well still lame as fuck and not evennin a ridiculous way
>>220029 Yeah I know I regret not taking a picture
dnno about usa, but that would ve breaching someone's privacy rights if taken without permission here
Just say you were taking a photo of the crowd and she just happened to be in the forefront. Can't do nothing about that.
>>220031 People in public have no reasonable expectation of privacy. Err, that's a general explanation of the laws about it.
If you've got plausible deniability, then there's no plausible way they can get you in trouble for it.
You could just ask her if you can take a photo of her cool tattoo
>>220034 >>220035 In the US it is legal to photograph anyone and anything on public property. Excluding upskirts >>220037 It's not even bullshit You have no reasonable expectation of privacy on public property If you don't want people taking pictures of your tattoo then hide it with a sleeve >>220038 Why are you assuming only women wear skirts? Also it probably applies to kilts too
well evennif you can bullshit yourbway out of it, ut would be rude as fuck wouldn't want pics taken of me on the streets and posted in places
Also nothing in your previous context lead us to assume it was public property.
>>220040 Yeah my bad It was a street festival Although if it were private property, unless tgere were sigbs saying "no phitography" or I agreed to some sort of contract that prevented me from taking photos I can still take photos
You're a bit of a killjoy to talk to some times you know. Even if there's an established legal proceedings for things, some times people just want to play around with a scenario. Having to come up with a silly lie for why you did something that is kind of improper for any reason is fun.
>>220042 I mean if I saw her at the festival a second time I was going ro ask her if I could take a picture of the tattoo. But I would ask mainly because that would get her to stay still.
Anyways the laws regarding "upskirts" really apply to "photographing private areas under clothing without consent", but it just so happens that the most common breach of those laws involves upskirts. Although it's not explicitly illegal everywhere in the US. It was actually briefly explicitly legal (due to a court ruling) in one jurisdiction, can't remember where though. Mightve been Georgia.
Oh it was Massachusetts And by * It might still be legal, I don't currently feel like reading through their state laws to check though.
Nvm was made illegal pretty soon after that case. Court document if anyone is interested (I doubt it) http://www.universalhub.com/2014/commonwealth-vs-michael-robertson?nocache=1
I'm assuming they meant upskirts but I'm incapable of verifying whether or not its that or just taking photographs of women without consent since the laws are in korean.
i got up to turn on file sharing and ended up cleaning my air conditioner out and installing new curtain rods
>>220047 >allowing for chemical castration South Korea doesn't fuck around
chemical castration ain't shit real men do real castration without anesthetic
>>220077 i'm about to go feed like four dozen feral cats but i'm hungover af so i'm drinking ALL the milk before i go and taking a benzo i want to catch up on sleep today i ended up sleep-working a couple mornings this week, did you know you could do that? like sleepwalking, but trying to work it's not very productive
>>220080 it probably doesn't help that i inherently complicate conversations i probably should go easier around her, but i don't want to give no one special treatment either i don't believe in that kinda thing
>>220080 it was a new fractal we always do them with two less people than max. which is not a good plan. we did it anyway every boss took a lot of effort. There was this giant lady who was really hard and we thought it was the last boss and it wasn't
>>220082 she seems socially robust enough to be here most of us have social anxiety as it is and we do okay but like SC for instance and some other posters, Saka, actually even kannagi at one time posting is/was a little too much anxiety for them
>>220084 she's been having a lot of anxiety about even posting like "hello" the first time she did it she started panicking haha but she's doing really well, i've been kind of sitting with her to help her keep calm but last night she really got into a groove and posted on her own without me beside her
>>220085 At this point it's habit. We've been doing it like that since we first started climbing fractals. They were new and didn't know things. Now they know things and are good so we can handle it. This NEW ONE THOUGH. FUCK
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>220086 she was asking me what people meant at first but i kept telling her to ask the person what they meant lol
>>220090 hey bloop, floop is trying to learn about muh jongs would you be interested in an annotated three man game so he can have an experience playing it not necessarily this moment but sometime today
