some shit going down at the bottleshop/pub across from where we fill up you have to wonder if it's worth having that combo when you have to also deal with the riffraff of the pub
can't see any cops maybe it was a big nothingburger
ya i have a cinderella girls account i only play live partys with my friends tho dont really lognon ever azur labe i just look at naked pics of the titty boats
I have an account or two of cg but never log on because keeping track of that shit is not something I'm good at maybe I'll look at azur lane one of these days
i used to play cg a little but i lost my tokiko free ssr cuz my phone broke and it made me sad
>the manga contained none of the human reincarnated side >reading the LNs in any sensible manner will, as a result, require me to reread the whole thing in the LN format
>>916978 cuz we're on some lists of imageboards out there and they figure they might as well spray n pray
Splay and pay
>>916980 Fair enough, I guess It's less strange if they don't realize just how few of us there are
It takes them a miniscule amount of effort, maybe no extra effort at all, to make an automated advertisement post to /moe/ on top of all the other imageboards they post to
Due to how moe works though, wouldn't they need to make it actually work with the liveposting system somehow? I assume just swapping the for in a script isn't gonna cut it?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its literally Some Guy pressing Ctrl V it's not feequent wnough to be actual bot
meanwhile whoa writes replies and doesn't even delete haha
Big Mod Energy
idk the yttttttit thing is spam but it's not advertising or illegal content just looks like someone was trying out the board or something and since rei had a shitfit the last time i deleted basic spam i decided just to never do that again
i am bang i have arisen what spoils shall this saturday bear
the ytttt thing looks like the kind of stuff i post when i'm drunk it's a shitpost of a quality high enough i kinda wish it was me
>>916986 i feel like most people forgot about that show completely
>>916988 just some bbs nothing illegal id think but just something pointless to post here
>>917000 yeah a forgettable eva ripoff but i liked the aesthetics green teal orange
>>917005 i thought it was alright it wasn't amazing but there are many many more shows that are much worse if someone said they were about to watch it, i wouldn't tell them not to
unless they hadn't seen ping pong or madoka yet then i'd tell them to watch ping pong or madoka
i got into mass of the fermenting dregs like way back in high school before i was really into anime and then i forgot about them for like 6 or so years until somewhat recently they've put out some super good stuff since 2014
oh that last one i posted i found out about fujii kaze because of this cover he did >>>/watch?v=qgcsNqlM2Co i liked it a lot
>>917013 I'd say yes Tatami Galaxy is one of my favourite shows hands down
>>917013 it's definitely on my 3x3 but it's a tough recommend to newer anime enjoyers a lot of people complain about the dialogue being too fast and having to read more than watch and a lot of it can be lost on some people
violet evergarden and ttgl barely made the cut because the competition for those last two slots is extremely fierce
what are you supposed to think about someone when they have Amagami SS on their 3x3
I dunno, that they like good dating sim anime adaptations?
it's just like i think Amagami SS is pretty great but like for it to be 3x3 material i dunno there's not that much substance it's a guilty pleasure for sure but maybe this guy is just really into that i dunno i don't know how to feel about this person
Kya Should I even do my PvP battles today I Rank Up'ed a couple of my girls, so my party is actually a bit weaker. And it was mostly luck I won all those games yesterday
i thought there was a domestic going on next door but it was so close it was confusing turns out it was trainmates relatives picking up furniture scared the shit out of me though >>917076 only one way to find out but roll the dice
I'm in trouble. One of the ways I can answer this koan is by doing the cat pose and saying nyaa. But how can I do that in front of my teacher?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>917082 By raising your hands up a little bit, making fists with your hands, tilting them slightly foward, cocking your head to the side, and going >nyaa
>>917104 No. It's translated from 乾屎橛. It definitely means a shit stick, and the context around the story confirms that it's properly translated to shit stick.
now I am just imagining a fat-buddha shaped "anime poop stick"
Nah, it's a pretty standard one. There are more koans talking shit about Buddha than I have fingers and toes. If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him, after all.
surprised how good the holoen girls are all at drawing aside from one
>>917110 oh yeah I tend to forget that chinese didn't like buddhists
>>917112 Huh? China was Buddhist for fucking ever. I mean, the emperors were all Buddhist forever. They loved Buddhism more than even India. In zen, we just don't worship Buddha. We don't want to get stuck on Buddha, on Buddhism, or anything else. So if we meet Buddha on the road, we kill him.
