Thread #222173
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Annie May
recreators ballroom isekail cellphone altair koi to uso princess principal youkai apartment isekai restaurant
new shows are 3p isekai principal apartment koi to uso ltos of lefotvers
No end to the work.
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So what do you guys want to watch for tonight? my list would be isekai cellphon koi to uso princess principal isekai restaurant
The only thing I have a yearning to watch tonight is Princess Principal so yeah, all good by me.
that sounds good
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okay isekai cellphone it's episode 3, right? I think that's right. okay let's start!
tildes favourite show
Yeah, episode three.
did the ears just squeak
They also drooped when she got sad. And the tail wags.>>222190 The
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Yours don't?
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Wow, his OP powers turn that normally bad coat into a really good coat.
How convenient.
He's even teaching them the
art of Traditional Nipponese Board Games.
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she sure has an interesting range of faces
Everyone's getting addicted to shogi.
gozaru ka
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>get transported to fantasy world >become a shogi nerd Everyone is being really genre savvy about this slime thing.
oh it's dullahan is someone blasting his caslte again
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This is some JRPG battle musicl
He can just magi-scan for treasures huh. How convenient.
wow so happy
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>>222208 Seems like he can do everything he wants to. We had a dullahan and an explosion this episode.
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Don't get impatient. I'll get you.
he's gonna catch a picture of a ghost
looks like a spider body?
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Kinda looks like a monster with the glowing eye. Maybe they shouldn't mess with it.
i have a few problems with that gate
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They destroyed a dungeon by doing something stupid. We really are tracking pretty well here.
slip being so commonly use is fun
Well ow.
she just dropped a ginat ice rock
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>have ultimate power >spam slip
well that was easy but did they have any reason to break it
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So he had to think about shogi to come to the conclusion that destroying the core was how to beat it/
~gozaru kana
he has such a massive nose compared to everyone else in the room
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What are you reacting to? The funny scene where they were fghting the spider?
well he's not exactly wrong
And the "da-daaaa" they were all doing too.
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It was kind of a weird scene transition.
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okay koi to uso okay lets start
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This really is a good OP.
Yeah he could have some 3P games here and he messed up all of that.
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Uso girl and that other guy really are a good pair. sasuga red string of science
Oh no swimsuits how depraved.
but that's exactly what he's trying to do
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sasuga red string of science
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wow, he took his girlfriend to the veterinarian.
what a hobby
The conclusions the MC draws are as close as something can be while simultaneously being DEAD WRONG as possible.
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Nagamori Shobo
MC seems kinda really nosy
are honest and kind not good points
When the best you can say about someone is that they're a nice person, or that they're an honest person. It kind of speaks volumes as to what is not their best. Oh no.
Hah hah she pulled him down with her. Oh gosh.
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RIP uso girl and protagonist-kun
love traingle solved
>I'm not doing anything wrong because I'm not breaking the law There are things about his arranged wife I do like though.
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Thinking you're going to die from falling two feet is really lame.
he's losing it
Hah hah hah. Oh man. They really are going FULL dystopian with this whole eugenics set-up/
Oh the fireflies are messing with everyone tonight.
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Uso boy really messed with her head there.
Pft. Spoken like a true friend.
the fireflies are government drones
>>222278 He's just jealous since the MC's arranged wife is giving the other girl a shot at the MC and he's left out to dry.
He's such a maiden in love.
oh no what if she suicides
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Riri is throwing her hat in the ring for real.
Though she doesn't really realize the consequences of those actions.>Special training
what's exactly natural about being matched by a computer
Nothing really.
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The computer finds your soulmate with science.
That doesn't apply to the question.
That end card was the author of Nanatsu no Taizai.
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It finds the person nature meant you to be with!
oh wow
>>222291 There's no person nature meant you to be with. Nature doesn't mean anything. It is just action without intent.
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how lewd
I guess the special training is how you shag your future spouse.
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okay princess principle okay lets start
is this kabaneri
The scene did look a bit like there for a moment, huh.
i have also crushed the commonwealth recently
birbs the book kinda stands out
It probably wasn't there until just moments before she arrived.
this looks like a nice show
Man I really like this OP.
Oh the Japanese agent is in their squad again. I guess they're still having fun jumping around the timeline.
the background characters looked less quality than i would expect
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That little robot girl sure is cute.
is this the joker game of cute girls doing cute things
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You're not too far off.
Hah hah hah. That's a funny cultural collision.
She is -the- Princess, but everyone calls her that. Have people just forgotten her name?
is that kryptonite
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The fact that we don't know her name is going to be fuel for a twist eventually. it's a bit easy to notice though!
Well no we do. She's Charlotte.
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This is the note Ange passed off on her in episode two. Ange and Princess might've swapped names way in the -names or places way in the past but between the two of them it's safe to assume they're Ange and Charlotte.
what a plan
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There were running really fast in those dresses.
something is a bit off about that perspective but it seems like a decent quality show in general
>>222320 I peeked into a thread and saw people were playing around with that scene.
Pft. It was kind of unsettling for me too.
I guess this is this world's Queen Victoria. There's something of a semblance.
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You'd think she would be sensitive to keeping her voice normal.
Oh neat the subs are even capitalizing the royal We that the Queen would be using. That's a good touch.
this is a neat setting
That would get my adrenaline pumping.
Oh there's nothing there. They've been had.
what is that exactly magic?
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>>222331 It is probably closer to technology. We don't really know the nature of it yet.
It doubles as a convenient portable light too!
Robo-loli abuse
Hah hah hah hah hah. What the fuck Ange.
Some times the fact that no one could expect you to take such a high risk is exactly the reeason -reason to take it. Beatrice isn't very good at acting quickly.
cool hats
They've all got pretty stylish spy outfits but Princess' gets bonus points. That mourning veil is a good touch.
why doesn't she bothering to hide her face
nice rabbit
is that another copy of birds, but not ruined
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Names really go er really do get harder the longer you brainstorm.
Yeah. Whenever I need a name for someone or something I kind of just immediately throw it on the backburner. Thinking about that sort of thing with intent and focus never goes well.
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okay back ot isekai isekai cafe okay lets start
Cooking is so fun Cooking is so fun Now it's time to take a break And see what we have done
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I wonder what's up with the half destroyed moon in the OP.
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i wonder when the elf will show up
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dex vs str
>>222356 Pretty soon I think.
what a mean sword hero if only there was a nice sheild hero to help them out
what what kind of hero sells slaves to the demon lord
This is a bit of a genre shift.
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>>222361 It's his part hime job. part time job too
>demons just bought the city
oh it's the old owner
the lion man kinda looks like someone that can eat a lot more than a human
I wonder if this means the lion warrior will be old and grey.
should have just given him a kitu katsu since he's also a cat
when the taste is so supreme you gotta scream
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He's yelling in the restaurant.
he's gonna feel bloated in combat and lose
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>>222372 He probably has a big stomach.
he's gonna trade a 10k gold debt to slave traders to a 10k gold debt to a restuarant
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>>222375 Washing dishes is safer than fighting manticores.
did he really spend 20 years eating only katsudon
how sad
how wonderufl
she's pretty cute
so she does get to have the last laugh
well this is an interesting sequence
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Her voice actor is Yukarin.
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gets to live long and eat nice things
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Wow, she made a magic fridge.
i kinda wish they had an episode with a focus on the staff
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I imagine there will be one before the end.
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In fact it looks like the next one may be about the demon waitress. Thanks for anime!
so all elves are vegans huh