⬛⬛🟩⬛⬛ 🟩⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬛🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 im a fuckin MORON
Wow hah hah hah At least you got it
This Uber driver neglected to properly de-ice his windshield wipers before starting today They've been making this horrid GA-CHUNK noise the whole time Also I don't think he's got good tires for all this snow
time to venture onto the train a bit early, but it's better to be too early than to just miss it
i have a maiden AND my steed can double jump AND i can cast 100 swift glintstone shards
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf some people just have it all and they don't even appreciate
i love lappland
i appreciate it i'll even lend it out you need my help just knurl that finger
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay can i get uhhhh glowshard double decker
i love lappland
all outta glowshard my guy
i love lappland
i got crystal barrage though and let me tell you that shit stinks
i love lappland
the bosses in this game are really hard
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i saw the sphinx tree watchdog boss earlier today on northernlion's stream, funny lookin boss he still died to it like 12 times due to greed and lack of focus
I want to play the game, but PC optimization is apparently pretty bad, and my machine might be not in the best condition to play a contemporary AAA release My HDD is pretty shot, my CPU is outdated as fuck, and while my GPU is literally the recommended card, apparently it's also one that a lot of issues are being reported on I could fix all those except the GPU problem pretty easily but I've been putting off installing the new hardware for about a year
i love lappland
i probably have a worse pc than you the game runs about the same no matter how good or bad your pc is the frame issues are optimization related if you can run DaS3, this should run fine
I still think I'll hold out to see if they do some early post-release optimization patches It's not like I've got a dearth of games to play anyway
Also I can't understate how much trouble gaming with my current HDD is I made the mistake when I bought it back in 2016 of not getting a model which ran at top read speed in the first place, and then years of running it has really decimated it's ability to read information from it, especially if I haven't restarted my PC recently Any modern game with high quality 3D visuals often takes an exhaustingly long time to load up on it, if it's not just giving me low-res textures after giving up trying to load them dynamically
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Saw a guy at the Japanese market eat 16 avocado rolls. When i left the food court I saw him open up another box of 8.
This motherfucking Uber driver really stops the CBC broadcast talking about the Ukrainian defence of their country to put on the fucking Russian Times American broadcast I'm pretty livid
russia's news are telling the russians that ukraine is genociding russians
>>1031226 The segment I was stuck listening to focused mostly on Putin's offer of peace talks, which Zelensky countered by asking the talks take place in Germany (I can't remember where Putin wanted then but it was a more Russian compromised location) Of course the RT framed it as Zelensky refusing peace talks and brought on some American correspondents to say how it's an error and it doesn't matter if the talks were in good faith or not, Ukraine needs to come to the table to avoid bloodshed and avoid another world war situation They don't outright say shit like "Russia good Ukraine bad", they even make sure to emphasize this all is awful and some of the correspondents got in lines saying Russia shouldn't have done this But nothing in the overall message was a support of Ukrainian defence and generally assumed this was as much Ukraine's fault as it is Russia's
>>1031343 Sekiro and Elden Ring are pretty different games Elden Ring is more in line with a normal Soulslike game with similar tactics and punishment, but with some tweaking for the open world nature of the game Sekiro is a big departure from the combat and base game mechanics of Soulslike games
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all my friends seem to hate elden ring and only tell me how bad it is except jan
And Ton? I've seen him expressing frustration with it but I get the feeling he's enjoying it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the streamers seemed to be having lots of fun
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the fuck, a picture of a girl with her buttocks plainly visible? you can't just draw that, is this allowed?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1031348 ton spent like two hours last night complaining about it and getting so mad that when he had an excuse to stop playing he immediately took it he and wulf basically talked about it being boring and that open world doesn't work well for it and that it's confusing and stuff like that
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1031347 I am your friend and elden ring is a good game
>>1031351 wulf is a bitch with the worst taste I've ever seen so that tracks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
down here salt is a way of life certainly i would like to explore the game at some point idk if i can beat it but it seems like a lovely world, and the lack of ubisoft nonsense looks refreshing
I'd like to play it too It's probably contingent on me getting a PS5 or a better GPU though, which ever comes first
the performance is my only issue with it hope they fix it soon, the game is gorgeous on high settings but the stuttering is unbearable unless I set it to low
Yeah I'm hoping the time I'd need for either of those to come true would be enough for them to do some performance patches
i have been frustrated trying to refill my jet lighter with butane over the past week finally re-read the instructions and realized i should be holding the canister upside down so that the gas can descend into the lighter
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1031360 Since they have bags of milk in Canada does that mean your bread comes in cartons?
