I guess the combined stress and exhaustion from yesterday really took a number on mw. I slept like an almost straight right Ugh fuck off phone An almost straight eight hours last night.
The moment I got into work today, there were a thousand crises that were thrown at me! How do people expect me to handle crises when I have clients all day?
I need an assistant or something. Or we need to hire more techs that I can delegate to.
I should bring a bowl to work so I can burn incense in my office. What a day.
One of my houses is unlivable due to plumbing issues so I was putting a freeze on admissions to it yesterday while it was empty, and then the specops guy went and filled it up with people without consulting me. And it's not livable! So now I'm stuck cleaning up their mess and trying to find a way to make it work. I feel like I'm getting pulled in so many directions, it's overwhelming. Next week I'm blocking out an extra 9 hours to work on this housing shit instead of using it to see clients because the housing stuff is so overwhelming and they've created so many problems.
>>885926 Kek Also Did you wwatch Davey and Goliath growing up?
I think I'm gonna have me a Philly cheesesteak for lunch today
is that a steak with cheese on it?
It's pieces of skirtsteak grilled up along witb peppers and onions with cheese melted on top, served as a sandwich. Notable for being popularized in Philadelphia. We'll get you one when you can make it overseas. They're pretty good.
I like the job, but the fuck does that matter when I suck at it, y'know? I'm not good at it its fine tho i guess
the other newbies are so much more diligent I've got more sales but I've been there llonger i cant give it my all, i know i already failed so i just give up but there aren't any more options
My superiors keep saying I have potential, and they want me to stay cause they think I could be good, but theythey say that to everyone I don't trust them
I can tell already one of tof the other newbies are gonna drop out, cause she's not at aat all cutout for this So when they they tell her, and the other girl who qwho quit already, the same thingthing they tell me, I can't trust it
It was obviobvious the last one would quit, it's obvioobvious this girl girl will quit
Spooky boogie
I don't wanna anymore I wanna be googood at this But I already feel the failure I already know I can't be good at it
But I'm worthless as it turns out But I promised to try But part of me just wants to fail Cause I dede Decided this is the last try
>>885937 Sup again Did you end up checking out more of that artist's stuff on Danbooru?
Yeah a little, I don't own my own skis though so I usually have to weigh whether or not I want to rent for a whole season I probably won't this year just to save money
>>885946 Good idea. My dad loves skiing, he spent a while working at a ski lodge in the 80's.
it's fun and terrifying mostly fun though >>885947 I went to Whistler last year and met a bunch of workers there who would just jump from lodge to lodge around the world, following the ski season they all seemed to really love that kind of life though I wonder how long you can really keep it up
>>885949 Did you know that at ski lodges more people break bones slipping on the ice at the lodge then by falling on the slope?
Ugh, I gotta go into work tomorrow at 8am so I can receive these plumbing folks for the house. I guess I'll just bring some stuff to do. It'll be a good opportunity to get some sewing practice in, maybe.
Some dumb youtuber no one had ever heard of climbed up on a bridge in NYC. >>>/watch?v=J7CeiYDfm6o Cops are there He's streaming lve. *live
have fun bridge man
Stream over He's gonna get fined like $17,000.
I hope he likes Rikers.
hope he likes man ass
Whoa What's your living situation like? Do you live on base?
Still not really digging warehouse life. I think I'd even prefer being stuck up north with some kind of WFH job than it. Though obviously I'd prefer most a WFH job that pays enough to let me live in the city, but that's probably a biiiig ask.
Alternatively, i start creating things I can make a living off of, but that requires me to not be a coward. Also a big ask.
That requires me to not be a coward! Also I need money for that since it would require a camera, face-rigging software, paying someone to design and rig a model for me since I don't think my art skills are remotely that good, updating my PC to be more agreeable to streaming, moving somewhere I could have privacy to stream in. And it's also a gamble anyway since who fucking knows how well I'd host a stream and if I could eke out an audience even if I could.
