You'll need to go in half an hour or it'll take half an hour?
well it doesnt matter now since im not the one going to pick him up. i can start now and just tell you when i need to bail for a few to get the dresser up
So like // Uh Felicity had just adorned snake buddy with feathers or was that about to happen
She was showing the feathers that Thomas had been conveniently keeping in his sack.\
Looks like Kirara is away for a moment. We'll get started soon, I think!
Thomas O'Neil
Aaahhh, how far away, the ideal world
Hold your horses, kiddo. Next thing you know you'll be writing poetry.
Thomas O'Neil
Its a granblue thing donr worry about it
So like when you two email is it like as fast as texting or instant messaging? Ive always wondered about using email as casual communication, it just feels so unusual or foreign to me since ive never done it
It's a bit of an uncommon thing for me too. Emails in conversation have always been a sort of "send once every day or two, at most" for me. If I need to get in contact with someone I usually have a more immediate method of contacting them.
Even when I'm travelling and sending back emails to let my parents know I haven't been eaten by cannibals it's only ever a mail a day. Which usually doubles as a sort of journal of my travels too. The ones I sent when I was in Japan were really long and elaborate.
Thomas O'Neil
I hope kirara isnt too sour with me, Ive just been tired and have a mild stomachache from eating unhealthy food today I assume
This giant snake god thing, was its head leaned close to us or is Felicity gonna have to get a-climbing up here.
Thomas O'Neil
Id think it leaned down for you or at least would rsther do that than have you grapple its body to climb up Unless Kirara wants you to do some kind of skill challenge
We are a team It would be unfit for snakey poo to be pissy with ToN and VV just because we didnt also tie stuff And if we had to have anyone be friends with them it might as well be out dancho-san
Thomas O'Neil
I guess native american deities are kind of particular about things
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
did you know that according to legend if you eat a hiintcabiit you become a hiintcabiit
also it's not quiet a deity it's literally a water serpent
if it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, and people treat it like its a duck, it might as well be a duck at that point. Maybe it could even forget that its not truly a dick, and heaven forbid if that happens.
Thomas O'Neil
Can thiomas roll to white knight that shit and push vv out of the way
Using the giant snake as cover probably isn't very respectful.
Yeah. On the other hand it would trigger its condition about not tolerating violence towards itself. But at the same time that no longer tolerating would probably involve destroying us along with Singing Beer.
Im getting the dresser so ill be out for a few, please continue
All these bullets are kind of half-assed.
Do we want to do a brief time freeze in-game until Tony gets back. I assume you're counting down some kind of time or turn value until Seeding Boar is done chanting and it might be a bit unfair to not let him get a say in. Unless you're already taking that into account .
Thomas O'Neil
Speak of the devil.
Thomas O'Neil
aight imma throw some uh smokey gas with a small bomb
We've landed in a bizzarro game night it seems. Rika and I are whiffing all our throws and Tony's getting the ones he needs.
Doesn't this smoke also, y'know. Conceal Sleeping Bean.
yeah but you have to take the time to aim and fire at him a tommy gun is extremely heavy and takes time to lift up to someone, especially with only one hand
on the other hand, he has his hand pointed at you ready to shoot lightning
I'm at half health and I'm stunned and he's right next to me with an axe! Meanwhile Thomas stands there slack-jawed and Felicity can't hit the broad side of a barn. I'm carrying this team!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
You technically won't die until you're at like -12 hp I think
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>219450 like, knock him out, or just kick him in the face
The latter. Though as far as I can tell that can some times do a good job of knocking someone out.
Or at least give them a good concussion.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if you can beat an athletics roll of 5, then you can get over to him before he can do anything to VV and use scuffling to knock him in the head 4 to kick him in the face, 6 to kick him hard enough to daze him, and 8 to knock him the fuck out
He can shoot lightning out of his arms. You can't trust rope to restrain him.
>>219549 She's kind of like a doctor without all those pesky ethical obligations. This is a dream anyway, I can mutilate people if I want.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it begins to it's not dissolved yet
Oh no.
If we ever play a different game out of ToC I'm gonna have to play a less serious character. Being able to act like a lunatic would be fun but Felicity has done too good a job hanging on to her sanity.
Everyone and everything is taking my axe away from me today.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that roll
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
thomas is gonna have to jump on that grenade to save everyone
sorry thomas your story ends here
Thomas O'Neil
Sorry friendos
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
(that's a joke)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
was that an athletics roll or an explosives roll ton
Thomas O'Neil
it was a toss of the grenade so i assumed athletics >>219586 hue hue hue you got it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
ok if you can give me an additional explosives roll you might be able to salvage this
This isn't necessary criticism but more observations, but the simplification of ToC down to a strictly D6 system feels like it opens up much more space for failure than with systems that use other kinds of dice. When you only have a range of six faces, you really only have five choices for difficulty rolls. I guess the flipside is that it also opens up more space for success, but there's also what sort of feels like a very binary result. You either do well or you fail.
Such a simple d6 system is probably tough for the game master. Some nights have been easy because we keep rolling well and killing his monsters, and then there's nights like tonight where we can't do anything right.
I didn't even want to be the melee character anyway! It just kind of happened! It makes no sense for a british lady to be the one swinging the axe at people! It just kind of happened!
We kind of lost the most ideal person for physical confrontation early on.
Thomas O'Neil
Its okay well buy you a new axe when we get home
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you can probably get a cool axe from the injun folks
I guess we're going to need to think about combat tactics a bit. I have no weapons so I'm not really that good at using melee weapons. I really am not good at combat at all, I kind of designed the character to be a dead weight kind of character assuming the group would make up for it.
Guns seem to not be working out for us at all.
And we need something for ToN to do other than throw bombs if he's just going to stand there and watch when someone is in the blast radius.
I wasn't entirely expecting a lot of combat personally. Or well, expecting it in the frequency it exists.
And we did lose our somewhat expected combat character early on.
I don't think he has really good manners. Someone was not respecting women by shooting them with lightning bolts right next to him and he didn't do anything.