>>42978 I was completely justified in what I said at that time.
>>42982 I don't know. Earlier I posted on tano, and he posted a picture of a character saying "disgusting" afterwards so maybe. It could have been directed at someone else.
>>42986 Unfortunately, they're things that only Floop is aware of. He randomly gets really mad at me all the time and never communicates why he's mad. Sometimes I don't see him at all for days and then he shows up and starts saying asinine shit to me.
I usually just play along and let him do what he wants but I got annoyed the other day about it. Still haven't heard from him about it. I just don't understand that rabbit.
>>42987 Oh, I See. I noticed that he seems to have a grudge against you. I think I used to be the primary focus of his grudge but that it's changed to you.
>>42996 I don't know. Sometimes we get along well. He gets mad at me and then gets over it and then gets mad at me again later. I like Floop but it can be hard to deal with it.
>>43000 actually there is one eyepoke but it is brief I can find it ouy for you if you start to marathon it if you've heard of 123movies, it has the whole series hosted for streaming no need to even break laws
>>43005 Depends on where he went. Top tier schools can be competitive and backstabby. He's also going to a foreign school so maybe wherever he's at is mean to foreigners.
He seems to have given up on the concept of friendship so I think something bad probably happened to him.
>>43008 Also if that is true >>43009 this is true we aren't xenophobic really but... you just don't waltz into finnish socialising
I dont think I have formed any lasting connections in uni sober for one reason you need to drink you need to go to parties you need to sauna and also balance that with quite heavy curriculums at time especially for foreign and exchange students, doublish so now that we tax them or their school of origin
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
omg i went to EB games and reserved the last copy of BOTW
There is btw a "train tour" drinking thing here where you take a train and stop at every station go to closest bar take one beer/shot/ever and then repeat the same thing on every station.
When the new underground line finishes off, it will have 28 stations. That hsould be a fun tour
It's the place where I do most of my lounging around so I'd like it to be comfy. I'm thinking of getting a really comfy sofa to put in the corner and a big TV to go in front of it, and just spend all of my time there including sleeping and stuff. I need to figure out a way to get a keyboard to swivel around so I ca n use it though.
And maybe a monitor I can use since looking at the TV all the time would probably be a pain.
>>43038 >>43039 I'm sitting on 32 waiting for another pool.
>>43045 My bed isn't going anywhere. Well, I'm thinking of getting a new one of those too. But with the sofa, I'm thinking it will be more of a situation where if I fall asleep on it because I'm so comfy, that's not a problem either.
Sou. I recently got a nice standing mirror for my room. I kind of want to get a new mattress but I don't think I can afford one and I don't want to ask Fish to pay for it.
>>43049 My mattress is about 8 years old now, I think. It's about time for a new one. It's not uncomfortable or anything for me, though. Fish sometimes complains about it, though.
>>43051 I turn mine every 6 months and I haven't had any sagging problems.
i like spring based mattresses/beds they take years to start sagging previous one was like 10 years old and was with me for like 5 or 6 and it didn't really start to sag in one direction untill its maybe last 2 years didn't bother me, since I liked being burrowed into the bed like that
I just don't like the feeling of spring-based beds. Would happily suffer reduced mattress lifespan than sleep on one.
wel lyou don't directly sleep on them you have the whatever on it not going to bother looking for the word, direct word would be cover-mattress
>building a facility >I don't know this machinery, is it from europe? >yes the design is european >"what of the incinirator" oh god the nazi is being nazi
It got cold again here this morning. Looked like we were going into spring but there was either heavy frost or a dusting of snow.
I hate this period of fluctuation Atleast this time we got enough rain to melt all the roads... but had it been just I dunno 4 hours of less rain and all roads would be ice rinks for 2 weeks again...