Alright, alright, after I'm a big time vtuber i'll hook you up
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think you're the kind of person that can do it once you have momentum though
Yeah, I don't think that's wrong. I'm the kind of person who both thinks I can do anything if I set my mind to it but also am terrified to set my mind to anything at fear of failure. So I'm exceptionally good at staying inert. I'm like a human noble gas except there's nothing noble about my mentality.
I kept flipping my glasses up to sitting on top of my head while at work today because I can't wear them in some of the narrow proximities of the warehouse without them fogging up real bad and now my head thinks they're just sitting up there period. Even without them up there there's a phantom pressure that's really messing with me. At least putting headphones on satisfies it.
for real a good friend of mine is becoming a vtuber
Ugh, the guy who fucked everything up for me with the houses is giving me a hard time now. Leave me alone! It's 7:30 pm!
>>885965 Getting started is always the hardest part for whatever reason. It's like spiderverse when peter b packer is like "it's a leap of faith" but its hard to take the leap
She's a stupid person who plays a very fun smart person. Also I'm glad she found Gwent as boring as I did because I have zero interest in watching people stream that, especially against computer opponents.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah lol i like playing gwent but watching it is like watching paint dry
I didn't even really enjoy playing it either. There's definitely card games I enjoy, but Gwent wasn't one of them.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I really liked how absolutely stupid it was. Just everything about fucking with your opponent more than they fuck with you. Shooting out spies and then taking enemy spies and sending them back at them. It's all so stupid and silly
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh they finally got cali's album on spotify when i checked yesterday it was japan only still
I think she managed to hit number one on the global charts for all music on Apple Music too. Not even just her genre, not just in Japan or a specific country. All music, worldwide charts.
Yeah, she got insane numbers for a fucking vtuber. I was thinking about it yesterday, but Hololive is probably one of the craziest media properties there is right now.
Also Amelia is so bad at this lol How do you fail to find drowners? They're everywhere
They're hitting some crazy big momentum recently and have basically dominated the "professional" western Vtuber field right now. It's a shame all that success is coming with the almost certain folding of the Chinese branch though. Hololive got a lot of signal boost and attention because they built bridges with BiliBili. With Coco/Haachama/Miko returning , Gura clearing a million subs and Fubuki and Korone close behind, and stuff like Calli's EP being world-famous now, they're secure. But their Chinese side is pretty much untouchable now.
if you want to revolutionize the world you must always sacrifice something...
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I wonder if all the hololivers get to meet him or if they just go through representatives I imagine they meet him somehow considering he shows up in their streams and stuff
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
obviously he talks exclusively through a radio to them like charlies' angels
I'd assume at the least he handled at least a part of the scouting process in the earlier generations of Hololive. Maybe these days he hands it off to other staff, and I'd expect the North American HoloEN girls probably didn't fly over to Japan to accept the audition success, but maybe they would've seen him in like a videocall. I know he was onsite for the Chinese auditions since Civia has a funny story she tells about being -- actually I think it was just a HoloCN event, not the auditions, she was at the event and went up to a guy working and asked him some questions, in a somewhat casual/direct way you'd talk to an event staff member or something. And was later informed she had been talking to Yagoo.
I only have eyes for Aoyama Blue Mountain and Syaro.
>>885983 Haha, that is a funny story. I bet he at least talks to the girls on the phone or video or something, even if he's not the one making the final call on who is in.
Do any of the vtubers play magic?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm sure someone does
>>885986 He's the CEO of Hololive I bet he signs off on the final okay for a new member. They're still a pretty small company after all.
https://kworb.net/aww/ Calli beating out fucking Kpop groups and Pearl Jam to cinch that worldwide number one position.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I honestly can't stand Pearl Jam and if they manage to overtake Cali I'll cry
They probably will have better staying power than her. In addition to being more "normal" theirs is probably also a full album of MTV stuff compared to Deadbeats being just an EP. Also I wouldn't be surprised if the Kpop stans rally to take back their dominance either. Still it's crazy that an EP from a Vtuber who only had middling success with her music before joining Hololive has just outright exploded on the scene.
