
Thread #39601

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>Witches cast 'mass spell' against Donald Trump
this will obviously work
but seriously
"news" and from bbc
tax money at work
articles like this have been being published for 40 years at least
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I know, but it usually is "entertainment" etc
well this article isnt about witches casting spells
it's real news about mass discontent
also a deepening conflict between christians and everyone else
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I for one want to follow the priests vs witches war
gonna be good
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Also, apparently wiccans are still a thing
Yeah I met one earlier this year
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I once met one real wacko case
he yeah, he first insulted me when he saw my cross for being christian
and then hour or so later he began to preacha bout some new age wiccan stuff he was part of
I didn't go call on his bullshit, but I had to go somewhere else to have a laugh
Last year I guess
The wiccan I met was pretty chill
She didn't really talk about it until I asked about her necklace
And then my fbi guy got her to talk shit about the fbi, it was pretty funny
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Yeah most are like that
the above guy was just a basketcase.
Sk phone
My stepsister was into wiccanism
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>people who cut in line after already getting their first serving of ice cream

Ok listen
Cutting in line is one thing, asshole enough on its own, but when you already got your first serving and you cut ahead of the people who have been waiting and still haven't gotten anything, you're a grade SSS asshole

That's the kinda shit making it hard to class you as a human being
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Like there should be a bare minimum you can expect from your fellow man as far as basic courtesy goes

Have some fucking shame
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I'm in such a pissy mood today
Everything is ticking me the fuck off
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time to go postal
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No can do
I'd get in trouble
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Go on a rampage
and remember to blame the left and trump inspired you
and shout somekind of christian "allah akbar"
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The state is too big to fight
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Maybe i should use my rage to make the right stronger
Like I'll shoot up a youth group of a right wing party

During the court case I'll just repeat "they're fucking nazis, I regret nothing"

Watch as the actual nazis become more normalized
SK is the hero the nazis need, but not the one they deserve
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The savior of nazism
A martyr
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Breivik of the left
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Holy shit Trudeau was right. If you kill your enemies they DO win
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"I just did this to see the apologetics in the press to be perfectly honest"
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You'll be able to tell if I do something like this because I'll drop off moe for a long time and something big will have happened to the right wing parties in Norway

Keep an eye out, yanever know
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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>why did you do it
>yo dawg i did this to rep my homie filthy frank and his new album pink season i need the memes yo!
give me a shoutout when you do it
Sk phone
They like normie memes, what other choice do you suggest I had, your honor?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>why did you do it
>i wanted to become a villain number one
>i am number one
You like normie memes!
>you guys are pretty cool, don't got to Oslo tomorrow
Sk phone
You're fucking... Å normie!

Sk phone
I'll scrawl SK in blood next to the bodies
Won't be able to miss it
thnx fam I'll build an online shrine to remember your sacrifice
tfw can't be sure if you're all joking
Sk phone
I'll convince my lawyer my entire defense must be laid out using memes
>when the right is getting too authoritarian
>button meme with the word "antifa" on the button
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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please rook you know me well enough to know that i would never joke
why must you dishonor my samurai name
Sk phone
Of course it's a joke
I'd never actually scrawl SK in blood next to a buncha corpses
It'd be lower case
They'll just think it means shota-kun
Spaghetti never
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"what does sk mean"
"syco killer"
Sk phone
"serial killer"
>but this was a spree, not serial
"that's what you think Ayy lmao"
Sk phone
That's acceptable
I feel like shotacon is a step above killer
Might soften the blow
Ssssssssssssneaky killer
sneak king
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snake killer
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I DON'T like it
/moe/ how do I become a villain number one?
I wanna be the evilest fucker on the planet. Winning by default is fine.
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you cuck and kill everyone's waifu
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
kill everyone in the world except for 1 million people
Woah buddy you can have my position, you've earned it

Leaving jews alive would be pretty evil
that 1 million might worship you as god and hero then
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
make sure they don't by making it seem like you're trying to kill them too
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But that is just murder and hate from 1 million
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that 1 million will view you as the biggest villain in history
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I DO like it mostly
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm bang
did you know???
? ? ?
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
did you nioh yet rook
I just played around with the kusarigama in the first mission until I got used to it and then finished the mission
I think I did a sub mission too but other than that not much
I'll play a lot more this weekend
the kusarigama is a lot of fun, once I get more skills for it I'll probably only use the 1kat for emergency ki dispersals if I'm in trouble against a revenant
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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i love its grab move
we should co-op someday
i'm level 100 though haha
maybe I'll catch up
or make a new character
or we could ng+ together
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i might make a new axe character after i beat the game
heavy armor axe looks really hard to play
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
(because it's bad)
axe was the only weapon I didn't like at all in the beta and demo
Axe is for ballers only.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i think it's ok if you build for it but it's kind of boring
it's too slow for my tastes
the spear is my favorite weapon hands down
Katana is easily my pick
katana is really good, can't go wrong with it
2kat is also really good but you have to really abuse flux to get the most out of it
I haven't put enough time into spear or kusarigama to really know how much I like them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
katana is pretty fun too
but spear is FUN as hell
monkey flipping around
all them kicks and spins2wins
Spear is second fav
Flash attack into spear combo is great
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm working on getting my 2kat to 500k combined damage for mystic arts right now
I need to do that still
Tomorrow probably
Heavy axdude will be my next build too I think
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The world has conspired to piss me off today
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
kaido armor axdude is probably cool
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Seriously the whole day has been back to back annoyances
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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sausage detroit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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>Kentucky Police stop using Punisher logo after realizing that the Punisher is an anti-hero that murders bad guys violently
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Why did they ever use it
also how cme disney didn't sue?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
marvel studios didn't have the rights to punisher until 2014 and the cops were probably using it long before that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
maybe it was 2015
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Oh right
how is the disney deal anyhow going
they bought the whole of marvel, right
but marvel comcis seems to still run its own thing without much disney interference
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
They bought Marvel Studios
Not Marvel Comics

Disney doesn't interfere with any Marvel Studios activity as part of the deal
They have almost no say in anything that Marvel Studios does
well that clears up things
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
That's why it's such a successful franchise haha
Indeed marvel comics don't know what it is doing anymore
I do sometimes say "shoot /shotgun spaghetti at wall and see what stick"
but to prerequsition to do that, is that you atleast have loaded your shotgun with pasta
made from wheat and grains and so on
I mean marvelcinema is pretty much result of that
they take the comic stories, character details and such that have worked and bring them to the silver screen.
But pretty much all macinema material is atleast a decade or more old
Which of course makes sense, as more fans then know of the stories, but at the same time does imply, that there hasn't been that much good material in the recent years to adapt.
But do you know what would be fun to see adapted, but as a tv-series
House of M
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Hey imats
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12 or 22 billion, isn't that peanuts in the whole giant sum anyhow.
also "mostly false"
because it was too little?
It's mostly false because politifact consulted some economists who said it's true, but means something else than what Trump probably thinks it means
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But who are the experts?
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I am not going to claim that they didn't consult economists, and those economists didn't say "nah it is too early to really say a thing"
but the media, all media in every country, has the habit of sometimes jsut saying
"experts", "scientists", "research" and not giving sources or if they do, those practically don't lead you toi the actual statements or data.
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Trump hasn't enacted any financial policies so far, so him taking credit (which the tweet in question doesn't explicitly do), is incorrect

Basically, "It's correct, but Trump thinks something wrong about it, so it's mostly false"
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Real twisting of words there
the statement itself is real, though the president or any person in power saying it outloud, will always imply taking credit.
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Trump stating the debt went down since he took office is misleading, but <pic related> is not misleading
Despite the debt actually having gone down and his statement is 100% factually accurate

