It has a full mouth of teeth that still champ while it lays on the plate and has empty soulless voids for eyes I have a hard time feeling compassion for it
This trader is being really gay for Jinguiji all of a sudden He was being like, subtly gay at first but now it's outright
Also it seems like Jinguji might not be as strong as he should be I wonder if he weakens if he's away from Tachibana for too long
Yeah Plus it helped her unlock "lockpicking" as a skill
Hah hah she bit off more than she could chew though Now all the guys want to marry her And it seems like her charm geass doesn't work on straight women So they're just angry with her for stealing their husbands
Oh no Jinguuji Watch where you're towing that squid
This elf lady is great Such a spiteful, angry person
I wonder if there's something up with these weird animals being revered as local gods though There was a similar thing with this elf and her village and the rabbit-bear-thing they killed in episode one
Like the creatures are more monster than anything Is there a blight of monsters masquerading as small gods in this world or something
She's back to being a paperbag princess I guess in the tumble she didn't pick her circlet back up
replacing a good leader with a bad one sounds like somthing demons might do
You're not wrong When the doctor brought up that bit about the lord's suspicious death I thought it might be something like that too Also Matty seems suspicious about building a city atop a dungeon in the first place Maybe it's something that under more sensible leadership of his original time, would have been considered far too dangerous?
>What a curiously wrong conclusion to come to I mean, Matty has unintentionally pulled a pretty smart trick on whatever scheme is ruling this city He had the big display of being a skilled healer with all the people in the church And then said it was the girls who dispatched the big monster threat I think it' it's logical taking in those facts to assume he's got minimal combat ability and serves as a healer
I like how he's doomguy levels of passionate about killing demons
okay sailor fuky okay lets start
You'd think they killed his wife or dog or something
Sailor fury
>My middleschool daughter texts me pictures of her new friend >Shit I need to say something nice >"Your friend has nice hands" What a weird dad
Hah hah hah She said too much Now Akebi wants to listen
I've been kind of wanting to get back into music recently But where do you find the time At least I can sing and hum to try and remember how to sound nice
That's some impressive multi-tasking, yoga while texting
I'm kind of ambivalent on playing guitar though It would be nice and I enjoy the sound of acoustic guitar But I did never really like the hand wrangling you need to form chords
I like Guitar-chan's eyebrows Eyebrows that are a bit thick like that are cute
I can really sympathize with people who struggle with dedication It's something I've always had a hard time with, and the way my brain's been fried for years has only made it harder I really wish I could dedicate myself to something challenging like that
Now piano is something I'd like to get good at I used to be just barely okay at it but then I stopped playing and my skills deteriorated hard I tried a bit over the Christmas holidays but even simple things were hard
Yeah I thought she'd react like this Hearing someone like Erika play who knows how to play, versus her total beginner skills It's a hard act to follow
That said even a simple chord progression like this, while singing, is actually really hard She's underselling herself if she can already do this much
sometimes it's hard to tell how amateur people are in anime since they're voiced by talented voice actors
Yeah, but it's more the matter of the double action The two-track focus you need to do chord progression and sing, even if you're singing off-tune, is a pretty hard skill to learn