which for my purposes shakes out at like, somewhere around 15 a day granted, half a dollar isn't gonna be the average, but it's overall real high I gotta at least wait until it dips down again before I put on any heat
my PC really doesn't draw that much power, it's mostly the heater and stuff like the fridge and whatever but the heater and pc combined do rack up some numbers
Who knows why today in particular ukraine stuff probably >>1032621 since the right wingers decided to sell us out to the EU, it's become normal, but it wasn't before today's insane prices aren't normal at all though, never seen them go that high
well then I do have it I just can't actually use most of them cause they're behind stuff Notably the couch covers one of them, so I can't really use that one
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I thought you meant you had
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1032638 The couch covers it? Or is it in front of it?
I mean either one of those, the point is I can't turn it on with the couch where it is cause it'd be a fire hazard and I have no reason to fuck with it cause the free standing radiator is more than enough it's a bit slow to get going, but it heats the place up fine
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Well Honestly it probably would be fine, but its safer not too. My friend has had a couch in front of a panel radiator at his house for years now..
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1032642 You've got a free standing radiator? Like in the center of a room?
yeah it's on wheels it's just standing next to me near my desk here not on now, obviously, but usually it is, and since I TECHNICALLY just need the heat right here at my desk, it's a good way to stay warm and snug until the whole room has been heated >>1032646 I mean what's the difference
>>1032645 I'm too tired to explain it but at least in American vernacular you would call it a heater and not a radiator. Although also i will sometimes refer to radiators as heaters
I mean it basically is one of these and they're called radiators
not that exact model of course but it is one of those
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1032652 I mean literally it is a radiator but I don't know anyone irl who calls them that.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
space heater
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1032658 I do hear that but I think adding space to the front is kind of useless Like of course you're going to ne heating up some skrt of space *be >>1032660 Food exists in space
you could be heating up food with it
but you wouldn't call a microwave a space heater
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Anyways it makes me think that there should be time heaters.
I actually considered just staying in bed until 11am or so just because of these ridiculous power prices I used to pay the power bill when I lived with my dad and if the government didn't cover 80% of the cost over like 0.7 NOK/kwh now I'd be fucking destitute right now It's still pushing up against what we payed back then, and we were three people in a comparably large house
The power company has an app that gives you the projected price per hour for today and the day after (at 1300 hours) I don't know if that's like, a sure thing in terms of how it lines up with the cost once the time comes, but it's been fairly accurate hold on I can just show you today's lines
I posted it on twitter the numbers on the right are in øre, which is essentially our cents the actual usage doesn't update by the hour for some reason, it did when I first got the app but I guess something happened to make it so it doesn't update until the following day but that line is the projected prices today
This is in stark contrast to back before that fucking cable was put down, we used to average like, below 70, and sometimes power was even essentially free like 6 øre a kwh during november 2020 (on average) Which translated to american coins is free I don't even think you could give someone 6 øre in american money, even their lowest coins are worth more than that
yeah it's like 0.0067 usd Actually nothing I'm paying more for power with the government covering an ENORMOUS percentage of it now, in this tiny apartment, than I did paying the whole power bill for my dad's house when I lived there
what's the purpose of that item that takes all your souls and sends you back to the last grace anyway? I mean you could just suicide, or better yet, use the fast travel?
Dropped my earbud in a puddle earlier and I'm pretty sure it's busted now Bluetooth doesn't seem to be working at least Kind of annoying; they weren't the best earbuds but the 7.5 hours of battery life in the earbud on a single charge was pretty nice, and I haven't seen another model with that since
It also means I'm stuck for another hour listening to these bland, homogeneous dadrock songs with two-minute guitar solos
If this fucker plays his usual darling song This Note's For You I'm going to go crazy
>>1032808 kind of a holdover from older games, usually used when you want to run past a bunch of enemies just to pick up items and rarely when you bug yourself into somewhere you can't get out from it's not as useful in elden ring but I'm sure speedrunners will find a use for areas they aren't allowed to teleport out of
>>1032823 yeah sure I just need to learn how to sing, dance, draw, ad-lib and speak multiple languages
>>1032824 Hey it's only "or" for most of those! They only want you to have experience in streaming or content production in one of those fields, or in gaming And I think you're pretty good at ad-libbing I wouldn't trust just anyone to catch the bits I sling your way after all
And knowing Japanese is only an asset, not mandatory for getting into Hololive See, Amelia, Gura, Miko, Fauna, Mumei, etc
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1032822 i think whoever took that witnessed some kinda super rare RAM problem cuz its like every fourth byte has a bit flip
>>1032824 you already speak english and australian
see this is why I couldn't be a good anime character I don't have those outward reactions that make things entertaining.
if I was hiding from the cops in GTA V and a train came up form behind I'd probably just mutter 'shit' or something like that. or stay completely silent.
>>1032837 all youtubers\streamers are like that well, most anyway it's honestly real annoying cause it's not possible for me to actually process it as genuine It's obviously deliberate
though, with vtubers it still sorta works, cause they are explicitly characters in the first place
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1032859 I yell profanity when I play videogames. I have a friend who had the cops called on her because of the shit she was yelling while getting mad at videogames.
getting mad at video games is something else
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1032862 Okay but yelling fuck or shit when you die in a game is completely normal behavior.
