-- Erai-raws 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte iru Adachi to Shimamura Burn the Witch Episode 1-3 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Ikebukuro West Gate Park Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Kamisama ni Natta Hi Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha Hen Ochikobore Fruit Tart Senyoku no Sigdrdrifa Tonikaku Kawaii
-- Team Confidence Great Pretender
-- HorribleSubs Ahiru no Sora Black Clover Episode 143-147
There's been a couple shows that have aired over the weekend and the past couple days that I haven't added on because honestly there's already so much. Like even only doing four shows a night I'm not certain if we can keep up with the stuff we've already picked up hah hah Maybe there's some things that'll be drop worthy two or three episodes in but it's hard to tell at this point. I've been enjoying a lot of what we've been getting this season.
I kinda like the notion of the MC being a kind of fixer of sorts, doing the stuff neither the police can do because they need to operate inside the law, nor what the colour gang his friend runs can do because they can't risk revenge. And Ikebukuro is a cool neighbourhood of Tokyo. But I'm also unrepentantly biased and the fact that the cast is like 95% guys is a bit of a drain on me.
Oh the Smoking Kills shirt is back. Does the MC own like a single T-shirt.
Red and blue gangs seem to really be a universal constant wherever rowdy kids band together.
Looks like there's a third party involved here that's trying to start a gang war. Or I guess just have them butting heads with each other so that the company doesn't have to worry about the colour gangs sticking up for the little man
It's a pretty mundane kind of drama but they play it up in a fun way.
Also they're having al -a lot of fun here mocking the tone-deaf way Japanese companies are obsessed with apologizing for everything but taking no actual benefitial action.
This reminds me of that show ika liked so much except more grounded
You're going to have to be a bit more specific than that for me to know which show it was hah hah. Ika might not've liked too many of the shows we watched but there was still quite a few of them.
I thought it was a good episode Ochikobore no idea what to expect on this
huh okay well let's give it a shot lets start
This one's a manga out of the Kirara Time magazine franchise. So cute girls doing cute things. I think it's a bit like a mash up between Comic Girls and Love Live. The character designs are pretty cute.
This girl has some very Yuru Camp's Nadeshiko vibes.
Rat Production isn't a very flattering name for your idol production agency Oh it's just a script.
Yeah Tokyo does have a lot of urban sprawl. It does get dense when you're in the heart of it, but it doesn't really get tall like you might get in a North American city or elsewhere. Probably because tall buildings are less ideal in earthquake-prone regions maybe.
Kinda reminds me of that other fruit idol anime from a couple years back. Didn't it also have an ex-child actor with a lame commercial they were in that everyone recognized them for.
Hm, thinking about it, I wonder when the Vtuber crazy will feedback into anime and manga and we start seeing SoL/CGDCT series about wannabe Vtubers.
I've seen eyebrows used like that before for girls who haven't done their make-up, to indicate kinda unkempt eyebrows. But it kinda seems like it's just how her eyebrows are. They are kinda weird, yeah.
Wow we're even getting some aidoru activities too.
She's got some high-level aidoru power so she's pretty good, yeah. Producer-chan's got some real Onee-chan Power though so she's good in my books. And I like the genki on that blonde one too.
Yeah. I guess Hata never really evolved past the feeling of writing for the 00s
Hah hah >Semi-double bed >Semi (cicada) double bed
He certainly hasn't thought this out very well.
Second for the counter
Kirara thinks she's probably supposed to be an alien too. Vampire felt like a bit of a sensible first reach but there is a fair bit of a space motif to the series with the MC being named NASA and the subtitle for the series being "To The Moon" Being an alien would probably excuse her weird super strength too.
I think probably alien. only because of the space motifs if not for the nasa business I'd think some sort of supernatural creature.
Feathers also don't stay in their containing fabric very well either. The quill part of the feather pokes through the threads and ends up getting pushed out.
Do the Japanese really have a late-night department store-ish store you can buy furniture at. Named something like Don Quixote.
>>883941 Because he's a dweeeeb Honestly there's probably gonna be a bit of a dichotomy in that they're going to act like typical teenage romcom MCs despite already being married and almost adults anyway.
But at the same time they have spent like all of ten or twelve hours tops together so far. It's probably a bit weird to just jump straight to intimacy even if they are married.
The hair buns are kinda cute. But her hair down straight is still cuter.
>When it's 2AM and you can't sleep, and aggravation starts knocking at the door Even translated into English that's a pretty good song lyric.
It annoys me how afraid of intimacy with his wife he is I hope they don't do this gag for too long but i'm sure they will
They're kinda stuck in a bit of a dumb spot. Like realistically you'd probably find it a bit uncomfortable to go full intimacy with a girl you pretty much just met. But at the same time they -are- married, yeah. They obviously want to have romcom antics but also cute newlywed antics, and can't commit to the latter without giving up some of the former.
At the least it kinda looks like in the ED that they start sleeping in the same futon. Hopefully that doesn't take too long.