Beastars Gekidol Go-toubun no Hanayome Idoly Pride Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Episode 2-3 Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-3 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Kemono Jihen Episode 1-3 Log Horizon SK8 the Infinity Episode 1-3 Soukou Musume Senki Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken World Trigger
--Team Confidence Great Pretender Episode 16-20
i still have kamisama but the more time passes the less interested i am in finishing it if you haven't watched any sk8 or kemono i'm down for that i don't know much about what they are except he basic premise
I think I'll just rewatch 15 since we're together it was a nice ep okay lets start
So I'm watch episode fifteen of this And you're watching episode fourteen
I've been seeing this band, YOASOBI, popping up a lot recently in Japanese conversation At least amongst otaku/netizen people I guess they've hit a popular streak/
Expecting Legosi to solve a mystery is probably a bit of a tall order He's not exactly a bright person.
I've seen some chapters with this goat/ram/something before He forms a bit of a comedy trio with some of the other animals from the drama club
Louis sure happily jumped off the deep end into the criminal world
These lions are really feckless Their boss got got and their first worries were what was going to happen to their gang
He just had a death wish and the lions wanted to make him their boss instead
I wonder if real deer could even digest meat Herbivore stomachs generally evolve to be really good at digesting plant matter but tend to not be as robust as omnivorous or even carnivorous digestive systems
The ram's definitely a difficult person to be around But for all his personality he seems pretty sharp Though well you need to be sharp as a herbivore That's how you survive getting eaten!
that part was wild, wasn't it I don't think a deer would derive nutritional value from meat
Probably not, but calories are calories Louis has a pretty wild character arc though Starts off as a popular pretty boy with a dark past and ends up leading a pride of lion mafia
Legosi is a fun absolute dweeb If he wasn't so lanky he'd be kind of cute
Yeah, this is a weird show. Curious to see where they go
Yeah ther's a few disparate things going on here that I'd like to see get tied together Like the big-ass holes in the middle of the city the MC's kind of weird psychological thing that has her freaking out every now and then And then if there's any real importance to there being a theatre plot
Talk about messages getting crossed though Ai totally thinks Seria went bonkers because of the kiss when really she's just got something up with her birthday
Blue's pretty great High-tier ponytail and fun personality
Helps that this is definitely her introduction focus episode I'd like to see more from the Tama girl, the short one From how others talk about her I feel I'd find her a fair bit sympathetic
She's a very "do it seriously" kind of person Putting together whole flashcard material to help him be a better conversationalist.
Action is probably more expensive to animate, even if they can do most of it in 3D CGI since they've already got the models Is a show about cute girls too though Got to show off their endearing side
What is this guy's face His beard and hair forms like a full covering around his entire head
Almost sounds too good to be true
Nothing like a good shower/bath after weeks of not being able to take one
Well, naive anime girls are naive they don't know not to do silly things
It's usually a mistake most people have to make once or twice Being absolutely insensitive about something emotionally loaded like a death in the family
Judging from the OP, that older ex-idol that works as an office assistant seems to make a return and be a part of their unit There's also two other girls we're missing from the ten in the OP, that might be this separate duo. I didn't look hard enough at the characters in it to recall though.
Idol dances can be pretty intense aerobics workouts You need to be really fit to pull them off for extended periods of time like full live concerts