I have so many projects lined up in this minecraft world I share with dutchfriend For one, I'm in the process of making a library with a false wall that opens up to reveal the enchantment table, encased in bookshelves Which won't be too hard, but after that I've also gotta figure out a way to make a mob farm without a spawner, which is a bit of work And the second floor of the library is gonna have lava lighting, cause it's made of that new nether wood that doesn't burn
oh that sounds interesting
It's a bit of work, though I've been at this library for a fairly long time now, though granted it's my project and I haven't played much this week since I've been reading umineko and really just haven't felt like putting effort into stuff after work
It being a shared server is good though, since it means there's a reason to build what I want to see I get to show it off to my friend In singleplayer I just wear out after a short while, cause there's no reason beyond my own satisfaction to keep doing these elaborate builds
beyond belief fact or fiction has good spooky vibes
Aggressively expanding my library building and doing trickery to make it look different on the inside than the outside There's a few places here where there's a double wall, and the second floor is actually like 3 tiles above the roof of the first floor to make room for redstone contraptions Absolutely absurd build
I am building a fucking deck outside the library in order to justify the wonky outline of the second story There's a polished diorite patio under 1/4th of the second floor now, gonna put... stuff in there
The main issue with this build is adding windows to the first floor is very dangerous
>>885014 Does your phone not automatically connect to a WiFi network it recognizes?
I slept much better tonight than I did the first night. Though that's pretty normal since I usually don't take long to adjust to a new sleeping location. Feels like really good sleep too, I'm in a really well-rested mood right now.
>>885017 I turn it off because it connects to public wifi when I'm out
>>885035 Hm, last time I was doing Satisfactory number crunching, approximately 18.2% of my factory's iron input was going towards iron rods. But this is also with the alternate recipe for screws unlocked that let me make screws directly from iron ingots without the iron rod mid-step.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm mass producing rotors it' s hilarious there's like a dump truck's worth of screws going into producing one rotor
If you're not using the screw alternate recipe, I'd strongly advise going exploring to find it before seriously commiting to something like a rotor mass production. Alternate recipes almost universally give you better ratios of the base ingredients involved in making them, or utilise resources that you might not be using too much of for other stuff anyway.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bruh i haven't gotten that far yet
If you're at the point where you're trying to mass-produce rotors, you should be more than able to start looking for the alternate recipes.
>>885041 Have you seen anything that kinda looks like Fixit-brand crash sites or spaceship rubble?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how do i get an alternate recipe?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i saw one crash site at the start of the game
There's a bunch of them scattered throughout the world. Each one once unlocked will give you a hard drive which you can stick in the M.A.M. to process and unlock alternate recipes. There is an element of randomness inovolved but generally you should mostly get recipes for only stuff you can already craft, so starting on the recipes as early as possible will give you good chances of getting the really good ones for early game (screws are probably the best one you can find period).
think the time I made curry I just defaulted my mindset into it taking like 2 hours since it is essentially a stew and those take minimum of 2 hours usually
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
once my shit is simmering i'll take a look at what you sent me
>>885063 feel free to askq uestions I have a bad habbit of differing from what I write down and basically keeping 0 notes due to trusting my memory, which so far hasn't failed me
also finglish and just plain finnish
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my ankles are so sore my running guy changed my running form to make it more efficient and put less shock onto my knees
Well I get to enjoy my PC again for nine or ten hours before I have to pack it away again hah hah I can't obtain my animated cartoons from my laptop after all. Plus now I get to test how well this new Internet up here handles itself under -real- duress.
10 minutes until dinner! How exciting. I timed the rice and the curry almost perfectly! I was only off by a few minutes to have them finish at the same time. The rice just needs to steam for a few more minutes.
We had some pretty good steak for dinner tonight. Served alongside potatoes from my parent's garden up here and beets from a farmer uncle of my mother's. Was pretty nice.
We've got this cheap-ass like twenty buck rice cooker that honestly makes rice really nicely. You gotta wash the rice pretty thoroughly before running it i it or else the starch does fuck with things, and it's best to unplug the cooker as soon as the rice is done, but it works really well regardless.
