Arena 4 is at its best when your brute hulk smashes the whole enemy team into a 5 month long coma too bad the heavy hitters are shit once you get into higher levels of the tournament They suck at hitting things best team is "average team" a team that can mage, shoot bow and hit of course if you can build the >god archer, god strenght/tank, god wizard, god average guy you can do it, but... that requires too much luck
>>218785 Today with my mom: cancer-sniffing dogs I guess its true but still
>>218792 You can avoid having sex with people that have HIV and avoid sharing needles with people that have HIV. Both of those are things people with the kind of money to afford that kind of dog generally do naturally with some exceptions here and there.
Rich people generally have their prostitutes screened, too.
>>218793 What if you're rich and a manslut. Then you'd have a use for the sniffer dog. >prostitutes It's just not the same thing
>>218795 Oh I assumed that the dog could just sniff them That'd be really awkward I think the moral of this story is that having sex with strangers is a bad idea
>>218794 Even if you could just have the dog sniff someone, people would need to be aware that it's an infection-sniffing dog, otherwise they'd interact with it in ways that ruin its training. And then it wouldn't sniff out HIV anymore.
>>218798 ToN will be trying to play from his phone.
That'll be really difficult considering we have two threads to monitor, typing on /moe/ with a phone is kind of difficult sometimes, and phone posting is considerably slower than normal posting.
If it slows down the game so significantly that we can't do anything, I'm going to have to rethink how we do things and figure out a way for us to play.
Do you wish you as a leader could reduce the amount of your disgruntled subjects who are taken seriously? Introducing poverty Your people will disregard the opinion of the poor, because they have failed to be rich in the system they're complaining about, rendering their complaint irrelevant
>>218813 Bonus point if you somehow make it so people disregard people complaining about a system they themselves have used to gain wealth A DOUBLE WHAMMY
>>218790 They can smell some types of prostate cancer through the urine And skin melanomas sometimes
Autocorrect always deletes a letter for me on android I use android chrome
I really wish being able to move out on my own wasn't completely unfeasible. Because I'm pretty exhausted with being around my family. I want to break free
>>218830 That's really amazing since cells are so tiny Dogs are sugoi >>218836 still sugoi
It was fixed for me a while ago too I thought it was a my new phone to be honest
>>218834 They don't smell the cells i don't think Its probably some biomarker
>>218833 I don't know anyone in this city anymore. It's definitely feasible but where am I supposed to get a roommate.
In the same way it's feasible for me to get my full driver's license and go move somewhere that it isn't so expensive but that still takes another half-year.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Yeah autocorrect is off by default now. i haven't pushed any new code for weeks
It's on again i wonder if chrome doesn't allow it to be turned off on a website anymore
I ended up turning it back on because by now I'm just so accustomed to double-tapping my words as I start them that it even leaks into other mobile typing apps.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
sometimes bugs take on a whole new life of their own
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>218840 does toggling the auto correct option help at all
Im still so bad at this swype thing I miss tactile keypads
>>218843 No, not on the phone. Turning it on in desktop browser turns it on, but on Android Chrome, it has autocorrect enabled regardless of whether or not the site option is on or off.
I wonder why ISIS and other groups don't use encryption to prove they actually were behind stuff Before a thing goes down they can put out an encrypted message like "yeah this was us and this is what happened", and then release the private key after it happens
Though I assume they have a lot of plots that get stopped, so that's a possible reason They'd have to delete so many posts
fish actually managed to learn some of the rules while watching the show without pausing it or anything idk how she grasped that without grasping how gay it was
mahjong takes a mentality that I'm usually not in late at night while at home. But I will totally grace Fish's first tenhou game with my presence if she wants to try.
I want to play mahjong but there never seems to be 3 other people at the same time
Mahjong can be a long game. I'm up for a game though if there is one for tonight. I haven't really play mahjong with moe.
>>218907 I guess I'll just rematch Rin when he's not at work
Go is a great game. It's very simple to learn, but it's deceptively simple. There are more combinations of moves for games of Go than there are atoms in the universe
FGO is a great games, but it's deceptively simple, There are more Servants in FGO than there are atoms in the universe. Heck there are more Seibas than their are atoms in the universe.
>>218909 Why do you think there are a billion seibas
I like this image. It's so cute. On one hand, I wish it had the upper portion.
But at the same time, what if the upper portion isn't as cute as the bottom portion?
