>>42001 → it wouldn't surprise me if you had a minor thought disorder but cognitive impairment can also accompany PTSD and lead to cognitive distortions that resemble other forms of psychopathology
i might try to do something about this guy though he's so young that an intervention might be able to help him if he really is falling into mental illness i'll have to talk to my professor
"wasn't that a different potato last week?" "huh? no"
just use vinegar instead of water and it won't rot
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>gaslighting my patients at a therapy practice
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i need to be stopped
i thought you weren't going to do a practice werent you just going to do research
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i have to do therapy for a few years after my degree, i want to do risk assessment and competency exams for the courts i do research on the side but it's not my biggest thing even though i'll probably always be involved in it
when do you do that can i be your client i have a hard time finding therapists i trust
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it would technically be unethical but yeah
i'm going to be learning EMDR too i should learn the basics of it sometime this semester actually
why's it unethical?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the APA says it causes you to be biased in dealing with your clients if you know them prior so you should refer out before treating a friend or lover or family member i think that's a little silly in some cases
it's literally impossible to be unbiased in that setting
>>42022 hahaha that would work and then you could occasionally fry the potato, it would prolly taste good having been soaked in vinegar that long
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah but the APA argues that it causes too much bias in a way that can harm therapeutic gains i don't know if there's research behind that
what about when you've just had a client for a long enough time that you develop some friendship with them or if friendship's the wrong word, just rapport it's still going to cause a bias
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that's fine but you can't like, go hang out with them outside of work intentionally or go to their kids' birthdays and shit like that or i mean you can, but you have to be "careful" about it
the APA is really strict on the ethics because psychologists helped torture people under Bush and when the public found out, people started viewing psychologists as unethical so they tightened the ethics rules in an attempt to remedy that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm not as strict about it though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i start providing therapy in a little less than a year from now
Therapize me, Captain.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
tell me what you see on this ink blot
i dont see an ink blot
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i think i see the problem you have hysteria your womb has floated up into your head and is blocking your eyes
I see the stain that my blight of an existence has left on the canvas of the knowable universe.
>>42041 >this is basically your report after every meeting with me as your client
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
patient expressed doubt as to the legitimacy of my diagnosis until i assured him i am working on my degree
>Asked me what I'm getting my degree in
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
told him botany, he then inquired about the pollination of hibiscus seemed suspicious when told i did not know
>The event story will have an additional chapter on the anniversary kyaa
>>42046 You're a botanist huh, is that why you have a potato in your fishbowl >This patient, too, seems to think i have a potato in a fishbowl. This is not the case. one day the APA is gonna come audit you for reporting so many patients as hallucinating potatos, and just take the potato out that day
Apparently the now oldest remains of life on this planet have been found in Quebec. Yet another thing for the Quebecois to be all snooty and elitist about.
>have a button that changes the contents of the fishbowl
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>42049 even better dude the apa wouldn't audit me, the insurance companies would
yeah i have no idea who, if anyone, even sees patient reports so i just made up something ludicrous
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
usually my supervisor will see them insurance companies request copies about every 4 weeks so they can try to find a reason not to continue paying for your therapy
>>42054 pay insurance company to pay for my therapy they say okay but i still have to pay for my first few visits out of pocket, but still pay them to pay for it anyway they look for a reason not to pay for the visit im paying them to pay for
The average monthly rent in this city was just shy of 1800 CAD as of December. Even if I get an okay-paying job that is beyond any capacity of mine for a long time.
>>42059 Toronto. For the same price as a single bedroom rental here I could get a three-bedroom townhouse in Nova Scotia.
what city toronto? or nova scotia
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
And it's not like I have friends I could try and get a multi-bedroom place with. I don't claim to have the best drive to find a job, but stuff like this sure doesn't galvanise me.
It was okay. I was sluggish today, though I was slugging yesterday too. I found out yesterday that I'd be moving up in the world, but I'm a little worried about all the new responsibilities that are going to come with it.
>>42088 It's pretty much a done thing but I need to send a letter to make it official. I'm also doing someone a favor by taking the position so I was able to curry some favor there too.
But it's still outside of my comfort zone, I was comfortable with the way things are now but it can't be helped.