It's really funny that they basically dropped it out of almost nowhere Like even on Japanese Twitter the general reacion -reaction I saw was "What, what?" I think after the D/P remakes and Arceus coming out, people were expecting a bit of a break in major Pokemon news
that great tfw when you get completely engrossed in a passion project for so long that you forget what day it even is at least the weekend is almost here
>>1031471 modeling systems, boundaries, and natural (emergent) languages solving the general case would take an immense amount of data that i'll probably never have, but solving any arbitrary case is just a matter of time investment and access to data ive been looking at a bunch of different use cases and making a sort of portfolio of them in hopes that one day i can pitch any of those use cases to various industries to potentially get funding
the business management side of all that is really where all the work is at though drafting up a bunch of business proposals that may never even be seen but it's fun to survey all the various fields and find openings i need to find more use cases in fields that have deep pockets though, a lot of these are just silly and have no realistic application anyone would want to fund
but i could take the silly ones and make youtube videos from them if i ever have the time and money for such leisure
oh, apparently the SEC restricts brokerages from letting investors day trade, for their own safety, unless they have >$25k how thoughtful of them they're worried i might lose my $6 so im not allowed to day trade it i just have to invest it instead for that sick 1% yearly growth
Oh man Holy shit The new Touhou detective manga chapter is out I wasn't even following it and I'm mad at spoilers.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i kind of want to buy more RAM for my mini amd pc i already have one stick should i buy the exact same it's more expensive than when i got it two years ago grr maybe i could just get a similar stick
>>1031618 what i really wanna start doing for crucial stuff is running 3 copies of the service then i dont need to worry about ram or storage glitches
>>1031607 It's not about the size of your RAM stick It's how you use it
>>1031619 Vtuber fans are pretty creative in how they celebrate their oshi's birthday From putting Ina up on Times Square, to NijiEN's Enna's birthday where they made a whole interactive website with songs, thank you messages, a cake-making relay I think Ollie's fan discord has also done big digital canvases where fans left illustrations and messages
Previously Hololive talents especially got some pretty crazy and extensive physical gifts for birthdays too, but they killed that practice when it became apparent some crazier fans and/or antis were using the gifts to plant Bluetooth tags to track the talent's home location, or were planning to at least I guess when that practice ended they turned all their devotion to creative gifts
Also /a/ Sings is still a somewhat recurring if uncommon thing
>>1031623 it's still like the old ones even if there are new ones
I think Lamy got an excessive amount of alcohol on her last birthday they did gift receiving on Well, excessive for any normal person
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
irrc people can still order talents physical goods from places like Amazon they just can't send them
i wonder if grocery delivery people get annoyed when i order a whole lot of stuff so they have to make like four trips to bring everything in i try to be considerate of that and not overdo it like buying those 24-packs of paper towels or 50 pound bags of cement i try not to order anything over 5 pounds as a single item really
idk i wouldn't think it'd be a big deal but a lot of times (not always) my deliverer is really pissy but i can't discern whether that's the job altogether, just my delivery, or they feel that way about their whole life i tip pretty generously too unless they deliver it to the wrong apartment/wrong building/wrong street which is almost half the time (there's 4 buildings on two streets and a lot of people have carelessly just stopped at one of the buildings at random and decided that was it)
>>1031628 I might be projecting my own feelings of doing a job for the sake of a job here, but I would imagine while it probably annoys them, it's still within the job description, so they tolerate it Like sometimes a problem is more than you'd like, but dealing with that problem is a part of your job description, so you deal with it I think the level of consideration you're already giving them is more than enough, and probably more consideration than most people who order their groceries in bulk give
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@JoshuaPotash/1498359380856737794 (this is actually fake news, its a russian influencer girl from a few years ago, but still girls und panzer is real)
cement mix obviously it's lighter before you add the water
hyperbole aside, there are some common goods with comparable heft, like cat litter buying the bulk cat litter for cheap is a dreadful chore to carry dog food gets up there too those big water-cooler tanks even my rabbits' food comes in 20 pounder bags, but i buy the 5lb or 10lb instead cubic meter of milk all those kinda things
I remember when my parents were buying dog food my poor mother would basically have to cartwheel the big bulk dog food bags from the car to the house door It was way beyond what she could ably carry
>>1031632 I really like both the Grass and Fire starters this time around Grasscat and chili croc are adorable I'll have to think a bit between them if I get this gen
>>1031636 grass cat is tempting but the pepper croc is too good he looks like a yoshi's island enemy design I love him
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i gotta go for weedlmao garfield
dude, john, where's the lasagna man?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
altho watching vinesauce has gotten me to favor ducks
>>1031639 Unevolved alone, I'm leaning chili croc too I'll have to consider more heavily when they showcase/tease the evolutions Since really, you spend most of the time with your starter at it's first and second evolutions
>>1031643 yeah the final forms will be the deciding factor for sure don't want another oshawott situation on my hands >>1031642 the duck is ok, he looks like an earthbound enemy greaser duck wants to fight
Grease duck sounds like it could be some poorly translated hole in the wall Chinese food
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the duck IS pretty cute hmm ill have to see the finals as well and by that i mean there's no way im playin the game anyway but i still have to have an armchair opinion
I'm going to be keeping my eye on the news of the game I'd like to play it, but I already skipped Sword/Shield because I didn't really like the direction they were going, and some of the other shoddy things about it bothered me too But I'm interested to see what they might've incorporated from Arceus and if they can make a more engaging game their second time around on the Switch A big plus for me would be if they retract their decision to no longer have a full National Dex in the game; that alone might persuade me to pick it up But I'm not expecting it
I think right now it's a fairly on the fence choice leaning towards no, but I'll see over the next eight months or so
i haven't played games in years i just ask blue to play them for me and i watch easy life
>>1031655 unfortunately out of all the problems with sword/shield I think the removal of the national dex is gonna stay hope not though
Yeah, I'm basing my expectations on the fact that they outright said during Sword/Shield's development that they didn't expect any further Pokémon games to have a full National Dex So nevermind design experimentation, this seems to be a design choice they've committed to Even if there's no technical or hardware limitation excuse for doing so grumble grumble
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
e few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition: And gentlemen in England now a-bed Shall think themselves accursed they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day
>>1031658 give them a break, there's only much money that the highest grossing media franchise in history can spare
>>1031656 I was sitting in a call with Blue and some others over the weekend as they were playing Elden Ring Wasn't watching because it's a game I want to remain relatively unspoiled on But just listening alone to Blue as he was going through the game was a treat That boy can react
koi vtuber when
Tell him you're interested Give him motivation
might shoot him a message haven't talked to him in a pretty long time anyway so may as well say hello at least
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im watchin NL fight Margit bruh there's no way im ever beating this boss without cheese
margit is pretty tough for the "first boss" but there are a bunch of tools to make him managable I definitely fought him early and it was a pain, should have explored more instead of assuming the guidance pointed you to the intented path
FromSoft seem to have amusingly come up with a very FromSoft-y interpretation of an open world game You can ignore all the stuff to explore and follow the "main story" route But in doing so you get absolutely bodied
I'm interested in seeing how the speedruns shake out with so many options on when and where to go routes are gonna be wacky
>Normal open world games >Explore the side story and environmental content as you please, chasing whatever interests you >FromSoft open world games >Explore that damn world, because when you get back on the rails you'll appreciate the levels, items, and game sense
a lesson I shouldn't have even had to learn they advertise that pretty clearly by putting the tree sentinel miniboss right in your path when you start, you're clearly meant to go around him and come back when you're stronger and that's an attitude you need to adopt for every challenge in the game
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Ubisoft open world games >We're gonna fill ur screen with task lists. You like tasks right?
