>>913632 Did you know that The Anthony Burch wrote for the Anime Crimes Division shorts?
Proving that he can write good short comedic segments but not videogames. >>913636 Horrible videogame writer Famous for bad opinion s And also famous for being a shitty person and losing his wii u in his divorce. I liked him a lot when he was still a journalist amd doing his short films.
it would be funny if people started just smashing hedge funds like this all the time now i bet congress would fix that faster than you can say "where's my money, joe?"
Chances are they'll just alter the qualifications of "insider trading" to somehow include this kinda thing This kinda thing can't just be allowed to continue
I mean, it absolutely can, that'd be pog, but it won't
if they do change the rules, all this finance needs to go into defi (decentralized finance aka cryptocurrency trading) can't change the rules so easily there
lol i decided to play trainroll on my laptop and forgot my volume was max because i was just in a video call so the office got to hear the beginning of it
it's one of the early interpretations of the anomalocaris fossils they thought it was a mixture of a sea sponge plus a couple shrimps feeding off of it and a third species until they found more fossils to indicate that it wasn't a random arrangement of critters but in fact one critter it's a story i'm often inspired by
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i really love the story of bodhidharma going to china and the chinese emperor is like "hey what's the haps?? you are such a good buddhist what have you gotten for it?" and he's like "lol aint got shit for it" and emperor is like "uhh ok... what can you teach us about buddhism? we're out of the loop" and bodhidharma is like "vast emptiness, nothing holy" and emps is like "wtf are you talking about. who the fuck are you" and bodhidharma says "idk" and leaves
>>913745 i feel like that science does this a lot. wasn't there a dinosaur with a similar story?
there are so obviously like hundreds of bots posting just random hype messages in WSB now tho or maybe its the GME shorters tryna direct attention elsewhere
i wish that i had had more money that day when oil prices got negative oil prices ain't great right now only $50 but getting a bunch for negative and then selling now would have been good money
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
scheduled a three hour interview on tuesday groundhog day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>913759 those were oil futures so you couldn't actually hold them past expiration a bunch of people thought they could do this and almost ended up with oil barrels being delivered
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i would have had to rent a place to store them or something but i could never afford that and honestly stocks and financial stuff is way too much work for me i just wanna vibe i basically work like 30hr/w and get paid for 40 and thats really ideal
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
4 day work week should be the norm eject the boomers demand better
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i did buy some oil stonks last year and got a decent return on them since but nothing crazy almost sold all of them
When I get promoted to program manager in a few months I'll get to work even less for even more. And then in a year or two I'll probably end up clinical director and then I can work even less for even more!
>>913764 oil prices have been so low for a while it's been nice since i drive a lot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's great and biden is gonna make the gov buy EVs
i'm trying to get this ADHD eval done today if i can get it done by tomorrow then i can get an extra $600 on the 1st if i don't then i don't get the 600 until march but i just can't focus!!!
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
having adhd makes doing adhd evals difficult they're so fuckin tedius tedious basically just going through and plugging in numbers and rewriting wordings i just have a template for it
personality test reports are way more fun because they're like a puzzle and writing them is art adhd reports literally just reporting flat out what the results showed booooring
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got clients starting in 12 minutes for the next three hours so i probably will have to try to finish this in da mornin
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://coloradotrails.com/blog/top-100-cowboy-expressions-and-phrases >Acknowledge the Corn- To confess the truth do cowboys really say this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
where have all the cowboys gone?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
to acknowledge the corn, sam, i just don't know...
I feel like it's only applicable in a situation where like, you've fucked up, and everyone sorta kinda knows, but you haven't actually admitted to it yet Sorta like the elephant in the room, ya know?