We had a really nice rainstorm a night ago. Maybe come summer we'll have some actually good thunderstorms this year.
chill, snow, couple days of that, melt, rain, repeat late winter to early spring is pain and then comes the mud the fucking mud
Yeah, in the weirdly spring-y weather we had a couple days ago, while it was nice to have the window open for the first time since autumn, it was kind of terrible to smell the stench of spring. All the things that were preserved by the cold and snow are rotting.
and then comes the dry the few nice days and then the shit all the shit that has been in the snow starts dusting all over
and then after the first rains of spring comes the pollen
then comes the late spring. early summer heat wave and then a month of rain
and then, finally summer and then summer heat wave and then thunder and then finally early autumn the livable period with no faults and mid autumn and late autumn, with its storms that are ever so enjoyable november rain with no one else outside nothing better
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
I am one wi th the hockey pub
You should be wearing a Maple Leafs hat or sweater or whatnot.
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
My gray sweater reads >From the window to the wall.
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
My super reliable roommate helped assemble my futon today
more like he assembled it and I was there for holding butts
I just hope french gov has some backbone cause if that gets through... Russia might get into the action of "hey you paint my country black in yo games"...
Lucky bastard. Unless he also needs a Switch to play it.
I once got a game 3 days before its world wide release date was bit confused but didn't bother me I mean, unlocking all characters before the online servers of that game were even online, not gonna complain
>a video about flags and lists unique and cool flags >doesn't mention flag of päijät-häme, despite listing provincial and city flags seriously... it's a fucking topless mermaid how many flags have boobs in them?
>>43163 It's a kind of super-bitter alcohol substance. Companies have actually been using it for a while to coat things that small children would be likely to stick in their mouths.
My cat is honking while snoring.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>43170 better take it to your local cat dealership
This was apparently done by the director speaking into a didgerdoo
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
sax a ma phoone sax a maaa phooooooone
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>tfw it turns out i do have the deluxe wii u so i could have just downloaded zelda but then i would have to delete smash
Don't you have enough space?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
smash is 13 gb so is zelda i think idk why i don't have enough space is the OS really that big
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>The 8GB Basic Set has approximately 3GB available for data storage and downloads. The 32GB Deluxe Set has approximately 25GB available for data storage and downloads. dafuq how did 5gb become 7gb for the dx version
>>43180 It's my least favorite Higurashi theme. It's okay.
It's my second favourite! The first can't be beat, but it's still pretty good. The third is pretty close to them too though. But they're all miles better than Happy Whatever Docchi.
>>43184 ... I forget that one exists. taishou A and Dear You hold top slots. Then... what's that other one Super Scription of Data And Why or Why Not below that.
>>43185 Superscription of Data is the third OP, the first of the OVAs I believe. .. I was ranking the OPs without taking into account the EDs.
Oh. That makes sense. The EDs are generally better though. By a decent margin.
I'm gonna say I still really, really like the first OP and Naraku no Hana. At the least they kept in my listening rotation for a very long time. I don't think the EDs had a similar kind of permanence--but that may have also been because I discovered Higurashi early in on my Internet days and couldn't find a copy of the full songs.
I don't dislike it. I just like the other ones a lot more. No wait. I am TOTALLY mixing both the first and the second OP together. Wow, I am fucking up.
You even called the second OP by it's proper name when you were talking about the hau haus in it. How did you mix this up with the first OP which does not have hau haus in it. Instead it's got more of a "hanya hanna ii".
The problem was that I forgot that the first OP even existed. And I overwrote that with the second OP. And the only reason i realized this was because you said 'first OP' and I was like "wait, they WERE different, weren't they?"
Okay. So OP1 is my LEAST favorite OP on virtue that I forgot about it so hard that I called OP2 my least favorite.
Yeah, in my head I was going "Wait, the first OP wasn't just the name of the title, it was called something." But that was wrong. It was indeed the name of the title.
No it really is just Higurashi no Naku Koro ni.
>higurashi OP
That's why I've been calling Naraku no Hana by its proper name and just calling the first OP by its ordering, hah hah. Because it's easy to get crossed if you're refereing -refering to the show or the song.
Even with all of this confusion, the order stays the same taishou A > dear you > superscription > Why or Why Not > Naraku no Hana > Higurashi Wait, I'm missing something aren't I. Not Happy Lucky Dochi, I feel like something else is missing. hm.
Well you'd be missing whatever the ED pair to HLD is but I can't remember that one either. I couldn't even make it through the OVA series that OP was assigned to.