>>42096 I did some pretty great slacking today, too. My friend was super hyper today so she and I made jokes to each other all class. And then I played FE:H in another class.
I missed clearing my swords yesterday. I was going to do it when I got home, but I passed out for 12 hours instead. I started one of the swords so I got that this morning but still, two wasted!
I tend to burn through all my swords soon after the y get restored.
He would probably hate me for it and take it personally, but there's no chance of this guy coming after me. He's terrified of the world and extremely paranoid, but he is completely submissive! What a life.
How badly does your country in general screen for people who are supposed to fly... Well I guess most companies or stuff don't do it that well, considering the german plunder few years past
Pilots are considered the most defensive people in the entire country because the screening to become a pilot is so insanely intense. They are so defensive that measures of defensiveness have been constructed using personality profiles of pilots.
This guy doesn't have a chance of actually becoming a pilot. But he's in a four-year program that he might not even be able to get through. If he goes through everything and then fails to become a pilot, he's probably going to withdraw into a schizophrenic fantasy world and curse the universe for conspiring against him haha
>>42115 Yeah. I have to talk to my professor before I can try to intervene.
Those screenings are expensive and part of licensing tests. It's better for schools to just wait. People in the program also learn a lot of general mechanics stuff about planes so they could still become aircraft mechanics and stuff.
Hmm I wish I had a copy of the "idiot test" done in the army I bet that has hidden psych profiling in it.
Is a I dunno 200? question test or maybe it was just 100, anyhow a test that does test your basic intelligence, pattern recognisition, reading skills and so on and so forth, but it has some other questions in it too everyone does it and its result are partially determing where you will be posted and trained as. So wouldn't be surprised if that has some profiling or psych questions in it too.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
another thing is that this guy is like a textbook example of paranoid schizophrenia and he's at the age where people usually start becoming schizophrenic if they are schizophrenic
So it happens at 20 or something? Hmm, guess I missed that bullet, since it has run in my family atleast once or more
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Usually around early 20s, late teens, is when schizophrenia starts it's possible for it to be triggered later in life in someone that's predisposed for it but that's highly unusual
Hmm guess I should go to sleep Gotta do some shit tomorrow and if I sleep in, I won't have the drive to do it.
does schizophrenia have to be paranoid
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
No, paranoid schizophrenia is just a type of it. It's just like normal schizophrenia but it has a lot of preoccupation with paranoid delusions. I guess you could say it's just a symptom manifestation style?
it's not just paranoia + schizophrenia right is it the paranoia that causes a sustaining disorder of schizophrenia or is the paranoia the manifestation of the schizophrenia
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The etiology isn't 100% known but it's widely accepted that the paranoia is a manifestation of the schizophrenia Most people with
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
most people with paranoid schizophrenia didn't display paranoid characteristics until the condition started to come on the paranoia typically starts escalating in conjunction to other psychotic and delusional symptoms around the same time
maybe the condition started to come on because newly-acquired paranoia gave it a gateway for the mind to stay in disarray
hmm I still wonder about that goat thing
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>42128 paranoia is considered to be part of the spectrum of schizophrenic symptoms so even without paranoia, /// without schizophrenia, paranoia is still technically associated with it it's hard to differentiate the two enough to find a cause/effect sort of thing but i think it's most likely that they // the symptoms start showing up at the same time it's just that paranoia is the easiest to see outwardly because it results in so many behavioral changes while other symptoms are typically cognitive ones where cognition is distorted
>>42105 Is anxiety only in reference to moments of panic or high stress because of those fears, or does it also include more mundane stuff like hesitation or lack of action because of them.
I don't really experience a lot of anxiety over the kinds of things I'm scared of--or didn't used to anyway. But I would say I feel pretty strongly that the things I'm worried about lead to most of my inaction in life. I'm just worried I'm drawing sympathetic parallels with this guy and I don't want to be crazy.
