Ugh A magic card I was planning on buying hhad its median price double since I last checked. I was only barely willing to buy it at $60 and now it shot up to $120~. I found some people selling it for under $80 but I can't buy it this week.
I didn't have money on my transit card to pay fare, so the bus driver pointedly waited for me to put my wallet away and pick up the bags I'd had to set down so I could step off the bus and back into the chilly night Of course the fault is mine here for not keeping my transit card funded, but still It doesn't hurt to show a bit of decency in weather like this, doesn't it. Fortunately there was a bus immediately behind that one who saw the whole affair and flagged me down to let me catch a ride Now there's a good bus driver
You know I actually was going to buy that $5 mana pack thing too but the darn game crashes whenever I connect to Payment options. idk what that's about.
>>915935 I've been ping-ponging all over the 3000s the past couple days Seems like this is where most people who are aggressively climbing have found themselves The ones that haven't whaled hard to get through the grind or just got extraordinarily lucky
>>915936 That's really weird, yeah Sure it's not a problem with your phone not cooperating with the payment app you're using?
just develop a VR social interaction exposure sim where the // where someone can throw situations at you and make the NPC respond in microsoft sam voice for social skills training
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it really needs to be like real time voice response with all the pauses for breaths and mumbling and people talkin over each other
that's when // the pose you take when you're about to 0 to death a fool in smash
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
SEPHiROTH!! dah dah dah doot doot
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wa moon dass cry
wtf do u say to someone tellin u theyre on their period
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or just ignore it
its been left on read for like 4 hours now lol i think ill let her send the next message
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
personally i would write "gross!!"
lol i would if she wasnt sick too shes got a 101.4 fever :(
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok well u should probably comfort her
"so uhh we f'ckin tonight or..."
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
shamu shamu
samu the shamu
god illyas voice is so fticken annoying
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Goddo ari masen neeeee
The wind is absolutely crazy outside tonight It's been tearing around outside reaaaalllly audibly since I went to lay down for a nap and is still going on
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh god i just watched this mypillow newsmax guy JF
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>915980 sounds like a mood start the french horns HERE COMES THE NIGHT TRAIN
>>915982 I dunno if I'd be able to even hear the night train over this windstorm and trains chugging on through the railroad there's -that's only a few hundred metres from this building are a regular fixture of my nights
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn that is wild such a mood love that comfy inside during a storm vibe
I'm dubious It really feels like the stock's just had its market price steadily whittled down the past three or so workdays Like at eighty or so dollars a share it's not much higher than what the earnest worth of a stock for the franchise probably is anyway It was so cheap previously both because of the decaying relevance and commercial feasibility of the stores, but also because investors were preceding a short situation anyway. Maybe it's still too high for the hedge funds to cover their positions and potential squeeze is still yet to happen but I think they're just going to win a war of attrition with the retail investors
the earnest worth of the stock is probably about 25 dollars
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if it actually makes it down there i will be happy
Why? You planning on buying in again?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no i have puts real low puts
the price before was like 15, rights? the short sellers were shorting it for a reason the only reason it went up was to squeeze them, cause they were overdoing it but i don't think the short position was entirely right, and gamestop will fare much better once console manufacturing and distribution start meeting demand a little better i know they're also restructuring and stuff, or were up to some stuff not too long ago then there's also the consideration that most stocks (esp retail sales stocks) are down because of covid and will go up long-term as we get a better handle on it my long for gamestop is 20-25, but my short term guess is that it could potentially floor as low as the shorts had it which would be ironic and hilarious in its own way
tbh the bubble has been taking longer to lose air than i expected though by at least a couple days
I feel like I'm out of the loop with these things like they just popped into existence and suddenly they're everywhere I suppose somebody's making some good money down the line
i cant even afford dinner u think i can offord to be sexual?
for what purpose does my old phone be able to hold open 50 something tabs but this new one can't stop youtube music from crashing damn bloated modern carp
Moro Islamic Liberation Front that seems real the jpeg fucks up the story damn compression
what's the "FAP"?
