Someone asked him about the bomb threats on the Jewish centers and he made a weird comment that sounds like he's of the opinion that it might be Jewish people themselves making them so that he looks bad.
I think that's pretty long for threatening someone with a gun, but I dunno >>41309 Yeah, fair, I'm just saying 22 is a bit on the high end as far as I go Though, on the other hand, the US justice system is built on a different foundation
Also how'd you manage to see it already? It was uploaded 20 minutes ago
Oh no I might have made a mistake I've bought a very firm bed And when I was At the mattress store I liked it a lot Now I Am lying in it And i don't like it I can only hope that it's because I'm not used to firm beds And that I will grow to like it
It made me run out of all of my stamina redoing the mission. It was one of the quests where you can't let anyone die on Insane mode. er lunatic 6-5, insane, no deaths
Now that she's 35, it's getting hard to level Tiki. She is slow because she's infantry, not ranged, not that tanky, and doesn't have the power to one shot units like Lucina can.
one day you'll be 35 and it'll be hard to level you
Tomorrow's a pretty low-stress work day for me should actually be a fun work day because it's some of my favorite material but i can't just make myself sleep
Mugs are always convenient to have though! Some times you want a hot drink. Or maybe you're hosting a guest who does. Or maybe you're like me and feel kind of compelled to collect small things like this just because they're appealing.
i like to warm up milk with a bit of honey in a mug
I have some coffee RIGHT NOW.
>>41351 I like milk, and I like milk in warm drinks, but I can't quite get warm milk by itself down too well. The scent and texture of it is a bit off-putting for me.
I'm remembering how I really wish I had a bookshelf near my desk. There's a growing amount of stuff I'd rather keep close at hand to my "do stuff" part of my room--books I'm in the middle of reading, stuff for reference like doujinshi or artbooks. The bookshelf and wardrobe I keep books in at the moment are on the other side of the room, and not really easily accessible.
Not that I really know where I'd put it.
>>41320 I'm awake I've defijitely made a horrible mistake FUCK FUUUUUCK
>>41358 Mattresses are really a thing that varies from person to person. Mine is kind of stiff, and while I sleep fine on it, I definitely wish it was just a little bit softer.
This bed is like sleeping on a sacrificial alter Altar It's hard as fuck There is no comfortable position My big brother was right again And now I gotta submit and accept that he is just a superior person than me
And I see Trump never clarified his antisemitic stormfront-tier statement. That's wonderful.
I've come to kind of like the coffee grit you get from pouring out the last of the coffee in the pot. It used to really bug me to feel it show up as I was finishing off a cup, but now it's kind of a nice end statement to the drink.
I'm starting to get the knack of drawing with a half-busted tablet. I kind of have to do all the input on the right-ish half of the input area, but it still works.
Do you think you would have taken it more seriously if they had said "launched" and used a more ambiguous term for the weaponized material like "objects of large mass"?
I think 100% of those for whom the wording is why they don't take it seriously are also people who wouldn't give half a fuck about anything Brianna Wu says otherwise
That in itself is kind of a problem though. Because I think the concern for a potential threat exists. Not that SpaceX is really someone to expect something like that from, but the physical threat is a thing.
The potential is there, but I just don't see it as a realistic scenario
The sheer amount of shit you'd need to set up and protect on the moon to pull it off as a weapon installation far outweighs the benefits of being able to lob tungsten onto the planet
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
also the military has never really even been like, "let's do this" because it's ridiculous they have always wanted space weapons that are like artificial satellites even reagan talked about those ones using the moon just isn't as realistic as that
>>41376There's oh there's really no point in putting weapons on the moon Orbital weapons do the same thing and you don't have to send it all the way to the moon.
Sk phone
It's also not something you can do in secret because it's the fucking moon The international response to even trying could kill your economy over a month or something
Sk phone
>>41397 The point of putting it on the moon is being able to produce the weapons there rather than expending fuel to ferry them into space all the time
Yeah, I replied to your post and forgot what I Was going to say before I started typing.
I was going to say something about three pizzas being understandable if it's a deal.
>>41399 Make them out of what? We don't even know what the moon is made of. Chances are it probably isn't a good weapon manufacturing platform. Why not just manufacture weapons in space? The asteroid belt is likely the best place to manufacture things, it has everything there.
Sk phone
I dunno, whatever is on the moon I guess It's not like you need to worry much about the weight when the whole point is for it to be heavy af
Cheese, duh. Can you imagine dropping a huge, whopping, molten ball of cheese onto any city on the planet. That sort of thing would devastate just about any location.
Give me enough time and I can probably work through three cheese pizzas. I really like cheese pizza. Just pop a few slices in the oven every other day or so and you'll get through it in time. S'not like it'll go bad that quickly.
>>41401 It doesn't matter what it is so long as it survives re-entry. It'll go super fast.
it's 4 am and i'm getting emails from my client what the fuck
>>41415 Why are you asking me? I slept for 12 hours.
