Thread #1031100
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Never would have thought.
Not a whole lot of stuff today
Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Cue!Episode 6-7 Saiyuuki Reload - ZeroinEpisode 6-8
With no more episodes of Kimetsu coming we don't really need to do five shows tonight though Heck even three would keep us level with the weekly influx of shows
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hmmm maybe just three then arifureta saiyuuki cue
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arifureta okay lets start!
Okay there we go My cat hit the power switch for my PC and after reboot it slowed to a crawl
Oh it's not as noticable with her because of her small hands but she's got the webbed fingers too
I feel they've been a lot more open with how much Hajime and Yue fuck in this season
Having to make each bullet he uses is probably pretty tedious At least he's only responsible for his own stock
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he's dressed so stuffily for a day at the lake
It's even worse, it's a day on the ocean This looks like it's a fairly warm climate too
That sure is an interesting location for her to hang out
He has a collection of hats now
The other girls are in some way or another competing for his affections but the new one fast-tracked to wifedom by having a kid with him Kind of wry
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He has a collection of girls too i think this show is a bit too shameless with his harem collecting
At least it didn't try to wrap Myu into the harem Daughter-zoning her is appreciable
You've been musing that the "summoned to save the world" plot has been kind of forgotten recently Looks like it might be getting back on track
His voice did sound pretty flat I figured it would be something like that
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yeah seems like this guy figured it out quickly though
This too really I had a feeling
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the best thing about this series is the ED saiyuuki okay lets start
I really like this season's OP Also episode six of this
That stein shattered pretty explosively
Oh I see The weird eye colours are proof of being brought back to life I guess Which means the weird priest has been through here?
Speak of the devil eh
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this guy has kotomine energy
He's a bit lighter than Kotomine though Kotomine was always way too serious Even after he went full crazy he was still kind of serious about it
I'd never heard of people seeing crows in the shapes on the moon Well, aside from one occasion I wonder if that's an East Asian thing
We haven't seen anything monster-y in this series yet The demons are really the only abnormal thing
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Yeah that sure came out of the blue
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cue 6 anime err im tired can you tell okay lets start
Reaaaady Hah hah just maybe
Going to enjoy the weekend then?
It's just a balloon, geez
This is a cute little amateur radio show set up I imagine this is more in line with western podcasts than a radio show
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cat autist
Nothing wrong with being fond of cats!
Actually that cat kinda looks like mine
It's pretty easy to become attached to a cat you've only seen for a day or two Especially one that's affectionate and comfortable around people
That one with the red hair seems to be -to put a bit of a face on for the public When she's just talking with her friends she's more low energy
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that show is pretty comfy
They're working the pretty big cast fairly well Although they could have had a smaller cast sharing more of these activities we've been seeing and focus on developing them We haven't really gotten too much personality out of some of them so far
The fact that it's all unit activities means though that they're not falling in to the Love Live trap of eating up an entire season with single character episodes
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yeah they're doing a pretty good job with it reminds me a bit of idolmaster
Almost time for the weekend I thought this was going to be an easy week but then today decided on multiple fronts to be absolutely exhausting I need a break
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i'm tired this week too sleepy thanks for anime
Thanks for anime! Enjoy your weekend, Rika