For real. Gura's Fly Me to the Moon was amazing, it got me emotional.
Cali being talented has gotten her pretty far but shes also super weeb shit. I can't imagine someone who isn't a weeb enjoying it much despite her talent. It's really crazy that she could get 3rd in the US and 1st worldwide.
She got to first in Canada! We again showed the red devotion to the Grim Rapper
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kokorobeats' credit on Spotify is just K's haha
I think K's is his general public artist name. Kokorobeats' is the doujin circle name maybe? Blue could probably give you the proper way this is.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Oh, is that so? I guess they did call him K-san in stream.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I wonder if Cali will actually manage to put out new music every month
I'm sure no one besides the asinine would call her out for missing one, but she did give herself a pretty easy bar to clear. She wanted to do a new song, OR new cover, every month. Even if she can't really put the creative wires together correctly she can just choose a song she's really enjoying to cover. It's still a good bit of work to put together a recorded cover, compared to a karaoke cover, but it's way more manageable and a good way to reduce the workload.
>>886003 Ten exclamation marks! The congratulations bot continues to function as proper.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nene kiara collab in 5 hours i guess ill watch it in the morning while im waiting for these plumbers
Amelia already fussing over fashion witching. Style is always more important than stats.
>>886006 Yeah, I could probably catch it after anime wraps, but I'm probably not going to nap before anime tonight so I should avoid getting even less sleep tonight than I already will. But if it doesn't run too long I could probably catch the archive in the morning before going to work.
I guess it's my turn tonight to wait for anime that's probably not happening. Though I can't really stay up much longer without knowing it's going to happen tonight. Rika if you're around at some point, sorry for missing last night. I got a new job that's been fucking with my sleep schedule and I couldn't wake up in time for anime. I should be in normal form next week though.
i cant believe youd do this to poor rika
Yeah well this job is doing a number to poor me. I don't live the lifestyle that really makes waking up at 07:15 all too feasible.
One more day until the weekend. Maybe then I can get some good rest.
The doorknob leading from the floor this condo is on to the stairwell is always a little bit wet this time in the morning. The complex does have a pool but it's on the bottom floor anyway. Do people really just go around with completely soaking wet hands.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
unfortunately, yes
damp hands
im so fricken yoked i can break these cuffs
its weekend for me already 10pm on friday already dang
im gonna try to see the demon slayer movie tomorrow i think i wont have subs but its anime i just need to see the pretty moving pictures
>>886071 Was no way the nine of them weren't planning something big together after all of them scheduled the same timeslot and the same ?????? And Among Us is the most recent big collab thing that's popular, except maybe Minecraft. In the end it was just the best guess at the event.
Oh Nhato's mix of Cali's song took first place. That was one of my favourites so nice.
i got bored of the 'tubers too, very quickly, but I don't get why people are so fucking booty bothered about them the amount of time people spend bitching about "simps" or whatever is fucking pathetic
>>886084 I'm not buttblasted about them (I have seen a few good videos), but people talking about them constantly is getting irksome. Regular streamer fans are annoying enough already but the vtuber fans take it to a new level. It's not bad here (yet) but I'll still tease people about it.
Kids are so exhausting. "What's that?!" a lamp "Why does it look like that?!" i have no idea. it just does. "I hate unicorns" why do you hate unicorns "Because they aren't real!" okay
guess what? I'm ready to sleep, just in time to get up for work
I'm angry at them and I'm angry at myself At them for telling me I'm doing good and they believe in me, and myself for not living up to that I should be better at this The other two newbies are clearly worse than me at it, it's pretty obvious they're not gonna make it, but I'm not outperforming them by much Maybe I just gotta be more rude I'm so fucking annoyed
You gotta just let things be sometimes. Just because you don't believe in yourself doesn't mean other people are wrong for believing in you. They see a side of you that you can't see because being you limits your perspective of yourself. Of course, they're limited in their perspective of you too, but based on what they see, you have redeeming qualities.