>>41414 See? It's a problem. Fish can eat all that pizza and feel fine, but I'll feel sick if I eat too much of it.
>>41416 This brick bed may have something to do with it I think my boxspring thing may be broken too Cuz if I lie on one side of the bed, my body is noticeably diagonal and not parallel to the ground
I mean there is also something I heard a while back. When you sleep in a new setting for the first time, you don't really sleep as deeply as you would in a setting you've grown comfortable in. So you may have just been sleeping lightly, and once you'd slept two 1.5 hour cycles you drifted out of sleep and realized "holy fuck this bed is uncomfortable". But I don't fucking know man I'm not a sleep doctor.
This shit hurts I'm just lying still and it feels like I'm getting the shit beat out of me
You should still probably give it a week or so to see if you adapt better to it. A stiffer mattress is generally a bit better to sleep on than a more malleable one, but if it's seriously causing you lost sleep that's a more pressing issue. But it may just be you're not adapting immediately to the new sleep environment.
I want to stay home all day. I don't feel like doing anything. But if I skip, I'll miss out on an important chance to plant the seeds for an easygoing second year.
Spring Break. >>41443 This was reversed last year, when I had a job, and you had school.
It gets called reading week for university students up here. Because it used to happen before exam week, so it was supposed to be a time for students to spend reading up on all the shit they needed to get down for exams. But then they swapped it around and now it's when all the university students don't read because exams are done.
i think it's a bad idea to buy a console in their first year do you know anyone who was like "oh man i'm so glad i bought this ps4/xbone when it came out"
i mean i guess some people have money to throw at things if i were to buy a console it would be a large chunk of my disposable income for the YEAR it would have to pay off pretty quickly and most consoles don't have big enough libraries to justify that
Too bad Zelda isn't coming out in like a year or two.
bang von bang
maybe when zelda + two games comes out it will be worth owning a switch
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I mean, I do have a wii U If I really want zelda I can get it I just won't get the SWITCH EXPERIENCE
bang von bang
wii u has smash4 and bayonetta 2 and monster hunter 3u and a few others wii u library was decent in the first year but i still wouldn't have got one until MH3U
oh okay that makes sense They need a launch title like Zelda.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Yeah but I'm going to be less likely to get a switch if I want to play Zelda and it gets spoiled for me And if the >>41453 article is true, and the Switch is being sold as a completely unfinished product, that's probably going to hurt them a lot in the future as well
I don't really understand the frame they're selling here, that it's an unfinished product. Glitches and issues like the controller issue are prevalent in consoles; a lot of stuff like this can slip unnoticed through inhouse tests and only pop up when a mass number of people get their hands on and test the product. They act like this is some huge, glaring flag, but just about any console product can have major or minor issues on release.
If anything I think the bigger detail the article should have emphasized was the lack of response from Nintendo concerning the controllers, and any sort of issue people seem to have with the new console. A lack of communication is more damaging than an issue like this that might not even be a problem come release week.
Seems a bit odd to call it an unfinished product because of an issue with the controller when the first models of PS3 and Xbox had numerous issues and almost all of them died before their time.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
There are a lot of issues that they talk about. The controller is just the one Tilde mentioned from the article.
It's definitely the highlight of the article though. The other two major ones I picked up on were the lack of information on the Virtual Console and the paid service not being implemented immediately on release. Which, I dunno. I can't really say much on the VC part since I have never been inspired to use it. If the paid online service impacts multiplayer games that get released before its implemented, then I agree that it's damaging--but not a sign of an unfinished product.
>Nothing about this strategy, from the lack of details to the information about your IDs and accounts themselves, is easy to understand. We have no idea which purchases, if any, from previous Nintendo hardware will carry over to the Switch. It’s possible we won’t know until launch. Maybe Nintendo itself is scrambling to figure it all out. I think stuff like this should be pretty basic information about the console.
bang von bang
i read a few other articles it does seem quite a few people had the desync issue with the left controller but it also doesn't seem like something that is enough to dissuade people someone said they were able to reproduce it consistently but that it only happened 2-3 times during 20 hours of normal gameplay
I'm just going to assume nothing carries over. Nintendo is really stingy.
I kind of think Nintendo might also have an infrastructure problem when it comes to implementing digital gaming stuff. The previous Nintendo consoles that offered digital purchasing have had really basic purchasing and game registration infrastructure compared to the other console providers. If they hope to bring Nintendo into the modern era of digital gaming, they need to really touch up their infrastructure and create better ways of keeping track of who owns what on a digital level. And I think trying to merge that with what they already have isn't something they have a good answer for.
Of course I own all of one game digitally right now, so it doesn't really matter to me if digital purchases are completely reset with the incoming Switch, but I can definitely understand why something like that would be a total upset for the console. But with how their infrastructure is right now, it isn't exactly easy for them to just import accounts with owned games.
bang von bang
nintendo's biggest problem will probably be >>41484
theyhandle a lot of things like a japanese business full of old as fuck japanese businessmen would
>>41482 Not to mention these are still pre-release consoles. Sure they're the finished product, but it's safe to assume they're still running a pre-release software version. What's more important than them not working perfectly right now, is if there's an update pushed during release week that fixes the problem.