I do like the fact that two factions at war allow the other faction to have 20 unit stack to march through their undefended lands unmolested to not assault the other faction but march slowly to my territory and then attack me
like wut AI wonkiness at maximum much?
just stop CA with this bullshit it just takes me so much out of the game always
this is a weird feeling I began to watch randomly some "legendoftotalwar" videos and damn did they teach me much on how to abuse the modern Total War AI just little bit of cavalry manuevering and half of the enemy army is on the otherside of the battlefield useless
this didn't happen in rome rome2 that is I can tell you that I use a FUCKTON of cavalry in that game to try and disrupt the enemy hell my favourite faction is 100% cavalry
the question really is how did the Ai get this much dumber?
I can just feign charges with a hero to keep the enemy melee units incapable of entering my spearline and keep peppering them with flying pointy sticks instead >>885095 wass it about
you watched Dai no Daibouken btw?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have no idea what its about i guess people with powers doing crimes?
and one person pretending to have powers because she accidentally got involved in the machinations of a robot cat
>>885098 hmm it is based on an ooold manga but if you like the classics it is worth watching
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
isn't it just dragon quest?
basically but still damn good shounen atleast the manga I havn't myself checked the anime more than that it looked decently enough animated and followed the story
but isn ot any of the games it is 100% its own story
also it has my favourite line ever "What happened to my EXPLOSION"
why not if people give me clothes I wear them clothes get more use thsn probably most things I'm given
I had relatives that ued to always give me polos. I hate polos. I would never wear them unless forced to my parents.
*by my parents Now I have two or three decent polos though. One is a magic the gathering polo and the others are from embassies or consulates or something. I used to like graphic socks but for the past few years I've had this thing where my feet get too hot unless I wear athletic socks.
a leather jacket isn't too shabby as a gift though
>>885170 Yeah it's pretty good, to be more specific In general, clothes are not good presents (for me).
>>885181 No, what does that have to do with anything? He mentioned he was involved with socom, my uncle was involved with socom operations so I mentioned it
>>885185 cause that translates to me as bragging about 0
I'm getting real good guidance, so I'm improving at a good pace And it's fun when I get the sale through Still gotta pump the numbers though
Oh the owners of this
condo my mom is renting didn't change the password or router ID from the factory details on the back hah hah. Easy Internet access.
Looks like the Internet hits a stable 10-11 megabits, which is, okay. If I'm torrenting stuff I'll probably need to get a bit more of a headstart on it than I usually do, but I should be able to manage fine.
Though also it's the weekends that are crazy loaded this season and the weekdays are pretty lax. Shouldn't be hard.
Twitter on my phone recently has started jumping to the top of the stack when it loads new stuff on opening the app, rather than staying where it was. I much preferred it that way since it let me progress chronologically through the new stuff. But I guess if it's stuck this way now I gotta just start going backwards.
No stop don't you see the regret dripping from my post this isn't congratulations this is wage hell It's a consistent 9-5:30 Mon-Fri job though and consistency is nice.
I actually feel fairly good about the stuff I'm selling at my job It's like, antibac stuff From DEUTCHLAND At least I'm not selling garbage, but actually good stuff. Expensive good stuff, but good stuff We're upmarking this shit at 500% lmao
I mean I checked their website and it just has a buy button right there like any Web shop But like, my job is to sell to people, not just tell them about this product
Hell most of the time the brand doesn't even come up
Selling stuff at a store or a booth etc is fun but selling stuff to people, marketing basically is pure hell like contacting people and trying to get them to buy shit
don't do telemarketing
I'm having fun with it It'll be more fun when I get better at it, for now the goal is a sale a day, but that's nothing compared to the other 2 at work One of em got 6 sales today
you arrive at 9 start calling people and maybe if you are lucky get 1 sale before 16 when people are actually off work and have time to even listen to you and then you actually start selling stuff, maybe, if you are good at it or well are just lucky to get people who are interestedi n whateer shit you are peddling
tho even worse than telemarketing is face to face selling ont he streets
We don't sell to individuals, that'd be impossible We sell to businesses
Oh apparently there'll be a building-wide power outage starting around nine today, running for anywhere between five to eight hours. Guess I don't get a lot of time with my PC today RIP
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Thats so weird, I'm getting a building-wide outage today too, starting at 9, while they do maint on the AC units outside
Also means I should probably make sure all my devices are charged. Though I guess if the power is going out I wouldn't have Internet regardless, so it's only really my phone that needs it.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when do you start work
Tomorrow, not today. So it's going to be a pretty dead day for me I guess. Plus everywhere's closed for indoor eating again because Covid-19 cases are on the rise so I can't even find a nice cafe to set up in or something. Still might go out for a walk and coffee anyway though. Not like there's much else to do.
