One of the books has a buddy cop thing with Accelerator amd the president of the united states. The world war 33 *3 Arc is also done well unlike the anime.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I skipped the body swap arc book though because I found it intensely cringe.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Well I mean It's worth reading if you want more Index. If you don't really like the Raildexverse I wouldn't recommend it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I like the worldbuilding but the show seems to be entirely like ecchi slice of life lmao
Co-op casino is such great eats for padding the points balance holy shit >>1034145 Yeah, unlike the last time he's actually gotten so much practice at this boss now, all it takes for him to win is the host not dying, NL can solo the bastards pretty easily I'm pretty sure
kuroko's cool because her power is super cool but the author had to put a bunch of arbitrary restrictions on it because teleporting freely at will is obviously kinda broken
cellular bang
no teleporting stakes directly into opponents hearts
I mean really a lot of it could have just been scrubbed away by going "but she's actually not a fucking monster" though Like "why doesn't she just teleport her fist through someone's chest?" Because she's actually not excited about killing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
teleporting spikes into a person's heart seems a little much for a 13 year old
i was crazy down due to my botched response to the Englund gambit but then they fell for a classic blunder
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1034177 ? She's totally capable of it, she teleports stuff into the other teleporter's body in thekr second fight.
yeah actually didn't she do something like that with a pane of glass one time?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
She just doesn't kill people (afaik, Im way behind on the booms) because she is basically a student cop and ostensibly cops are nlt supposed to kill people
Academy city is so advanced even their cops are good
cellular bang
yeah but aren't there enemies that get power won't let her teleport stuff into her* her power* swype bein wor weird
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1034189 They have other people who kill problematic espers. Antiskill are basically jobbers though Cause they're mostly teachers and hesitate to kill children they let a lot of comrades die.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1034190 She can't teleport stuff into Accelerator, not really sure about other people I never saw Railgun s2 or s3
I have never been exposed to Worst, and honestly Imouto just a worse Mikoto But at least we can agree last order worst among them Even if she's also super cute
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Worst > Misaka's mom > Mikoto >= imouto > last order
She's just cute in a very different way I guess
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Do you care about spoilers for the books?
Not even a little bit
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1034216 Worst is an aged up Misaka clone designed specifically to kill Accelerator and cannot be controlled by Last Order.
Oh also I just remembered She is in tbe Misaka network But like Only affected by negative emotions I think there's a thing where she goes somewhere with Accelerator because she was influenced by Last Order's jealosy at not being able to go with Accelerator.
Always bet doubt and just protect some gains each time, and you can make incredible bank I slotted in 20K on the first one today, won, and I've just been betting off that initial profit since
I ended at 160K cause he managed to win the final game, but I started at 100K so I mean, that's real good >>1034238 Oof I mean I lost 40K on the last bet, but I've got deep pockets now I shouldn't have, considering the raw power of that damn pizza cutter But the odds were incredible, near 50\50
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i only bet like 5000k at a time max usually idk why i did that big doubt bet against crucible knight and lost 35k woof
Start up a saltybets spinoff with computers given random, hidden ratings each time, with a minute to bet before the match begins, then they have at it It'd be a big hit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess need an AI to narrate its thoughts while its playing tooo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
honestly rooks are pure resin infinite range c'mon
Dan Gheesling considers resin in souls to be cheap and cowardly behavior, and so "resin" has become the catch-all term for stuff like it Generally just items, strategies or other things that can be seen as dishonorable
In a way, you can just see it as the alternative in any context for "getting gud" Leveling through farming rather than ambiently can be considered resin, for example
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1034246 >>1034247 So resin and grinding are dishonorable? What a smooth brained take.
Essentially Well, grinding I'm not certain how either Dan or NL feel about NL certainly does grind off camera and then spend the souls on stream But resin is resin
What if you did the chess saltybets, but it had weird chess variations, like units can only move if they move the maximum amount of spaces possible? I guess you'd either have to make the computer brain reject all lines of thoughts that involve less than maximum moves, or just embrace the chaos as they choose the optimal move at max range without realizing the other one has to do the same
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1034253 they've done stuff like that they retrained an AlphaZero-alike neural net on different variants of the game like no castling chess or the one where you can back up a pawn
You could go pretty nuts Casino Table offer: Only odd distance moves Knights of course would be unplayable in this instance, since it can only ever move 4 Or would you count it as 3? I guess knights would be movable in both odd and even because it can be considered to move both 3 and 4
Anyone here play 5e? Is this true? Do people really make characters without fears? *feats Do people actually create their characters backstory before deciding the class?
