Thread #38551
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Amine.>>38551 (OP) That's the scrubby lance pegasus rider I'm training with female Robin.
spiritpact rewrite urara demichan chain chronicle bang dream
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>>38553 She's cute but I think she's extremely average.
Like I said, scrubby. She's got really good resistance but nothing else of particular note.
>>38554 Also I'm now caught up in Zestiria.
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Let's shelf Spiritpact since we started late and I don't wnat to go forever tonight because I have work tomorrow. So what do you guys want to start with?
Though uh, give me a moment to torrent it.
Though we could do Zestiria too, but I'll have Rewrite finished torrenting long before we finish it and you are short for time tonight.
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And by finished torrenting I mean finished now.
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So which do you guys want to watch?
i'm downloading rewrite now. afterwards, we will watch chain chronicle.
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are you available tmr we might have to do CC then maybe
yeah i can do it tomorrow in that case i'll watch rewrite and then play nioh
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ok do you want urarara or edemi
yes save urara for me tomorrow but watch demi ill watch it later
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so what anime do you guys want to watch
rewrite demi bang dream(?) urara and chain tomorrow maybe spiritgay if we still want at the end
rewrite now!>>38579 im hijacking your anime authority temporarily sorry fam
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yaaay ok les go
wow he's actually in a PMC killing people
this is so cool
oh its continuing from the first ep of the season
>>38580 If we're only doing three shows tonight let's cut Bang Dream and do 3-gatsu instead.
oh i forgot all aobut 3gatsu lets do that bang dream 4th if we do and spirtgay next time
What no. 3-gatsu last regardless. I don't want to end on a mediocre show like Bang Dream.
spirit gay then 3-gatsu bang dream tomorrow with chain chronicle and urara maybe
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>>38591 I can do 4 if we're diligent.
tfw ptsd
why is he freaking out so much
I guess some people don't handle killing all that well.
i would sabotage their guns i hope they jam, assholes
All these local kids in the Middle East have awfully Japanese names.
that blonde kid is that edgy fire guy in the first season with the red robe
>loli is mad you were gonna kys >restore her faith in humanity with a chocolate bar >SHE GIVES IT BACK TO YOU
where is this, africa?
Kinda feels more like the Middle East to me. But who knows.
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It looks middle east to me. The kids are fairly fair skinned.
could be south africa or some made up fantasy ghetto
Yeah, the where isn't that important. The what is the more important detail.
i want a game where you play a PMC soldier in a fantasy ghetto shooting monsters and stuff
luis is gonna die
i feel it
He hasn't even gotten to use that giant thing he's got strapped over his shoulder. Oh wow.
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looks like the kids were the summoner
this is brutal
the first season has nothing on this shit
Oh that's what he had in the bag. That's kind of cool.
But now that he's used the things he had slung over his shoulder, yeah, he's all set to die.
that's really not cool dude
Yeah it's BURNING HOT.
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Looks like Yasumin is going to die too.
Nope. MC is officially done fucking around.
And now he's Sonic.
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he finally used his power s to buff himself
ok thanks see you tomorrow
this show is one of my favorites
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At least the kids managed to get off screen without dying
>>38630 all because of the insanely overpowered MC
also like 8 of them died
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okay thanks for anime jan let's do bang dream okay let's start!
All right.>>38637 That's not a very kind thing to call Rika.
I guess they're finally going to get their drummer. Or start the arc to get their drummer. Six episodes in.
How much can go so wrong in two weeks.
But I guess the answer in any situation is "lots, really."
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Most things only take one night to ruin.
>When you're such an obnoxious pain the ass, it's an accepted fact throughout your entire class
Most electric guitars don't really make much of a sound when not plugged into an amp. I think even from where they were sitting, they would have had to strain to hear her playing.
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That girl is really not all there.
When I call her autistic I don't mean the misconstrued Internet autism. She really strikes me as someone with proper autism.
>Habanero pizza without habanero O-tae may be legitimately autistic but she's easily the most entertaining character in the show for me.
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Is this an all girls school or are guys just conveniently ignored?
I haven't seen any guys at all in the school scenery. But I'll also admit to not paying particular attention to the show.
Oh I guess her mother developed KEYaids and she had to quit the band to help her family function.
I'd forgotten how stupid their band name is.
Arisa is a real tsundere.
I think they messed up the perspective of bedroom for a moment there. A bit of the sitting table looked like it was behind the bedframe.
MC just kind and goes about doing her own thing.>>38660 Less of a mistake and more of forceful conscription.
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The drummer just got tricked into a band!
I had a pretty solid feeling they wouldn't get drummer-chan into the band this episode. There's a really slow pace to this show that makes it hard to get engaged with.
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Yeah, forcing her into the band will be a bit more of a fight than they think.
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Oh I see.
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The perspective wasn't quite wrong, but not quite right either.
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Something looks a bit weird.
The depths of field don't match up. There's way more area in the space past her bed in the first image than there is in the second. But I was wrong about the table not being past her bed like I thought so earlier. The perspectives are still wrong, but I was also wrong.
Also she kind of inexplicably closed the curtain to fully cover one of the windows in the second shot.
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what does that leave 3gatsu and demi?
Yeah, but we may have lost Jan. Do you have time for two shows?
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I can do two, yes. What do we need jan for out of what we have?
We can do Zestiria instead; we don't need anyone special for that.
(And then we can end on 3-gatsu because we also can do that one with just the three of us.)
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okay zesty okay let's start
Last week's Zestiria finally had stuff feel like it was happening for the first time in a while.
Also do you think they can get through the all of the rest of Zestiria's plot in six more episodes, Squid? I don't know the pacing for the game, but it doesn't feel like we're close to the end of it yet.
>Feeding your captured opponents accurate information instead of misinformation This guy is a low tier villain.
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no idea
Well that was almost the stuff of doujinshi.
Hah hah hah what is this theme.
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this guy has the coolest theme
It's just so un-Tales-y.
i dunno i think its tales-y
C'mon man it was pretty electronic-y there for a moment. I think it was even going dubstep before it faded. Those aren't Tales theme aspects.
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This loser can't sway Alisha's RESOLVE.
The seraphim disappearing into Sley's body is an amusing demonstration of video game mechanics.
Oh this is a nice use of the ED as a transition.
Pft. Alisha please.
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Carrying people around in you is probably weird. okay let's 3gatsu okay lets start
I dunno, I carry someone in me at all times. Ready.
I kind of really like "local genius realizes he's just one fish in a bigger pond" stories like this.
Shogi nerds.
Though I don't get anxiety strong enough to cause stomach pain like aniki does. It's hard to relate whenever characters like that show up for me.
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I don't deal with anxiety well. I have to manage my stress levels carefully. It's one of the reasons I'm so lazy when I'm home.
I can't say I deal with it well either, but for me anxiety triggers my flight impulse. So if I feel overwhelmed all I want to do is just run away from everything.
What a tactless man.
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The final boss seems to be a lot like protagonist-kun.
I'm pretty sure the parallels are intentional! I'll be pretty excited when they finally get to square off.
>>38708 I'm the same way honestly
>Shimada and the last boss are the same age So this is what a life of stress does to the body.
Oh Sugita is in Kyoto too.
I don't want Shimada to go four straight losses and fail the set. But I don't think the show's got enough juice in it to fit a full best of seven in it. Maybe he'll get on win in as a chip on the last boss' armor.
One win in, even.