>>220093 okay neat >>220092 ive never watched saki, is the mahjong in it even good or is barely even mahjong anymore akagi is truly a masterpiece though ive probably rewatched akagi like six times first watch, i had never played mahjong. second watch, i still hadn't played it but i understood how it worked from watching the first time. watched it again once i was kind of familiar with the game and enjoyed it on a whole new level. the better i got at mahjong, the more about the show i was able to appreciate it's one of those kinds of shows it's really cool
>>220095 i really don't know anything about mahjong other than the stuff fish figured out from watching saki and told me about so idk how good the mahjong in saki is, but it's pretty intense there are a lot of superpowers in it but the superpowers are basically just playstyles like Saki's dealio is to win games with rinshan kaihou i think it's called and so her super power is that she gets that when she kans or something
idk how realistic it is to be able to manipulate the flow of the game like saki characters do
no joke i think they reduced the rates and have the rates labeled incorrectly i saw some jp blogs a week or two ago where people were collecting data on the rates, they might send it over to the government which would mean nintendo would get disciplined pretty heavily if trye true*
the japanese government takes mobage really really seriously when they did that in granblue fantasy they had to give the players like 100mil in in-game /// 100mil USD in compensation with in-game gatcha currency for it maybe it was more like 20 mil, i'm exaggerating a little
>>220100 well it's a little complicated with this because how are people collecting the data? the numbers are rolled when you hit summon, not when you select the stones there's a strange statistical structure to it that i generally abuse for slightly better rates but i still didn't get shit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>220101 they just do 5 rolls it doesn't have to be precise data, it just has to show that there's potentially a discrepancy then they can file a complaint with the government's mobage guys, and they investigate the actual rates using nintendo's data and if the rates aren't being listed correctly, it's super illegal and nintendo will get in a lot of trouble
>>220102 is there a particularly large discrepency this time? phoenix had a hunch back with the frobin swimsuit event that intelligent (that other company handling the gacha stuff i guess? idk) had a big milker coming up that they weren't giving out free orbs and then had two events in a row to try to clear out everyone's free orbs, and then that they'd release a major new hero banner and have it not last very long and everyone would have to collapse and buy orbs he like, studied their banner trends and i think collected data on how much revenue was brought in through those banners and it was huge after the spring event, once they released ike directly after was it ike? i dont remember doesnt matter
>>220104 the sample was really small because the data was only starting to be collected it showed a big discrepancy but the sample i saw was only like 200 draws so it'd be kind of jumping the gun to say it's proof of anything if they're really manipulating the rates then it'll probably go public in a few weeks
haha fish has the Achiga-hen BDs on and they removed all the fog from the bath scenes so you can see everything but there's nothing to see they just got rid of the fog and then didn't draw what the fog was hiding
hahaha i know right >>220179 dude check out the ogma
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what a fucking madman who even thinks like yeah i gotta make a fucking jagen
he sacked athena to give ogma wo dao lol
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i wish i had enough shit to make crazy builds like that to fuck with people in arena
yeah dude me too i wish i had wings of mercy fodder i've got a shitty takumi i don't want i might just offer up cc to my robin
what is berkut's lance again
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
+4 res when attacked
the absolute madman with 51 res jesus christ
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that player was so lucky he had a map with those defensive tiles or he would have been destroyed
i was almost to tier 20 i had a 6 streak on 682-686 matchups, flawless and then the last fuckin one of the chain had to be that bitch ass green tome and i lost it i spent like 20 dueling crests trying to get through tier 19 into 20 and i fuckin lost from that one matchup, i never got close again i need to spend time getting my good units to 40 and the sp they need but it's such a chore
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i got a 4* nowi and a 4* effie during my attempts at getting elise just more shit ti 5*
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