>"Manazashi" by anNina
Don't know this off the top of my head at all
If we're including all the songs, I'd probably rank dear you at the top because of sheer sentimental value. dai's original music for the VNs is just so good.
I have a lot of sentimental value to dear you that kept telling me to rank it at the top too. But just as songs, taishou A definitely. Manazashi is really nice and I guess I really didn't go through Rei with a sub that had the ED attached because I like this.
>>43237 I don't think a more wacky and less thought out version of Hillary Clinton without the experience with government is gonna be a viable opposition to Trump who already beat Hillary
>>43252 I feel this is a much larger headache for stores to handle. Especially small-scale mall stores like EB Games. Then they have to monitor people who did in-line paying and who didn't.
To be honest even if something like that was implementable I'm pretty sure EB Games wouldn't care to provide it for their stores. They are miserable employers to work for.
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
Yeah I'm mostly speculating they do have some employees just hanging out waiting, so theoretically they could get like five machines going in the line and give people vouchers but the savings would not exactly be great compared to the amount of time people have been sitting here
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
oh no a second line was created rip
trust lines
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
If i understood the guy's French I would have switched faster ah well
https://memphis.craigslist.org/wri/6020702861.html does this look like a job that could/would even pay anything what does a typical book development budget even have it seems strange and oddly specific to what I already do every day
Not really even sure why I'm applying for this Because it looks fun, I guess, and experience in something that will go out to market and be published it's way under the caliber of what i'm already doing right now i think it looks like they want like an intern
maybe that's why i dont feel nervous about applying i'm scared as hell about applying to the ones i want to apply to
there was a really cool gig that came up that would have been doing disciplinary hearings for railroad companies oddly specific but that sounded super neat the pay was like 70% better than what i get now too but i wussed out
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
the eagle has landed
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
Now for some nuggets
eagle nuggets?!
Making a snack out of the American icon is a Quebecois tradition.
>>43413 Wow, it's totally true. I'm like a butterfly. My wings are so fragile! I am cute and delicate! And you're going to ruin me with your rough hands if you're not careful!
I strongly doubt there's ever going to be a focus that really makes me go "I want this hero". So I'm just going to continue rolling whenever I get a full twenty orbs.
>>43440 I don't think Hana can get that skill, but the AI Hana has it.
>>43441 It's just drywall, innit? You don't exactly need to be going at that sort -going hard at that sort of stuff. Even just decent, enduring pressure will bust it pretty easily. Exactly the kind of force a forklift can produce!
It's a good trick for increasing difficulty without resorting to dull stat increments. Plus it encourages players to learn what all the abilities and best means of countering them are.
>>43448 The AI will know this pain when inheriting comes out.
>>43453 It's fine the camera on your phone has such shitty stabilization it's impossible to make out what any of that says anyway.
Sk phone
You can see the company name lol
The hot cocoa instructions on the back of this cocoa can say to do a 2:1 ratio of sugar to cocoa when preparing. But when I make two cups of hot cocoa, that means four tablespoons of sugar. I get to halfway through the third tablespoon when I start thinking "shit, this is a lot of sugar I'm putting in here." Rarely do I even finish the third tablespoon before I stop adding sugar.
Sk phone
Also it's not the camera, it's me tapping the capture button rather than letting it focus
Him fucking up his arm Nobody else seems to find it this funny
Well I mean him messing up his arm is easily the least funny segment of this story you've shared. But trashing the wall with a forklift is still pretty damn funny. So just laugh at that.
Everyone seems to either be overly careful with the forklift or not nearly careful enough The girls/women with a license all move at a snail pace This guy just fucking went for it what a guy
I just do stuff quickly and try to not fuck shit up
I don't like lapsing into "what a mature person would do" bits. But a mature person can laugh at a humorous part of a sufficiently non-serious situation while acknowledging that there are parts of the situation that aren't funny and may be serious.
>>43475 I'm not a mature person, I just signal maturity cause it's beneficial
When I first started here, some guy tried to jump over a chain suspended over a doorway, his foot caught the chain and he SLAMMED into the ground, and now his elbow is ruined for life
And to me that is fucking hilarious
I can't find that his elbow is busted all that funny. Just imagining what that might be like to endure feels utterly terrible.