... I do
>>1031672 not enough feathers to gather, triple it and make sure the reward is as lackluster as possible
I actually do enjoy Ubisoft open world games, but I don't think I'd approach something like Elden Ring like I would them They're more an environmental world for me to immerse myself in, and I think being flooded with tasks actually helps with that It means there's always something keeping me on foot I'm pretty good at not needing some shiny reward at the end of my quest to drive me to do something in a game Just give me an objective and I'll do it
>>1031669 >like complaining the new genshin impact waifu has bare feet lmao he's got a point
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
expert level streamer somehow comes up with this stuff while fighting Margit
>>1031675 you might have trouble with elden ring then it does have a lot of stuff to do ad explore but it very rarely tells you about that stuff sometimes youllt get a hint about stuff, like a woman told me about some weird festival at a church to the south only vague hints here
I'm not bad with directionless stuff, like I said, I'd likely approach Elden Ring differently from an Ubisoft open world game The environmental immersion experience wouldn't work well with the punishing Soulslike combat anyway My intention when I get around to playing is to treat it like a Soulslike game At worst I can break out the old-fashioned pen and paper notetaking
>>1031679kind of remi ds meh of* kind of reminds meh of elder scrolls.
>>1031679 sou sou, good way to approach it I might take some more detailed notes eventually but for now the map marking system is good enough for me, got markers all over for dungeons or bosses I haven't completed or merchants I want to come back to
I also do really like having to do my own detective work It's not like my brain goes to liquid whenever I'm deprived of direction or instructions, but I don't put it to the task when I'm being provided directions and enjoy other aspects of the game
>>1031683so,etimes I just play open world games in discovery terms. Doing Best to cover whole maps, easter egg hunter, anon.
name a better anime than sono bisque doll there isnt one wtf
>>>/@Ukraine/1498549165646921728 i still can't figure out if these Ukraine crypto addresses are real people confirmed them but damn are they really gonna start handing out tokens to UkraineInu or something to donators? or commemorative NFTs? wack
>>1031665 you aren't supposed to- well rather you don't have to fight him when you first find him while fromsoft's games are known for their difficulty in reality there is always a more circuitous, easier way of doing almost anyhting that appears difficult at face value well except in bloodborne maybe
there's a lot of tools, items, tactics, and routes of attack for most situations and a lot of them might not be obvious at first glance and "cheese" is often a misnomer applied to many of these, when in the reality of it that's just an easier way of accomplishing a task
for instance, there's an item that can be found that makes the fight against margit a lot easier a way to bind him down during the first phase, saving you essential resources for the second phase an item specific to margit himself even, that can be found in some of the earlier-game areas
there's also a lot of bosses to fight that are much easier than margit, and lots of ways to gain runes for leveling up before you fight him of course, if you're willing to roll the dice a little bit and rely on raw gamer genes to get you through, it's technically possible to beat almost any boss without leveling at all, using only fists, with your hands tied behind your back up hill both ways in a july snowstorm but that's only one way of doing it
Yeah. That's what made it so hype. I just saw that Ame had a late-night karaoke stream going so I loaded it up to have on in the background. Then people started arriving
my trend predictions (red lines) versus actual results (candles) might not seem that exciting but ive never done this before!