I can't really read because of the compression probably because saw MILF and FAP and reposted it a million times
people saw *
fap is the family advocacy program
very likely someone edited it slightly to say fap
That's my assumption too, really The lighting is a bit off around FAP in a way it isn't for the rest of the headline, too, especially in the top right of it
i need to go for a run but im so lazzzzzyyyyyyy
ah yeah it's shopped It's originally AFP
it's funny that fap is the edit milf is more common than fap, fap is internet slang
okay well i didn't manage to wake up and scalp GME but it would have been i guess technically possible if i picked the perfect call and sold at the perfect time who has the foresight tho
some guy I delivered to was from Pennsylvania he kind of resembled Stephen Merchant
This Uber driver really isn't good I'm confused as to how he's got such a good eating Rating, even In response to a highway crawling to an absolute slog, his answer wasn't to take the first off ramp to take city streets, or just stick through the slog since most times that's still the fastest route Instead, he opted to take the ramp to the OPPOSITE direction of the highway, drive back to pretty much where he took me on as a passenger, and only then take city roads to my destination. I can't understand the rationale here.
>>916225 The fare's established at the start of the ride, if anything the onus is on the driver to finish the trip as efficiently as possible to min/max their earnings
fug the kebab shop isn't open yet hopes and dreams ruined
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
oh no now how will you get food poisoning?
>>916226 oh. i c. I've never actually had a reason to use a rideshare app.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
guess he's just shit at his job then.
From what I made out from his kinda broken English I think he wanted to do what I expected he'd do, take the first off ramp and then navigate by city roads, but didn't understand the ramp he was taking was to change directions on the highway instead. Which is understandable, sure, but still, if your job is to navigate by either memory or map to taxi people around, that feels like a really rookie mistake Which, at over 1,500 five-star rides, doesn't feel like he should be making rookie mistakes anymore
>>916228 they have prepared sandwiches at the store, that's a good way or I could just eat a potato salad
well she wrote a blog about me yesterdat it is unflattering to say the least
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but it is good honest feedback so that is grounding
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's funny rejection doesn't sting what hurt so bad was the ambiguity now it's easy, i can deal with a clear answer it took a lot of fuckin around to get one though i'm a weirdo like that, i like to push people until they snap back it's pretty autistic
Frankly, and I know her evasiveness was pretty charming to her, but from what I heard from you concerning her, she sounds like a kind of exhausting person to me Er pretty charming to you I don't tihnk I would've had your patience for how indirect she was about everything.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the upshot was that she wrote it all in prose like it was a rewarding process to decipher ALSO she denied it all basically after i shot my shot which was p awful and makes me question everything i know about her
the fact that she' ms still writing prose about me feels good tho maybe all the earlier stuff was about someone else tho, plauisble deniability is a bitch
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's a volatile situation, i s what im tryna convey
where do you find these gorls anyway whirlpool forums
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have two sources for gorls dating apps and sitting next to them at the bar
>>916343 Have you heard the whole album uts from? I highly recommend it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm sure the album is great but i won't have that emotional connection with the rest of the songs typically there's usually one other song that i like and the rest make me go 'wtf'
>>916346 Well if you listen to it while thinking about her you might make an emotional connection with it. Anyways I don't think ghost girl was a good choice (I understand that people don't choose who they fall in love with) but her issues with communication would've affected the relationship in an unhealthy way.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok ill try it but first i make tea
make peas oh yeah I think I know this song used to own a few jmc albums never listened to them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay first of all i never knew ghost girl just the idea of her so by extension you don't have any concrete idea of what she is like only an abstraction of an abstraction
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i will say that she's obviously a much better communicator that i am
Communication is hard as balls
>>916356 If your balls are hard you should definitely see a doctor.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
communication IS really hard she has an advantage in this regard, being a barista, forced to walk with people for hours every day talk
>>916360 Being forced to walk with people every day sounds more like a tour guide thing.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
most tour guides blessedly are free agents i think idk probably those van companies have some machiavellian shit goin down
kava is a mild intoxicant with similar effects to alcohol it is not regulated in the U.S. as far as i know, which means it's not like you can really get all that whacked out on it unless you decide to buy an expensive amount and there's way cheaper highs i just buy these tea sachets that have cinnamon and kava and some other spices and if i use two tea bags i get a little sleepy and i laugh at things a little more and that's about it but it's very nice like chamomile tea
one time i did use 4 tea bags and let them steep for a long time but i just got super sleepy i did feel kinda groggy in the morning but that was probably mostly dehydration if i don't remember to drink water i always wake up that way
that's a classic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fuck how am i gonna make this tea with parents around
the scene where chitanda takes a bunch of costumed photos for the photography club and then the scene where houtarou notices a corner of one and decides to look through all of them but then places them back down where it would conspicuous that he had seen them, but absent-mindedly on his part and then the scene where chitanda notices the envelope was in all likelihood seen by houtarou they way it's portrayed is done excellently by kyoani
hmmm how to reply to my hoe whos hone sick but says she lonely do i offer to come over eith din din
I don't even think it's serious drama It's one part mystery and investigative drama, one part high school SoL, one part Bildungsroman The writing is polished and appropriately well thought out for the mystery elements, the characterization relies on a lot of subtleties and showing, not telling, and the animation is positively gorgeous at times.