the one character ive made for 5e was in fact made with the fact that theyre dragonborn as an afterthought.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
In 3.5 I usually choose human because of the bonus feat. Anything better than human has level adjustment.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Well Actually I have a character in a campaign I'm resumimg that is nkt strictly human She's a One sec i gitta check the sheet She's an Avebti *Aventi Which is a human variant with aquatic features They don't get the bonus feat but I've gotten a lot of use from her ability to breathe underwater or swim fast.
dis guy moved his bishop out one square and then put it back oh wait i guess it ate a pawn too and then went back home poor queenside pieces
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ahh i gotta do some real work
i love lappland
>>1034265 what yeah the demographic landscape does not look quite the same as it did before although he's likely using dnd beyond as his statistic resource, which is going to skew it a pretty good amount but a lot of people (and moreso in groups that prefer 5e over other pnp systems) aren't trying to make ultra-powerful characters so they can show their friends how good at exploiting a harebrained combat system they're just tryna roleplay on friday night with their friends
i love lappland
dnd didn't get crazy popular the last decade because of the G part it's because of the RP part and 5e wasn't the edition to get popular for nothing it's _because_ the hardcore complex game mechanics were toned down that it got popular not despite it i'm not saying there's something inherently wrong with enjoying a more complex, combat-oriented, statsheet-focused playstyle but i feel like there's this huge lack of understanding from the GAMERS who love path and 3.5 and abhor 5e about what other people might want from their experience
the last two groups i played IRL dnd with, it was 5e with some minor additions (like facing and flanking mattering) but mostly an emphasis on worldbuilding, character development, and roleplay aside from a couple of GAMERS (of which i was one in one of the campaigns, regrettably in retrospect) people in the group formed their characters based mostly on an envisioned personality and backstory and purpose for adventuring (or even existing) and then made gameplay-affecting decisions based on what would align with that like making a seedy merchant looking for his long-lost brother and then picking a pickpockety backstabby rogue with the Bond (conveniently located inthe PHB) about finding a lost relative choosing the equipment that a merchant deciding to put peddling aside for stabbing would have, not the equipment that nets them the statistical superiority they can glean from the arbitrarily-decided limit to posessions the PHB calls for one of them asked the DM if they could have a glowing cross that provides light at the cost of blood, represented by loss of HP over time when they use it to light the surroundings not because they thought it would be super OP (although it was certainly useful) but because their character was a crazed fanatic follower of some long-forgotten religion also the joke was that it was christianity which i thought was funny
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1034275 It's a wotc employee so yeah hes only talking about D&D
i love lappland
>>1034277 well yeah obv "feats" could mean anything in other games
i was specifying that he was probably using dnd beyond as his information source, since he can't just peek at players' character sheets in their homes or peruse their roll20 accts the only tool of any meaningful scale that wotc is going to have to gather this kind of data with is dnd beyond
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1034275 I don't really minmax but I choose a class I feel like playing and then build the character and then do a bare minimum backstory (because my dm will use my backstory against me otherwise). Most of my characters in the past five years across D&D and GURPS have been half sisters.
i love lappland
>(because my dm will use my backstory against me otherwise) is this just an assumption you make because someone hurt you once or do you just play with a shitty dm
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1034280 No, I play with a very good dm who is also shitty a lot of the time. He's been getting better though. I refuse to call him a shitty dm because of his skill and creativity even if he can be a fucking asshole.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Anyways So the campaign setting is shared by three people, me, this dm and my best friend who refuses to run 3.5 and does gurps now. The main continent in this dm's setting was cursed so that no one born there can be magically brought back to life so all my characters since then except one have been from my area of the setting.
i love lappland
actually on rereading that jeremy crawford article i can probably pinpoint the biggest thing skewing their data overall *you have to pay for additional modules and options from other books* ********you have to pay for additional modules and options from other books************** ************************if you don't pay for other books on dnd beyond, you can only pick certain races and feats************************************
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
It's not in of itself bad dming to use backstory stuff against a pc but I've just seen it happen more than enough to want to prevent it from happening to me. He's still had a n evil NPC get my housed foreclosed on and gotten all her liquid assets (except what she had on hand, which was a lot of gold) seized but she was able to win tje court case. And also had my character's legs broken by the mob and paralyzed by poison in retaliation for not agreeing to throw a race. Really at this point I am mostly sick of 3.5 but the GURPS guy never gets his games completely ready so we rarely play for more than a few months in a row and I fucking hate DMing/GMing so I never run anything that goes fpr more than three sessions. This guy loves running games and puts way too much work into them so we just play his games.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also even if he weren't as good of a dm I would still play his games out of sheer spite in order to ruin the emotional tone as revenge for him killing my first D&D character as my second session ever. FYI this was when he was a player.