it's predicting the consolidation phase (in 5-second intervals) after processing the previous 30 minutes of divergence so a lot of work for just a very small sliver but i think it's cool
Stuff like this is kind of hard for me to parse It would be kind of nice to learn the mechanics of investment Especially since every attempt I've tried at a traditional job hasn't really worked out well for me But it just seems so incomprehensible
im not even investing anything, just diving into the data which for me is very stimulating in itself
but if i can figure out some predictive indicators then yeah i might try to get into it it's way more up my alley than working at a physical office except the whole part about actually needing money ive never in my life gotten to save a paycheck, it's a tough road
>>1031896 I'm crossing fingers she might re-broadcast the unarchived part, but that would be pretty uncommon for her Plus she'd probably have to go ask all the other girls if they're okay with it
with just some shrewd scalping, 0.75% per day with relative consistency (3-4 days a week to mitigate the ineffective scalps) seems totally possible but that's like 75-150 dollars only once you've got 10K to fund it that's about the same as a general job
starting to feel envious resentment for the fat fucks sitting on a few dozen million to play around with like that and make my whole year's salary in 20 minutes of forex trading
Guess you've got a lot left to learn about investing
>>1031897 oh and the upward-sloped lines are supposed to align with the lows of the troughs, and the downward lines with the tops of the peaks not the average of the values i just realized it looks like everything's shifted right too far but that's where the prediction intended
>>1031901 I'd be open to the idea if I could do it in far fewer hours than a regular job I'm not looking to get rich, I just want financial independence from things that eat up eight to ten hours of my day My current situation has let me save up a fair bit of money; if I knew what I was doing I could invest quite a decent amount I could just throw it in a fund like some sensible option but the returns on that are far too slow to free me from work that consumes my entire day anytime soon
yeah same, i want to be able to pay my rent and bills and support myself on a basic level even frugally is fine but still have the time and energy to do my own research or whatever i want to do
a part-time job to supplement is fine, but i don't want to be working 50+ hours a week with nothing else for myself the whole reason i never pursued a careerin academic research was because the only way to get paid is to do the research for someone else's project who has more money than you, or to apply for funding on a select few fields of political interest you just don't get to do what you want to do unless you support yourself
saving up enough money to start a family would be a greater goal but that feels so out of reach at this time when im only just barely supporting myself, frugally, to force that onto someone else just isn't an option
hey bang guess what I applied for friday off work specifically to get and play enden ring
i love lappland
>>1031915 do u like it i'm having a blast fromsoft is one of the only game companies out here making good AAA's
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Idk its not Friday yet
turkey gravy or chicken gravy
i love lappland
>>1031917oh i thought oh i thought you meant last frdiay well i'm excited for you it's a really fun time if i might make a recommendation, confessor is a good starting point sneaky church assassin
Getting an Uber ride was a real headache today First driver was way too far away so I searched for closer drivers and got a decent one But then they cancelled and another one picked up my ride who was much further out Who then had the audacity to ask me to cancel the ride because it was too far Finally my third attempt got me someone, but there's no way I won't be late at this point
>>1031941 My friend told me the other day that when she got her cartilage pierced the person piercing it fucked up and shattered some of it and now I can't see cartilage piercings without thinking of that.
Reading about caches Don't know why I didn't think this would be so complicated.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
caches on top of caches
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe i should try to read My Immortal the infamous fanfic
lets see
>The next day I woke up in my bedroom. It was snowing and raining again. I opened the door of my coffin and drank some blood from a bottle I had. My coffin was black ebony and inside it was hot pink velvet with black lace on the ends. I got out of my coffin and took of my giant MCR t-shirt which I used for pajamas. Instead, I put on a black leather dress, a pentagram necklace, combat boots and black fishnets on. I put on four pairs of earrings in my pierced ears, and put my hair in a kind of messy bun.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy fuck this is bad im done
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1031962 I asked one of my friends (with a master's in cs) if I should even bother learning cache level optimization at this point (before I really know how to much other optimization) and she said >They're relevant to each other. If you're on this path already then go down this path.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>soz i kodnt update lol I wuz rly deprezzd n I silt muh rists I had 2 go 2 da hospital rraven u rok gurl!11111111111111111111
>>1031965 sounds really premature i dont think thats worth worryin about unless ur writing a AAA game or something
i try to keep my code cache friendly in general, just by not using linked lists or other pointer based data structures
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1031966 You should train a neural net on my immortal and the sonic thing
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1031966 I'm planning on implementing as much of a BLAS as possible.
>>1031957 do owls taste good I don't imagine they do but yu // you never know
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
So like All of level 1 (matrix and scalar operations) Err no Vector scalar operations And realistically some of level 2 (vector matrix operations) And then random parts of level 3 (matrix matrix operations)
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I was reading about optimizing this kind of stuff and have determined cache optimization is the way to go The other Err The whole thing would be just me reimplementing existing algorithms that are already well optimized above cache level and then speeding them up by making them cache friendly.
>>1031963a a classic in cringe check out Trapped in a Island with Josh Hutcherson for a modern take on the "bad on purpose" fanfic genre
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aw yea i love when sites block the clipboard and right click
>Trapped on an island with Josh Hutcherson >Kate’s pov >“Mum dad this is what I want to do with my life I have always wanted to become an actor and not some freakin doctor “I screamed at my parents. >“No Kate you are not going to waste your life on some acting career life’s to short” my dad yelled. >“Yeah and you’ll go on the drugs like all the other actors “ my mum said. >“ not all the actors are on drugs mum” I said. >“ really then name one then”. >“Josh huthcherson” I said as I smiled at the thought of him josh was my biggest celebrity crush im like obsessed over him .
wow this is already incredible
no no, don't get the title wrong Trapped In A Island
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn chapter title
>“that’s not the point your going to become a doctor no matter what u say “ my dad screamed .i just ran up to my room . my room had a josh hutcherson pillow and a josh lamp posters mat even a josh teddy bear everything was of josh .i slammed the door shut and I layed on my bed thinking I could run away but where would I go how would I go there oh I know in my dad’s shed he has a small boat and I can sail to Hollywood and become an actress I thought. I lied on my bed for 3 hours thinking and at 3:00 am I decided to pack my suitcase. cause I was going to Hollywood I put on my purple dress I got when last year for my 17 th birthday I’m turning 18 in 2 weeks.i picked up my suitcase and tiptoed down stares trying not to wake anyone and opened the door. When I opened the door a bunch of cold air hit me I made my way to my dads shed and dragged the boat to the water lucky I live near the beach I thought to myself then when I finally got in the water I started puddling my boat and then I was of .
>Josh hutcherson pov Josh Hutcherson POV? Is this allowed?!
it gets real meta a masterclass
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>I got dressed in my 50 dollars grey shirt and jeans and when I went outside my limo was waiting for to take me to the cruise ship it is Jennifer Laurence birthday today I know Jenifer because she was in the hunger games with me.when the limo stoped my limo driver opened the door for me and I went inside the cruise ship it was huge .i put my present for Jennifer on the table with like 100 or more presents on it and then I saw Jennifer coming my way aw yea 50 dollars grey shirt
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Who the fucknis Josh Hutcherson
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
*fuck is
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Anyways Mathematical physics is something I like a lot so I'm happy to beearbing * be learning stuff I can apply in my field.