Oh the damn thing gave me dupe detection

Here we go
This isn't misleading at all
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Which I would find surprising, since I think every government when switching from old to new, would most likely increase the amount of debt for a short while.
cause that is what the "mostly false" implies
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That's on the front page of politifact
To a passerby, they seem to be saying the national debt didn't actually go down, seeing as that's the entirety of the quoted statement
But that's not misleading of course
Amazon announced Twitch will be entering the games distribution business, links to buy certain games will appear on a streamer's page, partners receiving 5% commission on each sale.
but the problem is that mostp eople won't read the actual reasoning behind
they go "claim, judgement"
or skim articles and never read the content
and not really most people
EVERYONE does this at times
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that is kinda cool
it might lead to people playing certain games, because thety are pushed to promote it
but as long as they are open about it, I don't see a problem.
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Here's the full tweet in question
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I'd question the 200 billion figure, but also
obama inherited a whole different situation, so not comparable
Dude 200 billion is a drop in the fucking bucket in terms of US debt
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But that is like saying "hitler increased debt by 200 billion" because you know
he did
or FDR etc
or any head of state/gov when recession had just struck
It's not comparable, but seems to be factually true
Which, you know
Is what Politifact, a fact checker, claims to be concerned with
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but if it is a fact that debt went down, how is it mostly fault
it /false
it would be false if he was "see I am doing great"
it should be "neutral, it went down, but it really isn't cause of trump's actions"
It's mostly false because >>39718
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
he is saying "see i'm doing great"
that's the falsehood
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He may be implying such, but that's not the fact being claimed
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
that's mental gymnastics
he is absolutely claiming as such and pretending otherwise is willful ignorance
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Yeah, but the politifact says "they just check facts"
and if the fact is debt went down, how is it mostly false that it did go down
Mental gymnastics is "fact checking" implications that aren't stated, but assumed based on who someone is
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
you're playing word games
they just "check facts" as if facts just exist in a vacuum and should be individually evaluated
except no this is just misleading bullshit
false equivalence
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Well so are they
...facts do exist in a vacuum
Something either is true or not
There's no fucking "Oh yes, the debt DID go down, but only as long as you don't claim you had something to do with it"
No, the debt DID go down
Regardless of what Trump thinks the reason is
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
so here are some true statements
"the debt fluctuates"
"trump posted a tweet trying to make it seem like he's pushing down the debt and obama made it explode instantly"
And "debt went down, but it is not really a clear picture of a trend in one way or the other"
the debt still went down
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So is it mostly false when people on the left claim men make more than women on average?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>something is either true or not
first of all that's a false dichotomy
many statements are also just misleading vapid bullshit
that conveniently ignore salient facts
great but what does that mean
if you put it into context
it means "blatant political nonsense"
not a statement
in that way
as a truth value
All I am saying is painting it as "mostly false" doesn't in my opinion represent it as unbiased
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
man take your shitty vague spam back to pol
Answer the question
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
who the fuck is "people on the left"
this is a dumb distraction
vague bullshit
Hillary Clinton
For one
It's literally the same thing flipped around
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls

what the fuck is a trut h value

black and white bullshit
Truth value is 1 or 0
The world is pretty black and white
The greys come when you add more than one thing in
If trump had said "and I'm the cause", then you have two statements, with 2 truth values
In this case, true and false
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
that's exactly what his tweet implies
don't pretend otherwise
you're selectively interpreting this stuff to be either level 0 take-at-face-value or not, you don't get to do that
Then you'd be on board with calling it mostly false when someone claims women make less than men on average
Since they're implying something else than just that fact
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
who the fuck is "someone"
you can just make up shitty strawmen all day i don't care
we're talking about a specific situation here not THE WORLD OF BULLSHIT FOREVER AND EVER
no one gives a shit about clinton anymore she's politically dead
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Hillary Clinton, as I said
I mean I could find more people if you want me to, but let's stick to someone in a similar position to Trump here
We could go with Bernie Sanders, too, I'm pretty sure he said the same
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
the tweet is obviously misleading
it's 45 pandering to his own ego as usual
politifact is correct to call it mostly false because it's just misleading posturing garbage
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This isn't misleading?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
because it's got his name on it
if the statement was "the political debt went down by 12 billion in january 2017" and // not political, national

you could make a case for an 'innocent fact' divorced of context
and no one would give a fuck

but since he used it as posturing we actually have to consider the intentions of it
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Political debt
that is an interesting concept and could actually be a thing
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It's how congress works in the US
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Most parliaments work in the world, for that matter
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
people have to be held accountable for what they say, that's what's happening here

to pretend that "oh this is just about meaningless fluctuations that's what we're REALLY talking about" is mental gymnastics
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I guess we just disagree what a fact checker's mission should be
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
politifact aka political fact checker

the only facts that stand on their own are mathematical statements anyway

you can't evaluate a statement about debt or nations without having to know about money and national history and like a billion things
Which, incidentally, that statement sorta is
Of course, if the fact had been that it went down due to the value of the dollar going up, that'd be something else entirely
I could see a somewhat false rating on that making sense
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
this is what happened, a misleading tweet got called ouy
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
like 1+1=2 is an independent fact
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Previous debt - current debt = 12billion is also a fact
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
Uh if you plugged in the numbers
but now you have "national debt" as a concept in the statement
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
1+1=2 isn't related to anything in particular, but that statement is not so innocent
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Just in case this isn't clear, I wanna clarify that I absolutely think the article attached to it explaining the debt drop is valid and should be there
I just don't think ranking it as mostly false is accurate when it's actually completely factually accurate
Like give it a mostly correct, or "correct, but..."
Don't label it a falsehood when you yourself say it's completely true
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I think the case here isn't that we disagree that much with the whole story behind "mostly false2 but when you just see it on the front page, without explanation behind it
it just makes you think that trump is lying
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
it's misleading
you can't just let people say misleading shit for personal gain and close your eyes to the situation

if someone is being misleading you slap their shit before they start thinking it's ok to keep doing
otherwise you're allowing bullshit to proliferate
Misleading is a legitimate and valid term to giveit
"True, but misleading" is a completely justified tag to give it
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If they ahve false, mostly false, neutral, mostly true, true
I think that trump tweet would be neutral
"debt went down, but it fluctuates, also the man had nothing to do with it"
the claim "debt went down" is true, but the reasons implied behindi t are false
so statement 1: debt went down, true - but it fluctuates
satement 2 (implied): I did it - false, it is for different reasons
But we give pass for being dishonest to other people.
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
So give him a pass for being dishonest? I don't think so.
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
BUT WHAT ABOUT [other people]????
also he's the freaking president
already went over this
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Actually you didn't truly go over it when I asked, you just said you don't care what Hillary Clinton says, refusing to address the question
But as Is aid if you just come up to this and scroll down
the mostly false attached to it, would imply "he lied, it didn't go down"
She said it during the campaign too, which means that during 2016 it was entirely relevant
Yet I've not seen any politifact thing labeling that as mostly false
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
You're still in campaign mode
the campaign is over
45 has to be held accountable
literqlly everything said during the campaign has been hashed to death a billion times
bringing it up now is just beating a dead horse
So, anything said during campaign that is dishonest and misleading and not true
is okay
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I'm in "What does Samu actually believe" mode

I don't know if you hold the same standards for everyone, or if it's only the president, or if it's only Trump, or if it's only Republicans, or if it's some other arbitrary group of people
The question is if they'd be justified in labeling such a statement as mostly false or not
But the whole "women are paid less" thing isn ot just campaign
this has been trumpted at frequent intervals for like 20 years

despite being proven, that aside from few fixed cases, in general the whole 70 cents is a dollar, is just because women in general work in less paying fields
when working in the same fields, aside from normal raises to longer working employees, they are paid the same for the same amount of work
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
what I believe would be an inconsistent mess of garbage
because the world is complicated

but i do believe in politifact
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It is, but surely you have SOME stance on the issue
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
and I hate seeing obvious falsehoods posted on my site
I also can't exactly spend all my freaking time and energy debunking it, so I would appreciate some levity
dude this is your drum to beat but you're just saying vague shit
'this has been trumped' WHO is saying that right now?
should I go and judge every instance of anyone saying something questionable ever?
we're talking about this freaking tweet
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Well for the sake of argument here, then, because I can understand you simply not having the interest in checking the facts and making up an opinion on the matter
Just assuming I have the correct image here, I might not but because we can't be certain about everything and this is for the sake of an example just assume as much

The claim in question is that women make less than men on average
This is true
This is the claim put forward
However, the intent is to make the listener believe there is a wage gap due to women being paid less than men for the same job
This is not the case, as the gap exists due to life choices

Given this as gospel truth, would the claim be mostly false, or true?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I prefer to use my brain to figure out which sources can be trusted or not
ok what issue
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
"women make less than men on average"?
wow here's a minefield
it's a freaking vague statement
make a better statement
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...Well I mean, that is the statement
I could make up another thing, sure, but I prefer to stick with what people have actually said, if you don't mind
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
use your words
don't give me a random loaded statement and expect me to unpack it and analyze it from all angles

this is like telling me

asking me "does a tree falling in the forest with no one around make a sound"?
except now we have to start figuring out if we agree one what the concept of 'make a sound' means
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You don't need to analyze it
Just assume the shit I said there is true for the sake of the fucking argument
You don't actually need to believe any of it
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
so your statement is "women make less than men on average due to life choices"?
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That would be the truth in the example, yes, however the sitting president has said "women make less than men on average", and omitted the rest of the information
The same president also wishes to make people think it is due to sexism, though this isn't explicitly stated
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
okay so a) i don't know if this is at all checkable unlike the debt statement
dude here's how I think
if a statement is freaking vague then clarify it
because vague soundbites are to the detriment of actual thought and reasoning
You don't need to, it's just for the sake of figuring out how you think, really
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Though I guess to address it, let's assume it is possible and relatively easy to verify the information
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
how about picking a statement that isn't loaded with landmines insteadd?
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Then it would hardly be analogous to Trump's statement, and the whole point would be lost
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Trump's statement is fairly easy to evaluate
this is not
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I'm failing to see the major differences here
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I already made my case for why that shit is misleading

saying 'women make less' is like fraught with problems in measurement, precedent, policy
you have to be careful what you say
and especially careful to say exactly what you mean in ways your audience will actually understand

if you want to be intellectually honest about it

but 45 is being blatantly intellectually dishonest in his tweet
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I can agree to that, and I don't think we're gonna get anywhere with the other thing, so imma drop it
Buy energy drink
Roommate takes ebergy drink before work
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
good i'm going to a coffee shop
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no one messes with a man's caffeine
Buy me one
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
ok i'll buy it in your honor
coffee shop or "coffee" shop?
How do you pronounce truth-o-meter, anyway?
Like truth ometer, or truth, oh, meter?
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This is old but I only just saw it so I'm linking it

