I honestly still don't really know what's happening in world trigger
But all the girls are really cute, so I have to watch it anyway
If you recall from towards the end of the first World Trigger series, there was a big invasion into Earth/Meeden by a squad of humanoid Neighbours from a different world/dimension Earth managed to fight them off, but it seems in doing so they attracted the attention of lesser worlds/dimensions, who are now trying their own hand at taking on Earth/Meeden All the while the Earth organization is trying to launch a ship for an exploratory purpose into the weird interdimensional space that the multiple worlds/dimensions the series takes place in.
I do not recall, but now I understand more I still feel like I'd have to rewatch to understand this properly, though And I don't wanna
It happened amongst, or maybe precluding, I don't remember, the inter-organization ranking games that were in part to decide who gets to board that ship There was a lot that was happening towards the end of the series.
Oh right I remember the ranking games, vaguely But I thought they were over
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I remember the dude in the ranking thing who they were struggling to beat because he was really good at sleeping lol
I mean I realized after a few episodes that the ranking games were still going on, but going in I thought those were over
>yakuza 0 gonna make me play mahjong but I DON'T KNOW HOW
You're trying to get either pairs ... no, triplets of anything, or a set of three ascending numbers in one suit So like, the suit that's all wheels, if you get three tiles of the five wheels, that's one set. Alternatively, you could get the three wheel tiles of three, four, five, and you've got another set A hand you can win with will be (generally, but not always) four of these sets, plus a pair of any two tiles. You work towards this goal by drawing and discarding tiles from your hand, or by taking tiles that other players discard. You can take any tile that a player discards if it works towards you completing a triplet, but you can only take tiles from the player who goes immediately before you if it goes towards completing a straight. There's other nuances but this is probably enough to play and win unless the AI in the game is really good.
>>914832 nah ultraviolent just lets you take more silly approaches but it isn't like you can't do silly stuff in nightmare too you just have to live with your mistakes, ie. 10 hp for the next fight
permadeath runs in games like that aren't my cup of tea sure i can do shit like noita and other roguelikes but a triple-a game with long loading timese tc nah
not to mention the game just has some jump puzzles where you can just die
When I first played the new one i thought they made it too easy by removing the insta-death from falling >what is this baby shit but after all the platforming you have to do in the later levels it was probably a good call
It's a shame Americans can't buy games for people outside of NA anymore for the most part
>>914844 Like if I decided. "I'll buy Marsh that DLC" Steam wouldn't let me because he's Australian. The same goes for you, I can't buy you a game on Steam.
To test it, I just tried to buy Marsh something >Due to regional price differences, the gift you are trying to send cannot be sent to the recipient's region.
i mean russians traded game codes for tf2 keys all the time back in the tf2 heyday, so Though there was a lot of discourse about those being bought with stolen cards, or whatever
if theres a price difference i think is when it wont let you it wouldnt let me buy pk the summer car game but it let me blazblue so it might be some kind of rule
I can atleast up to the paypal window, which is where I stopped it
>>914864 The region gifting thing is only three or four years old.
>>914865 might be something the developer sets up/publisher and it might not even be malicious intent or anything, but just something they forget to check
>>914866 That might be Paypal handling the currency conversion, meaning Steam can register the purchase in the currency of whatever region the receiver is from
remember when sometimes the upload would fuck up, so you had to upload again, and you could get one image as thumbnail and another as the image you get when you expand? Good times on moemoe
yeah its some natsume shuichiro thing or something hes all like how do i say i wuv u in nipponese and hes like heh they dont say that in japan just call the moon pretty instead
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i dont understand dating japanese girls they're too refined and sensitive for my gaijin smash blunticity
I think that's because some serious people still associate shitposting with 4chan culture When really shitposting is just a universal Internet pasttime these days
Some times you just got to let what you got go Catch and release
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
real real bad bad bad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's ok i'll sleep it off
Sleep's good for that
Man my legs are just so cold right now This is always the worst part of winter Cold shins, cold fingers, cold tip of my nose Not even good socks keep the cold away
Not that I can put a sock on my nose.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my parents keep the house real cold
There is what I think is a thermostat in this condo but I'm reluctant to start poking at it. It would be nice to get a bit of heat in here though I'm pretty much right up against the big wall-sized windows in the living room with my PC set up so it's definitely closer to the temperature outside here than elsewhere in the unit. But I guess I'm used to being in rooms that are considerably colder than what the rest of the place feels like.
