and open air bath like the one they were just at would be pretty interesting
>>1030667 the whole area looks super nice as expected of japanese training camp
They said it was owned by one of the relatives of the boys Probably like a summer home or something I would love to incorporate some architecture like that if I was ever in a place where I could get my own house built
Wow these other boys are literally radiant
Wait this isn't futsal
He's finally learning a bit at least, how to be a team player
The special shots in this show continue to be pretty silly It probably gets the big sports anime/manga fans excited though
hese types of shows are kinda slow between games that was an okay ep tho
The gay undertones are a bit stronger in this series than some other shounen sports series I've watched Which, granted, aren't many, hah hah But comparatively
well, not really as gay as kuroko's basketball was
bang back?
I never actually watched or read KuroBasuke It was airing before I really started watching whatever was available and y'all were interested in watching Honestly the only "real" shounen sports series I can remember watching is Diamond no Ace
>>1030687 kuroko's basketball is 1000% times more gay than diamond okay lets start
I can definitely imagine, from what I've heard said about it Diamond is also pretty much a totally asexual show to boot The only real romance in it is for baseball
I got distracted because someone linked me a notice where they're firing rushia
Yeah, I just saw that earlier It's rough Like it's an outright firing, not even a mutual graduation Whatever breach of contract she did must have been pretty bad
The notice said she was leaking info among other things
I'd seen some jp in the know people saying some of the hololives were real brats and badmouthed fans and leaked info, maybe she was doing that
To give her the best possible interpretation, the stress of the drama she's been dealing with lately might have prompted her to say in confidence to someone she thought she could trust to keep things private, some negative things about staff, other talents, fans, etc.
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we'll probably never know the truth all i know is that i hate idol fan culture just about as much as i did before which is a lot
I do think it might have been pretty bad though Like even when Haachama and Coco cost Cover their entire straightforward in into the Chinese market, they still kept them on Even if they did basically bully Coco into graduating over the following half-year
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if the stuff with coco happened now she'd be gone so much faster maybe even immediately it was a lack of experience with situations like that, and hololive was slightly less of a titan than they are now
I had a good opinion of coco and was sad to see her go but I had a negative opinion of Rushia, i felt she was really fake before all this even happened
rushia knew what she was doing
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yeah i really liked rushia's character design but she was very cringe couldn't really watch her content
This is the kind of cop who gives cops a bad name
I'm generally neutral on Cover's business practices, they're a corporation and treat certain things with a corporate attitude, but they also aren't as soulless as most -as the worst people make them out to be It just sucks it came to a contract termination
Rushia was leading guys on i mean selling an engagement ring as merch and acting as clingy as she did?
I get that she was selling the girlfriend experience but I think that's just taking advantage of lonely guys I respect the vtubers that make it clear to their fans not to get too attached, like fubuki does
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kawai needs to be like, anything right now
>>1030743 I'm of the opinion that gachikoi fans are responsible for their own delusions If you really think some person with a 2D or 3D avatar in your screen is actually going to ever be more of -more than a parasocial relationship, that's on you
In most cases, yes, I agree. But she fostered and encouraged those parasocial relationships so she gets no sympathy from me. She knew what she was doing. If something like this happened to fubuki or korone yeah I'd be like that's horrible.
I hold in higher condemnation that she would knowingly go against contractual requirements And personally that she'd openly talk shit about people who support her beyond like, the people she knows she can trust to the utmost I don't expect Vtubers to like all or even most of their fans (and if you don't like any of them, maybe this isn't the job for you) But keep that disdain in private
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this new recruit is clueless
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actually now that i think about it, it's kinda crazy that hololive has been going on for this long and has this many talents and that we haven't really had very much of this level of drama good on yagoo
Rushia is also their biggest Superchatted talent since Coco graduated (who amusingly enough is still on the top of the charts as an independant) I think compared to the remaining Hololive talents on the board, Rushia was at the top by a decent margin though So like, if people really think this is a soulless money-grubbing move by Cover, I dunno, it feels like keeping her on would have been the better financial option She's still had a lot of positive support despite everything recently, her Superchats might have taken a bit of a dip if she came back after the drama, but I think she still would have been up there
Being kawai is suffering
I feel this woman is a regular character in this show, isn't she? Or at least they keep reusing her design for any older woman who's having trouble with the police
>>1030749 There's been two somewhat similar situations It's close to Aloe, who debuted with the fifth generation, who was put on suspension after two days of being with Hololive and then had a mutual cancellation of contract two weeks later She said some more circumstantial negative things about the idol industry and concerns about being in the public as a Vtuber, as well as leaking her model on personal social media Although her comments were more valid criticisms about the idol industry which have only continued to ring true since, so it makes sense they'd have a gentler dismissal than Rushia's if the allegations are as severe as they are
The other total termination is a very early talent who I can't even remember the name of properly because she's so obscure and has been blacklisted from Cover/Hololive since Chris something I think She was caught stealing company property and selling it before she even debuted I think, so they basically just erased her from the company I think she would have debuted in the pre-generational talents or with gen one if she had not fucked up like that
Hopefully my ability to focus has recovered a bit hah hah I definitely was not paying too much attention to Hakozume
>>1030761 I think it hinges on how long it takes for Green to stop following his dad so badly and do the right thing And how long it takes for them to unveil or confront the weird masked terrorist They're building a conflict between Green's dad and the ethical choice and I think that'll either dovetail or build into the final confrontation with the terrorist If they aren't already the same person
If we'd seen more evidence of it I'd wonder if the Carnedeas graffiti has some "carnal pleasure" activation thing And Shu's is oppai But no one else who has looked at the art has demonstrated anything like that so it doesn't really fit
Don't just kiss someone who needs CPR There's a procedure to it
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where the actual heck is this show going
Kneading bread is a really good upper body workout Bakers end up with some pretty fine muscles doing it day in and day out
Yeah the teeth are part of what makes it penguin-y Also it seems vaguely penguin-y in shape But the beak and plumage is more like a crow But it also has a lizard tail and a scaly back
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skipping rocks
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so cayna is basically a minor diety at this point right or maybe a major diety
She's a walking demi-god bare minimum
Cayna probably has enough money in her item storage back at her tower to crash the entire world's economy Considering she was one of the top players and MMOs usually play pretty loose with money economy Why does she want to get paid
Well she probably said that knowing they'd recognize her If she was concerned about other players knowing who she is she probably should have used an alias
Huh yeah So the fairy is a player-only thing The former NPCs of this world don't perceive it
Oh considering her previous IRL condition She might not actually know how to swim