Beastars Go-toubun no Hanayome Hataraku Saibou Hataraku Saibou Black Horimiya Idoly Pride Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Episode 2-3 Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-3 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Episode 11-12 Kemono Jihen Episode 1-3 Non Non Biyori SK8 the Infinity Episode 1-3 Tatoeba Last Dungeon Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Urasekai Picnic World Trigger
Well he might still be good for it tonight Said he'd be around tonight either way. I'll let him know when we get closer to it if he hasn't popped in yet.
Looks like he's got the wrong idea but the right direction His village chief could use this as a good opportunity to readjust his scale of threat though Giant locusts are undeniably monsters even if you're having no problem cleaning them up!
He's like constantly on the precipice of realizing but always stops the step before actually doing so
Yeah no kidding It's probably a good thing she has a policy of not getting involved with human problems If she actually stepped in on a regular basis the world would probably be a ruinous place
The Belt Princess is also kind of a monster in her own right though The belt is a pretty useful accessory at least.
Oh his talk no jutsu didn't quite work because he didn't stick the landing I wonder if he could just use the Disenchant rune to save him though
He's kind of got the Bell phenomenon going on Baby face and good manners.
The characters in this are pretty fun It's important to have fun characters when you've got satirically powerful characters like the MC Because you're not going to build engagement off of narrative tension with characters like him around.
She was kind of a awful person last episode too Tried to pretend it was Hori's fault she lost the budget document when it got dropped in the hallway You'd think she'd try to make amends with Hori for throwing her under the bus, but I guess she would rather just keep being awful.
This is another one of those situations where they're pretty much already dating in all but name If anyone saw them being all cozy at her place like this they'd totally assume they're dating
I've got a few weird joints in my fingers too I think I can do the thing she was doingasdasfasdasd
Maaaaaaaannnn We almost got a proper confeeeeeeeeeeeee
... Does that count?
I mean one or the other confessing to the other would really just be a formality at this point
Ah to be young When things are so simply complicated
I can kinda get Miyamura's problem with accepting Hori likes him though It's not even a matter of density, but rather when your self-identity is framed as steeply in your own lack of self-worth as his seems to be, you kinda just assume the worst possible interpretation of any situation Which sure, is a kind of density in its own right, but the root is far worse than just being clueless.
oh sorry I was watching but quiet This is a really by the book shoujo, but it's to be expected since it's an old classic one
beastars okay lets start
I'm fond of shoujo stuff It needs to be a little more grounded in reality than maybe some of the silly sugary stuff But I like that it tends to focus on person-to-person relationships
>Heroes are born, not made No one's born anything! You're only what your life makes you
Oh right this left off at a bit of a creepy cliffhanger with Legosi I didn't expect it to be a snake though hah hah
She doesn't seem to be doing a very responsible job of a security guard This is practically student abuse If it was someone less weird than Legosi it would probably be an actual problem
Encouraging students to hunt down a murderer probably isn't a good idea.
>>913151 Ah you're probably watching episode fifteen aren't you Sorry, it's been hard to keep track of the episodes for it We should be watching episode fourteen right now.
oh nooo well we can do the 14/15 thing next time I thought we were on the latest and that only 2 had aired
This is wholly my fault this time Episode fifteen's also out, episode thirteen was the first episode of season two I just don't check Nyaa the way I used to since HorribleSubs shut down So it's become a lot easier for me to miss shows from single-show subgroups like how PAS is doing Beastars. I'll try to keep better track for it from hereon out
well it's not a big deal something neat happens in the next episode
The reveal of Louis as the Leo Group's boss looks like the big climax of this episode. I kinda knew it was coming from peeking in on chatter about the manga but I didn't know the timeline for it
The lions in that mob group all have this kind of greasy, dishevelled look to them I don't know if that's just the broad character design for lions or if they're supposed to intentionally look like they're barely holding themselves together It sticks out to me though.
It's a -It's one thing when you encounter weird things in a paranatural world But it's a whole other problem when they start popping up in the mundane reality
Sorao probably has the most realistic reaction to the Otherside out of everyone we've seen On one hand she's definitely fascinated by it but is also absolutely terrified of dying because of it I think most people would have her problem of wanting nothing to do with it but also not being able to stay away
I was on three, didn't realize 4 was out fixed now
Small girl BIG SHOTGUN
Oh the white-haired girl got dragged into the Otherside As I recall she was positively mortified about having to experience it herself in person when it was brought up earlier in the series She's more of a hands-off researcher of it I think.
Hah hah hah I didn't know there was a biochemical excuse for being jumpy and kind of a scaredy-cat
>Talks about her dad and grandma joining a weird cult, almost killing her by burning a manga cafe down, and then they mysteriously die out in the mountains >"Isn't it pretty normal?" Sorao seemed like the normal, sensible one, but man maybe she's as bonkers as everyone that ends up in the Otherside.
This is the second time they've made it seem like stuff was happened to other people, but it was Sorao that was tripping balls Though this one feels more like a warning than the previous one.
Either this Satsuki lady was always a spook, or something's happened to her since she got lost in the Otherside
Or it's just another illusion Wonder what this weird construct is supposed to be.
The sound design is really going all out this episode
Man I wish it was the throes of summer like it is here
Something I've remembered from seeing more Non Non Biyori is that it's a series that uses the "long pause for comedic effect" trope exceedinly well
These are the kinds of solutions to making a problem that kids always come up with to weasel out of the problem Rather than just accepting that you've fucked up
her speaking is so animated also they make a great duo
high chaos energy is flowing right now
Sincerity points, where the rules are made up and the points don't matter
i feel like i should be guilty for knowing what dagashi means
It's just a broad term for Japanese snacks/candy
yeah i just mean for some reason the word is linked with guiolt guilt* in my head
It's a bit late at night for a coffee isn't it Even if you don't need to be anywhere tomorrow morning
it's never too late for coffee
It is when you want to sleep eventually!
i'm glad to be around for NNB I didn't think this show would ever get more adaptation good coincidence it's a season i'm here for
It always sells well and probably doesn't need a huge production budget
it was just so long since the last one, wasn't it? i feel like it was 7 years
oh it was 5 years since S2 i didn't know about the movie
There was a movie after the second season Which was more of like a ninety-minute OVA more than a movie GochiUsa was kind of the same way Between season two and three they also put out a similar movie
>Non Non Biyori (のんのんびより) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Atto. The series began publication in Media Factory's Monthly Comic Alive magazine from September 2009 and is licensed in North America by Seven Seas Entertainment. The manga will end its serialization in February 2021. >The manga will end its serialization in February 2021 I guess that might be why its getting another season now One last send off.
they will live forever in my heart
Yeah but eventually even your heart will decompose and return to the earth
i would legit have a .png of the cast of NNB laser etched into my tombstone do not doubt for a second that i would
Even stone erodes and becomes smooth with time!
then i will have to make enough money to have the stars realigned
Stars are pretty big dude Plus they kind of just drift around on their own accord