got a tobaccy pipe
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i would smoke a ciggy right now if i smoked
Got some tube bacon to go along with that?
got some black russian tobacco its vanilla-y pipe tobacco smells really good compared to cigs
Yeah, I'd bet I don't think I've smelled it recently, but even if I didn't like it much when I did In more recent years I've gotten better with the smell of burning plant in that broad category For one reason or another I bet I'd like how it smells
some scotch would pair well i dont drink though or bourbon
I still can't do incense though Something about it just makes my head unpleasantly foggy
cheap incense do that nice ones that use a different stem are better but some people are sensitive to the smoke itself
I'm definitely not going to assume I've ever smelled good incense, but, yeah, I'd wager I'm part of that group My nose is a bit sensitive to smells, like perfume and some cologne just fucks with my head That's kind of the same feeling I've gotten from incense in the past.
they put onions on the burger i asked for no onions on and they only gave me 8 nuggets instead of 10 and they didn't apply the coupon for them and they didn't give me the new hotsauce, they gave me the breakfast picante sauce
but i'm still full and the food was still good so whatever >>915083 mcdonalds didn't feel like driving to the good burger
in fact the breakfast picante sauce was actually pretty good on spicy nuggets so i might get it in the future i get mcdonalds pretty rarely though >>915085 if i were to have purchased five guys instead of mcdonalds i probably wouldn't have enough money to make it to the next paycheck it's rent week and getting five guys costs like 20 dollars
most of the lamb i've ever had has been at greek places like on the rotating things is that called kebap? or is that something else where they shave the meat off and then usually i have it in gyros
looks like kebab or kebap refers to the meat although it might not be technically correct, doner kebap refers to when it's served in a pita bread gyros as well refers to this but can also refer to when it's served with a salad and tzatziki or with both gyros usually implies that the meat is cooked in a very similar way to kebap (functionally the same way) but kebab / kebap comes from arabic word roots
Most Greek or Syrian places I go to that do gyro or shawarma respectively, I need to specify that it's a wrap, because they do offer it platter-style with salad or other accoutrements as well, yeah Also some Greek gyro places will put tzatziki in with the wrap as well There's one place I haven't been able to eat from in s while that does that, they're really good, maybe my favorite wrap place But they're just so out of my way to get to that now that it's hard to merit getting food from them
the last time i ordered shawarma it was served on a platter but with pita bread on the side so i just scooped it onto the pita and ate it like a wrap i assume that was the intended way
every time i've had Greek to-go, the tzatziki was in a seperate container but when i've had it dine-in, it was directly on the lamb within the pita i assume it's just so the pita doesn't get soggy when you're driving home
They toast the pita a bit before wrapping to make it not get soggy from the sauces and meat grease Also when wrapped in foil or parchment paper you've got an easy way to eat wraps without worrying about any issues of soggy pita
there used to be a place around here called Vert's Kebap that went out of business for reasons that must have had to do with management but they sold Doner Kebap and had some really good local beers on tap and their yogurt sauces were some of the best i've ever had
Fuck That's a lot of snow It's been like a decade since wwe had this much snow.
make snowcones
I miss having a garage Well really I mias not living in a sshshishitshitty
Townhouse Because of the way parking is set up the snow plows push a ton of snow in-between the cars So I have to clear way more snow than I did at our old place.
