Hi sorry, is running a little late here tonight. I'll have the list in a jiffy
Also I hope you enjoyed your weekend
Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku *Baraou no Souretsu Cue! Episode 7-8 Futsal Boys! *Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki *Girls' Frontline Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san Shikkakumon no Saikyou Kenja *Slow Loop *Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru Saiyuuki Reload - Zeroin Episode 7-8 *Vanitas no Carte
it's unlike him to miss today, the best day of anime
in the meantime let's watch
shikki oka lets start
Yeah Might be same as me he went down for a nap before anime And missed his alarm or whatnot
They kinda try to give him this Bond-esque "I have a plan for every occasion" thing and always being composed And I dunno it doesn't really hit for me Like they did a similar thing with the MC of the isekai assassin show and that one worked for the most part This one just doesn't
Messenger pigeons are one of those things I always mentally nitpick when I see them showing up in that kind of function Like being able to find a specific person in a random inn in one of who knows how many towns/cities That's not how they worked! I guess you could maybe handwave it by saying they're magic messenger pigeons but no one really ever does
>>1031483 This show is best when he's killing demons I don't care much for this typical I'm so strong isekai stuff
>It should have been obvious from his gear I mean Matty walks around in just a suit and a sword The sword could just be assumed for basic self-defense Nothing about Matty's appearance really indicates he's the trump card of his party
I wonder when their next game is so far this series has a lot of slice of life time and not a lot of game
This new school team seems to be a fairly irresponsible lot I wonder if they even want to play futsal
>>1031499 Hard to tell Aside from tournaments it seems up to the schools to organize games And they're building up to the summer tournament right now, so hard to tell when that will come through
Oh they're a bunch of popularity chasing dorks but they're all good at imitating pros
Well there you go at least If the summer tournament is starting tomorrow we'll probably see a game by next episode
Even with their ability to mimic pros, I can't imagine this other team is much of a challenge for the main characters They're all just so half-baked with how seriously they take the game
Oh right, this sure was a cliffhanger I wonder if he'll be okay
This black crow priest guy seems to be a bit of an arc antagonist Showing up both in the monk and the priest's backstories
I wonder if some of the other accessories that red-hair and black-hair have also serve this purpose Taking that circlet Goku was wearing off seemed to trigger his demonic nature
Something I've been wondering for a bit is how much this series might've inspired stuff like Nanatsu no Taizai Not that the "party member with a sealed demi-god nature" is a trope particular to that series But there's certain particular aspects of this series which I feel align with Nanatsu And since the manga for this is a good bit older than it
I think the manga run was through the 00s Oh nevermind, 97-02
I wonder if the red-haired guy can also unseal his demon powers Out of the main quartet, they're the demons And then there's the blonde priest who's human
Oh they got him under control without monk's help I thought he'd be needed here
Yeah, bringing her up made me think about it Maybe she quietly settled into light retirement or something While a seiyuu is pretty much employable as long as they have their voice, she might've dodged some of the worse celebrity culture around seiyuu and had time to make a family So stepping back and taking less work might be preferable
I bet Riri didn't actually want her uniform she just wanted someone she could go up against seriously
Ah yeah
Se ya na~
It's fun to get sweaty over a competition every now and then
Yeah, but even older seiyuu can still get work The main Eva cast voiced their roles from the TV series through the Rebuild movies And they brought back the whole cast for Higurashi's newer anime
It is definitely less work though Hopefully she's got a decent amount saved up
Wow her mom's made her a fall and winter uniform Or maybe that was just a weird translation and it's one uniform for both fall and winter
They've been training for the sports festival so summer was defintely around the corner Honestly it's probably already here for them I think sports festivals usually happen like July or August
She's got a good point The loose attributes of this summer version really do up the cuteness a lot It's a really good-looking sailor-fuku
picking strange things would be a good way to beat her if she wasnt so unbeatable
Maybe he'd try harder at beating her if losing to her didn't feel so nice
The nimber of steps translating into "I love you" is one of those things which really doesn't translate into English I know for the Takagi-san manga they did try to localize it, even in the fan translations They used a different number of steps which kinda worked, but even then I didn't really think it worked
Also wow this guy is a wuss
Hah hah they're both wusses Maybe they deserve each other
Nervous doesn't really seem in this guy's dictionary
She's a bit of a high-strung needy girlfriend But he seems pretty comfortable with that
415 steps of stairs is actually quite a bit to jog up Even just walking them will probably tire someone who's out of shape out
Another one of those "When does this series even take place" moments Who rents DVDs anymore after all
Yeah wow Nishikata Don't just spoil the whole movie like that
Yeah And a bit of a humanizing moment from Takagi there She obviously wanted to ask him out on a date or something But even she gets too shy some times