All the best adventures take place in plague-stricken countries!
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow, like 8% of all covid cases in the US are in florida
Geez. It's a reasonably populous state but not one of the -really- populous ones, is it? Like you could make an argument of population size for like New York or California. Or Texas probably I couldn't tell you what most populous States are. Less relevant for Florida.
Apparently we got almost 5000 new cases registered on Saturday.
Yesterday's Ontario-wide cases for Covid-19 was 704, which is concerningly high when I think we were at like 150-200 around the end of August. 244 were located within Toronto itself, an upswing from yesterday's 197. If you're looking at our seven day average cases though, we're down from yesterday's 273 to 264, which might mean people are settling back into precautionary measures and slowing the rate of infection. Or that we just got lucky and there's a blip in less cases in the last week.
Yep, her, Fubuki, and Korone kinda all hit the same point very near 950,000 subs last night. But Gura's still growing at a crazy rate while Korone grows at a consistent but slower rate, and Fubuki kinda just whatever and still gains subs. Kinda just does whatever even.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
That shark is nuts.v How does she do it?!
Virality helps, a lot. Once a ball starts rolling it's pretty easy to keep it moving. About a week or so after HoloMyth's debut there were some Twitch losers who tried to drag her into a big ethical kerfuffle about how young her character model looks and what that says about appealing to audiences and tried to get her cancelled. Seems like the attention just Streissand'd Gura though, since you know, she doesn't really play the typical "give me attention" character. She also speaks English, and while Japan is still the bastion of people comfortable watching cute 2D girls do
cute things, English just de facto has a wider range of appeal and understandability. Like anime and stuff is BIG throughout SEA and Latin America, who probably for the most part haven't really picked up Japanese, but will have picked up English far more likely. There's also the fact that she really enjoys horror games, which statistically tend to do very well for channels on YouTube that have any kind of pre-existing forward momentum. Minecraft is another big one in that book, and can do a lot for pulling in views to your channel.
And ultimately, she's just charismatic. She welcomes people in at the start of streams, asks people how they're doing, what they're eating, is overall just a pleasant stream host to have around. She's got a good blend of comedic timing and comedic luck, and generally seems to riff off things that happen to her in games in a quick and witty way. It's a powerful combination of factors that have really let her skyrocket in popularity. She probably wouldn't have accelerated this fast, potentially even took off the ground, if Hololive wasn't already a bit of a viral sensation to begin with either though. The fact that hundreds of people already knew -hundreds of thousands of people already knew about Hololive definitely helped her ball rolling, which is what was needed in the first place!
all that to say that gura is the perfect storm a sharknado
Hm, I'm cutting it a bit close to the deadline for power going out. Hopefully there's enough time for that kettle to finish boiling.
>>885455 Pretty much! A lot of YouTube/online success really does have nothing to do with the actual person and just the circumstances of their debut and work output. It's a shame, since there's plenty of people with great charisma or quality content that just never find success because they fall short on one or two of the other contributing factors. Or people with trash content or poor charisma that still get viral because they overscore on the other factors. But it's not really something any one person can really control, hah hah.
Wow geez man I've never lived somewhere that gets sun as good as this living room at this time of day wow. The cloud cover finally broke and it's ridiculously MABURIGHTSHI
Oh, power's back on. They made better time with that than they said they would.
The big-ass grocery store that's like a twelve minute walk from this condo has a hot deli section I'm hoping is alright. Would be nice to have hot premade food that's more varied than pizza or fish and chips that's with a short walk of where I'm living for once.