"I'm gonna address the elephant in the room" sounds fucking strange, too
The actual origin is insanity tho "we export corn, by which I mean we feed corn to pigs and sell the pigs"
Got a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so good night Fucking headache tod Too
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they should retire the names of really good viruses like sars wasn't that bad so they should have let covid be sars-cov-2 like it should have been but then after this they should retire the name
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like hurricanes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
isnt the new variant called 2-B or something
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sars-cov-2 b.1.1.7
it'sstill in early access
>>913781 >2-B The new Corona-chan should have 2B proportions.
there's gonna be a lot of sad bag holders tomorrow imo we'll see well, the hedge fund went bankrupt so mission fuckin accomplished
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>913784 lucky son of a bitch every day i be watchin for a chance to get it whenever they announce a new wave of vaccinations the appointments are always gone by the time i get to it
today was really funny because I was talking to the friend I showed Redline too. And they were like "this is just like Redline. Just balls to the wall high octane money flinging." And I was like yeah, you know what, let's do it. And I put on Yellow Line. Bought BB calls, and then sold them for +1k after the song ended. we just sat there and laughed.
i wish i were crazy enough to do that day trading shit i just cant do it too much to pay attention to
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i rarely daytrade anymore too much stress yea i just buy and sell near market close mostly that said i am currently in a whole bunch of options so its stress
At this point, I'm just putting money into 401k/457, some money into a high interest savings account, and holding a little bit in the stock accounts for moments specifically like this. I don't trade at the rate I was before. I'm just going in and out. Snatch a few grand in under 10m, and close theapp.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably a good strat this bubble could suddenly pop any day im in a lot of biden stonks which all like died today wtf along with all the arks
For me, I don't really see the point of a 401k. I am like 90% sure the economy will not exist by the time I'm old enough to use it. I mean, 40 years from now? No way. And even if it does, I'm probably going to end up being some weird monk living in a temple or something when I'm really old.
It's how you get wins But there's something a little UNSPORTSMAN like in just always looking for weaker players
>>913809 Well don't worry you're getting to the point where team comp matters and the total power rating of a team can range from being valid to wildly useless in figuring out if you'll win or lose
Like sure if you find someone with a power rating like three or four hundred below yours then sure you'll probably win But good luck with that
Honestly looking at other people's power ratings around my rank either power ratings really are just mostly abstract and don't do a great job of conveying how strong you are, or I'm -really- underpowered compared to people around my rank and frankly it's a wonder I don't get knocked down more often.
if watching shonen all day erry day for the past two weeks has taught me anything it's that the power of friendship can overcome any odds.
It's probably a bit of column A and a bit of column B Power ratings favour high attack stats and a character's damage output I think, which can inflate your rating if you do something like stack your party with high-damage front-liners that might take out one opponent before all crumpling like the glass cannons they are
It also doesn't do a great job of expressing the value in having damage nullifiers/tanks and characters with really useful stun or blind debuffs, I don't think.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>913814 yeah for sure. I've found that looking at the other party's characters is a lot more useful than the player lvl or power rating.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
That fucking Loli rabbit girl with the carrot sword Stun lock for days
There's also that little girl with the giant bell They're both frontliners so they're relatively tanky at the least
My bane's still Pudding-chan though She can soak up way too much damage
You know the ultimate deciding factor is still probably how much money they're willing to spend
I don't really know how much truth there is to that I can't recall ever seeing a team that looked like the player had whaled hard to get the memory shards needed to ascend their characters to 5* And it's not like spending money accelerates your ability to improve the characters -that- much. You've still got to roll the drop tables for the equipment pieces
If you spend gems on stamia refills you can spend more time grinding for equipment
Of course, but that's kind of akin to saying " If I spend more money at the casino I've got more chances of hitting the jackpot" It's still contingent on actually getting the stuff you need -- which, of course, is way better than your chances at a casino jackpot, admittedly Also you're limited in a day to a finite amount of stamina refills It's still a lot, but it's not unl imited grinding. I also think the pace at which progress grows to a sluggish halt isn't really made much better by the refill purchases Finally I think characters might cap out at level eighty anyway so it might just be a matter of time before the F2P players catch up anyway
>>>/watch?v=wP1ZIL50Zd8 Rei died on the way to his home planet >>913875 it's ultra zero flavoured with a lil tinge of rose maybe or strawberry, whatever it is there's so little of it
I watched their recent wonder woman review I appreciate them going back to correct themselves even though the movie still wasn't good
i might watch boyhood mite b good or I could watch the simpsons take on it first to appreciate it differently
>>>/watch?v=39t7TQ2mymA if you have six hours to spare it's one of those "I drew an avatar in six different poses to get my point across" kind of videos unfortunately but for the runtime of this video I'll cut him some slack >>913881 I'll watch them on very odd occasions also this https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiFa_5ufmLpBnArGtM6o2cyuyzCCb0VBY guy does compilations of stuff I like too
I've never actually seen an episode o half in the bag. I mainly just watch best kf the worst aand the plinkett stuff.