been trying to get a nowi since the game came out though so i'll probably prioritize 5*ing her
let's see what her IV is FUCKING NEUTRAL IV
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i guess that's okay but fuck
neutral iv is good for nowi she's pretty well balanced as it is i think it's good for her
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's alright for her better than -atk or -spd or something but i was hoping for +spd to help with falchion users
just plop swordbreaker on there my man
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i was hoping i wouldn't necessarily need swordbreaker i guess it can't be helped though
oh it's double sp time oh boy time to take my robins and go get 12 sp per kill i bet i can farm 2k SP on my +atk robin in like an hour
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah, friday through sunday is always double SP
i got like 2k sp on effie with my frobbin on the team haha
my cecilia is +9 now i need like 500 more feathers to get her to +10
oh moon someone in class mentioned the parable of the boiled frog one day i couldn't stop laughing everyone was lookin at me so funny
that's my life most days i know that when i'm talking i sound stressed out always and i probably am but i probably have a tumor on my brain stem that makes me laugh when i'm stressed i laugh at really inappropriate times i can't help it >>>/watch?v=JjC-vnGGLLE this is really good too
but this was like i'm sitting there in class saying "frog boil frog die frog boil frog DIE" in my head on repeat and just laughing nonstop
what are you most afraid of sharks ghost REINHART
i did get fae 5* i dunno if i want to just harvest her for renewal on frobin or if i want to 5* my adult tiki and have a dragon team ninian would be better because fortify dragons but it'll never happen
>>220204 i want to 5* my tiki and nowi man i got some much stuff i wanna 5*
>>220206 >new years, new stars >we're celebrating the 2018 new year by introducing six start units to FEH! For only 50,000 feathers and 40 orbs, you can now six star your favorite units
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>220207 >next day tier 20 and above is all 6* units
>>220208 >introducing re-rolling your IVs for 20 orbs
>for each +, they let you exchange 1 orb requirement for 2000 feathers
fuck dude i'm just in the middle of showering or doing random housework and that fuckin jagen keeps popping back into my mind and i burst out laughing like a fuckin retard i'm glad nobody's here they'd think i'm so crazy
>>220212 I'm so jealous of your temperatures. I can only exercise between 3-6am or it's way too hot.
>>220215 a touch over three miles an hour i mean it's a walk not a jog so it's not gonna be real high i tend to take really slow walks though and do a lot of scenery enjoyment sometimes just stopping and looking at the trees for a bit if it wasn't so hot out i'd actually consider taking a walk and bringing a book with me or something i could park under the tree and watch all the critters and read a book in the nice weather for a little bit i kind of want to get a walking cane though
>>220217 It is fairly nice today, some light showers and a bit windy but not too hot and not too cold! >>220214 Niceo, you got a fair bit of walking done! >>220218 Well that was me walking a fairly slow pace, maybe my height affect things?
>>220219 I'm checkin out the temperatures in England and it looks like you've got like weeks of really amazing temperatures. It's like 10-20c lower than the temperature here.
>>220220 hey, speaking of temperatures, how are you feeling about keys @ september should we fuck off to the northeast coast instead for an early fall climate >>220219 it means you didn't stop and take breaks! that's good! i would
>>220222 i think for the final product we probably want to rent a luxury car though just for one day it's pay day in a couple days though and i want to buy a ticket as soon as possible before prices go up so maybe ponder upon that a bit today if you have the free thoughtspace to do so
>>220224 What I mean is that if we went to Northeast coast, we'd need a car to get around the time while we're there. If we go to the Keys, I can pick you up at the airport and get us to the Keys and we can rent a car once we're at the Keys.
>>220226 I thought you didn't have a credit or debit card because no bank.
>>220225 i'm over 25 so renting a car for me is like 15 bucks a day
>>220225 i've got a paypal business debit but for some reason they don't accept debit and specifically want credit most places anyway the bigger problem is i dont have insurance >>220228 yes you do
>>220227 I've been able to rent from Enterprise and Alamo using my debit.
I guess no insurance is an issue, yeah. hmm
Well, if a vehicle isn't an issue, then I'd personally prefer Northeast coast just because I love the climate and environment there. I think fall trees would make a much more beautiful video, too.
