside hiring mostly polish people and other EU nationals. I liked it though, it turned out to be really good. I didn't get paid all that much even with my promotion.
I have a stupid headache.
No painkillers?
No, not that I liked to take painkillers anyway.
I get pretty frequent headaches and I can't handle the pain they give me. I try to keep some ibuprofen on hand for when they pop up. There was one I was dealing with earlier tonight, but the pills took effect maybe an hour ago, so I'm feeling a little better.
the delivery was 7 hours late wwww who 12 hourI work day here
>>503370 Oh what country you from? I didn't know who places called it ibuprofen as well. although that is just one the brands.
>>503372 I live in Canada. Ibuprofen might be a brandname, but I think it's also the name of the actual chemicals too. The brand I tend to stick with is Motrin.
ibuprofen is not the brand name >>503375 we call it acetaminophen here
I get migraine randomly sometimes, I just deal with them. I've never iked to take anything for pain.
In the UK paracetamol and ibuprofen are called just those names. I think we have different medicine guidelines and stuff so brand names aren't so big and the drugs are just their names
i think naproxen is a little bit better than ibuprofen as far as NSAIDs go
Paracetamol/acetaminophen gets sold under Tylenol here for the most part. I had a bad experience with some Tylenol years and years back and I've had a hard time reaching for it after that. I've liked the experience with taking Motrin and the two types aren't particularly different price-wise in the pharmacy, so there hasn't been a reason to change what I buy.
>>503380 Yeah, I'd heard stuff like that about it too. I probably don't take it enough to risk damage, but it doesn't hurt to be safe.
i've got quite a bit of disdain for acetaminophen can't stand it and don't like it, extremely hard on the liver
It gets handed out a lot in the UK, any headaches are usually a glass of water and two paracetamol I am paranoid so I've just tried to deal with the pain myself.
I've got a lot of friends with that mindset. Or they'll stick to natural soothers like ginger tea.
Most pain I'm pretty good with, but something about headache pain just cripples my ability to function.
Migraines for me can be pretty crippling, I usually end up crouched on the floor.
i'm down with NSAIDs, oxycodone, or even morphine, but i will not take acetaminophen
>>503385 When my mom was in hospital and her liver was having problems they didn't listen to me and hooked her up to really strong paracetamol intravenously. I told them her doctor had said not use painkillers and they eventually took her off it and gave her morphine instead. >>503387 I should try and gind valerian root, I think I might need to buy online, I did look in physical shops but I couldn't find any. My migriains aren't as common as they used to be but I do get bouts of sudden balance fucking pain and vertigo
>>503384 valerian root and a strong shot of caffeine tellin you i was a chronic migraine/cluster sufferer for six years straight like three a week now i get one maybe every 6 months
>>503378 I don't know if I've ever seen anything like that in stores. Is it over-the-counter stuff or would you need a script? Does it have a popular brand name in North America?
>>503388 Aleve is naproxen Advil is ibuprofen >>503386 it shouldn't be hard to find want me to buy you some and have it delivered to you for a late birthday present
Hm, doesn't ring bells. I'll keep an eye out when I'm in a store next.
>>503389 I might take you up on that at some point. Once get back to the UK, I'll probably stressed as all hell.
>>503373 yeah I'm getting pAid but I missed a whole week of work going to Utah plus the expense of like 450ish there soI I'm on aa budget
Well there's always trade-offs with how you spend your time! Would they be legally required to pay you overtime for working more than eight hours in one day down there?
it's not really a huge deal to me though, I'm in no financial duress and I'm decent at budgeting I blow a shitload of money on my trips every time because that's just how much I save up ahead of time
damn deadpool 2 is getting some good rap from people i trust i should go see it
some of the puzzles are pretty fun but they're generally pretty easy to figure out there were a couple of times that they stumped me for five or ten minutes and then i felt like a big dumb retarded baby though
GoW has always had puzzles but the ones in the previous games were really hard to actually call puzzles mostly just pushing things to another place and hitting a button to open a gate in a different place which isn't really a big deal since the game used to just be dumb action with cool set pieces and button mashing
but they certainly made it more interesting in the new one the combat changes and story really outshine all of the other improvements they made though
my only complaint in the whole entire game is that the story missions and regular enemies you run into outside of the optional areas (i.e. Niflheim, Muspelheim, Valkyries) are just too damn easy if you play on hard it's more reasonable difficulty but that also makes the optional stuff that much harder too
I didn't even experience a single crash and only one gamebreaking bug (atreus got stuck in a wall while pathfinding to a chest he had to open, forcing mee to reload and lose a whole 30 seconds of progress) which is pretty outstanding for a modern game, I'm really impressed on all accounts
What I've seen so far has been pretty great at least
>>503419 >>503420 oh you should be really close then that cutscene was amazing, the original fight against him and that part that you're gonna see soon are my favorite scenes in the whole game
I really hated how Boy was acting like a total asshole around that point in the game though
Flipping the temple was a pretty good part too though
photo mode is a fun and really useless addition to the game also wonder why other games don't let you do that kind of thing
Probably because devs didn't figure it would be so well received. Assassin's Creed Origins put it in for release and I've had a fun bit of time taking photos of the set pieces. And Odyssey's photo mode is ridiculously in-depth, and that game isn't even this sort of photorealism beautiful. Though it's still a gorgeous game.
These days if Aesthtic is an important aspect of your game you should really put in a photo mode if you can. There's so much value to it.
I hope it catches on, that would be a cool bandwagon for everyone to jump on. It's fun to just try to capture cool screenshots and really hard if you're doing it live.
I never actually tried oddyssey's photo mode, I actually never got enough macguffins to get to the super secret final level either maybe one day I'll go back with a walkthrough and try to catch 'em all
i'll probably never have as much fun capturing random clips and screens of games as i do in monster hunter though i always seem to forget when something cool happens in other games for some reason
Technician's supposed to be around sometime within two hours to look at what's cutting off our cable and Internet service. I really hope he doesn't get in too late. I've been up all night for this and really want Internet again.
The game also does a few nice things like adding multiple voicelines in scenes the player is gonna see over and over again Like in front of this frost giant, there's several short exchanges between Kratos and the boy that it cycles through for each retry
T the rising sun
I have stomach ache.
Sipping something carbonated through a straw can help ease that sometimes.
I wake every morning feeling shit, I think my duvet is too hot but my room is cold and super dry.
>>503432 I can imagine that. I also worry that I have an stomach ache, in my case because of the cold and the very strong medicine i'm taking.
>>503448 If I actually got around to playing the games I do have on steam I'd buy more of them but I'd feel guilty getting any right now >>503450 Kancolle clones are increasing
i want to stop hearing about the royal wedding and start hearing about the abolition of the royal family if im going to be spammed everywhere i go with royal shit at least make it something i might enjoy
I don't understand the royal wedding excitment either. and I'm from the UK. I don't think many people in the UK give a shit but outside of the UK is some weird excitement about it
i messaged a friend about how annoying the royal wedding shit is and they were like "oh someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed!!!" bitch if you were at my house right now i would slap your shit
>>503481 They do different theme compartments every so often for the bullet train and pretty only very very wealth people can use them
Kirara 🚗
i want to see a bullet train go through my skull
Kirara 🚗
>Congressional candidate confronts transgender woman at Denny's for using women's bathroom
Kirara 🚗
>A woman running for Congress shared a video of herself on social media confronting a transgender woman at Denny’s for using the women’s bathroom. she shared a video of herself attacking someone at dennys
She must have had a moment of like intense pride at challenging a trans person that she decided to post it online.