That he caught his foot on the chain on a stunt he probably came up with himself is funny though.
We use these digital scales at work to weigh each piece before shipping them and stuff And it will light green if it's the right weight, red otherwise, right?
But the thing is, they're so slow, most of us just end up ignoring the light and just weighing them as a formality Because the error rate is like way below one every ten thousand, but if you wait for the light every time, you waste a ton of time after a while
I was going to wake up early before building a bookshelf, but... I hit the dismiss button instead of snooze and I didn't realise since my wristwatch stopped so Ikept napping
also WHO MAKES DISMISS BUTTON A BIG RED BUTTON and snooze button a small thing in the corner? Like what kind of design is that snooze is big and something you hit when half asleep the dismiss is something you need your brain to be awake to get to basic alarm clock design
Sk phone
Get one of those alarm clock that drive off when it rings
switch is pretty neat breath of the wild is fun with some minor flaws from what I've seen still probably not gonna buy one for quite a while
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
how comfortable is it in your hands
pretty comfy, only thing I can complain about is the shoulder buttons are a little uncomfortable to hit the bumpers, not the triggers that's only with the little controller dock though, if you put the joycons on the switch itself it's very comfortable I can imagine someone with bigger hands than mine finding it uncomfortable though
Laying in bed for two and a half hours, no sign of sleep. I -want- a regularized sleeping pattern. But my body doesn't let me achieve it.
>“I’m not a citizen. However, there is, maybe it’s the only good thing as the result of this election: I am now applying for citizenship because I want to be an American too, because all of my friends in Washington said, ‘There is one thing you can do. Fight, fight, oppose, oppose.’ But I can’t do it because I’m not a citizen.” Patrick Stewart dislikes Trump so much that he's applying for American citizenship
>Lederer said she only smokes marijuana occasionally. But more drug paraphernalia was found after she consented to a search. why did you consent to a search you have drugs everywhere
sou kana
Sk phone
>>43588 Paraphernalia isn't drugs Owning more than one bong doesn't mean you're out of it 24/7
>>43590 She also had amphetamines and meth in the house that they found
>Lederer then admitted and told deputies that she smoked marijuana, takes Xanax, smokes Meth occasionally, and also takes Adderall haha then they took her kid away
i remember that chick, she was graduating high school when i entered high school she was pregnant back then and everyone said she was a huge slut but i never met her
No sleep for me tonight. So much for fixing weird sleeping times.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
GAME OVER >oh no a mounted moblin >he's actually kinda scary >i have no arrows >oh i have fire arrows >shoot him with a fire arrow >now his club is on fire >he oneshots me
was it worth it
wow I didn't see any mounties
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i just got off the plateau like 10 minutes ago and everything is new and scary
just wait until you run into REDACTED
You people aren't making this "be patient" thing easy. If not for the fact that there's probably not a single Switch or copy of BotW left in the city I'd have a really hard time fighting going out and getting it.
Charities would get it the same place the government does, but the difference is you're not gonna get people donating to that charity to just GIVE MONEY TO PEOPLE
so charities would give money to people and those people would have to give it back
I don't think a charity would work just cause people are unlikely to give it money for this purpose The benefit with the government is it can force you to Libertarians hate that and call it theft, but I don't mind that The government needs to be able to force people to do some things
I'm real left on that matter though, I just straight up don't see the issue with iit I see the "OH BUT YOU'RE GIVING IT RIGHTS PEOPLE DON'T HAVE" thing, but like Yeah Yeah I am, cause it's the government and that's literally its entire purpose
Yeah but people need basic income to cover costs they can't afford already
The wind is so powerful that I cannot leave my car
Like what the fuck is the government if it doesn't get to do things other people don't get to do? Literally all of it is an institution controlled by the people, given the power to do things the individual people aren't allowed to do, for the benefit of the people As a whole
That and I don't agree taxation is theft to begin with It's more like rent
like rob us
Like what, is it THEFT if someone gives you a contract where you get to live in and do whatever you want in their apartment, but the rent is x% of your monthly income rather than a set sum? What the fuck is that about?