On the plus side, being this squishy is making me really prioritize not taking damage in the first place the beastman didn't land a hit on me Granted I'd seen him before, but it was my first try
so if i start over, am I gonna be level 1 but with better stats, or am I basically just already gonna be level like 30 or something, so leveling up will still be as expensive as if I'd gotten there as a wretch? Cause if it's the latter, it seems like just having to actually do everything I've done once more makes it not worth it just for some extra gear
cause I mean, other than the weapon, gear isn't REALLY the gamechanger in these games
Gear is a big game changer if you're not skilled at the game yet. And yeah, if you start over, you'll be level 7 or 8 or 12 or whatever your starting class' level is. If you're already level 30 as wretch and have gear then there's no point in starting over though.
fair enough Though I guess just for the sake of an instant respec I might as well do it
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you want to be magic right?
I was thinking about it, but I'm gonna see how the bandit works for me first dex build seems interesting probably gonna go mage if it doesn't vibe with me though
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
warrior might be better for a starter dex build since it comes with 16 dex and bandit has like 12 or something astrologer is best starting mage but confessor is good for incantations
Magic builds are typically the most OP builds in the mid to late game, but are sometimes a little hard at the beginning. Astrologer also starts with dex so you can use some good weapons in addition to magic until you find enough magic to go all wizard all the time.
I somehow expect bosses are still gonna require me to use my sword a lot either way though No way I can put them down with the starter spells, that's for sure, until I level a fair amount anyway They do like maybe 100 damage
Actually I guess Margit doesn't even have a shield or nothing, so dumping all into mana estus maybe I'll have enough since there are no enemies leading up to him
You can also summon Rogier and use a spirit summon to help with Margit. Magic is really powerful.
I tried that, but actually Margit doesn't let me spirit summon for some reason I had the bell and stuff, but I just did the desperate butt searching animation when I tried
Hm, maybe that's the issue I think I tried that, but I can't say for sure Maybe there's something you gotta activate first?
Either way, it's gonna be some time until I'll face him again
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in the left side of the screen a blueish spectral tombstone will appear that tells you that you can summon you can do it in any boss fight by default and sometimes other places too
...why did this assassin boss start at like 60% hp`? did I enable easy modo?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I think it might be a glitch but I've noticed some enemies and also that particular boss spawned with less than full HP I found another black knife assassin later that started with full HP
strange stuff also goddamn, magic really is exceptionally good I still have to melee a fair bit, but just the ability to deal consistent damage from range is bodying A LOT of the tanky enemies I hadn't even leveled up before I took down a damned giant
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, magic is OP incantations are good too you can throw fire or lightning and stuff
Just gotta remember that these games are about Miyazaki's fantasies about dying. He won't let you have an easy time because he made this game to suffer.
I mean the amulet is something I just didn't find on the last save But at the same time, I think I found it somewhere I didn't feel strong enough to challenge on that character Also getting this dagger from the lake invader has really changed the game up
go to the waypoint ruins to find a cool friend :)
I don't even know where the waypoint ruins are
follow the road to the southeast of the big gate, cross the bridge ruins are on a hill along that road
Also, since this dagger is dex and arcane at D in terms of scaling does that mean I can just pump arcane and it'll scale? or do I gotta do both?
Cause I like this dagger, the bleed takes off a LOT of hp when it hits
yes there's a basement, it's kinda hidden away in the middle of the ruins >>1032920 I've got arcane at like 22 and yes that dagger scales with it scales better with arcane than dex at +5 doing both is good though
and yeah I've only seen like two sites of grace on that southeastern portion
I don't wanna waste points on dex when I can put them in arcane and pump my magic for whenever the FUCK I find someone selling magic that isn't fucking faith I got the ASSASSIN'S PRAYERBOOK and I was like "sick, this gotta be good" but no it's ass, I wasted 4K soulrunes on a shitty book with stinky spells SCAMMED
worrying about having the optimal build when you don't know where stuff is or how to get it isn't really worth it imo but you do you also the friend I mentioned can help with spells that's why I pointed you to the waypoint
Yeah but even if I don't know where the arcane shop man is, if the dagger scales just as well with arcane alone as with both dex and arcane, why would I stack dex y'know Cause like, dex doesn't do anything for me outside the dagger, arcane does a lot for me down the road >>1032926 Ah, I see I guess I'll keep in mind dumping some stats into dex too then I just don't wanna spread myself too thin here, I still need more mind and probably a bit more vitality, still
it scales with BOTH' meaning leveling both stats will give you more damage than just leveling one of them
it's good to just hit minimum stat requirements and level stuff like vit early on I think
>mr pumpkin head >literally immune to magic because the targeting is his one spot without a hitbox I'm becoming the joker, miyasaki
time for free aim it will be worth it for you to beat this dude
you say that as though the game lets me free aim I'll beat him though, it's just gonna be a pain
you kinda can when not locked on horizontal aiming is where your body is facing, vertical aiming is based on your camera a little wonky but it can work
No I mean I tried that and >>1032932 posted this after the bolt curved straight into his dome anyway
oh weird does magic do that with every enemy when you're not locked on? I was assuming it worked like the older games
I don't really know, since I haven't tried, locking on is really the only way to reasonably fight anything in this game after all I do know you can freeaim it generally, but I dunno if it tries to lock onto an enemy nearby or not
I usually fight huge enemies without locking on so the camera doesn't spaz out easier to keep them in view
well he went down easy due to the insane bleed on this dagger It's ALMOST tempting to just pivot my whole damn build into this dagger and ditch the magic But I REALLY wanna see where the magic goes
Thank god I rerolled though, cause now I'm actually having a lotta fun with the game Though I do hope it gets a little bit more challenging overall, even knowing I'm still not ready to face margit, probably At least gonna level some vit before I challenge him