Kirara 🚗
It must be hard living as such a vile "human being"
i got banned for reporting a series of threads on 4chan that were flagrant rule violations as misreporting/abuse of the report system
What board?
Iirc the /sci/ mod is really bad Was it stuff shilling youtube channels?
>>503493 What did the give as the reason? I've got banned when I posting image assets from a april fools and the mod got mad.
>>503496 no i regularly report the resident polspammer the fucking idiot that just posts the cringey brainlet images on a new thread and makes one comment like >entry or >math is a philosophy and makes like 5 of them in a row i hate that fucking idiot
Kirara 🚗
i heard the /sci/ mod was a YouTube skeptic but ive never seen any evidence to back that up
4chan sucks one time i made three consecutive posts and got banned for flooding i was posting like legitimate content and didn't even try to circumvent the 30 second cooldown time or anything banned for an entire week for that
>>503500 that board is filled with shitposting. >>503504 The mods are really baised, they have really strong weird ideas about board culture.
Kirara 🚗
ive come to value the ads on hulu i find them so relaxing it's like a break where i can divert my attention without feeling guilty i like this show but 30 minutes of it without a break is a long time the ads give me an occasional 90 seconds of break it's so nice
I get mad at adverts. I don't think I've ever relaxed during them.
i think i'll do some yellow sulawesi this morning (afternoon) i think i made myself a little sick off the red last night got real itchy and bad hot flashes but i guess it coulda been hormones
>>503518 i don't think i had too much necessarily i had like 4 grams then redosed 3 five-ish hours later i went outside for a cigarette and felt really shaky and lightheaded, then my skin itched really bad and i felt like vomiting until i went to go lay back down
>>503532 i just realized dear white people is a creative work after seeing the ad for some reason i thought it was supposed to be documentary-like idk im retarded
There is a japanese festival on in town, I might go.
Kirara 🚗
Wow, neat.
Kirara 🚗
Brooklyn nine nine is actually really good this is the only thing in my life right now keeping me above water and there are 5 seasons of 22 episodes 30 minutes each
>>503576 bacteria pneumonia is incredibly bad and the worse kind of pneumonia with a higher mortality rate than viral pneumonia and she's also in nigeria where the health care is very poor she's been in the hospital since the 12th apparently
>>503578 Well fuck... Why is she in Nigeria? Family?
Kirara 🚗
aparently nigeria has the highest rate of deaths from pneumonia in africa for children at least
Kirara 🚗
i'm going to have a heart attack
children are substantially more vulnerable to pneumonia mortality she can definitely afford a good facility even in nigeria there's no way she's being treated at a community health clinic or something like that
Kirara 🚗
fish also may be pregnant which means her immune system could not be as good as it usually is idk the quality of even the best hospitals in nigeria i'm not sure what hospital she's at yet fdgd
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Well double fuck.
Kirara 🚗
seven days is a long time to be in the hospital for pneumonia too i think even for bacterial pneumonia
i was in the hospital for 18 days with pneumonia it takes a while to properly treat
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Outside of walking pneumonia, that shit will put you on your ass a while... Just breathe...
>>503589 doesn't that make it even more normal for it to take a long time to treat if i was there for 18 days while they monitored it all the way down to safety at a place with good healthcare, a place with worse healthcare can't do it quicker also i doubt it was better healthcare it was an army hospital, and she's most likely at a university hospital or an expensive hospital in nigeria
>>503575 Honestly that's bad but I was seriously afraid something much worse had happened.
I had hope. And now everything seems better than it did a week ago. I'm going to hold to it, I guess. Today's been good to me. I hope it can be good to everyone else. It's the most I can do
Kirara 🚗
>>503591 idk it seems like nigeria's health care is some of the worst in the world their universities aren't considered to have good facilities because nigeria's good scientisists and doctors leave the country to go to better countries this is really bad i cant stop shaking my head is exploding
>>503601 We don't make them easy. You're up against high level players. >>503598 Things are never okay. But the process from a shit situation to a not shit one is thinning out all the bad ones.
Kirara 🚗
>A 2017 study ranked Nigeria 140th of 195 countries in health-care quality. Patients and staff at public hospitals complain of the low standard of care, with institutions often missing equipment like X-ray machines as well as more basic supplies such as gloves and gauze.
Kirara 🚗
and there's nothing i can do i can't even be there for her
Her family is good money, aren't they? Can they not place her in the best care possible? Even if the average is trash, I would like to believe that there is at least a few that is actually quality even if through bad means.
Kirara 🚗
i don't know if they were doing that she wouldn't be in nigeria right now everything that i can find suggests that the best health care in nigeria is bad even the president of nigeria refuses to be treated for anything in nigeria
>>503611 You don't know that. Isekais are pretty popular, So lets deal with the pain and fear in a setting where we at least have a futon to comfort us.
i'm waiting for / to find out if i can get more information i haven't kept down any food since the morning of the 17th i should be there with fish i should have found a way to go
one of my professors sent an email out which ended saying that his friends are clamoring to meet us his friends are a collection of philosopher-themed finger puppets i can't believe this is my life i am absolutely in hell
Kirara 🚗
on monday i'm going to be sitting in class struggling to exist and my professor is going to stand in front of me with a hegel fingerpuppet and talk with a bad accent about philosophy i can't believe this my life is a sitcom i'm the background character in a sitcom that occasionally shows up and is put into ridiculous situations so that his pain and suffering can be mocked
>>503624 well atleast you finally got news hope she recovers
this is the end of his email. > PS I have several friends who are clamoring to speak to you. Professor Hegel will also be making a limited (I struggle to keep him brief in his comments) appearance !
this fat, round man in a tie is going to do this
>>503633 yes i can and i will i'll find a way to do it discreetly
Can you film that? Also if you really want to bug the professor I can help you with that
>>503629 me too >>503633 i don't want to bug him i just feel like my suffering is being juxtaposed with this ridiculous teaching technique in order to highlight my pain in a comedic fashion for a cruel, divine audience
>>>/@neloful/994400636421705728?s=19 the cards are my life, the pen is the /// the cards are my happiness, the pen is life, i don't know who the person is that's throwing the pen but i want to punch them in the face
it can still be traced back to frontier tbqf
Kirara 🚗
if western imperialism hadn't gone into africa and fucked up its development it would probably have better health care and less crime so i should probably just channel my anxiety and depression into anger directed at the world or something it probably won't help though
Well, not er now you know she hasn't been kidnapped or worse. Just direct your energy towards hoping she gets better. Her family has good money, I'm positive that her dad will spare no expense trying to get her well.
yesterday, i was able to get one of my fbi contacts to get in contact with one of his state department contacts to push through an inquiry in a blatant misuse of power because i'm a hypocrite they got back to him today after idk i guess they contacted hospitals or something in nigeria so fbi guy got back to me and told me what they told him there might be more information coming in later
>>503658 like $1500-2000 but i don't have a passport so i'd have to illegally smuggle myself there which is probably possible but i highly doubt i could get back without getting caught
>>503659 ok i don't really know much else idk why her family hasn't been communicating with me
>>503661 i don't know anyone i could trust to do that who could potentially do that and i don't have that money right now anyway although i may in a week or so
Could you send someone you trust down there to at least feed back information more reliably and communicate?