It's about overall life anxiety There are three scales of anxiety here that are all non-clinical
Oh no youre probably not crazy I can guarantee that you don't raise crazy flags this guy does
Even if you had the same pattern of fearfulness without anxiety, that doesn't make you crazy by itself It's the combination of that with other factors that make this guy super fucked up
My own personality profile says have /// says i have basically no fears and so i'm prone to doing stupid reckless shit because i'm not afraid but i have only slightly less anxiety than most people in general so you can have one without the other and not suffer from dangerous psychopathology
>>42131 having anxiety isn't a disorder. anxiety's a physiological state that all people have anxiety disorders are just when it's debilitating or causes loss of function, usually due to poor ways of managing anxiety, but also often from exceptional stressors
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I mean, this guy is pretty much afraid of everything and all kinds of situations, but he doesn't feel anxiety over it. He generally accepts it in a sort of learned helplessness, I guess, is one way you could explain it.
I'm aware anxiety is a natural component of being human. Sorry I guess my post doesn't really show that does it.
it does, but I don't think mine illustrates what i'm thinking well some of those are packed words that bring some different concepts to my mind than the words generally convey i don't know how to express a lot of what i'm wanting to say that ends up just looking like a definition of anxiety
I don't know what the test is like so i dunno i think some people are clumsy enough to just trip over all the red flags by accident i'm so good at faking sanity that i don't even believe myselves sometimes
i'm going to bring a copy of the questions next time we all meet up
I don't think people can trip the red flags by accident because you need to trip a TON of them It's statistically unlikely
>>42143 No, it's the super long test that tells you massive amounts of information about someone
>>42137 Is that the super long test that tells you if you're depressed?
>>42142 i mean, for example, bang would probably do fine but trip one little bit of anxiety and he's gonna get wound up and make a mad sprint trying to get back to safety and trip every red flag on the way he'll do great until any questions make him feel vulnerable
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that would show up on the test and i'd be able to see that happened and i could make him take it again
this test has 70 years of research behind it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
and clinical populations determine the test content too not researchers
>>42140 The only remarkable thing about what I'd say is that there'd be absolutely nothing remarkable in there.
>>42145 what about just flat out lying how's it work around that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>42148 the test has 8 validity scales that look at different ways the person answered if someone lies on everything, there are always issues with the validity usually it invalidates the test or at least shows that you need to interpret the results with caution
there are literally thousands of studies where people have groups just flat-out lie or try to feign psychopathology on the test and it almost always catches it pretending to be sane usually shows up too
in my case, i'd worry about not knowing i'm lying not actually lying, not a good word choice but like, a prompt that I might respond to in a way that, whatever it's referring to, i may have emotional dissociation from that memory but factual memory of it and how much anxiety or distress or something should be exhibited isn't and then i'll think about it later and think "wow that wasn't accurate at all for that response"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
well it doesn't have to be "honest" so to say
it's not about answering it honestly, it's about how clinical populations answer
for example, there's a question that is about feeling guilty for doing something bad psychopaths almost always say they feel guilty about doing something bad, to the point that the item is actually the only item that is predictive on the entire MMPI-2 even though they don't feel guilty, they say they do
it matters what you say, not what the reality is because it's based on what people suffering from psychopathology said
the test was constructed by giving thousands of questions to different groups of mentally ill people with different symptoms and they had to endorse questions on it true or false the questions that were significantly /// chosen significantly more often than normals generally ended up on the test which is why one of the first questions is related //// is asking whether you like mechanics magazines or not
what if i have a new kind of mental illness that's never been had before
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
then it would pick up the symptoms that you have
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
pretty much all mental illness is intertwined and has similarities so it'd still catch stuff
what if im a genetic chimera and each hemisphere of my brain has different DNA and developed differently
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you probably wouldn't be given a test like this unless it were for research purposes
do people normally take it while on their medications that control their symptoms?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
studies show that medications don't affect most of the test because it's about past behavior as well so as long as people have limited self-awareness, they will continue to endorse the same items
the depression clinical scale is the only one that is subject to fluctuations based on mood and that can be accounted for with other scales on the mmpi-2
this was their ad today i'd consider this one a pretty good advertisement or fair, at least it's not impressive by any stretch, but it is evoking the right imagery and sentiments for travel, the whitespace is good i'd give it a C
And most importantly, it's not using and frustratingly annoying animal puns. Any of them, even. But yeah elsewise it looks pretty generic in a positive manner.
