Hi hey hello Might just need five or so minutes In the meanwhile
Back Arrow Go-toubun no Hanayome Episode 3-4 Horimiya Idoly Pride Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Episode 3-4 Jujutsu Kaisen Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-3 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Kemono Jihen Episode 1-3 Kumo desu ga, Nani ka Log Horizon Mushoku Tensei Non Non Biyori SK8 the Infinity Episode 1-4 Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken World Trigger Episode 3-4
So this guy is like a remote controlled puppet I guess?
Those are not swords! That's a bunch of sharp metal spikes!
>>915375 From what Panda-kun was saying, he's the same too They're both puppets, but it sounds like the panda's a corpse where the robot's an artificial puppet
He's using a crazy technique against people are are his allies
From what I gather, the sorcerors in general are people who have a hard time getting along with each other even on a good day. Probably because they're all people who power up based on their negative emotions and trauma.
This cross-up of a panda and a gorilla sure is something though Though it also kinda looks distinctly robot-y itself with those eyes
The panda's really durable and the robot doesn't really have to worry about its body since the controller is elsewhere So they can absolutely beat the shit out of each other with little concern.
Seems like the other guys from the Kyoto school are kind of a pain to deal with Well Toudou is nice but kind of weird with his idol obsession But the other guy seems like a real stick in the mud.
The action scenes in this are always amazingly directed and choreographed MAPPA has someone on board for action direction who seems to always do a great job. Banana Fish and Dororo both had some awesome action scenes to them as well.
usually in games when someone screams when it dies, it's calling friends
Consume monkee
yeah i'm worried there's gonna be a lot of monkees
>>915404 That's what I thought too but even if that seems the case It looks like it's taken a long time for its friends to show up She was able to eat the whole other monkey before they arrived
And his mom is stuck between making the charitable, decent option And the one that satisfies her anger
the holy relix relic wow
Yeah he stole Wow Geez Rudy you're really throwing your dad under the bus here I mean he already threw himself halfway under the bus, sure. But no need to absolutely murder the man.
It's hard to stick up for his dad here He's asking his mom to do something difficult
Well no one's sticking up for him at least. Rudy's not even doing this to save his dad's skin he just doesn't want to stop being pampered by his dad. Er pampered by their maid
they seem to do it a lot it's probably one of those things where anyone who spends at least 24 hours there finds out
Well they both seem to have high libidos But from the sound of it his parents also wanted a second child anyway, so it was likely also just them trying hard for it
Possibly It might also be since we've fast-forwarded through the entire pregnancy we missed the nine months of him desperately trying to repair his relationship.
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if my roommates weren't asleep i would've yelled at my monitor the conversation didn't end up developing poorly but holy fuck did he just blurt that out
Well these kinds of reveals aren't terribly surprising for a man like Paul He's always seemed kind of a manchild Like he's always had the world his way and never had to worry about someone contradicting it.
oh dang sylph really doesn't want him to go i guess this is mostly her whole world atm
>I'll gradually raise her to be my ideal woman That's not a good perspective to take on your friend Rudy
yeah i didn't like those wordsvery much his dad walking in on him like that is funny tho
>and steals my panties just like you
holy fuck he's on fire
You've got to burn the nobles all to ash They're good for nothing else
Here's the real downside to polygamy Now Paul's got yeah Hah hah Rika had the same idea
He sold his only son to some furry boob lady, is what you meant to say
Doesn't seem like -that- bad of a deal
it is for sylphie....
Long run, I don't know if that's true I think Paul was noticing Sylphie was over-reliant on Rudy and while he probably doesn't think Rudy was intentionally "grooming" Sylphie, was worried it might turn out that way anyway Which it would because Rudy -was- actually grooming Sylphie. So he did this to both get Rudy the job he wanted and to help Sylphie be more independent.
i mean her reaction to rudy saying he wanted to go was def kinda over the top indicative of things but this also feels weird well at least hopefully rudy will slay some monsters or bandits or something this looks like mercenary work furry boob lady looks like a mercenary
>>915473 i'm kinda hoping rudy wouldn't actually go full sicko mode but i guess who knows
what's most important is that i want more roxy screentime i'm an easygoing fan in that aspect
i mean i'm blindly assuming from the character development we've seen so far that he ends up being a little less of a scumbag in this life but it's hard to argue that he's anything except for the manipulative type
He probably does but he also ends up with like four or five wives
yeah i'm not mousing over that for the life of me
i am heavily considering reading some source material though
a streamer i was watching was playing the geoguesser game and he was in Saitama Prefecture and i was like "omg i know this place" i didn't know it was called that until he lost but NNB really does a good job of looking like that area
also i'm super jealous of these tomatoes freshly grown high quality tomatoes are a flavor well worth the effort
There's a good number of shows that will replicate actual Japanese locations for anime Some times it's even deliberately done in anime as a kind of sponsorship, like the original material doesn't particularly draw from any one locale, but the anime will adapt it into an actual location Flying Witch was one that did that if I remember correctly. Other times even the source material just draws from real places.
KyoAni also has a tendency to pull locations from real-life places in Kyoto. Like backgrounds in Haruhi, Hyouka, K-On!, and other "real world" KyoAni shows, all have real-life equivalents in Kyoto.
if she gives her that tomato and leaves she better not leave her there
oh okay good renge
This poor police officer is totally confused though A like, six-year-old just talking about having a Santa job and tomatoes.
Hah hah hah As a bit of trivia, covering someone who's been arrested's wrists with a towel is a pretty common thing in Japan It's one of those incredibly anal things about "politeness" they've got despite everyone who sees it knowing what's going on.
oh god natsumi's going ham
Proper vengeance!
I was gonna say " "Man those are some big sunflowers" But it is just Ren-chon She's not exactly a big person
hikage almost sounds like a swindler
these two are trouble
They're just like two five-year-old kids What kind of trouble can they be
these two are IN trouble oh god no
Natsume and Hika-nee's ability to just go bonkers at the drop of a pin sure is impressive
>>915517 You can get the deadly japanese cold anywhere
thanks for anime! that episode was particularly good
You can't get the deadly Japanese cold out on a sunny veranda in the middle of summer!
if that was true, then why would the girls have mentioned it
Because they're like twelve years old at the MOST with Hika-nee and don't know SHIT
hika-nee is a high schooler and they live in japan they probably know a thing or two about deadly japanese colds
If you were going to catch the deadly Japanese cold out on a sunny veranda in the middle of summer you were going to catch it regardless of where you went So you might as well catch it out on the veranda where you can enjoy the nice summer weather
tuesday is wonder egg day i forgot what day is jaku-chara day but we'll see if i can survive any more episdoes i barely made it through the first one
I believe new episodes of Jaku-chara come out over the weekend So we can probably watch them whenever there's a demand for them If you're free on Tuesdays then Tuesdays can probably work
>>915528 If you survived the first episode then you'll probably manage the second one fine It's more relaxed and has a Very Cute Girl in it.