>>913904 I was trying to jumpstart my mom's car the other day with a jumpstart battery thing but while it was turned on if you opened the door the car horn would turn on and stay on Same if you opened the door and then turned it on, so I had to wait until my dad could sit in the car while I turned it on.
sounds like cursed cars time for an insurance right off
write off
Better than a wrong on
my sister has a friend that used to do insurance fraud apparently they pushed one off their cars off a cliff huge if true
>>913911 WTF? I had no idea there were cliffs in Australia.
uhh there absolutely is
>>913913 That was a joke. Does your sister hang out with a lot of criminals or just that one?
Ugh I have a bunch of dishes to wash I think I'll just put them all in tge sink and put dish soap and hot water in them and wash them tomorrow.
Of course I was ordered to do them before I go to bed by my mother but fuck that It's 11:30~ abd I'm actually fucking tired for once If I do the dishes it'll wake me up
fuxk it dude don't do shit and worrying about the consequences later worry about sometimes it be like that
>>913989 you, you get it >>913992 o shit what's the point of being robin hood if you can't go for the big score
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
robin hood was already complete jokes now it's absolutely jokerificating
look at me im da joker nao
that is pretty fucked up though discord kicking off wsb for hate speech is a joke too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
discord can legally do that it's not cool but like there's even sort of a case to be made there, not a fair one this on the other hand this is straight up rigging
yeah I can see the case it's just weaksauce but 100 percent it's rigging on the part of robinhood
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
absolutely haram welp time to kill the gay forest men i guess and then kill the royalty too and the talking animals while we're at it viva la guerre
>>914028 aww you'll be fine. What that idiot needs two years to prepare for I can just do off the top of my head.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>914024 that's one way to do a reaction i guess i appreciate it more than a lot of shouting and pog faces just the sheer shock
he does look kind of punchable at least it's not shkreli levels of smug >>914030 you see this is where I could jump in and make up a fake case for you to defend but brain don't work too good after work
I hate when YouTube does that thing where it pre-fills forms on ads I know you guys have all of my information but there's no need to shove it in my face even if I could do the thing they're trying to sign me up for, I wouldn't, for that reason amongst other reasons
nice bikini boat speaking of boats they released some kancolle alcohol im gonna look for it at lawson this weekend >>>/@C2_STAFF/1353200436367384576photo/1
how much whale money and popularity do they still have that they can do that
i mean they made a arcade game and theyre still making anime girls so i think its still popular
i dont think theyre ghonna have it in okinawa they rarely got stuff here :/
The funny thing iws, as soon as uwu teww me (and quite pwoudwy, i might add) thawt uwu pwimawiwy wun winux, i awweady know a ton abouwt uwu. I know thawt uwu have no awtistic abiwity -- thawt uwu'we nowt intwo fuww-stack ow fwont-end dev (no photoshop), uwu'we nowt a photogwaphew (no wightwoom), awnd uwu'we nowt intwo video editing (no finaw cut pwo). I know uwu'we nowt a softwawe entwepweneuw, as uwu wouwd have needed fuww-stack devewopment fow thawt. I know uwu'we nowt intwo wemote cowwabowation with icwoud (and dwopbox suppowt iws being ended soon). I know uwu'we nowt an ios devewopew (no xcode), ow mobiwe devewopew at aww (which genewawwy wequiwes photoshop). I know uwu haven't honed youw ux/pwoduct sense. Even if uwu duaw-boot, i know uwu'we in pain awnd wiww pwobabwy wose a bunch of data owne day awnd have no idea whawt happened. Uwu see thawt? in youw seawch fow "fweedom," uwu have boxed youwsewf in wike a caged wat.