Maybe I only like this image because the upper portion is missing. Maybe that's what makes it so appealing. The upper portion exists in my mind, so it's exactly what I want to see.
>>218914 It's extremely cute. That struggle to retain your modesty is extremely cute!
No way. There's a balance you have to find. If you go too far in complimenting someone, it sounds unrealistic and they might doubt you! You have to be precise in compliments.
>>218931 I want my compliments to be taken seriously. When I compliment someone, I really mean it. I compliment people because I want them to know exactly what I think of them or their performance. If I go overthetop, it won't be taken seriously! When I tell Fish that she's beautiful, I want her to be absolutely sure that I mean it. I want that because I think it's important for people to know when they're important to you, and also a little bit because if she thinks I'm exaggerating and doesn't take it seriously, she might not get embarrassed and fidget cutely.
>>218931 is a divine rabbit has best dex/ag i in the game
>>218937 The laws of human behavior dictate that I have to do things that embarrass her. I'm not a tsundere, though.
>>218936 I don't think it's that adorable. I feel the same way about everyone. I want them to legitimately know what I think of them when I think very highly of them.
We watched kimi wo name of whatever last night. The animation and prdocution value were really both tip top tier, but I feel that such good production was kinda wasted on the plot. The story and characters weren't really anything special.
Attwood attacks kannagi with Ancient Mace (87%) Kannagi blocks with short spear 51% 86% hit chance Attwood is blessed by orc gods Attwood hits with 44 damage, kannage is launched at bang2 and collides with him for 38 extra damages kannagi has armour of 4 points, so kannagi takes 78 damage and is in coma bang2 takes 28 damage
>>218951 Oh, I'll wait until you've seen it to offer opinions. It was deifnitely pretty. I think I was also in the lower half of the group in terms of enjoyment, so my opinion on it may be off.
>>218960 I dunno, I think our level of enjoyment in things is generally pretty similar. I won't let your reservations influence my opinion when I finally get to watch it, though.
I just went to check the subs and wow! Underwater released the BDs with only one subtitle track! That's surprisingly reasonable for Daiz and his stupid autism.
>>218970 I also like Achiga-hen better. The main cast is a little more fun.
>>218969 I've never been like super into it but I think it's really good
>kannagi is top scorer despite us dropping out of 2nd division sniper
>>218999 I'm a very quick eater of sweets I ate too many liquorice sweets today but I also do a lot of walking today over 10,000 steps! which I suppose isn't very much but still a fair bit for me!
>There was tension at church this evening >my mom feels like she caused a fight oh boy One of those feelings where I am both disappointed and relieved that I didn't go somewhere today
>>219024 i wish i got to grow up as a kid in japan and have sorts of cute stationery like this all we got here was like lisa frank which was cool af but not really cute
It as all the secret information about what meetings I have at work and when my dentist is or when my next opticians appointment is. >>219040 Its a work diary not a personal one. I don't have the motivation or have anything interesting to write in personal diary
>>219041 This one looks better than the first Kongou nendo, but if I had Kongou already I probably wouldn't want Kongou kai2
>>219038 is that a common british difference from us i don't think we'd ever use the word diary for a thing like that diaries are more about past things, like people keep headache diaries to record information about when they had headaches so the doctor can review it and identify triggers it's like a log or a journal
i think we would probably use agenda, schedule, or calendar for anything that's keeping notes about upcoming things
They are like this. You usually get them for a period of year but mine is a 5 year diary. All the dates are preprinted, you just fill in what appointments or future plans you have and check if you are available or when you need to do something by
i need a new processor with one of those new neural chips my shit's so outdated and my graphic card sucks a dick so i can't use it for added processing power either
>>219064 i'm not sure what that means, but i also have to convert the scattered notes into something more cohesive, so i need to do it manually anyway because what i've got is what i was noting down, but a few years of thought has led to a lot of revision
>>219067 Optical character recongition, it automatically reads the notes and outputs into documents. Used to digitalise paper documents quickly.
>>219068 that was one of my first jobs actually there was a company that provided that service, but the software to do it has a poor accuracy rate like 95-ish percent so they paid me, i think it was a dollar a page to go through and compare the original scanned documents to the product and make sure it was solid no, i think it was like 40 cents a page actually a dollar a page is way too much for that job
There are some high accuracy OCR applications, I used them all the time at work. and I used them sometimes for Japanese but I don't really use a scanner at home anymore.