Anyways he does cool stuff too Like giant battles with over a hundred enemies most of which are represented by candy and you get to eat what you kill. Or elaborate 33D *3D built with blocks and pronted out grid paper all on top of the chessex battlemat™.
>>1034291 It has permanently fucked me up as a player and ever since I have played most RPG campaigns as if I were competing with the rest of the party. I have however won a few campaigns due to this.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Well that last statement isnt actually entirely accurate I'm not shre how to word it properly.
i love lappland
>won a campaign haha what
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1034294 My character lived and did not have a fate worse than death.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I mean she's still basically a thrall to a major antagonist that he set up as an ally originally in the last campaign.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
That character is actually one of my least optimized high level characters bjt she ended up being really effective due to tactics I developed amd clever use of single use magic items. At the end of the campaign she also became a werewolf (I did not like this)
i love lappland
i think my biggest problem trying to play dnd these days is that dm'ing has made me disillusioned a little bit as a player and i think i'd only enjoy dm'ing but also i would need even more spare time (and way more drive) than i currently have to dm again >>1034299 if i'm not going to explore the creative aspect of creating a world then i'd rather play a video game probably the biggest thing dnd has against it video games are kinda good
>>1034298 There's a lot of room between running modules and nlt creating the world at all You create a world and put yhe modules in it Making adventures and balancing encounters is one of the more time consuming parts But if you don't want to I can't make you The only stuff I've ever run was 3.5 modules and DCC RPG adventures.
i love lappland
balancing encounters is ezpz you just wing it the hard part for me was planning out rough dialogue trees and writing lore not hard exactly just time consuming dialogue trees are actually super fun figuring out how to weave information that you want characters to know without it feeling forced navigating their conversations with NPCs and ad libbing and improving improvising*
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm considering writing up a setting for my friend to run a game in.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Specifically a setting integrating Moominvalley with Cold War era Europe.
i love lappland
balancing combat is easy though especially when your players know that you modify stat blocks and create your own monsters because they stop trying to do the math and figuring out "okay if i cast this spell and then the next person in turn uses this attack, we're 75% likely to defeat the monster before taking damage" and make decisions based on the flow of the story and the descriptions of the enemies and their actions and their reactions and when they stop doing the math, then i can just ignore them having a health bar entirely and choose when they die to fit the flow of a good encounter better THAT was my favorite thing about dm'ing actually
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1034304 Your style of DMing definitely does not matchy style of play.
i love lappland
yeah it's not really for GAMERS i take a lot of pages from matt mercer's style of doing theatre of mind but try to work it into a square grid and 5e because that's easier for most people to get into
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
*match my
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1034306 If I ran a GURPS game on roll20 would you be interested in joining?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
This probably won't happen anytime soon but I'm considering running a short (three month) thing.
i love lappland
yeah i might depends on the schedulke in fact it's probably correct to say that i am interested and that my participation is entirely contingent on convenience of schedule
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1034310 Probably something like every other Saturday or every other Friday.
i love lappland
depends on the time and for how long but that might work
>>1034412 You gonna make a new video this weekend?
i love lappland
damn elden ring gets really fucking brutal sometimes my gaze seeks aversion from the monstrosity and terror but alas my eyes, welded to the screen, cannot help but witness the madness, the glory limbs ripped, flesh consumed, and all burnt asunder
You can save a fair bit of money by only going to the store once a week or so to stock up on stuff So that's what I'm gonna try to do from now on I've got a bunch of canned food and frozen stuff and whatever, gonna last me a good while
granted the main money save there is not being tempted to bring home some snacks and stuff
yeah lots of good art Unfortunately it's kind of an old show by now so there's not a whole ton, but a few artists like raika9 keeps drawing railgun sorta like haruhisky but less horny
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh yeah I should download that opera Uh The one that in the hall of the mountain king is from.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Peer Gynt
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I downloaded Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg the other day and now I'm in an opera mood.
yeah I saw it a few years ago >>1034453 I dunno about that, but it's definitely got a high pedestal in our national culture Most of us haven't seen it though, I'd guess Everyone knows the story, but actually watching a play is, you know, kinda boring honestly
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1034452 Isn't it like, Norway's official national play or something?
