Hi hey hello just give me a hot minute to get over to
my PC
Okay! Well I hope you had a nice weekend. Mine was spent moving a lot of things and generally being exhausted from heavy furniture.
-- Erai-raws 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru Adachi to Shimamura Assault Lily - Bouquet Burn the Witch Episode 1-3 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III Enen no Shouboutai Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka Bloom Jujutsu Kaisen Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Episode 2-3 Kamisama ni Natta Hi Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Episode 2-3 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha Hen Majo no Tabitabi Munou na Nana Senyoku no Sigrdrifa Tonikaku Kawaii
--SubsPlease Akudama Drive
-- Team Confidence Great Pretender
-- HorribleSubsEpisode 143-147
Oh wow the list got so long it hit character limit? That's the only way I can imagine the shows remaning from HorribleSubs got chunked.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Tabitabi has GJM if you want those instead as it happens
So he's so cursed he can just use cursed items willy nilly now?
That or Blindfold-sensei is pulling his leg and that knife is just a plain knife. And he's so powerful he can just destroy curses with whatever.
But yeah if he's being honest then it is probably something like that. In the first episode they did say big powerful curses like Sukuna have the aspect of preventing other curses, so his big powerful curse probably prevents the weaker curse of the knife from taking over.
So she's composed and serious, but might lack the experience with city-level curses to be strong enough to take them on.
Hah hah The MC and this new girl have a good dynamic.
>And one died Wow that's grim I wonder what their revival stuff is like. They really didn't waste much time after introducing the main trio to get started on the longer story arcs.
>>885148 It's been real great so far. I do like shounen action, I just like a little more depth to the world than I feel you get with stuff like Black Clover. This has been doing a great job so far developing its characters and power stuff that it doesn't just feel shounen-y. Plus the urban Tokyo aesthetic is totally my jam.
Also being able to get a studio like MAPPA to animate is great. I'm just worried that MAPPA's not usually the kind of studio to do long-running adaptations, so who knows if this will run more than a season or two ;_; It's already only scheduled for one-cour.
Guess our white-haired detective's going to find the first kid's watch on that rock. Wonder how long he'll build his case before accusing Nana of her murder spree.
It feels like something will happen that put them on the same side.
I don't get the impression he's entirely on the side of these mutants, yeah. But I think they're gonna have some kind of conflict before cooperation though.
He seems to have a bit of the deductive genius that she's got but lacks her charisma. But he's also a bit of a weirdo hah hah. I guess if he's all over the place mentally it will be hard for her to get a read on him using her Batman powers.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ah yes you're watching the fuckboy anime
He's not really a fuckboy though. More of a total dork.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
kirara posted caps from it in discord it's funny because there's an NPC that's been labelled as a fuckboy by the party
Hard to tell if this is her being honest or if she's putting up the act because she's still trying to charm him.
I guess she does actually like the manga.
Also fuckboy doesn't even fit the way they're using it here. He's being coarse and demanding of her, more of an absense of social tact than in the whiny and "please give me attention" way fuckboys are.
We saw him make a big jump before though If he's not got a talent, I guess he'll be on so many levels of keikaku that he's better than her
Yeah, that jump was a bit of a complication in my theory that he's talentless. It could be that he just survived the jump down. Realistically from that height you'd have a hard time surviving even into deep water, a jump feet first. You'd want to dive headfirst.
Well despite her super keikaku doori planning she got TOTALLY 1-UP'd by him there. Even if he's just an awkward person and does actually want to be friends with her, in his dumb autsy way he pointed out to her that she might be faking mindreading, on top of totally calling her out on being in a state of personal panic rather than concern for him after he should've died from that explosion. I don't actually think he is proper suspicious of her, I think he's just autistic-level dense about this, yeah.
I really can't tell if he's super keikaku or super dense.
majo OKA okay lets start
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ah yes it's my time
I am extremely orange you guys get a double feature tonight too! >>885184 no but it is two chapters
Wait is the episode an hour long. No it's not.
Stop flirting with random girls Elaina
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Elaina has far too much Charisma for that
That is a weird facemask he's got. Kinda animalistic like tusks.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it's the double hotdog setup so he can do a full night shift without break
Well his testimony to the flowers doesn't contradict how enthusiastic the flowergirl was to pass them off to her. And the fact that only the guards were wearing the facemasks implies that they're pretty serious about preventing the flowers from entering the country.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Seeing this chapter come up on the preview last week was pretty haha oh no
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but he y now you get Bottled Happiness.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
look at his hair
Mushroom cuts. My brother rocked one of those for the longest time as a kid.
It's pretty clear in her story the wife would've rathered her husband stayed him and spent time -home and spent time with her rather than going on some fool's quest.
Both this chief and his son are unpleasant people in different aspects. But they both seem unphased by the attitude they have towards the girl.
She totally just wanted to blast the guy there. But again! All your problems can be solved with time reversal magic!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Elaina would never commit a murder!
So did he take other people's happiness to give to his crush. That's a very >>885206 Hm, I see. He still seems like a bit of an arrogant prick but he at least seems better than his dad.
His shadow looked like a weird alien shadow cause of how stretched it was
Shadows often look like that at sunset!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ah, seeing both these chapters on the docket for episode 3 was certainly something episode 3s can be cursed
These were chapters 2 and 6, and what's funny about that is 3, 4, and 5 are all super fun! so they jumped those for the moment to probably keep the mood the same i.e. a bummer.
some of the bummer chapters are really good though. Like when the previews for this showed Elaina mad and using magic (meaning the scene from this episode), I was actually expecting it to be from a chapter in book 2, which I expect will get animated if we reach it.
We can load up Gochiusa while I bring up the differences I want to share real quick
When this was getting announced and there was some chatter about it, I remember seeing some people saying they were looking forward to around episode three when things went from comfy to morbid. I'm guessing they assumed the flowers chapter would be the full episode or something.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>885210 I dunno, Nino probably committing suicide is pretty morbid too.
For the first part, the guards don't wear masks in the ln, as Elaina comments on one of them smiling when they see her off, but that helps illustrate the poison bit. The Guard's sister is described way more like an alraune than just a flower too.
For the second, in the story, the wife doesn't kill herself, but instead dies from trying to go out and see the world herself, but Elaina comments that Nino's eyes look like voids of despair as she leaves and it's heavily implied Elaina thinks she'll do it.
My happiness reserves have been topped off for the week, I think. Arigathanks I'm looking forward to more caffeine and possibly lighter tabitabi-ing next time.
>>885241 You read Dangan Ronpa didn't you You should watch Akudama Drive anyway it's fun.