Cause right now this knife is brutalizing everything It attacks fast, so the DPS is good, and for enemies with a lot of HP, the bleed fucks them so hard Those red invader fuckers were a big problem before but I just needed 3 tries on this one near the entrance to caelid or whatever
When I first saw the knife had bleed I was like "Oh, so it's got some DoT, that's nice" Then I accumulated enough bleed on one of those onion guys one time and my life changed forever Everything else around is just too weak for the bleed to be noticable. It'll tick up and happen now and then, but usually it's on a hit that either would have killed them anyway, or left them one hit off kill with like a sliver of HP, so I didn't notice for a very long time what bleed actually was
is there bleed magic available? I could fuck with some bleed magic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
playing with damage over time? how resinous you gotta stoll in naked with a two second windup or else you might as well be playing raid shadow legends REEEE
it's not DoT is the time thing I thought it was DoT, but it's actually just a sudden huge damage output once the bleed ticker reaches max >>1032949 yeah
DoT is honestly kind of a stinky mechanic in most games so I'm glad it's not DoT in a fight, I'd much rather have a little bit less total damage, but actually dish it out in one go than increment a timer so I gotta kite the fucker around waiting for my damage to happen
poison seems like it could be useful but I don't have a consistent way to apply it yet I'll use anything fight dirty
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah til i didnt know bleed was a chunk of damage
they should model how much blood is in your vascular system and give you lightheadedness and stuff
FUCK I already invested in int and arcane, I can't start pumping my 7 faith NOW
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anything with bleed requires arcane at some level but incantations are primarily faith
honestly just stick with the int build magic is cool in this game
That's the plan Well I do wanna pivot to arcane instead, but int seems like an allrounder in terms of being an engine for magic damage from what I understand the stats in this game are so complicated
arcane seems to be for the liberal application of ailments instead of raw damage
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can also get occult weapons that scale primarily with arcane
need me one of those
well, another one of those
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i only have spectral lance for that
I've only got the reduvia blade
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh spectral lance is an ash of war you can use it to make stuff into occult weapons i use a keen naginata and a bleed uchigatana right now though
alright, so I don't think I'm supposed to be at caelid yet Those zombocoms are SCARY like 20 of them in a group and my backstab does 25% damage, I ain't fucking around here yet
>>1032968 ohh ok I'm using a blood great knife with the reduvia blade bleeds so good >>1032969 yeah I haven't really done much caelid stuff, everything there takes too long to kill cleared out limgrave and the weeping peninsula and now I'm going north instead
I guess I'll check out a few other spots I haven't been to, and then try to ice margit after dumping what runes I have into... something better than losing them >>1032972 I've done a fair bit of stuff, I dunno honestly
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did you do castle morne yet
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
castle morne is the area south of the starting area
Oh, nope, haven't been there at all yet Guess I could check it out
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its easier than margit for low level characters
yeah morne was pretty easy, I did that before margit stormveil is tough
Are glintstone stars better than the pebble or is that too simplistic of a question? I've got too many runes to be lugging around, so I'm either getting a new spell to use or leveling vit or something
no idea! I would just buy every sorcery I could if I were going int might do that on a second playthrough
I bought the scholar's armament like a damn fool, too 3K runes down the drain Of course I know I can get those back very, very quickly, literally just go to third church and ice the giant 3 times, but it still stings Can't apply it to the dagger cause I guess the bleed is a magical effect scammed
also those skeletal militiamen summons are incredibly good most enemies don't actually kill them cause they stop being like, active combatants for a second or two after they "die", so the mobs will just retarget either you or the other skellington and let the first one revive
>the triple shot is actually weaker than the pebble what the fuck dude why would I even consider it
It uses more mana too
can you charge it up? might also do more poise damage
Didn't try charging it, but the poise might be a reason yeah I guess maybe against enemies with like, a magic shield that counts hits rather than damage too, though I dunno if that's a thing
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
psa: don't get swallowed by the iron maidens or you end up in volcano hell
volcano hell sounds cool
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i want to go there i got swallowed by one once but they threw me out
well, I killed margit felt real cheesy, but I did kill him
Cheese is only an illusion in Soulslike games
I mean he was distracted by my two skeletons and the summoned sorcerer until he had like 20% hp I COULD probably have taken him down normally, but I definitely don't feel like I really earned it
levels are getting so expensive now, I'm gonna need to either find that GODDAMN ARCANE VENDOR or just start pumping int I can't afford to keep dumping microtransaction coins into a stat I may never get to use because I'll be locked behind lacking stats in what I do have
>>1033002 Literally any vendor selling spells that require arcane Just A vendor I have 2 faith vendors and one int vendor available already
what arcane vendor do you mean you mean sorc vendor?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there are only two sorceries that use arcane arcane isnt a magic type
arcane is a side stat unless you're going full ailment mode it's literally the luck stat that lets you find more items I've seen some dragon spells that require it but I don't know if they scale off arcane or just require a minimum to use >>1033006 going hard arcane and it's honestly working pretty well
So there IS no arcane vendor I guess I'll prioritize dex instead of arcane then, I've been thinking there was a vendor who had spells for my arcane stat Like there is for faith and int
I need more mind too, cause I got a spirit summon that uses more mana than I have
Maybe I should just grind out some giants
Oh shit there's actually a Luck stat Hell yes Time to make bad build decisions
You can respec outright after you beat the moon priest, right?