>>503660 That be most of my savings, It sucks the lack of passport. I hope fish recovers.
No offence but her family suck. This all so fucking unfair on you. She in hospital and they didn't care to let you know That is really unfair.
Kirara 🚗
well to be fair everything sucks and is unfair
I know, everything sucks. I am glad you know but it had be such shitty news.
sorry for being so irritable and hostile and depressing lately /moe/ i keep taking it out on you guys even though i know i shouldn't i have very ineffective coping styles and lash out at my loved ones
it's not okay for me to take it out on my friends, i don't want to be abusive but i don't know how to stop
i don't know how well i can fight through the negative emotions either i do not have a lot of willpower right now i haven't kept food down since the morning of the 17th i'm having unusual and uncharacteristic thoughts i passed out and slept eight hours so at least i've slept
In that case I'd suggest some thing to pour your stress in maybe a vidya game or something else also since you havn't been eatign well try atleast drink something nutrious to keep well nutrients in you and take vitamins
>>503670 tbh I wouldnt be surprised if you are having some ptsd reaction rn
Also since you are doing psychology, wouldn't I dunno if there is someone who could do pro-bono and you are comfy talking about personal stuff, might be a good chance to "misuse" your networks again
Kirara 🚗
i have been working on getting therapy but it hasnt started yet
well talking to someone would still most likely help even if it was over phone/skyp etc >>503677 well what about some moo I am sure someone would be up to listening you rant at some point
Kirara 🚗
i can't trust anyone enough to talk to them outside of a professional environment where confidentiality is legally required
Kirara 🚗
i don't know if talking to a /moe/ through voice chat would be more helpful than just venting like usual i need therapy
>>503678 yeah I am not saying it would be replacement for therapy, but it would atleast be something doable rn
I don't think it is a good idea to confide in a moe about serious stuff unless you want to take risks, the fear of what you say and how others react is not worth it. I fuck with how intimate I am with people. I feel sick sometimes because I've said too much.
Kirara 🚗
there are people on moe that i can trust with anything one or two of them i would trust with my life i just don't think it's what i need
I only really trust one person on moe. I don't trust anyone really in my life.
there's a few moes i trust, but myself isn't one of them
>>503700 imagine if some predator did this and kept the prey alive inside its cheeks
that spitting out food one is not food that was eaten by the way that's just the storage space in their cheeks they remove it from their cheeks and then eat it
jan and i saw chipmunks at bryce in utah we didn't get to take any pictures though his arms got tingly and then his face was getting tingly because he was getting heat stroke so i pulled over at a place with picnic tables and we stood in the shadow of a tree and i poured water over his head while he made hilarious faces like he was having orgasms because it was so relieving for him then we sat at a pic // picnic table in the shade for a little bit and there were chipmunks running around but we got out of the car so quickly that we'd both forgotten our phones and my camera so we just sat there and watched the chipmunks walk around and dig around jan tried to call them over but he couldn't get the right sounds probably because he had just narrowly escaped heat stroke
My cat hunts chipmunks. I saw her yesterday morning or the morning before with one in her mouth. She likes to announce that she's caught something to my family, so she mrowls loudly near a window. Usually while the caught thing is still in her mouth.
>>503706 There are chipmunks in Apalachicola National Forest which is in the panhandle, close to the border between Georgia and Alabama, but closer to the gulf. It's outside Tallahassee. That wasn't a good description of where it is.
I thought they were everwhere since they are pests.
I don't get along well wit chipmunks. They would sit in the trees and college and throw nuts down at me. Nowadays they try ot run in front of my car and die every morning as I drive to work. They're annoying little things. I throw rocks at them because they get up in trees and scream at me.
Oh, well they're not common here. They're considered imperiled, which means they're threatened or endangered, or something. It's weird that they threw nuts at you. Do chipmunks actually do that? \
Yeah, squirrels and chipmunks have a lto of the same habits. Chipmunks are a little more ground based, but they are very similar to squirrels. I don't get along well with squirrels either.
>>503722 There are flying squirrels all around Florida. They're actually really common, but they don't live in residential areas because they're completely nocturnal and the lights are very disorienting for them. It ruins their perception of time so the ones near well-lit areas have all died out, basically. You can find them in wooded areas at night pretty easily. Well, maybe not easily because it's dark out, but you can hear them and stuff.
There was a point at which only like 100 Florida manatees existed. Now there are roughly 6000 of them. It's truly a marvel of conservationism, especially considering the conservation effort began in the 70s. Although it took until a year or two ago to reach 6000.
Oh that's more than I thought.
>>503745 That's honestly really great. I'm actually a big tree hugger and hate seeing animals get wiped out because of us humans. Reminds me of the story of the peregrine falcons with... DNT? in rats from eating poisoned crops making their eggshells super fragile and cutting the predatory birds' population numbers down. >>503749 >DDT That's it. >>503748 dude, don't even fucking remind me of the shit coming out of that river system.
Unfortunately, pollution has begun to be dumped into the Indian River at increasing rates, and that, coupled with unprecedented algae blooms, the number of manatees dying has increased. Plus the state's largest (and in many places, only) power company has gotten permission to bury radioactive waste under south Florida's largest aquifer which is also connected to the state's largest ocean conservation area, which will most likely lead to even more manatee deaths.
>>503747 It's sad. The Indian River is the most diverse estuary in North America, home to lots of different types of animals. Fish really loves it. All of the terrible stuff happening to it breaks her heart.
>>503750 Yeah. FPL has a history of allowing radioactive particles to leak.
>>503751 Yeah. Especially a brackish water habitat like the Indian River Lagoon, stuff can survive small changes in the balance, but if things are disrupted, the food chain will be disrupted and everything will start dying in a domino effect.
Although it takes a lot to actually have any sort of effect. You would be surprised at how much radiation it actually takes to cause problems.
It should be fine for a few years from what I know about their incompetence.
>>503752 Speaking of radioactive waste, this happened nearby. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxey_Flat https://www.courier-journal.com/story/watchdog-earth/2015/06/02/final-cap-construction-underway-for-maxey-flats-nuclear-waste-dump/28349203/
>>503755 This country is such a radioactive garbage fire.
>>503753 Yeah, but any kind of poisoning the environment like this is too much. It always means there will be a lot more effect than planned and always ends poorly. In 40 years, there will probably be a lot of lawsuits about it. If we still exist.
>>503755 >Half life is the time it takes for the material to halve its radioactive strength. What a dumbass
>>503756 The desert superfund sites are pretty good.
>>503758 We should probably just restrict the development and usage of any material that would ever need to be contained in a superfund site and maybe develop a program to safely evacuate that stuff from the planet. Humanity should probably develop a system of removing radioactive materials from Earth, in general.
Yeah, we'd have to pretty much get rid of every existing government actor and replace them.
At the very least, it would be good if there was an international organization that had the power to monitor and enforce environmental hazards. Superfund and related programs are generally ineffective because they're run by the EPA which frequently cycles between being run by people concerned with environmental protection and people that actively want to destroy the planet.