I am going to kinda miss that fish and chips place though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I would like some hot premade food
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ughhhh my new house manager decided he can't relocate the day he was supposed to relocate
The difference between anime IWGP and live action IWGP is fucking ENORMOUS I didn't remember just how fucking... brutal the live action series is
In the anime, the G-Boys are like, good lads, technically a gang, but not like actually 'a gang' as you normally think of it In the live action they're absolutely a fucking gang, and the leader's not a cool, attractive bishi, but like, a fucking drug-addict looking dude
And it sure as shit doesn't deal with tame shit like youtuber beef Real crime Real scum of the fucking earth crime
Might have to do with the differences in what you can show in the timeslot the anime is running in. Though I dunno when that is.
I never read the source material, so I can't tell if they ramped it up for the live action or toned it down for the anime, but that's definitely possible MC-kun isn't a bishie either, and his relationship with the G Boys isn't at all the same It's similar, but only similar
Well the anime studio is Doga Kobo, who's better known for, y'know, half the CGDCT shows people talk about. New Game, first two seasons of Yuru Yuri, Umaru. On the occasion they do series with actual regular male characters they tend to be bishies or comedically scruffy dads. I don't think there's any chance they'd actually make a not-bishie major male character if they weren't a villain or something.
It's not too surprising since the original novel was like, a novel, not a light novel. Light novels, especially in the past decade, are way more anime-adjacent than standard novels, which are written not for the young adult otaku audience but rather the standard Japanese audience. So the characterization and settings are probably much easier to translate into live-action than stuff you'd see in light novels.
It's still pretty cool for this guy to just show up, and Makoto's like "Holy shit you're a dude!" and his buddy's like "that's cool as hell" It's from 2001 after all I don't think he's like, a villain or nothing either He's just a trans dude Makoto remembers as a girl from when he went to school
Everyone is causing me so much trouble today and it's annoying! If you discharge a client who is in housing, you need to ensure someone goes back to the house with them and gets them out of there! If you can't do that, you need to immediately notify me, the housing director, what is happening and keep the client under supervision until I or someone else can deal with it! Gaaah!!!
This morning, I was told that the COO and the VP of the corporation that owns my center will be visiting us tomorrow, and will want a tour. And I'm probably going to have to entertain these bastards and give them a tour of the housing. Here's a quote from the VP >If you try to measure every single action and result in your company you'll end up with data that can answer almost any question. What a douchebag lol
quantify everything data is answer
Well sure but you're pretty silly if you think you can measure EVERY single action. Like motherfucker good luck counting how many crumbs are stuck in the corners of your break room. Or the microbial counts on your surfaces.
The notion that if you can measure everything you will have the answer for everything isn't conceptually false but it's fucking impossible to measure everything in the first place! None of us are Laplace's Demon.
I'll have to wear a suit jacket tomorrow, too. Should I let them see my I'd Rather Be Squatchin hat? Or should I wear a professional hat? My suit needs to be dry cleaned. Mendokusai, mendokusai.
>>885508 Deshou? This dude is like the exact opposite of my philosophy for life, which is to measure as little as possible because measurement worship is such a dangerous thing.
I mean I like measuring and quantifying things because it satisfies the corner of my brain that releases dopamine when numbers go up and numbers go down and when everything is neat and level. But I also know there's a limit to how useful it is to calculate every number beyond personal satisfaction.
It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so maybe I can use that as an excuse to not get them into the houses. Or only get them into one house.
>>885512 hahaha Start off with sasquatch, switch to women want me fish fear me, then to top grandpa, and finish it off with it's time to fuck a pumpkin
>>885509 Start off wearing your Sasquatchin' hat and then first chance you get out of their focus swap the hats and say NOTHING about doing so.
At least we don't have anyone in the house that no longer has a house manager. The client that was in there relapsed last night and discharged now.
And we got rid of c diff-chan today too.