Cause I dunno if these people have noticed, but the government OWNS THE LAND THE COUNTRY COVERS
I guess this is one of the benefits of having a nation built out from a kingdom The government owns shit You also get to own shit, but if deemed necessary the government gets to go "You no longer own this", and you no longer own that
Besides, all ownership only goes as far as you can defend it, so
Because it enables the government to do things that are necessary, like taxation, without any faggots going "uh but you can't do that, that's theeeeft" Like nigga no it ain't It straight up ain't because you only own it to begin with because the government lets you
And conversely, the government ensures to the best of its ability that you retain ownership of the thing and defends it from other people trying to take it away
I lack that thing that's super scared of the government having the ability to do things, because I'm Norwegian Most awful thing we ever did was surrender to the nazis and snip the balls off of undesirables and gypsies Overall we're fuckin' legit
>>43667 Sometimes you need a government to be able to do things
Like if a war breaks out and the country is in danger, the government having the option of appropriating funds from the people enjoying the benefits of HAVING a country is a very good thing
SK's getting at that proper threat of punishment encourages cooperation with the law.
Oh, or that too. I can't really say for sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. It hasn't really seen any use in Western societies for a good long time now.
But I'm also a person who thinks conscription as an option is a good thing for a government to have
I don't really know how property works out here. The country owns all the "unowned" land that geographically consists of Canada. It's called Crown land and generally you can walk on it, hike on it, camp on it as long as you don't stick around long enough to get caught. But you own your own, purchased land. And I'm not sure if the federal government has a right to just lift it from you without fair reason.
You begin with "The government at the end of the day owns all the things, but you can have ownership in a practical sense" And then you add rules for when the government is actually allowed to use that fact Like I'm not saying you should have a government that can arbitrarily just decide tomorrow that you no longer have a house because they want it I'm saying if the government needs that house or the land its on to a sufficient degree, they should be able to forcefully take it through some means
Though I guess I don't really believe there's any government out there that's, hm. I believe most are passably-regulated. Well-regulated is a really finicky term and I don't know if I can agree to it. Power is just too difficult to balance in real life.
>>43673 The us government is pretty well regulated
Here when they forcefully take your house, they have an independent entity assess the value of it, and you're forced to sell it to the government It's a super rare occurence of course
On a tangential note I hate the Churchill quote on democracy being only the best government because all the others have been tried. It acts like there's absolutely no other form of government that can be conceptualized in the future.
Communism requires you to trust a few dudes to keep the interests of the people in mind at all times and not just hoard all the wealth and power to oppress the people while living comfy themselves That ain't worked out too well
Same with any authoritarian thing
A "technocracy" may sound good, but you still need someone to decide who IS best at the thing If you just have the people do that, that's just a democracy
Like all the other options takes power from the people at large and gives it to a few guys while going "Don't do something horribly evil now, OK?", and leaves while shouting "NOT THAT I'LL MAKE SURE YOU DON'T OR ANYTHING LMAO"
Of course, you can give the power to a semi-democratic group, like you can have whatever corporations make the most money deal with it and that way you have SOME control as a people but how is that working out for you right now, America?
A democratically elected oligarchy Which is an absolutely amazing concept, and one nobody thought possible because "but the people will notice something is up" To which the US responded "Oh... well how about we just make the education system SO SHITTY, they don't understand what's happening?"
No dude We realized it was happening So we elected more of them because surely the oligarchy will stop itself
Imagine if US politicians had to, every single public statement, begin by reciting the top ten donators to their most recent campaign "I am sponsored by all these military corporations and insurance companies. I will take a hard stance against further wars, and remove privatized healthcare"
What's real weird though is he's definitely somewhere on the right, but he's against nationalism Yet he clearly thinks Hillary was the best choice?
Actually wait no that makes perfect sense Oh my god, I swear I didn't intend that first and second sentence as jokes It didn't click
It's odd to see someone be like "private businesses and all that shit is great, but also countries shouldn't prioritize themselves before humanity at large" They're not exactly related, but they're WEIRD as a combo because usually they don't come together
Also hearing someone call a nation "egotistical" for prioritizing themselves before other nations is so fucking weird Like yeah ...that's the fucking POINT It's a NATION, not a fucking charity
>>43705 And all of them are fucking morons Bernie would have wiped the floor with Trump, even if he had like, a dick AND a vagoo, as well as a fucking golden star of david on his chest No fuckin' contest
Like I don't buy for a moment that the same people who went "Yeah, a black dude as president. I like that idea" also went "A WOMAN!? NO WAY JOSE THAT'S TOO FAR!"