>>219074 i had a big (fun) argument with my ex that lasted for months about whether whale of a time was an actual phrase we agreed on not resorting to google i didn't believe it was because i had never heard it and it makes no sense to me
Returning home to your cute koi wife and saying UMI DA instead of tadaima
>>219083 You could cut it down to "a Boeing of a time" and it actually flows nicely. But then it starts to sound a bit like "a boring of a time" and that might send conflicting messages.
>911 please state your emergency >hi 911, i'm having a whale of a stroke right now i need an ambulance
I cheated and googled it here you go moon:
>let's begin the trial of renaldo moon versus the missouri police department >hi judge i said i was having a whale of a stroke and the operator didn't understand so i want to sue for dying of a stroke due to their negligence >everyone knows what "whale of a ____" means it's a well-known saying
I'm pretty tired right now, if it a littler earlier I'd be super free. >>219122 Thats like 30 minutes and its almost 3am. >>219124 I hardly do anything if I'm still up, if my energy is low I'm pretty slow and shit.
>>219123 My ability to wield words right now is pretty low!
tomorrow i might just rest and rent out my thoughtspace to the highest bidder so if whoever gets it wants to watch genshiken with you guys then it'll probably work out
Kirara sleeps with fish, wow The mafia can't make you sleep with the fishes if you already are!
Anyway Nighties! >>219149 He is too bully for that! he'll find some cute aspect and bully mercilessly!
I'm surrounded by noise on all sides. My brother and his girlfriend are watching a movie in the living room. My neighbours are playing music on the stereo out in their backyard.
>>219154 Yeah. Although now that there's no barrier between us in the bed, she doesn't have that plush fish that she used to say it about. Now she's got a bunch of tops with fish on them that she uses.
She's very dedicated to that joke.
And in the end she is Fish so you'll always be sleeping with the Fishes even without the tops.
>>219163 I'm sorry. My brain is writing very bad shoujo manga dialog. >You're sleeping with the fishes >But there's only one of you >Well. You're sleeping with the Fish. >*gasp*
A Jap I follow on Twitter posted a screenshot of a character's upskirt from Dragon Quest 11 the character has spats under her dress. He's really upset about it.
You get to pick between three options for girls bottoms in Splatoon 2, either spats, close-fitting exercise pants, or a skirt with spats underneath with the spats sticking out slightly. The skirt option is actually pretty nice. More 3D games could go with dress/skirts with spats underneath and I'd be happy with it
It irritates me when games have like libraries where you can rotate and look at all the character models but the ones wearing skirts have some ridiculous limitations on how you can rotate them.
I wasn't aware that persona 5 had that, a lot of the ateliers and valkyria chronicles is like that though. They should use spats or a darkening effect up there instead of limiting how you can rotate the models.
i'm guessing dorohedoro's tombstone is probably going up with hibana ending it's so competitive as is and i dont think she'll find another publisher
Has anything been said about any of the other series in the magazine?
i am not even sure what else is in it i can take a look at their programming
月 shimanami tasogare senkou girl akane no hane
i don't know any of the others besides dorohedoro i'll try to look at their fates
actually all of those seem to have lower ratings than dorohedoro it looks like dorohedoro was their leading publication and they're closing down, sooo hopefully someone else will want to pick it up
Hey moon what torrent are you using for genshiken
ive already got one but i don't suggest this one because it's dual audio and the english is default and it really sucks
I might be able to do something to find it. I know a thing or two about getting old nendoroids since I got my hands on a Nyaruko nendo a few months ago without telling you guys about it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I just checked and I was mistaken, it was a Nendo Petit. Petite*
>>219479 It was about the Chinese housing market and the weird way it's marketed. There's a lot of speculation and tuff with giant empty cities. If you're an econstudent like me it's interesting. Where are you going to dinner tomorrow? What sorta restaurant is it?
>>219496 There's a lot of numbers in economics, but in the end I think people need to remember that economies are made up of ordinary people. It's sad when the villagers get thrown out of their towns because the local governer got bribed.
What sorta restaurants do you like? Is there a particular kinda food you love?
>>219498 Wow they're a friend to everyone. What a nice person.
>>219495 You can be very fun as long as you are careful about who you have fun with. You probably have fun with everyone you meet as soon as you meet them.
>>219506 yeah we cleared BWL in the first week it was released. only a few wipes 8th best guild or something like that. kind of boring though >>219507 nope!