I dunno I haven't found the respec place I have a couple items fo r it >>1033011 fth seems super flexible I've been getting some beast incantations from the beast sanctum and they look really cool gonna play this game for way too long
renalla yeah
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1033013 yeah fth has normal incantations, fire, lightning, madness, dragon, and beast that i've seen so far the game is honestly so much better than i ever expected
it continues to exceed expectations a true magnum opus
do you know what I need to alter garments? I have the set and needle but I don't have anything to alter it was one of the first things I got but 30 hours later I still have no idea what it does
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you go back to boc he can do it for you and you should be able to do it at the grace points but you do gotta give it to boc before you can do it if you havent met boc yet he's a demihuman pretending to be a tree somewhere and he'll give you a quest where you go to the place you found the needle and get the needle give it to him afterwards and you're golden
is he in limgrave? I'll look for him tonight
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah he's like southeast of gatefront ruins i think you'll hear him talk as you walk near him and then you just attack the trees until you undo his illusion
Sorcery is pretty good. The spell he's using is one that I just found, deeeeeeep in later game. You can get just about anywhere in the game but you have to know how to since the obvious paths are usually sealed by bosses or storylocks. But if you know where to get that stuff, I think you can be ridiculously strong even at the beginning.
I got myself a mercury thermometer so now I can just look at it to see when it's safe to take my blanket off I don't really NEED to know the exact temperature inside, really all I need to know is like "can I survive in here?" But it's good to have I guess
Elden Ring's magic is strange as hell I've unlocked 2 more spell books, and I'm still mainly using not only the first spells I had, but in fact the one initially selected for use the moment my character loaded in That's abnormal, usually you'd stop using the older spells, but in terms of mana:damage, the basic glintstone pebble is so far the single best option I have
I have found a use for the magic imbuing spell though, since I managed to find a second, regular dagger that I can just put an extra 100 magic damage on now, mostly useful against whatever enemies don't bleed
if not for having literally 7 faith I'd have just gotten the holy imbuing instead, since most of the time the enemies that don't bleed do so because they're skellingtons, and convention tells me holy damage is more effective than magic against undead
...though I guess I could farm like 20 giants to get it It'd just be kinda stinky to dump that much runes into a stat I'm not really gonna be investing in further
>>1033042 I'm just using the staff you get from killing the goblin queen It's marginally better than the staff you start with as an astrologer, scales with int No indicators I've seen of it being suited to a particular type of spell or anything beyond that
This armored knight in a dark room after you fight margit is legit just fucking stupid I've died like 10 times to him and all but one are primarily due to the cameralock just not functioning I turn the camera to him, I press the lock on button, the camera resets away from him, I get demolished I'm not even mad about the damage he does or his ridiculous magic resistance and health pool, that wouldn't matter if the literal game mechanics functioned
that said he did finally go down after a few backstabs, surprisingly
goblin queen ran across her in some ruins well I guess they're not called goblins the demihumans, with the shield and scimitar or whatever weak bois, only real threat is their raw numbers
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you fought margot already? or was there a different boss called a queen
I've been exploring a lot, cause I was struggling against margit I haven't really found much that's better than my starting gear though, funnily enough Did alter the astrologer's robe after visiting the church of vows, turns out it's a straight downgrade with few and EXTREMELY minor upgrades in a few stats
we're talking -2 almost across the board in return for a few +0.1s I mean I'm still wearing it cause it looks dope and let's be honest I'm squishy as shit anyway so it doesn't really matter what I wear, but it is literally just a worse version statwise
Possibly, but it's not like further alterations with the needle improves it, the only option available is reverting it back I think I'm gonna go buy a second one from that vendor who sells them, just so maybe I can wear that in case I later get some more options through looting Though, like I said, it's not particularly important cause most things either do wholly insignificant damage, or kill me in 3 hits by a large margin anyway >>1033058 It does say you can upgrade or alter demigod clothes, so I'm assuming there's some super late game stuff
Only the robes showed up in the list of possibilities though, which was kinda weird I mean I do have the full set, obviously, so it's weird for the rest not to show up
At this point I don't really know what to do in the game though Godrick's in front of me, but I've actually seen the fight against him and know for sure I'm not gonna win that fight right now And I don't wanna just outright farm either
Maybe I'll go tackle that tower with the ghostly fighters in it, though it's a frustrating place due to these archers that 1tap me I'm assuming it has some mage relevant loot >>1033060 Oh yeah I'm already past the bridge The only places I haven't explored yet at this point are places that I'm just not strong enough to take on yet
You can access pretty much anywhere in the map, so just explore a bit! Any part of the map that seems sealed off is just an illusion, you can find a way around it, even the broken bridge and stuff.