Sitting at my desk and feel something dripping from my nose And I'm confused because the food I've been eating isn't particularly spicy But it wasn't a runny nose, it was a nosebleed What a great day for the water to be off here at work
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1034446 i didnt know that even if its not officially her birthday i coulda used that for the bot
>>1034462 this happen to a fam member the other day while we were talking. And I had the sensation the day before, but it didnt to me. reasearching blood build atm to see if we are missing sum fin... Hope your alright.
She's good! I've been calling her Scout and in good cat fashion she completely ignores the name But she's healthy and has gotten comfortable in my apartment, almost too comfortable Lately she's discovered the way light reflects off my phone screen on to the wall (or myself), or the way a passing car's headlights will dance across the wall through cracks in my curtains At which point she'll delight herself by throwing herself at the wall (with me she much more politely paws at it) It's kind of a problem when I'm trying to sleep too, hah hah, because in my bedroom it also often comes accompanied by her vaulting over my bed to get from one side of the room to the other as she chases a light But I reckon it's just kitten energy and I don't hold it too much against her
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1034492 scout is more of dog name so no wonder haha
>>1034492 aw scout's a good name sounds like you need a laser pointer
No! The opposite! I don't want to encourage her to jump on the walls Plus laser pointers aren't great for cats since the mental discrepancy from "catching" something but it physically not being there can mess with the cat I've got this little hedgehog cat toy that I've tied to an old pyjama drawstring that she loves to chase around and jump at which I'd much rather she chase too
>>1034496 I hadn't considered it being kinda distressing for them but that does sound reasonable when I lived with some cats I got a cheap children's fishing rod and tied some toys to the end, they loved that thing
Yeah, I've also got this ball that's attached to a wand by a flexible wire, that I've got set up so the wire dangles off my kitchen island, and the ball hangs just a bit above the floor The advantage being that she'll attack the ball and the whole affair is hands free She definitely prefers to chase lights or the hedgehog though has a similar style
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i had a weird series of dreams last night one of my old friends from high school's wife showed up at night and ____ed me and then i woke up the next day and it was actually an imposter dude who was just chillin in my house and then my phone was all cracked and bent? some other weird shit ensued and i had to pathfind around my childhood neighborhood except it was all fucked up by dream geometry
Sounds like you've got some subconscious yearning for the idyllic past you can no longer return to And also you're horny as fuck
aren't they called the dark ages because very little is known about that time period, rather than the commonly believed "that's when science was killed" thing?
>>1034531 No, we generally have a pretty good historical record, at least of the "Big People" events of the time Things like wars and succession Which is similar to a lot of what historical records we had for Europe before broader literacy and capability for the lower classes to record their lives anyway The Dark Ages is a Eurocentric name for the Medieval Ages, based of the assumption of techno-cultural regression of Europe after the collapse of the Roman empire While Europe no longer had the unification of the empire to facilitate societal progression, and there was a proliferation of petty kingdoms before forming into the bigger kingdoms we now know as various European states, we now know that life in Europe didn't particularly regress in quality, with maybe the one caveat of increased warfare bringing down the life expectancy All in all the idea of the Medieval period being both culturally and technologically lesser, or unknown, is old misunderstandings
Also more broadly, being a Eurocentric name, it completely disregards the continued cultural and scientific developments of parts of the Middle East, never mind the always fascinating histories of places like Imperial China
why you always out here telling people what to do? you go to sleep
>>1034533 With so much new data comming out, and facts through history being changed due to, (the Victor's rewriting history, to what ever they so choose), how and when do we fit into the dynasty of Tartania. Maybe you can elaborate, on that time period. Onea happens to be a Lil foggy, in the chronological period. You seem to have an expertise.
I'm going to bed soon, but I gotta wait a little bit If I go now, I'll wake up too early That and it's still kinda warm in here, so without any particular purpose for waking up earlier, I may as well stay up until the temperature goes down a bit
I really like it when random consumer products are slightly radioactive. I kind of want one of these.
The "Destroyer of Worlds" in SG1 is probably the weakest character in the whole show, which is admittedly a hotly contested title in a show where nearly all the antagonists are stimmed up lunatics whose only real drive is a hunger for power Like at least a hunger for power is understandable, and they destroy worlds on occasion in order to maintain that But Linea just... wipes people out with plagues, and that's her motivation in and of itself
>>1034589 no I've been like this for a couple months now but playing 160 hours of ELDEN RING in the first two weeks was so much sitting around that the atrophy was palpable even doing everyday tasks so i decided to become strong again
oh yeah, been there once you get a week or two in the routine will feel great again ganbare
i saw something about vinesauce and dragussy earlier what was that about
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
what level in elden ring do you start to get diminishing returns from putting points into stats/ I remember there was a point in dark souls where it became a bit of a waste to go further
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
80 i believe
i love texas
you get diminishing returns earlier i think but 80 is where you probably want to stop before 80 it's probably still worth it but you might want to stop at 70-something if your equipment is gonna get you closer
>>1034605 the arcane bug? it's pretty lame found a cool sword but it's useless
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1034608 yeah i'm so sad i upgraded rivers of blood to +9 and put it on and realized it was broken
Maybe they'll fix the bug in a bit
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
by the time they do i might be done with this build and on to NG+!