it's not offensive to the consumer point of view, where they're flipping through a magazine and just like "what the fuck" as a designer perspective it doesn't make much sense at all somebody had to sit there and come up with the idea of "let's put a pair of sunglasses down on a beach and take a picture of them in the sand" nobody questioned why this setup, why there would be sunglasses in the sand with no people around why are they there, who put them there
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
why is there a flamingo on the beach
>>42165 it's actually in the water, if you look closely which doesn't make much sense since there's water on the background unless they're on a sand dune, but a sand dune in the middle of a lagoon or some shit where a flamingo would be standing where are the people why did they leave those expensive ass sunglasses in the sand on the beach
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh yeah that is weird
>>42166 I was thinking maybe a scene of tourist relaxation may give better context. But it would also ruin the nice focal point and splash of colour on a flat background they've got going on. Maybe a really short depth of field for the sunglasses--they already kind of have it going on. In terms of visuals I like it though, even if it's contextually weird.
Except for the flamingo but it really just looks like Frontier shoehorns animals into everything it touches.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they even have animals all over their planes
well that was their original thing back before indigo group took over they had a real sense of friendliness and lightheartedness with the animals, which made it especially fun for kids and i remember specifically flying on the one with the Lynx, and I thought "Aw, that's cool" that, coupled with what frontier was at the time, was a really positive experience when i was flying out to san francisco, vegas, various places it was just a minor charm point indigo partners i guess tried to make the "seamless" Transition by going "okay let's pretend like this company didn't get taken over by a different group and just keep doing what they were doing. they had animals. pump out animals."
>>42139 a bonkerspool and then when one of us becomes an antihero, they can namethemselves Bonkerspool
I gave the cardio bike I moved into my room a try this morning. Did a program that's supposed to work you up to 55% of your healthy max heart rate for ten minutes. It wasn't particularly taxing but it got me sweating lightly. My heart rate was also more around 60% for the latter half of it though. Then a short while later I did a program that works you up to 90% of your healthy max heart rate, which the machine auto-set the timer for twenty minutes. I made it ten minutes through before stopping. I was drenched in sweat. But my heart rate hadn't even cleared 50% of the max healthy rate for most of the program though.
I had a job in 2014. I also learned about my community and retail. It was educational. And it really sucked.
wait a second i don't remember 2014 i thought that was when bryn died but that was 2013 or was it i'm really confused now what happened in 2014 literally years of my memory are gone
>>42177 Not really. I think I still have enough leg muscles from my days of biking fairly regularly that this sort of thing isn't enough to get me sore. It was also only twenty minutes of exercise in the end
The second session, I had also moved the bike to a different spot in my room--one that put me about half a metre under my room light. I wouldn't be surprised if that was in part why I was sweating so much on the second run. I think next time I give it a shot I'm going to need to turn my room light off.
>>42186 i literally remember nothing from 2014 right now i'm trying to think and there's nothing there i remember new years 2013 oh yeah, i did dota 2 tournament casting in 2014
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
on our trip, you talked about emailing with teacup a lot in 2014
>>42187 It's made up of two incandescent bulbs, so I'd imagine so. .. Or are they incandescent? I can't remember anymore.
Feeling it, I guess the lamp cover isn't actually that warm to the touch, so maybe they aren't actually all that hot. Still, I get enough light in my room in the day time that it's not a loss to give a session a shot with my room light off.
>>42189 i tend to think if i don't remember something there's a good reason for it this is probably one of those cases
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
fair enough
not the teacup thing, i remember my emails with her but there's some gaping void in 2014 that i'm not able to recollect and i probably dont want to
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
isn't that when you had the motorcycle accident?
no that was 2012 at the start of march or late february probably i had a seizure (now i'm guessing it was probably from stress because it was within a couple weeks of my dad passing) my girlfriend thought i must have been on drugs or something and left me not long after that seizure while on the motorcycle, that's why i had the accident i remember 2012 pretty well 2013 was dumb but i remember it 2015 was also dumb because i was caretaking so every day was a bore but i remember it 2014 is just a gaping chasm i must have been in ohio
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Oh yeah, that's right
Your motorcycle accident is one of the first memories I have of you. Back when /moe/ was still a new frontier for me and I was still only hanging around on Friday nights and Saturday mornings for the most part. I was lurking in a normal thread and it was one of the first times I saw anything more than conversational pleasantries from you, I think.