That's probably most places! The map is gigantic. But there's a lot of loot to find even in places you're underleveled for.
Also i've started losing like, HUGE amounts of souls, I mean runes, when I die Like, I dunno, somewhere around maybe 10-20% don't come back
So maybe I'll end up just farming up a bunch of int and vit I've been way too focused on getting arcane and stuff, so my magic's kinda stinky at 23 int
The death tax is only relevant in Stormveil. Outside of Stormveil, you'll get 100% back. There's an NPC in Stormveil that steals about 30% of your runes when you die there. You can get them back if you find the NPC.
You can kill any NPC outside of the Roundtable. In a lot of previous games, it was common to kill NPCs to get their weapons early. It's probably still like that but I'm not hooked into the Elden Ring strats yet.
I haven't even attacked a non-hostile npc at all yet I know you can, but I thought it was for some only, and tey'd stay hostle even after you respawn which reminds me I still gotta kill that big golden knight too, but I honestly don't know how I'm gonna pull that shit off Man's on a horse, I can't cheese him
his shield is literally 100% magic proof, I tried >>1033071 I guess it's worth a shot I'll have to go all mana flask for it, but I guess it's worth getting rid of the guy just to be done with it
I really need to up my int so my magic crushes shit instead of doing chipdamage to most of the tankier bois Luckily, gianthunting is real fuckin' easy when there's one right next to a bonfire I assume there's a faster way to farm souls, but one enemy at 1K per rest is pretty good
Also in terms of summons I've only got one that's any good Two ressurrecting skellingtons is so brokenly good compared to my other options They don't need to even do damage, they're just so resilient from effectively kiting the enemy away from each other during the ress animation
O shit Is there any sort of interaction with this one sorceress I found tied up in a dungeon below a swamp btw? She just cries when I talk to her I thought I needed to clear the area, but that didn't do a thing
Probably, they have the same hat First thing I did was actually go see if I could mention it to her, but nothing
Either way, I'm done with elden ring for today I think Tomorrow I guess I'll go explore some more, I got the grace next to godrick anyway so I can go bust his ass whenever
Gonna keep the rune IRS alive until I kill him though, assuming he hangs onto all the souls until you kill him, he'll be a big ol' pinata
I'm reading a Star Wars novel, and Qui-Gon says to Yoda, "We should end slavery" And Yoda immediately jumps into this monologue about how ending slavery is not the Jedi's business and they shouldn't do it because the arachnid people on Uro eat their weakest young and there are cultures where they kill their elders to preserve resources and it ends with Yoda saying "want to rule, do you? dangerous, this is"
yoda stinks fr honestly kinda incredible that this space opera that was legit mostly a bog standard good v evil story managed to have one of the best boomer critiques in all of fiction
Though I guess he's not supposed to be a critique, he's supposed to be The Smart Guy
Nah, I think Yoda is intentionally placed as a misguided and zealous character, even though in-universe, most people think he's amazing.
Pretty much all of Qui-Gon's canon stories have him raising issues with the council and republic and always Qui-Gon is shown to be right, and always Yoda is the one who opposes him.
I really love the High Republic books. The Jedi are really cool in it! They're all fallible and just work through their problems, all of them seem to understand how limited they are. It takes place 200 years before the prequels and Yoda's around but hes not a councilmember right now. So they're really good and effective at what they do. Unlike the Jedi 200 years later who have become awful and annoying zealots who don't care about anything but their literal interpretation of their code
It'd be cool to see something about a small group of jedi trying to restore the order back to what it was before, instead of doing whatever the hell Luke is up to in the mandalorian Like, restore it, but not to the trash it had become shortly before its fall, but to an organization that actually seeks to address, you know, problems Even with the sith gone and dusted, it's not like the order should be wholly without purpose, they weren't formed for the sake of fighting the sith in the abstract, they had a reason to do that
Yeah. I hope that Ashoka's show might have that. I think it'll be her looking for Ezra, a young Jedi who sacrificed himself to stop Thrawn during the Rebels show. And Ezra is good, he was trained by Kanan, a Jedi who fell in love and moved past being bound by the code. He and Ashoka are great.
