Sorry I somehow managed to sleep eight and a half hours straight last night Laid down on the couch to rest a bit and woke up at 03:30 in the morning I don't even know if I woke up in the middle of it
well you got a full night's sleep out of it so it's not an entirely bad thing and we have a dead day each week anyway so it's fine
Yeah but I look forward quite a bit to watching anime It's a consistent thing I enjoy Which is good for my mental health, providing I can show up for it Missing it kinda kicked my day off today on a bummed out note And then by coincidence it was also a pretty overall shitty day to boot
Cue! Episode 7-8 *Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to *Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki *Girls' Frontline *Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja *Koroshi Ai *Leadale no Daichi nite Saiyuuki Reload - Zeroin *Slow Loop *Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsu *Tokyo 24-ku *Vanitas no Carte
i love lappland
bang dess
i love lappland
my name is bang and i love anime and i'm here and i forgot to eat dinner because video games
He sounded a bit thrown off by Shu's contact info request
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i was too an anime protagonist just did something really smart that shit almost never happens
It's a very Shu-poi thing though He's a pretty extroverted guy
The ear canal thing whenever Asumi calls really bothers me
Augh Don't lick paint dude
I like that they animated the taxi driver reacting to him talking about the cranes falling I was thinking "what would a normal person's reaction be to hearing a prediction like that"
This is like a metal gear scenario rain and a weird looking guy just walking around
The music is kind of Metal Gear-y too
I wonder if they'll succeed this time They're still not really working together in the way they did in the first scenario And the message has so far been that when they work together, they're unstoppable Maybe it's a less transparent kind of cooperation in this situation though
Yeah At this point it had to either be her or Green's dad If it was a character we already knew
For all his blue motifs, he's kind of a bit like Shirou
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what a strange show
Shu is hard to damage Oh even he gets a broken leg out of that Among other injuries, man
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sometimes i'm not sure what to think of this show but at the very least i'm extremely intrigued
I'm a bit surprised Carnedeas was "beat" so quickly I guess that means the main confrontation will be with Green's dad and his misguided intentions for the district
She really is Wein's equal in playing mean-spirited games and trying to 1-UP each other Although I guess Wein gets the first laugh here
I definitely wouldn't mind if the continent map for this series was a little more creative Considering it looks like a mountain range runs down the middle of the continent where the border divide between the empire and the smaller kingdoms is, it kind -it is kind of believable from a geopolitical standpoint But overall the map just looks very bland and uninspired
You can never really trust a personality like this
Being uncertain if you can trust them or not is part of the charm! She's the daughter of an emperor though so being a deceptive politician is practically trained into her from birth though
looks like protagonist-kun was already ready with the keikaku
Yeah She's lucky Wein considers her a proper friend and wants to help her become empress Because he's usually pretty good at outplaying her If he really wanted to get in her way he probably could
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oh no she's going to be turned into a democratic republican wein is going to be PISSED
This one of the princes seems like the first to go The other two at least seem like okay guys for emperor's sons
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he's going to mutter something under his breath about ninym and wein is going to teleport behind and nothing personnel him
If he doesn't get executed by Ninym and Bodyguard-chan for trying to assassinate his imouto
Hell maybe he'll get executed by Lowellmina, Ninym, and Bodyguard-chan
Oh boy he really is that kind of villain
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oh no now wein is gonna fucking kill him
Wein probably can't kill an actual heir to an imperial throne without Natra getting rolled over in the process But maybe between him and Lowellmina they can entirely discredit him and have him removed from the throne competition
Is this another episode tonight with no OP We're one for three on OPs tonight
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oh my god he's adorable holy shit i love him salamander-san please be mine
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she's like a pokemon trainer danblf is the wildly powerful summoner of beasts and battlers divine and demonic and she's the pokemon trainer
It's a bit like a flamey axolotl
... But also kind of a cat
I liked dog-chan's salamander better
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hahahahahaha she just evaporates them
Oh no Finally something she can't just brute force with magic Good thing dog-chan is smart
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damn that's one hell of an incantation
I like me a good spell incantation Not to mention aside from things like mana reserves or some other resource-based limit on magic, having to cant out the spell is a way of "balancing" magic systems in a fantasy world As in making sure questions like "why don't the magic users rule the world through brute force" aren't as hard to answer
Oh there's the antitheft measures I guess
Somehow I just assumed her fairy maid was in on her actually being Danblf I'd forgotten she'd made a point of keeping it secret
It might be a hard sell on some people though Like the other players can recognize her from her roleplaying attitude But the NPCs might not have that intuition But proof of contract like this is probably good enough
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It cute though
Man her fairy maid sure went full "It's okay we're both girls" on her Despite knowing she was once a guy
Poor Juna I guess she's technically Souma's third fiancee at this point but she has to keep it secret Which would publically make Roroa his third fiancee if this goes through
Geez Souma Thinking about brides as a human resource What are you, some kind of king
Juna had a bit of a "If this bitch tries to step out of line I will gut her like a fish" expression there
He may as well since he doesn't treat them like women
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yeah i thought him thinking of brides as human resources was the way it was from the beginning he hasn't asked any of them for marriage right it was all asking him
I think it was more Liscia's parents giving him her to legitimize his inheritance of the kingdom Although she did so without complaint And Aisha while totally on board to be his wife, was formally asked to be by her father or older brother can't remember which
"All asking him" Kinda sounded more like it was the girls asking
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i don't see how but alright
The way the Mankind Declaration restricts any change of nation borders is weird So like, even if the rulers of a state want to hand over control of their nation to another one, they are forcefully restricted by the declaration to remain in control of their state? That doesn't seem like good governance
Also this is a weird-ass either interpretation or allegory for the Cold War
I wonder how well-read the author for this is on world history Or if the history books easily available to the Japanese have a different interpretation of events like the Cold War than what you might see from a more America-centric or Russia-centric author
Eventually he's going to have to knock over the first domino After a point he's kind of disrespecting the wishes of the girls with his insistence on refusing their affections
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isn't refusing affections sort of inviolable though