I would say that in the end it doesn't really matter because it's just not wise to consider the purchase of a console so early in it's lifespan the PS4 has a suprisingly low amount of critical system failures so far but the PS2, PS3, Xbox, and above all the Xbox 360 had a lot of bricked consoles in their first couple years each and while the 360 had a decent library in it's first year, the PS3 did not
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't know if "it's normal" is a proper argument i don't think it is although i guess other people will be okay with it the game industry seems to ship unfinished products en masse these days
if the product isn't thoroughly tested, it's not finished
bang von bang
i think it's because video games and consoles are actually ridiculously undertakings to make, and there's just too much profit to grab by dropping half-baked shit ridiculous* but the best way to combat it is to not be the idiots throwing money at the people making half-baked shit
bang von bang
i still feel a tinge of guilt about buying Astroneer and Slime Rancher who knows if those game will ever be finished and even if they are, maybe it will be years from now
bang von bang
and while the idea of consumers paying for products before they're finished is cool in theory it's more like the entire industry of developers and publishers is just banking on making good games but when the next production cycle comes around for their companies, are they going to have to ask for "money first, full game later" again just to be able to make it? is this a sustainable practice? if it is, is it good for the industry?
bang von bang
and at what point do we decide that the different but slightly // this is a tough question to word
profitability and high quality gaming experiences are not directly correlated but it's impossible to say they aren't related somehow the question that early access often brings to the table is if it creates a correlation that is not beneficial to the consumer, but instead only to the developer
It's a matter of trust, in the end. I think as it is right now, there's enough contentment with early-access and crowd-funding projects that turn out satisfactory for the "investors" that it's a project model that can endure for now. You look at games that have enjoyed success through letting people play the game as it developed, like Minecraft, and games like Starbound--which in its early iterations drew much flak and frustration, but has developed into something regarded as a quality game. Or something like Yooka-Laylee, which banked on you trusting an all-star cast of ex Rare employees to crowdfund the game.
>>41495 What I'm saying is, as it stands, the major notable successes have been enough for the concept of this project model to endure. It's a shame that there isn't really a way to "save" the people who buy into shovelware or other scam-like projects, but this hasn't been enough to tarnish the payment model on a large enough degree to turn the public off it.
bang von bang
But what of all the hordes of garbage games there's only a few examples of major notability but that's because there's just so many that are shoveled out, collect from a relatively small number of invested consumers, and then fade away
Another thing to note is that it is still a relatively new development model. Crowdfunding has only really been a considerable economic model for less than a decade. It's difficult to speculate on what long-term effects it might have on game development or even other industries that dip their toe in the water, because in reality we've only had a fairly short time to analyze it.
bang von bang
did you ever play Sword of the Stars: The Pit not the 4X game but the roguelike one
I didn't, but I watched someone on YouTube who did a handful of episodes on it.
That same TAKE ME TO CHURCH song is on the radio It was on the radio the day I started working here
That's the same song on the radio every single fucking day, several times a day For half a goddamn fucking unholy year And it was CANCER THE FIRST TIME BECAUSE IT'S SHIT
Hah hah, my brother was playing that a lot on the guitar a while back. You think you're sick of it, try hearing an acoustic version of it played on loop for half an hour, three or four times a week.
bang von bang
>>41499 i'm lucky enough that the panera i work at now plays instrumental jazz all the time
but it used to play a playlist of like 30 alt songs and it was drilled into my brain it was awful
I'm listening to Penn's Sunday School But 8 can hear the radio in my other ear
Whoever it is who decides what goes on the radio needs to be shot
The grocery store I worked at way back when had a pretty okay loop of songs they'd play. Not a lot of (for the time) modern songs, and a lot of older stuff I was vaguely or decently familiar with. Singing along was a great way to kill the idle minutes of working at a cashier.
bang von bang
the worst was when i was a night stocker, the nights when i forgot my headphones it was just christmas music playing
I unironically enjoy most Christmas music and will unabashedly sing along when its in-season.
bang von bang
i'll sing christmas songs the first few times but those three weeks in december that i didn't have any headphones were HELL and then when i went to my friend's house to get my headphones i FORGOT THEM and then i bought new ones because i didn't want to hear the christmas music anymoer
>women being responsible for nursing and such caretaking jobs prevents equality from being realised. "When caring for others is left to women, they can't advance on other areas of society equally. THis is how things are in the Nordics too" ... How is it "being repsonsible" or "left to women" when women actually seek out to educate themselves and employ themselves into nursing and such fields fuck I know many people who had graduated from a technical field and already been employed and then suddenly went to nursing school or something because they felt that was their real calling
So to realise equality in the world, we need to dictate what people do with their lives? Is that it. Fucking ideologs
>France24, the first source on the matter, reminds that back in 2011, from the same family five people were murdered in Nantes too >the father of that family has still an international warrant of arrest
holy shit that guy is just killing off his whole family?
