>>222949 Well statistics do show that in terms of economic success, smarter people as measured by IQ do better Like, on average
It's just a thing
Yeah pretty much. I can vouch for that.
>>222950 Of course that comes with the additional side problem of being aware that having economic success is by no means a source of happiness and success in life.
>>222959 cite your source please having been trained in IQ testing and knowledgeable about IQ in general, i think i would have some awareness if high IQ were correlated with income directly indirectly? maybe but not directly
>>222959 so simply said, lower the bar of universities and lower the pay of high end jobs for the sake of equality
I heard that high intelligence often alienates people and they generally aren't happy but I don't really know.
>>222961 i think the only correlation is education and education correlates eith higher pay wuite odt
I checked it out now, and it turns out the correlation is extremely slight Like, not exactly the big correlation I thought it was
>>222963 As someone who has been told constantly throughout their life that they've got high intelligence I can say I'm generally not terribly happy. I guess there's things I feel alienated about but that's something I've been able to cope with since a young age.
countries with hih average iq and high education level also have higher suicide rates
>>222962 I don't think that's a good idea Well, lower the pay of the real high end jobs, I'm fine with that You don't need enough for several cars each month, I don't care what you did to get there >>222969 Dude first of all you didn't even say it was from an article, and second of all, all you showed us was a single quote
I feel that there is an argument for, not quite lowering the bar of university, but providing access to similar concepts for people that can't clear that lower bar.
Don't lower the bar Increase the amount of universities
>>222972 that is what vocational schools are for... you actually on average earn more, if instead of high school, go to vocational one and then apply after it to higher level of that carreer path all the while eorking in t'your field already
>>222972 isn't this why we have trades If someone can't do the work required of university why would they be able to do the work in the actual field
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
just kill all the stupid people they're the majority so they're obviously the bad ones
Whatever the case though, quotas are just a shit idea overall You're not even solving a problem
There's a problem there, but you just slap a sticker over a symptom and go "all better now lmao"
>>222975 Because not every program available in universities strictly correlates to a high-skilled profession out in the field. Sure, an intensive science program will produce students that can go into an industry that needs them, but it will also produce students that can apply those skills to less complex or relative fields of industry. But you don't need the entire ensuite of skills the more intensive university programs might put their students through. Give a simpler class for the people that would fill those ranks instead.
unis should concentrate more on employable studies than bullshit, though
A lot of shit isn't employable at all History, for example, not something you can really get a job from
>>222980 hshahaha it is surprisingly empkoyable degree atleast here
Who the hell is hiring historians?
museums, any office needing a guy who can lodge through tons of material and turn it into a summarised form and so on, though good many are state funded so...
just gettimg a master's here shows you have a good head on your shoulders and guts
so even if it isn~t your field, you have a degree to show your booksmarts at the very least many consults in companies are "masters of philosophy" which includes history majors
>>222983 The state can create jobs out of nothing as long as people don't hate the idea, so Like yeah, museums and stuff are nice and all, but they're hardly productive enterprise
Degrees like a BA of History are more than just strictly what it says on the piece of paper. Accomplishing one shows that you have the skills needed to succeed in that study--skills that generally transfer very well into bureaucratic work
>>223027 why did you think he enjoys the pickering between you two his ideal boi and ideal gal being shipped in rl infront of him no need for weird fanfic
>>223027 oh mo i said it ohhhhh noooo whatever will i do
>>223050 Hahaha cool lemme go find someone to get emotionally dependent on me And then I'll sometimes walk in the room so they think I'm alive but we get everyone else to pretend I'm not so they think they're hallucinating It'll be totes crack up!
>>223132 Then it's the same result whether I tell you or not, right? Well, honestly, I wouldn't mind if you knew, but it'd be troublesome if other people knew.
>>223133 See, you can tell just me. I'm good at keeping secrets.
>>223133 >it'd be troublesome if other people knew well now we know it's juicy news
>>223132 Oh, well you have to admit you have a fair amouny // amount of appeal right? Your dedication to your work and even your swim routine is honestly really admirable.
>>223136 I appreciate the compliment, but chasing after the closest available female so soon is a texbook example of looking for a rebound thing, you know? You need to close your last relationship out properly before you go after anyone new!
Who said anything about right now? Im well aware of what I should be doing. That doesn't mean I cant think about the future, does it?
>>223141 Oh probably. This was primarily a joke but the compliments were real. You reacted a little differently from what I was expecting though.