Nuclear power can be pretty good We need a better NRC and EPA.
>>503766 You have no idea how bad it would be without superfund. It might be ineffective compared tto some hypothetical containment solution organization that could exist. But its what we have aand its a hell of a lot better than nnothing.
>>503760 Dude, I've been saying that for years. Just put it on a cheap rocket and throw it at the sun.
>>503770 Needs to be expensive rockets. If a cheap rocket failed and fell back to Earth, it'd be catastrophic. The removal of such hazardous materials needs to be approached with blank checks.
>>503769 I know, but we need to work towards better systems that don't stop working every 8 years. We need something consistent, and we need something proactive, and we need to work on safeguards that prevent the need for programs like Superfund in the future.
It would probably be ideal to have a system developed where we store hazardous material in a space station that has the ability to send materials out to passing rocks. Just leave a little on everything that passes by. Obviously that's not possible with the technology we have at the moment, but if we channeled a lot of research and development into that, it should be feasible. It would take an international coalition, though, so it's not realistic.
If we had the technology to do that we'd have the technology to send it out of Earth's orbit.
>>503773 I wouldn't put stuff on meteors or asteroids... they might one day hit us and getting hit by a radioactive meteorite wouldn't be that nice most likely
>>503775 Well, most space rocks already contain radioactive elements. And by the time those rocks return and potentially strike us, much of the radioactive material we place on them would not be problematic. Hazardous materials that aren't radioactive could just be set to be released from whatever they're contained in at some point and those materials would most likely be destroyed by the intense radiation of space.
I'd say the moon solution would be best no one would be living there permanently anyhow andthere is plenty of space
btw seen the movie Moon?
>>503778 >materials would most likely be destroyed by the intense radiation of space. That's not how it works Also in regards to asteroids containing radioactive material They're not going to have transuranic elements or anything highly radioactive All that shit we have on earth we made ourselves Highly radioactive materials aren't naturally occuring because they're too uunstable to have not decayed since the heavy elements were formed Well our local heavy elements (local to our ssolar system)
>>503780 Pretty gud movie. David Bowie's son Duncan Jones wrote/directed it iirc.
I love how the movie makes even more sense, when you realise the guy is dying from radiation
>>503781 A lot of the chemicals we use would not survive the radiation of just being in space, there's too much ionizing radiation, it would easily destroy a lot of those chemicals that we don't want in our ecosystems. And I'm aware that space rocks only have the same naturally occurring radioactive elements that we have here on Earth. I'm just saying that space rocks are already radioactive, I'm not making a statement of how radioactive they are.
>>503784 Are we talking about chemical waste or radioactive waste?
Chemical waste is easy enough to deal with that sending it to space isn't a viable solution.
We probably can't get a lot of support for dealing with hazardous waste cheaply and efficiently. But if you start launching it into space, you can get a lot of support from all the stupid people that would spend money on whatever brand is sponsoring the removal of the materials. We can't really realistically do anything positive in the world unless someone makes money off of it, so the only real way to get rid of stuff like that is to embrace all of the ridiculous spectacle and let the people with their worm-filled brains enjoy it.
There's always new technology beimg developed to help neutralize hazardous chemical waste. I know of several thimgs iin the works that will be in use in the next 15 years.
Even if we create wonderful and effect techniques and technologies to help save the world, will we really use them? I don't have any expectation that we will anymore. The world is full of amazing people that are creating technology to save the world but so much of it will never be used, and what is used, won't be used effectively. Some countries will probably adopt such practices and do them properly, but the countries that need it the most never will. Russia, the United States, China, India, none of these places care about their environmental impact and of those types of places, only the United States has a chance at changing leadership in a way can actually make a difference, but all the changes enacted after that leadship change will take years for people to even agree to implement, and then once implemented, the next change in leadership will immediately get rid of it all and go backwards.
I don't have a lot of hope for environmental progress anymore. A few months ago, I realized that we really don't have a lot of potential. We're just going to continue like we are until we slowly destroy ourselves, and then the world will go on without us, because we're so tainted as a species that we refuse to take our survival seriously and would rather just live in excess until we die and leave the complicated problems to our children, who will do the same thing.
It's not impossible that some humans will survive it all and that's really the only hope for humanity, in my opinion. That those humans survive and can create a better world for themselves and their children. It's all so painful.
India and china are using renewable energy really well and if they keep it up they are going to be powerhouses in solar energy and other sources. the UK stopped using coal power plants and the Japan is upping its wind and solar because they don't trust nuclear anymore.
China uses a lot of renewable energy and yet the country still accounts for like 30% of the greenhouse gas emissions in the world. Economically, there are a lot of bubbles in China right now, which could pop and slow down their progress easily. China pollutes a lot, too. And its economy is built on the backs of workers who frequently have few rights and as the country embraces more and more capitalist policies, it's likely that things will not improve much, there. There are tons /// is a lot of needless environmental destruction in China, where large swaths of land are developed and then not even utilized, or underutilized.
China has made gains, but only really in energy. And those gains are in danger along with future gains.
I don't know a lot about India, but I do know that they have a lot of pollution, and they don't have the capacity to effectively deal with that pollution. I know they've constructed green cities to supplement re-forestation attempts, and I think that's great, but that's not enough.
>>503799 I do have a car. Unfortunately, I live somewhere you can't be successful at any level without a personal vehicle. Just like most of the United States, which is almost entirely lacking in good infrastructure, because the entire country was built in the 1950s and then neglected because we decided we were the best country in the world and science was a done deal, so we were already perfect, and why try to improve perfection?
>>503806 I mean you have people attending them, who don't really care what is happening to their nations right now or what their policies will do to them in the next few decades as if those same people would care about the planet 50 or 100 years from now.
The whole point of government should be to work to the good of the country in an organisation that isn't fixed to human short term goals
>>503804 >>503807 Yeah. In the UK, the government is full of deniers of climate change, too.
>>503808 Exactly. The environmentally friendly trends going on are only going on because there's a way to turn a profit from them, and to turn a profit, you have to cut corners.
I think there are plently of people who accept climate change in the UK especially in the gov, but they actually do shit all. The level of acceptance that something should be done and that nothing is actually being done just makes it lip service Nobody wants to take the burden of the unpopular costs associated with dealing with the enviroment so they just say they believe in climate change and then do nothing.
>>503810 or be big enough to do it proper, like musk
>>503811 Or worse yet, decide they are doing something by having loads of conferences and talks with no real outcome to them. talking about something but not doing anything about it to give a show of how green they are
It's hard to have hope. Once the destruction really ramps up, we'll see people freak out and want solutions, but it'll already be too late.
We see stuff like Hurricane Irma last year, breaking the theoretical limits for a hurricane's power, due to changes in the environment that can be connected to climate change, and people still claim it doesn't real.
Even with businesses that should care about their future surviability they think about immediate profits and crash and burn. Humans seem incapable of thinking for their own long term welfare.
Yeah. We've created a world for ourselves that we're unfit to navigate. The world around us progressed so quickly and we've lost control of it. We can't responsibly use the tools we've built. The only thing we've built is our own destruction. In the end, all of the so-called advancement we've made will be washed away.
Humans are animals. Our brains work just like an // the brains of animals do. Our brains are more advanced than other animals, so we've become cocky. We view ourselves as gods. We act like the world belongs to us, but we belong to the world.