but it is a fun point don't get stuck on just one wiseman
buddha is still fun figure, since he has spread to so many different religions
>>917111 I dunno, I think Amelia and Gura are both kinda not-great at drawing Calli and Ina were both known to be decent from the get-go because Calli did her loading screen art and Ina is, well, Ina But honestly Kiara was the surprise She did a drawing stream a few months into her career and it was like "oh, you can kinda draw too, eh"
>>917120 ame isn't exactly good, but she is beyond the base level that people usually are
gah went to a barber today and bought some saline spray just to test it out tossed it into my beard too to see if it helps keep it in check and now each time I do my habbit of chewing on my beard it tastes weird
>>917118 well, buddha is more than just the buddha buddha refers to a pretty wide range of things if buddha referred specifically to shakyamuni buddha, usually we'd say the tathagata, the world honored one, or just shakyamuna buddha buddha also stands for buddha-nature and some bodhisattvas are sometimes called buddhas, like avalokiteshvara or just everyday bodhisattvas like monks and zen practitioners like myself are sometimes called buddhas but in the end that's all just highfalutin words that make everything sound fancier than it is at the end of the day, as one of my teachers, mitsunen roshi says, "fuck the buddha"
>>917125 well I specifically ment the original one siddharta gautama
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's shakyamuni buddha, yeah
does zen do living buddhas? you know the "when near death, you are buried in the mummification hole" and then dug up later when you have naturally mummified
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no, afaik that's a tibetan buddhist thing zen is just about living until you die if you tried to do that the other zen people would probably laugh at you
don't even remember why they do it I guess it is related to nirvana/ascension etc like that kind of final meditation while letting go of all of your earthly needs while dying should help you, but...
I am kinda sure that after half suffocating, close to thirsting to death no matter what kind of person you are, you aren't going to be all "zen" at that point
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eh, if folks can self-immolate, they can probably do that but i think you gotta be stupid to do either
self-immolation is damn painful, but atleast it is quick also I am quite sure you go into shock quite quickly and aren't even conscious for the most of it
hmm I am starting to feel bit bad for the random denizens of the empire I am just butchering the "not HRE" with an army of dinosaurs giant toads that cast god level magic and I even have orbital ion cannons
andw hat are they peasants who did nothing wrong except serve a cunt emperor
With burning to death you're actually more likely to suffocate from smoke inhalation before the fire actually kills you It's still an AWFUL way to go and I wouldn't wish fire death on anyone.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah starving or dying of thirst while meditating is probably much better when you're sufficiently trained in meditation you don't notice hunger or thirst most of the time
oh and most of my space toads can heal and even ress my monsters
>>917135 yeah ive seen a few physics arguments detailing this in pretty intense detail that if you were to be burnt at the stake you'd die before any heat suffering or burning occurred im not sure i buy it though since there's lots of systematic differences there if you just set yourself ablaze though it'll sting for a bit but i don't think it'd be too bad being in a burning building you'd likely suffocate though
>>917135 >>917140 yeah I was thinking the same, would that apply to self immolation afaik, they actually douse themselves in gasoline etc prior doing it so it is quite quick
i think being doused with gasoline would unfact be more unpleasant than being set aflame
most likely in cold temperatures you can quick freeze someone with that too
I found one swimmer I thought none of them were successful
life life finds a way
im talking to my jap about mei izumi lol they got similar hair and shes like do we got similar faces? im like uhhhhhh haha look at her cute cyberpunk outfit haha
how do you actually get rid of termites? and on that note why do they infest human buildings?
not really a place tobuild their spires
bug spray and changing the wood
what houses are like perfect just build up the wood stud in the wall no one will bother them
>>917207 that madoka is cute in fact i just retwitted like 4 pics of her cuz shes got a new commu with a teddy bear i think >>>/@nuime3/1358390614010720261 poic relt
I'll take the contract for sure Just wish for like, unlimited money or something, don't gotta deal with all the real life consequences of fighting witches at random times
uh oih my jap is sending me anime porn i think shes desperate
just always smile and seize the day
the show im watchin a dead poets society reference making a dead poets congrats
I've actually seen it twice and I don't remember much other than one speech by the professor, which was actually him quoting a book, and the ending I take my lack of memory of the movie to mean it wasn't particularly interesting
it's hamfisted and sensationalist garbo
it treats the viewer as too dumb to appreciate nuance or understand layered complexity which to be fair has been a very effective approach for propaganda but for a movie idk art students probably love it
We watched it in English class in like... 12th grade? All I remember from that is I went like "well, the ending is pretty obviously a christlike reference" or whatever, because we discussed what it meant or something I probably had a better grasp of its actual meaning at the time, and likely said more than that, but that's all I remember of it
So I can't really comment on whether it's shallow or whatever, unfortunately I watched it again at a later time for reasons unknwon to me
>>917254 Would be neat, aside from having to get up and down from it whenever you need to go out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just swing on a handy vine 4head
Well then how am I supposed to get UP That's the actual problem!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's trees up there just zipline down
Those are tall trees! I'd still have to climb up the tree to zipline And that's even worse than whatever stairs the building has!
trees in my head dont call me a tree head
>>917253 Converting pure water to monster energy is honestly so high tech I don't really understand how they can even really need mail delivery If you can manufacture the additional ingredients of monster energy from the ether, surely you can do the same with the junk the mailman is carrying?