>>219497 Why do they get kicked out of town? I do not like eating at restaurants very much but I like seafood. Crab is very good.
>>219510 Because the invester guy wanted to build a city I like the food at restaurants, but I don't like the waiting at all or the need to constantly make small talk while waiting for food Seafood is delicious. Prawns and crabs are the best. I like with crabs how you gotta scoop the meat out of it's claw and stuff. And then afterwards you've still got the claw left over and stuff Muscles are also really good I don't know how to explain it, but crab meat tastes good in a way that feels healthy and filling But something like KFC tastes good in a way that's greasy and gross
>>219516 not for a long time so that's boring i don't really play any more >>219514 why not
i spent money trying to get this stupid corrin and i didn't gaaah
>>219517 i dont read that much these days my work day consists mostly of me typing up 150-ish pages of market research transcripts i get kinda tired of words ya know
>>219529 I'm supposed to be working on this international business project but I can stop doing that if you wanna do something
>>219515 Who lives in the city after it is built? Restaurants are a little scary. There are many people there and you have to give the server your order. I do not get to eat seafood often. I do not think I will get any at a restaurant though.
>>219570 The big thing on the front of it It's not the thing tht the bullets come out of though
>>219576 People buy apartment buildings because they think that some day they'll be valuable and they'll be able to make money off of them So then other people see those people buying it to make money which raises the price, and then they buy them This continues and the price keeps on going up because people keep selling these apartments to other people who plan to sell these apartments Eventually it gets to the point where they realise that the value won't increase anymore and the value of the apartments drops
A few people do live in these cities, but not enough. It ends up looking very deserted.
>he's allergic to shellfish Poor lad. It's nice of you to consider him like that though. Does he have any other allergies?
Wow, that fits in perfectly with her memes. That's some very meta bullying.
>>219576 He'll probably be fine as long as he doesn't eat it. Shellfish allergies aren't usually as sensitive to triggering as nut allergies.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>219592 following you i climb the mountain i get excitement at your feeeeeeeet
>>219594 we're doin a backup video btw blastin this shit full volume and drivin 120+
>>219573 Why do the villagers that left not move back in? He is allergic to nuts too. >>219584 It is sad because I love shellfish. >>219593 I am still too worried. An epipen will not help him due to medication he takes so I worry about it a lot.
>>219601 They can't afford the apartments anymore I think a lot of them go find different places to farm >he is allergic to nuts That really sucks
I like big nuts. The nuts that you have to crack open. It's fun because it makes it like a game
>>219601 What kinda shellfish do you like? i have a special christmas dish that's cinnamon habanero shrimps with avocado mousse it's my specialty and my own recipe
>>219601 Maybe you should make your boyfriend into a robot that can't get sick to shellfish. Then you could enjoy them all you like!
>>219615 Maybe we should all become robots that aren't affected by the material needs of fleshbags
>>219601 I'm pretty sure I've eaten shrimp in front of him before so it will probably be fine. If nothing else, you can blame me when he dies.
>>219602 Why are they allowed to do that? >>219607 I like crab. >>219615 I do not want him to become a robot! >>219621 I am really scared of him getting sick.
>>219626 I think the Chinese government owns the land and the builders buy it off them with the promise of future economic growth and bribes. It's sad.
Would you still love him if he became a robot? Do you have a favourite robot?
>>219627 thank you, i believe that it is but it's more fun to make it for other people so they can enjoy it than for myself but if everyone's allergic then it's no fun at all in fact it's the opposite of fun it's gay
>>219630 That is sad. Can the people get better jobs so they can afford the apartments?
I would love him no matter what. Do marine drones count as robots?
>>219634 It depends on where they live and their circumstances. Some people move up to the middle class. A lot of them seem content in the documentary to live in little villages instead of apartments though. China has a lot of villages with their own little historys and subcultures. I guess marine drones would count as robots. It's pretty impressive how far deep some of them can go. They take the pressure that humans wont. Deep sea life is cool. I hope we can build cities on the ocean floor that'd be cool.