Maybe first his own family then his brothers/sisters?
I suppose so, relatives at least wording is a bit weird
"They were carful people" commented neighbour "they didn't seem to want anything to do with anyone in the neighbourhood" >>41584 translating as I read so...
So Le Penn is suspected of misusing EU money, while Filllon is under investigation of misusing public funds Those are the two leading President candidates in France...
>>41587 shitty candidates all around, they're following our lead
Sk phone
I was looking through the wrong twitter account for the Trump thing
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU The White House disputed Shapiro’s description of Trump’s comments.
“This is not what he said or meant,” a White House spokesperson told the Daily News in an email. “He means (he) was referring to protesters.”
Sk phone
>>41592 What fucking protesters, and what the fuck is "that's not what he said" supposed to mean?
Sk phone
Actually this is why every single Trump quote should be accompanied with video footage Every single one
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
presumably it means "oh shit trump said something bad we have to make something up"
Atleast so far he has either tweeted or commented to some outlet he deems worthy enough, when shit like this has happened. the failure to do so now is indicating towards "no need to correct myself"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU this webcomic has a cute bird
>>41576 Reminds me of an Albertan murder that the trial of wrapped up recently. An elderly couple and their grandson disappeared from their house over a single night. When the grandson's mother came to pick him up in the morning, she found the house empty, but there were bloodstains and pools of blood all over the house. I can't imagine the kind of sheer panic and terror something like that would cause on the poor woman.
Yeah, I just mean it generally Only Trump is able to fully express his thoughts in a twitter format I think, cause he's legitimately not able to think in stretches long enough to go over the 140 limit
Starting to see articles like this but that's obviously not antisemitic
Sk phone
It's especially annoying now how much the media has thrown a fit about every single thing the man says
This is the story of the media who cried Nazi When he finally says something actually fucking abhorrent, everyone is so burned out, nothing will come of it
like these don't feel antisemitic, they're just personal attacks
>>41641 right? it was even longer a few months ago, he looked homeless
Sk phone
>>41642 This is Trump saying he should be proud of his jew ancestry That's the outright reverse of anti semitism
I like Stewart when he looks like he's fresh out of the woods. He always seems to have a touch of that when he does his guest appearances on Colbert's show.
>>41642 I mean if I was to do a talk show like Stewart has, I would definitely change or get a stage last name. I don't want to give people a headache working through my Polish family name.
>>41642 yeah those are more personal shamings for hiding your origins
Sk phone
I think changing your name for career reasons is kinda iffy but that's just me I'd never do it
Political, maybe
He apparently changed his name because he has problems with his dad
Sk phone
>>41649 I can understand, even if I don't agree though
>>41648 Is your family name kind of weird or relatively normal for your cultural region.
>>41652 See you don't know the pain and suffering of having a weird as fuck family name that seems to give half the people you meet palpitations just trying to pronounce. Imaging having a name not everyone knows the pronunciation to in an entertainment environment.
If it was my mom's name I'd probably consider it, but still not
Mine always has people saying "are you made of gold haha?" ever since grade school 18+ years later and people still think it's original
Mine's a nuisance enough that if I ever publish a novel I hope I can get a penname.
>>41656 I was always anxious about my name being called over the PA when I was in elementary school. The name isn't pronounced the way it's spelled if you approach it from an English frame of reference so a lot of the time whoever was calling me butchered the pronunciation.
And last January when I forgot my passport in the seat processing machine in the Japanese airport and they got on the PA to call it to my attention. I have plenty of respect for my dad and his family name, but man. There's only so much "oh fuck they're trying to say my name again" you can take before it becomes burdensome.
>>41657 Haha so Felicity's name thing is based in reality, huh?
I definitely leaned on my experiences when looking for something that can be substituted like that. Her original surname isn't as bad as mine though. I couldn't really find any other ~ska surnames that could reasonably convert into "Davis".
I curiously lack any inherited names Though it is a family tradition to pass on names or atleast second names, but didn't happen to me then again I am second son >>41670 Wow
>>41670 But you could have had the nickname "Golden Shower".
I'm not named for anyone. My parents actually had a different name picked out for me, but some distanced family members had a kid some months before I was born and they decided on a different one. Also neither me or any of my siblings have middle names. I'm not even sure if either of my parents have middle names.
Someone asked me was "my summer car" a good representation of finland yes yes it is
Summer car?
is game
I'm pretty sure I heard my brother doing the riff from Roundabout on guitar last night. The one that always played when they were leading into the ED on JoJo. I'm also pretty sure the reason it's in his head is because my sister was watching through all of the JoJo anime over the past couple months. And she was always watching it on the television in the living room.
Oh the one with the beaten up car you make at the start and then have to maintain with clever trading throughout your journey through... I think Germany?