Perhaps even a show dedicated to two opposing factions of force users, neither seeking to reestablish the jedi specifically, but two other organizations with goals and methods of achieving them, coming into conflict over what they see their purpose in the galaxy to be They don't even need to be one good and one bad, they can literally both be ostensibly good but disagree strongly on stuff like "should we intervene with cultures we don't come from or represent?" >>1033091 They can just AU it for all I care, hell they don't even need to be successful, that can be the point of the story if you're clever with it
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the real problem is that the sequel trilogy shows us that nothing good happened in the 40 years after the empire fell so you'd have to set a show after the sequel trilogy which is basically a dead end the only way to write good star wars material is like high republic and stuff
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well if you dont care about success then you're probably looking at jedi fallen order and its upcoming sequel thats closer to what you're talking about than anything although they do want to restore the jedi sort of
I guess I could play that sometime I've got elden ring and higurashi for now though
Higurashi starts out REAL slow btw, goddamn Umineko was slow at the very start but it quickly got to the point Music was better too, but I guess both of these are results of Umineko being a later work
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm still hoping to find players for a star wars ttrpg
So am I correct in my assumption that the bloodloss effect on my weapon is scaling with arcane specifically? Cause I found a claw weapon that's a bit weaker overall, but it isn't magical and does more blood loss, higher number anyway, and I'm sorta considering just dumping one more into dex so I can use it instead of that dagger Hell maybe I could dual wield them whenever magic isn't doing the trick
In some areas they really just hand out grace like it's no big deal, but in others you're starving for them for like 15 minutes before you see a hint of one, and it's usually one you already visited
Yo the magic glintblade fucking slaps against godrick lmao The action of CASTING it makes him dodge like any competent enemy facing a spell, but the actual shooting of the blade is delayed, so as long as they're in range they knock his ass out What a world
And because he's dodging it, he's not doing attacks
I was worried about this fight but I think I'm gonna get him in a few more tries
Just overall this glintblade is a gamechanger The pebble shoots immediately, and is somewhat dependent on your orientation when casting, so using it on horseback is just... wasteful, most of the shots miss because you're facing away But the blade aims on its own once cast So you can just spam them down while kiting, it's insane I feel so powerful
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Across the river the apes gather, sitting quietly on their haunches, facing east, waiting for dawn. It is not yet light; a mist hangs above the river and the air is gray. They murmur and scratch themselves awake. First light breaks. A thin beam flies toward the hilltop and each animal raises his palms. Light slides through his fingers. He clutches air. Then the chorus begins. >A wise man wakes thus each morning, piercing his heart with light, empowering himself through the day. Swallows rise and dip above the river. The empty shells of trees and houses fill with color. The soul enters the body. The curtain of serpents parts. Time stands still, then rolls backwards. It is the first day. >You were once that innocent—a babe shrugging off the sleep of the womb, wailing for the moon, reaching toward light. We veil ourselves in the world's illusion; we learn how to forget. >I join the apes on the hill, facing east on my haunches. Quick light tumbles the wall of night. We raise our arms and howl. We summon the disk to appear and soon the sun crests the hill. In one moment the world has changed. We sing loudly of what we have seen. We tremble, mouths filled with light. Our song rings through eternity. >In the village below the people leave their houses, yawn, scratch and look about. “See!” one shouts. “There's that old fool with the apes again.” The people stir and shake off sleep. We shout and keep shouting—the apes and me—until one by one we've awakened all those who otherwise would sleep through miracles. - Awakening Osiris
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dem ancient egyptian poets knew what was up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>I have seen the broken down boughs of the fig tree overladen with fruit. I have seen death dance over desert sands, his bone white head turned behind. I have offered up saffron and myrrh to goddesses. I know the bread and honey that old men like. I have walked nine days in wonder down a long, dust-swept road just to say: You think you are awake, but you are asleep. When was the last day your heart leapt and cried, “I am alive in Egypt?” I stand poised in the fragrance of purple amaranth. I am a flower that never dies.
Gonna finally watch the rise of skywalker It's been 3 years, I don't know anything about it other than skywalker showing up and tricking the imperials at one point
man why does everything set in darkness have to be EXTREMELY dark? I really wish movies would stop this garbage and just use dim lights instead of just showing me a nearly pitch black screen with ominous music
Also i spent a lot of time in the scarlet rot swamp killing these knights for their armor, but it turns out it doesn't even have any special effects I look fuckin' dripped out with the chest piece and the red hood from stormwind castle though I'd wear the rest of the set cause it looks dope as hell, but that's heavy load and I refuse to fatroll
I've got another one of those minivans where the driver has taken out the middle seating so I've got to sit at the very back of the minivan I get why they do it, it's so they can take wheelchair passengers But as a normal passenger it makes for an incredibly weird and kind of uncomfortable ride
>>1033195 they need super darkness bc they don't have real set pieces and the cgi buildings are hard to light properly
I suspect there's also limited mastering of the video from cinema to home theatre release All that dark and mood lighting probably looks pretty effective on the kind of screen it's designed to be showed on But you just get a barely visible video for a home-viewing screen Same with a lot of audio too
>>1033201 Pretty much every plot point in Rise of the Skywalker exists to justify stuff that doesn't make a lot of sense. Most of it isn't justified by anything else in Star Wars. In almost every way, Rise feels like fanfiction.