hello /moe/
hey anon hows it hanging
not bad
das good
I think /moe/ is 10 years this month I can't remember
hm im supposed to get my second dose tomorrow but i dunno where its at
There's no way halting all trades in order to benefit yourself as a trading platform is like, above board, right? I mean technically I'm sure they'll get away with it, I'm not talking about that
>>914079 It's a very sad anime with very happy aesthetics. I like it a lot. I think it's really good and I really want to see more. I've gotten kind of emotional during the last two episodes at some points.
Honestly I kinda wiah I'd had the opportunity to invest in GME because it would make watching this stock ticker careening around the graph way more fun
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hi hi ive been nappin on and off the market has been wrecking my sleep
(saved AMC, not anything like destroyed wall street forever)
I'd rather have movie theaters than Wall Street to be honest AMC's stock seems to have kinda flatlined at pretty low since the big excitement though Where as GME is still a rollcoaster ride
I have to be rediagnosed with adhd it seems Fucking stupid
Harder to get diagnosed with it as an adult too, so I've heard Best of luck
I think it'll be fine but it's fucking stupid I'm already fucking diagnosed, I shouldn't need to go through another examination
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bruh wtf in the US you can just go to forhims.com click some emojis and get adderall?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no way it's that easy
I'm not even doing this for meds
Well whatever I have no hope in my own future anyway This is just going through the motions, and if it fails it fails and I'll just like, give the fuck up and stagnate until there is no escape
No big deal
>>914146 They're making it harder to get ADHD diagnoses these days I feel bad for med students, how are they supposed to get through med school without Adderall?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's impastable you gotta have a buddy with the hookup
I think the months of poor sleep and general winter malaise are finally starting to have a really bad effect on my mental health. My mother called last night for her regular check-in and I made the mistake of saying I'd been dragging my heels on signing the contract for going from a seasonal employee to full time for my job, which lead into talking about how I'm still not happy working there and trying to explain that I don't see having a stable job I'm being made miserable by as av -as a good long term option. But my mother, always the person to jump to the end conclusion and put it in your mouth for you, decided that meant I wanted to just keep mooching off her and my family and started accusing me of "just using" her, at which point I definitely started getting agitated and raising my voice a bit. Which might not sound like much, but I'm not an aggressive conversationalist and it normally takes a lot for me to get vocally angry with some, at least normal angry. I'm more likely to try and abandon the conversation before getting agitated by it than ride it out until that point. I did kind of end up doing that not long after when it was clear she didn't want to talk about this anymore but man. I'm just so absolutely drained all the time right now. I don't know how much longer I can exist in this state before something goes broke.
can't believe im gonna wake up at 5 tomorrow to have an opportunity to get an appointment for covid vax it's like trying to get into a kancolle server for the first time again
that's kind of nostalgic but also fuck kancolle
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>914152 sorry bout that you don't owe anyone an explanation gambatte
But I need help, like Big H Help, because on my own I'm like fifty steps shy of being a functioning, capable adult, and I don't know how to convince people to help me or help me get help without having a good explanation for persuasiveness Because I don't fucking know how to do it on my own.
