forgive me for yesterday i became one with eternity transcended my earthly consciousness i have since returned
Oh good Having not seen hide nor hair of you since I was worried a bit
*Baraou no Souretsu Cue! Episode 7-8 *Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki *Girls' Frontline *Princess Connect! Re-Dive *Sabikui Bisco *Slow Loop *Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru Saiyuuki Reload - Zeroin *Tribe Nine *Vanitas no Carte
No shortage of good things to pick from today at least
baraou genjitsu
oh this is such a problem too many good shows
baraou tribe 7 saibuki sono bisque pricon
baraou okay lets start
i love lappland
girls frontline is whatever but that ED song is catchy and gets stuck in my head all the time
I might be wrong but I think the birds baked into a pie is a real dinner trick the English nobility would play on occasion
The problem with being the King of England in all but name is You're still not King of England Who can still always demand your head
These two can't keep running into each other
wpw the shocking truth
Imagine a dinner with your mother in law where she lectures your husband on how he needs to get you in the mood for sex
They both think Richard is their respective opposite sex But in reality he's neither
i love lappland
or both either or
Yeah the specifics get a bit weird at that point
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we still don't know if they got both parts or neither
He's got a slight swell of breasts, judging from how Henry's son reacted And might have a dick, judging from how the bandits that tried to molest him reacted Honestly the chance he's biologically entirely feasible is -biologically entirely female is still possible But I'm working under the impression he's somewhere in between
You can't just press plants up against a wound and expect them to work magic you dumbass king
The funny thing with Henry is he's working off the idea that Richard is a guy Yet he still acts this way around him Most people who treat Richard this way think he's a woman
He just knows no gender
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if anyone would understand richard's predicament, it's probably henry well understand it maybe not but accept it
Henry could also just be gay It was pretty normal for gay people in olden times like this to be stuck in heterosexual relationships because it was expected of them, especially as nobility
He's not really feeling this village lady
Honestly Henry is just kind of fucked up Man needs therapy Too bad he's several centuries too early for it
Not that Richard isn't also fucked up
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richard and henry go off to become monks in nepal that's the good end too bad it's not the true end
They could also just set their expectations shorter at becoming monks in France or something
i love lappland
oh or belgium and become those ale-brewing monks
Ale-brewing monks were pretty common all across Europe this time period >>1031763 I would wager historically at this point the beer was all kind of the same They're just the best at it now
i love lappland
yeah but the belgians made the best beer
i love lappland
still do
good ED tribe 9 okay lets start
i love lappland
tribe time >>1031761 actually belgian tripels trace their roots to hundreds of years ago belgium has one of the oldest traditions of brewing that isn't completely different than how it started brewing ale at least wines, and a lot of east asian drinks have much older lineages although the specifics of the nuance to belgian beer that i'm pointing out make that statement kind of a loaded one
Best ball
Round glasses!
This team sure seems like a bunch of lunatics
How can bread be brain-boosting
Still wondering what's up with his sealed arm Looks almost like a straitjacket
Teeth like that hurt me mentally Just looking at them deals me psychic pain
I wonder if you could actually baseball bat an unpinned grenade and have it fly off instead of exploding
Also this Ota Tribe are a bunch of idiots it seems
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absolutely the only explode because the fuse ignites the combustible no amount of impact will cause one to explode
the police heads
When the umpires are the only reliable police force in your city Maybe you need a better police force
This team really has a dangadangronpa feel
Yeah, I get that feeling too Coupled with a bit of extra chaotic lunacy
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yeah they're not really here to play they're just here to murder
I wonder if they'll find a way to turn the score around and make it a pinch or if they'll just murder
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that robot had guns on his hand
Judging from the way XB players can get carried away at times And that they used to go on town-destroying rampages I guess the robot police umpires might need lethal force as a last call
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what was the name of that show about the art school girls and the pink haired one is name kaos
Comic Girls
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yeah that show was great i should rewatch it
It was really good Would have really liked more of it
Wow the big guy got serious Normally he's got kind of dopey eyes and a gentle voice
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haru hasn't busted any moves in a minute
Come to think of it Taiga's still off swinging logs, eh
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probably because he's so stupid it's impossible to write him into complex situations he just gets in the way
Some times a complex situation needs a stupid person to move things forwa- Oh Speak of the devil
i love lappland
oh hey
i love lappland
maybe he's graduated now he's a yellowtail
hot blooded intervention
Honestly wasn't actually expecting him to burst in there
saibuki bisco okay lets start
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ooh nice natsuiro kiseki
natsuiro kiseki is a good show that i haven't even heard of from anyone aside from on moe and probably only from like two people
wow that was really gross looking and i feel gross now
Oh Yeah that's some pretty serious torture Nee-san ;_;
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i wasn't ready for this level of intensity weird mushroomhead zombie and firebrand torture :(
Damn Milo can go hard I thought he was a doctor
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holy FUCK he's going HARDS
wow I thought he was going to get beaten down maybe he'll get yeah tricked
Yeah Kurokawa seems like the kind of guy who always has a third and fourth back-up plan
i love lappland
yeah i knew the rust was being used by the govt
Like sister like brother
As expected Bisco couldn't stand just laying down for a fight
Jabi what the fuck
Wait what He actually called him Tuxedo Mask Like the Sailor Moon guy
What a sneaky attack this is why you finish them when you can
Kurokawa makes for a great comic book villain He strides the line between campy goofiness and legitimate villainy really well
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Old man to the rescue!