it's a medium-slow paced lighthearted show for the most part the humor is pretty witty, subtle and on the dry side
it is fun u get to go trick or treating and the queen with thr headband gets yo step on me
Garlic is a possibility, but I dunno if it really works on burgers, cause nobody ever seems to use it But I imagine it does, cause it works on nearly anything
nah bacon seemed like too much work i didnt bother plus i dunno how greasy shes tryin to get
im just gonna make my normal burgers i used to make and hopefully she likes it i dunno i have bad taste so we will see
My cell data is still being pretty jittery and slow The data cycle was supposed to reset on the second or third, so they shouldn't be throttling me anymore, so I'm not sure what's up here. It's not even just the basement I'm working in -- before I went past the cap last month I had reliable service down here anyway -- even outside it's unreliable and slow at best
I do kinda want to upgrade my plan anyway, but maybe I should look at other providers to see if anyone else has better plans on more reliable service
My boss called me into his office for a second, and there was a woman sitting there with him, so I thought, "oh, a new potential employee?" And then he introduced me to her and it was his girlfriend. So I introduced myself to her and then he started saying he tells his girlfriend about me all the time and started saying how smart and cool I am and stuff like that. To his girlfriend.
It's so weird! She seemed nice but if I were dating someone and they called an employee into their office and then told me how amazing they were, I'd be like "haha what the hell"
same thing they been doin for days is guess vomiting into bags probably
>I’mma hold my 10@326 until a.) we squeeze the squoze or 2.) for 30 years until inflation eliminates my lose. Either way, fuck Wall Street 900 upboats >we should make 300 GME buyers club i'm not selling at a loss. 600
apparently netflix is already trying to write a movie about someone "at the heart of the gamestop short stock incident"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
u/DeepFuckingValue? for sure he became an historical figure and all it took is having a massive brain and incredible trust and patience in his own methods
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Me and I would never sell at this point, I will wait for decades even if I have to. how much fukken longer do you think gamestop is gonna last bruv
One of my clients was telling me how he used to short all these airline stocks and stuff and how he could be like "oh they // the price of avgas is up 10 cents better sell!!!"