>>219642 when i die will you guys promise to make him a steak every year
>>219642 as you will it, so it shall be done do you have any preference or does any bone count I'm going to go for the femurs
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>219647 yeah any bone is fine you don't even gotta kill them in fact it's probably better if you don't kill them so they've just got a missing bone forever
>>219653 >a serial thief is on the loose >what is he stealing? >femurs
>>219650 surgically remove all the skull plates but leave the rest of the cranium intact
>>219657 >47 human femurs from different victims dating back to 2048 were unearthed in a tomb in florida cemetary wednesday, police told FOXNBC on wednesday
>>219685 I'm comparing New Zealand Markets to Indonesian markets Turns out marketing pork in Indonesia is a bad idea It's fukkin boring
>>219672 So you're telling me it's cooler to live under the sea.
>>219686 there's a few problems i have with this post actually a lot i can say that obviously marketing pork in indonesia is a bad idea but i don't know why you're interested, why you're making that comparison, or what brings boring to mind rather than pointless
>>219679 Yes. Some lakes have been found at the bottom of the ocean. >>219687 Yes.
Cave diving would be fun
>>219694 Yeah exactly Until a few days ago I thought they were all buddhist
>>219695 I don't question where my cheap goods come from I just consume them
>>219691 indonesia's mostly muslim so halal is kind of a big deal what's surprising about that >>219692 have you been to any of them? do they have nice beaches
>>219693 you live like five kilometers from indonesia how do you not know the basics of their government
>>219701 nothing I guess apparently she got it from the hot glue machine where she works building cars they supposedly shave off the top layer of the glue in storage every now and then to prevent air bubbles when the glue is applied these layers are stacked together in a compartment of the machine and must be disposed of once they've cooled she thought it was cool i guess and took one home
>>219700 that's pretty scary i don't think i would want to live there! i feel kind of bad for the people that do but it's their fault in the first place
>>219704 People would not be able to go deep enough to go into them without assistance. They are usually full of dead animals though. >>219706 Sebastian lied to you!
>>219708 This is very cool. The theory is that about 200 million years ago there was a small sea where the lake is currently located. As the world changed the area was flooded by seawater but the concentration of methane and hydrogen sulfide was so great in that sea that it could not mix with the seawater. This resulted in a large pocket of very hot and very deadly water contained within a large, underwater basin. There are areas where the basin is broken which creates underwater rivers which carry the water away from the lake.
>>219705 maybe someone who's into taxidermy (like my sister) would like to go there and collect the dead animals to taxidermy i don't like dealing with dead animals personally, it's kind of creepy but i've seen my sister's taxidermies and they're cool what kind of animals die at the lakes? like sea horses, sea deer, sea porcupines?
What's the truth behind the Bermuda Triangle?
>>219713w it doesn't exist it's just a diversion to keep you from suspecting the real villains
>>219714 my elementary school teachers lied to me this must be a state sponsored diversion
>>219715 of course the reptilians control everything including your independent school district in your third world country
>>219711 that's really cool. do extremophiles life in that hydrogen sulfide mixture?
>>219722 have you ever seen the outside of an airplane while you were in the air? they just put TV screens on the windows to fake that they're flying over an "ocean" to an ""island""
>>219711 Have you ever been to the great barrier reef? Which area of water has the most interesting ocean life
>>219726 No. I'm trying to confirm if it exists right now
>>219724 Oh my god, this must be why they don't let you open up the actual windows We're not going anywhere in the plane. It takes so long to fly because the actors are changing all the sets around.
Have YOU?
>>219723 There is a species of giant mussle that (mussel) is able to live there thanks to special symbiotic bacteria. There are also tubeworms and some shrimp that can live there. >>219725 I have not been there. I like deep sea life.
>>219711 It seems strange to me that they could be there that long and the water would get all mixed. Science is crazy.
>>219729 it relates a lot to the difference in solubility and the surface tension of water water's really weird water doesn't even like other water if it's got different solubility
>>219727 tubeworms are really cool when i was really young i got all these books about the deep sea and remember reading about them and other deep sea life every night i probably read the same book every night going to bed
>>219732 what's cool about them they're just awkward idiots that don't know how to behave around other fluids
>>219727 Deep sea life is cool because they have to come up with weird and interesting ways to see and survive. What's your favourite deep sea creature? I don't know if it's classified as deep sea, but I like the mantis shrimp.
>>219734 they don't need friends they can be applied to a wall and not drip a single inch unlike gay ass water which doesn't even STAY on a wall
>>219729 It is very common. The ocean is divided into layers too. You can see it in a clear glass by filling it partially with seawater and then pouring fresh water over it without mixing it. You will be able to see the layer where the fresh water transitions into salt water. The ocean has a layer called a halocine which is a layer of salt. Halocines are common in many caves too. >>219735 My favorite deep sea creature is the blobfish. >>219738 What do you mean by stale?
wouldn't fresh water just be stale water to a saltwater creature
Are anime friends about ready to get some anime going?