I've been looking at places to rent for the past hour or so. It's really annoying since it can be hard at times, at least at my price range, to parse the ones that are looking for roommates from solo offerings. While I don't really want roommates anyway a lot of them are female only so I gotta just throw them right out. I'd also much prefer something above ground but anything that's not a basement seems out of my pricing.
Also way too many of them come at best with a kitchenette of a hotplate and a microwave. I guess I could survive off something like that but I'd really miss having an oven damn it. I don't even like using the microwave to re-heat like 90% of what I eat!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's-a spicy WAP
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>885516 that sucks cities are really something else >>885515 what's rent like in toronto?
I see reports for a bachelor studio being like ~1400 CAD monthly. Which is a lot! Honestly there's probably a good chance I'm being way too idealistic about looking for an apartment cheap enough that I can make rent and neccessities, while having money for hobbies/enjoyment, AND saving a bit on the side. At minimum wage it would take 106 hours of work just to cover the rent alone, or like 25 hours of work per week if you can get consistent hours week-to-week. You'd probably need another five hours to cover food expenses, and then maybe a few more hours of work for some other weekly/monthly expenses. I think, especially in this pandemic season, you'd be pretty lucky to find a job that covers you for thirty-five hours of stable week-to-week work. I kinda did, I think, with the place I'll be working at, but it's a seasonal position again that'll be over by the end of January unless they want to/are able to keep me on. After that I'll be stuck trying to pick up work again and who knows how easy it'll be to get hours that can pay rent , utilities, and food.
Plus once my Required to Withdraw from my program expires later in 2021 I can take university classes again, and I thiiiink we'll probably be over the worst of Covid-19 by autumn next year so classes will probably be physical again. Which means I'd want savings anyway since I don't think I'd be able to juggle 35+ hours of work on top of class.
This is kind of a problem of mine that once I get crunching numbers I really dive deep into the really squirrely bits. But I also don't know how to convince myself that it's not information that's useful to know.
It might be good to just do one or two classes once you start again, to ease yourself back into it. And you might be able to juggle work with that. But yeah, savings are good.
It really sounds like a roommate might be necessary, though. Do you have any people in the area you trust that you could room with?
I don't really know. it's hard for me to consider even being comfortable around people enough to be roommates. Some of the girls I know from high school were talking about rooming up in a house or big condo but I haven't spoken with them in months so I don't know what their situation is. And my one friend that was dogging me to be a roommate a while back for reasons he refused to go into seems to have had a total turnaround on wanting to be out of his family's place since then. Aside from that, I don't really have anyone I know in the city, hell, the country. The only other Canadian I keep in regular correspondence with is Samurai hah hah If jumping into being roommates with people I know feels kind of a lot, then jumping into being roommates with total strangers is way a lot though.
i saw animes where the japs protest construction and i always assumed it was just tto make drama in the animes but they really do protest i see them out here with some jap signs look at them go
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you should join them
i cant i gotta get to the port to make this ferry :/
Man It would really be nice if Type Moon actually released something non Fate.
here ill post i it its got evil king lancer i. surprised it made it in im pretty suree its orange maru hes made like all the good ones like trick or treatment >>885636 oh ok
yes i asked the konbini girl to warm up my dnnerr and she actually did it Lol the madman
Isn't that standard conbini procedure
yeah lol then i dropoed my coins and a girl hekm helped my puck tgem up love at first sight?
>>885657 She wants the d. >>885653 Cool Do you know how to remove a bullet and sew up a wound? Or do they use medical glue for that?
no, i know how to do sutures but anywhere id be i dont remove the bullet im a front line medic and u gotta be in a sterile environment to do stuff like that i just pack the wound with combat gauze and wrap it to keep pressure
>>885699 >law is boring >said the accountant At least it involves more than addition, substraction, multiplication and exponentiation of rational numbers.
i spent like 2 hours with da big wigs from corporate i think i made a good impression, they seemed impressed with our operations and started getting a good understanding of how we do things
She took off her bear outfit and flipped it, but before putting it on again she commented how her pantsu don't get dirty, took them off, and left it at that
I gave those big wigs a tour of all my houses and everything went well. They were more friendly and likable than I expected. Well, as much as a corporate COO and VP can be. They seemed to understand our needs and stuff at least.