I also hate how c3p0 went "it's a hex charm, common with sith loyalists", and then they didn't even give us a good look at the damn thing like Man, let me see the thing, then you can maybe use it later somewhere
Oh goddamnit I guess I'll watch that after this is done then It'll be like I'm really watching starwars, in the wrong order as God (Lucas) intended
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow TLJ is so good probably my favorite star wars movie
The worst part of TLJ was Disney was so scared of the reactionary anger from Star Wars nerdlords that they backpedalled on every risk taking thing it did (that they could at least; I'm pretty sure they would have revived Luke if they could) and we got Rise of Skywalker in turn
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah rise of skywalker isnt just a bad star wars movie or bad star wars content it's legitimately an awful piece of media bad direction, bad writing, bad everything absolute garbage
I mean I'm enjoying it so far, despite the dumb shit But I'm 50 minutes in, it's got a lot of time to destroy itself
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the writing is really inconsistent and incoherent especially towards the middle and end even the internal coherency of the story, without all the stuff from the rest of star wars
oh right, those are where you get them I haven't even really paid attention to where I get my stuff, I just check my inventory now and then and go "oh neat, new thing"
I've yet to even use a consumable item that isn't a golden rune because like It doesn't come back So if I can brute force my way through something, I'm gonna do that instead
oh my GOD the bishop checkmate with queen sasc sacrifice*
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The round-the-back pawn castle three square double twice checkmate
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is the kind of setup you dream of pushes their F pawn leaving them wide open doesn't push E pawn at all and then boxes the king in with bishop to d7
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I'd rather F queen than F pawn if you knowwhatimsayin boys
>>1033268 noice my brother wants to go to the one in Sydney he wants to bring mum i don't think she's ever seen the show
I'd play that Is it a game where you play Harry Potter going on a stabbing soree? *soree *spree Or is it a game.where you go on a stabbing soree but all your victims are just Harry Potter? *spree
I don't really like, 'get' most of the spells in the game, honestly Like the bow you get before meeting rinna or whatever, it's strong and all, but it's actually really weak in terms of combat The damage output is decent, but it's also costly mana wise and takes forever to wind up and use For the same amount of mana you can do the same damage faster with the glintblade spell Or at least almost the same damage
One of the employees in this store's purchasing department I have to contact every now and then has a tendency to throw ellipsis into his emails I don't think he's trying to tie two statements together with a "yadda yadda yadda" so my only guess is he's trying to replicate a pause in verbal dialogue in the email But it just makes him sound like he's a "H-hey guys" kind of person
yeah... he sounds... pretty lame...
>>1033481 a lot of spell variety exists for pvp switching up wjat spell you're using is half the gameplan for sorceries in pvp and going from something that has a straightforward animation -> cast to something with a longer windup and the ability to charge can throw your target off amd catch them out of a roll the easiest invaders to kill are the ones that spam the same move over and over
also flavor > utility for spell variety is good imo
I guess It just feels kinda underwhelming for my earliest spell to still be actually my best, and I'm just using one I got a bit later because it has the slight windup and bodies dodging enemies I did find the METEOR STAFF though, so at least my spells are real chunky now
try going through liurna of the lakes, lots of spells up there not sure if they're better or not though I'm full melee
I'm going through the mines up by the rot lake right now, thinking I'm gonna chug out some upgrades with the plentiful stones in the mines, but I'll go there later for some spells The meteor staff legit can't even be upgraded though >>1033488 Yeah I think I've seen nearly all of it now A few episodes I still haven't seen, but that's maybe like 5-6 episodes
>>1033487 the mines are great for stocking up on stones yeah might do a few more runs through so I can try new weapons I found some cool sorceries in caria manor so try that out once you find it
I'm actually kinda worried about my build because of bosses like the moon priestess though Her magic resist is outta control, and I really do not do much physical damage Though I have summons who do
Though just getting to her is gonna be hard enough anyway, so it's still a bit in the future
I bought some new Bluetooth earbuds after my set got fried by dropping the receiving one in meltwater And man, I am not impressed with the quality her Here even I might even return them if there's not something I'm missing here
I just wish the options for Bluetooth earbuds weren't Airpods, cheap brand name pieces, or Chinese manufacturers with unreliable quality In part because only the Chinese ones so far satisfy my want for 6+ hours on an earbud charge My previous pair I was mostly happy with and would have just bought a second pair But it looks like the manufacturer has vanished off Amazon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow genshin impact in the apple promo event on an ipad air lol
Now I'm 20K up from start, so I'm pulling it back to bank at least half those gains, and I'm just gonna bet all my gains from this point forward He'll win eventually, after all, so it's important to take profit
>>1033543 He won one he forgot to run the casino on And then one later where the believers actually got paid
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1033541 das nice i wanted to do some kinda wearables with conductive thread way back when electronic art on the wall with conductive ink would be cool too
98K baby You can safely lay into the bets pretty heavy when he's up against this boss fight cause it's super hard to begin with, and co-op nerfs him to hell while teaming him up with, well, someone who felt the need to use a summon
One more week and I should be able to get my damn keys back from the elevator shaft
there is an absolutely massive amount of middle class in china now proportionally and relatively in terms of income it might seem strange but what matters is the raw number of people who are living lives in which it's possible to achieve artistic pursuits (and monetize them) the only part of that tweet overtly proclamous to me is the "almost completely unknown to the West" part to someone only just learning about how much chinese cultural content is being produced right now, it would seem like something "the west" doesn't know about but moreso it's just that people in their respective countries don't tend to consume cultural products from other countries with the exception of cultural products from very specific parts of the world USA and Japan being obvious to come to mind
Bruh I got the day off work cus I was kind of sick after getting the Covid booster And i was gonna milk it a little and play elden ring But i really have felt like shit and just been lying in bed
the cruel reality of being an adult
RIP I genuinely wish I could get sick enough to call a day off I've almost never been so awfully sick that I can't function I don't even know what to say to try and pass like I'm sick
sry bud i was a consort her majesty princess ranni had appointed long before you and i'll be an elden lord before you even set foot upon the forbidden lands
>>1033636 SMORT I'm torn between a FTH or INT run next both seem so cool
>>1033645 i used to be 15 str, 70 int when i was like lvl 80-ish i respecced soon after though the high-int sorceries are really cool but i realized i wanted to swing a sword too
now i'm going back to 70 int and i'll probably go for more end and vig
>>1033654 No today is March 9th Especially since Japan is 10-13 hours ahead of North America
yeah it's 9/3 t. two hours behind Japan
MST is 10:24 you can't fool me
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
CST is still 3/8
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1033659 If it were 9/3 it would be kumi day Not Miku day
>>1033738 Turn-based strategy game a la Tactics Ogre and Final Fantasy Tactics It shares the visual style, if not developed by the same studio, as Octopath Traveler
Ive been know to do models, ;) Ive always wanted the Pharoahs kead slead from American Graffiti. But in the wrecking yard, it ebded ended* in, in NYC. After someone was killed in it, as a diorama.
