Oh sorry you were here really early today I was away from the computer for a bit Here now though!
Back Arrow Beastars Gekidol Go-toubun no Hanayome Hataraku Saibou Hataraku Saibou Black Idoly Pride Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Episode 2-3 Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-3 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Kemono Jihen Episode 1-3 SK8 the Infinity Episode 1-3 Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 26-27 Wonder Egg Priority World Trigger
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-20
While reviewing my list after clueing in that it might be a bit wonky because of Beastars last night, I realized while I'd downloaded Back Arrow over the weekend, I'd not written it into the list I keep And that I'd missed last week's episode of Slime Isekai too, which is why there's two episodes of that there
I think I've got things all properly tracked now though
That was a lot of attention to thigh detail there Rika's hand really sunk into Ai's thigh
she grabbed a pear first, i thought
wow this girl is a little bit imposing
She's got absolutely no filter either. Honestly she's kind of an unpleasant person.
this rika girl started out really cute but i don't know so much about that now
She's still a kid so I'm sympathetic to her attitude Especially if she's got her dad telling her she needs somone to pay for her whims The attitude is probably her way of coping with whatever's made her this way.
Well it's not uncommon for junior idols to end up doing stuff like that
what the wow that's dark
I like her fighting style though
they aren't syncing up well in combat
oh ok rika's cool now
I think she still needs to grow out of her attitude a bit But it's about what I expected She's got a twisted personality because of factors in her life
wow there's not even something after the credits just the most insane cliffhanger ever >>913525 it's only episode 3! there's so many implications! i'm upset!
It's not thaaaat crazy a cliffhanger >>913524 Episode three of Madoka ended with Mami getting chomped
yeah, and if i was watching it while it was airing i probably would've screamed almost as loud as i did just now
you guys only see my posts but please understand i am absolutely losing my shit over here
I'm just saying it's a pretty standard dramatic cliffhanger! Episode three is usually when viewers have gotten settled in so you can start to twist the knife.
oh wow Ai is being played my someone whose first two roles are this season she's also suzu from idoly pride
and she's only 16 being a voice actor that young would be pretty scary probably
There's been a fair amount of mid-teens seiyuu in the past decade or so. The last notable one I remember was the imouto from that show with the [EXTERNAL SCREAMING] gif
And Doga Kobo has a habit of picking up a few rookie starter seiyuu that I'd suspect are around that age for their main characters. Then getting more experienced seiyuu to fill out the support roles. Which is a pretty nice way of doing it I think
rika's only had two other roles neiru's had a few but not that many
i haven't paid as much attention to neiru but rika and ai have been good so far
Looks like they're getting a lot of attention now.
Really this nation's gotten the most attention aside from the Wild West wildlands town They've barely given that other major nation they're at war with any attention
Also man this guy is BIG He absolutely towers over the other two.
Sure must suck to have the guy you're obviously crushing on tell you he's got no interest in romance.
Him talking to this hostage isn't going to end well.
Yeah he's a total moron It looks like they sold the plan on the whole town though.
I'm pretty sure last episode the president guy did give the order for them to destroy the entire village to cover up Back Arrow's arrival though. So there's no way his "promise" to let the town live in exchange for him is worth anything.
He makes a good point That ship they unearthed is probably firepower on par with most of the other major nations in this world. They might not have their village any more, but they've got a ship
For a guy with no memories he sure has a solid personality You'd think with no recollection of who you used to be, you'd have a hard time knowing what your personality is.
Oh that was clever of her maybe she's not that weak
They're kind of in a pickle though, as long as Arrow is the only one that can defeat the armored people without killing them I mean sure they can just let them die But that's probably a bit outside the vibe of the show.
It's a neat change-up from the original Hataraku how this one has more of a consecutive plot structure compared to the original's mostly episodic nature.
Well this body doesn't seem to be getting grey hairs yet. Though it looks like it's getting close.
She's a nice lady If only we could all have cells like her in our bodies
This Helper T cell has zero chill Guy needs to take a coffee break
Hair loss! I knew immune system cells could mistake proper body cells as foreign substances and attack them But I didn't know they could go after even cells like hair cells and cause hair loss that way.
