Thread #39433
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Tonight we have: Spirit Circle Chain Chronicle Urara Demi-chan Zesty I think that's all?>>39437 Wow she replied to my offer really late.
hey rika my sister said you unfortunately live too far away to take her up on that meido offer im gonna eat this salad you guys watch spirit circle >>39436 she's been considering it the whole time
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Wow, she thought about it really hard.
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whats spirit circle
A good manga that I would love to see animated ;_; She means Spiritpact.
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okay let's do spirit pact then oh you're right We can do zesty or idol jihen as to not leave tilde out. Want to do that?
There's also Little Witch and Idol Jihen.
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too much to watch should we leave spiritpact for tomorrow or some other time
You were the one that was awfully content to dump a bunch of shows from yesterday onto today. It's all your fault!
I'm still up for a while I don't care if you leave me out.
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let's just knock out zesty 20 okay everyone is orange let's start!
I don't think we've quite got Jan online anyway.
downloading xs
[; pl
Geez Alisha you were the one saying no one is allowed to die.
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This Dio voiced guy is really persistent.
I don't think that's DIO's voice actor.
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>>39453 It is.
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>>39447 jan is online now activating turbo boosters engage overclock mode hmu when you guys finish this episode
>>39454 Huh, he doesn't have the usual undertone that's pretty prevalent in any of Koyasu's other roles. I wonder how he did away with that.>>39455 Rodger dodger. We'll be set to pick you up in fourteen minutes.
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>>39456 ten four good buddy i got my wristwatch timer set over n out
What exactly does he intend to accomplish here. He's not a soldier.
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>>39459 She doesn't have a sword.
That was awfully unceremonious.
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Does this happen in the game?
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alisha's screentime already like doubled the games
Tony seemed to indicated not really.
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okay so what jan shows do we have is it chain chronicle demi urara?
Was he not watching Spiritpact?
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I think that's just me and Ika.
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tihkn jan joined a little only not sure if still watching
Then you three do Spiritpact.
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No, let's save that because it's shit and I can't be up all night. Let's do Chain Chronicle and then Demi and Urara. Jan please wake up. jan please
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ok>>39458 jan wake is there anything else we can watch jan might be dead
Oh whoops that's what I meant. The show all three of you watch that I don't remember the name of because I don't care about it.
im not dead i just had to let my dog out because she got spooked by a cat and then she got distracted by teh neighbors dog until he recognized us they had a little meet n greet, my dog whined at him, he scratched his ear and yawned then came over to me. i booped him on the nose and then he got all up in my hand then he decided to go back to sleep i guess and trotted away >>39480 i have been ready the entire time i have been writing this post
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okay let's watch chain chronicle now are you ready jan? i don't mean to hurry you but i'm short on time this evening okay let's start!
>>39479 neat
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>>39480 oh i'm sorry! i didn't know you were low on time today. i could have hurried her up probably, if i had known. So my bad.
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how long do you have and can we do urara next please?
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>>39486 it's fine!>>39487 we can do urara and demi as long as we aren't slow.
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>>39488 okay i'll stay on track miss rika
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I thought some weeb demon had the book.
oh shit
wow black knight is really OP
is this how warriors train hitting flowers
oh it was a metaphor as long as you keep trying you can even chop down a tree with a sword
>he literally killed a tree to learn sieze the light
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>asking a shady old man you met in a book for power
>>39500 >shady old man he's clearly god
gohan becomes more powerful than goku.mkv
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haruaki was a good unit i had him 5 stars wowow ready for urara bing bang boom andale
i liked those siblings
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okay, let's move along to urara okay let's start!
Pichi pichi mizuki
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Looks like it's time for the swimsuit episode!
Omg ninja looks best
I know eh. They should have put that on her.
Based crab
These crabs have quite a vendetta with swimsuits.
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Their teacher is really good at taking it easy.
I know tfw nono though
Kon had such a deprived childhood.
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Kon is always the victim of spooky stuff.
Those water spirits had a really neat poetic tempo to how they spoke. I like attention to detail with stuff like that.
That was pretty awesome though
>>39523 To be fair in this case it's totes her fault. She's the one that wanted to do the underwater seance.
Geez Chiya.
Wow how can you just confess like that.
There's a perfectly nice full moon there though. May as well make it a moon-viewing dango feast.
Kokkuri-san Kokkuri-san
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I bet what she say has to do with Chiya's true nature.
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>>39536 awoo
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people are trying to sleep and they're yelling out the window okay let's demi okay that's everyone let's start!
Demidemidemidemi>>39540 That's a wolf not a fox, baka.
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kon>>39539 i'll awoo at you i swear to god
Dullahan-chan has a good head on her shoulders.
>>39542 you son of a bitch
oh nooo
Oh no, is Yukki Onna-chan coming down with a cold?
Wow she's a bit of a pervert.
well she can self insert in this so ez
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I bet there are works like that for succubi
Pftah hah hah. That's how I expected this to turn out.
that must have been really fun for him
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Being a succubus is probably pretty terrible.
Yukki Onna-chan is a real pervert.
Hah hah what is that head harness.
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>>39554 ZOOM ENHANCE on the text
I wonder what the commonplace-ness of other Demi-chans are. There's only four Dullahan in the world, but what about the other types. Succubi seem somewhat commonplace--enough that they're regular concerns of police forces. But not enough to be populous. Are Yuki Onna specific only to Japan, their cultural origin? I guess that would make Dullahan-chan kind of out of place though.
vampire taste-test
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Despite all that she probably wants to bite him real bad.
He's going into proper scientist mode That's kind of a neat character quirk of hi- Pft. Hah hah hah.
Tensai Dullahan
she's always taking good care of her mind
it only makes sense this way
Search [iqdb] (429 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Demi-chan wa Ka(…).jpg )
ok thank you for anime sayonara bye bye
Fare thee well Jan.
>Drunk succubus next week LIMITER D I S E N G A G E D
thanks for anime
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>>39566 >>39566 >>39566 >>39566 >>39566
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yes, thanks for anime!
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>>39569 did i pass sensei? did i make you proud? i was so punctual this time!