>>915129 32gigs. I'm poor, so that's the best I could do when I got this phone five years ago or so. And because it's old, it has so much bloat that can't be erased. I only have 12 gigs available what isn't taken up by the OS. And it's all full with essential apps. The only apps I have that aren't essential things that I need to use on the daily are Arknights and some dating apps. And even if I delete the dating apps, it only gives me a // an extra gig or so.
When I tried to start PriConne it immediately tried to put like 2 gigs of data on my phone even when I told it to only load stuff when necessary,
my phone has so many apps that i literally cannot uninstall
>>915154 She's got a skill that can soak damage for her and has decent damage output Also if you want some serious DAHMEDGE in a glass cannon, Eriko is cute and also fucking slaps
>>915155 like 30-50% is normal but 60% and above... what is installed there?
Also I really find it funny, how they can install the SAME ANDROID VERSION in 4-5gbs + required apps but then you get a say 64gb phone and it has 20-30gbs for the OS+essentials
for all shit given to windows, atleast it is quite consistent on how much space it requires
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>915158 email apps, calendar apps, kindle apps, texting apps, photo apps, google photos google games google movies google music (which is no longer an operating service but the app is uninstallable) samsung pay google pay etc etc
I got 64 gb OS is 13gb apps are 7, this includes ecverything Ih ave installed on my own, which isn't much but still music and audio 7 pics 2 >>915161 the fuck do they feed your phones with when my 64 has less bloat in it?
then again, this is a cheap phone and not a flagship or anything I always buy cheap phones
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if anyone needs me to shit on windows my consultation fee is $0
also >imagine not having free market for ISP/phone services
always buy stock online and then take it to your service provider to activate it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah tis what i do well i do iOS so it's just i get unlocked iphone and use T mobile
>>915180 I mean, we do the shitty big retailers have most of the market due to brand recognition and marketing but people are wising up to their bullshit
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well it used to be illegal /// legal for companies to refuse to allow you to get an unlocked phonr which it was when i got this oen
>>915179 this would be illegal in finland and most likely in eu too
also I am quite sure you could get ridof all these limitations, but it would take some skill
cause basically, you could install your own OS to almost any phone on them arkets, if you know what you are doing
>>915184 consider using google fi or mint mobile or something, don't even need to take a sim card in just make a virtual one when you sign up
>>915191 lol one of my clients got taken to the hospital recently and they were unconscious so they couldn't decline the ambulance and they got a bill for $30,000
>>915191 love having the freedom to pay a 1000% markup of lifesaving medecine
>>915203 yeah for another two or three years I think he tried to get released to house arrest at his fiancee's apartment last year because "his comany needed him to help fight covid" lmao it got denied
>>>/@FUNimation/1355941288345034756 funimation is telling people they should start higurashi with the new series which spoils every interesting development in the VNs in the first two or three episodes
>>915277 you think they actually have watched the series and not just skimmed a wiki page?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have no doubt in my mind that many people who work at funimation watch anime and are knowledgable about higurashi
The store was selling pączki since it's getting close to Lent While I don't participate pączki are hella delicious and good pastry This is always a tasty time of year
it's two words. and now the rag has two 'g's cus some cunt reported it.
Kwuarm ragg is my lvl 3 skiller.
Uh I found some website that seems to be a mirror of /moe/ as the second google result for quarm ragg *kwuarm tagged *ragg Fuck autocorrect http://www.kangaroo.news/archive/868013?last100
im eating dinner and about to pack for a demolition range tomorroe and also texting ur gf
>>915548 I rreread the whole manga earlier. I really wish the prequel series hadn't gotten canceled. Or whatever, I don't know for sure that it was actually canceled. Only that it was unfinished.
then who was phone?