>“What is it josh what’s wrong” I asked. >“Well because we have been living on fruit and nuts for a month there’s no more food left in this island” he said as I started crying.
sadge biblethump sadge
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay they got delirious from lack of food and then walked off a cliff but its ok cuz theres actually a mini island down over there with a house its probably got a sweet cabana and xbox
double island
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lmao its the meta island oh no
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow only 8 chapters i finished it that was great really makes u feel like an island boi
I think I'm actually gonna read higurashi tomorrow probably well, I'm downloading elden ring too, but that might be shortlived cause I'm not really that into (good at) souls games
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im so tempted to get elden ring but i really cant justify gettin yet another game that im gonna play 0-5% of and drop rn
I'll probably just drop it, but I wanna at least give it a try
the more I play elden ring the more I'm convinced that it's the most forgiving souls game if you run into something you can't beat there are a hundred other places to check out guard counters provide a safe way to get in for damage while protecting yourself ashes can summon npc allies to take aggro off you weapon arts are super strong maybe the late game gets brutal but so far it hasn't been that tough
i'd guess it's casting a wider net to catch more people, but i dunno shit about it and purely from my own blind speculation i'd say they did that because i'm hearing about it in every channel that i wouldn't even expect to hear it mentioned
it is more options and play styles are alwayd good, and all the new stuff they added is well implemented without feeling necessary or overpowered >>1031995 it also helps that this is the most ambitious entry yet in a well loved series, as well as a large genre shift
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i could see myself picking it up for the exploration alone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why are there always ghost dudes runnin around is that your previous life
the ghost mans are other players the red ghost mans are other players (who died)
yeah the white ones are other players in the same area can't affect anything but it's cool to see other people fighting invisible enemies and stuff
what's always bothered me about souls is how utterly unviable magic is just don't get the mana you need, so you gotta Git Gud with the melee combat either way
? demons souls and ds1 pure sorcery builds are broken, ds2 hex builds are broken ds3 made magic way too weak though haven't used it much in elden ring so I dunno how strong it is
I've legit never seen anyone use magic, and the few times it's even been mentioned it's been because it stinks outside of the occasional fireball intersperced with 45 minutes of swordfigthing
when you say 'anyone' do you mean your commie friends commies suck at souls games no offense
>>1032004 I've run through dark souls 1 close to twenty times and I can tell you for a fact that a pure caster in that game is one of the strongest pve builds even pure pyromancy is super strong outside of one area
>>1032005 I haven't watched anyone on twitter touch a video game in my life
not even pokemon that seems right in there
literally no game
>>1032005 they always get stuck in stonefang tunnel trying to get the miners to rise against the fat officials
there's a cool cosmic theme to the magic in elden ring found some cool gravity manipulation sorceries and the pure offensive one I found just shot rocks using gravity I'm excited to try a spellsword or faith run next
maybe I'll do a magic run, if it's viable Issue is, no way to know if it's viable until you're so stat-invested in magic you either have to restart or uninstall
well that's the fun part, figuring out how to make it viable if you just have a proven guide to follow that is guaranteed to work if you follow it, where's the fun
there is a respec option you have to find the person who does it though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
god the repeat Margit chat is chaotic
the what
>>1032015 he won't even give us another casino the scumbag
>>1032012 also even in ds3 where magic was weakest it was still viable every build that focuses on one or two damage stats is viable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1032016 nl beat margit this morning but then his PS5 didnt write the save properly so hes fighting again and there's been a massive deluge of "wait whys he fighting margit again"
ohhh I see I thought there was a second margit fight
Admittedly, one of the main reasons I never got into souls in the first place is I tried one of them and the KBM controls were like pulling teeth Hopefully Elden Ring isn't that shitty
the word deluge has been at the tip of everyone's subconscious lately, especially mine i wonder if we're going to see a major seismic event and massive cascadia flooding on april 7th 2022
>>1032021 I wouldn't wish KBM souls on anyone always have a controller
My controller isn't very good, it's kinda busted, the right trigger never properly resets to 0 And I don't like using a controller
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its quite an entertaining fight and i missed this morning's segment so this is kinda nice
maybe the KBM controls are good for ER but I wouldn't hold out hope
Well, we'll see how it goes Only soulslike I've really enjoyed is salt&sanctuary though Damn that's a good game
>>1032025 margit is a really cool design dude looks so fucked up but still kinda noble and the holy weapons are dope excited to see more bosses like him
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he did it again the mad lad i can't imagine how brutal the bosses later in the game get
>>1032026 Every review of Elden Ring's KBM controls seem to be pretty negative And going off my own experience playing through Sekiro that way, I think you have to be a particular kind of masochistic to play a Soulslike game with a KBM At least with Sekiro you can bind controls, that helped me make it functionable Not sure if there's rebindable controls in Elden Ring
I guess I could check of you can when I get home might make it a little better but I still imagine a controller would just be better
use a joystick like a normal person
I don't have a joystick! I am lacking in joy and sticks!