Too bad the media at large decided TWEETS were the go-to source of Trump criticism "Wow trump said a dumb and offensive thing" "Wow Hillary actually sold uranium deposits to the very government we were in a nuclear cold war with just 25 years ago"
He wasn't a public servant at any point in his life so it's not like he has any 'policy' problems to go off of. Trump's tweets were his unfiltered opinions. And you also had his business practices in the open too. All the ways he fucked people over by not paying them or what have you. There was a lot more than just those.
He' jut an asshole businessman But his asshole persona makes him seem a lot more real than the overly rehearsed vinyl record that is every other politician in the world
>>43715 Yeah, don't get me wrong He did have a lot of fucking dirt
The thing is that the dirt that matters isn't what was focused on >>43718 Like I dunno, the thing where he refused to pay a ton of people after services rendered That should have been far bigger a focus than "OH HE MADE THINGS WITH STUFF BOUGHT FROM CHINA GUYS LISTEN TO THIS PLEASE LETS RUN THIS TO THE GROUND" Like please NOBODY GIVES A FUCK
People focused on that a lot you know. You're comparing low-hanging fruit memes to articles. Don't forget what the climate was like. People didn't care "at all" about the negative aspects of Trump because the negative aspects of Hillary were worse.
I think every time Trump was called on something, it was far too easy to point at Hillary and go "here's something shitty she did, with the force of the government behind her, that actually affected people and matters a little bit more than me saying some raunchy shit in a bus"
Like seriously, guys? Your big dig at the guy running against a RAPE APOLOGIST, is that he said something a little bit rapey in a bus? For real thou
I really don't think any of that matters in the grand scheme of >>43719
And yes, she is a rape apologist because she was perfectly fine with actual rape when her hubby was the president
I don't think it actually matters for the president either I don't think anyone is gonna make a policy decision as a result of that kind of thing
But it is a weird thing to focus on, is what I'm saying
Also yeah, I'm basically saying about the same thing you are there, I think, just worded differently It wasn't that Trump is a good choice, mostly, it's just that for the most part when something was brought up against him, there was something Hillary did that was worse and more relevant for a government position
I don't think Hillary would be a fucking awful president either She'd probably do fine There might be some more tensions and the nuclear holocaust clock might move a minute forward, but still
everything was bad everything is bad what's the point in arguing whether you'd rather swim in mayonnaise or feces when you're already in a pool of shit
The democrats are still like "hey you know that campaign team who managed to lose to this fucking clown? Let's make them our main strategists" It's wonderful and spooky
I'm not registering as shit. Well, I guess I'm still dem But I'm not changing shit. There is no point outside of sabotaging generals and that's useless.
Also the both'a you should register as republicans
I'm independent Along with 50% of the country
Is there any benefit to being independent?
No No benefit to being anything No clan bonuses unfortunately
The benefit to registering as a republican is you can actually put in a point for the least insane guy, so even if the republicans win, the damage is lessened potentially
Granted your one vote isn't gonna do shit, but still
>>43737 Nah. Let them get the most crazy. This way when there are problems, everyone is mobilized to fix them.
Nobody's mobilized to fix a fucking thing though
They are. It's the party that's fucking up, not the people. The people are angry. If we get a sane Republican, they won't be as angry. And problems won't get fixed.
Everyone is mobilized right now
Being mobilized isn't helpful when you're just punching the air
Only those who don't see how mobilization is affecting things would say that.
>>43755 IT's a good measuring stick when the only unifying message in all the protesting is "Don't do what Trump wants" Like what would be a good measuring stick? Politicians doing the same thing but softening their language or being antagonistic to Trump but still voting in his favor? That's not a change. That's signaling
1) Don't downplay the importance of signals. 2) There are many moving pieces and lots of terrible things happening at once. Blocking a nomination is a heavy hurdle. When you're outnumbered by a party who puts themselves over their constituents. But you are messing up the directions and usefulness of signals. The intense, consistent barrage of anger forces every end to either double down or break. There is little room for being ambiguous with voters now.