Like she's not even entirely wrong about me using her or taking advantage, but like usual she sees the symptoms and assumes it's the disease I just don't have the lifev skills or psychological well-being to be a functioning person so of course I latch on to other people for dependence. It's like the fundamental survival skill humans learn from childhood. i don't want to be like this but it's not like I know anything better, so it's kind of either this, or die, and at the least I haven't hit that threshold yet.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta keep learnin and growin always that's life
Yeah but you know what's also life? Going to find a nice deep snowbank go die in
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
be honest with yourself, is death what you really want?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
stagnation is fine, i havent accomplished anything for a whole year+ and im comfortable staying at home for now but i know the Call is out there
>>914161 No, but what I really want is fundamentally untenable To be free to consume media and play games as I want and work towards creative skills and projects as idly and meanderingly as I like and not have my day be carved up by exhausting and unsatisfying jobs So if what I want isn't achievable, and the only options I feel presented to me more so fly directly in opposition to it Then it becomes increasingly difficult to answer the question of "Why bother?"
I lack a fundamental ambition to lay a path of action to even a fragment of the goal I really want, or the broader life management skills to understand the too
Yeah I'm aware Okay nevermind
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Fundamental? You're starting to sound like another poster here...
dogecoins a meme thing so anytime a meme money movement happens it moves too >>914189 googlr.com first link
unrelated question, where can I sink my life savings into dogecoin?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk coinbase doesnt carry it
maybe Kraken
the creators of that slave foot fetish new vegas mod took it offline lol
last time i looked at dogecoun u had to trade bitcoin for dogecoin lol >>914191 why does the coinbase app so much dude...
suck too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you gotta use coinbase pro
do u got the coinbase debit card
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why does the coinbase app suck too much dude >>914196 nah sounds like a tax nightmare
soeaking of taxes i just got my w2 time to file and get my 3.5k
oh fuck coinbase pro is busy so many numbers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
supaa hackaa modo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can watch those beeg sell walls crash against the shores of fomo and panic
damn I could lose so much money on this gonna throw in a little
buy buy huy buy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no sell, only buy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably should just buy tiny amounts of bitcoin rather than doge at this point but who knows maybe there's another wave comin
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm stockin up on ETH myself i think the next two years will be good to it
why buy one BTC when you could buy five hundred thousand dogecoin?
Ah it's going to drop as low as -14C outside tonight Fuck it's already cold I could really do with learning how the thermostat works here, or at least get myself a space heater
why do literally anything when you could be watching hyouka
>>914367 I was hoping it might, 'cause I was going to see if I could buy the dip But at this rate I might still buy in to see if the supposed insane squeeze will be real
I don't think we can buy those stocks anymore. Almost all of the apps that let us insignificant peons play the market are banning people from buying GME or AMC. Robinhood app actually forced everyone to sell all of their GME shares at less than half price in order to "protect them from a volatile market" there's already a class action suit over it lol
well there isn't hard proof of that, to be clear
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what do you mean there isn't proof?
I mean all we have is the claims of the people it apparently happened to, as of right now
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not just claims but also numerous screenshots of the messages they got and the transaction histories showing the selling at low price
>>914384 I bank with the owners of Ameritrade, so I think as long as I can by stocks in general, I should be able to buy the meme stocks Since Ameritrade never blocked retail trading
Yeah, I guess there's that too
The bigger problem is I might not be able to load things on my phone properly because I have no data And I'm fairly reticent to try accessing my bank information on my work PC over my work's network
>>914384 Also when it comes to class action, who actually decides if the offended party agrees to settle?
if you're lucky MAYbe you sell higher than you buy but will you be caught by greed or will you scalp too ruthlessly
Buy rn what are u doing wtf stop typeing and post ur stofk orders
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okayyy sorry uncle
i just made u 10 trillion dollars remember ne when u get a hot wife so i can have one of her friends
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf im a scundionaire
someone linked me sneedcound sneedcoin
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Sneed is an experimental digital currency that enables instant, private payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Sneed is a fork of Dash based on a joke from The Simpsons. hah why dash i wonder
Uber keeps giving me discounts on UberEats orders I don't really like them but the discounts are starting to get really nice And I've been craving something like ramen that's hard for me to get takeout by myself Do -So I might take the discount for a night of free or cheap ramen tonight and then hope it makes them fuck off and stop bothering me.