they put me on barbiturates in the hospital and i was a really aggressive and angry person for a week or so afterwards while coming down from that those things are fucking awful
i didn't have another one but i slipped my bicycle on the ice once on my way to class and bitched about it for like 20 minutes that was a lot less intensve of a situation though and that was in 2013
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i thought r/a/dio came in 2013
Oh okay. I see. Yeah that would be the one I knew you from then.
>>42203 I don't have a good sense of chronology! Remembering what years what happened in is kind of really hard for me.
yeah i was in the hospital for a long time so it didn't quite make sense at first how i woulda been talking much about it
Peppercorn pork tenderloin and sweet potato wedges for dinner. This tenderloin is pretty good for pre-seasoned stuff.
Maybe power lines should be added to the infrastructure your country needs to throw money at. Or does he just live somewhere with volatile weather this time of year.
I got Eldigan in FEH and he's trash. He's so slow. Level 20 yet his speed is 10. Worst sword lord out of all the ones I have. Well, I don't think he's a lord... he probably isn't. But he's still trash. And all his skills are lame. Lunge is decent tactically if you can use it, but FURY IS GARBAGE. His sword only makes his special trigger faster and it's a pretty decent special but he'd still have to survive to use it. ugh why
Once Inherit comes out, I'm going to see if I can give someone Lunge. Either that or just release him for feathers.
>Wait for Inherit and make him a physical wall that pulls people behind him I GUESS >There is some sort of pokemon nature system in this game ugh, figures
Eliwood gives +4 Def/Res with Ward Cavalry Gunter gives +6Atk/Spd with Hone Cavalry Eliwood has 2 spaces range with his while Gunter requires you to be adjacent at start of turn. Peri has Threaten Def Yeah, this can be a fun team, I should train it.
>three refugee men from Afghanistan claim to be 17, 17 and 18 >tests harkening back to the ol' nazi age say they're 19, 19, and 20 >this means they don't count as minors so we don't gotta take them in I guess >they now plan to keep fleeing I'm not even sure how you're gonna keep fleeing at this point, they're pretty far from Afghanistan already
I'm definitely an angel. If you split moe into angels and demons, I'd totally be at the top of the angel list.
I don't think that's true. People look up to me as a beacon of benevolent virtues. Whereas with you they suspect that behind your words lie some devious underhanded fujo scheme.
Amazon has been really evil about shipping lately. If you pick free shipping, they hold off on actually shipping it to you if they know it's going to take less than 8 days to get to you. I guess they are trying to force people to pay for shipping.
Ika was late Tilde and Bang were playing games until late and then Bang had to drive home and get ready which took 20 more minutes than the 40 he said he was going to take
Hey hey in proper defense we were done before you two finished up Spiritpact. We're still doing four shows tonight, which is about the norm for an anime session.
i abide by the semantic argument that you have to be paid to have the job title otherwise you're just a nosy amateur you can do detective things while you're a neet but the second you get paid for it you aren't a neet and if you aren't getting paid you aren't a detective
I was actually about to agree but there's nothing stopping someone who isn't being paid from being a good detective You aren't necessarily an amateur just because you don't have a job
>>42582 but what about when you get to cour t and the neet gets called to the witness stand are they introduced as a detective rendering their services as part of the legal system or are they just a neet who is really nosy
That still doesn't mean their an amateur detective They're Phones t gay
Sk phone
Unemployed detective is definitely possible You can run your own PI agency, but not get customers
if you are detective-ing you're also training for that profession by doing so and you'd have to be educated in proper detective skills it fails all three parts of the NEET test
Judge Judy isn't a real judge and yet here we are
>>42586 so any form of self-training restricts NEETdom? that doesn't make sense also being educated in something doesn't count as being "in education"
>>42587 Judge Sheindlin attended college at the School of Government at American University in Washington, D.C., and after her graduation in 1963, she attended New York Law School where she received her degree. She began practicing law in Manhattan in 1965.