Personally, I had a bit of an anxiety attack or whatever you wanna call it, but luckily I also had a really upset stomach and could not possibly make the car ride to work, much less actually work, so I had an excuse to stay home So I basically slept until 10 I'm still not good at like, managing that stuff, but I'm good at recognizing the early stages of a complete meltdown now
Like when I can feel my eyes sorta glaze over, and my head goes foggy in 0.2 seconds, I gotta give whatever I'm up to a rest, or I'm in for up to a whole fucking week of incompetence Which is something I've known for a while, but often I've not acted on it, I've instead actively sought out more pain because I'm self-destructive But lately I've tried to avoid that
Were they there to decide how much funding you get or something?
>>885781 >>885782 That's good! You're getting better! Is it okay for you to miss work?
>>885783 Not exactly, we are the only non-residential facility the corporation owns, so they aren't really set up to work with us properly. We're always having problems with utilization review (insurance stuff) and they don't really understand how we work. So the COO and VP of operations came down to spend a day with us and learn how we work. We're mostly self-sufficient in terms of funding since we make bank but they might help us to expand our facility a little bit if they really like us. I think I made a good impression so maybe they will!
I had my boss call me and just explained to him like "I might be late cause the last two hours I've basically just been going back and forth between the bathroom and bed because it hurts like fuck if I'm not doubled over, and my stomach's not being kind atm", and he just told me he'd rather I stay home for the day then so I'm alright tomorrow I was gonna just be like 4 hours late, initially
Oh, so they're like your landlords, not your higher-ups I see
If it was just the pain and upset stomach, I'd be a bit miffed to miss work entirely, but seeing as today's been tough mentally too, it's kind of a blessing that my body decided today is when it's gonna act up It's not impossible the two are linked, but the pain and upset stomach happened before my brain got hurt, so I dunno I think I'd have been fine mentally if I didn't do certain things I know are bad for me
There's a bit of a compulsion in my head to push it, from time to time, because some small pocket in there still believes I'm faking my own pain and wants to prove it, but that attempt always ends in me hurting myself
>>885785 No, they're really my higher ups. The COO is the chief officer of operations. They're basically the CEO of the company in terms of their importance, but they technically report to the CEO. And it's a reasonably sized corporation. So they're pretty important. But we mostly operate independently and it's kind of federated, I guess, between locations owned by the company? We're our own thing, but we're part of the network and we abide by their policies and proceedures and they can tell us what to do and stuff. Like if the COO said "kirara, i don't like you. you're fired!" I'd be fired. But I don't report to them directly or anything.
>>885786 Well, just take it easy and get yourself back to full function! With GUTS!
Realy in terms of recovering from these things, I've found the only thing I can really do is wait It's just this thing, in the back, for the whole day when it happens, and if I keep pushing it, I can end up completely fucked up for a week at a time, sometimes more But I think I'll be somewhat OK tomorrow cause I broke it off immediately
>>885788 Well, they're still corporate folks so I wouldn't call them good, but them being here is probably good and will hopefully help us to help more people. And if they help with a little funding, we can expand into a residential facility which would be nice, although it'd be a lot more work for me as housing director lol
>>885789 Just gotta be patient with yourself. You're doin better now than you were a year ago!
I dunno if I'm doing better or if my environment has just changed Like, is someone with trauma 'doing better' if they just transitioned to living in an environment without their triggers and avoid them at all times? I'm not really sure
Well, trauma will fuck with you even without triggers. Triggers only cause the intensification of symptoms. The symptoms are always there in trauma. So even if they're in an environment that doesn't trigger them, they usually don't do too well. Relatively. The same is true of most psych issues.
Well in that case I guess I'm doing better To some degree I don't spend large amounts of time staring at the ceiling or hugging my knees in paralysis anymore, at least
There are SO many Wacom products in this warehouse, man. I haven't seen this many Cintiqs in like, ever. Where's Blue to salivate over all these with me.