Well if the root cause of the hair loss is stress this time then his hair might be able to grow back if he can regain some peace of mind and stop being so stressed out all the time Not that it really ever looks like he'll get to that point The life the body leads seems to be a particularly stressful one
Looks like the owner of this body took something to deal with his problems Ah they're steroids
They've been using that pun all show long hah hah I'm pretty sure I've seen it at least once each episode. If you keep an eye out in the normal Hataraku I think you might see it pop up too.
Oh no blood in your urine is generally a Very Bad thing
Well it seems like it's just a kidney stone, but still, even just a kidney stone suuuucks Especially since the PV is making it out to be one centimetre big That's a nasty thing to have stuck in that part of your body
I feel like the animation for this is consistently very fluid
They did have a lot of time between seasons to work on the new season. Even delayed it by like half a year or so because of Covid, which probably ended in a net positive of more time to work on the show. When you've got time like that you can probably make some fairly good animation
And I think this is a really popular isekai so there was likely a demand for it to be done properly.
Hah hah she's just been charging it still despite everyone else backing down
Rimuru just casually flexing who's the the REAL powerhouse here
Yeah I knew this wouldn't end without him having a chance to flex
This dragon lamia lady is pretty good Would be better with legs though
Just two absolute boozehounds
Kobolds are dogs! Cute kobolds are always the better option As far as fantasy creatures go they're probably the species that sees the most variance from fantasy world to fantasy world Often they look closer to goblins except maybe lankier and with a bit of fur But they're also often interpreted as sentient mammal-y creatures about the same size as goblins. I like them better when they're more like that than just fuzzy goblins.
It probably happened from switching between humanoid body and slime body so much Once you get comfortable having an arm and hand to gesture with, it must probably be weird to going back to a ball of slime.
A demon lord named Carrion that leads a nation of beastkin that seems to have a primary industry of agriculture sure is a unique combination of aspects.
He's REALLY developed his country I wonder where things will go from here
I know of one plot point that might come up in this season. Though this season is a two-cour, split-season season though, so we might not see it for a while. But it might also be a mid-season cliffhanger, I could see that happening.
With how developed his country is though, it's probably due time they flesh out the rest of the world too. So we might see more state dignitary visits like we did with Carrion's.
Rimuru's formal wear really looks like something a vampire would wear I think it's the suit under the fancy cape.
A lot of the dwarves in this series are distinctly not dwarfy at all really. Others are, of course. But others just look like plain humans.
>>913591 Yeah, a large percentage of them are not really any different than humans
I kinda like this ED It's weird, it's not really a genre I'd say I'm particularly fond of But like, if if was a part of a themed playlist or set of similar songs I think it would make for some good listening. Like sound to fill empty space kind of nice.
Maybe she'll do something right this episode and save the day
More of a gorilla cell than a hysterical cell
Ah ahhhh That's a horrifying interpretation of a mosquito
>>913600 That is kind of the usual plot of this show's episodes Show's a cell's function, and then how it can go awry or make problems But then by the end shows off how they work to keep the body all right.
Yeah These ones are little kids here I wonder if this body is supposed to be a younger kid or something It would explain why its immune system is so strong and why the body seems to recover so easily from any danger
Also pimples/acne do pop up more in kids entering puberty than other age groups
I don't even know if they'd need to be particularly clumsy Most of the stuff we've seen are things you don't even have much control over. Like you're not going to catch every mosquito that lands on your body to suck blood And countless bacterium and viruses enter your body on a daily basis that your immune system is usually capable enough to fight off. No amount of carefully avoiding clumsiness is going to stop that from happening
I really don't like these acne bacteria though Something about their design is just super gross to me.
You can't kill the main White Blood Cell that easily! This second half of the episode didn't have much of Red Blood Cell Weird of it to focus only on the White Blood Cell
The area around the hair in this body was a lot less developed it was a city in black
Yeah, it's subtle environmental details like that which also contribute to me thinking this body's much younger than the one in Black I mean it's pretty obvious even with the unhealthy lifestyle the body in Black is at least a full adult of mid-thirties bare minimum. This body strikes me as more maybe early to mid-teens.