But maybe you guys will have some thoughts on what you want to watch.
So have Jikan no Shihaisha and Smartphone been booted off the list.
I'd kind of like to get Bahamut in. Also maybe doing a bit extra if possible might be good since we'll be hitting the week soon enough and this season is actually a bit top-heavy.
The sports festival is kind of the interlude between the first major arc of the series and this one, which is kind of a second major arc. It's also somewhat tighter writing and has some great improvement in the student characters.
Yeah, he gets pretty awesome after the sports festival. Kind of stops feeling like an edgy OP character and ends being more of an autistic guy that wants to be a good guy.
they did it maybe
The OST for the first season of this show was pretty good. But this one has been like, "you liked that previous OST? You haven't seen NOTHING yet."
He made a fucking fire spear. That's pretty ridiculous.
I'm surprised at how willing they are to trust Jeanne again after she went dark and nearly destroyed the world. It's really in Jeanne's nature to go dark. I expect it to happen again.
Wow that's cute on Nina.
Rita has a somewhat stereotypical idea of how demons dress though.
Oh man that music was a good touch.
Oh Nina.
Wow that's a way to sit.
Im a little surprised to see the king actually have some sort of feeling twoards nina
Most of the characters in this show are kind of two or three minds about everything.
I get the feeling we might see red-hair's revenge this episode. Gonna go all out on the dancefloor even though his knee, already kind of shot, is even more messed up with the tumble down the stairs.
are these shaft character designs
His hair is still a little gelled back even after he cleaned up.
How did anyone not catch the swap. The MC and Hyoudo are nothing alike.
No. This is cute girls do toku shows. It is a brilliant premise.
I feel like there's been a lot of series that touch on bringing focus to some somewhat over-looked towns and villages lately. This, Sakura Quest, Frying Witch's anime was actually changed from the manga to focus in on a specific region. That Minami bike club show.
>>219953 I know, but I feel there's been an increase in the concentration in the past year or two.
Well the decision process is a bit spoiled by the OP. And the fact that the show's name literally involves fruits. So whoever had the idea to consider fruits was gonna win out.
It's happening all over the first world really. Youth generally flock to places where population is already gravitating towards. More rural or smaller towns and cities that aren't cultural hotspots can't hope to compete with that mentality.
And we're more or less past the age where resource booms like the gold rush or something similar can grant a previous place in the middle of nowhere a burst of interest.
did they name their hero hina-nectar
>Wisdom Kiwi >Kiwis being wise
These light effects are the kind of corny that it's hard to not smile at.
i wonder if these things die out and kids just stop being interested in them
Oh some spy reconnaissance. Gotta know what your crowd is thinking.
Wow the twin has a cute hoodie.
must be hard to shadow someone on a wheelchair
I wish I could pull off a cute hoodie like that.
that's a fancy karaoke scoring system
They're all kind of bad at singing eh.
Oh all the behind scenes staff are pretty good at singing.
But all the girls that would actually be singing on stage are bad or mediocre.