Also day one I'm not really jiving with this job hah hah It pays well and has reliable hours but ugh I don't really like spending eight hours in a warehouse
The trick is to recognize there's no such thing as an enjoyable job without an education, and simply accept your own inexistence for 8 hours a day
That's dumb I refuse
to accept my own nonexistence. And I don't need an educated job. Like I enjoyed working the bookstore last holiday season. This just really isn't my jam.
Man I left my phone in the fucker Uber I had to take home. This wouldn't be a problem if we were allowed to take the public transit to and from work. Like fuck, I get it's a good way to prevent employees from being exposed to Covid-19 but fuck. I've never forgotten my phone on the TTC before.
At least you're more likely to get your phone back leaving it in an uber than if you left it on public transport
Yeah, I asked the concierge desk to look out for someone trying to return a phone. And once my mom's back I'll get her to call it to see if it's been turned in or still in the guy's car. But fuck man.
Plus I need my phone to book another Uber for tomorrow morning anyway because of this policy.
I should just find some WFH job so I can stop having to leave the house.
Okay PHEW Didn't take long at all for my phone to return to me hah hah. The driver even made a point of returning it to me directly. Gave him a tip and 5-star rating for the trouble.
Okay now that I'm done with the anxiety of losing my phone maybe I can actually eat this karaage rice meal meal I got for takeout.
Shit this is actually some real good karaage chicken. And it kept surprisingly warm for hot long it took for me to start eating.
today worked out in the end i made a good impression on the COO and VP, the houses were all in good working order, nothing too messy they seemed satisfied
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im gonna see if i can get corporate to pay for me to visit other facilities and learn about how they handle housing
Today kinda worked out for me. I forgot my phone in the Uber on the way home and it would've been a pain to get it back if not for the driver returning here and handing it back to me.
But I also really don't think I like this job that much hah hah.
Hm, it's not exciting, but it's not boring either. It's like enough work to keep my brain from going into autopilot but also not really satisfying either. The real drain I think is that I'm stuck in the warehouse for the job and that environment is just not comfortable for me. Too many hard surfaces, too much noise from people moving product around and handling cardboard boxes and their contents.
It's a lot of audio/visual products though, which is kinda neat. I was talking about it earlier but I've never seen so many Wacom products in one place before. I handled like almost twenty Cintiqs today. And processed an order of camera lenses that in total came to like 12,000 CAD.
I managed to bite my inside cheek last Saturday. Near by wisdom teeth. Since I still have my wisdom teeth, you know, if I roll a nat 1 while I'm eating, it's possible that they cut into my cheek. It's only happened once before now, like five years ago. So it's not a problem, really. But it turned into sore which is causing me a lot of grief. It's a little inflamed, you know how those get, and if I close my jaw completely, my wisdom teeth start biting on the little inflamed part. And it's making it really hard to eat!!! I couldn't eat my cereal this morning, it was too painful. If I eat something big enough, I can chew it without biting down on the sore, but it's still very painful.
>>885834 Maybe, but I didn't see anyone else in there wearing noise-cancelling gear so I assume it's a no-go. It's also kept really dry in there for safe storage probably.
And also it's really a lot to wear a mask nearly eight hours straight. I'm made even more amazed that people do it for the jobs that absolutely need it. I'd really much rather find work that doesn't have me stuck like that though!
>>885835 I had my wisdom teeth taken out and I still manage to bite the side of my cheek fairly often, so don't worry, it's just kind of a universal thing. It really sucks thoughhhh. Some times I just end up chewing only on one side of my mouth because I don't want to scrape up against the sore.
>>885836 Noise cancelling headphones would be dangerous in a warehouse environment.
It's really bad when I sleep. Now my default is to hold my jaw open a little bit. Hopefully that will give it time to heal!
Relaxing my jaw seems to really help me slip into "fall asleep" mode. But then I also usually end up mouth open as I'm sleeping and end up with sandpaper for a tongue when I wake up.
>>885888 YYeah >>885889 Especially in Chicago If they hit a gangbanger he's gonna shoot back with a real gun. Which is probably why they're sticking to the better parts of Chicago. But people definitely kill people over less in Chicago. I used to know a guy who was a violence interrupter and he told me stories about people literally killing another guy because he stepped on his shoe.