SK is disabled
t. WHO

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"What do you mean, I'm the father? I told you then, and I tell you now, I'm infertile"
Gonna be fun to see the first court case where someone uses this to avoid child support
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Their general physician will be able to say, under oath and perfectly aware of the situation, that his male patient, is infertile
Despite knowing he's very likely the father
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that's me one day
Dream big
sometimes i wonder if i should go back to school
i'm so old now though
going back is so expensive
i highly doubt i'd get any financial aid again
What would you study?
i'd probably just finish my physics degree since i'm like 15 credit hours from the bachelor's
but i'd only maybe want to do that so that i could do grad research
i was discouraged from research because of events at the time but now it kind of seems like it'd be fun again
things sure are complicated though, it'd be so hard to get back in
If people in their 50s can go back, I'm sure you could too
Sounds expensive though
yeah but people in their 50's have a nest egg and are usually just making a smooth transition
too young for that, too old for the "let's start my career" schooling
i'll see where i'm at once i get myself stabilized and have health insurance and my meds again
that would help a lot
That sounds pretty solid
Are you on track to getting insurance?
no idea
still need to file and pay taxes and that's going to hit like a truck. navient is getting on my ass hard about my student loans. i'm just going to ignore them until they hopefully put it back on deferment
no way i can sustainably pay that stuff off right now
if i am not in a position to even be getting the healthcare i need, i think that justifies deferment
i don't really want to be calling them up and talking to them though
Yeah that's a pain
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Are there actually air-fare awards? what the fuck
I'm calling massive bullshit here
"these fares are anything but bullshit!"
picture of female cow
I wish they were public so i could short every damned share of the company
get a frontier job and take them down from the inside
pretty sure that job's already filled
you could do it better
>class can't figure out the difference between an experience of depersonalization and derealization
they were trying to explain it and describing the weirdest shit
like someone said depersonalization was like "you feel like you're just someone else"
someone thought they were the same
I had to set them straight and describe them
i had one generic of adderall by one specific manufacturer that always gave me depersonalization
i always made sure i got the right manufacturer the other times
not sure what it was, but generics can be pretty fucked up
yeah generics are pretty bad

we're talking about ptsd in class right now
sometimes it really takes me aback to see how little experience some of these people have with real world psychopathology
>that's, like, when marines flip out and still think they're in the war, right?
they're more sophisticated than that thank God
But like
Everything they know is textbook material on it
Even people with masters degrees
i guess it's just because normal people don't have real problems like this generally and so normals don't usually know people that do intimately
it's kind of annoying
it really is
a couple weeks ago my mom was like "make sure you don't isolate yourself and only do work all the time. you'll end up with multiple personality disorder or something"
i'm like yeah okay that makes sense
people just don't see this stuff as anything past the textbook symptoms
"oh they're perfectly normal when they're not having episodes"
they don't take the time to intimately learn about shit
they don't take it seriously
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Football int he winter
quite absurd sight
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also how do they keep the field clear?
must take some work

the backside of social security office here looks quite intimidating
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they aren't planning on being clinicians are they
most are
but they have like 4 years of supervised experience they have to do first so hopefully they manage to figure out that there's more to this stuff than a symptom descriptor
would you like to sometime watch like two hours of video of yvette esprey talking about her clinical experience working with borderline personality disorder cases
not deferment
that's what i meant to say earlier
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You're playing pretty heavy apologetics when you try to defend Trump on this one
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Steak with ketchup?
Does anyone do that
even kids
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Honestly I don't know which is worse
The POTUS eating his steaks well done with ketchup, or Paul Joseph Watson over here defending it while condemning eating a steak properly
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I for one don't really care how you eat your steak, as long as you seve me medium-rare
Maybe eating your steak well done will be the next symbol of white supremacy
how could that even be
You know, I ask myself the same with milk
well there were good amount of poltrolls pushing for it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I found several really funny magic items in some D&D books yesterday.
Most of them were magic doors or doorways.
Absurd and shit taste
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I wonder how putin eats his steaks
there should be some graph that lists how each country's top politicians and stuff eat their steak
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
He probably like them to be part of a cow that is still breathing when it is served to him.
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If I actually had to guess, putin doesn't seem like steak person to me
I bet he eats more russian style cuisines, so slowly cooked in an oven
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"time for you to draw some actual quality stuff once more"
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Startin' to see the appeal of Richard Spencer and his boys right now
they should say the rich and they might get some support...
then again, does anyone who is not
A) reading them to see the next stupid idea that stems from those kinds of news outlets
B) completely into that ideology
basically, do those idiocies even reach the normal poplace anymore?
Doubt it
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And hopefully they stay buried
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I found a good new manga.
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How do you get your nutrients through just breathing...
Just breathe a lot
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
By being an alien.
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No that is just impossible
first of all, they would have to evolve or artificially evolve themselves, most likely the latter, to do so in quite specific atmosphere
and then it just happens that the composition of earths air is made up of the same shit?
Yeah nope
I know it is just food porn manga and that is to set up it as some kind of fun setting but nope
Suspension of belief cut, burnt and made into ashes
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Santa Maria, Sargon
The culture war is becoming about as meme as the globalists of Alex Jones
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Its basically filter feeding but in air (which is implausible). Also that reminds me, there is some filter feeding animal (I forget which) that has virtually no immune system, and if once of them gets cancer and excretes and cancerous cells another one can catch the cancer by ingesting it. There was also a person with AIDS who caught cancer from one, I think it was some kind of mussel.
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I could see a race of machines or cyborgs being able to do that
or plants
but a creature that can sustain itself through breathing and STILL CAN EAT NORMALLY
like webster's dictionary we're morroco bound
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
*and excretes some cancerous cells
yeah and filterfeeders live UNDERWATER
water contains much more particles to feed on, not to mention all the planctons
just pollution and the gasses that made up our "air"
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Yes, which is why it working with air is implausible.
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And the biggest issue is
if trhey have evolved to sustain themselves like that
why is their normal digestion track still working?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
If we are going to go full realist here we could argue that it is vestigial.
trump pledges to increase defense budget by 10%, cut government programs he doesn't like to make up the additional $54 billion yearly
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Why would you increase it further?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Daily reminder that security for Melania due to her living in New York costs more per year than the national endowment for the arts.
need to keep the war going
war is peace
which ones are getting cut
they have to protect the art
melania is a beautiful soul
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Or does US defense budget really encompass all of the military expenses
cause its not really "defense" in your case...
Official word on it is "most agencies" will have their budget cut
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He's keeping with his general stance
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'd love to see the NSA get its budget cut but I know that's not going to happen.
He should just cut all or maybe not cut but check if any part is bloated
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I'd love for the current NSA to burn to the fucking ground
Yeah, even if a president candidate trumpets all "I am anti CIA and NSA and shit" usually when they get elected and are actually calling the shots...
the lure of power wins
Current defense spending is put at $590 billion, down about 25 percent from the height of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Still, the U.S. spends more on the military than the next seven countries combined, according to data from 2015.

Trump called his proposed defense increase "historic," and that it will send a "message to the world in these dangerous times, of American strength, security and resolve."

"Everybody used to say America never lost a war," he said, adding, "Now we never win and don't fight to win."
yo why all the hate
also doesn't the NSA count as defense budget
>Trump said he would also increase spending for law enforcement and on infrastructure, but offered no specifics. He said he would have "big details" in his address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also the NSA counts as part of the defense budget.
But I can see the logic behind this
didn't he promise something like this to the soldiers and army?
So he is delviering to those he knows that matters.

Increasing army budget will secure some loyalities
yeah but he has gone back on promises already
even to the military
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Cause it's a mass surveillance organization that engages in blackmail
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
That could actually be pretty bad for the academic community, I'm pretty sure they employ more mathematicians than any other single entity in the US.
you say that like you wouldn't enjoy being in that position yourself
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I'm against it because I know what I would personally do with it
A formal budget blueprint will be sent to Congress in March. The official said this the first step of "internal collaboration" between the White House and federal agencies.

