Thread #220817
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fate kakegurui' jigoku shoujo recreators altair knights and magic ballroom (yes I realize we just watched 4 last night) isekai cellphone jikan
>>220819 Apparently the dual-airing of Ballroom this week means there won't be an episode next week.
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Strange, but at least they gave us two eps in two weeks instead of just one. so since maria is here knights and magic should be first and there's nothing really too comfy so the list I propose is: knights and magic fate kakegurui ballroom or knights and magic fate jigoku shoujo kakegurui and save ballroom for another night
hmm I want option 2 we did ballroom yest
No complaints.
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okay knights and magic Maria are you with us any paying attention? okay everyone is ready let's start
RIP Zaregoto. I'll get around to watching you some day.
>>220827 yeah
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I'm glad he put helmets on the little ones. They were bugging me without helmets or at least roll cages. That was dangerous!
>>220832 Do they even wear helmets in the knight cockpits? It'd be pretty dangerous if it fell over and they hit their head on something
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>>220833 They don't need helmets in the knights. They're in cockpits. But the smaller units they were just walking around with their heats sticking out of. It would be deadly if one were to fall over on the head or neck, so you really need a helmet secition or a roll cage.
>>220834 That's a good point!
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They should really wear helmets in the knights too though, because you should wear a helmet in any combat vehicle.
>>220836 They should get airbags in the knights If it came to a sudden stop they might suffer whiplash
Gundam banditos
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Wow, didn't take long for their super robots to get stolen.
>small arms >ever doing anything to a robot Why even bother
Cross fingers and hope for an Achilles Heel.
Awwwww yissss that hammer is huge>>220843 I thought they all got cross bowed
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They should really get some security guards for their hangar.
Is this guy really monologuing.
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>>220842 Those were just the mechanics.
Yeah but these are the kids that helped design the robots those rogues are fighting in.
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D is really hot blooded. That battle really changed him.
>leaving yourself open like that D has really pulled it together after the first couple of episodes
Gabriel Dropout is on twitch
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What's up with twitch doing anime now anyway?
Probably some kind of arrangement with CrunchyRoll. I guess it's kind of neat that they're streaming full seasons.
Goddamn Dietrich became a man
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D went from a guy who always ran away to a go who cannot run away.
>still images I guess they used up the budget on that last fight
>Order of the Scarlet Rabbit I feel there is a more terrific or fearsome or honorable creature to choose as the token of your order.
sounds perfectly fine
See that's a much more majestic title for an order.
Thanks for anime! This ws // was a good episode >>220867 Earl of cucumber
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Earlcumber is a funny name.
>I'll show you the power of my Earlcumber!
She's gunning for that shota booty
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Oh, he's adding a blonde to his black haired girl. okay let's do Fate ikaaaaaaaa okay there ika is let's start!
Fate/Apocrypha this season and next, and then Fate/Extra in the winter. So much Fate.
Fate/cinematic universe
>>220873 Are you here for anime Anno?
I guess he's reliving Seigfried's memories now.
did that chess board have less spaces than it should
Well there are only seven servants to each isde.
Side even.
comic relief trap
Oh no they didn't run away enough.
what time
04:30 04:35 04:40
so strong
rider is the best girl (boy)
boku wa
>As my sister before God Vlad the fucking Impaler sure is stretching at this here.
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>>220886 I'm sure his assertion is that he did all the stuff he did for a good reason.
is there really any point to tourturing servants
It makes you feel better about yourseld.
Yourself even.
Jeanne has a rather simple view of the world.
Well I guess that explains why their names overlap.
servant ruler is a bit of a conflicting name
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Well, don't forget that fate is infused with engrish. Maybe she's the ruler because she enforces the rules.
is vlad not a servant how come he's leading the organization
Oh I guess the Assassin of Black is still rogue.
The Assassin's always seem to go to the mentally unstable people.
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>>220895 He's a good leader so they put him in charge, I guess.
>mama not this meme
>>220898 This whole Holy Grail War also takes place in Romania. So Vlad is like, a super Servant because of territorial bonuses.
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Oh, and I guess the family probably respects him and sees him as one of their own since he's a national hero. Even though he has a rough reputation in most of the world he has a good reputation there.
they told him to live not jump off a cliff
This fat loser is getting logically smacked down by a homunculli.
s e i g i seigi of seigfried
spooky skeletons
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It's like a skeleton telegraph.
this fat guy should die
>>220907 He was talking with Waver Velvet too. Nothing scary about that.
10/10 smile
>Your life to come is bound to make you smile! If there's one thing I've come to learn about Fate, it's that such things are certainly NOT bound to happen.
is he gonna smile as he stabs her later
Fuck Shirou you're pretty insane this Holy Grail War. I guess Kotomine taught him well.