If your people want a town hall and you refuse to have one, they know where you stand when it comes to being accountable. If they want to contact your office and you decide to WRITE A CEASE AND DESIST LETTER TELLING PEOPLE NOT TO CALL YOUR OFFICE UNDER THREAT OF POLICE, then they know where you stand when it comes to being accountable. And all of this gets fed to the even more aggressive social media. There is no 'wait and see'. The people signal to their representatives and if they don't signal back affirmatively, then something is wrong. The amount of pings will DDoS the server.
Signals from politicians are 100% for the sake of getting votes It doesn't have any other purpose
I mean I hope you're right, I just don't think you are It's not been long, but if there's gonna be a point in opposing Trump it has to happen quickly Because this guy is pushing out shit at an insane pace
I think he's right
Look what we did to Sessions
And might keep doing to Sessions.
Sure hope so.
>Best Buy still ambiguous on whether Switch consoles are in stock or not WHY THIS.
>>43761 Let him. He can push shit out as fast as he wants. It just gives the people more things to be angry about if he does it wrong. And as far as I can tell, the problem he has is deep within his value system. He has cultivated that kind of atmosphere in his administration and they won't stop pushing it out. He will do a couple good things, I bet. But none of that will forgive the issues he's caused. Not to me, not to a lot of people. >>43768 Just because a system is bad doesn't mean it's not there. They're inept. Incompetent. Various people have low morale. People in the NSA having low morale are leaving their positions and they're not going to come back because private companies pay like triple.
I'm not convinced Trump's positions communicate with eachother I'm not convinced there is a system to begin with, I think they're independent stances on all issues
>>43770 There is a difference between people leaving the NSA and the NSA shutting down. A big one. In a climate where intelligence departments are further politicized, the replacements are likely to be worse. Anyone who goes into a public office position concerning anything dealing with data is taking a pay cut. The system does not pay you as well as anyone else would. Which means that the people taking the job would have to be serious about the job itself. This is perhaps the worst time for the NSA to look for people to recruit. Not wanting the department to exist is an entirely different matter. That said, it also means that with new people, we might become sloppier. I pray that we still have any kind of international relations by 2020.
Does scalping like this happen on the American Amazon? It's a pretty common issue with stuff from retailers that are consistently low-stock compared to demand. You see it with stuff like graphics cards too.
I am so hype today
What's hyping you?
No idea Didn't take my meds but there's more than that I can tell that if I let myself off my leesh I'm hoping to do something dangerous
Oh my. I get a really tame version of that rarely. Not in a long time though ;_;
Have fun.
Impulsiveness is HIGH Risk taking is even higher Hypomania is a go
Gonna try not to die Gotta deal with the schizophrenic kid too
kidnapping is a crime
Gonna go pat some heads
Right now I've got an impulsive whisper in the back of my head telling me to go out and get a Switch. After all you've been planning to get a job and wounding your finances even more will only encourage you more, right? Right?
>>43791 Except Best Buy is being completely secretive on whether their stores have consoles in stock or not. And I really don't want to go on a store gauntlet today. That's probably the only thing keeping me at home though, hah hah.
One of these faces was me when I heard Mike Pence's email got hacked The other one was me when I heard it was an AOL email address. which is which, who can say?
I saw a headline that he used a private email during his time as governor. Didn't know it had gotten hacked though.
Some verified guy just followed me on Twitter Scott Kyle
>Scott Kyle is a Scottish actor best known for his roles of Ross in Outlander, Clancy in The Angels' Share and for the film Kilo Two Bravo... Apparently the Scots like you.
Oh, and it looks like they found someone connected to the JCC bomb threats >Juan Thompson >former Intercept reporter who was fired for falsifying sources >also accused of cyberstalking someone who ended a relationship with him lol this dude
>Juan Thompson is pictured in an undated Twitter profile photo. Thompson is accused of making at least eight threats against JCCs and Jewish centers. Officials told ABC News Thompson is not believed to be the main suspect behind the recent rash of bomb threats; he appears to have tried to take advantage of the news coverage in order to exact revenge on a Brooklyn woman who had ended a romantic relationship. The investigation continues to determine if he was responsible for more of the threats than those mentioned in court papers.