The official said details about tax cuts and entitlement programs, including Social Security and Medicare, will come later. The administration is not expected to proposed changes to entitlements.

from npr
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I think absolutely all political decisions should be accompanied by a nagging, nasal voice in the back of your head going "YOU ARE ONE ELECTION FROM HITLER. BE CAREFUL"
we could probably use that $54 billion on things that improve quality of life and don't kill our people
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Get rid of the Doomsday Clock and get out the Hitler Clock
how much defense spending is used on military pay, pensions, and so forth
it's not like all spending just evaporates the money out of the country
but i don't have a good sense of how much of it gets cycled back in
No, I mean you should at all times have that mentality
Not because Trump is here

Every democracy should be aware that you're always one vote away from fascism
Oh yeah I got a "Road to War 1932-1938" for free yesterday
not sure but we can afford that stuff already
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"It'll be okay."
And the NSA is the thing that should make that voice go "HOLY SHIT DUDE W H A T ARE YOU DOING
"Would you want to be spied on like this"
corners are cut that shouldn't be cut
see: reynolds army hospital circa may 2010
That's probably what Obama thought when he, right before leaving office, expanded the NSA and made it easier for them to form the groundwork of an actual 1984-style police state
"is my fetish"
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
a lot of it goes to big government contractors
also sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars are used to build one gas station practically in the middle of a warzone
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I'm pretty sure that's not Obama but just IMAGINING him going to the fete after finishing two terms is a blessing.
"What do you mean the DEA doesn't need easy access to every single thing you've done online in the last 8 years?"
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh my bad, it was only $43,000,000.
Also I'm pretty sure one of the military guys who complained about this waste of money ended up getting into a ton of trouble for "non retaliatory reasons entirely unrelated to his complaints".
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also it wasn't even a regular gas station, I can't remember which type of fuel it offered but it was a type virtually no one anyone within hundreds of miles could use for their vehicles.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
*virtually no one
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh yeah this manga is also good.
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i kinda wanna spend my 20 orbs trying to get saneki
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
[autistic screeching]
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm playing boats
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h3h3 is still being sued
for what?
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They've got a video on it
he's got really great hair
i love that salt-and-pepper color
i think he's using a fair bit of product though
Basically they're being sued for a reacion video on some guy's video
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just ridiculous
SHould've hired a good lawyer to tell how bullshit that is
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The US legal system is a fucking joke
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lawyers and civil suits cost unreasonably even in the nordics, but not that much though
that would be I think like half a year's cost or shit
or yearly
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Dude you're not gonna go into the same debt buying a house or getting a frivolous lawsuit thrown at you
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Also, something like
>suit over youtube content
people would just laugh you out unless it was legitimate copyright infringement
>suit and posts a suit
not even intentional
Sure wish I had some caffeine
but I'd have to go up to the store and buy some and i'd need to take a shower and wash a set of clothes before i could go to the store which i can't fuckin do because i have a deadline to meet but it's hard to work without caffeine
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For someone with the initials JK, Rowling sure has trouble understanding the concept of jokes
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slap quarx with a banana
there's no instant lying around or anything?
yeah there's instant coffee and if it were a more serious complaint i'd hit it up but it's not that serious
instant coffee tastes like shit unless i make it in milk
and i'ma probably go buy milk as soon as i'm done and do some chores
I've always wanted to bait her on twitter.
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I'm starting to think there's a correlation between being a leftist and having autism
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
You would be wrong.
Then explain the overwhelming amount of them who take jokes literally
That's textbook autismos
maybe profgressive leftist
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There's no way she actually reads anything not posted by another celebrity, or by a fan who's praising her
I sure as shit wouldn't
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
Poutinerie time
im a sloppy joe
poutine shop
Is that a food?
Is poutine a food?
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
It's a sometimes food
i can't imagine eating this regularly
but noms
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
Large size was a mistake
ohhh are you at poutineville
what did you get
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what is this even?
>>39977 nice get
cheese curds, gravy and chips?
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
poutine centrale
i got sloppy joe
i am a pillar of salt
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So according to TYT, the new DNC chair guy once had jurisdiction over the SCRA during some thing where some banks illegally foreclosed on active duty veterans, and he chose not to prosecute on it

Quite the catch the DNC got
A bank*
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
I am a fountain of gravy
Have you boarded the gravy train?
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
I am scared of the gravy train
its brakes are made of gravy
>not menu
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WATCH as Donald Trump repeals the second amendment to standing ovation from the very people he proceeded to round up and put in work camps
My cloest -closet is a thing of nightmares.
I haven't cleaned the thing out in probably more than a decade.
But in the meanwhile I've added more and more to the piles of trash in it.
On top of it, the pile of random bags, shoes, and paper has been one of my cat's favourite den spots.
So everything is covered in a layer of shed cat hair.
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and mice
Thankfully I haven't come across anything that was once living.

My cat has dragged in like
5 or 6 live mice
one had a broken leg, though, so we took its head off Ned Stark style
My cat doesn't really bring in her hunts any more.
But she will parade them around outside, trying to get us to come outside and applaud her for it.
And possibly share it with us.
I found some kind of small brown worm-like...things.
I think they're alive.
At least one of them.
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the worms have invaded
these 0s prove it
They might just be gestation shells of some other insect.
I was looking over the shirt that they'd been clinging to and there were a lot of split shells.
But that doesn't really explain why the one I was testing responded to toothpick prods.
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Also I kinda despise worms, or stuff that lookl like it could burrow into you and crawl under your skin
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Clean your closet
even eminem sings about that

This thing has the built up waste of possibly more than a decade.
Right now I'm hitting stuff from like, grade ten, grade eleven.
And that alone is like, seven or eight years ago.
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soon a skellington pops up
and it will say
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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AmPsy is already a remake of psycho, isn't it
or reimagining.
'Hoh boy.
I've found school material in that closet from GRADE FIVE.
Never mind a decade, that means the uncleaned waste from there goes back more than fifteen years.
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so it hasn't been cleaned in 15 years
I have never been scrupulous when it comes to cleaning.
There's hundreds of back issues of old magazines I would read as as kid in here.
man it is weird
I realised last night that oft it is not fucking cloudy during night
that covers the entire sky with just slight wind blowing it here
or it is moisture from the sea
I want ti to be the former though
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the steam does result in good pics occasionally
I wish I had a better camera
or rather object
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or check this mt doom
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Like so?
Rewatching S2 of LH with dutchfriend
I don't think he's realized Tetra is a trap yet
s2 is kinda good but, then it gets to that "kids do roadtrip"
I have never gotten past that
not trap
shes a girl, because he played male when the world shift happened
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
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I found the Aperture Mall
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
hope you brought your portal gun
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
tetra is a male
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Yeah but the character he played was a girl
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
A woman asked me for the time in french
i had to switch to english
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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you should have shrugged in an exaggerated fashion and said "wakaranai"
before bowing and walking away
that way they won't think you're weird
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
bowing and holding the bow and then backing out of sight
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
so japanese
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Demi-chan wa Ka(…).jpg)
No, throw a smoke bomb and disappear
all ninja
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
who even asks for the time only anymore
clearly they wanted to strike up a conversation
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Reinhardt is insanely op
f Robin isn't for m robin
she's for this scary motherfucker
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
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hydro pump
not von lohengram 0/5
she's a reinhardt slayer
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
reinhardt has vantage so f robin has to one-shot him or she won't get another chance to take her /// him out
his weapon attacks twice
rising thunder causes a big damage burst to everyone in a column of about five spaces equal to his atk minus the enemies def/res
and he can get a better version that does 1.5 times his attack minus enemy's def/res

he's also mounted so he gets horse movement
and his stats are insane
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is a move that Ai uses to cheat
fuckng 85% accuracy but never misses
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
>SpaceX to take two people on a trip around three moon
holy sheet
i wonder if they'll be the furthest anyone has ever gone from earth's surface or not
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Gonna sleep now
I got a follower on twitter today

He likes Trump a lot
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wow i want to do it
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Depends on the phase of the moon, but atleast USA has done manned roundtrips around moon before landing
or after
and of course there are the rumours about soviet cosmonauts that got blasted into god knows where
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
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bow chika chika
I once tried to raise snakes
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
What happened to them?
well they were found, as a bunch of eggs by my grandfather, who placed a grill cover on top of them for some reason
we came there a day or two later, and he shew them to us so me and my bro took them with us when we came back to the city.
so we placed them in one of our bug aquariums or whatever, we had plenty of those back then. But unfortunately the grill cover, being all pitch black, had cooked them somehow
the eggs didn't fry, but the shells somehow softened, so the snakes couldn't break out of them
so about I dunno if there were 10 eggs, 8 died inside their eggs due to not being able to break out, and two we managed to save by breaking their eggs
but unfortunately, they didn't live long even though we fed them proper.
The heat just did them in
But that wasn't as bad when wer were raising butterflies
We had collected them as eggs, raised the caterpillars watched them form cocoons
but at some part of the process, either caterpillar or cocooning, a wasp had gotten there
and laid its eggs
it was quite jarring when few of the cocoons didn't open to a butterfly but a swarm of tiny wasps flying off
that caused nightmares
Jesus christ
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I'm using the lords name in vain, and no one can stop me! Jesus christ!
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Do you really want someone to stop you?
Well if no one tries it's no fun
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Arranging consequences
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Good luck I'm behind 7 pentagrams
7 is a holy number, checkmate
>Not doing five pentagrams for maximum pentosity
or 666
Six hundred and sixty-six pentagrams might be a bit heavy.
well you got me there
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barely even fragment of 7000 buffs
7000 butts
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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[autistic screeching]
You bring it upon yourself.
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this is what you wanted
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I could keep that kawakaze to always have smug wwwwww
since you play enough to benefit from it wwwwww
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
need to make an otter-eating-watermelon image for ton and kancolle
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Almost done..
i bought some valdeon cheese
it's so fucking sour-spicy that i can't even eat it
kirara you h
should explode
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
don't explode kirara squid
never heard of that
wass it like and hows it made?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
did you see how good reinhardt is
it is a mystery
the cheese is brown, almost black
yeah hes probably the best with saneki
i might roll for fun
oh it is a spanish blue cheese
with PGI status even
what is that
oh just linked where I was reading it
but a special protected status on foods, like how champaigne is only champaigne if it is made in champaigne
and swiss cheese can only be called swiss cheese if it's full of holes
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
he's super OP
v strong
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Not the same thing, ut in a way
Most revent one that happened that really affected stuff, was when Feta was only allowed to be called feta, if it was made in cheese.
so all feta is "salad cheese" now, unless it is greek import
i didn't know you could make feta in cheese
>made in cheese
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I just remember that well, cause when the edict went through, they had good sales on feta
so my roommate bought like 3kg of feta
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i want to be made in cheese
there are lots of cheese like that
i believe roquefort is like that also
roquefort is my favorite
i think it actually has to be aged in the roquefort caves
i hope you die with lyrics
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Is not just cheese, for example Newcastle Ale is one
if it ain't brewed in Newcastle, it ain't Newcastle ale.
Dunno how those apply when Brexit realises, though.