It is the good old "someone else's problem" and "I am only doing a little, it isn't like it is going to pile up into a mountain"
>>503817 But isn't even things like its our children problem, people still fuck up when thinking just about how great it is now and spend the rest of their lives suffering. Like people only know realising that they can't get a job because they fucked up posting all their private and personal information on facebook or youtube.
How can you not understand that you are basically speaking public and it will be used against where it can be.
And the final thing is the "see forest for the trees" or whatever saying
>>503816 I find the arrogance of the climate deniers amazing, like the world will constantly adjust to suit humanity. That nature is made to auto adjust to our comfort. we are lucky that world is how it is but even just because a few miles out of orbit would put us in a hell hole. the universe does not care to adjust itself to humanity
Yeah. And we think we can just force everything else into working.
But we've forced it so much that we've stripped the screws.
In a lot of ways, we're worse than the other animals. The other animals don't have the same capacity for self-destruction as us. Other animals that manipulate the environment are able to see when they're going too far.
We can see when we're going too far, too. But we can rationalize our actions when we go too far. We can fool ourselves into not caring. And today, we've created an environment that's so far removed from the environments we're suited for that we can barely navigate the world effectively and are easily fooled by misinformation. The animals don't have that. The other animals just know not to go to excess.
>>503820 even le biblé says "care takers" and "gardeners" implying taking care and making it more bountiful and beautiful
>>503821 I think animals just lack a lot of the greed humanity has. they eat to survive they don't waste food, they don't make things that expend useless energy. humans are so comfortable that they don't need to worry about survive and we ended up being the worse things for our selves. People literally die sitting down all day. they get blood clots and die.
One of the things to understand about the climate change debate is there a lot of people who will tell you that climate change is a huge problem and you need to do exactly what they want you to do to fix it, and if you don't want to do those things you're a climate change denier. You shouldn't trust your government, and that applies to what your government wants to do about climate change.
And that's what I'm going to say about that, because I'm going to dinner now.
I think that is just bullshit, It is such a national security threat than gov and people can't be frozen in a standoff between different takes.
>>503824 Yeah, you can't trust the government because they're all motivated by bullshit and profit and don't care about the Earth, and even if they did, they can't into science, anyway.
>>503823 Yeah, exactly. But it's not all humans, really. It's mostly the western world. Indigenous people across the globe have understood their connection and relationship with nature for thousands of years, probably much longer. But the westerners have spread like a cancer and engulfed everything with their greed and irreverence for nature.
I don't think humans even think morally, like we produce fast food, we produce a lot of profitable things that ruin other human beings, and we just don't care.
>>503826 Tribes and indigenous groups have really amazing bodies, like people go to amazon and ask how they have such nice teeth without toothpaste and toothbrushes and dentist. like it is shocking that they can be healthy without modern technology. The cross-sections of their legs and other limbs are so clean of fat that they are actually "shocking" to doctors in the western modern societies.
That is so weird to think that people are so tyed to tech that they experience shock what people without reliance on it are healthy or even healthier than them
You make money by creating problems and then solutions for those problems. In order to make money off us, depriving us of the things that make us human was necessary, although probably not intentional. Companies can use the sense of discomfort that comes with living in an environment you're not suited for to lie to you and sell you things.
Humans have strange judgement issues too like they might decide to eat healthy food but drink sugary soda all the time and then give up eating healthy because it doesn't make a difference because the soda is so bad for them. >>503829 We don't need a lot of things but there are so many things we do need that we don't care about. capitalism is amazing in how well it fits with human thinking, we seem built to deceive ourselves
The natural world is rarely deceptive, outside of simple deception such as camouflage or animals looking like other animals. We aren't evolved to interpret stimulus fields like we try to interpret these days. It makes us easily fooled. Our brains are not as good as we want to pretend they are. Capitalism works because we're animals that have been fooled into thinking we're not animals.
Many of our mental health problems exist because we aren't in the environments we're suited for. We're freshwater fish in salt water.
I think i will never be "normal" in the slightest. I have seizures, take anticonvulsants. It's simply getting too hard to do anything and the meds kill my liver.
>>503832 Nobody is normal. I am sorry to hear that you suffer from seizures. Can your doctor get you meds that are easier on your liver or alternative delivery mechanisms that don't do first pass on your live r
>>503833 i mean he remade the treatment with a different medicine which i've been taking that makes my liver pain. no - all of those are required to be metabolized so they need the liver and pancreas for that. the only difference is how synthetized it is.
we like to talk about how far we've come as a species but we still can't treat a lot of common conditions without subjecting people to terrible side effects many so-called savage societies had ways to treat various illnesses which didn't have the same kinds of side effects that we do today while it's probably true that those treatments were somewhat less effective, the afflicted typically had the support of the community in making their lives more livable as opposed to people living with such conditions today, where they are frequently subjected to bad side effects from medications and lack cohesive community structures
There are societies were men do breast feeding, it is considered completely fine and even tribes were sagging breasts are not a real problem.
thanks to western advances, we've learned so much about the world and ourselves but we use so little of that knowledge we can solve so many problems and diseases and refuse to do so and often are just content to put band-aids on problems why did we come all this way? what was the point of it all? we misuse so many of the secrets we've learned
We also divide ourselves really easily. even children learn to bully easily. If someone is different they are separated in someway. Fat, Trans, homosexual, tall, short, black, nationality, religion, language, speech, etc we know how to cast the same humans as us as enemies for no benefit to our own survival, we do things that are illogical for animals to do.
Groups of same-species animals will fight in the same way our groups do. We're all just animals.
It's funny that we embrace so many parts of being animals while denying that we're animals, while ignoring so many other parts. It's so selective.
And we're all going to die because our minds are so poisoned and we refuse to see it.
The west doomed us.
It might be interesting if naivee to see elon musks space colony idea of having a scientist run government on a new planet. I don't have a lot of faith that humans will ever learn to do the right things as a collective group
>>503840 such a thing would be horrible. scientists aren't any better than others. in a lot of ways, they're worse. they're all tainted by what is dooming us now.
i don't have any hope for humanity as we know it. eventually, the world will destroy us, and maybe some humans will survive, and they have a chance at a new, better world but i love humans so much, despite their flaws. it's not people's faults they're like this. i want to work to make life easier for people that are suffering, if i can. we're all suffering, and we don't have the power to change that, so we should help each other when we can even revolution is hopeless, in the end anything born from the west will end up like this, so it can't be helped and communism was born from the west and always ends up in the same way as everything else, so i don't think that's a solution, either
I don't think it would work without abandoning a lot of earth culture and common sense. you need to get rid of a lot baggage to even start from zero for a new way of living.