But they're not telling me what I'm doing wrong I'm doing something wrong These fuckers are closing 2 sales a day at least and I'm here at 1 in a week
I'm not doing good, I'm biotching it And I don't trust them because they tell me the same they do the other two, who I can tell aren't gonna get anywhere long term Cause they're BORIING on the phone
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Did you ask them for the feedback on where you're making mistakes?
It means going for the actual sale Like, you're not supposed to, in fact it's essentailly a sin to, wait for the person on the phone to go "yeah that sounds good", you're supposed to just fucking go "we got this shit in packs of 12, 24, and 48, so I'm gonna send a 24 pack to you cause that's what most businesses go for", and then if they say yes that's fantastic, and if they say no you can start negotiating But GETTING THERE is the struggle
I keep hitting walls I gotta formulate a flow chart or something of common answers and stuff
I mean it's not taht I'm not allowed to just offer them stuff, I'm allowed to do whatever the fuck I want as long as it's technically legal But in terms of what actually works, I mean
like if someone says "oh we don't need that", my superior has told me it's fine if I just curse them out if I wanna It's like, whatever
>>886132 Stuff like "Oh, we have a ton already", or "send me an e-mail and I'll look at it", or other responses that make it hard to progress The whole point is to get to the point where you present the shit we're hawking, but if they stop you before you actually get to that, it's hard to really keep momentum
I'm sure you can explain to them why they need it even if they have a ton of it or something, right? >>886135 Absolutely, if someone sends me an email about something like that, I don't read it
(sending an e-mail is fucking meaningless, for the record )
>>886134 I mean, I can, but that's still a negative they've gotten to express And that's bad
Also the issue isn't really them not reading it, it's their job to read it (and we call them back) The issue is our bullshit is way more expensive than everything else in the category on the market lmao
disinfectants like, sanitizers it's good stuff, when I worked at the grocery store I'd have preferred we used this shit rather than what we used then for one it doesn't smell like you tipped over the vodka shelf in a liquor store when you use it
But like it's fucking antibac, it's REALLY hard to justify a hike in price for this kinda shit so a lot of our sales rely on the customer simply not keeping track of the price >>886139 We do that The thing is the overwhelming majority of the people we call aren't gonna buy a fucking thing anyway Like, the number 1-3 motherfuckers in the company aren't landing sales left and right, they get maybe 3-4 in a day So it's SO easy to lose motivation
just be like "that other shit, you know, dries out your hands. how many times are you using sanitizer these days with covid? ten times a day? more? dries out your hands so much, and that leads to permanent disfigurement"
it'd be a lot easier to actually get somewhere with this shit if what we're selling had a... somewhat competitive price 20cl for what you can get 2l of the other shit for is a tough sell, man If they ask for the price, or an e-mail, you're basically fucking done
The price of like, the liquid shit is 249NOK, but we can go down to 199NOK if we wanna There's no real discount for bulk, but we're allowed to say there is, like we just go "but if you buy x amount, I can go down to 210" or something Allowed to do that My second sale was me pulling one of those But of course That discount comes outta my comission >>886144 yaya no, no, 1 bottle of 20cl This shit is absurdly expensive
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's 249NOK for 20cl of sanitizer? err a 24 pack of 20cl?