But there are many products with regional protections like that.
I would guess that is one
cheese is one of the "poster boys" of the system after booze and bewerages.
or before even
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i hope you cheese with lyrics
well it's because they're artisan products
and most likely are still protected processes that can't be replicated and just slapped with the same label by outsiders
that's why cheese and wine are probably so common with it
there ain't a whole lot else
breads maybe
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That and some other reasons, like historical and sometimes protectionism
like feta which I mentioned, was pretty much cause greeks complained how the cheese industry was being pulled under them
and also, the spinoff feta was usually quite shit so it got through
everyone was surprised when the feta went through
it did happen during height of eurocrisis, so it might've been a pity move, though
yeah but anybody can fucking make feta
it ain't roquefort
it ain't even a blue cheese
i understand and don't disagree with that aspect of protectionism
but it's different i think than the case of really specialty cheese that like one family in all of spain knows how to make
and that anyone could just make in a completely arbitrary way that's not right and then call it roquefort or valdeon or whatever
and that you're protecting it from fraudulent claims

but the feta thing, like anyone can make that shit
but that doesn't mean i disagree with it. I hate knock-offs in general. I just thing that's it's at a different level
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Yeah neither do I, but it just sometimes becomes silly as EU is kinda silly with some of its policies and edicts at times.
Like, when it comes to agriculture, I don't remember have they changed but originally whole of EU was divided into 3 regions
"Mediterraen", "Temperate" and "northern"
however, the "north" began from like south germany
and then encompassed all the way to north of finland...
Now imagine that kind of weird blocks used to dictate how farming benefits and rules are made...
Looooots of people complained, but most of europe had it good, so us northeners didn't get our voice to carry over.

Also, curiously, any farmer who meets the criteria of big enough farm, can apply for EU agricultural benefits, even someone who makes 10-100 million a year
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i like smoked cheeses
my favorite cheese is smoke gouda
i washed my clothes in the bathtub
how do i dry them
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I'm free
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hello I am here now
duct tape power chords to form laundry lines
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Welcome home, anata.
I don't have a dinner or a bath prepared, and I'm not ready either.
i can't laundry line at my apartment complex

can i iron the water out or is that going to shrink the clothes
anyone know?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hi rika
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gonna shrink, atleast I once shrunk a shirt like that

you had a tub, why not use the bathroom again?
to dry them? that's what i'm doing but it's obviously not ideal
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well yeah, it ain't ideal but it can work
I once fashioned with duct tape and power chords laundry lines/ropes there and dried them there
left the door open of course for ventilation
it will take time, but they will drie eventually
depending on how dripping they are 12 to 24 hours
I shrunk a t-shirt, but it was the kind of material that would shrink if quickly dried off
so it could work, but I wouldn't advice doing it
maybe low heat
if you have a hair dryer that is a good aid too
do you actually know that it will shrink them if i iron them or is that just a theory ( a guess)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you get the best ironing done on wet clothes
but if it's like soaking wet straight out of the drier, that probably won't shrink them, but it will probably wrinkle them pretty badly
You could wring them out and
wet or damp? i've wrung them and they're hanging in front of a fan
but they're not that damp level like you get after the spin cycle on the wash where it flows most of the water out
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You're just terrible at this then, I'm not going to let you be my wife.
Thanks internet
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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of course not
your wife is shiggy digs
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I'd of course just say that
"Why don't you have one of these?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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sounds like they're fine to iron then
there shouldn't be any shrinkage or damage

Wow, it's not my fault you got home right when I started eating dinner!
i mean they're more wet than the damp post-wash cycle
not that dry yet, which is what i would call damp
i'll probably let them drip dry a little more
i don't think i can wring any more out
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When do you need them dry and how much stuff you got?
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You can't laundry line? As in you're not allowed to hang laundry outside
they say it in the lease
no hanging clothes on patio or in public commons
they think it looks trashy
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Yeah many places ban that
and not just that it looks bad, it can be a fire hazard and cause water damage.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
sounds reasonable
ironing wet clothes def won't shrink them though
i always iron mine when they're wet
i dont have an ironing board but i have an iron
what is this life
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For future laundry, I'd advice getting >>40116
if you can wash them to not be dripping wet, that kinda contraption dries off laundry overnight
depending on your ventilation, how damp it is insides and outsides and how you hang them to dry of course.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if you have a table you can use, you can cover it with a thick towel or two thinnish towels and you can iron it on that without damaging anything
newspaper or such will do too
i was going to do this but my laundry is literally all of my towels
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i haven't done >>40127 before but i've also heard that from other people so it may work
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wring them non dripping dry and hang them on top of doors
few good layers will do it
similiar would eb the oven papers whatever you anglish call them
maybe i could just turn the oven on a low temp, like 150 F (50 C) and let them dry in there
seriously this just seems baffling to me
why not just leave them hanging somewhere
they will dry over night

but if you lack the semi-useless contraption that seems to be in high usage over the puddle called dryer, just get one of those drying thingies I posted a pic of

that's how I have and most people over here dry their laundry
over time
i was joking that's retarded

they're hanging and drying right now i was just wondering if there was a better way to dry them
i wasn't sure if it's good for them to be wet for a whole day
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you can do that but you'd want it to be twice the temperature to actually dry them
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Atelier Firis looks like it's going to be comfy.
Every other game is usually pretty good so I have high hopes for this one.
It looks like it's going to have an adventure theme like Totori did.
well it ain't summer so their chances of getting moldy is low and...
my former roomie like always hanged his clothes near dripping and sometime sthey were drying for 2 days before being 100% dry
and no mold or damp damage

I wouldn't of course do or recommend that
was sophie not good
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Time to take a trip down to the Grey Dystopia.
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Sophie was good, but on the average side of good.
I still haven't finished it yet.
It was not anything approaching a masterpiece, I'd give it 6 or 7 out of 10.

Dusk was like
Ayesha was like 10/10 and Shallie was 9/10 so Sophie was a little bit of a disappointment after Shallie.
But Eschalogy was like a 5 or 6 out of 10 so I'm used to it being good every other game.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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You already know where this is going, huh?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>Selling things that have been used as criminal instruments for 50+ years as childrens toys
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
just fucking call your kid and say you love them you fucking troglodytes
This commercial is triggering me
I can imagine some kid keep pressing that hand and hearing "I'm on my way home. Be there soon. Love you." for the next 10 years after their dad dies in a car accident and crying each time
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Let's return ourselves back to the reality of what happens when you STORE THINGS IN THE CLOUD
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
fucking idiots
i can't believe actually i can believe it
these people are legitimately stupid
These stuffed animals have been used as criminal instruments?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It's one of the oldest tricks in the book
You put a microphone or camera in a stuffed animal
>Germany literally bans dolls that do this earlier this year
>we fuck it up with this
oh yeah are you busy, did you want to watch those things
they're long though maybe a weekend or something would be better
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't have time tonight but i'm free pretty much all day tomorrow except for like an hour in the evening
and spring break in next week
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> They certainly wouldn't realise that in CloudPets' case, that data was stored in a MongoDB that was in a publicly facing network segment without any authentication required and had been indexed by Shodan (a popular search engine for finding connected things
Why are we so bad at this?
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aren't there several stories of baby monitors and such being hacked by creeps
now imagine the same happening for those cloud pets...
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
> that data was stored in a MongoDB that was in a publicly facing network segment without any authentication required and had been indexed by Shodan (a popular search engine for finding connected things
>stored in a MongoDB that was in a publicly facing network segment
>without any authentication required

you don't even have to hack cloudpets apparently
it's all free and easy to access
i forgot i made this video
god damn it's so good
>The guy who sent me the data had tried to contact CloudPets three times to warn them about the exposure.
>not a single response
Very clean
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just noticed that
Oh god...