It'd be nice if the whole earth was just small tribal groups of humans working together like really devolved government instead of massive collectives. >>503845 Probably true
i don't think human societies can truly thrive effectively when their numbers start to reach numbers like in the 20, 30, whatever millions. maybe they can, i don't know, i wouldn't discount it, but i think larger societies necessitate governing structures that can only be effective if they are weak to corruption for societies that large, you need hierarchy for them to function, but hierarchy on a large scale always leads to corruption and power abuse long-term leadership is necessary to make hierarchy function effectively but /// and it's possible for it to resist corruption for some time, but all it takes is a single bit of corruption, and the taint can spread like a disease throughout the entire thing
i don't necessarily think tribal society is what's best for humanity, either i think what's best would probably be collections of horizontally organized societies that collaborate each other through an opt-in-opt-out federated structure in which each small society is able to resist corruption on their own terms and have a representative to serve as a go-between in // for the people and a counsel of representatives from each society represenatives shouldn't have any power to make decisions, though, they should take decisions made by their people to the counsel when those decisions involve other societies those should be discussed and elaborated on and brought back to their people to decide on
giving any single person power will never end well without a lot of restrictions giving a single person the power to make a decision for a collective will never work even with restrictions that's my view, at least
there have been times when large amounts of people operated in this way, like the anarchist communes of spain in the 30s, which were quite effective until armies funded by stalin broke through and took those communities down
>>503846 problem with these kinds of systems, would be scale once they get big enough the bureaicracy would bog it down
Kirara 🚗
>>503851 well there's no bureaucracy in what i described what bogs it down and makes it inefficient is that if negotiations are going on, each society will have to be voting on every decision made during negotiations and the representative will have to go back and forth decisions will take forever to make
War should be leaders of each nation fight each other and then the people democratically decide regardless of who wins or loses. the leaders just suffer anyway
>>503852 you are going to organise these meetings, organise voting, have votes counted, have someone check the vote counting is legit and so on that is administrative bureaucracy
Whenever I see Bill Wurtz' stuff I can't help but wonder if he was named William Wurtz as a kid and I can kind of see why he would go by Bill in that case. And all that you can call him Will Burtz and it still feels exactly the same.
Kirara 🚗
>>503854 societies have existed where voting was done without administrative bureaucracy and it was effective it only becomes necessary when an individual group becomes too large which is something that destroys society in my opinion
Will buttz
>>503856 and that os why i said "when they get big enough"
Kirara 🚗
in the end, my opinion won't really matter because the remnants of humanity after we're all dead will be the only ones that have opportunities to create new ways of organizing their societies
they will try communism, cause it had never been tried proper
Kirara 🚗
i doubt it the ones that survive will be from a time in which people probably have little exposure to political philosophies and stuff like that they'll be born into a dying world and the world will die while they live the ones that survive will be the ones that had the survival skills to do so
or the ones that build an arc
I will just try to gain robot immortality and wait for the robots to manage and control humanity
>>503862 I'd rather have biological immortality but I'll take what I can get.
>>503862 I hope they just write us off as a lost cause and wipe us out
Human bodys are terrible though
>>503862 why not nanomachine immortality become a swarm of bots
>>503865 Don't know what you got 'till it's gone. A robot body might be tougher but it'll have its own shittiness to deal with.
>>503866 Science fiction vampires that become a swarm of nanobots instead of a swarm of bats.
>>503861 >buiöd an arc future is 1000 soroses on a boat
>>503867 I find flesh and organs and al l that stuff really off putting, humans insides are vile,
Kirara 🚗
what if the epic of gilgamesh or the story of noah's arc didn't happen yet it was PROPHESY
>>503868 has actually anything like that beem done a scifi story with a guy who is actually clumb of nanobots or nanobots inhabittinh a body
>>503870 I don't think your distaste is unfounded, but I also think you won't realize how comfortable you are with them until you're in a body entirely inorganic.
>>503872 Not that I know of, but I wouldn't say I'm terribly familiar with science fiction. It feels like something that would be easy material for a short story at the least though.
>>503873 meh void is bad in bed wouldn't recommend also a stalker
I've been able to stay adequately hydrated, but I haven't kept down any food. I'm don't have /// I don't have anything to make for dinner, though, so I haven't tried eating tonight. I tried eating some chocolate earlier, but I lost that.
Well I can't knock hesitation in the face of that. Even when I know I'd probably not have an upset stomach after throwing up and should probably get some food in me, it's a bit intimidating to start eating again. My mother always insists on something like stick-to-your-gut oatmeal in those situations.
i wish i could just cook food for you dummies i'd make up some turkey and ginger jok which is what i made when i had food poisoning and couldn't keep anything else down and cook simple tasty meals for ton and tildy who seem to have issues with that
I was going to try to eat some bread earlier, but my loaf was moldy. I forgot to put it in a tupperware when I bought it, so it went bad quickly.
I have some cereal I don't remember buying, which I might try later.
>>503892 I'm willing to try out new things under a mildly limited range. If I'm cooking for myself I'm probably going to be a little more unadventurous because fucking up new food is a little intimidating, but I don't have those reservations for stuff I'm being made. The jok sounds kind of nice, I've never had a rice porridge before.
i really want to try some unagi i barely have any fish experience in general i've had sushi once, fish sticks once, and grilled salmon a couple of times oh and clams too need to buy a cabin on the shore
I don't have a lot of fish experience, either, which may be surprising. Fish loves fish, but I can't eat a lot of seafood, so we don't have it often. Sometimes we have grilled salmon. Fried salmon once. My shellfish allergies make it difficult.
Eel can be prepared pretty nicely. Unagi is often prepared with a sauce that's super tasty and makes for a great rice bowl topping. Sushi is nice but I'd never recommend it as worth the price unless you live near the coast and can get fresh fish at sushi places. Salmon is good and can be prepped in a whole bunch of ways. I really like some other freshwater fish like trout too. My grandpa used to catch trout from the lake he lived on and we would have it wrapped in foil and cooking in a barbeque for dinner. It's such a tasty fish.
I'm not really big on shellfish and other non-fish seafood. The act of breaking the shells or cracking open the clam-like ones gets to me.
>>503899 Bugger off I'm Canadian they're shells up here.
Kirara 🚗
the peels
crustfish allergies are really common nowadays
Kirara 🚗
i feel like a lot of people say they have allergies to avoid trying certain foods
I guess it's a safe out. There's a bit of a stigma around being a picky eater as an adult. I just feel if there's maybe one or two limited selections of food you don't want to eat, you shouldn't have to lie about it. There's so much variety in food out there. You shouldn't have to want to try it all out. As long as you have a healthy repertoire to choose from, there shouldn't be a problem.
>>503896 unagi is so good atop a bed of steamin hot rice and some light garnishes some roe salad on the side with ginger mustard and some -- oh some fresh zarusoba
man i would kill for some fresh buckwheat i'm eating farfalle noodles and salt right now with no meat, no veggies, no cheese or sauce just plain noodles but i'm dreaming of some delicious zarusoba
>>503902 Yeah, I agree. It's only a problem when someone will only eat a few foods.
I'm getting kind of hungry now.
Hah hah, sorry. That must be a bit worrisome.
Even then, like as long as you're eating heathfully, I'm not really gonna care if you eat like one of three meals. Healthfully, even. I mean I'm gonna judge you for being boring and unadventurous, but whatever. You do you.
>>503903 I watched a video the other day of a Japanese soba master making soba noodles from scratch. It's kind of neat, the "master's" way of doing it involves 100% buckwheat flower, which doesn't have noodles. Which makes the preparation pretty meticulous and needing a lot of care. Er, not noodles. Gluten.