>>915550 I was going to be very disappointed if you hadn't said that.
lol wtf oh i see the www subdomain works must be some old DNS record
a virus i think
>>915559 It has posts from the past week on it too. It's pretty spooky.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how did you find this domain lmao
>>915562 Googling marsh's RuneScape username gave me the thread where Marsh previously told me his username as the second result but it was on kangaroo.news/archive
>>915562 formerrei@mobile here my last post d/ced i made it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wait wtf bro i registered this domain last june???
>>915565 Oh, it's yours? I just assumed they used the same whois info hider service as you.
its got archive back to 2017 wtf meanwhile moes got... 2017?!?!?!?! the same?!?!? hacked??
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
even if some random attacker copied my DNS settings they would not be able to connect it up to my VPS which is why i was so confused but yep there it is in CloudFlare
youve been paying for a 2nd site for aobut 10 years now all that moneay you couldve spent on gamestop..
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no you're right fire up the time machine give me one more chance
>>915588 the dude who voluntold me said that hed send me only if i got to do stuff but since its a demolitions range probably not c4 is kinda dangerous
> RECONSTITUTE: You open your eyes, now rigid and froud straight and erect, flaunting a proud victory trail. Your neck is arched proudly, and your face is fixed in a reverent awe. Your beautiful sword now in your hands, ready to conquer all Devils in the world. "A+ Ass were rekt."
>>915827 Congratulations You might be above me right now I got hit by a lot of attacks when I was just a few dozen shy of three thousand and got knocked back down to around 3600
Doesn't help that I think I went two for five with my arena tries today Two of those I basically lost on absolute sheer margins too Like if I'd missed one less attack right at the end I would've come out on top
I need more amulets. Gotta make those two stars into three stars but I've been spending everything trying to get Makoto up
I'm fortunate that most of who I'm trying to improve are easy to get amulets for Pecorine's can be grinded out, Monika's can be bought from arena coins, and Karyl's with dungeon coins I could get Maho's from the dungeon too but even with the 400-600 dungeon coins I can get per day I'm still not able to buy Karyl's fragments daily
I'm also considering tapping out Akino whose been my position two character and my burst DPS character since I rolled her with my guaranteed first 3* roll Since her skills don't synergize perfectly with using Pecorine as my front-line tank and damage sponge Might put in Djeeta or Eriko, or that girl with the bell who can stun with two of her skills Alternatively I don't have a second front-liner and put in one of my ranged burst DPS characters.
But that all requires me to outfit those characters with a bunch of items to get their ranks up, and that's a lot of item farming I don't have the stamina for!
aren't the Peccorine ones like 3 a day and you need 100
Well I need 120 now, since I upgraded her to 3* already And I'm at the point where the fragments in the shop are five amulets apiece now hah hah It's expensive, but I can grind out those fragments and collect amulets while I gather the fragments for the other characters. My goal at the moment is to get a party together that's all at least 3*, and right now that just means ascending Karyl once Though if I do want to tap out Akino I'll probably have to add another 2* to that to-do
I bought the like five-dollar two million mana special they did at launch Because five dollars is whatever I've already -easily- played the game, like consciously and with deliberation, to make spending that kind of money worth it Plus the premium gacha rolls I was able to do with the gems from it got me Djeeta on a single roll miraculously so also worth
You're playing with fire It starts with $5 now next thing you know you're taking out a third mortgage to pay for waifus.
Nah I' I Fuck Whoever decided it was a good idea to put the apostrophe next to the Enter key I'm pretty good at not impulse spending my money. It takes a long time for me to consider the value versus cost of spending my money on things And the bigger the expense, the longer I deliberate over whether or not I want to spend it. I get paid a decent amount at the job I work right now so honestly I could be a little more free with my money But I've spent so long unemployed for several stretches of time that I've gotten really good at minimizing buying stuff to keep my funds from drying up.