good creepypasta material there
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what the actual fuck
>by pure coincidence, I was in the US running a private security workshop at the time and one of the guys in my class had a CloudPets account. Sure enough, his email address was in the breach and it was time-stamped Christmas day, the day his daughter had been given the toy.
oh man
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
holy shit
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well moon if you have drying issues, get one of these from your nearest ikea or equilevant
5-10€ so would guess they are similiarly priced
hard for me to get to places without a vehicle
this is a suburban area so it's not really close to those places
there is a few laundry machines at the apartment complex, but they take quarters
and it's really easy to run out of quarters and hard to get a fucking ton of quarters
i'll go dry them there if i need to but i'd only have enough for about three loads of drying
i'd have to go to a store and make a purchase with my card, get cash back, then take that cash to the bank and get it in all quarters, then bring 20 dollars worth of quarters home
it's just a pain
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Right that was a thing

Btw, do you have "ikea busses"?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't think so
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I look back at this image and think of all the things that were never responded to as quickly.
how much time elapsed between these two tweets
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Those two tweets were pretty close together. Tavis is pretty well known for finding things that people fuck up and getting them out there. He's a Security Vulnerability researcher at Google.
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Hmm might just be because of how /where the stores are over there

seems like many european cities have ikea-shuttles from big city to attached ikea
dear /moe/
thank in advance
>Unauthorised access must have been detected but impacted parents were never notified.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that is insanely cute holy crap
>vegan stuff to cat
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Dunno if it has happened over there, but atleast here several pets, dogs and cats, have either died or been taken away from their owners due to malnutrition caused by vegan and such diets.
and also several baby/infant deaths due to parents forcing their dietary stuff to them too.
yeah ive heard of vegan couples having a child and then not wanting to breastfeed it but give it soy milk and such
and it just dies
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i have head of animals dying in that way
haven't heard of the baby one
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Cats and dogs especially like many foods that people eat, as they have salt and spices
but while dogs are bit more rounded, cats are 100% carnivores and only eat grass and such to cough furballs
worst case that I recall was a couple that had gotten into that "carping" or whatever thing
the hollywood diet used to quickly build muscle that somehow became a fad on fitness circles and shit.
Anyhow, they fed their baby just the carping food, basically meat and shit
so the baby died like bit over 1 year, due to vitamin and nutrient deficiency

that was the first big case that made it into the media, but there have been others but usually aren't covered as well
privacy and quite sensitive to make a hit piece on child deahts...
but sometimes you do get pieces that inform the public about "please don't do this shit, you idiots" and those have the horror stories listed but 100% anonymously
feral cats will eat fruit
they don't really care for the sugars, they actually can't taste anything sweet
but they eat berries a lot
i'm not sure if it's for hydration, but they do it
had a strawberry patch get eaten up by feral cats before myself
fun fact
most animals are able to metabolize their own vitamin C and don't need to consume it
humans are an exception and we need to eat citrus fruits or vitamin supplements to get our vitamin C
yeah, citrus is a natural cat repellent
i remember that
but they love berries. my cat would go crazy for blueberries, and for anything bread
crackers, bread, cookies, he'd come right up on your lap and try to nab it from you
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Yeah heard of this, I think it is for hydration.

Most cats hate the smell of citrus, btw
too strong for their noses.
I used to keep a citrus fruit close at hand at times when I sat to watch tv or to vidya
so if I wanted to get up without upsetting my cat, I'd just start eating the fruit
she sprant off faster than you could say "cat"
oh yeah that is a finnish idiom "fastet than you could say X", and cat is the most usual form of it
that's a very texan idiom too, but usually it's something more of an animated statement than "cat"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what's the finnish word for cat
is it long?
so "neko-kissa" is a cute word for us finns
i should get a month's supply of benzos tomorrow
i can't wait
i can stop flipping my shit and be a normal person again
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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that's great
look at all those neato burritos
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
very neatly organized burritos
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Oh it might've not been originally "ehtinyt kissaakaan sanoa" see above, but rather "ethiny kissakaan saunoa" even a cat couldn't finish saunaing.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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instead of dust become stardust
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IBO isn't shy about killing people this season.
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btw do you have something like this over there?
is squeeke cheese, though we call it breadcheese
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that looks like a good pizza
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but without like
half the pizza
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
did you see the newest episode?
well it is oven baked too
but it is just cheese
>make pizza on top off breadcheese
cheese as the crust
yeah i've had stuff like this before
it's not common at all, but i always seek out interesting things
i really liked it
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Nope, we're still a bit behind.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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Have you seen Barbatos with a tail or Gundam Bael yet?
seems lke it is sold over there, though I doubt it is an import product
could be though
Doubt it is found in every state, though
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Yeah, we've seen the newest version of Barbatos.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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I hope you guys catch up soon!
There's so much going on but I don't have anyone to discuss it with!
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We were catching up, but on the last episode she was in I got sad and had to stop.
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don't eat the crab
i could go for a soft shell crab about now
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do these kinds of crabs taste good, though?
I've only eaten the river ones local to europe
it's not the type of crab
it's how recently they've molted
if you get a fresh molted crab you can eat them whole and they're delicious
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh wow
we imported signal crayfishes from NAmerica after crayfish plague nearly wiped our local food crabs out
Never gets old.
this somehow reminds me of portal and portal 2 stuff, now that I think of it
wait who is that flashing ontop of tokugawa?
Someone did this for Germany but I lost it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
just wow
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
why wow
oh it was from 2016
I thought if it was older, it'd be a nice prediction
>actually they dropped two
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Two for good measure
they first felt one was good enough, but then went "let's do two, so they know we can do more than 1"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>drop one bomb
>are you ready to pick up the phone japan
>pls respond
>ok here goes another one
nah if memory serves it was
"hey we gun wipe few of your cities, so wanna surrender, we got big booombs"
"okay, call you back few days later"
afterall the plan was "keep nuking untill they give up"
"hope it happens before russia gobbles up them"
cause that might've happend too
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
we dropped a bomb on hiroshima and then president Truman told Japan to surrender or we'd drop another bomb
Japan ignored our threat so we dropped another bomb three days later
yeah, but it was pretty much foregone closure that the second would be dropped too
third if my memory serves, would've taken longer
yeah, but some half a year or so later there would've been more
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
says who
no there was no third bomb
we only had two
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
japan would have been gone by that time
there was never a chance of a third bomb
though at that point japan might've been invaded by russia
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
japan would have been destroyed before russia would have invaded
their soldiers were killing themselves, their citizens were killing themselves
they had no working government
or both us and uk could've just continued the firebombing
Search [iqdb] (159 KB, 1920x1080, Casshern_Sins_Ep03_At_the_End_(…).jpg)
Yeah, there even was a coup d'etat attempt on the day of surrender
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
either way we wouldn't have dropped the second bomb if japan had surrendered
there is debate as to whether hirohito knew a bomb was dropped though
Search [iqdb] (666 KB, 1276x1548, 1396626114726.jpg)
They were anyhow surrendering already, it was just not "absolute surrender" that the allied wanted
Similiar how all german attempts at peace were rejected untill they absolutely surrendered

But that is kinda the point, if you had wanted /if the allied had wanted peace, japan would've caved in
of course it would most likely not have resulted in the modern day japan we know and love, though.
I am quite sure he knew
But there is a question to which he and his echelon feared more
more nukes or the red army.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
how can you be sure
hirohito was unaware of a very large portion of the war
he was manipulated by tojo and the navy
Search [iqdb] (124 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Demi-chan wa Ka(…).jpg)
I think he mentions the bombs in the surrender speech but I might be mistaken
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Demi-chan wa Ka(…).jpg)
But one thing that sometimes is asked kinda amuses me
"why didn't they nuke tokyo, the capital?"
and the answer...
"what tokyo, it was burtn to the ground"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
he said that the americans have a new bomb in the speech
but he probably didn't know until the second bomb was dropped
after all, he never responded to the potsdam declaration in any capacity
Search [iqdb] (31 KB, 704x400, [Starlight] El Cazador de la b(…).jpg)
Well yeah, no one really believed what had happened to hiroshima anyhow
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the potsdam declaration was before that
Search [iqdb] (12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)
But still is incrdible, that there is that guy who was in hiroshima when the bomb dropped
went back home to nagasaki
and BOOM
and lived that too