No she's not a real judge you can't prove any of that
>>42588 yes if those skills can be applied to a career and the efforts are in earnest >>42592 the "in earnest" part matters if it's not "in earnest" then you aren't really a detective anyways and if it is you would eventually just transition into an official detective position provided you were halfway competent
every time i meet someone but i'm usually proven wrong
I'm pretty good at staying neutral toward people until they give me a reason to like or dislike them but there are always some that immediately push me one way or the other
Sk phone
I'm usually proven right, but then again I don't really like people in general
>european parlament removed legal immunity from Le Penn >Penn may now be for example charged for "posting violent pictures" for which in France, you can get 3 years of jail time >She and her party have posted brutal isis deed videos and pictures in the past ... this just sounds to me "QUICK TAKE HER DOWN TAKE HER DOWN" from EU to me
BTW little background, members of eu parlament can't be sued for having opinions or such, no matter what national laws of their countries say, and this protection can be and has at times been revoked from some. BTW Le penn has lost it already once before in 2013, when she compared Muslim mass public prayers to Nazi occupation of France or something.
But I still love how "that is just normal and happens everywhere, there is no problem learnt o lvie with it" Reminds me of "Terrorism is normal in france and we need to learnt o live with it"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i can make that statement true for free trips around the world
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
go from country to country having fun, exploring, then starting a riot and leaving
I don't think I havereally "met" a trans ever I've seent hem, but not really ever had a conversation
But I have met many transfer students from islamic countries, like a guy from iran. He was a weird case, insisted that we call iran Persia and I think he was either atheist or into zorothustraism
I knew a mtf
I knew a milf too
did u fuk her
yeah it was your mom
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
maria doesn't have a mom why are you so insensitive
>>42674 i found this article that might help http://www.queendom.com/articles/articles.htm?a=33
>Chew with your mouth closed and avoid appreciative grunting noises while dining. It is not acceptable to retrieve and eat food that has touched the floor, regardless of its cost. While it may seem practical, apparently mealtime is not an appropriate time to attend to matters of personal hygiene such as toenail trimming. ... what the fuck this has nothing to do with sensitivity, this is something you presume civilised people can do...
>>42676 this is the dumbest thing I have ever read thank you
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
such an informative article
Sweden to return to compulsory military service after abolishing in 2010.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>When is it appropriate for a man to cry? This is a tough one as there is no consensus among women on this issue. A single tear over the latest makeup/breakup of a make-believe couple on your partner's favorite television show may be acceptable while blubbering over the very real event of your favorite team once again not making the playoffs is not. The manner of crying also has bearing. You should limit your tears to a few and display some embarrassment at having shed them. Uncontrolled, shoulder heaving, mucous inducing sobbing is normally frowned upon and may result in your being labeled a wimp. It is also unacceptable to cry for reasons of physical discomfort or pain (including bullet wounds or severed limbs), though wincing is permitted.
As you can see in this country without any human rights, rampant gangs and crime is normal
Sweden has never been a stranger to armed robbery with assault rifles, just look at this clip from far before the migrant crisis >shows clip from jalla jalla
>>42676 >You should limit your tears to a few and display some embarrassment at having shed them. what a tragic way to live
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>42689 don't cry even if you get shot or lose a limb you fucking wimp if you do, BE EMBARRASSED
Maria was visiting a sheep farm while touringt the premise with the owner, they noticed a sheep stuck in the fence the farmer promply said "watch this" and dropped his pants and did the deed then he looked over to maria and said "your turn" and maria promptly got himself stuck in the fence
>>42715 Good times, I remember it like it was yesterday :`)
>>42734 A reply to some news story about Le Pen posting pics of ISIS terrorism on twitter or something, which \\\ >French far-right leader Marine Le Pen loses EU immunity from prosecution for tweeting pictures of IS violence Here, that's the tweet I replied to with just "rip western society"
>>42738 > posting violent pictures is illegal in france je suis charlie my fucking ass
>>42738 Well France is pretty sucky in some aspects
and all MEPs are protected from being sued in their national countries while serving, well protected from being sued for holding opinions or such >>42740 Yeah I wonder how bad it will blow up evetnually the land of riot for anything, when it actually *protest rather* reaches the boiling point
cause they do protest a lot, but they don't really smash and rbeak things atleast in the past
How do I tell my mom that I don't like this jacket she bought me
NINTENDO >>42750 are you sure it is BBs fault and not another case of nintendo being nintendo and not stocking up the american market well american ninendo, this doesn't happen in anywhere else.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>42751 idk lol I only ordered recently, i didn't preorder wayyy in advance sooo but certainly best buy deserves some blame for BEING THE MESSENGER AHAH I KILL YOUU er for having vague messaging around the actual arrival date until now
There's been several cases in recent years, starting with the ameebos or whatever thingies and going to consoles, controllers, games and so on that Nintendo of America isn't just stocking up enough shit for the retailer stores. Like giving a store just 5 copies of a product
I just wonder what causes it is it NinAm being shit is it Ninjap, being cunts about shipping enough stock to america or does Nintendo seriously have so bad production facilirties, it can't supply the american market? And how come nothing like this is going on in Europe?