there are bundles of them all over /moe/, just take some dunno about the joy though
I mean, the reason is on the devs' end The problem isn't the lack of an analogue stick or anything, it's more like the controls aren't correlated to the ones on screen, and they're spread wholly randomly around the keyboard I guess I could sit down and just rebind everything, but I'm probably just gonna get a controller
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I don't know if there has ever been a from game with good kbm controls. Maybe metal wolf chaos
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
guh i downloaded the first 30 gb on ethernet then set the ps4 up and now it has to download and install the rest on the wifi
I actually have absolutely no idea what people do with spreadsheets at work I mean I get that you list stuff, probably costs and income and stuff, but I dunno how you end up like, spending a lot of time with the spreadsheets Seems like something you just add onto a few times a day maybe
i hope my romanian friends are doing ok im keeping my mind flooded with other stuff to not think too hard about things but it's getting kinda worrisome
nothing direct but it's turbulent due to the geography they're taking in a lot of ukraine refugees at the moment poland is in an uncomfortable position too
i got a couple messages a few days ago from a friend there looking for me but i haven't been able to reach them since and anybody who's acquainting with me in the first place is already in a vulnerable position by normal standards
just logistically compromised like they get all their gas from russia, through ukraine and even if there is gas available to be purchased you get accosted by other stressed individuals for buying russian gas assuming you can afford it
>>1032169 You know, one of the kind of beautiful things about this is, Stacy's Mom was a song that was kind of evocative of that early 00s kind of glamour And then this parody is an extremely 2020s song with the reinterpretation and slang it uses
Cargo elevator from the loading dock to the basement here is broken again Third time in as many weeks While it's nice because it means the dock can turn away any pallet-sized deliveries, it's pretty annoying that this keeps happening Besides those pallets have to arrive eventually
>>1032173 I think the occasional rights issues over the songs they use in the live can mess with archived streama Streams, even I think they usually try to remedy these given a bit of time
Dropped my keys down the elevator at work That's all my keys, work keys, apartment key, mailbox, the fob which lets me get in the ground-level doors to the condo Won't see them until the fifteenth What a fun day.
Saw cute sandwich shop girl again. Although now the other employees recognize me as the guy who wants them to change their gloves before touching my sandwich.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Even though i only come here like twice a month.
food allergens?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
halal me
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Tadaimback >>1032183 Ocd and sensory issues It's not as bad as it used to be but if a tiny pieve of lettuce gets into my food when I taste it I'll lose my appetite ad *and be unable to finish my sandwich What used to happen was me immediately spitting all the food out of my mouth.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I have a lot of memories from childhood of my dad's sisters forcing me to eat food that I didn't want to and ending up throwing up.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
One of my aunts even tried to pressure me into eating something I didn't want to when I was like 17 or 18. I think it was at the post funeral meet up party after my grandmother died. I can tell by smell most of the time if I won't like a food.
>>1032195 guess I gotta find an ailment affinity ash I like my blood blade so I'm willing to stick with arcane found some places to get dragon spells but I didn't know they scale with arcane, just thought it was a minimum requirement
i figure they scale with it since theyre required.
well I'll find out once I get a second dragon heart, the spell I'm interested in needs 2
what's your build?
cool build
Give the man a break, he's got maidens to finger Or something I'unno I haven't played Elden Ring
im at work
im running mostly faith
half my grocery budget spent on cheesecakes and pecan pies guh
Was talking with my coworkers after work a bit and Owl City came up, to which I said I liked them, kind of as more popcorn music Like a popcorn flick, but for music And all but one of them was totally confused by the analogy Is it really that hard of an analogy to connect?
I get the analogy but it's definitely among the weirder things I've heard
ive never heard popcorn to describe anything but im also not that well read
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ur coworker was actually givin u the runaround for callin their favorite band corny pop gasp!!
Eh he lead the bit saying they're not his thing And sure, maybe obsfucation But he plays his music at his desk fairly often and I can say that Owl City is far outside his usual genres, so I'd believe him
>>1032206 neat, it looks fun I wanna try that cool cipher weapon in the roundtable but 30 fth won't really jive with my build
I once lost my cars keys on the back dock I was so embarrassed I gave up looking at the end of my shift and caught the train home to get my spare keys never did find those keys
my cybernetically enhanced brain can simulate the thoughts and feelings of ten million fireflies without requiring extra coolant they do be thinking about sex quite a lot
An equally questionable and annoying acquisition Not that I've ever used Bandcamp's purchasing features, but I loathe anything which becomes a reliable income stream for Epic and let's them continue their annoying projects on the EGS
>>1032220 Work had spare keys so that was never a concern And I know we had a spare key to my apartment My biggest worry was that I wouldn't have a fob to get into my condo with, but my mother never used hers so I can borrow it for the time being The big lesson for me now is I'm keeping my work and personal keys separate, so if I drop them again it's only a nuisance for the store
some fuckin CAGER almost drove into me on their left turn i was so mad i had tears
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i shouted something like "what are you doing motherfucker" and bicycled away down the hill really gets ur emotions going think they didnt see me despite it still being light out
huhuh is that a biker term
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a terrible epithet someone drops that you know they're some kinda commie hippie freak
a scary encounter nonetheless
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im just glad to be unharmed its nice having unbroken legs i might have to start puttin the lights on before sunset
yeah twilight is usually when the not seeing shit begins
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
even in broad daylight people in vehicles miss ya they be only seein cars as big as theirs
>>1032256 One of my favorite burger places has burgees that cost about that much. *burgers I don't go very often. More importantly though They have fries cooked in duckfat.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
This place popularized them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_Doug%27s
>>1032323 feels like sireing should take a lifetime but i guess speedrunning exists
Doesn't it only take nine months
Although it might take a lifetime for some people
marsh has got the dedication down pat I think
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 257 3/6
⬜🟨⬜🟨⬜ ⬜🟨🟨⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Someone was really losing their temper out in my floor's hallway earlier Shouting "something the fuck" at one of the doors nearby I couldn't make out what the particulars were but they sounded real angry Plus you usually don't throw a tantrum like that in public at 01:30 in the morning
It probably wasn't someone complaining about noise or stuff like that since I checked out my door a bit later and it sounded like the conversation had moved to inside the apartment And I know that apartment in question too; I'm not going to go as far as to say they're sketchy but there are some kind of off-norm things about its residents That or it's some rich college kid's place where he hosts his friends for parties and shit on a regular basis Could go either way
I have decided I'm gonna still give elden ring a spin on PC The controls are REAL scuffed, but once I read an article or two to know what buttons to press it should be OK Right now I'm researching which button is the map button
The only way I was able to get through Sekiro without losing my mind, I think, was that I binded as much as I feasibly could to my mouse buttons, even doubling up on different things for the mouse scroll wheel and scroll button Having most of my left hand being eaten up by needing to handle the WASD keys makes action games like that hard With a controller the same amount of functionality just needs your thumb on the joystick
Also I'm pretty sure that was the downfall of one of the buttons on that mouse from the repeated presses Granted it was a cheap Chinese mouse so it probably wasn't the most durable thing in the first place, but I definitely was using some mouse buttons at a rate you'd probably only see from an RTS player at that point
people do like to collect monster cans for whatever reason
i love lappland
i used to drink bang i mean i still like them i just don't really drink carbonated drinks anymore not for any particular reason i've just been really digging non-carbonated drinks recently
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1032435 I have a monster can from a Monster i drank the day my dog died.