He described making soba as the most difficult noodles to make, which did feel a bit like atypical Japanese "Nippon ichiban" mentality, but even if he was exaggerating, it wouldn't surprise me if it was only a little bit so.
maybe i can eat a potato i think i can probably eat a meal as long as i can avoid getting stuck in my head and stressing out but i'm not confident in my ability to do that but a potato doesnt require a lot of preparation
maybe just like some milk and crackers and cheese or peanut butter? eat gradually in small bits that's my preferred way to eat personally because my tummy rarely accepts food so i just make things that i can take a couple bites of every 10 or 20 minutes and slowly eat a meal over four hours
>>503905 yeah, it takes an awful lot of work to make soba right, but the payoff is so, so good i could have a cheapened experience for like ten dollars or so by visiting a nearby restaurant but "a lot of work" to me really means "a lot of fun" cooking a meal you want to eat is hardly work in my mind it would definitely be work to cook it at a restaurant while under stress, but when at home relaxing it's the most peaceful and engaging thing in the world i love cookingi it's great
no soups even? yall need to keep an eye out for sales and stock up on the backend things when it's super cheap soup goes on sale 60 cents a can and you may as well grab ten of em eggs go on sale, or sausages, but can't eat em all? that's what mason jars and vinegar are for MMMM i should offer classes on frugality i think TN is the only one who's maybe on my level
i already ate all my crackers i used up the rice before my trip used up the eggs before my trip used up pretty much everything before my trip but then i got back and had a lot less money than i expected to because my money didn't come in for various reasons and i got depressed so i didn't shop for more than what i needed to survive a few nights when i did go i have a lot of beef jerky and i have some peanuts but i'm running out of water so i have to ration that because i don't want to leave the house so eating peanuts is unwise i have a lot of tea biscuits those are like 14 calories each and have no nutritional value i think i have shredded cheese i'm trying to think of what i might have without having to get off the futon some chocolate i might have a slice of cake that's a year old in the freezer i have an onion potatoes marshmallows i have matzo bread but it's incredibly old
Cracks and pops of fireworks. It's Victoria Day weekend, I guess people are celebrating early.
Victoria hasn't been our Queen in over a century yet we still celebrate her birthday. At least in Quebec it's "National Patriot's Day". Though that's still a silly holiday.
>>503913 you can always boil water and refrigerate it unless the water is not potable even then you could still boil it for purification but it'd only prevent exposure from living things and not heavy metals
this sounds jank but i'd probably fry // heat the onions up in some oil, add a little water after they caramelize and potatoes, and put the beef jerky in there if only for stew flavoring >>503916 this is very simple and good (and faster) too
Onion and potatoes fried in a pan and sprinkled with shredded cheese is kind of nice. It's a bit of a comfort food for me.
>>503917 yeah >>503918 i want to get a water purifier for my faucet but we were going to do that after our trips
i do have a Life Straw >>503919 we got it at a party and i brought it home in a lunch box and i never ate the cake but i know the lunch box is sitting in the freezer and has been for some time now, but i've never checked the contents of it, so i don't know if maybe fish ate it or not
>>503915 >>503916 these are potential solutions but i'm not sure i have it in me to get up and do it honestly i haven't gotten off my futon more than twice in the last probably 24 hours
>>503915 Would you add the water even if you weren't gonna do the jerky?
I I've never gone for a beef stew kind of style but I tend to toss a bunch of seasonings into the pan, get a pot lid, and let all the flavours mix in that contained space for a bit.
>>503921 I know how that goes. It can be really hard to muster up the effort to cook some times. There's been days that I've just moped in bed munching from a cracker bag or something. I have found on occasion getting over that hump and making the food can get my brain into a brighter gear though.
>>503922 it depends! could go either way i like stews for versatility, or rather stovetop pot roasts than stews but it's super easy to just toss in some cloves of garlic, some egg noodles, chops of cabbage, whatever you've got and the broth counts for a lot whenever you're really in need of fulfillment and nourishment i do simple frying more often, but it's a little less empassioned
>>503922 i don't think i have it in me right now my body feels like it's a million pounds and also has weights strapped to it all of the despair is spilling out and covering me
now that i think about it i might have a single clif bar in a backpack i no longer use but was too lazy to empty but it's really far from the futon i wish i had a family that could help me but even if i did i probably wouldn't ask them for help because i'm stubborn and prideful and have trouble showing weakness to anyone that can influence my life in some meaningful way i can't show weakness but i can't describe my own strengths either for some reason recently everyone has been asking me about what unique things i bring into the therapy room that benefits my clients and i really don't know the first time someone asked me i was dumbfounded my professor said i only wrote about ways // things i brought that detracted from my ability to handle a case and she wanted to know about good things, too, and i couldn't think of any i don't think i have low self esteem under normal circumstances and usually regard myself as an effective therapist so i wonder why i have so much trouble describing my positive attributes i'm not sure why i'm saying any of this it wasn't relevant to anything we were talking about i really got off track here
you know i would if i could, happily so i certainly can't afford a ticket to do so though and i doubt my help is worth that expense anyway
>>503925 I've always had a hard time with questions like those too. Like, you ask me what sort of unique thing can I bring to something? I don't know man, I don't think there's anything I can do that someone else can't, more oftenly even can't do better. And I also struggle a lot I think, with describing my positive attributes, though in that case it is probably more of a self-esteem thing. But it's so weird to me that people just expect you to be able to prattle them off like nothing. Do most people normally have such a solid idea of their positive attributes?
oh i worded that poorly i would take the expense if i was able to, not not worth it to me but that the little help i could provide isn't worth that expense idk this was a dumb clarification and a dumb post before i need to shut the fuck up forever
>>503931 that's ok, i understand >>503929 i think i have plenty of positive attributes, but a lot of them aren't things that normal people, especially old psychologists, will really understand, i don't think and i don't think many of the ones i have are beneficial to specific client cases usually like if /// a lot of them i can't even tell them about like if i'm talking about a substance abuse case (the case in question was substance abuse and PTSD) and i'm asked what i bring to the table, it's unacceptable for me to say i have personal experience with substance abuse or ptsd and who even cares about my strengths my weaknesses are more pertinent across the board because they increase the chance of negative outcomes and represent things that need to be improved talking about strengths, like, oh yeah, that's so helpful "hello, client, i'm good at this, so we will work well together" the only real characteristics that are generally considered strengths are experiences am i supposed to say, "i'm a hard worker, and that's what i bring to this case!" ridiculous
i had a sore throat during most of my trip and i still have a cough i wonder if fish got whatever gave her pneumonia from me
When I get a sore throat, the lingering effects are a cough that lasts for like weeks even if the sore throat is over in only a couple days. That doesn't seem out of the ordinary for me at least.
maybe i got sick from a colleague or something and then gave it to fish if fish really is pregnant then her immune system might be suppressed
When I went to Japan I got hella sick, sicker than I had in a long time. I chalked it up to a regional thing, being around potential sickness vectors I haven't ever experienced before. It might be a similar case for her visiting Nigeria.
Wait Why would she be pregnant? I feel like I missed something.
We didn't intentionally try to get pregnant, if that's what you're asking. And I don't know if she's pregnant or not. Her period was just late when she left. She's on birth control, but that's not perfect. So I'm just worried about that being a factor.