quick googling and ducking doesn't reveal /show any big halo about "shortage in europe" in terms ofn intendo, aside Monster Hunter from 2013
Could it be that Nintendo has (a) production facilities in europe, but ships stuff to USA from their japan facilities or whatever. that would explain the differences
>The Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) team was debugging an issue causing the S3 billing system to progress more slowly than expected. At 9:37AM PST, an authorized S3 team member using an established playbook executed a command which was intended to remove a small number of servers for one of the S3 subsystems that is used by the S3 billing process. Unfortunately, one of the inputs to the command was entered incorrectly and a larger set of servers was removed than intended. The servers that were inadvertently removed supported two other S3 subsystems. Imagine being this person.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
damn no details on abilities
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
messing with production is scary yo
also wildcard commands are the devil
no joke I sincerely hope that the person who did it doesn't get named. Their career would become toast
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
not sure I entirely agree about their career but yes I hope they don't get named
anyway commands that do bulk operations are in need of like better UI than just <press enter and let's go> like maybe you should have to mash the keyboard, one keypress = one deletion so if you find yourself having to mash a lot, you can stop and be like hmm
In Android, when you boot in that alternative mode to wipe the memory, you have a confirmation screen that has Confirm surrounded by ten Cancels. Like, you can't do it on accident. It's never at the very top nor at the very bottom.
>>42764 >i will programt his robot to have indian accent umm
or maybe an indian accent I guess it varies from what language(s) you speak in addition to english
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
west african I think? I think the accent is nice the idea of a standard english is arbitrary anyway also, video game logic
then why name it orissa an indian country or /and region and maybe was it a city too?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
like what do you want me to say I'm not on the OW team it's a cool name whatever
>>42787 She's one of those horrible abominations you could sometimes get in TF2 randomizer servers Scout with minigun, sticky jumper and eyelander Pls stop
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
futon has arrived what what no more air mattress for me
>>42789 at least she doesn't have a double jump >inb4 they give her wallclimbing passive
She looks like a spider sorta so
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah that much was known so people were theorizing i hope they do add maybe a defense hero that can crawl freely along walls, that would be fun
Maybe switch hairstylists and go for a bit less sleaky and greasy look and a beard wouldn't hurt either and then pack some buff but not ridiculous level
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
https://www.twitch.tv/moonmoon_ow >mukbang more like muklame
Hey hey you know that shit they add to alcohol you buy for like cleaning and stuff? To make it nigh-undrinkable? Apparently Nintendo is coating the Switch's games with it so kids won't swallow them
I wonder if Trump even could launch a nuke He's the president, sure, but... the order is still carried out by Americans And the public's trust in him isn't the highest
>"The president has supreme authority to decide whether to use America's nuclear weapons. Period. Full stop," said the Arms Control Association's Kingston Reif. A president could only be stopped by mutiny, he said, and more than one person would have to disobey the president's orders.