oh, big time The thing is, the people who know what they're doing can sell that shit to businesses relatively easily, cause the people buying shit don't know a fucking thing about the price It's like when Bill Gates was asked the price of cereal or whatever He doesn't fucking know
You tell 'em it's $20 for 200ml, it's $20 for 200ml, and $19 would be a fucking steal But that's only if you've managed to gain trust
the first sale I got, I was fucking SHAKING never felt so fuckin' good at work I didn't even make much on that sale, but just getting the sale was insane on my system I got like, 210NOK, which is roughly 1 hour's work in my old factory job A bit more, but roughly
But if I can pump those numbers, I can make a very comfortable amount of money
my "hourly rate" isn't high at all, it's like 93NOK an hour if you convert it But like, the guy who leads the department hits like 8K in sales a day on average or something And with my current rate, that's like an additional 57ish an hour, effectively which still ends up at less than my factory job, granted, but it's also only 5 hours of actual work, and the work itself isn't demanding physically I don't go home tired, or annoyed at my coworkers, or just wanting to sleep Besides I have the kinda dipshit brain that's fairly sure I can become REALLY good at this if I stick to it, while also being certain I can't
think positively atkeast you aren~t selling magazines or vitamins
I feel like if you accept comission pay for sales to individuals, you're the one getting scammed, not them
Nobody's dropping enough money over the phone, at least not for 'goods', to justify a comission based payment method If you sell shit like stocks, maybe, sure, but vitamins >>886156 I guess to some degree it is easier to sell to random people But also that's like 5 euro less than a factory job so
telemarketing is scam on all levels
>>886154 well i did earn about 8-12€ an hour on average after my first week and getting good but shitty part was doing 6 hours of insults and refusals and then an hour of sales that feeling of "did i do a day of 0 income" constantly hounding you
Oh, getting insulted or whatever doesn't matter in my job My fucking boss tells me if the other fuck gets hostile I can just disconnect or get heated with them if I feel like it, up to me
Straight up getting told to be rude to the customers There's a lot I like about this job
>>886154 ye, but it is also about the "minimum wage" here do remember norw has higher wages and costs
used to be a real kicker here go work tge summer, half a year, few years in some norwegian factory or fishing boat or oil platforms and earn like a years/two years/several years income compared to working here at same level
What I really don't get is people who buy shit over the phone Like, it should be well known by now that anything you buy over the phone is sold to you over the phone because it's a worse deal than you can get otherwise
>>886161 nah the trick here is deals you buy like 6 months of a magazine subscruption for about 75% of normal price and 50% if you bought them individually and that is nit all if yoy sub now, you get these
the income comes from people sticking to the subscrption because rhey forgot to cancel it ir they like the magazine
well sure, a magazine subscription is one thing I mean like, products
If a company has sales people calling you to buy like, a phone, it's because that phone is a worse deal than you get by just going to the store and looking at it next to the other phones If the phone was the better deal, they wouldn't have salespeople cold calling you
yeah def we don~t even have those all our telemarketing is based on subscription model same for face2face
>>886164 you guys still have Guys just show up to your place and hawk stuff at you other than alarm systems?
door2door has been mostly dead for years
there are scouts selling stuff and kids selling a paper written by kids both are ofc for funding their activitues, so it is more of just colkecting donations the legal way
2 weeks ago, yeah mowst sales jobs are far more punishing than this one, which is why I even accepted this one There's a 15K NOK guarantee a month (assuming no breach of contract)
Once I get better at it, I can reduce the guarantee for a higher provision, but you gotta be... real good for that to make sense financially
This poor naive girl Thinking they can be reasoned with.. The only good hilichurl is a dead hilichurl.
There's an Indigenous protest going on this evening at the big intersection here. And this insensitive asshole streetcorner preacher is just going on like "you demand social justice but where is the social justice for the preacher? What about the original seeker of justice, Jesus Christ?" Eat a dick fuckwick
this days the youth are more concerned with committing Arson... then Our Son of God Jesus Christ
check out this pic of me in ahelicopter i censored my face :)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>886209 that's okay i can concentrate the awesome powers of my human brain to mentally remove the white rectangle and replace it with your actual real human visage
no, her names nao chan shes very fluffy and cute and shes like agood tsundere i dunno if shes actually tsundere tho
guess there are no cuter idols since moe reconnexted me
This condo tower is pretty close to a railroad. You can hear the trains running along it pretty regularly. I like that, like, a lot. Trains running is a relaxing sound for me.