She's not the best at gauging tone in text. I mean it's a difficult thing to begin with so it can't really be helped. But you gotta be gentle with her!
Oh, I tried to put as much real emotion into that as possible. It would never ever work as a joke if I didn't. I like rika a lot but I wouldnt expect anything like that so easily.
If I'm making any sense here.
Hmm, Im sure that its fine but I hope I didnt just play with a maiden's heart somehow.
>>223143 You know how I am, I always take these things seriously. It's okay, though. But make sure you work through things properly before you go looking for someone else, okay?
>>223151 If it was a joke it's the sort of thing probably not intended to be taken seriously. You need to be careful about stuff like that.
>>223154 Well it was a joke in that I would say something like that, but knowing your opinions and the like on me saying that, among other things, are still important things to know.
The adjustable height mechanism in my chair doesn't lock its current height very well. Every now and then the right kind of jostle will make the chair sink a centimetre or so. Given enough time that usually means I'm sitting way lower than I want to be.
I've got to get up early in the morning, so I probably shouldn't But I look forward to watching the next episode and to seeing Rin fuck up with downloading the wrong episode twice.
I had to scoop myself out way too much ice cream tonight. Since my other options were either leave a few spoons worth or cut the remaining amount in half and have paltry amounts both times. What a miserable existence I lead.
>>223172 I tried to get her, but she didn't show up.
>>223173 are you changing your mind to making an enmity grid instead of an axe grid? Zoi only really shines if you have enmity, and i remember you wanted to go axes since cag heals you
Going to make an attempt towards sleep
>>223173 frobin needs your help tiki is being a summer bitch in the gauntlet
>>223230 Yeah, I hope we can get an easy round or two after this. That probably won't happen. It sucks that Robin had to take on Tiki first! Tiki is one of the toughest in the tournament.
>>223253 i might want to ask your opinion on some things some people caught news of that TC editor platform i was nerding out about before and wanting to make and there's some interest in having me help make that happen for a company i work with over the next year or two and i have no idea what the value of that work is and i'm afraid i'm gonna get screwed over or something
anyway nothin to opine on right now but just sayin
>>223273 That's pretty lame. I figured Robin was the best. >>223274 Oh, they're also in the billions. That's what I was expecting. For Robin's outfit to be THAT MUCH lower than Corrin's and Elise's sounds completely wrong.
Oh okay. Well work hard learning how to make food safe.
it's easier than a real day of work and i'll get home at like 6pm if traffic isn't shitty (it will be) but i have to drive all the way into the city during business hours and fuck that shit
i took on 10 hours of work due wednesday because i thought today was monday and i'd have tomorrow off but today was tuesday and i was stupid now i have to wake up in like six hours and get to work
i could do the class online but then i'd have to go take the test anyways i'd rather just do a course where i take the test in the same day
I worked all day today. I didn't have time for a lunch break. I didn't get to mess around with phone games. It's all just one horrible blur. It was terrible!
>>223296 That's how most of my work days are. it's just like a 14 hour blur i'm trying to take it easier on myself and give myself shorter days to better my stress but stupid sober me talks too much and leaked ambitions out into the world and now i'm being solicited to do a lot of extra responsibility stuff i'd be happy to do it if it replaces my current job but i'm not doin both fuck that
>>223296 my work is pretty much constant work and focus but if it wasn't i'd feel like a useless bag of shit
Today was indeed terr-... (no you ate steak and pies, today wasn't terrible). I was indeed a terrible person today. I was coming back home from pies. And I had to connect to my train home. If I missed it, I'd have to wait an extra hour at the station. So when I finally got there, it was like 3 minutes until the train would pull out. And I booked it to the ticket machine. Thing is, I completely left my friend in the dust and forgot to say bye. He was talking to me as I was leaving the train and I thought "let me buy my ticket first and then i'll respond to him" But he was going all the way to Manhattan and it never occurred to me that he wouldn't be following me to the next train. So when I bought my ticket and turned around I was confused, because I thought he was behind me. Then I remembered he was going to the city like a dumbass
>>223299 i'd probably trade you because your tasking, i'm guessing, is a lot less taxing on the thoughtspace and the tasks last a lot longer my work is so reactionary that you're switching tasks every two or three seconds and there's no such thing as free thoughtspace because it's so distracting
>>223303 i mean i guess a few seconds is relatively longer yeah but really i have to switch tasks and focus almost as often in any given minute i may have to pay attention to 6-7 things truthfully i just don't, because that's impossible but i _do_ have to be trying my hardest, and selecting the things that are most likely to fail without my attention
i haven't really done a job like that so i dunno multitasking kind of stuff? i kind of enjoy that this isn't multitasking it's like playing a fuckin whatever those games are called with the arrow keys and the music and you gotta land it all perfect and only get like a second to think about it >>223309 yeah, i do too, and that's why i'm trying to take it slower when possible the 15 hours straight shit i do to myself was killing my brain all i could do by the time i got done with work is drink to try and fall asleep i'm done with that lifestyle it's no good for me
>>223298 >>223299 I need a little bit of slacking off time for my brain to work.