>>914442 Those services exploit restaurants for a big profit. Restaurants barely make any money off of orders through those services.
the moderna one can be stored in a normal freezer i believe i'll figure it out and if i don't, these rich bastards won't even know it's expired anyway
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wowww sacrificing rich people lives for financial gain
from what i hear kirara moderna is the one that does need low temps because some folks would no show for their appts here and they can't refreeze their vaccines
Yeah! The heat in the group room wasn't working right. It just kept heating endlessly, so it was like 100F (actually 78f) in there. Too hot for us to do group!!! So we ended early.
wait you got out of work early because you're in heat!?!?
Yeah the ramen and dumplings were a combo but then I realized the UberEats discount I had didn't cover delivery fees, tips, or taxes Which left me with a good ten dollars left in the discount So I added the karaage to maximize food
damn i want some karaage like real bad but i have enough leftovers for a few days so oh well
How long has 4K been a semi-standard display resolution offered by streaming sources? Probably a good five or seven years after that, since the anime industry is always slow as fuck
yogurt is a liquid with solids suspended in it curry is the same pudding is usually solid but the meaning of the word pudding can be a lot of things some puddings (like the pudding you're probably thinking of) are non-newtonian fluids, which i think means that they are technically solids
it is possible to have forms of these that are more liquid or solid than others though
>>914559 Technically pudding is a colloid but it acts like a liquid so it's more liquid than solid.
you can if you're my idiot friend who always leaves the broth wtf is wrong with him
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
What in the actual fuck
When I opened the container the broth came in to pour it into my noodles the stuff smelled so good I was almost persuaded to just drink the broth itself right then and there.
i got ramen once and they gave me way too much broth for the bowls i had in my house so after eating everything else, i poured the remaining broth in yeti cup and sipped broth for the next 30 mins god i want to do that again
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
even if you can't finish all the ramen you have to drink the broth
They've got heated vending machines in Japan Why don't they just sell canned broth you can buy warm
they probably do
Yeah probably.
I got a hot corn soup when I went a few years ago it was alright
Oh yeah I remember seeing that. Forgot about it. And you can get stuff like hot bean soup in a can too.
i looked up a video and this guy was sad b/c the machine is out of corn soup
oh he found another machine it has corn soup his day is saved
Corn soup machine broke
so much pocari sweat
Replace my actual sweat with Pocari Sweat
horrible, horrible, horrible.
it says you can get pocari sweat in mexico anybody wanna make a drive
pocari sweat is pretty good calpico is great too highly recommend
The izakaya I went to pretty regularly before bars kinshi had a pretty good Calpico-based cocktail. I think it's a bit too thick for me to get regularly but it's a neat concept. Plum wine is still probably my favourite thing to get at an izakaya
actually now that i remember there's an H-mart around here that definitely sells pocari sweat and calpico
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why don't we have heated vending machines
i've actually seen vending machines that make hot coffee or that sell you a cup noodle with a serving of hot water at rest stops
I've seen those but in the back of my mind I always wonder if someone hasn't just opened it up and pissed in it it's a rest stop man
i mean a vending machine at a rest stop is probably not a safe bet for anything but i know that the invention exists in the states
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that sounds like something that could happen
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they should have vending machines that can give you a fresh, warm, gooey cookie
Yeah but not at rest stops Because gooey cookies at rest stops doesn't sound good at all At all.