I'm trying to get myself psyched up to go talk to this guy who's hiring their alcohol shop is part of the monopoly thing that our supermarket is part of so I've technically worked there before so I know the guy but I still got to update my resume and you know, make myself look employable maybe pull some strings for references
that"ll do god I nearly uploaded something bad anyway what I said in >>886271 he seems to be doing well though maybe you can catch him on discord or something
>>886311 I only know Wa2000 from matty I don't really know anything else
oh ok sorry here let me hop on my fone and post a cutie i was lpooking for a HUGE titty gun for my friend she was cute but i saved some other cuties in the process
While it is not shown often, she has artificial hands, which she chose to receive to avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome while hacking. dang imagine the h*ndjobs this dude drew a part 2 to this image and im not gona spoil it just gonna state she has inverted nips lol
>>886333 It was parodied on the Simpsons. Anyways it turned out that the actor was just an Italian guy who pretended to be Native American for like 40-50 years.
im not gonna piss on the earth im gonna go higher im gonna piss on the MOON >>>/watch?v=3Lr9VuGZgmw
ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้ hahaha >>886357 oh no did I sample
Oh yeah My friend was telling me earlier that her grandfather shoots iguanas in his backyard in Florida with a pistol. He has other buildings within like 60 feet of where he is shooting. I'm not 100% sure what he's doing is illegal, but apparently none of his neighbors have ever complained. Neither has the homeowners association (those are bullshit by the way).
>>886355 nice sample.... u cant do yang-do like that....
>>886366 those ads are the worst "the tik tok of sex" and then they show a naked girl with the unicotn filter >>886369 I think my records coming Monday possibly >>886372 YEAH like that >>886373 dues probably mobile need something else to fix it
i saw a REAL JAPANESE OFFICE LADY the other day she was pretty cute and i dont really find asains attractive she had the skirt suit and phose and everything
>>886386 i mean Artoria Pendragon Saber (Lancer Alter)
Well, a jeanne alter >>886387 Where did the jannu come from? Also Noice O I E
i dunno i just typed the first thing that came to my mind cause i didnt think u guys would know who evil king was cause the king is the blue lancer saber
Alter Lancer is pretty noice
kings got a bunny outfit so shes better sorry i wouldnt kick evil king out of bed for eating crackers tho
i didnt know it // there was a timezone that far ahead of japan >>886398 umm its not just soldier hours.... thats just 24 hour clock...
we're in daylight savings >>886401 yeah but it's cooler if you pretend it's military time
>>886402 Then call it military time instead of soldier time
i pretend im talking in military time all the time the other day i was like "i gotta get in uniform for pt at 0730 for a ruck march!" then my sfc was all like im rucking with 100 pounds but put whatever weight u can handle without hurting urself in!!
>>886410 isnat that dude from /moe/ he likes my retwits a lot that makes me happy :)
oh ok i wonder what my last post was oh yeah it was a request from my friend that draws
oh was that farfin I liked that tokiko
no i call farfin my friend but i dont actually know them i just commission pics from them like 3 times so far i wanted to another one but their requests are down for now
my friends name is live actors >>>/@WhoaKun/1318783781344546816 the dude i replied to here he draws some futa porn so be careful if u look at his art
I've been meaning to comm something had some ideas just need to think of em
i have three things i want to commission more tokikos from farfin one is kirari giving tokiko candy and tokiko being grumpy another is tokiko listening to liz from fgo sing and tokiko being grumpy
then i wanna get a GOOD commission of lady grey from granblu's ASS
i mean he draws pretty similarly i did another one for that request format
>>>/@LiveActors/1314339079882932226 this super sonico as a dark magician girl i think i dont really know ygo cards so i just googled "yugioh girl cards"
dark magician girl is hot good choice
i was treying to find this one card i saw a long time ago dark magician girl paladin or something but i couldnt
i dunno it was some beat em up game with two cuties that were looking for their boyfriends imagine scott pilgrim game but with two anime girls instead im trying to find a art to post but its all porn so far
dang even jellytits drew tthem >>886429 yeah it might be related then i this game was one of those side scroller punch bad dudes with some combos on the streets like scott pilgrim lis
This room is too hot I don't onow what my roommate set the heater to. I opened my window and I'm gonna let the room cool off before attempting skeep agajn.