Wow NG+! I didn't know Elden Ring had factorial new games
>>1034609 did something similar with the sword I found, got it to +5 before I noticed that the scaling didn't apply very sad at least occult and blood work
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it feels like my whole build is garbage now since i built for this specific weapon i am thinking about just redoing my build for a different weapon that fits with the theme i have but i don't want to respec into int bc im going to do str+int for my second run
it's a little discouraging but I'm gonna stick with it bleed buildup still scales so I don't feel weak and occult damage is good I'll bonk everything with my flail if I have to
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i just use uchigatana but i want my rivers of blood :(
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nintendo is streaming a splatoon 2 tourney? what year is it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1034597 there are so many *ussi vinesauce clips hard to say
I've never particularly liked chocolate, but I've discovered chocolate with other stuff added to it and they're pretty good Like big plates of chocolate with like, caramelized almonds, or salt, or stuff like that And I like those a lot
That's pretty common fare for chocolate that's not like, dollar store candybars I like to get some times some that's dark chocolate with a bit of salt mixed in
My mother's a big fan of chocolate with dried fruits and nuts mixed in I like one that mixes pretzel bits in to the chocolate so you get the salty crisp as you're biting into the sweet chocolate My personal favourite is chocolate with toffee or bits of salted caramel mixed into the bar
I really like the caramelized almonds the most caramelized stuff is generally really good like caramelized popcorn, that shit is so damn good I almost wanna learn to make it myself
There's a Lindt bar I get some times which has almond brittle sandwiched between chocolate It's really good
What makes me less excited to watch Atlantis after I'm done with SG1 again, is I know a LOT of Atlantis is just recycled SG1 stories Like a whole damn lot
But Atlantis is still really good so I'm gonna watch it anyway
at is how you view the Atlenteas?
Even Universe was a lot of recycling, unfortunately
the what?
the most recent?
what where they doing
the most recent doing
that was just them posing with the others?
What had they done? they had eliminatyed a 0,0000000000000000001%¤ of the plastic
and they used how much of money for it that went ofr whom?
STR sounds like a lot of fun just for the opportunity to dual wield huge weapons though Just having a club twice my size in each hand and wailing on motherfuckers
My NG+ will be STR and INT. I'll have to get used to using a shield again, though. Maybe. Or blocking, at least. I never block, never parry, always dodge.
if you afk in the catacombs north of the desert where you fight Radahn you can get passive runes. Not heaps and heaps, but enough to add up if you were leaving the computer for a few hours.
A bit of a cheap way to progress though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how resinous
>>1034660 the ones with the radahn knights and cleanrot knights right? I noticed I was getting some but I just kept running around trying not to get hit with the rot
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1034662 Yeah thats the one. The knights are killing each other but the runes go to you And the Rot is just on the bottom floor
wouldn't be surprised if that were an actual mcdonald's ad >>1034663 I was also tilted by the boss in that one so I would beeline to it every time after fighting it once fuck that thing I'm glad I wrecked it eventually
i love lappland
once you're at the right level and have been to the Zamor Ruins, that's a pretty good place for farming runes the old-fashioned way, at least killing mobs and then resetting with the scarab on, they net about 6k runes
yea, I have that mini pacman arcade beside the frogger on his shelf in the background, its so loud and annoying. But worth every 1980s nostalgic moment!!!