>>916501 nah he's a cool short seller he also used to be a drug smuggler and he flew around drug kingpins and stuff which is Very Cool
nice this guy suffers from severe trauma after he put the wrong person in charge of a flight crew in colombia and the guy made a mistake and the plane caught on fire and burned to a crisp with everyone inside while he watched
how the fuck does a flight crewman set an entire plane on fire if he was watching, was the plane grounded?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah they were coming in for a landing and they had flammable materials inside
was this an above-the-board flight? i feel like this might have been tangentially related to his smuggling career because that is still an amazing feat for a flight crew to pull off
yeah one time he was flyin to colombia and his plane was running late so the guys that were supposed to clear the pasture he was going to be landing in just got annoyed and left, so he tried to land anyway since the cows were mostly out of the way but then a bull ran up and got the wing and he wrecked the plane he's got a lot of good stories he was a military pilot in vietnam too
>>916535 Yeah I was stuck at something like 3269 for two days, losing all my matches yesterday too Found some guy at sub-3000 that was somehow both a lower level and power rating than me earlier and went for it Was pretty down to the nose but I came out just on top And then promptly realized everyone at this ranking are like way stronger than me hah hah
>>916555 Female orc barbarian from a Mongolian like tribe Probably has the least thought I've ever put into a character's bbackstory
the mongolian-esque stuff sounds neat was she nomadic? >>916563 naisu, I haven't listened this album only ones from WEG I ever got to were hurtbreak wonderland and seven idiots
farewell kingdom is probably the best traditionally dream's end feels like a D4 fever dream though
>>916565 speaking of mongolia help me make an album playlist for a 20 hour flight before spring
>>916565 Yeah The DM has a ton of lore he made up I read it a while ago but barely remember any of it. I honestly don't care thst much. I don't like his setting, I prefer the campaign setting my GM uses which is based on Greyhawk with elements from Eberron and Forgotten Realms with Planescape cosmology.
3.5 is for the kind of people who are the reason DnD stayed so niche and obscure for so long 5e is a cool game tho and a really good platform to build off of the basic systems for homebrew RPGs
4 was just no
I remain unconvinced that 5e is particularly bad, or even that it's inferior to 3.5e Things can be different and changed without moving vertically in terms of quality. I'd like to play more games in 5e But everyone I know doesn't want to hah hah
>>916591 5e is dumbed down a lot and they got rid of a lot of lore Those are my big issues with it I'm including renaming spells by removing character names from them a getting rid of lore In previous editions there were tons of spells with names in t them and many of those names were the names of characters who were in games run by gary gygax (primary creator of D&D) and by removing the names from the spells it feels like they're erasing history Also switching from Greyhawk to Forgotten Realms was a big mistake and it feels like they want to remove Gygax's influence fom the game (Greyhawk ws his campaign setting) Also there's a lot of weird sex shit that is canon in forgotten realms (in the novels which are all 100% canon) For example, incest isn't considered taboo in faerun. I could pull up a list if all *of a bunch of that stuff.
im not good at roleplaying therefore i do not like dnd
>>916602 5e is less restrictive because it has less systems
because the game is fundamentally so much simpler (but yet leaves room for adaptation of the systems so easily) you can just change 5e to be whatever you want half of the things people complain about 5e removing you can just add back in but you don't have to in 3.5 rules lawyers trump all in 5e, the rules say something to the extent of "do w/e u want bro ur roleplaying, the DM can make it happen"
>>916609 There's this thing called Rule 0 that exists in basically any RPG (except for one explicit weird one) that says the GM/DM/whatever gets to do what he wants whether or not it follows the rules exactly and it feels lile you don't know much about rpg systems in general if you think that "the dm can make it happen" is unique to 5e.
are you playing sanctioned dnd or something lol
5e is like a clean install of debian adn 3.5 is like that arch-based build your friend cobbled together on his first attempt at a pc with linux
>>916611 it's not unique to 5e obviously but from my experience, most of the playerbase of 3.5 wants to be able to rules lawyer and they want 3.5 almost exclusively because it has more rules while i've played a lot of campaigns in 5e, i haven't played a single one where we followed the books as any more but ideas and a good foundation for how dice rolls can work every 3.5 campaign i've participated in or observed has literally been people spending more time aruging about rules than getting into character
Also D&D isn't actually a very good RPG system in the first place. GURPS is way better.
Don't get me wrong, I like 3.5 and earlier versions of D&D, but they've had a lot of bad influence on game design.