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oaky jigoku shoujo okay let's start!
ready for bittersweet
Symphony That's lai-aife
is this wacau salesman 2.0 warau
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No, this is way better than that. Warau salesman wasn't even about bad people. he just tricked people and was mean to him. People in Jigoku Shoujo are a lot more complex. This episode has a lot of problem personalities.
that's some hardcore bullying
haha just flip the stake
what a family
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Everyone is kind of on the calm side considering she just got stabbed in the hand with a fork. That's a serious injury.
Maybe it's just par the course by now.
just everyday life
How entirely petty.
dark arts
i'm not so sure about the dementia part
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Oh yeah, that mark on her is the mark people get on them when they take vengance.
They're a horribly miserable family but I guess they at least still talk to each other.
he's well imformed on this
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Jigoku Shoujo is a super popular urban legend. haha why is that guy talking shit at an elementary schooler
>>220929 I think not talking is much better than what they do
it's not a bad idea is she hanging out with ghosts
he managed to gather adults on his own how cool
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>>220933 She doesn't realize they're ghosts.>>220935 >>220938 He needs to become a private investigator when he grows up.
Oh shit this kid did some WORK.
If he gets to grow up that is.
it's kinda jarring a kid summons you provides evidence and then offers something as silly as using an urban legend
Hah hah hah. This brother and sister combo ended up being the most twisted of the family in the end.
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haha what He's trying to get other people to send them so he doesn't have to forfiet his soul.
wow he just found some creepy stalker
Holy fuck this guy.
Kid's plot got foiled by the adults though.
His sister's awfully touchy-feely with the cousin.
why is she so afraid
well he neglects his own kids it's pretty easy ouch not the teeth
Hmmmm. Oh fuck that's a tooth.
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Wow, he is LOSING it.
this show is hilarious
Man these fucking kids.
the sister was right to be afraid
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That guy was flipping out and the girl looked so bored.
she came to give him an exclusive deal 5 for 1
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its so funny how the father is such a wimp he went flying like a wet piece of paper
if he sends the mother since she has the mark does she get to go to DOUBLE HELL
What absurd parents.
why do you carry a jump rope around
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So everyone but him left?
the door looks still closed right?
Yeah it looks like the cousin didn't get in. But to have him frantically, maniacally smashing at the door, trying to get in, howling in madness about the things he's going to do to her once he gets it. That's probably fucking terrifying.
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This one had a big body count.
jump rope hell pop can you send yourself to hell?
Oh my.
wew who's that even
who is that
It doesn't really seem like he saved her in the end though.
i guess if he's gonna go to hell then fuck it nayway, kill all you wany want
>>220987 yeah i guess thats what they are thinking but who is that girl was she another bully
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Wow, this one was dark.>>220988 I think they just took to killing random bitchy girls because they're going to hell so why not. And thinly justified it by saying that it would help people like his already broken imouto.
Promising your soul to hell probably works wonders on cleaning up your moral quagmire.
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yep she is
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Oh I guess so. That episode had a really high body count.
The line of dialogue they say there tells even more. They managed to make the cousin and older sister disappear perfectly, so no one suspected them of being involved with the disappearances. By that reasoning, if they can make all their victims disappear perfectly, there won't be any reason for suspicion either. Granted this time they're just working with mortal instruments and don't have magic hell dolls.
they can eat her the perfect crime
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okay kakegurui okay lets start
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By the way I'm pretty convinced now these chucklefucks who are subbing this series are doing all this play with the show filename to mess with people.
KA KA GURU>>221012 I dont have this version is it worth getting over
No clue. The subs are fine, they don't have any of the weirdness that seems to infest the rest of that subgroup's communications. But I don't know how they go against the rest of offerings though.
i'm not sure how i feel about the detail on the eyes and lips
Mary is getting a chance at the limelight this time aorund. She's kind of fun when she's not on the opposing side.
slightly gay
oh this is a fun op
Oh my.
haha she actually truned off the lights
He's dancing in the palm of their hand by now.
it's always these sheer gambles with no one playing anything or scheming stuff (aware of it at least) that Jabami fails at.
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I bet it was someone else's hand
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She's playing him.
Oh he's gonna make her the master and him the dog.
how yuri is this show
tilde smiles
slightly spooky eyes
Breast push
Oh she was really cute with long hair. I'm pretty mad now.
ok yoshikage whatever you say
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Yumeko is CRAZY.
As it always is. Jabami never gets the hands to save her when she needs them.
so smug it's criminal
Wow that was plays on plays on plays. I like this duo now that Mary isn't a total bitch.
pretty gay it seems
I mean I guess Mary is still kind of a total bitch but she's putting her powers to good use now.
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Well something like that was to be expected.
And he just fucking gives back all that money. This guy is WHIPPED.
what a nice chair
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Yumeko is CRAZY
what an ed
Oh I guess we see more of gun-crazy-chan next week.
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Looks like she'll be the monster of the week. Thanks for anime!
I dont likke gun-chan that much I hope she doesnt cheat itll be more interesting