Max Luck
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
also japan wasn't surrendering already
there was talk in the government of surrender but there were no surrender attempts or negotiation attempts
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Demi-chan wa Ka(…).jpg)
Pretty much or if there were, their demands or terms were way too ridiculous
and ignorant of their situation
But japan really got hammered in the end
>2 nukes + entire continental army captured in 2 weeks
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
to be fair though japan won in the end
not to mention, most likely some british fire bombings going on too
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
japan is one of the few nations to benefit long-term from wwii
even the united states was brought to where it is now thanks to the aftermath of wwii
we industrialised because we had to pay our war debt to USSR, so that happened.
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 570x942, C1bRUf_UQAA0IxN.jpg)
and the rapid industrialisation built the basis for our social wellfare state
so I guess we kinda benefited from ww2 too.
though we lost what 15% of our territory and some 150k lives
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if only japan had won wwii though
can you imagine all the superior japanese culture we would be experiencing right now
like being executed via a single katana swing
what a cool way to die
anime would be mainstream
If only Axis would've won
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it already is mainstreme
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
steam too
Search [iqdb] (883 KB, 952x469, playanime.png)
... you're late
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
let's jam
i'm used to "moon why this" within 5 seconds or less
someone's really dropped their game
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Demi-chan wa Ka(…).jpg)
Man I need to rob a bank or something
I need like 1500€ to upgrade my pc and buy a ps4 few games
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170227-201520.png)
>Google radio stations
hang on let me pick up the slack
why this
Search [iqdb] (14 KB, 226x281, 1487032106822.jpg)
I installed a SNES emulator on my phone.
I'm going to beat JRPGs 5 minutes at a time.
Don't take it too easy while you're at work.
Too late it's over for her
Her smartphone has taken over
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Demi-chan wa Ka(…).jpg)
another brain lost to the cloud
Rikabot 3000 has successfully installed to moe.
by the way anyone read King's "Cell" novel?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I had GBA games on my iphone but then I updated my os and they're gone forever including my saves
Poor Fire Emblem
which ones
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
How can I go on living
Knowing that there are guys out there who can beat me up
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 897x286, IMG_20170226_080703.jpg)
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
be afraid
be as afraid as possible
act out of fear and emotions
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
and if you hear about anything at all that seems foreign or uncomfortable, flip out
Finally tested the waterproofing of the S7
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 456x800, 1388018792938.jpg)
looks like i don't have any work for tomorrow
i dont know what to do tonight
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 500x640, 1487373840112.jpg)
I'm playing breath of fire right now.
pretty good soundtrack for a snes game
i don't think i played real far into it but it was fun for what i did
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 3150x4085, 1488103443538.jpg)
They're long games.
I've beaten 1 and 2 but not 3.
Seems to work well

Topology videos?
what's up rin
water you doin
i was thinking i'd rewatch paranoia agent for no reason out of nowhere
but i don't know what to do
i'd rather stay up late than be awake in the morning with nothing to do
Search [iqdb] (2.1 MB, 2480x3508, 59852339_p0.jpg)
Indeed! I was pushed into a pool but it perseveres.
The speaker was weird but I blew into it and it's normal now.
i wonder how much a galaxy note 7 is worth at the moment
you can't even list it on ebay
Search [iqdb] (170 KB, 529x746, __hatsuseno_alpha_yokohama_kai(…).jpg)
Just vegging out with a headache
Making it hard to concentrate
You could watch some Natsuyasumi!

The pool gag isn't very responsible now a days.

Thank you.
hope your headache gets better
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Search [iqdb] (15s, 3.0 MB, 720x720, mxJ47F7.mp4)
chocolate raaaaiiiiin
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 540x558, 1486790063661.jpg)
Sometimes people just want to see through your shirt.
Being an idol is hard work!
Search [iqdb] (122 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Demi-chan wa Ka(…).jpg)
and now I just imagined mats sitting at home and saying "fishgasm" outloud, so that someone else nearby hears it
Fish is deaf. Don't be rude.
That's been openly discussed on /moe/ before and it's a sensitive topic.
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 573x685, IMG_20170128_153059.jpg)
wait nvm im thinking of blind
yeah, fish's disability is that she can't breathe on land
you should make fishcocks for dinner
kirara needs to eat too
time to leave
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 424x530, 1487845380105.gif)
They look like video game ovjects with the physics bugging out.
Search [iqdb] (34 KB, 284x226, 1484241862688.jpg)
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Search [iqdb] (15s, 2.5 MB, 720x404, k3M2tQm.mp4)
we can upload mp4s? is that a magnetic ferrofluid or something
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 500x525, 1409016642377.jpg)
That's pretty cool, what causes it to move like that?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yes and yes it's some kind of magnetic putty
one thousand years of physics calculations
Search [iqdb] (2.9 MB, 312x250, 1392341290321.gif)
i have a bunch of sci gifs but i can't preview any of them unless i run quicktime
which i'm not going to do so i'll just post them randomly

what's the size limits on mp4s? like 4MB? mp4s can be pretty small
can you do m4a?
i guess you wouldnt be able to
Search [iqdb] (♫, 16s, 2.0 MB, 1280x720, cc862ab346b1221c.mp4)
dude you forgot this already
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 480x360, 1392368422266.gif)
what's this one?
what, did i know it before?
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 289x163, 1392516295270.gif)
this one's pretty cool if it's what i think it is
Search [iqdb] (15s, 4.2 MB, 720x404, 1ea19addc1ec94a1.mp4)
you've even asked me to post it once
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 280x203, 1392485617679.gif)
i don't remember
i may not have been paying attention to the mp4 filename
or i may have forgotten
my whole memory is a void recently
Search [iqdb] (♫, 25s, 4.3 MB, 960x540, 84c3962d2a760b6a.mp4)
maybe you were drunk at the time

I should go back to that german site, they have lots of good mp4s
Search [iqdb] (♫, 34s, 4.8 MB, 960x540, d2ecf5b76f8a8352.mp4)
Search [iqdb] (254 KB, 600x847, 1315770834747.png)
I'm more likely to not remember things when i'm sober than when i'm drunk
which makes sense since i've been sober for a while
but that's kind of rude either way
Search [iqdb] (♫, 7s, 585 KB, 640x360, f1221a285cf1d4d0.mp4)
but this one is the best
i remember asking you to repost the hitler flute one
it was actually a recorder i think but still
i doubt i recognized it was an mp4
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 800x800, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg)
Welp mp4s are here now
we future
Search [iqdb] (264 KB, 1241x1567, C5tYT2kVAAEeQM3.jpg)
>more articulate than Sarah Palin
closed it as soon as i read as sarcastic as stephen colbert
You probably think Wutang Clan is the greatest thing since sliced bread
slicing things and bread both existed long before sliced bread
it was not a new concept
it was an integration of two concepts which both existed independently and were inevitable
i don't really see that as different from the wu tang clan
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
everything about this makes me cringe
Search [iqdb] (524 KB, 1200x1740, 1472625547033.jpg)
I don't like Stephen Colbert and never have.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (337 KB, 533x800, 61478829_p0.jpg)
I think his new show where he's just himself instead of an ironic conservative is okay.
He can be funny sometimes.

Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm glad jon stewart is gone though
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 750x419, wow tough crowd.jpg)
Welcome to america
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They're both douchebags.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (601 KB, 868x1228, 61383618_p0.jpg)
They're comedians so yeah.

I think they're important people, though.

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Why is Colbert important?

Stewart has had a lot of influence but I don't think Colbert is anywhere near on his level.
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and everyone had their period
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (217 KB, 1463x2048, 61538761_p19.jpg)
Colbert is way bigger now than Stewart was at his height.

Colbert is important because he's an extremely central figure in the liberal side of non-politician spokespeople.
Probably the biggest, actually.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (450 KB, 640x900, 61325565_p0.png)
To back up my point with an example, when I was at that rally, Colbert's catchphrases and general jokes/statements about the president were on tons of signs.
He's a unifying figure for them, someone that they trust and believe in, and see as a voice of reason.
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old and busted vs new hotness

well, I guess old hotness
Search [iqdb] (174 KB, 1280x720, [GJM] Urara Meirochou - 06 [30(…).jpg)
We have problem if Stephen Colbert is considered a voice of reason.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (149 KB, 700x512, 61589684_p0.jpg)
Well, we have a lot of problems.
I think that's pretty self-evident.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (691 KB, 808x822, 03b1a550db8c60fee588e4495f811778.png)
time for bed
Search [iqdb] (31 KB, 585x548, C4_ptEMUkAA2t9H.jpg)
were you ever even awake
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
This is literally worse than alternative facts.
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 1000x1043, C5qR2onVAAAqCxK.jpg)
Every day is a battle to stay awake
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (211 KB, 1199x798, C5uFgLxU4AEXYxh[1].jpg)

Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 350x230, angrysheep.jpg)
It's totally possible that she took them off.
Post cute anime girls to suppress the anger
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
There is no way Trump would let her take her shoes off in that setting
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I am agast.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Aghast, too.
Search [iqdb] (239 KB, 1448x2048, C5WiQOVVcAIUW72.jpg)
Can't wait for our first black female president who will put plastic covers over all of the couches.
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 512x640, animegirlthinking.jpg)
What is this anime girl thinking about?
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I wasn't sure F.Robin would be good, but now that she's high level I'm happy with her.
She's a very tanky mage.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (335 KB, 500x850, 61558623_p0.jpg)
I thought maybe they added her in to kill Reinhardt instead of m Robin but she can't easily kill Reinhardt unless their level differences are big enough
My F Robin is level 30 or so right now
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 837x720, [Commie] Cross Ange - Tenshi t(…).jpg)
did you see reinhardt's speed
its pretty darn low
he can make up for it with his skills i guess
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah but always double attack and vantage
also his special attack lets him one-shot almost any non-armored unit
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 262x632, rnl12 (2).jpg)
Sounds like the kind of guy you want to hit with someone like Camilla rather than getting him an opportunity to fight back.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (718 KB, 2755x2755, 61544295_p0.jpg)
He's mounted so he can escape Camilla pretty easily if he needs to.
Search [iqdb] (153 KB, 576x768, noukome68.jpg)
Yeah, but she's the best at doing big damage in a single turn.
Gunter can probably still double him though.
Search [iqdb] (207 KB, 852x480, [Falys] Noragami - OAD 2 (DVD (…).jpg)
cavalry units are getting strongert
gunter + horses is good
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (646 KB, 1502x2048, 61538761_p0.jpg)
Reinhardt ends up with like 35-40 defense

reinhardt can also give all cavalry allies near him +4 speed and +4 attack
Search [iqdb] (2.6 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170227-221358.png)
he can one-shot red level 40 enemies in arena battles at level ~25
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I guess I'll just sit here not getting cool dudes
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (409 KB, 886x1253, 61534053_p0.jpg)
My 5* Corrin is nice too
But now I have three sword 5*s
I rolled wiht my orbs and got nothing
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (426 KB, 827x1000, 61553895_p0.png)
Oh, I have four sword 5*s.
Marth, Seliph, Corrin, and Caeda.
20 orbs
sanaki pls
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (154 KB, 826x1169, 61466916_p0.jpg)
I wasn't going to roll, but then I heard the gatcha calling to me and I had to.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
he's cool though
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 311x689, [FFF] Love Live! S2 - 02 [DD19(…).jpg)
is that the blodne bowman
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
he's a blonde paladin
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
post your roll
did not cap
And I quit halfway for more red orbs
Eldigan 5, Selena 4, Bartre 3, Palla 4
oh neat, Eldigan's sword is Mystletainn
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 512x512, 1487910700193.jpg)
I have 24 orbs but I'm saving for the next round.
can tomorrow be today
Skill Inherit system when
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
in a few days probably
do you think the units who are giving up their abilities will have to be 5* to unlock the full strength of it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it'd be weird if a unit could give away skills they can't get
unless it's like, you inherit vantage and then have to be 5* to get the vantage 3
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 400x595, [FFF] Golden Time - 20 [0CC101(…).jpg)
i'd be annoying to upgrade units to 5* just for their skills
20k feathers is a looot
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you don't have to upgrade them to 5*s, just use your wallet
Are you spending real money on this game
I have figured out a way to fix the disgusting erper problem while making a profit.
On an alt I will be making a brothel guild and be hiring erpers to serve as courtesans.
I will provide them an erp outlet while taking a modest 20% cut of their earnings.

1) Filthy erpers no longer shitting up my actual guild
2) Easy gold
3) I don't have to get my own hands dirty

Auction House epics ain't going to pay for themselves.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what are you even talking about
what is the erper problem
sugoi what are you doing
People ERPing in guild chat probably
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
just fucking ban them
please do not pee on the floor
Search [iqdb] (207 KB, 852x480, [Falys] Noragami - OAD 2 (DVD (…).jpg)
sounds like a foolproof plan
i wan t a cut of it because its my idea
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 3150x4085, 1488103443538.jpg)
yeah it's going to be tough.
So many of my characters are 4 star.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (437 KB, 614x900, 61477203_p0.png)
They will probably just make you spend a shit ton of feathers to do it and the rarity won't matter.
yeah i'm going to be so rich
ive never heard anybody say that it was
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
me neither
is that a popular opinion
music videos are too crazy to categorize like that anyway
there's amateur ones that are great
there's ones that just fit the song so damn well, like some lady gaga and tove lo ones
and there's some that are just brilliant regardless of the song
that's a really weird thing for anyone to say to be honest
i don't think ive ever heard a greatest music video of all time claim ever
no it's just a meme
the animation, not the statement
Ones that come to mind are the white stripes, with that lego animation
radiohead ft unkle rabbit in your headlights
actually any chris cunningham videos are pretty good
that's what comes to top of what little mind i have
marina vorus - voices is a really great niche music video to the lisa soundtrack
that's pretty niche though
the turnip song has a good music video
no it's the radish song
Search [iqdb] (897 KB, 892x642, read.png)
I like >>>/watch?v=MYSVMgRr6pw
Sail by Awolnation has a pretty silly one
what are you some kind of homo
#8ball (Okay)
Moon... imgay
wow me too
oh god what is this
this wouldn't be as funny if i haven't done market research transcripts for a termiticide before
it's a song by a farming union or something
about the dangers of farming like that
gonna get overrun
as much as i hate doing my job every day
i love getting to hear the intimate side of all the different industries and how people feel
it's so great
i listened to about 40 different farmers and exterminators bitch about this kind of stuff for an hour on end each
you really learn a lot as a transcriptionist
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 904x904, pokemon49.jpg)
ive got that joy, joy, joy, joy
down in my heart
I remember this, it gave me a good laugh when I first saw it.
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>If the science is settled on gravity, why can't you tell us exactly what would happen if there was no gravity?
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I really don't wanna work
But thou must
I wouldnt either in your position.
Search [iqdb] (372 KB, 714x1000, 33a62a2578f319699900e56ddc3376(…).png)
There isn't ONE chair, in the entire building, that is 100% intact

One lacks an armrest
Most have fucked up hydraulics so you can't raise them
The backs on a lot of them are fucked up so the backrest just slides backwards until it reaches the end, so you can't actually adjust it
A ton of them have armrests that just aren't attached properly

And that's JUST the chairs
Literally everything we use for anything has something fucked up with them

Wanna take a fucking trolley over the floor into the warehouse to get a thing?
Better hope someone played curling in the path you took, because there is more gravel in the warehouse than outside, and the wheels on the trolleys LOCK THE FUCK UP if there's a tiny tiny tiny tiny rock anywhere near them

We have these sideguards for pallets we put stuff in
They lock into eachother using these flat metal things pointing out of the bottom on them, that goes over the piece below them
THOSE are USUALLY fucked up
As in the majority of the time, they're not straight so you have to fucking FIGHT the damn thing to use it

NOTHING is horizontal
You put a pen on a smooth surface, it will roll to the fucking floor

I have to fight every single part of my job, and they expect me to do it ALONE now too, because guess who's the ONLY one in his group now?
This faggot
Search [iqdb] (239 KB, 800x921, adfb9c4e61a1924be0ba53f6b8dca2(…).png)
And this is just what I could think of immediately
Rest assured, if there's a THING we do at work, the equipment to do it is cancer grade

Like the fucking things we use to keep the couplings in place while we fasten the sleeve or whatever to them
THOSE aren't properly made
They're wobbly, they don't properly fit

The scale I have to use takes like 5 seconds to decide whether the unit has the right weight or not AFTER I ALREADY TOOK IT OFF SO OBVIOUSLY IT FUCKING DOESN'T
But god forbid I don't wait for this piece of shit machine to do its thing
#3 is best
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 625x625, 3fba82d7720681e07abbe75214a937(…).jpg)
time to go
don't wanna
have to
Get a better job dude
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 400x225, 1485856473747.gif)
My sister and dad are enjoying their new jobs
No more responsibility
It's really good to have all that pressure of you too.
Yes now I can finally shoot myself
Search [iqdb] (307 KB, 499x511, 1487903303326.png)
I don't think that's a good idea!
It's a great idea!
No it's a wonderful idea!
What a wonderful world.
Search [iqdb] (8s, 402 KB, 1280x720, i wanna go.webm)
I wonder what this webm is.
Search [iqdb] (239 KB, 800x1293, 1466661121798.jpg)
That game got a bit of extra content lately.
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Wow kirara-san you're early!
Wait not before me
Search [iqdb] (469 KB, 1280x720, kurisusings1.png)
Oh my god what the fuck oh my god it's all love.
Sometimes we do it for the kids,
other times we gotta do it for us.
Somebody always wanna tell you you ain't doin' enough
But if you listen to everybody you'll be lookin' all crazy and fucked up
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Okay everyone is stupid, everyone is dumb
shout outs to the moon, shout outs to the sun
Peace to the ocean and shit - Pacific, specifically
But it's all the same ocean, literally.
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Dog I'm greased up, haters can't stick to me,
sticky green leaves, pussy smell like victory.
See me sittin' on the dock - hickory.
Never fuck around with fuckery or dickery.
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Shout out to Amaze 88. My grace slicker than Jefferson's Airplane - starship - whatever mane.
Stick with what's in front of me until I see a better plan,
See me on Conan, next time Letterman, If not - like I said. "Whatever man."
>>40449 →
