Thread #42354
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Are you here yet, Ika? the list spirit pact hand shakers konosuba maid dragon trickster
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spirit pact at this rate tilde and bang are going to finish their game before you're ready. hello we're orange let's start
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I guess protagonist-kun really powered up.
the power of gay
what time are you
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wow that gay transformation that was like sailor moon
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wow it's like he's a magical girl.
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>>42378 Seems Seems like you're at the same time as me since we reacted to the transformation at the same time.
bang von bang 2017/03/02 (木) 08:09 No. 42393
hey /moe/ i'll be home in like 20 minutes but i might not be ready for anime for like 40 minutes if you can fit two shows before konosuba and meido i'll be here
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Be home in 20, be ready for anime in 30.
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hand shakers? okay let's start!
Shake Handers Also there's an episode of Trickster?
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>>42402 There is, but I don't know that we'll get to it tonight.
That's fine. Just making sure you two knew it was a thing. Things slip by you awfully easily.
Fat Sugita
I guess she's obsessed with the famous lines od dead people.
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She's a history nerd.
Fat Sugita has a lightsaber.
shes pretty aidoru
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Her voice sounds really familiar but I can't quite place it.
The script for this episode has been kind of different. They're hiding things and jumping the chronology around a bit.
she has rose's voice from zestiria
She's a really hopeless brocon.
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Yeah, her pajamas don't appear to be selected with comfort in mind.
That last scene was kind of weird.
a bit
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boobs isn't the only brocon. okay, where's bang?
Not yet present it seems.
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He said he would be ready by now. We'll give him a few minutes.
why dont we trickster
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Because I don't have time for 3 shows. If we start trickster, we will be 5 minutes in and bang shows up and will have to finish trickster. Then it will be too late by the time we finish the next show and you guys will have to watch the last show without me.
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Bang is now 10 minutes later than he said he would be so we may end up having to make that choice anyway.
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well worse case we can save one of the good shows for tomorrow maiddragon or konosuba or both even but i think its better tow atch one
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Bang doing anime two nights in a row hasn't happened in awhile, so I think choosing to watch tomorrow is the same as choosing to watch without bang.
hi moe
thank you rika i appreciate you i mean that
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Yes, you better be grateful. Konosuba>>42437 see you in 40 minutes okay let's start
i just have to grab my headphones now
okay ready
his VA is so good
I bet that bit right at the start was Kazama's seiyuu trying to imitate Attenborough.
someone remind me to check the oven when this show is at 15 minutes
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Was he going to throw Darkness off a cliff?
wow>>42445 maybe
Wiz is a far more convenient mage than ME GU MI N.
darkness is NOT okay
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A strength boosting spell sounds really useful, why doesn't she use that under normal conditions?
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I don't think a horse drawn carriage can drift.
>>42454 NO FAITH
>>42452 i don't think they've needed it yet
megumin is so much better without the hat
It looks better on her LN model.
i think maybe it's because the choker is more prominent that i like when she doesn't have the hat
OL Darkness is nice too.
oh shit ZAMBOS
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They caused the trouble again.
they look so competent right now
It's probably Aqua or Wiz's fault this time oto.
Too, even.
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>>42466 Aqua attracts the undead. Wiz is just a victim this time.
She is a high-class Lich though.
Poor Yunyun.
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Now it's Megumi's turn to cause a problem.
poor yunyun...
it could be kazuma's
or they made it to the city that looks dope as fuck
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I guess they made it to the second town. finally
Remember it's a round trip! They're likely to be back at the starter town eventually.
im worried for kazuma's behavior in the hot springs
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oh The Axis cult is finally going to appear.
uh oh
Oh wow how terrifying.
Nothing's worse than crazy religious people.
>>42482 what about a goddess of them to boot
Poor Dullahan-san.
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This town is probably a terrible place for Wiz to be.
Casual Darkness is nice too- Oh this is going to be troublesome.
Well that was effective at least.
this is awful why is darkness so lewd
An entire town of people like this. What a nightmare.
It keeps happening.
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Imagine if everyone was Aqua.
I think that would be a more pleasant situation than the one currently presented.
Wait for it.
holy shit
And that's it.
Being Yunyun is suffering.
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okay maid dragon
Reaaaady>>42510 Did you really.
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i wish i could just find yunyun and tell her she'll never defeat her rival>>42510 LOL
wait i deletd the rrong ideo video
How are you so utterly incompetent at this.
>comments under konosuba >"and this is why i think i'll remain an athiest"
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see it's really not hard at all to believe that ika accidentally deleted bang
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maid dragon okay lets start
the way she rolled her r when she said tohru's name sounded like a high school delinquent
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I can't roll rs at all.
>>42520 >>42523 wtf how are you people even human
Neither can I. The topic came up with Moon and TN this morning and despite TN trying to explain how he does it, I just can't manage it.>>42522 I can't speak for Rika but I don't really use consonants in my dialogue that well. When I need to elongate sounds I always put the emphasis on vowel sounds. There's just something fundamentally different with how I use my mouth ot make sounds.
i can mimic accents decently well enough too actually my spanish accent when i speak spanish is on-fucking-point i can do mexican and also a faux-gay-spainaird too
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This is just like my cooking shows.
do you watch those?
i thought sugoi would be the only one
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Yeah, I watch them.
It's kind of funny how nonplussed Kobayashi is.
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I don't like this new one's horn. It's very distracting.
that was VERY rude tohru
I liked it.
she's easy
Poor Shouta-kun.
lucoa is a monster who needs to be stopped
Elma is super cute when she's in OL mode.
>monthly salary i wish i made enough money to have that kind of job
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Oh, she's cute without her horn.
Being Shouta-kun is suffering.
In the manga Elma brings up that the only reason she took the job is because she was looking for a normal job that pays decently. There's also a short skit of how she handled PC work before she even knew what a PC was. It's kind of a shame that they didn't adapt those.
byoukai dyesu
>Are you an idiot? >Yes BAKADORAGON
Though Elma doesn't quite seem to have the knack of dressing normally yet. It's also cute that she's calling Kobayashi sempai even out of the work environment.
think she was wearing her coat like that because she also wears her raiment like that when she's got her other clothes on
Well yeah, but it's less sloppy when she's dressed up for the office.
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yandere dragon
Poor Shouta.
i guess i'm not really like any of the dragons
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thanks for the anime! thanks for waiting on me guys
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thanks for anime