Should maybe sit down and watch McGuyver at some point too That show was such a large part of growing up, at least in terms of TV
Shows from this kind of vague time period have this energy to them that isn't really present nowadays
They even made a little nod to the audience, beyond the casting, about MacGuyver in the first episode
"It took us 15 years and 3 super computers to Macgyver a system for use on earth" And MacGyver is right there behind her as she says it And for that matter, it's still airing as of this episode's release
>>1033854 Mcg reboot (kind if clise to close to* home in some ways), creepy. Fallguy, Ateam, Airwolf. All dope.....
It is sometimes really convenient how the peoples on other worlds speak English despite being like, mongols kidnapped from earth nearly 1000 years ago The show doesn't even just treat English as the default universal language, many of the worlds have their own languages based in ancient earth languages
Actually that's not entirely true You can do these things
Which is essentially nothing
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1033864 https://hackaday.com/2022/03/09/modern-cpus-are-smarter-than-you-might-realize/ >it is interesting that the tricks work on GCC, but don’t make a difference on Clang
My foot may have regained full motor function and be mostly back to normal in terms of my nerves, but it's become EXTREMELY sensitive to cold I wonder if it's got constricted bloodflow or something, cause it doesn't just feel cold, it actually IS cold to the touch
Ahhhh the caffeine mania is kicking in pretty fast today Now I want to just not be here and somewhere I can actually be doing fulfilling things I wonder why I don't really get this from brewed coffee or energy drinks It's really only espresso which gets me fired up like this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://twitter.com/WaifuMoeNFT theres like an infinte supply of these waifu projects rip valuations
Everyone wants a waifu
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
husbandos nowhere to be seen
It's up to you to fill the niche Samu
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh ill fill some niches alright
I'm picking up what you're putting down
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1033873 did you sleep on it or sit on it for nine hours playing elden ring
No, it's been like this since I lost function in it a while back It's all better now, even if I think it's a little bit weaker than my other foot, and it's still somewhat numb I can move it, and it does have torque, and I can feel stuff, but it's not good as new anymore It's probably just lasting effects, but I don't really know what exactly's going on
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh i see i hope it fixes itself but also that's age for ya everything gets a lil creaky
im in a chess tourney called uwu
It's not age, my foot was afflicted with some sorta nerve... issue Limp as a dead fish for weeks, then it got better but never fully recovered Though, like I said, it's mostly good now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
5 minutes is rough for me
did ya win?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im getting wrecked on time every time can't close
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i won one match but it was past the tourney end time so it didnt even count lmao
can i do anything with dragon hearts if I don't have DEX ?
i love lappland
you trade them for dragon powers after slaying dragons at the cathedral of dragon communion
you need arcane or faith for most of the powers but they're not worth getting rid of any other way so i'd just trade them for the powers you think sound cool and maybe try respeccing into arcane or faith later to try them out you get a pretty generous amount of respecs and i believe it's possibel to farm the material you use to respec at the very least you get like 7 respecs per playthrough
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
i know but all the powers need levels i don't have
>>1033987 it's not bad I'm not a huge monster fan or a fan of the zero sugar monsters but I think it tastes okay certainly not offensive
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Night /moe/!
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1033989 but those are points I could be putting in strengh and endurance
You know at first I still thought you were talking about Elden Ring and "golden monster" was a slightly spoiler-friendly way of talking about a boss in it
i love lappland
>>1033995 not truly offensive now i kinda hate them though maybe it's because i was expecting something really different but the last time i tried it i regrettably managed to finish it but i really dislike that aftertaste of whatever sweetener they use also i remember it having an almost yeasty smell to it that i did not like
i love lappland
i mostly drink the monster rehabs now idk why they're called rehab but they're uncarbonated which i like
i love lappland
>>1033998 sometimes a little utilitty can go a really long way utility after you get the rune of rebirth and a few larval tears i highly reccomend testing out a couple other builds just to see what they're like
Speaking of La+ and The Batman though Apparently she got to sit down for an interview with Pattinson and the actress who plays Catwoman >>>/@LaplusDarknesss/1501755727584841734 The video's coming out in a few hours
holy carp that's quite the crossover
She's quite the westaboo when it comes to comics and superheroes I think she's showed off some merch like Wonder Woman figs and stuff like that And at least Pattinson is one of those known celebrity weebs, or at least likes some anime and manga So he might be more receptive to this than expected, at least
better set a remindooor
This would be a good opportunity to have subs, especially since they'll probably have to translate Pattinson and I don't know the name of Catwoman's actress Dunno if they'll be available though
that's right zoe kravitz I think her performance was decent