food shouldn't come from liminal space >>914614\ or a warm brownie
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ohh yeah. or like, a warm piece of apple pie
Or a gently toasted bagel
hmm time to start a business
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what's the business name, shachou
haven't gotten that far I'll hire some silicon valley marketing kid to figure that part out
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how about gooey louie's
yer hired
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
alright the mascot is obviously louie and louie is a cookie just absolutely dripping with chocolate and he has a mustache and in the advertisement he's being ripped in half by a pair of hands to highlight how gooey louie is
i saw a tesla today driving around. it was blue and they kept switching lanes without using their blinkers. god elon musk is a cunt
wow blue should learn to drive better
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ill never forget the time blue was like "yo gimme the aux" and then he blasted his weird hair cutting asmr while we barrelled down the highway in a kia soul that had one person too many in it
there's this annoying kid i used to do therapy with that ghosted me around when covid hit his mom started texting me asking if i would do therapy again for him at first i was going to ignore it but she started texting me every day and calling the office so eventually i gave in and im seeing him tomorrow
last time i saw him he was refusing to do his homework because "the other me doesn't want me to" and the other him was his brain he was like "im gonna go to a good college because ill die if I don't but i can do it without doing homework" and he was like 16 he came from a wealthy family, was properly medicated for his adhd and everything but then he'd like complain that his new car was the wrong color and that driving it gave him anxiety because it was black instead of silver
one time he accidentally hit the accelerator instead of the break and the car stopped him from driving into a wall and i was like "wow when i learned to drive i would have loved that" and he said "wow you're really old" BOY
nobody has the RAW TALLENT to press autoplay quite like I do
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
auto fight
YOU WON! Gained 3 XP.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> Well, a viral Twitter post on Monday drew the internet’s attention to the term “sigma male,” another exciting and innovative way in which society can limit masculine expression. Preach!
my knowledge contains the information, surely but my memory i only remember that i started posting here in.... 2011? 2010? i think the website had existed for about a year when i got here i think i got here late 2011 but i'm honestly not sure
i think it was January 2011 /archive/ is no help since it reset
i think it may have been around then or at least doushio we know i'm sure it existed on his hard drive or on a github before that the earliest repositories i'm seeing for the github tied to the current moe is the cyoa thing he made, that first thing being in 2012 but i know i was here in 2011 so maybe he used a different github or didn't have anything there until then i feel like i remember posts existing jan 2011 but also maybe before that
>>914692 Probably Circumcision isn't popular outside of the US and muslim countries. And Israel
>>914685 is this gonna be like in an anime where you load a consciousness up alongside our current ones and our entire worldviews explode and we go crazy
>>914694 That's not funny, my brother died that way.
apparently we're getting the pfizer and astrozeneca vaccine and the eu are already clockblocking us on pfizer ai think
We're supposed to be getting 6-8 inches of snow within the next 24 hours. I really do not look forward to having to clear a path ffor my mother to get to her car.
why those vaccines or why hmm >The European Union has introduced tighter rules on exports of COVID-19 vaccines that could hit shipments to nations including Australia, amid a deepening dispute with drug manufacturers Pfizer and AstraZeneca over supplies of potentially lifesaving shots.
Key points: The EU unveiled plans to tighten rules on exports of coronavirus vaccines produced inside the bloc The measure could be used to block shipments to many non-EU countries The World Health Organisation said the restrictions could harm poorer countrie
i got like 500k tiny jpeg thumbnails to download out of the archives and then figure out how to slot those in there after that, hopefully i can screenshot some threads but will i follow thru find out next time
oh shit spoke too soon rip peas >>914738 nah I'm pretty sure I saw the same mouse out in the kitchen I put a traditional trap and the fucker took the food off >>914744 i did in fact im just gonna live with it I guess unless it starts breeding
Well Steak I like rare It's not safe to have ground beef rare >>914756 Get kosher meat, they drain the blood out.
bit too bloody for my taste
Anyways I'd eat steak raw if it were safe.
Tgey might also drain the blood out of halal meat but I'm not 100% sursure. That would probably be easier for you to find. There's more Muslims than Jews in Australia.