>Russian architect @_vlasov_roman_ unveiled his proposal house for the president of Russia Vladimir Putin. The proposal tells a story about what his villa might look like. god dammit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>917260 there are no stairs just a vertical shaft with one thicc unknotted rope
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>917262 what do you mean "pure water" monster energy is the optimal energy configuration of hydrogen and oxygen molecules
But monster energy has taurine and caffeine among other things H2O does not have that Doesn't even have the building blocks unless you've got a fusion reactor in there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
(teleports behind u)
did it weork
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fission mailed son
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but me and my waifu we are doin better it's always been just her and me together
You'll be together Foooorrrreverrrr
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and i am the idiot with the painted face in the corner taking up space but when she walks in, i am loved, i am loved
anyone wanna practice kissing so that when we get gfs we will be good at it
>>917288 Naisu I've been stuck up around 3000 for a few days now I think it's probably because I'm staying on pace with the people who can play it as much as I can So we're all kinda blocking each other from advancing much
they both really show what mainstream metal was at the times these games released in the sense that the first one is like simple traditional metal and the second one is like really syncopated hip-hop influenced metal the first one reminds me of like killswitch engage or metallica and the second one is like korn lol
That wouldn't be bad, but I still don't know how to find people to recruit them besides random guildhouse jumping So even if one of us was to make a clan how would we find each other?
Also if the only benefit to having a clan is doing clan arena fights maybe it pays to be in a big clan? The fights might be hard to do with just a handful of people at best.
>>917465 Yeah mostly. The other benefit seems to be that you can donate/request gear items A way of trading if you have a lot of something you don't need but another person does.
I joined one called "moeclan" idk why maybe it reminded me of an old real-time anime imageboard i used to post on
Oh wait I'm dumb there's a search function in the clan screen Found it
Where's all yuh furniture bro? How are the girls meant to relax and unwind
I've got to save money for upgrades to my stamina and mana producers Function before fashion!
That is to say I only spend money on furniture once I 1. have enough money to upgrade them to the next level as soon as it's availabl, and 2. I know the general idea of what I want to design the floor/area with I'm still working on ideas for that second condition
I mean eating it just fried on one side is OK too, I actually prefer it that way generally, but that means it's gonna run the yolk, and that's harder to clean up Cause dried up egg yolk is one of nature's most potent glues
i have japs to cook my eggs for me heh 4 eggs. easy. they break them a lot tho
Well, I'll just fry it on one side I prefer it that way anyway
I'm so glad I get to just put whatever I want on my food, and eat whatever I want, living alone Just put garlic on everything, salt stuff a little And eat the same stuff every fucking day if I wanna
Can't do this kinda stuff if you're making food for other people as well
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sneeky breeky sneeky breeky
Seems like I've finally got good phone data again I still want to maybe update my plan though Not excited about paying an extra twelve dollars a month for the plan I'm considering, but it'll be nice to have more data
>>917592 I finally got the last 2* I was missing to round out my characters Only to realize the new squirrel girl they just added is also a 2* hah hah Plus there's a whole lot of 3* that are extremely unlikely I'll obtain from gacha without considerable whaling
>>917595 The masses exist to serve as fodder for the select few.
>>917598 Yeah, they're all masses to collect before ME
why the hell do people like nino
Beats me man She had a bit of focus in the most recent arc in the second season and I thought they were going to do a bit of a redemption arc but that didn't really happen It dos -does look like she's softening a bit but if that doesn't come with at LEAST the acknowledgement that she's been a mega-bitch for the whole series so far, man I dunno. You don't get sudden sympathy for just being nice.
i think she should be the protagonist of an isekai if you know what i mean
i don't care if she softens she's only had maybe 16 minutes of screentime total wait that's grossly off maybe like 45 but i can't imagine she could redeem herself in a full hour of not being a psychobitch i think i could watch her get hit by a truck for that long and get more satisfaction too
yotsuba is hina from kamisama and nao from charlotte and natsumi from NNB and iroha
>>917605 I'm pretty fond of Yotsuba, she's got a good character and is relatively drama-free She and Itsuki are probably my favourite of the five, if only because I like the best buds relationship Itsuki and Futarou have More romcoms need to have cross-gender friendships
Could be. Idk about the history. But it's the boss version of Hell Hounds, which are one of the monsters you get assigned to slay with the skill.