>>220232 there's the mobot japanese festival happening september 2-4 here in saint louis if you'd fancy the midwest at all but i think it's better here by october but the japanese festival is like the best part about saint louis it's not an anime con or nothin it's a culture fest
i went with saya one year, i remember it being crazy hot like miserable levels of hot but some years it's not and it feels great our fall here is very fickle
What about using a standard like you guys were talking about I could let y'all use my truck for a couple days
>>220234 the average high for sept 1 - 4 is 85 degrees i think you'd really like the botanical gardens here (where it's being held) it's my favorite place i used to pay 60 dollars a year for a membership because i'd go up there like twice a week
>>220238 That's pretty warm but I guess it's not like Florida's any better haha. I wonder how difficult it would be to film while walking around, though.
>>220240 Yeah It's a 1999 Ram Dakota with a standard transmission I still don't quite get what your final vision for the piece is so I don't know if that'll be useful
>>220240 i don't think we'd need to walk around while filming the festival has timeslots and events at various areas of the garden, so we can pick out the ones we want to see, set up shop early, and film the events (i'd better check their policies on filming. i know photography is fine.) or we can just stake out key scenescapes from the garden and do some filming let me go pull up my deep drives from old hard drive partitions and find where my photography folders are at i can show you pictures i took from the garden
even with the benzos i still can't do it ah well another day another dead thought
lemme find their programming hold up http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/Portals/0/Events%20and%20Exhibits/Jfest/JF_Program_2016.pdf
i guess the programming isn't out for this year yet but here's the one for 2016 to give you an idea of the kind of events ignore the visuals, just the schedule is what i'm talkin about
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
aww shit balloon art demo
>anime movie - the girl who leapt through time they play this same one every year lol i wish she woulda leapt through a meat grinder instead
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
ooh kimono fashion show
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
looks like a lot of pretty physical demos like dancing and martial arts and stuff that could be pretty good for VR
oh dude the fuckin karaoke it's fuckin prime each year it's the best shit in the world like half of the participants are 55 year old japanese women singing enka and then you get these 16 year old girls in cat ears trying to sing running in the 90s it's like the best shit ever
>VR karaoke >Go up on stage and music plays >no singing or anything but you can sing to the song >at the end everyone claps
>>220251 haha fuck that sounds hilarious i love enka and running in the 90s
does this look like an option you'd want to do fuck, we're not even getting the drive if we do all this shit but that could be really cool i better check their policies and stuff if it's not allowed, maybe i can call them and ask them if we can do it promotionally for them that we're not benefiting off // profiting off of it
>>220255 i guess if it was multiplayer it might be fun remote group karaoke with custom avatars
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
well it'd just be a video
i could set up a karaoke stream on my desktop hot kike /got over 10k karaoke songs on me
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>220257 this is basically how Aikatsu works in the anime the idols go up and sing and people tune in across Japan as avatars to watch it basically in VR
there's also iM@S Starlight Stage VR for PSVR which puts you in a group of fans watching an idol sing and the only gameplay is choosing what color glowstick you want and waving it around lol
And people still probably ate it up because VR idols.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I don't think it's out yet but they will yeah
want me to do a jaraoke stream sometime? wpuld require some other platform then twitch, though
hahahahaha that's funny no they will never make a jojo figma
jojo posable figures already exist they're amazingly detailed araki personally works on them
>>220327 damn oh nice getting a few and then making a "menacing" rl filter effect for it wpuld be fun
>>220327 https://mobotgarden.photoshelter.com/galleries/C0000WWJYBcAWRAU/G0000bKFOTahufz0/Panorama check these panoramas out
Ripe peaches are so good but you've got such a narrow window to get at them before they go too ripe.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>220329 wow, this is way nicer than the crappy botanical gardens we have here
dude missouri botanical gardens are the best in the nation the fuckin house that henry shaw lived in while doing all his botanical research is inside the garden it's all preserved we can go in there and tour his original home and all the cool crap
>>220323 >>220325 Some figmas look good, but it's usually where the character has long shirts and pants and they can hide the joints in that pattern. Where the elbows and knees are bare, it looks really bad. Shigure wears the same outfit as Yuudachi, so I don't have high hopes for her figma.
here's just one of an album from a lilac show they had it sounds so lame but i love flowers this was pretty awesome i have hundreds of photos of lilacs in here
>>220354 i stayed too long and my brain was starting to melt so i couldn't think right that's all for now that's about all of my photography experience is at the gardens it's just so beautiful there
http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/visit/things-to-know/photography.aspx#media found their filming policy p hard to tell whether we'd fall under noncommercial use or not i'd imagine not
err i meant to say i dont think we'd count as commercial i'm sure we can take it for private use and contribute it to the garden archives crediting ourselves for the photography
It really sucks to get caught outside in it. One time I was running and it started raining like that right at me and it was so painful and miserable that I had to just sit down on the ground with my back to it for like 20 minutes.