hopefully we can get it out of our systems quickly what with a new international conflict still unfolding
wonder what timecube guy thought about DST
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wait is it biyearly or semiyearly stupid bi prefix is so ambiguous
Bi- when referring to time usually implies twice within the segment Bimonthly, biweekly, biyearly; at the least I more consistently see these used to refer to things that happen twice within those periods
It apparently feels like it's -12C outside But the Dairy Queen has re-opened for the season, or at least according to the signage I saw last weekend I still kinda want to get some ice cream
The ordering process is... unorthodox I called them and was given a different number to send it to as a text message There has been no reply from that text, so I simply don't know if I did it correctly
I guess that means you don't have to pay for it if they don't show up at least, right
I don't even know how much I'll have to pay I can ballpark it, but I have neither a sum nor a bank account to pay to
I haven't ordered a pizza by phone here in Well I haven't ordered a pizza by phone ever By the time I was ordering pizza for myself online portals for any major chain here were already a thing But because of online ordering I haven't seen a phone ordering for a pizza in like, twelve years minimum
well if it doesn't show up I'll just eat something else and order a pizza from somewhere else tomorrow instead I just wanted to try this local place for once
it just showed up as I was typing that
Yeah, I get that Where I used to live and where I live now, one of the regional chains have always been a close walk away Like even now I can just walk five minutes to get my pizza So I've only ever ordered through them, and being a chain, they have the system in place for online ordering Part of me would like to support smaller independent places, but the convenience of online ordering and not having to pay almost double the price of the pizza once delivery is factored in, makes it kind of a hard sell.
>>1034793 Well you know it works, and roughly how long it takes to get to you now So if it's a good pizza, you've got some useful data
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
My favorite pizza place doesn't do online ordering.
I am very much capable of eating like a damn animal when I'm actually hungry It's just that I usually am not actually that hungry So I end up only really eating once or twice per day, unless you count snacks, probably one of the reasons I'm not
I really do fucking despise when there are child actors with a big role in the stuff I'm watching It's like a primal reflex, like my lizard brain feels threatened
Though I'm not even sure if "lizard brain" is an appropriate term for human beings Were we ever lizards?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>When Too Cute Is Too Much, The Brain Can Get Aggressive
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think the hindbrain is sorta functionally not that different from a primal animal brain like a lizard
In other news, it is sunday, midnight This means I have to go fill up on diesel And because the price may keep going up and up, I'm gonna fill up an extra can of it too so I don't gotta worry about that for a long time
my car ended up putting down like $118 for 50 liters 40 for the car, 10 for the can if the price goes down again within a few months, I'll be a bit of a fool, but if it goes up at all I'll have saved some money by filling up now I had to fill up the car anyway after all
I wonder what would be food and drink in mon bazou (norwegian) for food I can think of a few candidates, but there's not really anything liquid that's particularly norwegian, at least not that I can think of
aquavit maybe but that's booze
for food it could be like, brunost or gravlaks or something like that maybe but drink is a lot harder
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
salted feesh? idk norway cuisine atoll
It is known that most Norwegian drinks are hard
>>1034810 good ranni thank I got her hat last night
Sounds like the rowdy apartment on my floor finally pissed someone enough to get a proper complaint with the building staff They were getting chewed out by the security/receptionist for a while there
anyone else remember when The World God Only Knows was airing and then the full OP came out and the artist had gone way too hard on it >>>/watch?v=KZBgRDMyXzw
That's pretty on par for what Elisa does though She's got these really extravagant songs That or there's a bunch of mixes of a simpler one
We've gotten some similar stuff with angela doing the Hamefura OPs in more recent years The songs sound like perfectly normal TV size anisong and then you listen to the full version and it's like a small opera
i love lappland
>>1034871 yeah it's so fucking sick i love that OP so much
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like god dammit composer san leave some pussy for the rest of us
>>1034882 oh definitely >>>/watch?v=Qwu-E3QbpGE another song where the first 30 seconds aren't even the song yet but goes WAYTOODANK
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
first 60 seconds*
I should re-watch .hack again sometime I really loved sign
>>1034875 you ever get into a pussy shortage you can just look into a mirror dabs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the fuck i got owneddd
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i was just sippin my glass of box wine dood!!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i was listening to Plok - Flea Pit and my GPU decided to crash my PC this crash has been happening rarely for a few months now and whenever it happens, the screen freezes and the last second of audio repeats endlessly it like found the perfect ominous loop of DUN. DUN. DUN. DUN. somehow saved into the audio buffer what the fuck i would post it but videos are turned off rn
>>1035020 I am not a graphic designer and I also concur that is a fucking atrocious logo Who signed off on this
for a woman's logo it sure looks like a peanus ain't nothing wrong with that besides the fact you should steer away from phallic design
i love lappland
>>1034920 yeah so when are people able to liquidate their staked eth
>>1035049 I dunno, I think there's an argument that a logo should be representative of something you want to convey about your product or service That's not to say you need to slap a vagina on the logo to be evocative of femininity, and there's kind of a secondary complication in that how do you represent a concept as vague and interpretive as a gender in a logo anyway But even before you take into account how it looks like a cock and balls, like, what about this logo "feels" evocative of women or femininity, or of something the network might want to convey as representative of that concept?