It's in a cave under Faladore.
>>>/watch?v=hAJfRBI_9I0 The new Story of Seasons is looking like it'll be really nice I'm super looking forward to it They haven't made a console Harvest Moon since the two for the Wii so I'm excited to play one that isn't stuck in the incredibly restrained limitations of the 3DS
that looks nice i wonder if my mom would be able to play it i wanna get her something but i think most games would frustrate her even the simple family games really are designed with the premise in mind that you have accustomed to video game design principles but still confuse and frustrate people who are new
even animal crossing was too confusing and stuff for her to be able to get into
Maybe one of the earlier Harvest Moon games might work They ported Mineral Town to the Switch under the new Story of Seasons name That was the first Harvest Moon game I played as a kid and I was able to pick up most of the elementary mechanics despite being young Though I'd already been playing video games quite a bit for maybe five or so years at that point, so I dunno, I might've already had an understanding of how video games work.
>>917613 forgive me but i don't particularly like being asked this out of the blue on the internet do you have a reason
yeah sorry it was out of nowhere i had a feeling like you did but couldn't really remember? one of my sisters is causing distress and idk probably not the right place to be talking about it anyway
it was just a weird internal feeling that i thought for some reason , of all the people i know, only maybe you or sugoi would relate to it's whatever though, not my business you dont have to answer
sorry, it's just a very easy way probably the easiest way to cause me to immediately switch to some kind of protection mode you had me remembering contacts and locations way too fast hearing someone ask about family randomly on the internet maybe if it wasn't on /moe/ or if we had talked more recently, idk
as for family causing distress, i can understand but maybe not relate the same way i'm fortunate enough that my siblings are mostly still young enough that they haven't had a chance to fuck up bad enough to distress me too much but dealing with family that's causing issues is probably the hardest kind of dealing
yeah im always in protection mode these days, sadly even had folks comb through /moe/ to try to find something before idk why probably harmless but it's like okay guess i can't have nice things anymore and it sucks cuz /moe/ was the only place i really made the deepest connections w/ people
Yuparii Farming is much more my speed. Instead of killing hell bosses.
>>917619 Yeah i can see that what seems self-evident to people who grew up around games just doesn't click in the minds of people who aren't familiar. My mum sometimes plays 'games' on a tablet but it's all like solitaire and crosswords an' stuff like that.
god the sound of a proper grand piano is so intoxicating if i ever had one of those id have never given a shit about computers or the internet how could anyone want to do anything else at that point
get this it was an online questionnaire for a job and one of the questions was asking me if I wanted anything to drink
is that just them being cute or is my answer going to give them some sort of deep insight into my character?? >>917658 kawaii.
>>917664 Probably a bit down the middle If you ignore the question they might figure you're kind of a stick in the mud But if you answer something dumb they might guess you're not a great fit for the office as well.
i do suggest this whole concerto because it's a masterpiece and possibly the best composition of the last century but this movement in particular is my favorite piece of orchestral work and has been for the last couple years
i said last century but i believe this was composdfe just a bit before that window early 1900's or 1910's
laughing at some official guy on the news having to read the line "musk tweeted that dogecoin is the people's crypro" with a straight face dude doesn't look comfortable at all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
once proud institutions now bent to the will of techie crunglords everything descends into farce eventually
yeah same. i broke my own rule and had coffee after 4pm.
Now I'm gonna be fuckin dopey and useless tomorrow.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
more so than usual.
maybe I could pull a sickie, I rarely pull one of those I don't feel all that great besides stuff that's my own fault, so it's not like it's unwarranted
are you allowed to deliver groceries if somebody is shitfaced?
you're probably just supposed to take the booze out of the order never been a problem for me really, except this one guy that ordered two
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
*are you allowed to deliver groceries while shitfaced
pans and a bottle of vodka and nothing else called up complaining I think he's real problem was being bipolar though, didn't seem drunk
or maybe he wasn't drunk enough and the bottle of vodka was supposed to fix that some people think I'm a pizza delivery man and they'll get order just like that >>917842 the pans could've been qc better but he was just annoyed he didn't get the stuff at the estimated time of delivery and not the window we give people
>>918000 I'm going into a work training program soon but I'd much rather be back in school. Being a NEET sucks.
>>918000 Any chance getting in contact with the school administration might help things? It's often easier to get around red tape person-to-person than through online systems
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>918007 Yeah. I have been. Still waiting to hear back.
Do your ganbaribest then! You're smart and definitely can go for it if you want