wow random geezer save
Despite his age and mentor character role he's really stuck around Maybe this time he'll finally collect all the death flags he's been gathering
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i just don't really like when characters that shouldn't really lose fights do like what happening is really cool mostly but i can't get over some of the ways these guys lose
>does it hurt
i love lappland
like nekoyanagi should've just murdered governor on the spot of course he didn't but the fact that it's "of course" is the whole problem it's just painful to watch these standoff situations unfold like there were several minutes when they could've killed the governor and didn't also it's impossible based on the trajectory of bisco's arrow for governor to survive that i can suspend disbelief but not this much
I wonder if Milo's dead next episode That PV was kind of ominous But the show has beem building this dynamic between him and Bisco which would be kind of completely upended if he died here
I have a feeling he'll survive somehow
sono bisque okay lets start
i love lappland
marin time
but yeah i think one of the reasons i end up hating shonen shows is because there's supposedly life and death situations and literally no one ever dies it's what made fumetsu so good
Juju-sama's imouto is cute too If a giant
Lenses are really the expensive part of professional cameras Working a camera store I've seen the price tag on some of those really fancy lenses They can run into the like 700-1000 USD range
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yabai yo ne
One of these days I really ought to set up a payment service on my phone I always have my credit card on me so I'm not really in need of it But there might be emergencies or situations where I don't
i love lappland
what the living without google pay can't imagine it
I've just always had my wallet on me, so my cards are readily available
I guess she's got the childlike attribute of being scared of storms too
>I want to become a magical girl Dangerous wish there
>>1031833 To be fair storms in Japan can be pretty scary things
Seeing the language Juju-sama is using here, I can see why some people thought this was going to evolve into a love triangle or more of a romance drama than the romance SoL it's been so far
Gojou please
seems she has zero resistance to guys too
And Gojou's been hanging around Marin too much recently He's developed a n expectation that all girls are comfortable around guys like she is
i love lappland
hahaha marin
Fucking seagulls Although that looks more like a hawk Definitely seagull attitude though
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atashi no baaaaaaagaaaaaaaaaaa
i love lappland
uh oh
Wow that bird has some mad catch skills
Ah Seishun da yo
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get a feeling so complicated
Powered By Love Marin is the best Unstoppable Highest class adorable
Gojou please
i love lappland
oh no complex emotions tasukete
i love lappland
i need a few minutes to grab an antacid, take a piss, and contemplate my existence
okay let me know when
i love lappland
okay im back and ready
pricon okay lets start
i love lapplandAnnoAnno
That's a lot of letters Kokkoro
Wow they even stole the mail
These two are real bakas if they're struggling with the sevens and eights of a multiplication table
Io was one of those characters I both did and didn't really want She was a regular problem for me in PriConne's PvP so I was always tempted to want to pull her and get the advantage myself But also my ego kinda made me not want to go with the meta
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Kyaruru Kyaruru
Wait how many of these fox ladies are there
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sawashiro miyuki's voice
Ponytail Pecorine is a real treat
I used this hearts girl a bit before I got characters I liked more She had a decent nuke
She does the thing you occasionally see gyaru doing Switching the suffix and the name around So like Io-chan becomes chan-Io
Ponytail Karyl!
wow lots of characters, some haven't even appeared yet
Princess Kome hah hah
>>1031876 I think all the ones who've showed up have appeared between both seasons Definitely some we haven't seen since season one though And some who were little more than background characters in the episodes they appeared in
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being peco is suffering
She normally has such an indomitable spirit So it's touching to see her break open a bit like that
i love lappland
when evil fox lady was being mean to peco that one time i wanted to yell at my monitor
well that was a super comfy episode thanks for anime and see you tomorrow
We might get a heavy one next week Tonight was nice though