>>1035050 maybe by the end of the year idk the merge is supposed to happen June-ish and then they'll implement withdraw later but who knows if it'll happen by june
i love lappland
will eth suffer when that happens? aren't there people biting their nails because they can't unstake their eth yet? i don't have a large social circle but i know two people who are definitely going to liquidate at least a couple dozen eth each as soon as they physically can
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't think so the yield is gonna be pretty nice and if you have enough eth to actually validate properly then you're probably not too desperate for immediate liquidiity if you're just delegating the stake then you can withdraw whenever you want i think
i love lappland
>>1035055 the reason i overheard is real estate real estate opportunitiy cost can feel crippling right now for people looking to grow their fortunes the people i know at least, were both telling me that having so much tied up in staked eth feels like a huge regret because they can't put it into real estate right now but the housing market in austin is kinda nutso so maybe that perspective here is why
people are putting houses up for double what they were worth a few years ago and getting offers for 100k over asking and waiving everything they can real estate not just in austin but most of texas really is out of control
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's pretty crazy everywhere i think i don't know much about real estate in general but i feel like it's already gone up so much recently, it seems like a better time to be selling than buying?
Yeah I don't think there's any major urban location in North America where real estate isn't going completely out of control in recent years You basically either have to strangle yourself with rent, have some kind of external support, or choose to move out of the urban or even suburban centres It's really rough
i love lappland
>>1035057 i think the perception is that prices will continue to rise for a little while because the people buying houses are actually families moreso than during the last real estate peak (you know the one right before 2007) last time it was a lot of demand driven by banks and large-scale purchasers of homes now it's like families and smaller-scale purchasers private individuals purchasing handfuls or a dozen homes, rather than banks buying them by the bushel
i love lappland
but this is basically hearsay i should put more effort into finding numbers probably but i won't lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk i have a cousin who moved to austin recently actually ive been hearin lots of californians likewise invading with the silicon valley monies
crazy my bro was talkin about wanting to move there too of course he does idk how he would tho as a canadian without 500k USD floating around
I feel like moving from Vancouver to Texas is a big trade-down Vancouver's housing market might be a disaster right now but there's a lot of perks to living out there in B.C.
i love lappland
well for starters you probably get to keep about 20% more of your income and the price per sq.ft of home probably means several hundred to a thousand more square feet of space, assuming you're in the tax bracket capable of moving from BC to texas austin as a city has a shitload to offer especially if you're young and depending on your city to have a lot in common with your political ideals is pretty easy because austin's "liberal city in a red state" vibe means compromises that appeal a lot to wide swaths of people
but the two big things driving people from very blue areas to texas are mostly tech companies and taxes you could make 120k in SF or 80k in TX and take home the same amount
>>1035067\ he could sense your aura and knew he didn't stand a chance.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
texas doesn't appeal to me because of the car culture my brother is like the opposite
Yeah cars suck There's maybe all of three or four American cities I could consider living in because I don't want to regularly need a car Pretty much the rest of the country is a non-starter
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i would like to visit and eat all the bbq and drink all the cocktails
I forgot how much lighter traffic is along my travel route is when school's aren't in session I can probably get five or so minutes of more free time in the mornings for the rest of the week
Hey Marsh you gonna watch any of 3rd Fes this weekend?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I want to When is it on?
Probably starts around 17-19:00 Saturday and Sunday nights If you navigate through SPWN to buy tickets you should be able to see a start time adjusted to your timezone before beginning the purchasing process You can buy either a ticket for a specific day, or a ticket for both days
My cat stretched herself out, nice and long, dangled half off the couch, and then with the utmost intention to do so I swear, slid herself off and on to the floor It's a pretty low couch so it's barely a fall I think she just wanted to do it
Nice! I've been procrastinating getting my ticket hah hah I know I'm going to get the two-day ticket but it's still a bit hard for me to just put down the 10,000 yen like that
Yeah but I know for a fact the closer we get to the event, the harder and harder it gets to purchase a ticket SPWN has consistently been overwhelmed by people trying to purchase tickets for Hololive concerts For 2nd Fes I was running up on like the last few hours before it was starting and gave up on SPWN to get my ticket through Nico Nico But this time we don't even have Nico Nico so I really hope SPWN's servers are prepared to handle everything
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1035279 you'd think that after running a few of these they'd have a better idea of what their capacity needs are
At the least I haven't heard of any issues with the actual stream It's just their store servers which get overloaded
Last I checked we might also have Kirara for at least one day of the Fes too If there's a gang maybe we can do a thread and party together
not as cold today can't wait for winter to be over
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