Everyone I dealt with today had such complex situations though. It was tough.
>>223300 shit happens when you have a train to catch
>>223309 this is literally why i keep going back to cigarettes there's been times where i took a smoke break and didn't light a cigarette i just need to be able to take a few minutes out of every 12 hour fuckfest that is running a restaurant to calm down
>>223309 >such complex situations yeah i can imagine, shit's pretty rough out there
>>223312 milk, dude any time i want a cigarette i just drink milk voila no more fuckin craving because cigarettes taste gross af with milk
... I have reached an enlightenment that I can not confirm. My friends and I just ate pies yesterday. It was a planned event. Today I come back and notice two things. 1. That today 8/2 is a lewd art day. 2. That yesterday 8/1 is also a lewd art day. Panty and Pai respectively. I'm guessing because of the 8 But now I'm sitting here wondering if we ate PIES because it was Pai day. But I can't exactly ask this. So I'm leaving it with you. thanks
Why did i think id get anything from buying those orbs What a waste
I like ants theyre like little math machines Thats exactly what they are
the original filename said "weaver"
>>223418 Ants are so fucking cool dude they have little societies that function flawlessly. >>>/watch?v=A042J0IDQK4 Look at this magnificent co-ordination
Markov Processes are stochastic processes, but not all stochastic processes are markov processes. There are also Weiner Processes
>>223534 What's a weiner process? How do you know all this?
>>223535 A Weiner process is a stochastic process that originates in models of brownian motion. I don't really know the math well enough to explain it though.
Also I know about a lot of things, and by "about" I mean I know what certain things are and what they're used for without neccesarily knowing all their details.
>>223535 it sounds more complicated than it is because of names if you see it in action you'd just be like "oh yeah that's p obvious"
>>223537 oh okay good it won't fuck me when I get to it.
>>223536 I still don't know what a stochastic process is >A stochastic process is a collection of random variables X={Xt:t∈T} defined on a common probability space, taking values in a common set S (the state space), and indexed by a set T, often either N or [0,∞) and thought of as time (discrete or continuous respectively). In the first section, we discuss questions of existence and construction, and various types of equivalence of random processes. In the second section we discuss filtrations, which are collections of σ-algebras, also indexed by T, that represent our state of knowledge as the process evolves. We also discuss stopping times which are random elements of T that do not involve having to look into the future, in a sense. The subsequent section explore some broad categories of random processes. In part, this chapter serves as a foundation for the study of other special random processes, particularly Markov chains and Brownian motion. Okay I recognise some of these terms.
>>223536 I was just asking how you knew them because it seemed like something I should know. >>223539 yeah it's just a set.
>>223538 like first of all, the name stochastic process is misleading because it's just an object it's not really intuitive to think of process as an object so it sounds like a complicated procedure but it's just data sets
>>223538 They come up in computational physics and stuff I used to know a lot about markov processes
Oh but stochastic modeling is very important in economics, which is why I was asking you about it.