>>220407 No, sheet rain comes in at such a steep angle that your lower half is going to get wet no matter what kind of umrella you're using.
>>220414 Well yes, but a bell shaped umbrella will help block your upper half better. Although theoretically you coukd make an umbrella that goes all the way down to your feet, but that woukd be silly.
One of the cutest things about Kuro is her incredible capacity for suffering. She seems like she's going to be this cool stylish girl who is in control, but then she gets beaten down really badly and her onee-chan has to save her.
>>220425 It's almost not her fault. Her mahjong power is pretty crappy. But then Yuu saves her by cleaning up her mess, and Yuu's power really isn't any better.
>>220427 Eh, Rika I had no idea that you had mahjong powers.
I listened to that DC you got me, imats, and it turns out I've already heard it. I guess it was a patreon-only thing for a while, but was released afterwards
Still listened through it though, cause it's interesting
>>220495 if you did not desire to deny your desires then you'd give in to desires but you just said you denied them so you must desire to deny desires >>220497 but then you wouldn't want to do the thing you didn't want to do
I class changed from meek screwup to douchebag screwup. It wasn't supposed to be this way. >>220536 I am still trying to remember what has happened in the past hour. I got food. Oh, and then bought orange juice and fixed the internet and now I am here.
I am both tired and restless. This is awful. I forgot what this felt like. Staying up all night. Waking up in the evening. At least the sun was still up this time though. Waking up after the sun goes down really kills my food.
Well, I had only just woken up like an hour before I asked you out. Perhaps even less than an hour. But my body still feels like crap for staying up so long. So I feel like I want to sleep but I know that I don't want to sleep.
Fuck I keep hearing about more of the enemies the dm made and I keep thinking tgat the easiest way to deal with them is portable hole + bag of holding.
>>220548 Well, if you believe in me, then I'll believe in you. Next time, I'll just bring the date to Yuu instead. >>220547 You can't just gap your way out of everything.
>>220559 How about I break into your house very carefully to not scare fish and rearrange all your furniture into a better fung shwei or what have you.
Replace the computer mouse with a Zune. Put a Yamaha where the keyboard is. And actually keybind all the keys. Replace the monitor with... what's that thing called. An EKG? >>220571
rename all the files on the computer so he can't find anything
>>220590>>220592 I dont even know where my opinion is on it. I am just confused. And is that a hat in her hand? Because you can't wear a hat with bunny ears? minus the question mark?
It's not really about him turning a normie into his perfect otaku girlfriend. It's about him ignoring two great girls who are really into him so that he can date the most boring girl on the planet.
do harem animes ever say "fuck it" and have the mc date all the girls at once instead of choosing one? If you're gonna go escapist you should just go the whole length!
>>220628 How is it cheating if everyone agrees on it?
>>220628 How is it cheating if you're both clear and agre on it
>>220624 I'm still holding out for ahhh internettttttt Oh, I'm alive. I'm still holding out for the show where both girls ditch the guy and just become lesbians.
>>220636 the show is literally titled NTR and ika tricked rika into watching it by saying it's not NTR and then rika liked it so she's pretending she's only watching it for a single character even though she says she hates NTR and ton is watching it because he also likes NTR
Shows with a bunch of different couples are the best. Omnibus harems are pretty good too since it's just a series of love stories that way. Reverse harems are a mixed bag, it depends on the quality of the guys.
I didn't watch Amagami SS. How was that? >>220648 I guess that's why Ouran was good? I'm not confident in my ability to rate guys but I would assume that they were good. At the very least, highly entertaining.
