It's not particularly engaging. It's kind of a shame, since there's a fair bit of love and quality put into it. But there's just nothing that really grips me about it.
Is it really fake though? The only bit there that really felt ridiculous was the garbage problem. Both the pest overrun problem and a daycare still derelict are pressing, realistic issues.
>>40478 If you keep up this shitty Trump impression I'm gone.
I think this is one of his currently running series, Oddman. He tends to write short pieces that don't really have any long-running themes or story arcs, but likes to sneak in inter-connected character and scenario relations.
>Summoning magic to order pizza
There are a lot of chaotic variables in this story bit.
I didn't really need to do them. Though physical education was only compulsory for me for one year in high school. I don't think I had much issue with the fitness segment of that year though. I remember having no issue with the cardio sections though.
Hah hah Satania is actually pretty athletic I guess.
I've noticed the sub script is a lot more tame this episode. I guess CrunchyRoll told their translator(s) to reign in the stupid localization stuff after last week's episode.
>A devil devoting her life to helping others
What a weird turn of events.
The punchline was as expected though.
Aw shit. That looks really good.
These cooking club members are funny.
Oh no her weakness was discovered by the worst possible person.