I haven't been drinking a whole lot of soft drinks at all lately, carbonated or otherwise Although I drink an excessive amount of tea and a fair bit of coffee so it's not like I'm making healthy drinking choices And I'd still be down for a Coke alongside a good barbeque'd burger but that's not something I can really do at the moment The only soft drink I go for without other circumstances is iced tea so the main reason I haven't is that I don't want to be carrying those big 1.7L bottles by hand Since the smaller bottles aren't worth the price
Fuck it I'm just gonna get a controller
i love lappland
thanks to steam cloud saves and me not double-checkingt i just lost 18 hours of progress
>>1032445 It depends on your equipment weight. If you have a heavy load, you dodge much slower and there's more windup to start the dodge. If you mean Elden Ring, I mean.
I don't think I'm gonna be able to get them back I only have +6 strength and have no fucking idea what I'm doing in battle
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
have you summoned the guy at the fog gate? if
I did, but he just gets himself killed immediately, and at close range margit just spams AoE shit so I can't even get in there and do some damage >>1032460 I added 6 strength, I dunno what that makes me, 6 maybe 7 if you start at 1
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what level are you
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
check your status it'll tell you although you may just be under leveled if you go to the grace you start at and move south, you'll find another area that might be better suited to you it leads to castle morne which is easier at lower levels than margit
also level 7 yeah >>1032464 yeah I don't fucking know what the other ones are
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh you started as a wretch? haha thats the hardest starting class you don't want to fight margit until you're like level 20 maybe higher if this is your first souls game
have I fucked myself out of decent magic by adding this much into strength this early btw? I saved it up for a while, but I couldn't find the magic shop, so just to stay alive I figured at least getting enough for the sword would be good
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no, you'll be fine although if you want to use magic you'll definitely want to invest in it there isn't a lot of magic available to you yet if you had started as a magic class you would have been able to start off with a spell or two
It can take time to get the hang of it. More than just reaction speed, it's about learning moves and understanding at what point in the wind up for the enemy's attack that you want to roll. The goal is for the i-frames of the roll to happen when the attack would have hit you. That way, you roll through the attack safely and can counterattack. It might help you if you start over and pick a real class instead of the wretch class which is for experienced players and starts with nothing, which makes the experience just about impossible for a newcomer.
Yeah!! It's a thousand times better than Dark Souls, and most of the real bosses I've fought so far are placed firmly in my top Soulsborne bosses. The way they circumvent your expectations with their attacks is amazing. Every time I think they're done attacking and go to counter, they punish me for it. Bosses that combo 7 hits in a row and can switch up their combos to swing behind them when you're dodging. The boss design in this game in on par with the best bosses from the previous games like Isshin and the Orphan.
nice! i've seen a lot of criticism on the bosses combos this // in this iteration im not against it entirely, but it does feel like the punishment windows are miniscule compared to the rest of the series
Yeah, I can see why people would be upset with it. It's really hard. Margit is like, the first boss, but he has some really seriously evil delays in his attacks that make him much more difficult than a first boss in any other soulsborne game. He's like, a late game boss in terms of his moveset. Elden Ring seems like a hard place to start getting into souls but also there are a lot of areas where you can explore even without fighting Margit and you can just grind until it's doable which is nice for newer players.