>>223555 i'm being asked to contribute in the construction of some software and tech stuff that a company i work for wants to develop with my help i mean as of now i'm just working menial work that's just whatever i dont really know what to think about it or what to expect from what working in that sector is like or what i should anticipate pay-wise so i'm not getting screwed out of my time on something that's worth way more you know any words of wisdom here for me any, any, uh, best practices from the learnings you've endured through the shifting paradigm of one's own koolaid
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>223556 >>223556 oh uh ok hmm construction of some software and tech stuff? like coding work consulting? if it's software consulting
>>223557 basically that text editor platform i told you about in great lengths before probably not any coding, but doing the machine learning and neural net stuff and API work with whatever stuff we need, and also UX design and possibly graphic design although it would be a functioning product before it would be a complete product so not all that crap at once >>223559 it's startin slow i imagine and would be a paced project but i think yeah software consulting might be the right word? >>223560 the development of the functionality of the editor and all of those complexities just integrating and developing some of the systems it uses i'm not in the web server admin stuff
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i mean if you're doing literally all that stuff you better be charging hella rates
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
wait "probably not any coding" i don't understaaaan
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
um i don't knowwww it's too late in the night sorry i can't figure it out right now but um i think if you are doing this stuff then you should anticipate great things pay wise
okay thanks for the thoughts it is small company so that's why i'm concerned i dont even know what's being asked of me yet but it sounds like it's a two man project thank for help gl with aunts
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh no there's ants in my computer
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
and there's a pillbug moseying along >>223562 i hope you can nail down some concrete requirements it's frustrating when clients don't know what they want
idk what i can even do lol ux design is easy i understand the high level neural net structures and how to use that to guide good machine learning constructing them, eh, i'm sure there's an app for that
>>223567 i'm gonna build a tiny frickin ant zappin laser with it's own AI it's gonna have a mini brain and it's going to be dumb as bolts but at least it'll be able to perceiving two things in this universe
- ants - little kids eyeballs, we don't want to shoot those
anything else is fair game
>>223568 they'll cower as the mini drone flys about and genocides them all
>>223569 what is this, a government conspiracy for ants
>>223570 It's not a government conspiracy It is the wrath of god
>>223585 A hippos jaw is increadible. I'm not sure if the hippo could crush the rhinos horn or not. If the horn doesn't get in the way I bet the hippo could crush the rhinos head like a watermelon.
>>223590 Does he have enough petrol to tire out the hippo?
oh man my coding interview today, half of it was normal question answer stuff the afternoon portion was a coding project -- writing tetris from scratch first time i ever did a tetris
how long did it take to write tetris?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
they gave me 4 hours i think the basic stuff was more or less done somewhere around 2.5 and then i added scoring and wallkick and was trying to add color but ran out of time
That sounds fun.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
you're damn right
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
it's not often i get to work on a problem where i know exactly what the end result needs to be
Yo North Korea is fucked and I'm watching this interview with two defectors, and it's pretty wild But it's also weird >people in like 2001 were scared to try to run cause if they got caught 3 times, they got executed publicly >they did defect though cause STARVATION >now after Un got into power, your entire fucking family gets iced >people are actually well fed now though, and mostly defectors now, of which there are MORE, defect because they have unfulfilled dreams
Look I don't buy into the "NK is actually really great" shit, but this doesn't make any fucking sense to me Why are MORE people defecting now, when life is better and the punishment is worse? What the fuck
>>223622 >Why are people pursuing their dreams when their basic survival needs are met????
>>223625 Why are MORE people fleeing to fulfill their dreams, knowing their family will get ICED Than when PEOPLE WERE ACTUALLY LITERALLY DYING by staying And the punishment was YOU died
I weep alone in the world abandoned I weep alone in the world abandoned Rebirth and destruction, here at my command >>223631 >persona q eehhhhhhhhhhhhh
>NK doesn't have money They're capitalist at this point, dude
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they trade goods though not money
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
also they only trade with like china??
OK I guess these two defectors are just outright lying about the situation in North Korea and the existence of money itself within the nation Seems like an odd thing to bullshit about
>>223640 yes but no foreign power takes theie money
Now kirara, surely you know, I like etrian odyssey and persona, but they dont really mix that well
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
see >>223634 i said "i think" i don't recall ever claiming anyone was lying and also >>223641
>>223641 ...why would they need to pay a foreign government? They're refugees, they're protected
The money's so they don't get fucking mowed down by the soldiers guarding the border >>223645 But that's not even relevant to the conversation in even a slight degree
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
sk please calm down
TN is saying that NK can't trade with other countries using money
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's what we were JUST talking about are you fuckin high
>>223650 Supposedly not They probably do on paper, but really... any state kinda does own all the shit inside it
It's impossible to know anything for sure about this goddamn country other than THEY DON'T HAVE POWER
The people inside the country apparently don't even consider it capitalism, either
Maybe it's actually more like regular ass socialism, but now the workers themselves you know, do the distribution through a market system >>223654 I saw it on google maps!
we could be the north korea we could all live in one country and not know it because of government lies the whole world could be fake and we wouldn't even know
I wonder could I complain to the landlord company, and have them transfer part of the deposit rent to me as fee for cleaning compesition It would be ethically right, but I feel iffy about it in terms of personal morals should ask my mother she is in the field for this shit
>>223708 >>223709 these are bad, and then there is the UNDERNEATH of the bath tub...