Like five dollars or not I wouldn't have even bought that if I wasn't employed right now.
but for only $6.50au I get 40 amulets, 2 million mana and a premium role
hmmmmmmmmm I could upgrade Makoto RIGHT NOW
Plus since I was an early purchaser of the bundle, I bought it when they fucked up the roll out of the bundle And anyone who got the two million mana from it couldn't do anything with their mana after receiving it So no upgrading character skills, no crafting equipment that had mana costs. It basically locked you out of upgrading characters pretty quickly So when they finally fixed it they gave everyone an ADDITIONAL two million mana So really it was four million mana for that price!
Honestly, the amulets? Pretty nice, can't complain. The premium gems? Kind of a limited amount, but like I said, they let me pull Djeeta on a single roll, so, nice. But the four million mana was the big benefit to getting the bundle. That mana has let me coast on upgrading whoever I please ever since
I already seem to produce mana faster than i can use it though
I haven't been Before this drop boost of mana from the grotto quests I was tearing through my mana Of the four million I got from the bundle, I was down to ~1.5 million And right now I'm sitting just above one million What I really need to do is make the push to clear 7-1 so I can start grinding the next tier of mana quest Because I'll probably be running low before long.
>Split pants seam in a compromising place minutes before leaving for work >Only pair of pants in the apartment Well it's going to be one of those days, eh
the gacha of life is really the hardest gacha of all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
god, all these GME bagholders furiously doubling down what's gonna happen it feels like a giant pump and dump to me
they cost like $300 a pop at the time, and it was already the deadline How do you even have the money to throw at that
>>915871 I mean I should be the one with the poor impulse control
some people got hard FOMO, impairs thought process
>>915870 dude the people on wsb piss away tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars all the time, it's wild half that subreddit is loss porn
Aren't they pissing the money away in the sense that they're doing shorts and getting fucked tho? It's not like they actually have the money to piss away, they just go into absurd debt due to gambling with money they don't have
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the power of memes so many new initiates got hit with WE RIDE FOR ROHANNNN and all this other wsb mainstay stuff
i bet the GME whale sold and has been faking screenshots, no way that shit's real and every time you try to call him out you get dozens of loyals redditors screamin 'ban this guy'
>>915875 Hopefully not with like, his savings, right? Like 10-20 shares?
not sure how many shares but he's a decently succesful guy he's been lawyering for a few years now and he's got a pretty nice house he just don't know shit about investing, I tried to tell him it was too late to jump in
sold my gamestonks at fucking $300, no way I'm holding for a meme I love that people did tho, it was quality entertainment and all, but like What the fuck, dude
You threw money into the gacha machine and it went "do you want to take out your 10x+ winnings, or go double or nothing?" and you went "fuck it, double or nothing" Why Don't do that, take the money You're not taking down wall street with a fucking reddit account and an app
I'd have held exactly one share for the meme >>915878 yeah he only shows a spreadsheet, you could fake that shit in five minutes
I got 35 shares of AMC at $4 tho so all y'all go buy
pay my rent
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
o damn pogged
okay i gotta study for interview >_< good bye stonks
always remember even if interview go down, stonks always go up
I wonder if it still counts as difficulties regulating my emotions when I rarely even have any real emotional reaction, but when I do it's just let loose
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I think having little to no reaction when it would be warranted counts as difficulties regulating closing the valve too tightly is a problem too
Is it even regulation? Isn't regulation like, only for when there IS an emotion there but you keep yourself from emoting?
I'm fuckin' worried about going to some psych and getting rediagnosed so I'm overanalyzing every fucking difference I have from the default
I don't even know if I'm just emotionally dead, or so underexposed to people, it's as though I am, but if I was more social I'd be a powder keg
Almost four hours in and no one's called me out on the tear in my pants So I guess I was right about it being easy to conceal despite being a bit compromising The hard part will be having go to the store to buy a new pair. Especially since I need to ride an escalator to get there
He's a former military dude who served in India during WWII He broke the record for fundraising by raising like 30 mil for covid release on his 100th birthday by walking in circles all day Apparently he's pretty famous and got a number 1 hit once or something?