Also I've been listening to Penn's Sunday School, and he said something about that whole pulling people in during handshakes Before it was the big buzz with Trump, I think
According to what he said, it's a southern thing
Trump's a New Yorker technically though, so I'm not saying that's where he got it, but it's apparently also just a thing in the south?
.... Yaknow how it was february 28th yesterday? I sign stuff at work with today's date and my name, many times a day Guess what I've done the whole day as a result of my wristwatch being incorrectly set up
I have a semi expensive watch and even this thing has just a I think 61 slot date thing
I have a cheap fifteen dollar wristwatch and all it does is tell the hour and minute time.
Smartwatch some day.
Also I think I need to turn my room light off when I'm using this cardio bike. Turns out having your head about half a metre from two incandescent lights makes you sweat like a motherfucker.
Everything is subjective, but the games within the show are all terrible as games, the story is written around the idea of the games somehow being good and difficult, the characters are all either inept, decent-at-games, or a LITERAL GOD AT GAMES, and all the arcs are much like the story based on the games' rules which aren't even fucking consistent
I can probably find a few people who think I improve lord of the rings by making Bilbo Baggins a dragon, but it still bumfucks the whole story and NOTHING makes any goddamn sense anymore How is he Frodo's uncle when he's a dragon? How is Smaug the last dragon when Bilbo is a dragon? Why is Bilbo afraid of Smaug when Bilbo is a dragon?
Similarly, why are there people not dumping every stat point into AGI in any of the SAO games? That's literally the entire extent of Kirito's build in all games, and it is always the single most unbelievably OP build in all of those games It's not thought out, it's not a complicated build It's "Dump EVERYTHING in speed, and you win 100% of the time"
How come veterans in Gungame Online or whatever don't hang around that thing at the start to grab the prize by dodging, since obviously anyone good enough to play at high levels can dodge that shit and it gave him a TON of cash because the author had no fucking idea how to make Kirito competitive without just GIVING HIM EVERYTHING AT THE STARTING LINE
Why is Kirito the only motherfucker who tries ANYTHING other than what the game explicitly tells you to?
It's an entire franchise of novels written about games, none of which have more than about 10 people playing them who actually LIKE PLAYING VIDEO GAMES
>>41732 smaug is not actually the last dragon, just the last great drake
>>41749 So it's like a list of retweets you gotta manually access as a follower?
It's probably a function meant to separate "I like this thing" from "I would also say this thing if this person had not said it first". But, intended functions don't always align with how the function ends up being used.
>But, intended functions don't always align with how the function ends up being used. reddit, the sentence
Life, the sentence
As opposed to Life, the cereal. Or Life, the game.
I can see ithaving good use since I don't want to retweet every thing I happen across heaven forbid someone likes me enough, they'll go through my likes.
I mostly either retweet, reply or move on
or hates you enough
I've liked a few illustrations or whatnot that my friends have linked or posted. But even then I'm still excessively hesitant to put a mark on anything. It kind of originates from the same weird fear I have of leaving any sort of deliberate footprint on the Internet. Same reason I don't subscribe to anything on YouTube.
it's eased up lately, but I do worry a lot about how people see me, and it extends to the internet If I like a youtube video, it ends up in the list of likes If I like a tweet, same thing
yeah but on jewtube only google knows that unless you put it visible
It doesn't matter if no one sees it or not. It matters that I'm consciously aware of it. On the flipside, I am probably less worried than the average person about the non-deliberate footprint I have on the Internet. I couldn't care less if Google knows my fetishes or my purchasing histories. But the moment I have to manually approve of something that would be recorded online I get anxious and put it off or dismiss it.
There's a Canadian Crowdfinance Summit trending on Twitter for me as #CCS2017. And when I first saw the hashtag without any context I thought "wait, what about the new Cardcaptors Sakura is so major that it's trending on this scale?"
>>41765 But shot and wounded also doesn't always count as a criminal action. So it's misleading to use that statistic as a demonstration of rampant or serious crime.
>sargon opens video with "this is shabab al keemstar (or something like that), and let's get right on with KILLING THE JEWS" Sargon confirmed nazi
>>41770 At on average, ten-plus reports a day, it does feel really excessive, doesn't it. Never mind all the stuff that never gets reported . America be crazy.
It was actually muyam al simstar, not keemstar
Maybe he did say keemstar but as a joke because the name is similar
WEll yeah, and car thieves and lots and lots of organised crime from russia and eastern europe with the occasional finnish crime gangs doing shit, like biker gangs and whatnots but 81 murders last year that is low
Republicans in blue states should support efforts to increase the minimum wage in their own state, in order to make it less of an interest for them to care what the federal minimum wage is
You agree to up it to like $9 an hour, you avoid the feds coming in and telling you it's $15 an hour now It still blows because you have to increase it a little, but you end up increasing it less AND safeguarding other states
>>41776 81 manslaughers, kills and murders to be precise
also what even is moonlight? I have heard of lalalaland but not of moonlight
I've only heard of la la land because bill maher made a joke about it I dunno what moonlight is either, though I saw the cover art, I think, it looked like some Lion King shit with black people
Maybe I'll watch it
tells the story of a black gay man no wonder it own
>there is ar apper called princess nokia excuse me, doyou have the right to use Nokia™? Or could you go around calling yourself King Microsoft or Prince Apple?