Nope At any time, at moment's notice Everything Trump needs is with him at absolutely all times, the guy with the case even rides the elevator with him
If he wants to, he can just basically hit a button at any given time And the only way it can be stopped is if one of the two people turning the keys decide to disobey a direct order from the highest military official in the nation
Oh yeah, the codes are in the "briefcase" or whatever I remember reading that at one time during cold war, the briefcase was forgotten to the office, while potus was on a trip to some european country whcih lead to some 2-6hour period, when USA couldn't have actually fully retaliated to a soviet attack, had it happened.
>>42853 They can, but that will be a result of disobedience It would be illegal for them to do so, so the system is set up in a way that, if it works properly, Trump can fire a nuke at any target for any reason at any time
I thought of first cropping out some famous pic of bigfoot an throwing him into an airport but then i found that pic and it was just perfect >>42868 "limited availability, buy now before they run out"
Why's he footracing I don't get the idea of footracing for a big savings
but seriously 1 topping like the fuck is that pizza is like 3 toppings + cheese at minimum or 2 1 topping that is just crap
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I got $5 off my next purchase of pizza at this place I don't eat at They think it will convince me to eat there It won't >>42904 yeah
>>42907 marcos? i just use the save9494 code and it's 25% discount on anything over 15 dollars which it's bound to be anyway i rarely order their pizzas, but i very often get their salads and sub sandwiches very generous salads
i mean if we're talking about pizza places, i have my input to give am i supposed to make it as neutral as possible i actually do try to by just describing it rather than saying "whoa it's way better" haha but i guess that does actually make it sound more adverty i spend too much time working market research probably
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
dominos > *
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>42911 no, it was a good endorsement it's hard to endorse something without sounding like an advert
Oh yeah, I havn't yet checked the local pizzerias or pubs or bars well I did check that beach place, but that is super expensive, but then again it is at like 2nd or 3rd if not most expensive place to live in this country
I was in class following the Sessions thing via Twitter. It was so easy because my feed was just nonstop Sessions quotes the entire time, just quotes where he was lying and stuff.
The gay became fucking TERRIFYING when AIDS appeared and became the GAY VIRUS.
I heard some guy in leicester got stabbed with a syringe full of aids blood
>venetian snares song lyrics
>>42937 yeah but there was all kind of weird shit considered and done during nam I mean, for example who thinks that deforesting is a good war tactic...
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>they're in the trees >get rid of the trees fix'd
>now they're on the ground *gets rid of ground*
>>42941 cept all it did was ruin nature and the local populations health to this day
No, he's still here. I'm just thinking that there's no way I'd ever want to go back after all this. He's probably safer here than back home lol >>42947 Kislyak is the Russian ambassador person that Attorney General Sessions spoke to and lied/forgot about it during questioning.
>>42948 Flynn? Yeah. It's the same guy. Speaking to them isn't a criminal action. Lying under oath is though. If he said he did, none of this would have any weight. It would ADD TO THE CONSPIRACY but not have any actionable consequences.
also what is the kislyak business anyhow?
>>42946 I know that Flint or whatever guy actually did somehting that was not allowed but is speaking to russians now a crime? of course lying about not having contact with russians is bad but
The issue was that they were in correspondence with foreign agencies during the presidential campaign.
>>42946 But if he had said at the time "I did speak to this guy" I bet he would've been thrown out just like Flynn already It just feels like a witch hunt
>>42950 Nope. We're talking about his confirmation, mind you. You know, the point where he's not talking to Trump, but to Congress. So that he can get his AG job in the first place.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
no he could have just said "yes, we spoke, and i am recusing myself from this investigation due to my conflicts of interest here" like a sensible person
It all went well untill that Ukrainian idiot decide to try to jump to EU and Nato... He should've known what would happen.
should have known better than to exist next to Russia Doesnt matter how tired cold war rehashes sound, there's not only tension but an express lack of desire to prove it wrong
>>42956 Comparison here, is if Mexico suddenly said "I will join a russian lead coalition and russian lead economic block" You think USA would just let that happen without objecting and add to that, if also that deal included handing over Panaman channel to that coalition too
>>42953 His spokesperson said that the question was about him speaking to Russia as a part of the Trump campaign, not his role as Senator. Unlike Flynn, Sessions was a part of the government when he did it so he doesn't have the same vulnerability there. So it's turned into a big argument about semantics and whether he lied under oath.