god super auto pets is too hard once you get into the mid/late game all the bad builds have fallen off and left so you're stuck fighting these level 3 penguins
Apparently there's a very real chance America passes a bill removing DST And I'm pretty sure that means at the least, Ontario will remove it too Since our provincial government passed a motion a year or two back saying if New York removes it, we will too A lot is riding on this for me I can't wait to be free of this dumbass useless imposition
soon we will all be free of the torment imposed on us by the Clock
Honestly if America removes DST then there's pretty much a surefire chance that all of Canada except maybe the territories and Quebec because they're contrarian arseholes will follow suit
Quebec being the contrarian arseholes that is I think the territories might just be a bit weirder because of how far north they get
C'mon House you're normally the somewhat more effective branch of the American bill passing system Don't ruin something that has already passed with unanimous consent
I guess I may as well wait But I should probably stock up on some more coins
the house always wins
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the coins are probably goin lower for a while given the russia war and economic onditions so yea good time to buy some maybe this is the bottom who jnows
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's crazy what the merge devs are doin they're merging consensus layer to execution layer in practice there are like 3 big execution software projects (geth and friends) and 4 consensus projects (the go one, rust one, java, .net)
so to make sure everything will work together they're testing all 12 combinations in the testnets
writing one codebase is hard enough let alone maintaining seven different re implementations, but i guess each one is by different teams
why in god's name do we have chemicals that will liquify snot and clear that shit up, but for earwax all we've got is oil, just straight up regular-ass olive oil
Man I had the bar crooked in the squat rack One of the bracket things was a notch higher than the other. (there was only about 40kg on the bar) so I hadn't even noticed yet And some random cunt just walked up and adjusted it without saying anything and then gave me a nod. Like It was kind of helpful But also What the fuck who does that
guy didn't want you to hurt yourself, probably
Marsh I have never been to a gym I don't know what anyone does in there
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Mostly it's just all the gym bros kissing and rubbing each others' muscles
>>1035434 I saw a thing on 4chan about people playing magic but with additional rules requiring them to do squats whenever certain things happened in the game. I might try it.
I have like 15 pairs of soldier boots and gauntlets, but not a single piece of chest or head armor other than what I started with rng is nuts
Rei !p8eYCadcMoSearch [iqdb](5.8 MB, 320x321, floater.gif)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1035437 I don't know if that's rng I think the boots/gloves are actually more common
yeah but still On both my previous characters, I got a helmet from one of the guys where you get the map piece, with the strong shield and spear guy chest armor seems super uncommon though
hell the first time the helmet i got was from that strong guy looks dope as hell
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Army of the grafted They all have like 12 hands for every one chest
Also I think I'm gonna go all in on daggers dual wielding these fuckers is cool as hell, and if each hit from the bleed dagger actually adds bleed, then oh boy am I about to bleed some bitches dry cause that flurry on l1 when you have 2 daggers is insane If it doesn't though, I may reconsider
>>1035431 oof boundary violation you should have pulled out your glock and shot him dead
no doubt the minimium punishment to apply to a stranger
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's the only way to exercise your personal rights and freedoms
there is a dearth of anime birthdays in march so far i think i'll skip tomorrow too i'm not gonna opt for token characters from the Negima harem cast god dammit
make an oc for the account it's her birthday now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this girl is reborn every day pushed out of the womb at the stroke of midnight
i could definitely pad the account out with 5,000 boat girls
Kukuri is the main character of an older well-known anime that recently got a n updated remake That's more of a Japan-side bit of reknown though, although I know there's following that picked it up because of the remake
Oh yeah, I've seen her around
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok she has a decent booru library i could do that
Yukari is from PriConne, although that's more a mobage than anime She's not as present in the anime as some of the other characters Still, PriConne is a pretty big mobage at the moment so she probably has some recognition
Fei Ku is definitely a negima girl but I don't remember her at all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she probably had two lines
there's like a dozen more characters born march 16 i couldnt fit them on screen
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1035447 >i'm not gonna opt for token characters from the Negima harem cast god dammit Coward You lack dedication to your craft
>>1035465 She gets more pagetime in the manga The Negima anime are generally pretty lame compared to the manga Characters get much better showcasing and Akamatsu uses them, if not fully, better than in the anime
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1035453 Also the bottom left is the giant chick from Saki I don't even watch/read it and I recognize her.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
these are all still like super side characters bah
I just did the worst shave job I am never gonna leave the house after this
One of the few advantages to the continued requirement for me to wear a mask at work No matter how poorly I shave or scruffy I get, I pretty much look the same
we stopped requiring a mask at work and it's definitely been strange having to keep up with my beard again let me go more than a week without