>>916615 Have you tried not playing with people with autism?
people who play 3.5 have autism you yourself aren't helping your case either
>>916621 I know some people who play 3.5 that don't have autism.
and it's not like i'm saying the problems with 3.5 are innate they aren't inherent parts of 3.5 i'm gonna stick with what i said at the beginning 3.5 is tailored to and great for people who are the reason DND stayed an obscure niche genre for so long 5e's design is the largest most important reason DnD is so mainstream today
>>916625 I still want to say that you should try to play a non D&D rpg sometime, also games with rules based on D&D or the d20 srd don't count
i've played a lot of RPGs man taking the idea of having primary stats, skills based somehow on those stats, D20 dice rolls, etc is a good place to start and fun for a lot of settings it's also something most people are already familiar with and people are the currency that determines if you even get to play the RPG or not
>>916625 >5e's design is the largest most important reason DnD is so mainstream today That's absolutely false, the biggest reason it went mainstream is due to nerd culture becoming more accepted, strangeer things and ccrcriccritical role have also greatly contributed to the popularity of 5e.
>>916630 critical role took off because DnD was accessible to people who wanted to play it and not just bean counting glasses-pushing 3.5ers if 3.5 was still the DnD that people would be referred to by Wizard's site when critical role aired, critical role would not have gained any traction also important to note that Matt Mercer is also a huge proponent of making RPGs more simple and more about roleplaying and not about maps and combat stats and intricate spell interactions the hallmarks of 3.5 are the things matt mercer removed from his campaigns, largely to make them accessible for the podcast format but also because he more enjoys theater of battle and roleplaying >>916635 yes i have and they are glorious
wanna know whats better than both dnd 3.5 and 5e? atelier ryza
>>916632 Goodness though man have you seen his battlemaps Things of beauty
an important thing you need to understand about my argument and why i'm making it is that i myself am a 3.5 person but you also have to understand that 3.5 is not going to be a better format for 90% of people and as i said earlier people are the currency that even allows you to paly a social game there's also the issue that other people who play 3.5 are usually semantic assholes and i can't stand them
>>916632 >making RPGs more simple and more about roleplaying and not about maps and combat stats and intricate spell interactions Making them more about role play and abstracting or removing rules makes them less of a game and more of a collaborative story telling thing. Not tthat there's anything wrong with collaborative story telling. BBuBut collaborative storytelling isn't playing and RPG, its judt roleplay.
>>916638 yes exactly and that's generally a good thing for most players the game aspect is mostly just advanced pretend gambling and is barely worth celebrating in the first place numbers nerds get their jollies off but it's hard to say fun is the right word i'm a numbers nerd here i like the numbers and i like creating a character with a synergistic kit of abilities but that just ain't it for most people and the people for whom it is can be a pain the escapism, the storytelling, and the social aspects of PnP RPGs are by far the parts most worth celebrating and the most valuable the better pretend gambler is gonna be card games anyways
>>916632 The funny thing too that most people either forget or don't know is, the Crit Role group started off playing 3.5e/Pathfinder in their homegames And when they made the transfer to livestreaming it they changed to 5e, though I can't remember if that was Felicia Day's suggestion or Mercer's own idea, or even pressure from Wizards to help encourage branding.
it's honestly probably a mix of those three and a few others 5e and theater of battle for sure is the only way you can go about making critical role int o a successful blockbuster franchise it just makes the most sense logistically
Also even though I said "there's nothing wrong with collaborative storytelling", I actually hate it and never want to do freeform roleplay.
>>916646 Theres an inherent problem in it that comes up if two characters are trying to fight or do the same thing (as in solve a problem) Normally it's anything you say goes but in freeform there's no system in place for resolving when there is a conflict.
you and him arguing are basically freeform roleplay
accidentally ended my sentence with "man" to a woman cashier that memory is going into the cringe folder
>a man ordered pizza every night for 10 years from the same Domino's >the Domino's found him stroked out in his home after he hadn't ordered in 11 days >the story went viral and the crew were rewarded with premiere tickets to captain America I'm supposed to be inspired how???
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
movie tickets?/?
someone should have paid for that dude's hospital visit that would be at least a little bit of a silver lining
>>916766 that happens naturally a lot she probably didn't even notice
Today I learned that haagen dasz is an american brand named in tribute to Denmark's performance during WW2, but the name contains letters that don't actually exist in Danish They do in German though And even if you overlook that, the closest translation you can get for the name is "The garden. Toilet"
What the hell
im watchin a show called bonding and the dude just had fingers up his roommates bum hes like look me in the eye s
nah there s no porn iust a dom playing pinball with some goober for a first date and two gay dudes at a burlesque gay club or something
is this on Netflix
ya i think so its calleBONDiNG
that tracks
ボンディング bondingu
there's this weird show on tv right now it's some kind of ninja warrior show except it looks pre recorded in parts there's some American actor I recognise but it's set in Australia
>>916796 not verg much the bottom is just subtitles of what they said tho and i can understand them talking pretty much the person im with explains anythinf if i ask
Hello /moe/ Why does Rika only show up to direct you to the anime thread?