Prince Apple would be a breeze. Apple's already tried to fight people using Apple as an identifier. And they got shut down. Hard.
Well yeah apple is not really registrable sine apple is a thing a fruit
>>41797 But nokia is Nokia tires and Nokia phones, two companies (formerly one ages past) and thus global brands And Nokia the it company so there is >nokia tires >nokia phones and >nokia it company >>41800 And Nokia the city Nokia tires was founded in the city of Nokia
Yeah I'm a little less clear on that. Does Nokia mean anything in particular or is it just gibberish?
If it's a city, then the rapper might actually have the leeway they need.
Noki is btw soot and most likely the root of the word nokia >>41801 Fuck if she knows that
Doubt I remember once americans and europeans being polled about Nokia and most thought it was asian
Kobayashi's seiyuu rolls Rs so well. She makes Tohru's name sound so good when said in a menacing tone.
I'm totally jealous since I can't figure out for the life of me how to roll Rs.
>>41805 you place your tongue at the L spot keep just the tip of your tongue pressed there and apply just enough force to keep it there and then blow out of your mouth
>>41794 Bring out your inner Jew with these deals on air fare
and then add vocal sounds
I feel there's a fundamental difference between how I learned to shape R in my mouth. And how it goes for other languages. The steps for Ls and Rs are different mouth formations for me.
Well i just gave you the basic like say llllllllllllllisten
>>41810 there are different ways to do R apparently and apparently i don't do either of them right my R's sound perfectly normal but i do something completely different than what's considered the two ways to do R
>>41808 picture of kung-fu Judo not want to miss these deals
>There's no bombs allowed on our plans, Jew're safe here
>>41811 At best all I can produce is a sluggish buzzing sound. When you say L spot, do you mean you put the tip of your tongue on your upper front teeth? Bottom front? The bit of gum right behind your upper front teeth?
i never noticed it but i do both the top and bottom for the L if it's a lingering L i have the tip of my tongue on my lower gum line, and the middle of my tongue at the top if it's a quick L i just roll it quickly in front of my upper teeth
Yeah, I know that spot. I still can't figure out how to roll though. It just comes out as a continuous tone.
easiest is to hurrr basically making a u with your lips and blowing out
>>41820 I kind push my tongue into the behind of my front teeth. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever lingered my L sounds. I lean more on the vowels in words like that.
Someone at KyoAni must really not like Elma. Introductory episode and it felt kind of QUALITY. They also clipped one or two of her early skits that I liked. How disappointing.
>>41851 Because there's a small market for it. And in terms of the overall costs of the localization and releasing, dubbing is relatively inexpensive. More so it's much easier to get a product aired on television that has English audio than just English subtitling. Also there are people that struggle with reading like Blind for example. Dubbing stuff has a lot of small benefits here and there for niche groups of people.
>>41853 the big benefit is being able to appreciate the art and animation more which depends on the show i'd always rather watch miyazaki dubbed for that reason
I mean I get where you're coming from, but that neglects that Ghibli films generally get exceptionally well-done dubbing because of how they're localized through Disney. So it's not even a struggle to put aside bad audio and appreciate the animation; the entire film can be enjoyed as a quality piece of work.
I practically never watch dubs there are some exceptions like old disney, because nostalgia
>>41860 im prone to watching ghibli things multiple times anyway watch the cat returns in english and in japanese sometime they do weird little things like add in small sound effects at points that weren't in the japanese that make the experience a lot more fun
only ghibli i've seen in english was mononoke hime that wasn't that bad, but when I later watched it in japanese, I noticed they changed some stuff in it. and also, how bad the lip syncing at times was.
That was the first Ghibli movie I saw. A childhood friend of mine had it on VHS. So long ago it was before I even had a conscious cultural separation between anime and western cartoons. They were all the same basket for me.
>>41862 I think the first time I watched The Cat Returns, I did so in English. For a while when I was in the anime club in high school, my dad was able to borrow out a large theatre room in his office. And like once a month we'd get everyone together to watch a couple movies. A Ghibli one was always a staple.
I've only seen Howl's Moving Castle in English Prefer Jap
muh first ghibli was totoro
Still haven't finished Totoro
totoro and porco rosso aired on tv occasionally here when I was kid I must have been like 4 or so when I first saw it, but of course I couldn't read back then
>>41864 when she accidentally sits on Muta, there's no sound effect in the japanese in the english, they add this rubbery squishy sound effect and it is a really small detail but it makes the scene so much better the only downside with the english for it is that they had to improvise the muta -> buta pun which was really not a smooth localization but they tried
still one of my favorite movies ever and with a 70 minute run time i could watch it dozens of times and not really get too worn out by it it's paced so quickly but well
Nigga how is grenade attacks in sweden up 170%? How did they let this happen?