For a defense team? It makes perfect sense. All these upstart mages. good thing I still have another Jagen. I was thinking of this exact thing. Jagen has always been the one that made Tempest runs really difficult. on the final stage Berkut has all those anti-magic skills
>>220688 are you gonna tell us what you're about to do then
no you were all fuckin wrong you don't deserve to know
>>220687 i know but it's so out there haha it's really fun what you can do with the game when you've got unlimited dollars
>>220690 Now my minds eye will wonder and imagine you doing all sorts of things
Maybe 10 years ago but now culture is run by millenials.
You can't just drink green tea, you have to drink it in your tea room that you spent thousands of dollars on while wearing your stupid hipster hat and using a tea bowl you bought on amazon for 200 dollars.
I drink green tea in dingy Japanese restaurants and no where else.
>>220721 We need a nutri bullet but it's for tea >>220722 This man gets the tea culture
gween tea
>>220724 SHIT fuckin shit man i got our next product line ready okay hear me out
This is The O. You'd think it'd be slow, but it's actually really fast because it has verniers everywhere! It has like 6 beam sabers and 6 arms which is also cool
Sounds like a plan The two are pretty linked. Conquer time, conquer space.
I think you could thrash the world all you want but time wouldn't give a fuck. But if you destroy time, you take down this world and ALL the worlds it could have been in one fell swoop
>>220801 that is the worst feeling when you have nothing you need to do but you feel like there's something you urgently need to do
>>220802 I dont know I need a new job relatively soon but I have the luxury of enjoying at least a few days off and yet I feel like something is off. Maybe its just from being used to working.
>>220974 Put a mask on and you'll instantly become the coolest and most mysterious character in the show
>>220978 Oh my god they're always the best character in the show But you know what's even cooler When they're that character but they used to be the protagonists rival, but then they team up to defeat an even bigger evil together! And then near the end the protags almost defeated and the rivals like "NOT SO FAST, YOU CAN'T GIVE IN NOW" and they crash into the bad guy and explode And then the protag is like "RIVAAAAAAAAAAL!!!!!!!" and then they're like "AUUUUUUUUGHRHRRHHRRH" and deliver the killing blow to the villain. Then after that rival gives a dying farewell and says something cool like "sayonara... buddy" or "I wish we could have got to know each other better"
I would be that character that comes along when all hope is lost the party seems defeated and it's ogre but then *EPIC MUSIC DOO DOOO DOO* HERE COMES THE CAVALRY bam
what a cool guy
>>220976 yeah the rival/villain turning into secret protagonist is cool
>>220976 devil may cry 3 was my favorite anime ending of all time
why isn't there just an anime of DMC3 instead of the DMC anime
>>220992 very good lots of backstory/character development for pretty much everyone no real additions to the plot thoughhh the renne bit was horrifying sooooooooo dark
>>220976 what a coincidence my favorite anime is Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
>>220996 That episode where Raiden fights Sam is so fucking cool! I love that it turns out Sams body was mostly human. It really just makes him even cooler.
>>220995 i heard about that a bit was it better than the other games? rank them
>>220978 And then gets smacked away from the scene by the boss in a really comical fashion.
>>221000 SC > FC > 3rd imo. 3rd is still a good game though!
coldsteel comes out on pc in a few days i think so im playing a fan translation of zero no kiseki while i wait the translation is a bit rough (lol) but i couldn't wait aaaaaa
>>220998 Yeah, sam was so awesome, the OVA episode where it shows him joinng the badguys was my favote too bad i paid $15 for it
Koi Pixiv Extension 1.3.2 will soon be up. And once that happens, I can upload Koi Pixiv Extension 1.3.3 because 1.3.2 had a regex error. In short, you can now enjoy Pixiv History again. Well, soon.
I already became a digital icon. It's overrated. My thing is just that it would have made more sense to name it after Keine. Being a manipulator of history and all.
two and a half months and I've lost almost 100 users. I should have figured this out sooner. The fix was easier than any of the other updates. I was just too lazy to look.
There's no law prohibiting people from being TWO (2) digital icons though.
>>221112 Send them all a personalized rendition of "baby come back".