>>503965 Yes. Keeping in mind that my area of expertise isn't pregnancy, my understanding of the situation is that it was previously thought that a person's immune system was suppressed in early pregnancy due to results from mouse studies, which were later found that maybe they weren't spot on due to differences in humans and mice. I believe that science currently acknowledges that the immune system is different throughout pregnancy, but it's a little more complex than just suppressed.
And I don't have any information you don't, I was just assuming that if she was pregnant she'd be in early pregnancy.
i have studied quite a bit of immunology but i can't really provide anything helpful because it's so dependent on the person's immune function in general and i don't have any of that information it's a really complex field
It looks like there are studies suggesting that women have higher chances of getting pneumonia during pregnancy, though. But I don't see anything about the stages of pregnancy that's true during. But there is a lot that says pneumonia can lead to bad pregnancy outcomes.
i am very jaded about studies data tends to be bad and trial design is usually worse stress decreases immune function, that's very clear trying to parse information regarding pregnancy is severely obfuscated because most people endure stress during pregnancy it's a very webbed sort of thing trials for pregnancy data have little systemic reach and often catch only those who are in concerned situations already
pathologically i could imagine arguments on either end but people of means don't tend to access the networks through which those data are retrieved and don't participate in trials so imo there's heavy bias in documenting towards people who have limited means and are already more vulnerable
it's true that academia is often not very good and studies are riddled with biases but it's healthier for me to have biased studies than mystery
i don't see anything healthy about how you're torturing yourself atm it's probably an insensitive comment but i gotta be honest about it i won't press any further though
Moon is right though. Torturing yourself is not a productive use of your time. It's okay to be worried but you need to take care of you. If there's stuff you can do that you can do that take steps towards finding more info or helping out, you should do that. But worrying yourself sick and pushing yourself too hard is bad, and it also creates a possibility that when there is a time for you to seize an opportunity to help or find out more information, that you may be too sick to be able to take advantage of it.
having information suggesting a likelihood of a bad outcome is more comfortable for me than having no information at all that's how i feel exclusively about this i have never felt like that before about anything else so this is probably a love/ptsd thing >>503975 for more information, i just have to wait to find out if the state department guy that my fbi guy knows finds anything more out considering i'm not retaining food and don't have any motivation to try to eat food and i also threw up again recently so eating probably won't work, i'm not sure where i was going with this sentence, it's kind of a mess and i probably should have just not used the word considering i can't really relax the only positive factor contributing to my health right now is that after i passed out last night i slept for 8 hours
Gonna attempt sleep Night Kirara I hope you get good news soon Or at least calm down
toast can't never be bread again
When does it stop being bread and become toast?
>>503979 nobody knows, but it's clear that it can't go back once it's there
if by thematically appropriate you mean really fucked up i agree. >>503983 thank you amigomodachi
i killed the valkyrie queen the other day. she's way harder than the hardest of the valkyries, but I am so strong now I killed her in one try. i finally got gud
Nice it posted the image I was going to use even though it dropped all my text >>503985 i've only been directly involved in a couple of my loved ones dying but people seem to die with our without my help anyways
she's awesome, she has like every attack from every valkyrie and three times as much health and she's fast too definitely my favorite boss so far, haven't fought baldur the third time yet though
It's some times weird how ads can line up like that. I'd be a lot more suspicious of the coincidence if not for seeing ads for things I've talked about person-to-person about people with. At that point it's just that phenomenon of where, once something comes to mind, you just start seeing it everywhere.
It's been really blustery and rainy here. I'd have rather had another week or two before it came around so the leaves could come in on the trees and there would be a nice sound of raindrops hitting leaves. But it's still kind of nice as it is. Maybe if it was just a little bit warmer.
>>504002 You've been talking about Nigeria too much.
alright i ate a potato and some beef jerky now i just have to avoid thinking about anything stressful well i have to think about other things because trying not to think about things is the fastest way to shit i'm doing it i'm the dumbest mother fucker
The Chrome app I have to hover over images and pop up an expanded size of it isn't working with Chrome after a recent update. It's funny how my muscle memory is already hovering over everything I want to expand for a few seconds before realizing it isn't going to work. It keeps happening.
I have about half a liter of water i know there's water in my car but it's in my car
>>504068 drinking my tap water is something i would do if i had gone two days without any water and was on the brink of death but i would rather go thirsty than drink than poison
Are your taps out?
Kirara 🚗
i think i have power ade in my car too
Try and get some water tomorrow, please. I know it might be intimidating but I would like for you to keep yourself alive. Would maybe be a good time to see if there's something in the store that might tide you over for a bit too.
American tap water is kinda fucked up. when I went to texas, the tap water there came out horribly cloudly as fuck. Here I live with water straight from the aquafier beneath us
jan and i were outside bryce and i got tap water and it was so good and clean
and oh my god i drank the tap water how long does e coli take to start working ok it's 3-4 days i should be fine
>>504074 i have several gallons of water in my card car
I've never seen what water from a tap look so bad as I saw from texas, it looks filthy.
It bewilders me how bad water can be even in relatively urban parts of the States. I drink out of the tap here more than I drink bottled water or filtered. Hell, I'll even drink out of public taps hooked up to the city water supply.
When I visited a friend in Pasadena just outside LA, even she had to buy bottled water since the water there was trash.
In the uk some water tastes a bit off but that is cause it is goes through more limestone. not because it is fucked up. I don't even know what the texas water went through it looked like went through dirt they don't even drink it in the area they live, they get big bottles of water and put it on a watercooler in the house. it looks like lots of people do that
America looks so advanced from the outside. like it should be but the water is so shitty.
Flint, MI has been without clean water for four years and their local aquifers of clean water are owned by Nestle who bottle all of the water and sell it in different parts of the country.
The fuck is wrong with Nestle. they could get some much good public rep from help flint but they don't even care to. like Nestle is getting bad rep for exploitation in 3rd world countries so you'd think they'd want to look better with the Flint.
nestle gave out 60 bottles of water to free to every resident of flint in the last 4 years! they say that shows how much they care but it's less than a month of drinking water
the government was helping by providing bottled water sometimes but now they won't do that they said they're done
The situation with the aquifer is a bit more nuanced than just Nestle sitting on it though. The aquifer water level rises if not enough water is pulled from it, and if it gets to high it reaches soil that's contaminated that can spoil the aquifer supply. There was some recent buzz about Nestle getting authorized to increase the water they were pulling from the aquifer recently, but that's in part because other people drawing from it were slacking in their responsibility to draw enough and the water level was getting dangerously high. It's not just some story of evil corporation Nestle sitting on all that water and preventing other sources from taking from it. Maybe they should be donating more water to Flint, but that's not really the area of malevolence but rather choosing not to be charitable.
Nestle is really don't give a shit.
I wonder if the water here I drink is safe. even if it is from an aquafier. I don't even know, it looks clear.
You're in New Mexico. If you're in the west, but not on a coastal state, your water is probably the best in the country.
>>504089 Well, it is a story of an evil corporation called Nestle because they're refusing to help the people that are dying even though it's fully within their power, but evil is what capitalism is built on, so I don't have any realistic expectation that Nestle would help those people. The government is also wrong for not helping substantially. Flint, MI won't be clear to drink water that isn't bottled for another two years.
>>504096 That is good to know. I didn't want to die from contaiminated water. The water here is from the // from my mom's partner building their own well down to the aquafier and getting all their water themselves pumped around the house