Not the increase, fuck that How is there a baseline from which you can increase by 170%? That means there's more than 1 To begin with
Like there are GRENADE ATTACKS in Sweden at a frequent enough rate that you can increase it by 170% What's the lowest number you can increase by 170% and end up with a natural number?
>>41869 I really enjoyed watching The Cat Returns as a fresh experience. It's not quite something I'd place as a favourite movie, but there's a number of scenes from it that are lovely to watch again. The nighttime Cat Parade and the scene where she goes down the rabbit hole into the cat kingdom are great.
>>41871 But that is just gang violence, ordinary swedish crime culture it happens in every country
>>41872 it's the first movie ive seen as an adult that made me giggle and laugh like a stupid kid watching saturday morning cartoons i just couldn't stop i was almost in tears the whole way through, just all the small details
Moon, pls help with that cause you can maths better than me
Lowest number possible to increase 1.7x and end up with a whole number I don't know how to figure this out
>>41875 yo nigga multiply by 10 is it a prime? and you're done
The Cat Returns also in turn linked me to Whisper of the Heart, which again, while not being a particularly favourite movie of mine, has one of my favourite opening scens -scenes of any movie. I still open up that movie to watch the opening scene with Country Roads playing.
>>41876 Uh? I don't understand what you're saying here
>>41878 oh i thought you were asking the lowest multiple of 1.7 that's a whole number but it's still going to be the same either way, just reverse the order of operations 17 is the lowest whole number obviously so 10 would be the lowest number possible to multiply by 1.7 to get a whole number output
27 grenade attacks or 10 genade attacks that is infinitely more than in the 90s or early 00s since it used to be fucking 0!
>>41884 yeah, since you're looking for a whole number, you can truncate anything in front of the decimal and just find the first occasion where the first decimal place holder hits 0 or actually all decimal place holders but you only have one
It is infinitely more grenade attacks than our capital has ever had and we've been in both ww1 and ww2
There doesn't seem to be any clips of the opening scene of Whisper of the Heart on YouTube. I guess it is one of Ghibli's lesser-known movies this side of the pond though.
>>41889 They generally let small scenes slip by here and there. I'm betting more that it got copyright claimed by whoever owns the song Country Roads, since that plays the whole way through the scene.
>>41888 is owned by disney in a awy so what do you think?
trump turns countries into riotholes
yo blue if you're around hit me up i got the ones you like
>>41895 trump's blaming the SEAL's death on the military the military is blaming it on him wwwww
Oculus announces $100 price drops for the Rift and for the Touch controllers.
>>41898 i didn't read the post before and I thought the military and trump were arguing whose fault it was that Seal died and i was thinking wtf Seal died and i didn't see "the seal"
>>41904 I wish. Today is a trip. I'm helping grandma with stuff on and off. >>41907 I am.
But why is mail from the Caribbean so terrible? My grandma is supposed to get something from the mail and it still hasn't come in and the tracking doesn't work. I wouldn't care if it wasn't as important as a deed document, but it's a deed document.
I'm suffering from great ideas that I have no idea how to produce. Creativity is suffering.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>41913 quick spill em your brain will think you've accomplished them
what medium?
>>41908 now as someone who has worked in the postal office, mail can be shit real shit I remember one time opening a card that was ment to go into fucking MONTENEGRO how do you mistake montenegro and fucking espoo?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>41908 Wow, that's not good. How long has the wait been?
>>41914 Vidya geem. An adventure of collecting chosen musical performers to produce a concert to seal away a great evil. It kind of started off a feeling of a tune where it begins as a simple track played by a single instrument that gets joined by others as the theme grows in complexity. The idea is that the music would also reflect the development of the story, doubling back on itself at points where old settings would be revisited, rising in crescendo as the story hits climaxes, stuff like that. I've always remembered the role of a mute protagonist kind of endearing, so I imagined one that plays a flute, blowing music at enemies, and responding in social scenarios with trills of the flute. That sort of lead into the other band members being able to produce different music effects as they join the party, or maybe teaching the protagonist different applications of music. But the series hits its -Bu t the game hits its highest climax when in a premature encounter with the last boss, the protagonist gets slain, and the rest of the band has to put themselves back together, missing a strong unifying factor--the heart of the band. This would be represented in the underlying theme with the vanishing of the flute from any instrumentals. Really I just want to play around with music composition but I've got no real experience in it. But ideas like this always come to me and I feel at a loss of what to do with them.