I'm not sure why myself my best guess is that she's too busy with life stuff to get engaged in discussion plus her attention span not all that much but I don't know, I'm just spitballing here
>>916802 no im suffering from chronic ton's disease i need to be euthanized
when did this cat get so needy even the sleeping can't get no peace from meow
>>916814 Every time I see minecraft steve with a cake, I'm reminded that in just about all situations and servers, the cake is actually fucking awful in minecraft, but on especially laggy servers such as 2b2t, it has a very real use case Because holding to eat food can get disrupted by lag, dropping down a cake and eating that becomes one of the more reliable ways to eat during PvP and stuff
Food in minecraft is actually one of my biggest peeves with the game It's such a tacked on and poorly realized mechanic in an otherwise fairly deep game
There are a total of 3 food items that actually matter at all, and everything else is superfluous and entirely for RP purposes unless you use mods that heavily rebalance stuff In terms of regular food, steak is the best, period. It's got the most hunger satisfaction and the best satiation of all regular food items Only things that are better are golden carrots and golden apples, both of which, obviously, require gold to make. Pigs serve no actual purpose in the game as a result, cause they only drop meat, and the meat they drop is worse than the meat of cows. And cows also drop leather, which is a very valuable resource for later-game stuff like enchanting
I wish there was more incentive to vary your food There's a whole bunch of various soups and other stuff you can craft, but none of them really serve any use Because steak is better
And by just making a cow crusher and a small wheat farm, you will have FAR more steak than you can possibly eat, even if you run everywhere and take damage frequently
>>916827 I've talked about this elsewhere in the past, but Minecraft really isn't a "designed" game At least with older components like the original animals, and even with the implementation of food. Minecraft was basically a sounding board for Notch and jeb_ to throw ideas of fun they had at to see if they'd stick. Which is why so many of the early development cross-mechanic interactions, especially with Redstone and how it interacts with blocks in the game, were oversights or at the least unintentional. But with how old the game is by now there's a certain assumption that there has to be a set of core mechanics in the game and they can't just take them out without the playerbase going crazy. Food being one of those. And to the developers credit, they have several times now tried to retool food and eating to make it better and suitable for the broader game. I think even now with the big combat overhaul that jeb_ is working on in parallel with the actual content development cycle of the game, changing how food effects combat is an element of that.
>>916827 yeah but pigs are cute if you don't have a pig farm because pig meat isn't optimal then you are not cute
so many things in the game exist regardless of not being optimal idk, i don't understand that arguement
It's just not really a game, as so much as a game can be defined Minecraft is really more a sandbox with mechanics that was basically just an experimental testing ground for its devs for like the first eight years of its life
My Uber driver's car tonight has the weirdest seatbelts I've ever experienced The chest part of the strap and the hip part of it have two separate feeds, and you can't adjust the position of the belt clip, you've got to pull out the amount of belt you need for both parts separately It's not a bad system but man it's weird
i want gto eat bfast and play ryza
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i want to turn back time but who gets that chance ill settle for a bowl of pho
do u have a pho kit
i wonder if theres any restaraunts that do waffles hetr
>>916847 I'm having a Belgian waffle for breakfast tomorrow.
thats what i want but i dunno if they got it here i seen chicken and waffles
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
stop waffling! show me your heart!
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
whoa how do you stay jacked when you eat like shit?
i dont eat like sh't i just eat some bad food sometimes but im more of
a watching my calories rather than my macros right now anyways i burn enough from exercise that it evens out
i went from eatinf 4.2kish calories to like 2.1k but increased my cardio a lot so now im on a cut thats about it if im angle fraudinf like instagram i look good heh