I think I will just snap pics of all dirty things and then leave a "ps. the previous tenants didn't really clean the place up at all" when I mail them the house insurance contract sometime soon
and if they want to pursue a ction then i'll leave it to them is not like I want them to hire a cleaning company to come snooping around here
It's time to once more engage in DIGITAL SPORTS.
Juggling four streams at once is one of the most fun parts of the experience.
Samu Alto !KW2DbpWwls
what's the event?
The International, DotA 2's premiere pro scene tournament.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
neato burrito wish i knew what was going on
Valve does run a beginner's cast stream that has the casters explaining the game in a way more palatable to complete strangers, but it seems they don't run it during the group stages we're in for the next four days.
>>223739 that's what i used to do i originally wasn't a caster proper, but i was an analyst that the casters would bring onto the panel to help facilitate discussion on a more analytical level but i couldn't do the shoutcasting like they do then i started doing the noobcasts where I help people who don't even know who all the heroes are understand what's going on at a general level, like why it matters that sven has a BKB and why the players are running around aimlessly on the map or hiding in the trees or not chasing down what looks like easy kills that was really a lot of fun and a good challenge to try and quickly water complicated things down to quick, digestible sentences only did small tourneys though nothin this big
i guess if you're tilde you already know this hue hue
Yeah I remember listening to the story before. I even listened in on one or two the games you casted.
Sometimes I forget these things happened so I have to tell the story to myself
>>223801 The theme is being a lazy fuck with a 3.5~ GPA at a very competitive highschool that is segregated academically The final boss is the girl who runs a magazine and is now an actor But I beat her in over a dozen philosophy debates in philosophy class so its fine
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>223801 final boss is gonna be some god that wants to use everyone's apathy to take over the world or something
>>223811 It's absolutely above average. But my school was super competitive My graduating class had a lot of people going to the Ivy League and other super highly ranked schools. That being said I think only one person in my graduating class had a higher ACT score than me. I know for a fact that it was higher than that of the girl who didn't get into Yale and had to settle for her safety school of Princeton.
>>223818 Everyone you aren't friends with is an ally with the final boss
>>223811 >>223815 open world and require you to find your own path through the game the final boss would test how well you raised your character's stats and s.links and change accordingly
>fragging is actually a term that's been around since 'nam, and refers to killing a soldier on your own side intentionally, usually by blowing them the fuck up with a nade
>>223860 I didn't expect it to be specifically about intentional friendly fire I thought it came from video games, honestly As in, you blow someone up, fragging them cause you know They blow up
The library I grew up around had UT installed on all their computers >>223868 I really want to play the persona rythmn game also those shoes are pretty interesting.
At the beginning everyone was speculating about the princess. It was fairly amusing
>>223896 It was predictable because it wasn't surprising. Urobutchi isn't a bad writer, but you could guess from a mile away that they'd try put a tweest because of how they used Urobuchi as a marketing gimmick Fuck I don't even remember any earth characters dying
>concert has a 5 minute interlude of an autistic girl tapdancing
>>223901 See I still find that kind of mindset really stupid. Just because an author is guaranteed to do something of a twist does not mean them employing the twist is a bad thing. Would you rather the plot be just straightforward, nothing surprising happening, everything behaving without dramatic swerves? Because I fucking wouldn't. That's fucking boring.
>>223901 urobutchi's stories don't usually have such dramatic tonal shifts though it's typically dreadful all the way through with few moments of happiness.