>>219739 I do not think that the animal would make that distinction. >>219746 Yes. I saw sunfish while diving near the Inner Hebrides. >>219740 The blobfish is very cute! It looks much different in the water.
Yup yup.
>>219748 I guess it's frowning because it was taken out of the water Do you have a favourite movie involving fish?
>>219758 it sounds like a lot of fun my body couldn't handle diving too well! i got really sick i will wait until VR diving is more commercially available to try again
>>219759 The blobfish is mostly a gelatine-like fat with low density so that it can float easily. It lives at depths where it does not have the guarantee of food so this adaptation allows it to avoid using energy. The pressure where it lives is about 100 times higher than the ocean surface so its gelatine-like body looks differently at lower pressure. Does that make sense? I am not sure if I am explaining it well enough. >>219760 I like to dive. It is sad that not everyone ca Matt thinks he is busy with my paste button on the tablet pasted by accident. I am sorry about that. It is sad that not everyone is able to dive.
haha it's okay
>>219761 Yeah, I get it. That was a very good explanation. I'd like to see a blobfish at its natural depth. Is it difficult to dive deep enough to see it?
>>219761 it made my ears bleed when i tried and also other places bleed it was a really cool experience but i am happy with the one i had and will enjoy watching videos of dives in the mean time i sometimes watch livestreams of diving expeditions and submarine oceanographers i think that stuff is cool, but i'm a physicist so my only knowledgeable connection with the ocean is its floor and the tectonic plate formations which can be pretty interesting
>>219767 The area they inhabit is roughly 7000-9000 meters below the surface of the ocean so it is difficult to see them at their natual depth. >>219768 That sounds very scary. Do you think VR diving will be big? Matt thinks it will be.
>>219771 I think that it already is big. I tend to be a little over-ambitious about things though I've at least come across it and been excited about it
You need a pretty nice submarine to go that deep, don't you?
>>219771 There's already established video games that involve exploring underwater environments. Subnautica in particular comes to mind. Being able to transition that setting into a VR system would make the immersion for the game even more interesting.
And that's putting aside the concept of just free exploration of an underwater environment without video game mechanics involved, for people that aren't as interested in video games.
i have some hershey's chocolate pudding in the refrigerator but i am kind of scared to eat it
>>219771 Do you think VR can really capture the same feeling as diving?
>>219778 the rush, the physiological excitement, the feeling of being in the water and having the sun exposure and being close to things, no the curiosity and intrigue and captivation, yes
>>219775 A solo submarine that cost roughly 8 million dollars was able to reach almost 11000 meters below the surface. It is very dangerous though. Similar unmanned submarines have imploded at lesser depths. >>219778 I do not think anything but diving will ever feel like diving.
>>219781 What about underwater VR simulating underwater diving?
>>219785 I do not think so. Being underwater does not feel like diving.
VR does extend the chance to enjoy diving to people that might not otherwise the visual and auditory experience though. Might not otherwise experience it, even. If they can get to the point where they can imitate those experiences as close as possible, then that's pretty great.
>>219781 So the person who was in it risked having the submarine implode on them?
>>219793 I think you would need to be able to simulate water pressure and temperature. If someone cannot dive then the pressure will probably be a problem for them. >>219796 Yes. It was James Cameron in the instance I mentioned.
So he makes movies but he also dove super deep in a sub?
>>219809 What else would you do if you had a million billion avatar dollars?
>>219809 I hear he likes the ocean a lot. He made Aliens which makes him cool.
>>219809 He dives in submarines and films underwater scenes. He also is planning an asteroid mining business.
Cameron engages in a lot of diving activities.
>>219810 He was doing diving expeditions even before he directed Avatar. I read a rumor once that he got on-board directing Titanic so that he could do diving expeditions down to the actual ship.
>>219813 I guess famous movie directors have hobbies, too.
>>219812 >he also is planning an asteroid mining business That's so cool. I hope it gets up and running so we can go into space a bit more.
He'd probably just be using remote-controlled robots for the task but if he ever wanted pilots for flying the route from asteroids to Earth I'd be down for that.