>>43832 That's what I was thinking. >What if this is also somehow fake and he was trying to pull something
That's from ABC, I guess more news keeps coming out
The git who came up with the ABC must have thought he was hot shit when he thought up the acronym. .You can just picture him, giggling to himself.
And if it was anti-semitic, then all of those swastika hoaxes and other shit black SJWs have pulled in the last year mean they themselves are anti-black and nazis
Well, there ARE anti-black black people. >>43847 True. Although adding to the atmosphere of it is problematic in itself. >>43852 They might. You can be anti-black AND anti-white. Very low prob though.
>>43850 Yeah but about 0% of them argue for white people to take a hike
There is absolutely no situation where any of this is a good thing. You either have: >white girl framing bf and mining sympathy or >black dude framing gf and being belligerent
If I get it I'd have to fly to new jersey and get certified but I'd be making roughly double what i make now, more or less depending on how much formatting goes into it i'm not sure yet
The more i'm looking at it, the more work it looks like it might be it'll probably take me twice as long per transcript and it's paid by page, instead of per minute, so I have no idea how that will equate in pay
>>43906 I guess complicity doesn't get taken into account.
>>>/@NYDailyNews/837362147978006528 Someone from inside the House of Representatives was editing the Garfield wiki page and arguing about Garfield's gender
Well what gender is Garfield?
>>43908 I imagine this was during a House gathering where important discussions are going on, and he's doing this from his phone
Even if true, you still lied. That's the game. You can't be black and fuck up. We don't need successful black liars, just more accountable non-black people .
>>43928 The problem of normalization. If bomb threats against Jewish people weren't the hot topic on the streets, he would have probably harassed her some other way. That doesn't absolve him of anything he did but it's definitely part of what led to his decision. Rather than just harassing her, he is harassing her AND Jewish people.
If Trump hadn't been elected and this happened, if would have been ignored
>>43932 What? No. >If you only didn't tell us that terrible things were happening, people wouldn't do terrible things. This. Is. Not. How. Life. Works. You can not fault the media for wanting to highlight bad things that people do because it makes people want to do them. That is advocating security through obscurity which isn't security at all.
>>43937 There's lots of criticism that you can give the media in HOW they report things, but that they reported it is not the problem. Usual criticisms of the media comes with how different races are portrayed, who is granted sympathy, the lack of reporting itself, etc. But if you're going to say "reporting of shootings is bad because it makes people want to copycat", that's not something I sit well with. The solution then becomes "Don't talk about it" and then no one knows that it's a problem.
>using watch to change playlist while holding phone... That made sense >>43936 "We totally don't hate the jew"
Oh shit dude I HAVE THE FIRST REPLY to that tweet too That should mean it'll be the most visible And that's fucking Brianna Wu, congress candidate to be
I talked a lot of shit about Eldigan, but he's pretty solid despite his shit speed.
Speed ain't shit against some stuff
I'm pretty convinced that resumes don't mean a fucking thing i sent my goofy ass retarded looking resume into a super serious legal company and they're just like "Sure let's get you in training" I doubt they even look at that shit
>>43957 Most companies do But they mostly make fun of them, in my experience
>>43960 if anyone's gonna make fun of me, it's gonna be me everyone else in the TC group i'm in all has like "Highly detail-oriented, experienced in clean verbatim and full verbatim, can type xx words per minute, familiar with Microsoft Office Suite" and so forth under a big section called STRENGTHS
im like nah i made a resume and im sending an email for a telecommuting job that's pretty given already
OK but I need to make an ideological hit piece on Star Wars for REASONS Can I take their human-centric view and extend that to humans with white-centrist views because we don't have aliens in reality, so it's the same thing just a different scale?
"star wars is sjw, they have black woman grand admirals now"
it's saying human not actually white supremacist they're human supremacists
>>43991 YEah well the whole empire is modeled after german imagery, with stormtroopers being a ww1 german invention anyhow. But that is on intention as they immediately shout "THEY ARE THE BAD GUYS"