>Why didn't you just have them scan and send you a copy, ma? >I don't know how to setup the fax But you're going to call me to help you save documents from the mail. ma.pls
>>41916 Monday last week. Taking a while is one thing but the tracking number doesn't even work. It just says "Not Found" which is exactly the opposite thing you want to hear when it comes down to finding something
those ending up in wrong hands or stolen can be bad
More log horizon
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>41917 dynamic battle music is great sounds like a cool idea i wish mother 3's music battle system were more elaborate
>>41923 It's not just battle music, it's also something like Journey. And how deeply the music of that game was tied with the environment and plot progression of the game. The kind of things the developers for that game did with the music and event-triggered sounds were nothing less than awe-inspiring to me. It was sheer brilliance.
okay so i'm an autist who makes fictional worlds and shit in his head and I had a bunch on a website called Myth Weavers that lets you fill in a bunch of formats for tabletop gaming stuff and save it all online and they had a horrible error recently and lost a bunch of user files and a lot of my stuff is gone to the wind forever AL my shit it was heart breaking
>>41927 There have so many things happening with data that this just sounds natural
>>41931 It's okay really because I focus more on autistically making characters in my head, rather than worlds and I think more about the character's character, and less about their stats so i still have the souls of them in my head still sucks though
What I'm really upset about losing is some of the quests and stories and adventures I've lost Those are much harder to remember everything about
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
How many years of material?
>>41935 not even 1 tbh maybe a couple months worth of thinking stretched out over several years
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that really sucks I know I'd be pretty upset if my materials for my cthulhu game disappeared
It kinda discouraged me from making up any more autistic shit
however, on the up side, I am free from the burden of having stuff in the first place because when you have stuff you have stuff to lose all things are fleeting
When you lose stuff you have worked on, it always will upset you has happened to mee too
Can you reclass in LH? Or are they all stuck as the class they were?
Dnno, but I doubt you can atleast post apocalypse
But you can change the subclass like chef and scribe etc
Can't remember but reason dictates you can't. Otherwise think of all the people that would subclass reclass to chef so they could eat food that doesn't taste like dustball.
I don't think you could reclass Since some people had alt characters to get around that
cause minori changed from leather worker to the apprentice
Oh huh yeah, I guess that's true. Guess it's just one of those situations where it's just really a pain in the arse to grind up a new skill. Unless you're fanatically crushing on someone and devoid of sane thoughts likes Minori is.
but you know people who are lvl 90 anysubclass why would they change or 40 or 50 they no longer have the convenience of it being a game and things being faster to level up so
Yeah but shiroe is a good character with stuff going on besides harakuro and shit minori is >wanna be shiro >maybe has proper feeling for him the end >>41951 true dat, but his /her bro is a decent character on theo ther hand
He's also a college-aged grown man and Minori is like, a middle school student.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Yeah, Shiroe was in like graduate school or something
>scrub horizon 9/10
That name's been floating around for them since the first season was airing. I sure as hell didn't make it up.
Yeah and in S2 it really hits you when their road trip begins...
I kind of liked the Scrub Horizon segments. It was a refreshing palate change from the mature members who knew all the ins and outs of the game and instead focused more on the politicking.
Do the characters actually remember the beach? When they die
>>41958 I did too. In fact I think it's Mamare-sensei's strongest skill. his ability to write engaging and exciting politics and the like. But the Scrub Horizon parts still acted as nice rest points. Even really interesting written material benefits from a change of pace and subject matter.
It has water sploshing against it and it's got sand it's a beach
yeah to form sentences, especially write, takes both halves
also >his brain is asleep >clone
i mean more regional areas, not hemispheres i'm working and functioning fine but i feel like im dreaming
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
is it just a feeling of things not being real
it all feels pretty real but it's like i'm having layers of vision in front of my field of vision, or overlaying it i guess like dreaming but it's not interfering with my vision, but having visual dreams
>>41982 i mean like having a visual dream, very vivid, but separate from hallucinations in that it's not a visual hallucination in my field of vision or anything like that fuck
it's not a big deal i was just curious and wanted to tab out to moe because transcription can be a little hypnotic at times
>>41995 early 20's corroborate pretty closely with the onset of my cognitive decline it also corroborated with a lot of traumatic life events so i always just figured it was grief but my dad had a period of schizophrenia after the military at a young age too i really ought to get checked out i feel fine but you can't exactly do statistical analysis on one point of data
When we hung out, you didn't trigger any schizophrenia flags with me, but I guess it can cycle in some people.
This guy's profile shows that he's having some problems doing his work, but he told me in the interview that he doesn't have any problems or concerns about anything. He's like, super duper fucking paranoid, though. I'm surprised he even agreed to meet with me. But there's no indication of him faking psychopathology. In fact, he was pretending to be less crazy than he is And he tried excessively to make himself look like a good person
It can depend on the type of crazy, but it's kind of consistent with paranoia.
It means he denied extremely common social faults, like, claiming he's never thought about stealing anything Or he's never done anything to get in trouble
>>41998 I'm quite certain I dont have schizophrenia, but I think that may have just been the manifestation it took for my dad I've got probably some kind of thought disorder