>>223903 This twist in particular was not something no one could have seen coming. If he really wanted a twist they would have comitted to the twist and actually have kept someone dead
>>223903 i don't think someone disliking an obvious twist means they don't want any curveballs
it should have just been 12 episodes of struggling and suffering instead of inaho's autism saving the day against every new threat
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah should have shown a struggle to survive as they gain intel until they get to the main fleet and provide it but in the end it's not enough
>>223905 It's unfair use "no one could have seen coming" in this situation. When you've got thousands of thousands of people viewing, there's pretty good odds someone is going to guess what's going to happen at a certain point. I agree that they shouldn't have brought back the people that looked pretty dead in the end of the first half, or at least not written themselves into the position where they wanted to off two main characters like that. But within the frame of the season finale without the second season, the finale was pretty abrupt and surprising.
they should have had inaho be the only survivor and only survive darth fucking vader style looking all fucked up under the armor and all
at least then his unbelievable prowess would be more stomachable
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
inaho should have died and then orange pekoe should have become the MC and single-handedly ended the martian invasion
>>223909 yeah but you gotta think long term. It's fine for a few people to see a twist coming but when everyone's expecting something like this it's less shocking.
or made slain tryhard the MC and have him actually do something except be a bitch cuck
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the fights were so bad especially in S2 >my gimmick is to use funnels to shoot you from ANY and EVERY direction but i'm only going to shoot you from one direction >also i'm beaten when i can only shoot in one direction!
>>223913 Everyone was definitely not expecting something like this. There was pretty much no one I watched this show alongside that expected the twist at the endo -end of the finale.
>>223917 I can prove that the people I was watching it alongside didn't expect it. I mean you can just decide I'm lying, you're free to do that. Or you could trust me when I say it.
>>223916 Neither of us can prove what people were expecting
>>223917 i definitely didn't see it coming saya didn't either, i watched with him. i'm sure you could ask him. he'll probably tell you it was shit though because it was shit
Okay I'm being a dummy who just shittalked aldnoah without thinking through one of the shows few redeeming aspects because I took a very black and white view It was a decent ending that was ruined retroactively since the guys in charge of S2 didn't stick with it
Some of the episodes get real heavy, too It's a very varied show Some are more funny, some are more sad, some of them are like "take a look at this and think about it afterwards"
the twilight zone is like mushishi
>>223925 It's all right Kannagi I haven't watched any of it either.
>>223920 it's okay sometimes we all say things we don't think through very well i do it pretty much every time i hit ctrl+n
>making appointments >not just waiting for months until you've grown used to the stress and anxiety of thinking you should, and then doing it because you're numb now
>>223963 No, all that means is that the big picture matters not. All that matters is what you do here and now for yourself.
>>223968 That's a very good question. I think that it's got a lot of components to it. I think that first of all you need to have basic needs in order to survive met. Like having somewhere to sleep and having food to eat. Then when you work above that you've got mental health. I think most people desire certain things instinctively like a sense of security, a clean conscience, intimacy, social needs, stuff like that. There's also goals. I think when people feel that they're meeting and completing goals then they feel good about themselves and their actions. Maybe it's like an economy. People can't be happy all the time. Sometimes people will be sad. But ideally you'll minimise sad moments and maximise happy ones. I'm not a psychologist though.
>>223974 Yeah they were talking about it in a tutorial. To be frank I'm not sure why it needed mentioning in a tutorial. I thought most peopled learned that in Highschool.
It's a different reason behind the import of events that happen to the self. Basically the self is all that matters. The universe doesn't.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
here i am in my layover in portlandia airport connecting flight was cancelled two new flights scheduled for me ho boy it's gonna be a long day
so now i have six hours until my flight figure i could go into town, see this legendary city let's check the weather
thirty-nine (39) degrees celsius that's 102F
>>223990 at least you don't have to chilli n an airport for 5 hours then another 8 hours
>>223990 I am jelly of all the travelling you get to do! I hope you have fun! 39 is too hot for me. I would be a pool of melting human
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>223992 yeah me too i'm gonna stay in the terminal and listen to this guitarist's crooning >>223991 oh ouch that would be bad
>>223993 that happened to me when i flew to charlotte en route to melbourne // orlando, FL this may layover followed by waiting for imats to wake up at least tilde brought his switch good prep skill
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>223994 that's brutal well maybe it'll happen to me too fingers crossed
>>223987 I think if it didn't end, effects would lack the permamency. If life is on an infinite scale, then effects will eventually change or be undone.
>>224014 I'll do my best. I don't think I can call this "fun". The novelty of it is amusing. The pet rock of my generation. >>224013 Nah. Why yell at boomers when I can just assassinate their industries?
>>224015 What will these devillish millenials destroy next?
>>224015 broke: having a fidget spinner woke: having a fidget dinner
>>224021 There really isn't much to do with one. There's no cool tricks to land. You just let it spin really fast. Or maybe mine is trash and there are cooler ones. Oh, I have an idea.