yeah her names meguru shes fr*cken STACKED officially like 92cm boobage Three sizes: 90-59-88 cm >>886441 me neither brother im in a shiny color discord channel but im just there to sh*tpost and look at pics of the anime babes
her hobbies also include moving around and shes from massachussetts so all the p(rn of her is her being a cheerleader basically and giving a tit job literally my friend likes her
im more of a izumi mei guy oir basically every mature anime girl
>>886447 id like cinderella girls or shiny colors more if it was in english theres wayyyy too much text in shiny colors even with the english fan patch
when that feminism gamer movement happened a while back they tried to say stuff about it and hes all like theres a big muscley dude too and ur not saying anything how about u dont bring western ideals into my jap game
>>886461 sorry ur not allowed to like skullgirls cause that one gay furry is in it now instead of a BABE TEACHER and they removed panty shots? ] bad devs TBQH
yeahg the girls are cute thats why i bothered with it originally lol and cuz my friend played with me i dont like fighting games tho and i suck at them
lol u wanna see some OFFICIAL ANIME ART from a anime that p*ssed me off
>>886467 filias the schoolgirl with the fat arse shes got nice pantyshots then theres parasoul she wears a sweater dress nice panties again then the nurse uhh valentine shes in a nurse outfit
my goal in life is to be in a position where i got a hot brown anime girlfriend who wears backless dresses to parties we go to or be dead whichever comes first >>886510 i typed anime gf out of habit because i say that as a joke a lot but a normal girl would work as long as shes s*xy
>>886509 >anime girlfriend So do you mean a gynoid or a hologram AI thing projected from something in a similar form factor to a roomba?
god orange maru is such a good artist >>886515 yeah im lookin at two right now lol u can see her panties actually i guess its her suit ill post it
he drew 2 of her 1 tan ver 1 pale ver of two different costumes the yellow one and the streetwalker one i love the streetwalker outfit dude summer bbs so good oh its 43 mb wtf lol https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5573367&tags=bb_%28swimsuit_mooncancer%29_%28fate%29 warning nsfw!!!!
>>886517 yea might as well get swol you're only gonna be working one arm muscle sitting around
bro do u even know how YOLKED i am heh ask bang im so fricken jacked off dude
I was thinking of swimsuit bb whoops summer bb is different
i was too lol *unzips d*ck* shes always runnin thru my mind
ok ill just do my twitter test to decide for me what it is, is where u go on ur twit home screen and the first image has to be an anime babe a nd it cant be one u liked or retwitted
fgo girl suckin a willy yeah shes cute guess ill go
i sat all day sensei gave me a key to the temple and i learned how to offer incense and clean the bowls i also ate spaghetti with meaty balls what a nice zazenkai
Big, meaty balls?
I had some pasta for dinner tonight too. No meatballs though.
yeah i had four large balls of meat and some french bread
i also played on a swing set and sensei told me i have a good voice and that my chanting has gotten really good
did everyone else have nice days
I slept a lot hah hah Though I still woke up pretty early in the morning for me. Probably in part because I went to bed way earlier than normal last night because I was absolutely drained. But then I also took a nap in the evening because I ran out of energy.
I guess the day was okay though. It's nice to do not much after doing too much over the past few days.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
my day was p good much grind fgo was had maybe I should sleep
>>886597 learnt that my regional booking site for rona tests is "korona.vihta.fi/usko" trasnlating to "corona.vihta(the sauna spank).fi/faith" which made me just ask why not go all the way of "korona.viina.terva/sauna" at that point