But I've also seen a lot of new players miss the tutorial completely even though there are like four signs pointing you at the tutorial so I don't think people are ready for Elden Ring haha
I'm ready for Elden Ring! I just don't think my hardware is
>>1032476 Nope By the time it seemed worth picking up, I never had the money By the time I had money, the PS5 and it's backwards compatibility was a thing I'd really rather just get the PS5, even if it's really hard to
The cargo elevator here is officially out of commission for an unspecified amount of time After three visits from the techs the dumbasses finally figured out what was wrong, a copper prong used to detect when the doors were shut had been bent out of place, and needs to be replaced But there's no ETA on when the part might come in The "good" news of that is that there's no way any large pallet shipments can get down to the basement without being an absolute nightmare, so the loading dock has been told to turn away anything like that for the time being But the flipside of that is, all those shipments are just going to pile up and probably flood the warehouse once the elevator is working again And also there are some shittier delivery guys out there who will just unload their stuff and hightail it out of there before anyone can ask them what the fuck they're doing
>>1032474 the tutorial is optional I guess, yeah I did it just because I was on KBM so I wanted to get familiar with the stinky controls
>Store is going to have water shut off at noon for pipe work >Better head over now to make sure my business is fine well before the shut off >Washrooms already closed Motherfuckers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i did the tutorial twice cuz the damn door to the game was locked
the hardcoded invaders have like 8000 HP and take me to 4% in a single flurry what the fuck man I barely scratch them
which one? I've only seen two, one beat my ass but he only appears in an optional area
I've seen two, and both of them destroyed me one in a little stream offshoot from the dragon lake other inside the roundtable
the roundtable guy is definitely not meant to be fought as soon as you get there the river guy is tough, did you not have a samurai dude show up to help? I did and I thought that was scripted
>>1032489 samurai showed up, immediately got his own ass handed to him, I'm pretty sure even I could whoop his ass
lol he did alright fore, enough to let me backstab the invadrt invader over and over unlucky
He took down a little bit of HP from the dexlord, but he just SIPPED HIS ESTUS after sending the samurai to the shadow realm And my backstabs animated but didn't do a goddamned thing Not like "little damage", but actually I just did the animation into thin air
the ds1 experience now in elden ring that sounds pretty fucking unlucky though
I ended up just running away though, because my regular hits barely even scratched him If he wasn't programmed to fight properly, he could have just kept walking at me and spamming attack until I went down >>1032495 I want the scythe from the roundtable Right now I'm piss weak though, and honestly I don't know what to do because I can't take on anything without getting destroyed Everything in a reasonable range while still challenging is far from bonfires, everything close enough to bonfires but not just a common enemy is WAY too strong
the dexlord has a cool bood dagger, it's my main weapon right now
what class are you playing?
wretch cause I was on KBM so I had no way to see what everything was, so I picked that just cause it didn't have a set of armor and weapons, figured that'd lock me into a build before I even start playing
oh no you picked the weakest starting class wretch is te "challenge run" starter
should be fine once I level, surely I'm like, level 15? or something I boosted my vitality a little bit just so I can fucking survive a hit, took my strength to 20
maybe I'll just restart the game and be a dexlord or a magic man, but magic in these games seems like ass because your mana doesn't even fucking regen and all the spells eat like 100 mana out of your total pool of 150
should be ok, but some of the other classes also get spells or gear that you won't find until much later so even if you level you'll be behind on damage and defenses >>1032500 magic in elden ring is pretty strong from my experience not broken but very useful as both a full caster and a spellsword type
being strong doesn't really help if you're guaranteed to run out of juice before you put down the big guys, so you still have to melee them may as well just melee from the start then
>>1032500 also I've found spells that only use like 30 fp what do you mean
in my defense I've yet to even find a magic vendor so I'm basing this on mostly assumption and knowing spells that cost less mana than you start with are gonna be shit later on in any game
>knowing spells that cost less mana than you start with are gonna be shit later on in any game I don't understand that reasoning here
most games have mana cost scale with power, and your starting mana isn't enough to even cast the later spells
then level your mana stat?
>>1032506 That's on you FromSoft are generally pretty good at breaking from general game design, especially with ideas that don't directly imbalance a game All classes have -All builds have it rough off the bat; you don't have the stats to swing more than two or three times, blocking with a shield eats up 80% of your stamina, your spells are largely ineffective and/or expensive FromSoft games are usually at their hardest at the start of the game, where you don't know what you're doing and you're almost universally underpowered, and at the end of the game, where they throw the book and the entire library at you
I don't even fucking know how to parry there was a hint for it at some point, but as you may have picked up, there was absolutely no reason to read it because the controls, the single important part, were meaningless to my KBM ass Because despite being a PC port, 100% of onscreen inputs are xbox
i bet even the ps5 edition has all controls shown as though you were on xbox
yeah the port does kinda suck I'm using a ds4 and have to keep adjusting for the xbox ui I guess just equip a shield that can parry and start hitting buttons
>>1032510 Nope Being a Japanese developer, FromSoft actually cares about the PlayStation console
some weapons can do it but they're few and far between and not all shields can parry, they need to have it as the weapon art usually smaller shields like bucklers
>>1032515 maybe, there are some that can while two handed
this certainly explains SOME of my deaths I thought it was just a timing thing I didn't know I needed bespoke parrying equipment, I thought you just timed the block right and you're good to go
think only sekiro had that type of parry but also the effect of a parry was different
If I use a shield though I'm pretty sure I'll be pushing up against the fatroll I'm not even fully kitted out and I'm at medium load don't even HAVE a shirt I have the rest of the armor pieces though but no shirt
besides from what I have been lead to believe, blocking at all is a trap in souls games
since you started wretch I'd advise just leveling vigor, endurance, and strength until you start steamrolling stuff also keep in mind that weapon upgrades are just as or more important than leveling stats
I don't wanna spend my early game runes on this stinky sword I picked up but yeah upgrading seems important I'd rather just dump it into more strength so when I get a weapon that's worth more than the iron it's made out of, the increases carry over
>>1032523 in ds2 and 3 yes in ds1 it was strong seems great in elden so far, guard counters are very useful
>>1032525 you'll get enough runes and upgrade materials early game to get multiple weapons to +3
if you can make your way to yhe the ruins just outside the big gate leading north there's a good greatsword in there
the one guarded by the spearman with the cool shield and hat? that's the one I'm using was in one of those carriages I'm pretty sure >>1032530 possibly I'm watching stuff atm or I'd just check actually gimme a second
lordsworn right?
if it's that one then it's worth upgrading at least to +3 hell I'm still using the flail I found in that area ad it's killing mooks in 3-4 hits at +3
lordsworn yeah I just figured it wasn't worth upgrading because I got it like, almost immediately after leaving the tutorial Thought it was just a starter weapon so you don't have to use the club for a month
starter weapons can carry you through a whole souls game hell in ds1 you can get a zweihander in 30 seconds after beating the tutorial and that thing will walk you through ng+ easy